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The freshwater diatom flora from the tuffogenous sedimentary rocks of the submarine Ulleung Plateau of the southern Sea of Japan is studied and its complete taxonomic composition (96 species and varieties belonging to 33 genera) is revealed. It is characterized by species diversity and abundance of representatives of the freshwater genus Aulacoseira. The predominance of Aulacoseira is characteristic of the Miocene lacustrine deposits of the Sea of Japan and other regions, but the presence of ellipsoid species of narrow stratigraphic distribution allows the age of the recognized diatom flora to be limited to the Early Miocene. The species diversity and abundance of diatoms in the deposits of the Ulleung Plateau indicate the presence in the Early Miocene of a large freshwater lake in this region. Such lakes also existed on other large submarine rises of the Sea of Japan and its periphery before the onset of the tectonic activation which led to the descent of vast fragments of the continent and expansion of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

A Late Pleistocene sequence at Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden, a comple Pleistocene sequence has been stratigraphically investigated. Strata of clay, silt, sand, peat and solifluction layers are overlain by till-like sediments which are covered by sandy-clayey strata. By means of biostratigraphical analyses (foraminifera, olluscs, wood remains, pollen and diatoms), a reconstruction of the palaeoenvirnmental development has been obtained. Radiocarbon measurements and amiono acis ratios have been carried out in order to date the sediments. The foraminifera in the lowermost clay strata indicate Arctic or boreal-Arctic marine environment during the Late Saalian or Late Elsterian perods The δ18 Ovalues and molluscs also suggest that the clay was deposited in glaciomarine conditions. Amino acid ratios (D/L=0.25) of Hiatella in the clay imply an age between the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials. Teh peat layers contain a pollen flora. Prtedominated by Picea and Pinus, and are pollen analytically dated to the end of the Eemian interglacial. The solofluction sediments most probably were fromed during the first stage (s) of the Early weichselian and may include the initaial phase of the Brorup Interstadial (the Rodebaek interstadial). During this stage(s) aretic-Subarctic conditions previaled reflected by a pollen flora with a predominance of herbs and shrubs. Acidophilous and aerohpilous diatoms indicate oligotrophic shallow wate conditions in an Arctic environment, when almost no leaching of mineral solis occurred. The solofluction sediments also contain reworked interglacial (Eemian) pollen and brackish-Marine diatoms. Radiocarbon dating of the peat, wood and solofluction sediments yieded infinnite ages>40,000B.P.  相似文献   

A succession of quartz-rich fluvial sandstones and siltstones derived from a mainly rhyolitic source and minor metamorphic rocks, located to the west, represent the first Upper Paleocene–Early Eocene deposits described in Chilean eastern central Patagonian Cordillera (46°45′S). This unit, exposed 25 km south of Chile Chico, south of lago General Carrera, is here defined as the Ligorio Márquez Formation. It overlies with an angular unconformity Lower Cretaceous shallow marine sedimentary rocks (Cerro Colorado Formation) and subaerial tuffs that have yielded K–Ar dates of 128, 125 and 123 Ma (Flamencos Tuffs, of the Divisadero Group). The Ligorio Márquez Formation includes flora indicative of a tropical/subtropical climate, and its deposition took place during the initial part of the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene Cenozoic optimum. The underlying Lower Cretaceous units exhibit folding and faulting, implying a pre-Paleocene–Lower Eocene contractional tectonism. Overlying Oligocene–Miocene marine and continental facies in the same area exhibit thrusts and normal faults indicative of post-Lower Miocene contractional tectonism.  相似文献   

A palynological analysis of the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene successions of the Cappadocian Volcanic Province (Central Anatolia, Turkey) has been carried out with the aim of reconstructing the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimatic conditions. The samples are collected from outcrop sections from three different localities (A: Akda?, B: Bayramhac?l? and G: Güzelöz). The pollen spectra reveals the existence of a steppe vegetation dominated by Amaranthaceae–Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, typical of present day arid and semi-arid continental areas (i.e. Middle East), and Asteraceae Asteroideae in the A section (Late Miocene) developed in arid climatic conditions. The flora of the G (Early Pliocene) and lower part of the B (Late Miocene) sections reflects steppes on which Asteraceae Asteroideae was dominant. This flora also indicates arid conditions. The development of trees in the upper part of the B section was possibly related to local paleoenvironmental conditions rather than a climatic change. This study provides the first palynological data to reveal the presence of an Amaranthaceae–Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia steppe already during the Late Miocene in Turkey.  相似文献   

Fine-grained lacustrine, riverine and ash-fall sediments of the Shooting Iron Formation, whose late Pliocene age is established by Blancan gastropods and vertebrates, yield a pollen flora that is essentially similar in composition to the modern pollen rain in the Jackson Hole area. The Pliocene assemblage suggests a climate like that of the Jackson valley and foothills today. These spectra also resemble a Pliocene pollen flora from Yellowstone Park dated at ∼ 2.02 Ma. However, the underlying Miocene Teewinot sediments differ by containing pollen of four exotic deciduous hardwoods (Tertiary relicts) that suggest a summer-moist climate, unlike that of today. The Shooting Iron sediments lie with an angular unconformity on and above the Miocene lake sediments of the Teewinot Formation. Both of these deposits probably preceded the main uplift of the Teton Range based on the absence of Precambrian clasts in the Tertiary valley deposits. Because the Pliocene floras were modern in aspect, a Plio-Pleistocene transition would be floristically imperceptible here. The sequence denotes a protracted period of relative stability of climate during Teewinot time, and a shift in vegetational state (summer-wet trees drop out) sometime between the latest Miocene and latest Pliocene. The Pliocene spectra suggest a dry, cooler climate toward the end of Shooting Iron time.  相似文献   

We report results of an integrated study of volcanosedimentary rocks of the Middle-Late Miocene Dzhilinda Formation consisting of the prevolcanic sedimentary Lower Dzhilinda and volcanosedimentary Upper Dzhilinda subformations. The section was studied in three wells drilled near Lake Mukhal (Khoigot paleovalley, Vitim upland). The Dzhilinda sediments contain ubiquitous Alveolophora jouseana (Moiss.) Moiss. typical of Miocene environments. Deposition occurred in two main stages represented by different water (diatoms) and land (spores and pollen) plant communities. The upsection successive changes in diatom species are attendant with changes in pollen and spore assemblages. The K-Ar ages of lavas indicate that the mostly sedimentary lower section of the Dzhilinda Formation deposited between 12 and 14 Ma and the more volcanic upper section, with a lacustrine lens at base, formed at about 10.8–9.5 Ma. The isotope dating of volcanic rocks agrees with the ages inferred from the diatom and spore-pollen analyses. The prevolcanic Lower Dzhilinda subformation deposited during the Middle Miocene climate optimum. The stratigraphy, lithology and facies of sediments suggest that the Dzhilinda deposition was associated with the development of a deep freshwater lake in the conditions of active tectonism and volcanism.  相似文献   

文章报道了东南极格罗夫山地区蓝冰表面碎石带新生代冰碛岩(物)漂砾中微体古生物化石的分析结果及其意义。研究发现这些冰碛物(岩)内含有少量孢粉,而未见硅藻及其他微体化石。孢粉以裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子为主、被子植物花粉含量相对稀少为特征。值得注意的是,在所分析的4个样品中,均发现至今在南半球仍有分布的特有属假山毛榉(Nothofagus)花粉,由于该属花粉及大植物化石曾发现于横跨南极山脉上新的天狼星群(SiriusGroup)中,它的存在反映当时古气候温暖湿润。在样品S1507和S1509中发现蒿属(Artemisia)花粉,其出现所代表的时代推测为新近纪,很可能为上新世。格罗夫山地区冰碛物中的这一孢粉特征可能反映了南极地区上新世曾经发生过较大规模的气候变暖和冰川退缩事件。  相似文献   

Integrated micropalaeontological, palynological and lithological analysis of the Upper Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary succession, as observed in deep and shallow well drill cores and field samples, has revealed a highly varied history of environments of deposition. Supratidal, freshwater conditions prevailed during the Late Cretaceous, Oligocene, Early and Late Miocene to Recent Marginal marine conditions are represented in the Palaeocene to Lower Eocene successions, but without any indication of hypersaline sabkha environments. Marginal marine conditions involving periodic hypersaline sabkha and hypersaline lake development existed during the Early and Late Miocene. In most of the studied areas, very deep, normal salinity marine conditions, within the upper bathyal regime, existed during the Early Miocene; episodes of marine suboxia are indicated by the microfaunal and organic facies character. Later, during the late Early Miocene and early Middle Miocene, similar deep marine conditions prevailed, but with episodes of hypersalinity that culminated in the late Middle Miocene. Such conditions are believed to have resulted from the isolated of the basin and the precipitation of deep marine precipitates. These changes in palaeoenvironment are considered to reflect episodes of eustatic sea level fluctuation, which are possibly linked to the structural evolution of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Tectonics and Topography of the Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early Miocene stratigraphy, major structural systems, magmatic emplacement, volcanic eruption, vegetation change and paleo-elevation were analyzed for the Tibetan Plateau after regional geological mapping at a scale of 1:250,000 and related researches, revealing much more information for tectonic evolution and topographic change of the high plateau caused by Indian-Asian continental collision. Lacustrine deposits of dolostone, dolomite limestone, limestone, marl, sandstone and conglomerate of weak deformation formed extensively in the central Tibetan Plateau, indicating that vast lake complexes as large as 100,000–120,000 km2 existed in the central plateau during Early Miocene. Sporopollen assemblages contained in the lacustrine strata indicate the disappearance of most tropical-subtropical broad-leaved trees since Early Miocene and the flourishing of dark needleleaved trees during Early Miocene. Such vegetation changes adjusted for latitude and global climate variations demonstrate that the central Tibetan Plateau rose to ca. 4,000–4,500 m and the northeastern plateau uplifted to ca. 3,500–4,000 m before the Early Miocene. Intensive thrust and crustal thickening occurred in the areas surrounding central Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene, formed Gangdise Thrust System(GTS) in the southern Lhasa block, Zedong-Renbu Thrust(ZRT) in the northern Himalaya block, Main Central Thrust(MCT) and Main Boundary Thrust(MBT) in the southern Himalaya block, and regional thrust systems in the Qaidam, Qilian, West Kunlun and Songpan-Ganzi blocks. Foreland basins formed in Early Miocene along major thrust systems, e.g. the Siwalik basin along MCT, Yalung-Zangbu Basin along GTS and ZRT, southwestern Tarim depression along West Kunlun Thrust, and large foreland basins along major thrust systems in the northeastern margin of the plateau. Intensive volcanic eruptions formed in the Qiangtang, Hoh-Xil and Kunlun blocks, porphyry granites and volcanic eruptions formed in the Nainqentanglha and Gangdise Mts., and leucogranites and granites formed in the Himalaya and Longmenshan Mts. in Early Miocene. The K2O weight percentages of Early Miocene magmatic rocks in the Gangdise and Himlayan Mts. are found to increase with distance from the MBT, indicating the genetic relationship between regional magmatism and subduction of Indian continental plate in Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Cenozoic marine strata occur in the western, eastern, and central parts of the North Patagonian Andes between ∼43°S and 44°S. Correlation of these deposits is difficult because they occur in small and discontinuous outcrops and their ages are uncertain. In order to better understand the age and sedimentary environment of these strata, we combined U–Pb (LA-MC-ICPMS) geochronology on detrital zircons with sedimentologic and paleontologic (foraminifers and molluscs) studies. Sedimentologic analyses suggest that the Puduhuapi Formation on the western flank of the Andean Cordillera was deposited in a deep-marine setting, the Vargas Formation in the central part of the Andes was deposited at outer-neritic or bathyal depths, and the La Cascada Formation on the eastern flank of the range was deposited in a shallow-marine environment. Geochronologic and paleontologic results indicate that the three marine units were deposited during the late Oligocene-early Miocene interval, although it is not clear whether this occurred during one or more marine incursions in the area. The alluvial(?) conglomeratic deposits of the La Junta Formation, exposed in the proximity of the Vargas Formation outcrops, have a maximum depositional age of ∼26 Ma and could have been deposited during the initial stage of subsidence that affected this region prior to the marine transgression over this area. The occurrence of both Pacific and Atlantic molluscan taxa in the La Cascada and Vargas formations suggests that a marine strait connected both oceans during the accumulation of these units. The new data on the age of the Puduhuapi, Vargas, and La Cascada formations indicate that these units may correlate with lower Miocene marine deposits in the forearc of central and southern Chile (Navidad Formation and equivalent units) and on the eastern flank of the Patagonian Andes (Río Foyel Formation and equivalent units). A late Oligocene−early Miocene age for these marine deposits is a reliable maximum age for the deformation and uplift of the North Patagonian Andes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of sandy clay deposited in a warm marine environment just below the till of the last glaciation has created controversy about its age and stratigraphic position in the sedimentary basin of the Kola Peninsula. Data on marine microfauna, diatoms, malacofauna and pollen composition indicate that during the period when the sandy clay was deposited the climate was similar or even warmer than at present. According to 14 C dates, sedimentation of the sandy clay occurred around 40 ka BP. Based on these data, some researchers have attributed these marine deposits to the third Late Pleistocene Belomorian (sensu Lavrova 1960) interglacial transgression. At the same time there are geological indications suggesting re-deposition of these subtill sediments. To solve this problem we have reinvestigated the subtill interglacial marine deposits from the Varzuga section (∼66.4° N and 36.6° E). Four different marine shell species and enclosing sandy clay sediments taken from the subtill marine unit of the section were dated by the electron spin resonance (ESR) and optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods at about 103 and 104 ka, respectively. The results indicate that the subtill marine deposits belong to the first Late Pleistocene Boreal transgression that, according to our previous studies of the marginal areas of the Eurasian North, has occurred in the time interval from approximately 145 to 70 ka BP.  相似文献   

Seismic data on the southern (Laptev Sea) extremity of the Lomonosov Ridge were used to develop a new structural model for the sedimentary cover. It permitted a correlation between the seismic cross-sections of the ridge crest and two deep-sea basins: the Podvodnikov Basin and the Amundsen Plain. It is the first time that a seismic model has taken into account both regional seismic-reflection profiles obtained from NP drifting ice stations and recent high-resolution CDP data. Our seismic model agrees both with geological data on the Laptev Sea continental margin and the data obtained from deep-sea drilling into the Lomonosov Ridge under the IODP-302 project. The sedimentary cover of the southern Lomonosov Ridge and adjacent parts of the Amundsen Plain and Podvodnikov Basin was dated at the Aptian–Cenozoic. The sedimentary section is divided by two main unconformities, of Campanian–Paleocene and Oligocene–Early Miocene ages. The cover contains a structurally complicated graben system, which is an extension of the New Siberian system of horsts and grabens, recognized in the shelf. Sedimentation began in the grabens in the Aptian–Albian and ended with their complete compensation in the Paleocene.  相似文献   

通过对云南泸沽湖高分辨率沉积指标序列(硅藻、枝角类和孢粉)的对比分析,初步揭示了水生生物(硅藻、枝角类和水生孢粉)对末次冰盛期期间气候变化的快速响应过程.结果表明,硅藻群落组成首先响应末次冰盛期时期的开始变冷,枝角类滞后,水生孢粉则表现为渐进的响应过程.然而,泸沽湖沉积硅藻记录对末次冰期以来的短时间尺度气候快速变化的Heinrich和新仙女木事件并未有响应,揭示气候事件判别的准确性取决于指标直接响应气候的特征以及多指标的综合对比.综合西南季风区云南不同海拔湖泊沉积记录(硅藻、孢粉、摇蚊等)获得的2万年以来数据及序列表明,末次冰期千年尺度的气候突变事件( Heinrich 1、 B?lling/Aller?d暖期和新仙女木YD冷事件)在整个西南季风系统中都有反映,且气候事件变化区间及幅度存在区域差异,其根本原因是受不同气候系统、复杂地形(青藏高原)的制约.  相似文献   

川西高原的上白垩统及第三系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘耕武  李伟同 《地层学杂志》2002,26(3):161-169,205
川西高原的上白垩统及第三系属于山间盆地型陆相沉积 ,红层发育 ,化石稀少 ,地层划分、对比困难。本地区有化石证据的白垩纪地层仅见于雀儿山南麓的德格县 ,错阿组为一套红色含砾砂岩和粉、细砂岩 ,上部夹灰黄、灰黑色钙质粉砂岩及含铜砂岩 ,深灰色含铜砂岩中产有以希指蕨孢居统治地位的孢粉植物群 ,地质时代为晚白垩世中期。本区古近系红层发育 ,理塘县热鲁村附近的热鲁群下部为红色岩系 ,中上部灰黄、灰色粉砂岩内产以 Pali-binia和桃金娘科为主的植物群 ,时代为早—中始新世。目前可以肯定的中新统仅见于松潘县红土坡一带 ,为一套含煤的灰、灰黄色碎屑岩系 ,其中所含的叶化石和孢子花粉表明其时代为中新世。上新统至更新统分布较广 ,北部以白玉县昌台地区较为典型 ,称昌台群。无论从化石或岩性看昌台群均可分为上、下两套 :下部以杂色碎屑岩为主 ,夹砾岩和玄武岩 ,其中的孢粉组合以麻黄及榆科、藜科花粉丰富为特征 ;上部以含褐煤的暗色碎屑岩为主 ,除丰富的植物化石外 ,孢子花粉为松科、菊科、杜鹃科等居优势的组合 ,昌台群的地质时代为上新世到到早更新世。南部的上新统—更新统以昔格达组为代表 ,主要是河湖相暗色岩系 ,局部地区有褐煤夹层 ,产植物叶化石和孢子花粉 ,时代主要属于更新世 ,下部在某  相似文献   

The history of Middle to Late Miocene evolution of the Transylvanian Basin was determined by the bordering Carpathian orogen evolution, the tectonic events being well recorded by the sedimentary history. The basin evolved in a back-arc setting, under a regional, compressional stress field. The major tectonic events produced during the Late Sarmatian and Post-Pannonian were related to the reactivation of the pre-Badenian fault systems. The Transylvanian Basin got uplifted after the Late Pannonian (? during the Pliocene), and at least 500 m of sedimentary cover was eroded.

Based on seismic and well-log interpretation, core and outcrop sedimentology, and microfauna, eight sequences were defined. The early Middle Miocene sequences are roughly synchronous to five 3rd order global sea-level cycles. Most of the recognized sequence boundaries are enhanced by regional tectonic events. The sedimentary evolution was also strongly influenced by salt-tectonics, active starting with the Late Sarmatian.

Two sequences were identified in the Lower Badenian deposits. The third sequence (late Early Badenian to early Mid Badenian) preserves information about deeper shelf settings. The lowstand of the following sequence was responsible for the deposition of the salt formation (late Mid Badenian), an important lithostratigraphic marker in the sedimentary record of the basin. In general, the Upper Badenian deposits (parts of the 4th and 5th sequences) belong to deep marine submarine fan systems. The Sarmatian (partially 5th, 6th and partially 7th sequences) was characterized by diverse salinity conditions, stretching from brackish to hypersaline, and by high tectonic instability, which induced several significant relative sea-level falls. During that time, deltaic (north) and fandeltaic (east) systems fed submarine fans, stacked between salt-related submarine heights (“channeled” deep-marine depocenters). Most of the Pannonian deposits (partially 7th and 8th sequences) belong to submarine fan systems, but shallower facies were also found in the western and eastern part of the basin.  相似文献   

叶城盆地属于塔里木盆地的西南坳陷 ,在晚新生代沉积了巨厚的磨拉石建造。盆地的演化具有阶段性 ,反映了西昆仑山不断的隆升。中新世 ,盆地的沉积环境为曲流河和辨状河等河湖相环境 ,到上新世早期变为冲积扇的远端。晚上新世 (~ 3.6 Ma)开始 ,盆地的沉积环境发生了质的变化 ,沉积物以粗颗粒砾岩为主 ,沉积环境为干旱气候条件下的冲 -洪积扇近端。沉积相的变化 ,反映了昆仑山在晚上新世有强烈的隆升。  相似文献   

Palaeobotanical studies of the brown coal deposits of the Latrobe Valley have contributed significantly towards an understanding of the age of the deposits, existing climatic conditions and detailed depositional environments. This paper re-assesses some past reconstructions for the Early to Mid Miocene coals using recent information on plant distributions and their bioclimatic significance and on a marine incursion model for coal lithotype formation.The brown coal flora is composed overwhelmingly of rainforest taxa that presently cover a range of different environments within the Australasian region. The application of a bioclimatic prediction model to these taxa allows the construction of consistent and quantitative estimates of climates during coal-forming phases. It is considered that rainfall in the area was more than twice the 850 mm received today, with significant seasonal variation. The mean annual temperature estimate of about 19°C, indicating a mesothermal or subtropical environment, is some 2–5C higher than present and higher than previous estimates. It does, however, correspond with sea-surface temperature estimates for the Southern Ocean at this time.The original model of lithotype formation, which suggests that lithotypes conform to a successional sequence from open water in the lightest coloured lithotypes to raised bog in the darkest lithotypes, is considered to be inconsistent with the evidence for lightening upwards sequences within the coals, a central feature of the proposed marine incursion model of coal formation. The two models are reconciled to some degree by a reinterpretation of the palaeobotanical data and by the postulation of climatic rather than autogenic successional control over lithotype formation.  相似文献   

青藏高原古大湖与夷平面的关系及高原面形成演化过程   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
青藏高原经过古近纪挤压缩短和增厚地壳均衡隆升,晚新生代形成了以走滑和伸展为主的相对稳定构造环境。中新世早期与晚更新世分别发育巨型古大湖,上新世-早更新世发育很多规模较大的古湖泊,古大湖对夷平面形成演化具有重要的控制作用。中新世早期((24.1±0.6) ~(14.5±0.5)Ma)以古大湖的湖面为侵蚀基准面,经过隆起区剥蚀夷平和长期湖相沉积,在高海拔环境下形成早期夷平面。中新世晚期-第四纪以湖面与五道梁群湖相沉积顶面为基准,在高海拔环境下继续发生剥蚀夷平和准平原化,逐步形成主夷平面或高原面。第四纪河流溯源侵蚀导致内外流水系分界线自东向西迁移,在青藏高原东部形成高山峡谷地貌。  相似文献   

The Iraqi territory could be divided into four main tectonic zones; each one has its own characteristics concerning type of the rocks, their age, thickness and structural evolution. These four zones are: (1) Inner Platform (stable shelf), (2) Outer Platform (unstable shelf), (3) Shalair Zone (Terrain), and (4) Zagros Suture Zone. The first two zones of the Arabian Plate lack any kind of metamorphism and volcanism.The Iraqi territory is located in the extreme northeastern part of the Arabian Plate, which is colliding with the Eurasian (Iranian) Plate. This collision has developed a foreland basin that includes: (1) Imbricate Zone, (2) High Folded Zone, (3) Low Folded Zone and (4) Mesopotamia Foredeep.The Mesopotamia Foredeep, in Iraq includes the Mesopotamia Plain and the Jazira Plain; it is less tectonically disturbed as compared to the Imbricate, High Folded and Low Folded Zones. Quaternary alluvial sediments of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries as well as distributaries cover the central and southeastern parts of the Foredeep totally; it is called the Mesopotamian Flood Plain. The extension of the Mesopotamia Plain towards northwest however, is called the Jazira Plain, which is covered by Miocene rocks.The Mesopotamia Foredeep is represented by thick sedimentary sequence, which thickens northwestwards including synrift sediments; especially of Late Cretaceous age, whereas on surface the Quaternary sediments thicken southeastwards. The depth of the basement also changes from 8 km, in the west to 14 km, in the Iraqi–Iranian boarders towards southeast.The anticlinal structures have N–S trend, in the extreme southern part of the Mesopotamia Foredeep and extends northwards until the Latitude 32°N, within the Jazira Plain, there they change their trends to NW–SE, and then to E–W trend.The Mesozoic sequence is almost without any significant break, with increase in thickness from the west to the east, attaining 5 km. The sequence forms the main source and reservoir rocks in the central and southern parts of Iraq. The Cenozoic sequence consists of Paleogene open marine carbonates, which grades upwards into Neogene lagoonal marine; of Early Miocene and evaporitic rocks; of Middle Miocene age, followed by thick molasses of continental clastics that attain 3500 m in thickness; starting from Late Miocene. The Quaternary sediments are very well developed in the Mesopotamia Plain and they thicken southwards to reach about 180 m near Basra city; in the extreme southeastern part of Iraq.The Iraqi Inner Platform (stable shelf) is a part of the Arabian Plate, being less affected by tectonic disturbances; it covers the area due to south and west of the Euphrates River. The main tectonic feature in this zone that had affected on the geology of the area is the Rutbah Uplift; with less extent is the Ga’ara High.The oldest exposed rocks within the Inner Platform belong to Ga’ara Formation of Permian age; it is exposed only in the Ga’ara Depression. The Permian rocks are overlain by Late Triassic rocks; represented by Mulussa and Zor Hauran formations, both of marine carbonates with marl intercalations. The whole Triassic rocks are absent west, north and east of Ga’ara Depression. Jurassic rocks, represented by five sedimentary cycles, overlie the Triassic rocks. Each cycle consists of clastic rocks overlain by carbonates, being all of marine sediments; whereas the last one (Late Jurassic) consists of marine carbonates only. All the five formations are separated from each other by unconformable contacts. Cretaceous rocks, represented by seven sedimentary cycles, overlie the Jurassic rocks. Marine clastics overlain by marine carbonates. Followed upwards (Late Cretaceous) by continental clastics overlain by marine carbonates; then followed by marine carbonates with marl intercalations, and finally by marine clastics overlain by carbonates; representing the last three cycles, respectively.The Paleocene rocks form narrow belt west of the Ga’ara Depression, represented by Early–Late Paleocene phosphatic facies, which is well developed east of Rutbah Uplift and extends eastwards in the Foredeep. Eocene rocks; west of Rutbah Uplift are represented by marine carbonates that has wide aerial coverage in south Iraq. Locally, east of Rutbah Uplift unconformable contacts are recorded between Early, Middle and Late Eocene rocks. During Oligocene, in the eastern margin of the Inner Platform, the Outer Platform was uplifted causing very narrow depositional Oligocene basin. Therefore, very restricted exposures are present in the northern part of the Inner Platform (north of Ga’ara Depression), represented by reef, forereef sediments of some Oligocene formations.The Miocene rocks have no exposures west of Rutbah Uplift, but north and northwestwards are widely exposed represented by Early Miocene of marine carbonates with marl intercalations. Very locally, Early Miocene deltaic clastics and carbonates, are interfingering with the marine carbonates. The last marine open sea sediments, locally with reef, represent the Middle Miocene rocks and fore reef facies that interfingers with evaporates along the northern part of Abu Jir Fault Zone, which is believed to be the reason for the restriction of the closed lagoons; in the area.During Late Miocene, the continental phase started in Iraq due to the closure of the Neo-Tethys and collision of the Sanandaj Zone with the Arabian Plate. The continental sediments consist of fine clastics. The Late Miocene – Middle Pliocene sediments were not deposited in the Inner Platform.The Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments are represented by cyclic sediments of conglomeratic sandstone overlain by fresh water limestone, and by pebbly sandstone.The Quaternary sediments are poorly developed in the Inner Platform. Terraces of Euphrates River and those of main valleys represent pleistocene sediments. Flood plain of the Euphrates River and those of large valleys represent Holocene sediments. Residual soil is developed, widely in the western part of Iraq, within the western marginal part of the Inner Platform.  相似文献   

Phosphates are present on the surface of the Mio-Pliocene unconformity in the Otway, Port Phillip and Gippsland basins of south-east Australia. The phosphates occur as lenticular lag deposits and include reworked phosphatic intraclasts, vertebrate bone and teeth. In situ phosphatized burrows are also found in sediments of Late Miocene and Early Pliocene age. The phosphatic intraclasts on the unconformity are interpreted as reworked phosphatized burrows derived from latest Miocene sediments (6 to 5 Ma). The phosphatization of these intraclasts is temporally related to the unconformity. The timing of phosphogenesis coincides with a period of transgression across the south-east Australian margin following Late Miocene uplift. This transgression is responsible for initial marine erosion of the underlying Miocene sequence, creation of a period of very slow sedimentation that was favourable to phosphate formation and subsequent deposition of the latest Miocene through to Pliocene sediments. The continental weathering of the uplifted highlands adjacent to the sedimentary basins, global phosphorus enrichment in the Late Miocene oceans and localized upwelling may all have contributed to phosphatization in south-eastern Australia.  相似文献   

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