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城市需水量模拟及不确定性分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
需水量预测是区域水资源合理配置和有效管理的基础。由于供需水量的不确定性,精准的需水量预测较有困难。通过建立径向基函数(RBF)与BP神经网络预测模型,以西北地区城市西安市需水量为例,将用水量驱动因子作为模型输入,利用1990-2009年20组年用水数据进行网络训练模拟,对2010-2012年3组年用水数据进行检验预测,采用不确定性评价指数和置信区间方法对两种模型及模拟结果进行比较分析。结果表明,RBF与BP模型预测期的均方根误差分别为0.08、0.26,不确定性评价指数分别为0.74、1.02且BP模型预测值的相对误差最大超过10%以上,而RBF模型预测值的相对误差均小于5%,说明RBF模型模拟效果好,具有预测精度高以及不确定性影响低的双重优势;在模拟结果基础上,引用置信区间分析了结果的可靠性,为分析城市需水预测的不确定性提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对新疆渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲土壤盐分动态监测中存在的方法问题,首先用灰色关联度模型分析影响形成土壤盐渍化的各因子,并确定其与土壤盐分之间的关联度,然后将人工智能计算技术引入土壤盐分的预测中,经过多次调整网络结构和参数,建立了预测表层土壤盐分的BP神经网络模型和RBF神经网络模型。结果表明:以潜在蒸散量、地下水埋深、地下水矿化度、土壤电导率、总溶解固体、pH值、坡度和土地利用类型8个因素为输入因子,以土壤含盐量为输出因子的BP网络模型和RBF网络模型可有效模拟土壤盐分与其影响因子之间的内在复杂关系,并且有较高的精度。BP网络模型预测误差略低于RBF神经网络。本研究可为分析和预测土壤盐渍化动态规律提供一种有效可行的新途径,是对传统土壤盐分动态研究的补充。  相似文献   

刘柯 《地理科学进展》2007,26(6):133-137
城市建成区规模受社会、经济、城市环境等诸多因素影响, 传统统计方法难以准确预测城 市建成区的面积。人工神经网络具有良好的非线性映射逼近性能, 在各类预测研究中得到了广泛 的应用, 尤其是BP 神经网络。主成分分析可以在有效保留数据信息前提下对数据进行降维, 它 与BP 神经网络的结合主要在数据输入端, 通过减少输入层神经元个数, 增强网络性能, 提高预 测精度。本文以北京市为例, 综合运用主成分分析和BP 神经网络方法建立预测模型, 以1986~ 2003 年数据为学习样本, 以2004 年数据为检验样本, 对2005 年北京市城市建成区面积进行模 拟预测。预测结果表明, 基于主成分分析的BP 神经网络预测结果与实际值的相对误差为2.8%, 比传统BP 神经网络预测精度提高1.8 个百分点, 网络训练收敛速度也更快, 其预测精度和效率 都有不同程度的改善。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的洪湖水质指标预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了掌握洪湖水质未来的变化情况以及预防污染事件的发生,建立了一个BP神经网络水质指标预测模型。利用洪湖1990~2014年的水质指标实测数据作为学习样本,选取了pH、溶解氧(DO)、铵态氮(NH4+—N)、硝态氮(NO3-—N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)6项指标作为预测参数,建立了BP神经网络模型,并运用该模型对洪湖水质指标进行了预测,同时引入一元线性回归模型与GM(1,1)灰色预测模型与该模型进行对比。结果表明,BP神经网络模型预测的水质指标的相关性系数都在0.998以上,平均相对误差都控制在2.5%以内,对单个指标的预测相对误差也都小于9%,明显优于一元线性回归模型和灰色预测模型;BP神经网络模型预测精度较高,预测速度快,能够相对准确地预测大部分水质指标,可以有效地应用于洪湖以及其它水域水质指标的预测和水质趋势的预警预报系统中。  相似文献   

利用河西走廊伏旱和伏期降水资料序列,张掖观象台的地面气温、降水、探空等气象资料,以及国家气候中心提供的74个环流因子,借助BP神经网络可以逼近任意非线性函数的能力和特点,构建了一个用于预测伏旱和伏期降水的模型,并对模型的预报效果进行验证。结果表明:BP神经网络模型能够对伏期干旱进行有效地预测,该预测模型对伏旱和伏期降水有比较理想的预报效果,伏旱预报历史拟合率高达97.6%、模型试报准确率为84.6%,伏期降水预测历史拟合率高达97.6%、模型试报准确率为76.9%,其性能指标符合实际要求,具有很好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

丁建丽  陈文倩  陈芸 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1079-1086
针对中国西北干旱区普遍存在的土壤盐渍化,以渭干河-库车河绿洲TM影像数据,建立BP神经网络结合Adaboost算法的土壤盐渍化预警度评价模型。首先,根据研究区实际情况设置该模型的4个预警指标(地下水埋深、海拔、盐分指数、归一化干旱指数),分别提取其连续表面信息,结合BP神经网络作为弱预测器进行预测,将通过不同训练集得到的弱预测器结果结合成强预测器。在利用该模型训练样本时,依据各评价因子对分类结果的贡献率调整其权重,预测的结果能客观反映每个评价因子对该地区土壤盐渍化的贡献程度。结果表明,研究区警情总体情况较严重,绿洲北部内部耕地周围的荒地以及含水量少的区域,盐渍化危险度较高。  相似文献   

快速获取区域土壤盐渍化程度信息,对于盐渍化治理与生态环境保护具有重要意义。以银川平原为研究区,以盐分影响因子和盐分指数分别作为输入参数,建立支持向量机(SVM),BP神经网络(BPNN)和贝叶斯神经网络(BNN)3种土壤盐分预测模型,选取最佳模型进行研究区不同深度的土壤盐渍化预测。结果表明:(1)0~20 cm土壤盐分预测模型中基于影响因子变量组的BNN模型效果最佳,决定系数(R2)为0.618,均方根误差(RMSE)为2.986;20~40 cm土壤盐分预测模型中基于盐分指数变量组的BNN模型效果最佳,R2为0.651,RMSE为1.947;综合对比下,BNN模型的预测效果最好,可用于研究区土壤盐渍化预测。(2)银川平原主要是以非盐渍化和轻度盐渍化为主,0~20 cm土壤重度盐渍化及盐土共占总面积的11.59%,20~40 cm土壤重度盐渍化及盐土共占总面积的7.04%,20~40 cm土壤盐渍化程度较0~20 cm土壤盐渍化轻。  相似文献   

遗传算法是借鉴生物学的自然选择和遗传进化机制,通过作用于染色体上的基因寻找优良的染色体,求到待解问题最优解的一个近似解.针对遗传算法易陷入局部最优解的不足,采用改进的遗传算法(IGA)与遗传编程(GP)相结合,建立有广泛搜索能力和很强的局部精化能力的IGA-GP算法,将该算法应用于BP神经网络的优化,优化的原理是运用GP自动生成BP正向计算过程中隐含层到输出层的函数关系式,此函数关系式可随着训练样本的变化而自动调整,使得新加入的样本影响已学习完的样本的问题得到最终解决,因而可进一步增强BP网络的自适应能力和抗干扰能力;同时用IGA代替BP的反向传播算法,加快收敛速度和克服BP易陷入局部最优的不足,从而实现了对BP神经网络的优化.并在此基础上建立了黄河流域需水预测模型,误差分析结果显示,IGA-GP算法预测结果最大误差为2.894%,最小误差为0.088%,满足误差精度不大于5%的要求,而没有优化的BP神经网络拟合结果最大误差为8.314%,最小误差为0.832%,不满足预测精度要求,证明该IGA-GP模型具有较高的预测精度.鉴于此,通过IGA-GP的算法对黄河流域2010、2020及2030水平年工业、农业、生活及生态需水量进行了预测.  相似文献   

基于趋势外推法和BP神经网络模型对四平市2015年和2020年的汽车保有量进行预测.结果表明,结合趋势外推法对汽车保有量的影响因子进行单独预测,可以提高各影响因子的预测精度,弥补BP神经网络在影响因子预测中数据拟合度不高、外推性不强的缺陷,进而保证BP神经网络汽车保有量预测的准确度.利用BP神经网络良好的非线性映射能力,可以较好地拟合汽车保有量与影响因子之间的非线性映射关系,是一种可行的汽车保有量预测方法.但是神经网络预测模型与经典计算方法相比并非优越,只有当常规方法解决不了或效果不佳时ANN方法才能显示出其优越性.  相似文献   

基于RAGA-BP神经网络模型的三江平原地下水资源预测研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用基于实数编码的加速遗传算法(RAGA)代替传统的最小二乘法以优化GM(1,1)模型参数,并与BP人工神经网络相组合,形成了基于RAGA的等维灰色递补BP神经网络预测模型.运用此模型对三江平原创业农场地下水埋深进行动态预测,BP神经网络结构确定为3:12:3,预测结果的相对误差只有2.33%,与传统的GM(1,1)模型和BP神经网络模型预测结果相比,预测精度显著提高.通过此模型预测,从2007年到2012年,该地区地下水平均年下降0.3 m.  相似文献   

基于LM-BP神经网络的西北地区太阳辐射时空变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
定量模拟太阳辐射对认识西北地区气候变化至关重要,但西北地区辐射站点稀少,而气象站点较多,利用众多的气象站点观测值模拟太阳辐射是获得太阳辐射数据很好的方法之一。利用LM (Levenberg-Marquardt) 算法对普通的BP神经网络进行优化(优化后的BP神经网络简称LM-BP神经网络)模拟太阳辐射,通过与传统气候模型模拟的太阳辐射结果对比发现,LM-BP神经网络模型的模拟精度最高,模拟值与实测值的拟合程度明显优于H-S模型和A-P模型。由此利用西北地区159个气象站点的气象数据和LM-BP神经网络模型模拟了1990~2012年这些气象站点的太阳总辐射月总量,将LM-BP神经网络模拟的气象站点的太阳辐射和25个辐射观测站的实测太阳辐射数据相结合,通过空间插值得到了西北地区太阳总辐射的空间分布,并分析了其时空分布及变化特征。研究结果发现西北地区1990~2012年的年均总辐射月总量变化为262~643 βMJ/m2,呈现“中间高,两端低”的空间分布特征。LM-BP神经网络模型的模拟精度高,是一种很有发展前景的辐射模拟方法,可将其应用在无辐射观测地区的太阳辐射模拟中。  相似文献   

对大量国家级和区域级气象自动站资料的获取和订正,通过对降水、气温、湿度和风速等气象因子对森林火险贡献度数学模型的计算,充分应用在黔南森林火险气象等级的实时监测和预报中。通过多点、多时段的预报值、实时监测值与实况对比检验统计,得出应用系统的实时监测准确率和预报准确率。  相似文献   

中国已经开始利用固定翼飞机在南极开展科学考察和执行后勤保障任务,建立较完备的南极机场气象观测系统和航空气象预报保障系统并提供安全可靠的气象保障服务已迫在眉睫。在对国际上已开展的南极固定翼飞机航空及其气象保障业务现状调研的基础上,对影响南极固定翼飞机飞行的低云、低能见度、结冰、低空风切变等关键气象要素进行了论述。结合我国国内民用航空和空军航空气象保障的情况,讨论了在南极开展固定翼飞机航空气象保障所需的机场气象观测设备、数值天气预报资料和航空气象预报内容等问题。提出了对我国南极固定翼飞机航空气象保障工作的设想:根据极地天气气候特点,评估机场地理位置和当地历史天气事件及气候背景,建立较为完备的气象观测系统;参照民航气象预报内容,重点考虑中山站的机场预报、着陆预报和起飞预报,并加强关注可能对航空产生危险的下降风、吹雪、雪暴和低空风切变等天气现象。  相似文献   

李净  王丹  冯姣姣 《地理科学》2017,37(6):912-919
现有的神经网络模拟太阳辐射的模型很少考虑云、气溶胶、水汽对太阳辐射的影响,采用MODIS提供的气溶胶、云、水汽高空大气遥感产品和常规气象数据,输入LM(Levenberg-Marquardt)算法优化后的BP(Back-Propagation)神经网络模型(简称LM-BP)模拟了和田、西宁、固原、延安4个辐射站点的太阳辐射月均值。验证结果表明:神经网络模型中加入气溶胶、云、水汽之后,4个辐射站点的R2均大于0.90,且各项误差指标均小于仅用常规气象站点数据模拟的太阳辐射结果。  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN) real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system’s performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

提高太阳辐射短时临近预报(<6 h)的准确率是确保电网调度的重要举措,也是极具挑战性的技术瓶颈之一。基于云-辐射关系,利用地面观测的太阳辐照度反演的云相对辐射强迫比值,构建了太阳辐射短时临近预报模型(R模型),并用美国南部大平原中心站16 a的辐照度观测数据,对R模型的预报性能进行了评估。结果表明:(1)有云存在的个例中,R模型较传统的简单持续性模型(Simple模型)的预报性能有很大提升,相比于预报性能较高的智能持续性模型(Smart模型或RCRF模型)仍有2%~25%的改进。(2)在16 a包含2.9×105个8类云状个例的总体检验中,当预报时效超过1 h时,R模型的预报性能显著优于Simple模型和RCRF模型。相对于RCRF模型,R模型在6 h预报时效下,对总辐射和直接辐射的预报性能可分别提高25%和19%,预报时效分别延长了1.5 h和1 h。(3)R模型为太阳辐射短时临近预报提供了准确率更高的基准模型。同时,该模型可仅依靠地面短期的辐照度观测资料即可预报,为缺少同期气象要素观测的光伏电厂的辐射预报提供了新的途径或新的可能。  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN) real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system's performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN)real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system′s performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

SWAT模型参数敏感性分析及应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
地理信息系统(GIS)支持下的SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型以流域离散化空间参数来描述流域水文变化特性,从物理意义上表达流域内的水文过程,但众多不确定的参数影响了模型的应用效果,因此有必要对参数进行敏感性分析。将SWAT模型应用到祁连山黑河上游山区流域,进行了11年(1990-2000年)逐日径流模拟,通过一个简便的敏感性分析方法,将模型影响水文过程的参数分成4类敏感级别,最后确定模型的参数。在11年的逐日模拟中,1990-1995年为参数敏感性分析期和模型率定期,1996-2000年为模型的检验期,模拟结果显示,在黑河山区流域,丰水年逐日出山径流的模型效率系数R2达到0.8以上,平水年和枯水年R2在0.51~0.79之间。  相似文献   

Most previous research on areas with abundant rainfall shows that simulations using rainfall-runoff modes have a very high prediction accuracy and applicability when using a back-propagation(BP), feed-forward, multilayer perceptron artificial neural network(ANN). However, in runoff areas with relatively low rainfall or a dry climate, more studies are needed. In these areas—of which oasis-plain areas are a particularly good example—the existence and development of runoff depends largely on that which is generated from alpine regions. Quantitative analysis of the uncertainty of runoff simulation under climate change is the key to improving the utilization and management of water resources in arid areas. Therefore, in this context, three kinds of BP feed-forward, three-layer ANNs with similar structure were chosen as models in this paper.Taking the oasis–plain region traverse by the Qira River Basin in Xinjiang, China, as the research area, the monthly accumulated runoff of the Qira River in the next month was simulated and predicted. The results showed that the training precision of a compact wavelet neural network is low; but from the forecasting results, it could be concluded that the training algorithm can better reflect the whole law of samples. The traditional artificial neural network(TANN) model and radial basis-function neural network(RBFNN) model showed higher accuracy in the training and prediction stage. However, the TANN model, more sensitive to the selection of input variables, requires a large number of numerical simulations to determine the appropriate input variables and the number of hidden-layer neurons. Hence, The RBFNN model is more suitable for the study of such problems. And it can be extended to other similar research arid-oasis areas on the southern edge of the Kunlun Mountains and provides a reference for sustainable water-resource management of arid-oasis areas.  相似文献   

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