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Pollen records from 21 sites were used to reconstruct Holocene hydrological changes in northern Fennoscandia. The inferred dominance of maritime-type Betula-forests from c. 9600 BP onwards indicate an oceanic climate in the region during the early Holocene, with high amounts of precipitation and low seasonal contrasts. This interpretation is supported by oxygen isotope records obtained on lacustrine carbonates from Abisko, northern Sweden. Enrichment of 18O during the early Holocene suggests enhanced zonal circulation and a pronounced influence of Atlantic air-masses in northern Sweden. The pattern of Pinus expansion in the area was time-transgressive, ranging from 9200-8000 BP in the extreme north-east to 7900-5500 BP in the western and south-western parts of the region. The replacement of Betula-forests by Pinus-forests indicates a climatic change towards drier summers and increased seasonality. At Abisko, a close correlation between regional Pinus expansion and depletion of 18O in lacustrine carbonates suggests that the expansion of Pinus was triggered by a gradual attenuation of the influence of westerlies. Thus, in large-scale palaeohydrological terms, the early expansion of Pinus in the north-easternmost parts of Fennoscandia as compared to the successively later expansion in the west and south-west may reflect a gradually decreasing influence of Atlantic air-masses in northern Fennoscandia during the early and mid Holocene.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various kinds of geoecological change in the tree-limit ecotone of the Scandes Mountains during the period 1970–95. The focus of the study is a part of a regional network of sites intended for long-term tree-limit monitoring, with special stress on effects of climatic variability. The elevational tree-limits of Betula pubescens sp. Sortuosa, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris, which rose in response to the climatic amelioration earlier this century, now show clear symptoms of increasing climatic stress and disturbance. This manifests as defoliation, growth recession and reproductive failure, locally leading to some initial elevational tree-limit retraction (unbalanced mortality). Defoliation was preceded by decades of weak summer cooling and an increasingly maritime climate, but recently it correlates significantly with low winter soil temperatures, causing death of needles, shoots and buds. In some habitats, Betula pubescens has suffered from mechanical stress and disturbance by increased snow accumulation. Tree-limit decline is paralleled by analogous responses of high-elevation boreal forests as well as the ground cover, encompassing elevational range-limit retraction of certain plant species, deterioration of alpine/subalpine dwarf-shrub heaths and terricolous lichen mats. These processes coincide with indications of enhanced periglacial activity, chiefly wind deflation of frost-heaved top-soils at exposed sites. Presumably, reindeer trampling and grazing play a certain role in the latter context, although this disturbance interacts with climate cooling and increased storminess. Short-term extreme events, particularly concerning winter climate (e.g. ground frost), represent previously underrated disturbance mechanisms in cold-stressed, high-altitude boreal forest. The results suggest mechanisms of tree-layer regression, which lag behind the most severe stresses and disturbances by decades and make cold-marginal trees increasingly sensitive to climatic extremes and, in addition, unable to respond progressively to later positive weather anomalies, due to major defoliation and hypothetical xylem cavitation. The recorded changes are logical in consequence of the irregular climatic cooling and a more maritime climate since the late 1930s. In a wider perspective, the results fit a current pattern of natural geoecological destabilization and rapid vegetation change in the North Atlantic region. In addition, the results are discussed in the perspective of global climate change and biogeographical records over the past few decades.  相似文献   

Diatoms, Cladocera, and chironomids preserved in the sediments of Lake Dalgoto were studied to reconstruct the history of the lake ecosystem in the context of the vegetation history as represented by the pollen stratigraphy. Younger Dryas silty sediments at the base of the core are characterized by low diversity of aquatic organisms. The transition to the Holocene is indicated by a sharp change from silt to clay-gyttja. The migration and expansion of trees at lower elevations between 10200 and 8500 14C-yr BP, along with higher diversities and concentrations of aquatic organisms and the decreased proportion of north-alpine diatoms, point to rapidly rising summer temperatures. After 6500 14C-yr BP the expansion of Pinus mugo in the catchment coincides with signs of natural eutrophication as recorded by an increase of planktonic diatoms. In the late Holocene (4000–0 14C-yr BP) Pinus peuce and Abies are reduced and Picea expands. Cereal grains and disturbance indicators suggest late-Holocene human modification of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Twentieth-century elevational tree-limit (TL) and species-limit histories have been reconstructed for Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa within a permanent belt transect in the southern Swedish Scandes. Upward TL shifts of 100-130 m between c. 1915 and 1999 appear related to a summer warming of c. 0.7°C, and increased winter temperatures. Rates of tree recruitment and individual growth have increased substantially since 1974, notably during the 1990s, apparently mainly in response to some warm summers and a sequence of exceptionally mild winters. The distributional trend during the 20th century constitutes a fundamental and unexpected break in a monotonic, century-scale TL descent throughout most of the Holocene (exemplified by Pinus sylvestris), which was particularly accentuated during the 'Little Ice Age' of the past several centuries. Assuming that the TL stabilizes at the new, higher level for several decades, its elevation will be higher than at any time during at least the past c. 4000 radiocarbon years. This recent history is relevant as one possible model of the ecological consequences of anthropogenic climate forcing, and the TL may be an appropriate and sensitive system for monitoring the ecological effects of future climate change and variability.  相似文献   


The tree-limit altitudes of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from 180 sites (within an area of 95?km?×?165?km) in the southern Scandes were correlated with the geographical variables latitude, longitude and distance to the sea. The results were compared with a similar investigation of the tree-limit of mountain birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh. ssp. tortuosa (Ledeb.) Nyman) in the same area. The three tree-limit altitudes showed good negative correlation with latitude, poor correlation with longitude and good positive correlation with the distance to the sea, suggesting that on a regional scale the altitudes are controlled by macroclimate. At some sites, local topoclimatic features, some of which were partially aspect-dependent, may cause deviations in the regional pattern of tree-limit altitude that is set primarily by summer temperature. Tree-limit responses to potential future climate warming will probably differ substantially in magnitude from site to site in relation to local topography and associated ecological constraints.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite assemblages found in late-glacial and early-Holocene sediments in Kråkenes Lake, western Norway, consist of 38 species within 24 genera. In accordance with known present habitat distribution we distinguish 4 true aquatic species, 6 species associated with wetland, 2 with mesic grassland, 12 with dry grassland and heathland, 3 with saxicolous and arboricolous lichens, 7 widely distributed species, and 4 with uncertainly known habitat preferences. The sediments from the pioneer phase (12,300-11,700 14C BP) contain 7 species, among them the 2 typical pioneer species Limnozetes ciliatus and Tectocepheus velatus.The sediments of the warmer Allerød interstadial (11,700-10,900 BP) contain 18 species, the cold Younger Dryas (10,900-10,000 BP) 9 species, and the early Holocene (10,000-9,000 BP) 36 species.The oribatid fossils of the pioneer phase indicate habitats and climate similar to the mid-alpine zone in western Norway today, the Allerod interstadial that of the low- to mid-alpine zone. L. ciliatus is the aquatic pioneer species in the Allerod. In the Younger Dryas the climate was more arctic, 60-70% of the species had presumably disappeared, and no aquatic species were found. In the early Holocene, 4 true aquatic species colonised the lake and showed a high productivity. The terrestrial oribatid fauna in this period contained a high diversity of more boreal species, while the alpine species declined or became extinct.  相似文献   

Pollen and diatoms preserved in the radiocarbon dated sediments of Two Frog Lake in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex of the central mainland coast of British Columbia document postglacial climate change. Two Frog Lake was isolated from the sea prior to 11,040 ± 50 yr BP (13,030 cal. yr BP) when the climate was cool and dry, and open Pinus contorta woodlands covered the landscape. These woodlands were replaced by a mixed conifer forest ca. 10,200 yr BP (ca. 12,300 cal. yr BP) when the climate became moister. A relatively dry and warm early Holocene climate allowed Pseudotsuga menziesii to migrate northward to this site where it grew with Picea, Tsuga heterophylla and Alnus. The climate became cooler and moister at ca. 8,000 yr BP (ca. 9,200 cal. yr BP), approximately 500–1,000 years prior to sites located south of Two Frog Lake and on the Queen Charlotte Islands, but contemporary with sites on the northern mainland coast of British Columbia and south coastal Alaska. Climate heterogeneity in central coastal British Columbia appears to have occurred on a synoptic scale, suggesting that atmospheric dynamics linked to a variable Aleutian Low pressure system may have had an important influence on early Holocene climate change in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex. The transition to cooler and moister conditions facilitated the expansion of Cupressaceae and the establishment of a modern-type coastal temperate rainforest dominated by Cupressaceae and T. heterophylla. This was associated with progressive lake acidification. Diatom changes independent of vegetation change during the late Holocene are correlative with the mid-Neoglacial period, when cooler temperatures altered diatom communities.  相似文献   

Vegetation changes reflected in fossil pollen spectra are a primary source of information about climate fluctuations in the past. A statistical-information (transfer function) method based on the correlation of recent pollen spectra with modern climate conditions has been used to reconstruct Holocene climatic changes from fossil pollen. Climatic variables used for the reconstructions are the mean annual, January, July temperatures and annual precipitation. Peat sections with pollen and 14C data from the Arctic Russia were used for the reconstructions. The reconstructed climate fluctuations are similar to the climate changes obtained from many sites in the former USSR. A clear signal for Younger Dryas cooling, 11,000-10,000 yr BP and early Preboreal warming is apparent. The early Preboreal (10,000-9000 yr BP) was the warmest time for sites from modern coastal and island areas. The warm interval occurred in the Boreal period, about 8500 yr BP. According to the reconstructions the warmest time for non-coastal areas was the last half of Atlantic period, 6000-4500 yr BP. Other warm intervals were reconstructed about 3500 and 1000 yr BP. Reconstructions show that warming periods are primarily defined as times of increased summer temperatures, and cooling periods as time of decreased winter temperatures. The precipitation followed the temperatures: during the warming periods precipitation increased and during the cooling periods it decreased. Precipitation maximum, about 100 mm higher than present, are reconstructed for the warmest interval, 6000-4500 yr BP at all sites.  相似文献   

Pollen and plant macrofossils were analysed at Sägistalsee (1935 m asl), a small lake near timber-line in the Swiss Northern Alps. Open forests with Pinus cembra and Abies alba covered the catchment during the early Holocene (9000–6300 cal. BP), suggesting subcontinental climate conditions. After the expansion of Picea abies between 6300 and 6000 cal. BP the subalpine forest became denser and the tree-line reached its maximum elevation at around 2260 m asl. Charcoal fragments in the macrofossil record indicate the beginning of Late-Neolithic human impact at ca. 4400 cal. BP, followed by a extensive deforestation and lowering of the forest-limit in the catchment of Sägistalsee at 3700 cal. BP (Bronze Age). Continuous human activity, combined with a more oceanic climate during the later Holocene, led to the local extinction of Pinus cembra and Abies alba and favoured the mass expansion of Picea and Alnus viridis in the subalpine area of the Northern Alps. The periods before 6300 and after 3700 cal. BP are characterised by high erosion activity in the lake's catchment, whereas during the phase of dense Picea-Pinus cembra-Abies forests (6300–3700 cal. BP) soils were stable and sediment-accumulation rates in the lake were low. Due to decreasing land-use at higher altitudes during the Roman occupation and the Migration period, forests spread beween ca. 2000 and 1500 cal. BP, before human impact increased again in the early Middle Ages. Recent reforestation due to land-use changes in the 20th century is recorded in the top sediments. Pollen-inferred July temperature and annual precipitation suggest a trend to cooler and more oceanic climate starting at about 5500 cal. BP.  相似文献   

Five Holocene sediment cores from the northwestern Baltic proper were analysed for lithology, siliceous microfossil assemblages and geochemical parameters. The data indicate that surface water salinity and redox conditions below the halocline have changed drastically at least four times since the Baltic Sea changed from a fresh water lake (the Ancylus Lake) to a semi-enclosed brackish water sea (the Litorina Sea) c. 8500 yrs BP. These variations appear to be mainly effects of changes in water depth at the thresholds of inlet areas. Based on these changes, and earlier studies of the shoreline displacement in the inlet areas, we propose a tentative model for changes of large scale water circulation in the Baltic Sea during the last c. 8500 yrs.At the transition from fresh to brackish water 8500 14C yrs BP, upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water started to occur, causing a slight increase in primary production. Diatom assemblages in sediments indicate a slow rise in surface water salinity during this period.At 7000-6500 14C yrs BP, surface water salinity and primary production simultaneously increased, as anoxic bottom conditions were established at depth below the halocline. We suggest that high primary production was caused by increased input of oceanic water, leading to increased upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water. At the anoxic bottoms laminated sediments formed until 5000-4500 14C yrs BP. This period (c. 7000-4500 14C BP) was contemporaneous with the post-glacial transgression maximum in Öresund, and we suggest it represents the most saline phase of the Baltic Sea post-glacial history.Due to a regression in Öresund starting 4500 14C yrs BP, upwelling decreased and the halocline was lowered, resulting in decreased primary productivity and hence oxic deep water conditions. The diatom assemblages of the sediments indicate a lowering of salinity at the beginning of this period.We suggest that the second period of anoxic bottom conditions c. 2000-1500 14C yrs BP was caused by a change of dominating inflows from the Öresund to the Belt Sea. This resulted in decreased salinity of the inflowing water which did not penetrate to the deepest parts of the basin as frequently as before. The diatom record indicates both a second lowering of salinity and a change in the large scale water circulation at the beginning of this period.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom record from subalpine Crowfoot Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta (lat. 51° 61N; long. 116° 31W) has been analyzed. Results are related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. No diatoms were found in the basal diamict that predates 11330 14C yr BP. Very few occur until ca. 10 10014 C yr BP probably due to the short time between de-glaciation and an advance of the Crowfoot Glacier during the Younger Dryas Chron. Initial pioneering species were characteristic of alkaline water and calcareous organic sediments. They appeared as sediments became organic and laminated suggesting increasing water clarity, and as the Pinus-dominated forest expanded and the climate warmed. After ca. 9060 14C yr BP diatom numbers increased rapidly, reaching a maximum prior to the Mazama tephra; they remained high until ca. 3500 14C yr BP. The period between ca. 9060 and 3500 14C yr saw timberline elevation increase and the dominance of xerophytic taxa. These are consistent with early to mid-Holocene warmth and aridity. Diatom productivity reflects the warm climate and presumably longer ice-free season, a stable catchment and transparent water. Decreases in diatom productivity coincide with a vegetation change with reduction of xerophytic taxa and the appearance of a closed Picea-Abies forest, hence a cooler, wetter climate at ca. 4100 to 3500 14C yr BP. The diatom numbers during the Neoglacial were of the same magnitude as prior to ca. 9060 14C yr BP. Small species of Fragilaria (overwhelmingly Fragilaria construens v. venter) became extremely dominant during the period of high diatom productivity, and remained so thereafter. Recovery of the lake appears to have been rapid after deposition of the Mazama tephra. Maximum occurrence of Cyclotella radiosa occurred ca. 8000 14C yr BP during the warm early Holocene and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, perhaps less turbid water, or it may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water. The diatom record of Crowfoot Lake has responded with sensitivity, particularly in terms of productivity, to the Holocene vegetation and climate changes.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes and trace-element contents of ostracod (Candona neglecta) valves mostly from the Holocene portion of two assembled cores from Petit Lac (Lake Geneva, Switzerland-France) were analysed in order to depict the geochemical record of post-glacial environmental changes of this lake. Additional stable isotope and trace element data from the gastropod Bithynia tentaculata (shells and opercula) from some intervals of these cores, as well as previous data from bulk carbonate from the lower part of the studied intervals were also considered. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca molar ratios for the Holocene lake water have been estimated from evaluations of the partitioning coefficients for Mg and Sr for C. neglecta and B. tentaculata taking into account the modern-lake water composition. This study shows an overall gentle trend to higher δ18O values in C. neglecta valves from the Boreal interval (mean −8.44‰) to the upper part of the core (mean −8.11‰). This trend is superimposed to higher frequency oscillations of stable isotope values and trace element ratios, especially through the upper Older Atlantic and the Subboreal. The overall isotopic oxygen trend includes several shifts in δ18O of about 1‰. These shifts are interpreted as major regional-global climate changes that have also been observed in other coeval δ18O and pollen records which reflect the Holocene climate variability in other European basins. Especially well-defined peaks in some episodes like Older Atlantic (~8200 yr BP), Younger Atlantic – Subboreal transition (~5600 yr BP) and early Subatlantic (~ 2500 yr BP) correspond to well-recognized events in globally-distributed records. Some of these shifts are correlated with pulses in the lake-level curve of the Lake Geneva. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid regions of Central West Argentina, paleoenvironmental conditions and history of the Holocene vegetation is still scanty. This paper presents the analysis of palynological records of two Mid- to Late Holocene alluvial sequences (La Escala -LES- and Brazo Abandonado -BA-) in the fluvial basin of the Arroyo La Estacada (33°27′S and 69°03′W), placed in the Cordillera Frontal central piedmont of Mendoza province. Variations in pollen assemblages of the two sequences related to the environments developed in the floodplains of the arroyo allowed us to infer the evolution of local plant communities. Between the ca. 4000 and 3000 14C years BP and between ca. 500 and 400 14C years BP, a larger representation of hydrophytic communities related to environments with local water availability was inferred; and between ca. 3000 and 500 14C years BP an increase in shrubby xerophytic communities related to environments with lower water availability was detected. These results led us to propose that the Holocene pollen spectra fluctuations observed in the alluvial sedimentary sequences prove mainly changes in plant communities of the floodplain environment in response to the fluvial dynamics of the arroyo.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Multiple overlapping and replicate pollen stratigraphies from Canal de la Puntilla (40°57’09”S, 72°54’18”W, 120 m elevation) reveal that a Nothofagus dombeyi-type parkland occupied the Valle Central of the Chilean Lake District during the portion of the Last Glacial Maximum between 20,200 and about 14,600 14C yr BP . Dominating this landscape was Nothofagus dombeyi-type and Gramineae, accompanied by taxa commonly found today in Subantarctic environments and above the Andean tree-line in the Lake District (Perezia-type, Valeriana, and Huperzia selago), along with cushion bog taxa characteristic of Magellanic Moorlands (Donatia fascicularis and Astelia pumila). Within this open landscape Nothofagus dombeyi-type expanded between 20,200 and 15,800 14C yr BP , interrupted by a brief reversal between 19,200 and 18,800 14 C yr BP and followed by a prominent increase in Gramineae pollen between 15,800 and about 14,600 14C yr BP . A major rise of Nothofagus dombeyi-type began at about 14,600 14C yr BP , followed by decline in non-arboreal taxa and a remarkable expansion of North Patagonian Rain Forest taxa in pulses centered at 14,200 and 13,000 14C yr BP . Podocarpus nubigena expanded between 12,200 and 9800 14C yr BP , along with increases in Misodendrum and Maytenus disticha-type between 11,000 and 9800 14C yr BP. Paleovegetation records suggest that mean annual temperature was 6–7°C colder than at present during the coldest episodes between 20,200 and about 14,600 14C yr BP , with twice the modern annual precipitation between 20,200 and 13,000 14C yr BP, suggesting a northward shift and intensification of westerly stormtracks. Slight climate warming occurred between 20,200 and 15,800 14C yr BP , interrupted by cooling events at 19,200 and 15,800 14C yr BP . The initial warming of the last termination started at 14,600 14C yr BP , followed by warming pulses at 14,200 and 13,000 14C yr BP. These events brought glacial conditions to a cool-temperate climate, slightly cooler and wetter than modern climate, accounting for a total temperature recovery of ≥5°C by about 13,000 14C yr BP . A general reversal in trend is inferred with cooling events at 12,200 and 11,000 14C yr BP .  相似文献   

This study used palaeolimnological approaches to determine how Holocene climatic and environmental changes affected aquatic assemblages in a subarctic lake. Sediments of the small Lake Njargajavri, in northern Finnish Lapland above the present treeline, were studied using multi-proxy methods. The palaeolimnological development of the lake was assessed by analyses of chironomids, Cladocera and diatoms. The lake was formed in the early Holocene and was characterized by prominent erosion and leaching from poorly developed soils before the establishment of birch forests, resulting in a high pH and trophic state. The lake level started to lower as early as ca. 10,200 cal. BP. In the resulting shallow basin, rich in aquatic mosses, pH decreased and a diverse cladoceran and chironomid assemblage developed. It is likely that there was a slight rise in the water level ca. 8000 cal. BP. Later, during the mid-Holocene characterized by low effective moisture detected elsewhere in Fennoscandia, the lake probably completely dried out; this is manifest as a hiatus in the stratigraphy. The sediment record continues from ca. 5000 cal. BP onwards as the lake formed again due to increased effective moisture. The new lake was characterized by very low pH. The possible spread of pine to the catchment and the development of heath community may have contributed to the unusually steep (for northern Fennoscandia) decline in pH via change in soils, together with the natural decrease in leaching of base cations. Furthermore, the change in pH may have been driven by cooling climate, affecting the balance of dissolved inorganic carbon in the lake.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric Linkage of Paleoclimate During the Last Glaciation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Combined glacial geologic and palynologic data from the southern Lake District, Seno Reloncaví, and Isla Grande de Chiloé in middle latitudes (40°35’–42°25’S) of the Southern Hemisphere Andes suggest (1) that full-glacial or near-full-glacial climate conditions persisted from about 29,400 to 14,550 14C yr BP in late Llanquihue time, (2) that within this late Llanquihue interval mean summer temperature was depressed 6°–8°C compared to modern values during major glacier advances into the outer moraine belt at 29,400, 26,760, 22,295–22,570, and 14,550–14,805 14C yr BP , (3) that summer temperature depression was as great during early Llanquihue as during late Llanquihue time, (4) that climate deteriorated from warmer conditions during the early part to colder conditions during the later part of middle Llanquihue time, (5) that superimposed on long-term climate deterioration are Gramineae peaks on Isla Grande de Chiloé that represent cooling at 44,520–47,110 14C yr BP (T-11), 32,105–35,764 14C yr BP (T-9), 24,895–26,019 14C yr BP (T-7), 21,430–22,774 14C yr BP (T-5), and 13,040–15,200 14C yr BP (T-3), (6) that the initial phase of the glacial/interglacial transition of the last termination involved at least two major steps, one beginning at 14,600 14C yr BP and another at 12,700–13,000 14 C yr BP , and (7) that a late-glacial climate reversal of ≥2–3° C set in close to 12,200 14C yr BP , after an interval of near-interglacial warmth, and continued into Younger Dryas time. The late-glacial climate signal from the southern Chilean Lake District ties into that from proglacial Lago Mascardi in the nearby Argentine Andes, which shows rapid ice recession peaking at 12,400 14C yr BP , followed by a reversal of trend that culminated in Younger-Dryas-age glacier readvance at 11,400–10,200 14C yr BP . Many full- and late-glacial climate shifts in the southern Lake District match those from New Zealand at nearly the same Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes. At the last glacial maximum (LGM), snowline lowering relative to present-day values was nearly the same in the Southern Alps (875 m) and the Chilean Andes (1000 m). Particularly noteworthy are the new Younger-Dryas-age exposure dates of the Lake Misery moraines in Arthur's Pass in the Southern Alps. Moreover, pollen records from the Waikato lowlands on North Island show that a major vegetation shift at close to 14,700 14C yr BP marked the beginning of the last glacial/interglacial transition (Newnham et al. 1989). The synchronous and nearly uniform lowering of snowlines in Southern Hemisphere middle-latitude mountains compared with Northern Hemisphere values suggests global cooling of about the same magnitude in both hemispheres at the LGM. When compared with paleoclimate records from the North Atlantic region, the middle-latitude Southern Hemisphere terrestrial data imply interhemispheric symmetry of the structure and timing of the last glacial/interglacial transition. In both regions atmospheric warming pulses are implicated near the beginning of Oldest Dryas time (~14,600 14C yr BP) and near the Oldest Dryas/Bölling transition (~12,700–13,000 14 C yr BP ). The second of these warming pulses was coincident with resumption of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation similar to that of the modern mode, with strong formation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water in the Nordic Seas. In both regions, the maximum Bölling-age warmth was achieved at 12,200–12,500 14 C yr BP , and was followed by a reversal in climate trend. In the North Atlantic region, and possibly in middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, this reversal culminated in a Younger-Dryas-age cold pulse. Although changes in ocean circulation can redistribute heat between the hemispheres, they cannot alone account either for the synchronous planetary cooling of the LGM or for the synchronous interhemispheric warming steps of the abrupt glacial-to-interglacial transition. Instead, the dominant interhemispheric climate linkage must feature a global atmospheric signal. The most likely source of this signal is a change in the greenhouse content of the atmosphere. We speculate that the Oldest Dryas warming pulse originated from an increase in atmospheric water-vapor production by half-precession forcing in the tropics. The major thermohaline switch near the Oldest Dryas/Bölling transition then couldhave triggered another increase in tropical water-vapor production to near-interglacial values.  相似文献   

Cladoceran microfossil remains were analysed from a sediment core taken from a lake basin at Kråkenes, western Norway. The sequence included immediate post-glacial conditions (ca. 12,300 14C BP), the Allerod, Younger Dryas, and early Holocene to approximately 8,500 14C BP. The interpretation of changes in the cladoceran assemblages is based on the known ecology of the taxa, the documented environmental history of the study sequence, the variations in the organic content of the sediment, the radiocarbon dates, and the results of analyses of other biotic groups, including diatoms, macrophytes, and chironomids. In addition, a quantitative reconstruction of changes in air temperature is presented for the study period. This reconstruction is based on transfer functions developed from a separate Swiss surface-sediment cladoceran data set.The cladoceran assemblages throughout the sequence are dominated by littoral chydorid taxa. Bosmina, Daphnia, and Simocephalus represent the open-water component of the zooplankton. Chydorus piger and Daphnia were the only immediate post-glacial pioneer taxa. A rapid proliferation of the open-water and littoral cladoceran taxa began with the onset of the Allerod and persisted for approximately 1,000 yrs. At the start of the Younger Dryas a local glacier formed and drained into the lake, causing a sudden decline in chydorid diversity, with only Chydorus sphaericus and Acroperus harpae persisting throughout this period. Chydorid diversity started to recover in the upper Younger Dryas and continued in the early Holocene. Progressive acidification and oligotrophication are also discernible from the cladoceran assemblages present in the Holocene.The reconstructed mean summer air temperature was from 8-21 °C, with prediction errors of 1.8-2.5 °C. The Allerod was only slightly warmer than the Younger Dryas period, but a progressive increase in temperature is apparent during the early Holocene. In conclusion, the results of this study provide a further demonstration of the value of cladocera as indicators of a variety of palaeoenvironmental parameters, including temperature.  相似文献   

We inferred late Pleistocene and early Holocene (24–10 ka BP) environmental conditions in and around Lago Petén Itzá, Guatemala from ostracode remains in the lake sediments. Multivariate statistics were run on autecological information for 29 extant ostracode species collected in 63 aquatic ecosystems on the Yucatán Peninsula along a steep, increasing NW–S precipitation gradient and across a large altitudinal range. Conductivity and water depth are the most important factors that shape ostracode communities. Transfer functions were developed and applied to fossil ostracode assemblages in a ~76-m sediment core (PI-6, ~85 ka) taken in 71 m of water from Lago Petén Itzá, to infer past shifts in conductivity and water level. Results suggest climate was cold and wet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Alternating dry and wet conditions characterized the deglacial. Early Holocene climate was warmer and wetter. The LGM was characterized by low ostracode species richness (4 spp.) and abundance (<940 valves g−1), dominance of benthic over nektobenthic taxa, abundant Physocypria globula, conductivity as low as 190 μS cm−1, and clay-rich sediments with relatively high total organic carbon and low C/N ratios (<14), suggesting relatively deeper water at the core site associated with abundant precipitation. Greatest water depth at the core site during the LGM occurred late in the period and was ~50 m. The deglacial was characterized by drier conditions, higher ostracode species richness (6 spp.) and abundances up to 18,115 valves g−1, dominance of nektobenthic species, and presence of shallow-water and littoral-zone indicators such as Heterocypris punctata and Strandesia intrepida, conductivity up to 550 μS cm−1, C/N ratios as high as 37, and gypsum deposition. Lowest inferred lake depth at the core site during the deglacial was ~20 m. The early Holocene was characterized by high numbers of ostracode remains, up to 25,500 valves g−1, and the presence of L. opesta and P. globula. Cytheridella ilosvayi was absent from late Pleistocene sediments, suggesting it colonized northern Central America during the Holocene.  相似文献   

We used multiple variables in a sediment core from Lake Peten-Itza, Peten, Guatemala, to infer Holocene climate change and human influence on the regional environment. Multiple proxies including pollen, stable isotope geochemistry, elemental composition, and magnetic susceptibility in samples from the same core allow differentiation of natural versus anthropogenic environmental changes. Core chronology is based on AMS 14C measurement of terrestrial wood and charcoal and thus avoids the vagaries of hard-water-lake error. During the earliest Holocene, prior to 9000 14C yr BP, the coring site was not covered by water and all proxies suggest that climatic conditions were relatively dry. Water covered the coring site by 9000 14C yr BP, coinciding with filling of other lakes in Peten and farther north on the Yucatan Peninsula. During the early Holocene (9000 to 6800 14C yr BP), pollen data suggest moist conditions, but high 18O values are indicative of relatively high E/P. This apparent discrepancy may be due to a greater fractional loss of the lake's water budget to evaporation during the early stages of lake filling. Nonetheless, conditions were moist enough to support semi-deciduous lowland forest. Decrease in 18O values and associated change in ostracod species at 6800 14C yr BP suggest a transition to even moister conditions. Decline in lowland forest taxa beginning 5780 14C yr BP may indicate early human disturbance. By 2800 14C yr BP, Maya impact on the environment is documented by accelerated forest clearance and associated soil erosion. Multiple proxies indicate forest recovery and soil stabilization beginning 1100 to 1000 14C yr BP, following the collapse of Classic Maya civilization.  相似文献   

Serpent River Bog lies north of North Channel, 10 m above Lake Huron and 15 m below the Nipissing Great Lake level. A 2.3 m Holocene sequence contains distinct alternating beds of inorganic clastic clay and organic peat that are interpreted as evidence of successive inundation and isolation by highstands and lowstands of the large Huron-Basin lake. Lowstand phases are confirmed by the presence of shallow-water pollen and plant macrofossil remains in peat units. Twelve 14C dates on peat, wood and plant macrofossils combined with previously published 14C ages of lake-level indicators confirm much of the known early Holocene lake-level history with one notable exception. A new Late Mattawa highstand (8,390 [9,400 cal]–8,220 [9,200 cal] BP) evidenced by a sticky blue-grey clay bed is tied to outburst floods of glacial Lake Minong during erosion of the Nadoway drift barrier in the eastern Lake Superior basin. A subsequent Late Mattawa highstand (8,110 [9,040 cal]–8,060 [8,970 cal] BP) is attributed to enhanced meltwater inflows that first had deposited thick varves throughout Superior Basin. Inundation by the Nadoway floods and possibly the last Mattawa flood were likely responsible for termination of the Olson Forest (southern Lake Michigan). A pollen diagram supports the recognized progression of Holocene vegetation, and defines a subzone implying a very dry, cool climate about 7.8–7.5 (8.6–8.3 cal) ka BP based on the Alnus crispa profile during the Late Stanley lowstand. A new date of 9,470 ± 25 (10,680–10,750 cal) BP on basal peat over lacustrine clay at Espanola West Bog supports the previous interpretation of the Early Mattawa highstand at ca. 9,500 (10,740 cal) BP. The organic and clastic sediment units at these two bogs are correlated with other records showing coherent evidence of Holocene repeated inundation and isolation around northern Lake Huron. Taken together the previous and new lake-level data suggest that the Huron and Georgian basin lakes were mainly closed lowstands throughout early Holocene time except for short-lived highstands. Three of the lowstands were exceptionally low, and likely caused three episodes of offshore sediment erosion which had been previously identified as seismo-stratigraphic sequence boundaries.  相似文献   

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