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Results of investigations of Baikal bottom sediments from a long core (BDP-97) and several short (0–1 m) cores are presented. It has been shown that the Holocene sediments in the Baikal basins consist of biogenic-terrigenous muds, accumulated under calm sedimentation conditions, and of turbidites, formed during catastrophic events. The turbidites can be distinguished from the host sediments by their enrichment in heavy minerals and thus their high magnetic susceptibility. Often, Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom species observed in the Holocene sediments (mainly in the turbidites) point to redeposition of ancient offshore sediments. Our results indicate that deltas, littoral zones, and continental slopes are the source areas of turbidites. The fact that the turbidites occur far from their sources confirms the existence of high-energy turbidity currents responsible for long-distance lateral-sediment transport to the deep basin planes of the lake.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a comprehensive investigation into the recent sediments of Proval Bay. This bay formed during catastrophicflooding of a big block of land as a result of an earthquake in 1862. Comparison of the sketch map of the bay for 1862 with its modern mapshows that the boundary of the Selenga River delta has shifted considerably eastward. The sediments of Proval Bay are sands, silty pelite,and pelitic silt. Terrigenous material is predominant and consists of mineral grains and land plant remains, admixed with diatom frustules andsponge spicules. In the southwestern part of the bay, turbidites and a soil layer have been found. The latter was buried when the water levelin Lake Baikal rose after the construction of the Irkutsk dam in 1959–1964. In the northeastern part of the bay, a peatlike layer has beenfound in the bottom sediment core. It formed in Lake Beloe, which existed in the Tsagan steppe before the 1862 earthquake. According todiatom analysis, this lake was shallow and eutrophic. The sedimentation rates in different parts of Proval Bay differ greatly and directly dependon proximity to the Selenga River. Variations in the geochemical indicators which reflect the ratio of organic to clastic components in thebottom sediments of the bay are controlled by temperature and water level variations in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

The Cow Head Group is an Early Palaeozoic base-of-slope sediment apron composed of carbonate and shale. Whereas coarse-grained conglomerate and calcarenite are readily interpreted as debris-flow and turbidite deposits, calcilutite (lime mudstone), calcisiltite, and shale combine to form three distinct lithofacies whose present attributes are a function of both sedimentation and early diagenesis. Shale is the most common lithology. Black, green, and red shale colour variations reflect the abundance of organic matter in the source area and oxygenation conditions of the sea bottom. In black and green shale, millimetre- to centimetre-thick, alternating dark and light laminations represent terrigenous mud turbidites and hemipelagites, respectively. The calcisiltite/shale facies is uncommon and is composed of numerous graded carbonate-shale sequences (GCSS) deposited from waning carbonate turbidites and fall-out of terrigenous muds. Some of the characteristics of ribbon and parted lime mudstones in the calcilutite/shale facies can be explained by deposition of carbonate mud from dilute turbidity currents or hemipelagic settling. Other features are diagenetic in origin. The lack of micrite in GCSS and in the interbedded shales of the calcilutite/shale facies is interpreted to reflect early dissolution of the finer carbonate from these sediments. This remobilized carbonate was precipitated locally to: lithify lime mudstone turbidites or hemipelagites; form diagenetic lime mudstone beds and nodules; cement calcisiltites; and form dolomite. Many of the calcisiltites and calcilutites were, therefore, carbonate enriched at the expense of adjacent argillaceous sediments. These attributes characterize not only fine-grained sediments of the Cow Head Group but many other Early Palaeozoic slope carbonates as well, suggesting that the model proposed here for depositionl diagenesis has wider application.  相似文献   

杨朝青  庆安 《沉积学报》1990,8(2):59-66
云南曲靖中泥盆统曲靖组中发育了陆源碎屑与海相碳酸盐的混合沉积。混合沉积发生在以泥为背景沉积物的海湾中,系由突发性事件造成,属间断混合。主要表现为:在同一沉积环境背景上,陆源碎屑与灰泥和生物屑混合掺杂而形成混合组分沉积物。本文还对混合组分岩石的分类命名作了讨论,并命名了混合沉积的典型产物“混积岩”  相似文献   

Core A9-EB2 from the eastern Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula, consists of pelagic (diatom ooze-clay couplets and bioturbated diatom ooze) and hemipelagic (bioturbated mud) sediments interbedded with turbidites (homogeneous mud and silt–clay couplets). The cyclic and laminated nature of these pelagic sediments represents alternation between the deposition of diatom-rich biogenic sediments and of terrigenous sediments. Sediment properties and geochemical data explain the contrasting lamination, with light layers being finer-grained and relatively rich in total organic carbon and biogenic silica content. Also, the high-resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) variations highlight distinct features: high MS values coincide with clastic-rich sections and low MS values correspond to biogenic sections. The chronology developed for core A9-EB2 accounts for anomalous ages associated with turbidites and shows a linear sedimentation rate of approximately 87 cm/103 yr, which is supported by an accumulation rate of 80 cm/103 yr calculated from 210Pb activity. The late Holocene records clearly identify Neoglacial events of the Little Ice Age (LIA) and Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Other unexplained climatic events comparable in duration and amplitude to the LIA and MWP events also appear in the MS record, suggesting intrinsically unstable climatic conditions during the late Holocene in the Bransfield Basin of Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(4):605-616
Lake Valencia is a tropical lowland lake in north-central Venezuela. Lake bottom sediments were collected from 25 locations in April, 1988. At 2 locations water pH, conductivity, dissolved O2 and temperature were measured at successive depths. After drying, 5 sediment samples were sieved into 5 mechanical fractions. Each was extracted with 1 M HNO3 and analysed for AI, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn. The <63 μm fraction of all samples was similarly analysed. Water temperatures declined with depth (1°C/25 m) from approximately 26°C. Conductivity varied little with depth but dissolved O2 contents indicated anoxic conditions < 25 m. Water pH (8.8–9.4) was consistent with high dissolved carbonates. There was little consistent relationship between grain size and sediment metal contents. Approximate baseline metal contents were calculated from 21 of 25 samples. The average composition of the sediments corresponded to an ideal mixture of shales/carbonate rocks as 0.5–0.7/0.5-0.3. Five samples from alluvial fans near the mouths of rivers traversing urban-industrial zones had compositions different from the other sediments. Generally, Ph, Zn, Ni, Cd and Cu were anthropogenically enriched by factors of 2–16. The major sources of pollutants were identified as domestic and industrial activities affecting the rivers that traverse the lakeside cities of Maracay and Valencia. Sodium, Mg, Ca, Mn and CO3 showed natural enrichment arising from carbonate precipitation following a physical mixing of 2 sedimentary components (biogenic carbonate and terrigenous material). Low geochemical mobility of metallic elements in neutral-basic and reducing waters, a processes of bury and mixture of sediments and precipitation of carbonate result in only 10% of the lake area being affected by contamination. Isoline plots of elements in the bottom sediments supported a hypothesis that material mixing, physical transport and carbonate precipitation are the main controls of spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Subglacial and subaqueous sediments deposited near the margin of a Late-glacial ice-dammed lake near Achnasheen, northern Scotland, are described and interpreted. The subglacial sediments consist of deformation tills and glacitectonites derived from pre-existing glaciolacustrine deposits, and the subaqueous sediments consist of ice-proximal outwash and sediment flow deposits, and distal turbidites. Sediment was delivered from the glacier to the lake by two main processes: (1) subglacial till deformation, which fed debris flows at the grounding line; and (2) meltwater transport, which fed sediment-gravity flows on prograding outwash fans. Beyond the ice-marginal environment, deposition was from turbidity currents, ice-rafting and settling of suspended sediments. The exposures support the conclusion that the presence of a subglacial deforming layer can exert an important influence on sedimentation at the grounding lines of calving glaciers.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the lithological composition of Cenozoic deposits penetrated for the first time by boreholes BDP-96-1, BDP-96-2, and BDP-98 down to a depth of 600 m on the underwater Akademicheskii Ridge in Lake Baikal. The deposits are subdivided into the upper (Angara) and lower (Barguzin) sequences, which span the Middle Miocene-Holocene period. They formed under different climatic conditions and tectonic settings. Sources of the terrigenous material were also different. Outbursts of diatom-and mineral formation in Lake Baikal can be related to not only climatic fluctuations in the Miocene-Holocene, but also the endogenous activity. By the analogy with the World Ocean, underwater gas-hydrothermal fluid discharge detected at the water-bottom interface in this lake may be accompanied by the formation of diatomaceous oozes and ferromanganese nodule fields and the concentration of rare elements.  相似文献   

The Hovsgol Drilling Project retrieved Pleistocene sediment section with the basal age of ca. 1 Ma from the Hovsgol rift basin, NW Mongolia. Detailed lithologic data on drill cores is presented and compared with analogous sediment facies in the radiocarbon-dated records of the last glacial–interglacial transition. Drill cores from two sites, presently in 239 m and 235 m water depth, represent somewhat different depositional settings. The shorter HDP-06 drill core (26 m) at the base of the gentler SE slope of the rift basin contains lithologic evidence for several recent lake lowstands on the order of −200 m. The longer HDP-04 drill core (81 m) some 8 km away at the base of the steep NW underwater slope is composed of finer sediments and contains at least 10 characteristic transitions from calcareous to carbonate-free (diatomaceous) layers. These lithologic transitions are interpreted here as signals of repeated Pleistocene lake transgressions in the Hovsgol basin. Transgressions appear to have been associated with lower sedimentation rates and with the deposition of thin turbidite beds at the drill site. Comparison of drill core lithology with the available seismic data shows reasonable agreement in terms of the number of lowstand events and the general trends of changing lake level. HDP-04 drill core retrieved shallow-water facies containing sand and carbonate oolites deposited at the time of the most dramatic mid-Pleistocene regression of the lake. At ca. 24 m core depth, this interval corresponds to a major basinwide angular unconformity apparent in the seismic pattern. Lake Hovsgol, a smaller sister rift lake of the grand Lake Baikal, has a confined local catchment, which makes it very sensitive to regional variations in the effective moisture. Consisting primarily of calcareous mud, the sedimentary record of Lake Hovsgol provides a unique regional sedimentary archive. Future multi-proxy studies of the Hovsgol sedimentary records will allow constraint of the mid-late Pleistocene history of the hydrologic budget in the Baikal region of continental interior Asia.  相似文献   

An investigation of Recent bottom sediments between Cyprus Island and the Syrian seacoast on the 27th cruise of the R/VVityaz (1993) gave comprehensive field data significantly complementing our understanding of the sedimentation process in this part of the Mediterranean. Mineralogical and geochemical indicators testify to different input into sedimentaion of the Syrian and Nile River sources. The Nile River plays the leading role in terrigenous sedimentation in the southeastern Mediterranean, especially in deep-sea areas. In contrast, the contribution of the weathering products of basalts and ophilites of the Syrian drainage area (hornblende, monoclinic and rhombic pyroxenes, olivine, spinel, palagonite, and epidote) are particularly detectable in sediments in the near-coastal zone. During the Late Quaternary, the terrigenous material input was irregular in time and distribution both from the Syrian and Nile sources.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the distribution of heavy metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb, Pb, and Bi) as well as Si, Al, Fe, and Mn in the surface (0–2 cm) layer of bottom sediments of the Kara Sea. The contents of these elements are determined in each of the previously distinguished facies-genetic types of terrigenous sediments: fluvial, glacial, estuarine, shallow water–marine, “background” marine, and relict sediments. It is shown that these types reflect the modern conditions of accumulation of river discharge material, which forms fans of two greatest Siberian rivers, Ob and Yenisei. The main stages are distinguished in heavy metal accumulation. The first stage is related to the avalanche sedimentation of terrigenous sediments in the estuary and characterized by the elevated contents of Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb, and Bi. The second stage reflects the mechanical differentiation of sedimentary material by waves and bottom currents in a shallow-water sea part adjacent to the estuarine zone, with accumulation of Pb- and Sn-bearing “heavy” ore minerals. The deepwater background terrigenous–marine sediments accumulate mainly Ni, Zn, and Cd, as well as Mn. The relict sediments differ in the high contents of Si, Mn, and Sn.  相似文献   

The paper describes the palynology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeogeographic setting of Lower Cretaceous turbiditic and terrigenous deep-sea sediments at the Tethyan margins of Africa and Alboran (External Domain of the Rif, and Flysch Nappes). During the Early Cretaceous terrigenous turbiditic deep-water sedimentation characterizes two different palaeogeographic domains in the southern part of the western Tethys:
  • In the northern area of the External Domain (Ketama Unit of the Rif) alternating turbiditic arenites and pelites are interpreted as sediments of a distal part of a fan system on the Tethyan margin of Africa. The main sources for the terrigenous material were situated in Central and Western Algeria; only little sand transited through the Prerif and the Mesorif zones of Morocco. The terrigenous sedimentation began in the Hauterivian, but the main turbiditic cycles are of Aptian to Lower and Middle Albian age.
  • The Flysch Domain probably was situated far to the Northeast with respect to the Rif basin, at the western and southern margins of the Alboran microplate. Relatively proximal turbidites form most of the Tisirène Nappe, whereas more distal turbidites constitute the series of the Melloussa and the Chouamat Nappes. The existence of two different source areas is demonstrated, one to the NE and the other to the NW of the depositional area. The turbidites probably were deposited on a E-W oriented fan system which progradated into a longitudinal trench-like trough. In the Central Rif area, the Tisirène Flysch is of Valanginian to Albian (pre-Vraconian) age. In the Western Rif and in the Melloussa and Chouamat Nappes of the whole area no sediments older than Aptian have been found.
  • The stratigraphy of the investigated series is based on a new tentative palynostratigraphic zonation, using pollen, spores and dinoflagellate cysts. Rich and well preserved assemblages have been found in the Western Rif only, whereas the samples of the Tisirène Nappe and the Chouamat Nappe in the Central and Eastern Rif have been affected by some thermal alteration. Black and mostly opaque palynomorphs from the Ketama Unit reflect the strong thermal influence in the External Domain of the Central and Eastern Rif.  相似文献   

    First systematic data on the variations of εNd(T) in the Neoproterozoic sedimentary sequence of the Baikal–Patom fold belt (Northern Transbaikalia) are reported. The range of obtained εNd(T) is–19.4…–2.0. It was established that the rocks of the Ballaganach and most part of the Dal’nyaya Taiga groups are characterized by εNd(T) from–19.4 to–16.3. Upsection, beginning from the Khomolkha Formation, the rocks show a sharp change in the initial Nd isotope composition (εNd(T)–8.3…–2.0). The results of Sm-Nd study of metasedimentary rocks of the BPB, as well as the comparison of their Sm-Nd characteristics with those of the inferred source areas suggest that the input of terrigenous material at the early stage of sedimentation in the Baikal–Patom belt was mainly related to the destruction of the Early Proterozoic crust of the Siberian craton. Owing to a change of sedimentation setting from passive continental margin to the “foreland” basin at the late stage, the terrigenous material of the Siberian craton was diluted by clastics from juvenile Neoproterozoic crust of the Baikal–Muya belt.  相似文献   

    Temperate shelf carbonate sediments in the Cenozoic of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Shelf limestones are widely distributed in New Zealand Cenozoic sequences and are especially well developed in the Oligocene. Detailed field and laboratory work on several Oligocene occurrences, and reconnaissance field-work at most other sections have elucidated the major characteristics of the environment, texture, composition and diagenesis of these sediments. Several generalizations emerge which contrast with the commonly accepted characteristics of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation established from studies of tropical and subtropical deposits. The limestones are either calcarenites or, less commonly, calcilutites and, in general, these two lithologies are mutually exclusive, both in time and space. The allochems and interparticle carbonate mud (where developed) in calcarenitic limestones consist almost exclusively of fragmented skeletal material derived primarily from bryozoan, echinodermal, benthic foraminiferal, barnacle, brachiopod, bivalve and coralline red algal tests. The calcilutitic limestones consist mainly of whole and disintegrated tests of pelagic foraminifers and coccolithophorids. Non-skeletal carbonate components such as ooids, pellets and aggregates are conspicuously absent from both lithologies. Reefal structures are also absent or rare and are mainly oyster reefs. The limestones commonly contain a significant content of terrigenous material and/or glauconite and at the stratigraphic level the limestones are intimately associated with terrigenous formations. The distribution of the carbonate sediments has been governed mainly by rate of supply of river-derived terrigenous material, by subsequent dispersal patterns of this material over the shelf, and by current sorting. As a consequence of selective grain transport, bedding in the limestones is often defined by the cyclic alternation on a wide range of scales of carbonate units that are relatively enriched and relatively impoverished in terrigenous material. The primary (carbonate) mineralogy of the carbonate sediments was completely dominated by magnesium calcite and/or calcite with only small amounts of aragonite and no dolomite or associated evaporite minerals. The metastable magnesium calcite and aragonite grains were probably altered on, or close below, the shallow sea-floor. Among other factors, transformation was encouraged by the absorption of magnesium in pore waters by montmorillonitic clays and by the complete oxidation of all organic matter in the bottom sediments. Magnesium calcite grains were stabilized by texturally non-destructive incongruent dissolution, but aragonite was often dissolved without trace from the sediment, especially in grainstones. Thus submarine diagenesis has been characterized by selective dissolution phenomena. Cementation by granular and syntaxial rim orthosparite of calcite and/or ferroan calcite composition occurred mainly during shallow subsurface burial and was associated with the intergranular solution of calcitic skeletal fragments, especially at those levels in the sediment relatively enriched in terrigenous material. This lithification process has worked to accentuate and modify original litho-logic differences and sedimentary structures in the primary sediments and has produced a kind of rhythmic vertical alternation of less well cemented, microstylolitized, impure limestone beds (‘cement-donor’ beds) and well cemented, more open textured, purer limestone beds (‘cement-receptor’ beds). The New Zealand limestones formed between latitudes 60° S and 35° S under generally cool temperate to warm temperate climate conditions. Oxygen isotopes suggest that surface waters were mainly significantly cooler than 20°C, so that shelf waters may have experienced extended periods of undersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate. Generally open circulation patterns maintained near normal salinity values over the entire shelf platform. Calculated sedimentation rates for the New Zealand carbonate sediments are generally very low (< 5 cm/1000 years). Periods of more active deposition commonly alternated with longer periods of non-deposition and by-passing or erosion. It is concluded that many characteristics of the New Zealand shelf limestone occurrences are explained best by a temperate latitude model of shallow marine carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

    New additional indicators proposed to characterize facies zonality of Recent sediments of the Fram Strait include content and composition of biogenic components in the size fraction >0.063 mm, relationship between biogenic and terrigenous components, and sedimentation rate. Spitsbergen predominates among the sedimentary material sources in this region. The first scheme of sedimentation rates is compiled for Yermak Plateau sediments with an age younger than 7 ka  相似文献   

    Results of study of pore waters of bottom sediments from different Baikal basins are presented. The most typical ion distribution patterns reflecting the Baikal sediment diagenesis are given. We have established that in areas with regular sedimentation, in the absence of faults and inflows, the sediment pore waters of three lake basins inherit the chemical composition of the Baikal water, which is stable in time and space. Changes in pore water composition mark general natural anomalies, such as the presence of active faults, tectonic movements, and inflows along permeable zones. In areas with the subsurface occurrence of gas hydrates, thorough long-term research has revealed an anomalous composition of pore waters. It has been established that the anomalies are caused by a discharge of deep-level mud-volcanic fluids. The ejected mud-volcanic waters differ from each other in mineralization, ion composition, and sources, which determines the difference in hydrate formation and the composition of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

    中国海域拥有宽广的大陆架,同时还有陆坡和深海盆,有众多河流入海并输入巨量的陆源物质,沉积物记录了海陆变迁、环流变化、海平面升降、物质输送和气候变化等环境信息。沉积物的粒度特征可以反映沉积动力、物质来源和搬运距离等,可以通过沉积物粒度组成、参数及各种图解来研究沉积环境的变化。前人对中国海域表层沉积物的粒度分布特征展开了大量的研究,取得了丰富的研究成果,但这些研究多集中在某一海域或区域,缺乏对整个中国海域的表层沉积物类型的宏观系统认识。本文基于中国地质调查局“1:100万海洋区域地质调查项目”获取了中国海域4300个海底表层沉积物样品,通过沉积物粒度分析,结合前人已发表资料,对中国海域表层沉积物的沉积类型特征、物质来源和运移模式等开展了系统的研究。本文把浅海和半深海沉积物按照含砾石和不含砾石主要划分出5个和7个沉积物类型,深海沉积物主要划分了9个沉积类型,研究结果表明:中国海域表层沉积物沉积类型多样、来源复杂,主要受控于物质来源、水动力条件和地形地貌的变化,在东部海域总体呈现“大江大河-宽缓陆架-残留慢速沉积”的条带状沉积分异模式,而在南部海域呈现的是“短源性河流-多类型陆架-重力流快速沉积”的环带状沉积分异模式。本文的结果对研究中国海域沉积物的宏观分布规律提供了基础资料,对理解海洋沉积动力过程具有重要意义,同时沉积物粒度的特征对海底砂矿分布也具有指示意义。  相似文献   

    Evidence from the Olkhon Island-Maloe More Strait area, one of the most representative areas of Lake Baikal, has revealed the following unique phenomenon. Under certain favorable conditions, the transport of sedimentary matter to water basin from land is supplemented with the abundant delivery of loose material in the form of sand flows over large areas (up to 3 km2 ) to the adjacent coast. We have revealed a specific cycle of material (reversible lithoflow) accompanied by the differentiation of sediments. The pelitic and silty fractions are separated from the psephitic and psammitic fractions in the subaqueous setting. The eolian transport of the psammitic material from the beach zone into the island is predominated by the removal of the medium-grained sand (fraction 0.5–0.25 mm). The mineral composition of main sources of terrigenous material is given. Formation conditions of the areas of eolian sands and their mineral and grain-size compositions, which reflect the existence of reversible lithoflows on the Baikal coast, are described. The physicomechanical properties (strength and adherence) of sandy sediments are assessed.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 2, 2005, pp. 133–142.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Akulov, Agafonov, Lomonosova, Vologina.  相似文献   

    Recognition of the occurrence and extent of hemipelagic and pelagic deposits in turbidite sequences is of considerable importance for environmental analysis (palaeodepth, circulation, distance from land, hemipelagic or pelagic versus turbidite sedimentation rates) of ancient basins. Differentiation between the finegrained parts (E-division) of turbidites and the (hemi-) pelagic layers (F-division of turbidite-pelagite alternations) is facilitated in basins where carbonate turbidites were deposited below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) such as the Flysch Zone of the East Alps but may be difficult in other basins where less compositional contrast is developed between the fine-grained turbidites and hemipelagites. This difficulty pertains particularly in Palaeozoic and older basins. For Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oceans with a relatively deep calcite compensation level three other types of turbidite basins may be distinguished for which differentiation becomes increasingly more difficult in the sequence from (1) to (3): (1) terrigenous turbidite basins above the CCD; (2) carbonate turbidite basins above the CCD; (3) terrigenous turbidite basins below the CCD. Criteria and methods useful for the differentiation between turbiditic and hemipelagic mudstone in the Upper Cretaceous of the Flysch Zone of the East Alps include calcium carbonate content, colour, sequential analysis, distribution of bioturbation, and microfaunal content. In modern turbidite basins clay mineral content, organic matter content, plant fragments, and grain-size (graded bedding, maximum grain diameter) have reportedly also been used as criteria (see Table 3). Deposition of muddy sediment by turbidity currents on weakly sloping sea bottoms such as the distal parts of deep-sea fans or abyssal plains is not only feasible but may lead to the accumulation of thick layers. Contrary to earlier speculation it can be explained by the hydrodynamic theory of turbidity currents, if temperature differences between the turbidity current and the ambient deep water as well as relatively high current velocities for the deposition of turbiditic muds (an order of magnitude higher on mud surfaces than commonly assumed) are taken into consideration. The former add to the capacity of turbidity currents to carry muddy sediment without creating a driving force on a low slope.  相似文献   

    Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses were carried out on seven Kullenberg cores collected across the Brazilian continental margin during the French cruises Byblos and Apsara III, in order to highlight the factors controlling the sediment flux distribution in the Southern Brazil Basin during the late Quaternary. On the continental slope and upper continental rise above 3000 m depth, sediment fluxes are important and highly variable (4·2–14·2 g cm?2 10?3 yr). The sediments show a pelagic or turbiditic character, depending on the width of the shelf and proximity of canyons. The material is characterized by high kaolinite contents, and originates from the coastal rivers draining the South American continent north of Rio de Janeiro. On the middle continental rise between 3000 and 4000 m depth, sediment fluxes are the lowest observed in the area (0·9 g cm?2 10?3 yr), because terrigenous input is trapped at shallower depths on the São Paulo Plateau. Pelagic settling is the dominant process. In the deep domains, below 4000 m depth, contouritic accumulations are developed on the path of the northwards moving Antarctic bottom water (AABW) currents. The deposits consist of fine-grained silty-clayey muds with very low carbonate contents. The sediment fluxes (1·45 g cm?2 10?3 yr) are higher than on the middle continental rise, as a consequence of fine-grained terrigenous supply derived from higher latitudes (Argentine Basin and Southern Ocean), and transported in the basin through the Vema Channel by the AABW currents. This material is characterized by high smectite and chlorite contents. These data reveal large sediment flux variations which are linked to distinct depth-related domains. Such a distribution is the consequence of the presence of two available sources of terrigenous sediments: (1) the Brazilian continental areas with a downslope material transport and a sediment distribution controlled by the morphology of the margin, and (2) the Argentine Basin with an alongslope material transport by deep-sea currents which dominate the sedimentation in the abyssal domains.  相似文献   

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