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Three-dimensional modelling tools are used with structural and palaeomagnetic analysis to constrain the tectonic history of part of the Dauphiné zone (external Western Alps). Four compressive events are identified, three of them being older than the latest Oligocene. Deformation D1 consists of W–SW directed folds in the Mesozoic cover of the study area. This event, better recorded in the central and southern Pelvoux massif, could be of Eocene age or older. Deformation D2 induced N-NW-oriented basement thrusting and affected the whole southern Dauphiné basement massifs south of the study area. The main compressional event in the study area (D3) was WNW oriented and occurred before 24 Ma under a thick tectonic load probably of Penninic nappes. The D2-D3 shift corresponds to a rapid transition from northward propagation of the Alpine collision directly driven by Africa-Europe convergence, to the onset of westward escape into the Western Alpine arc. This Oligocene change in the collisional regime is recorded in the whole Alpine realm, and led to the activation of the Insubric line. The last event (D4) is late Miocene in age and coeval with the final uplift of the Grandes Rousses and Belledonne external massifs. It produced strike-slip faulting and local rotations that significantly deformed earlier Alpine folds and thrusts, Tethyan fault blocks and Hercynian structures. 3D modelling of an initially horizontal surface, the interface between basement and Mesozoic cover, highlights large-scale basement involved asymmetric folding that is also detected using structural analysis. Both, Jurassic block faulting and basement fold-and-thrust shortening were strongly dependent on the orientation of Tethyan extension and Alpine shortening relative to the late Hercynian fabric. The latter’s reactivation in response to oblique Jurassic extension produced an en-échelon syn-rift fault pattern, best developed in the western, strongly foliated basement units. Its Alpine reactivation occurred with maximum efficiency during the early stages of lateral escape, with tectonic transport in the overlying units being sub-perpendicular to it.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analyses along a W–E-orientated transect across northern Corsica indicate an important episode of crustal exhumation in late early Miocene time. Samples taken from the Alpine orogenic wedge, from the adjacent foreland basin and from the crystalline basement complex flooring the basin are completely reset. This implies that a ≥ 2.0–2.3-km-thick crustal section made of thrust sheets and/or autochthonous foreland deposits has been removed by erosion since early Miocene time. A geometric projection of this lost cover towards the west indicates that all of northern Corsica was covered either by Alpine nappes or middle Eocene foreland deposits. Fission-track ages are the same across the main boundary fault system separating the Alpine orogenic wedge and the foreland, indicating the absence of significant differential vertical displacement between upper and lower plates during Neogene unroofing.  相似文献   


In Alpine Corsica, the Jurassic ophiolites represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere belonging to the Ligure‐Piemontese Basin located between the Europe/Corsica and Adria continental margins. In the Balagne area, a Jurassic ophiolitic sequence topped by a Late Jurassic–Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover crops out at the top of the nappe pile. The whole ophiolitic succession is affected by polyphase deformation developed under very low‐grade orogenic metamorphic conditions. The original palaeogeographic location and the emplacement mechanisms for the Balagne ophiolites are still a matter of debate and different interpretations for its history have been proposed. The deformation features of the Balagne ophiolites are outlined in order to provide constraints on their history in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of Alpine Corsica. The deformation history reconstructed for the Balagne Nappe includes five different deformation phases, from D1 to D5. The D1 phase was connected with the latest Cretaceous/Palaeocene accretion into the accretionary wedge related to an east‐dipping subduction zone followed by a Late Eocene D2 phase related to emplacement onto the Europe/Corsica continental margin. The subsequent D3 phase was characterized by sinistral strike‐slip faults and related deformations of Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age. The D4 and D5 phases were developed during the Early Oligocene–Late Miocene extensional processes connected with the collapse of the Alpine belt. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main steps of the sedimentary evolution of the west Lombardian South Alpine foredeep between the Eocene and the Early Miocene are described. The oldest is a Bartonian carbonate decrease in hemipelagic sediments linked with an increase in terrigenous input, possibly related to a rainfall increase in the Alps. Between the Middle Eocene and the early Chattian, a volcanoclastic input is associated with an extensional tectonic regime, coeval with magma emplacement in the southern-central Alps, and with volcanogenic deposits of the European foredeep and Apennines, suggesting a regional extensional tectonic phase leading to the ascent of magma. During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, two periods of coarse clastic sedimentation occurred, probably controlled by eustasy. The first, during Late Eocene, fed by a local South Alpine source, the second, earliest Oligocene in age, supplied by the Central Alps. In the Chattian, a strong increase in coarse supply records the massive erosion of Central Alps, coupled with a structures growth phase in the subsurface; it was followed by an Aquitanian rearrangement of the Alpine drainage systems suggested by both petrography of clastic sediments and retreat of depositional systems, while subsurface sheet-like geometry of Aquitanian turbidites marks a strong decrease in tectonic activity.  相似文献   

The direction of thrusting contemporaneous with high pressure-low temperature (HP/LT) metamorphism of the ophiolite Schistes Lustrés nappes in Cap Corse, Alpine Corsica has changed from being towards the northwest to towards the southwest during Upper Cretaceous obduction.Similar anticlockwise changes in thrusting have been observed in other regions of Alpine Corsica, Calabria and Southern Betic Cordilleras. A model is proposed for the Alpine evolution of this part of the Western Alps involving a sinistral component of transcurrent movement added to the northwest thrusting. These events have been followed by Eocene backthrusting of nappe of southern-Alpine origin in northwest Cap Corse towards the southeast with associated backfolding of the underlying Schistes Lustrés.  相似文献   


The tectonic significance of the Eocene unconformity in the Briançonnais domain, classically regarded as recording a compressional event, is re-evaluated, based on field studies in the Marguareis massif, Maritime-Ligurian Alps. In this external, weakly metamorphic Briançonnais unit, we describe N-trending, folded paleo-normal faults. These paleofaults operated during the Late Cretaceous-Late Eocene, and control both the thickness of the Senonian-Paleocene calcschists and the distribution of the disconformable Middle Eocene-Early Priabonian formations, i.e. the channelised, resedimented Nummulitic limestones, associated with sandy turbidites, and the sandy- calcareous Lower Flysch Noir. The chaotic Upper Flysch Noir (Priabonian), which includes olistoliths from the Helminthoid Flysch nappes, disconformably overlies the Late Cretaceous-Middle/Late Eocene levels. At the scale of the whole Briançonnais domain of the French-Italian Alps, the superimposed Senonian-Eocene disconformities would indicate extensional faulting and block tilting, associated with a regional uplift which caused emersion of part of the domain (most internal Briançonnais, Corsica). Extension and coeval uplift would record the crossing of the frontal flexure (external bulge) of the European/Briançonnais lower plate situated west of the Alpine subduction zone between 80–70 Ma and ~40 Ma, i.e. before the subduction of the Briançonnais plateau around 38–35 Ma. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The thermotectonic evolution of the East Alpine Rhenodanubian flysch zone (RDFZ) and the collisional history along the orogenic front is reconstructed using apatite fission-track (FT) thermochronology. The apatite FT data provides evidence for a burial depth of at least 6 km for the samples, which were totally reset. Burial was not deeper than 11 km, since the zircon fission-track system was not reset. The RDFZ represents an accretionary wedge with a complex burial and cooling history due to successive and differential accretion and exhumation. The sedimentary sequences were deposited along a convergent margin, where accretion started before Maastrichtian and lasted until Miocene. Accretion propagated from a central area (Salzburg-Ybbsitz) both to the west and to the east. In the west, accretion lasted from Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene, reflecting underplating of the RDFZ by the European continental margin sediments. In the east, where three nappes (Greifenstein, Kahlenberg and Laab nappes) can be distinguished, the exhumation started between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene. The Kahlenberg and Laab nappes show total resetting of the apatite FT ages, while in the Greifenstein nappe there is only partial resetting. According to a new paleogeographic reconstruction, the Kahlenberg and Laab nappes were placed on top of the Greifenstein nappe by an out-of-sequence thrust.  相似文献   

东海盆地长江坳陷新生代反转构造研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
通过对长江坳陷中的反转构造研究,认为在长江坳陷中与反转构造相关的背斜构造、推覆构造、地垒构造对油气的存储具有很重要的意义。长江坳陷的构造演化阶段划分为五期:晚白垩世古新世断陷阶段;古新世末期始新世早期挤压反转阶段;始新世坳陷阶段;始新世末期的构造抬升阶段;中新世后的区域沉降阶段。用平衡剖面的方法验证了所解释的地震剖面的合理性,模拟了剖面中重点构造的形成与演化过程,定量地描述了地层拉伸、地层缩短量及褶皱隆升量,为研究有利圈闭提供了重要参考数据。  相似文献   

New structural and stratigraphic data for a selected area of the Ligurian Alps are combined in order to assess and discuss the role played by extensional structures in the southernmost segment of the Western Alps during thrusting. Restored cross-sections and field data suggest that the structural style in the external sector of the chain may depend upon the presence of pre-orogenic normal faults ascribed to three extensional events linked to different geodynamic contexts: (i) Permian post-Variscan plate reorganisation, (ii) Mesozoic rifting–drifting phases leading to the opening of the Alpine Tethys, and (iii) Eocenic development of the European foreland basins. During positive inversion in Eocene times, a thin-skinned thrust system developed in this area, followed by a thick-skinned phase. In both situations the inherited extensional structures played fundamental roles: during the thin-skinned phase they conditioned the thrusting sequence, also producing large-scale buckle folds and partial reactivations; during the thick-skinned phase the strain was compartmentalized and partitioned by pre-existing faults.The kinematic model of the external sectors of the Ligurian chain also allows the re-assessment of the Alpine evolution of the front-foreland transition, including: (i) indirect confirmation that in the Eocene the Ligurian Briançonnais and Dauphinois domains were not separated by the Valais-Pyrenean oceanic basin; (ii) that the thin-skinned phase progressively changed into thick-skinned; (iii) the assertion that there were no significant deformations from the Oligocene to the present-day, and the Corsica–Sardinia block rotation only produced a change in orientation of previously formed structures and normal fault system development.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):255-282
The Lycian molasse basin of SW Turkey is a NE-SW-oriented basin that developed on an imbricated basement, comprising the allochthonous Mesozoic rocks of the Lycian nappes and Palaeocene-Eocene supra-allochthonous sediments. The imbricated basement has resulted from a complex history related to the emplacement of different tectonic units from Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene. Following imbrication, extensional collapse of the Lycian orogen resulted in extensive emergent areas, some of which coincide with present-day mountains. These were surrounded by interconnected depressions, namely, the Kale-Tavas, Çardak-Dazk?r? and Denizli subbasins.

The Lycian molasse sequence contains a relatively complete record of the tectonic history of the Lycian orogenic collapse from which it was derived. The sequence is characterised by interdependence between tectonism and sedimentation, the latter of which includes fining-and coarsening-upward sedimentary cycles with syn-depositional intrabasinal unconformities.

The Denizli subbasin consists of thick, coarse-grained wedges of alluvial fans and fine-grained fan-delta deposits formed in a shallowmarine environment. Some areas of the fan deltas were colonised by corals, red algae and foraminifera, forming patch reefs.

The first phase of extensional collapse in the region is marked by the Lycian orogenic collapse, which may have been initiated by the beginning of the Oligocene (Rupelian), following the main Menderes metamorphism. Starting in the latest Early Miocene or in the Middle Miocene, the area of the molasse basin was subject to deformation with the Lycian nappes, and to erosion as well. At that time, the Lycian nappes, with some ophiolitic assemblages, were thrust over the molasse deposits and thus, NE-SW-trending folds were formed. The molasse deposits and thrust-related deformational structures were then unconformably covered by Upper Miocene continental deposits which belong to the neotectonic period of SW Turkey. The second phase of extensional collapse is marked by granitic intrusions and the formation of Miocene detachment-related extensional basins. This phase may have been related to the exhumation of the gneissic core of the Menderes Massif, from which fragments were derived and incorporated into the upper parts of the Denizli subbasin during the Aquitanian.  相似文献   

Al Jabal Al Akhdar is a NE/SW- to ENE/WSW-trending mobile part in Northern Cyrenaica province and is considered a large sedimentary belt in northeast Libya. Ras Al Hilal-Al Athrun area is situated in the northern part of this belt and is covered by Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary successions with small outcrops of Quaternary deposits. Unmappable and very restricted thin layers of Palaeocene rocks are also encountered, but still under debate whether they are formed in situ or represent allochthonous remnants of Palaeocene age. The Upper Cretaceous rocks form low-lying to unmappable exposures and occupy the core of a major WSW-plunging anticline. To the west, south, and southeast, they are flanked by high-relief Eocene, Oligocene, and Lower Miocene rocks. Detailed structural analyses indicated structural inversion during Late Cretaceous–Miocene times in response to a right lateral compressional shear. The structural pattern is themed by the development of an E–W major shear zone that confines inside a system of wrench tectonics proceeded elsewhere by transpression. The deformation within this system revealed three phases of consistent ductile and brittle structures (D1, D2, and D3) conformable with three main tectonic stages during Late Cretaceous, Eocene, and Oligocene–Early Miocene times. Quaternary deposits, however, showed at a local scale some of brittle structures accommodated with such deformation and thus reflect the continuity of wrenching post-the Miocene. D1 deformation is manifested, in Late Cretaceous, via pure wrenching to convergent wrenching and formation of common E- to ENE-plunging folds. These folds are minor, tight, overturned, upright, and recumbent. They are accompanied with WNW–ESE to E–W dextral and N–S sinistral strike-slip faults, reverse to thrust faults and pop-up or flower structures. D2 deformation initiated at the end of Lutetian (Middle Eocene) by wrenching and elsewhere transpression then enhanced by the development of minor ENE–WSW to E–W asymmetric, close, and, rarely, recumbent folds as well as rejuvenation of the Late Cretaceous strike-slip faults and formation of minor NNW–SSE normal faults. At the end of Eocene, D2 led to localization of the movement within E–W major shear zone, formation of the early stage of the WSW-plunging Ras Al Hilal major anticline, preservation of the contemporaneity (at a major scale) between the synthetic WNW–ESE to E–W and ENE–WSW strike-slip faults and antithetic N–S strike-slip faults, and continuity of the NW–SE normal faults. D3 deformation is continued, during the Oligocene-Early Miocene, with the appearance of a spectacular feature of the major anticline and reactivation along the E–W shear zone and the preexisting faults. Estimating stress directions assumed an acted principal horizontal stress from the NNW (N33°W) direction.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):83-100
The Magura Basin domain developed in its initial stage as a Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifted passive margin that faced the eastern parts of the oceanic Alpine Tethys. In the pre- and syn-orogenic evolution of the Magura Basin the following prominent periods can be distinguished: Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous syn-rift opening of basins (1) followed by Early Cretaceous post-rift thermal subsidence (2), latest Cretaceous–Paleocene syn-collisional inversion (3), Late Paleocene to Middle Eocene flexural subsidence (4) and Late Eocene - Early Miocene synorogenic closing of the basin (5). The driving forces of tectonic subsidence of the basin were syn-rift and thermal post-rift processes, as well as tectonic loads related to the emplacement of accretionary wedge. This process was initiated at the end of the Paleocene at the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB)/Magura Basin boundary and was completed during Late Oligocene in the northern part of the Magura Basin. During Early Miocene the Magura Basin was finally folded, thrusted and uplifted as the Magura Nappe.  相似文献   

南海南沙海域沉积盆地构造演化与油气成藏规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据钻井、地震剖面、区域地质及磁异常条带分析解释,南沙海域及其邻区的主要沉积盆地的形成演化受裂谷起始不整合面和破裂不整合面分隔,可分为前裂谷期、裂谷期和后裂谷期3个构造阶段。大中型油气藏相关数据的统计表明,南沙海域及邻区大中型油气藏的成藏要素和油气田发育受构造阶段控制。(1)烃源岩发育具有分期、分区特征,礼乐盆地发育前裂谷期、裂谷1幕烃源岩;万安、曾母、西北巴拉望盆地发育裂谷2幕烃源岩,文莱-沙巴盆地发育后裂谷期烃源岩。(2)储层发育具有分期、分带特征,表现为外带老(裂谷2幕)、内带新(后裂谷期)。(3)圈闭类型包括构造、岩性地层圈闭及构造-岩性地层等因素形成的复合圈闭,大致具有内带以地层圈闭为主,外带以构造圈闭为主的特征。(4)大中型油气田分布具有外带砂岩富油气、内带碳酸盐岩富气特点。(5)南沙海域及邻区发育两个后裂谷期主含油气区,即东部巴兰三角洲砂岩背斜油气区和西部卢卡尼亚碳酸盐台地气区。其中,大中型气田的成藏要素组合为裂谷2幕烃源岩、后裂谷期碳酸盐岩储层和地层圈闭;大中型油气田则为后裂谷期烃源岩、砂岩储层和背斜圈闭。  相似文献   

The evolution of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and the Alpine orogen is discussed on the base of a set of palaeotectonic maps and two retro-deformed lithospheric transects which extend across the Western and Central Alps and the Massif Central and the Rhenish Massif, respectively.During the Paleocene, compressional stresses exerted on continental Europe by the evolving Alps and Pyrenees caused lithospheric buckling and basin inversion up to 1700 km to the north of the Alpine and Pyrenean deformation fronts. This deformation was accompanied by the injection of melilite dykes, reflecting a plume-related increase in the temperature of the asthenosphere beneath the European foreland. At the Paleocene–Eocene transition, compressional stresses relaxed in the Alpine foreland, whereas collisional interaction of the Pyrenees with their foreland persisted. In the Alps, major Eocene north-directed lithospheric shortening was followed by mid-Eocene slab- and thrust-loaded subsidence of the Dauphinois and Helvetic shelves. During the late Eocene, north-directed compressional intraplate stresses originating in the Alpine and Pyrenean collision zones built up and activated ECRIS.At the Eocene–Oligocene transition, the subducted Central Alpine slab was detached, whereas the West-Alpine slab remained attached to the lithosphere. Subsequently, the Alpine orogenic wedge converged northwestward with its foreland. The Oligocene main rifting phase of ECRIS was controlled by north-directed compressional stresses originating in the Pyrenean and Alpine collision zones.Following early Miocene termination of crustal shortening in the Pyrenees and opening of the oceanic Provençal Basin, the evolution of ECRIS was exclusively controlled by west- and northwest-directed compressional stresses emanating from the Alps during imbrication of their external massifs. Whereas the grabens of the Massif Central and the Rhône Valley became inactive during the early Miocene, the Rhine Rift System remained active until the present. Lithospheric folding controlled mid-Miocene and Pliocene uplift of the Vosges-Black Forest Arch. Progressive uplift of the Rhenish Massif and Massif Central is mainly attributed to plume-related thermal thinning of the mantle-lithosphere.ECRIS evolved by passive rifting in response to the build-up of Pyrenean and Alpine collision-related compressional intraplate stresses. Mantle-plume-type upwelling of the asthenosphere caused thermal weakening of the foreland lithosphere, rendering it prone to deformation.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic Song Hong Basin, situated on the northern part of the Vietnamese shelf, has been only sporadically explored for hydrocarbons. A review of the results of the exploration efforts so far shows that the distribution of potential source rocks and their time of hydrocarbon generation are the critical risks for finding commercial amounts of hydrocarbons. In the Song Hong Basin, including the Hanoi Trough, the rocks most likely to have source potential are: (1) oil-prone Eocene–Lower Oligocene lacustrine mudstones and coals, (2) oil- and gas-prone Middle Miocene coal beds, (3) gas-prone Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene coals, and (4) gas- and oil-prone Miocene marine mudstones. To assess the time of hydrocarbon generation from these units, relative to the formation of traps, the generation history was modelled at 32 well and pseudo-well locations. The modelling demonstrates that the two first-mentioned source rock units are especially important. In the northern and northeastern part of the basin and along its western margin traps may have been charged by Eocene–Lower Oligocene source rocks. In the Hanoi Trough, the excellent Middle Miocene coal beds have probably generated hydrocarbons within the last few million years. Thus the huge and still underexplored Song Hong Basin provides attractive areas for further exploration.  相似文献   

The orientation, asymmetry and cross-cutting relationships of the structures along the contact zone between the Lycian nappes and the Menderes Massif suggest the presence of three deformation phases in the Milas region of southwest Turkey. The first deformation phase (D1) is characterized by a ductile deformation with top-to-the-NE sense of shear. Structural data of the first deformation measured along the uppermost part of the Menderes Massif and the base of the Lycian nappes suggest that the lowermost unit of the Lycian nappes was emplaced initially from southwest to northeast onto the Menderes Massif during the Early Eocene. The second deformation phase (D2) is also ductile in nature and is characterized by an E–W-trending stretching lineation with a bivergent sense of shear, which is probably related to the load of the overlying nappes. A third deformation phase (D3) is characterized by south-dipping normal faults with top-to-the-S sense of movement. This third deformation phase can be related to southward movement of the Lycian nappes along a low-angle décollement zone. The tectonic contact between the Menderes Massif and the Lycian nappes and their strongly-deformed rocks are unconformably covered by approximately flat-lying, coal-bearing Early–Middle Miocene sedimentary rocks, which constrains the upper time limit for all three deformation phases.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the lithostratigraphy and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Late Eocene-Middle Miocene sequence in the Al Bardia area, northeast Libya. The lithostratigraphical studies carried out on three stratigraphical surface sections, namely Wade Al Rahib, Wadi Al Hash and Wadi Al Zeitun, led to the recognition of three rock units from base to top: (1) the Al Khowaymat Formation (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene); (2) the Al Faidiyah Formation (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene); and (3) the Al Jaghboub Formation (Early-Middle Miocene). The planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphical analysis led also to the recognition of nine planktonic foraminiferal zones ranged in age from Late Eocene to Early Miocene with one larger foraminiferal zone of Middle Miocene age. These are, from base to top, as follows: Truncorotaloides rohri Zone (Late-Middle Eocene, Lutetian), Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta and Turborotalia cerroazulensis s.l. Zones (Late Eocene, Priaborian), Cassigerinella chipolensis/Pseudohasitgerina micra Zone (Early Oligocene, Rupelian), Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis, Globorotalia kugleri Zones (Late Oligocene, Chattian), Globigerinoides primordius Zone (Early Miocene, Aquitanian), Globigerinoides altiaperturus/Catapsydrax dissimilis and Globigerinoides trilobus Zones (Early Miocene, Burdigalian), and the larger benthonic foraminiferal zone, Borelis melo melo Zone (Middle Miocene, Langhian to Serravallian). The study of planktonic foraminifera proved the existence of a regional unconformity between the Early and Late Oligocene, with the Middle Oligocene deposits being absent (absence of Globigerina ampliapertura and Globorotalia opima opima Zones), and another, smaller unconformity located between the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene, in which the uppermost part of the Late Eocene is missing.  相似文献   

Sea-level fluctuations in the terminal Eocene, Oligocene, and Neogene of the Eastern Paratethys are quantitatively assessed on the basis of facies and old coastlines traced on the northern platform shelf, levels of river valley incisions, and the study of seismic profiles. The first data massif allows the characterization and correlation of transgression stages in the history of the Eastern Paratethys. The greatest transgressions fall within the first half of the Late Eocene, mid-Early Oligocene, initial Late Oligocene, initial Early Miocene, the initial Tchokrakian, Karaganian and Sarmatian in the Middle Miocene, the middle and late Sarmatian and early Pontian in the Late Miocene, and the Akchagylian in the Caspian basin of the Pliocene. In contrast, the greatest incisions of northern rivers running from the platform allow us to establish the time and extent of the main declines in the base levels of the erosion. Maximal incisions date back to the terminal Eocene-initial Oligocene, terminal Solenovian time in the terminal Rupelian, the terminal Maikop in the Early Miocene, the terminal Sarmatian and middle Pontian in the Late Miocene, and the Early Pliocene in the Caspian basin. Large regressions also formed unconformity surfaces, traced on seismic profiles as erosion boundaries of several orders. The surfaces are confined to the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, middle and late Maikop, Sarmatian/Meotian boundary, middle Pontian, and terminal Miocene-initial Pliocene, as well as being traced even in the most deep-water basins. The synthesis of these data suggests a preliminary version for the curve of transgression-regression cyclicity. Its correlation with the eustatic curve shows their similarity only in the lower part-prior to the initial Middle Miocene, when Paratethys became a semi-closed basin.  相似文献   

依据丰富翔实的地层古生物资料,首次在内蒙古西部建立了比较完整的第三纪地层层序:命名或厘订了中始新统乌兰乌珠尔组、上始新统查干布拉格组、下渐新统乌兰塔塔尔组、上渐新统、下中新统乌尔图组、上中新统呼和好来组和上新统昂冈浩特组等7个地层单元;区分出了中始新世乌兰乌珠尔、晚始新世查干布拉格、早渐新世早期克克阿木、早渐新世晚期乌兰塔塔尔、晚渐新世因德里沟、早中新世乌尔图、晚中新世呼和好来和上新世昂冈浩特等8个动物群(组合)。  相似文献   

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