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G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(3):127-128

If the geographical co-ordinates, Φ0, L 0, and the azimuth A 0 at a station O of a triangulation undergo corrections, ?Φ0, ?L 0 and ?A 0, the geographical co-ordinates, Φ, L, and the azimuth A have to be re-computed for all the vertices throughout the whole triangulation. This is a tedious operation. It may be vastly simplified, however, by the employment of differential formulae. The derivation of these formulae would consume considerable space, so that the results alone are given here.  相似文献   

Broadband field spectra were assessed to discriminate invasive saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) trees exhibiting feeding damage caused by the saltcedar leaf beetle (Diorhadba spp.) from other land cover types. Data were collected at two study sites near Presidio, Texas in 2010 and 2011. Spectral bands evaluated were coastal blue (400–450?nm), blue (450–510?nm), green (510–580?nm), yellow (585–625?nm), red (630–690?nm), red-edge (705–745?nm), and near-infrared (770–895, 860–1040?nm). Data were evaluated with analysis of variance and Scheffe’s multiple comparison test (α?=?0.05). The red band generally separated severely damaged saltcedar trees from other land cover features. Near-infrared bands separated defoliated saltcedar trees. Broadband spectra has potential for distinguishing saltcedar trees exhibiting feeding damage caused by the saltcedar leaf beetle from other associated features, thus supporting future explorations of airborne and satellite-borne multispectral systems to monitor biological control of saltcedar within complex landscapes.  相似文献   

 The perspective 4 point (P4P) problem - also called the three-dimensional resection problem - is solved by means of a new algorithm: At first the unknown Cartesian coordinates of the perspective center are computed by means of M?bius barycentric coordinates. Secondly these coordinates are represented in terms of observables, namely space angles in the five-dimensional simplex generated by the unknown point and the four known points. Substitution of M?bius barycentric coordinates leads to the unknown Cartesian coordinates (2.8)–(2.10) of Box 2.2. The unknown distances within the five-dimensional simplex are determined by solving the Grunert equations, namely by forward reduction to one algebraic equation (3.8) of order four and backward linear substitution. Tables 1.–4. contain a numerical example. Finally we give a reference to the solution of the 3 point (P3P) problem, the two-dimensional resection problem, namely to the Ansermet barycentric coordinates initiated by C.F. Gau? (1842), A. Schreiber (1908) and A.␣Ansermet (1910). Received: 05 March 1996; Accepted: 15 October 1996  相似文献   

Summary Fresh results are obtained for the polar movement. These are based upon a new method of analysis which relies upon the existence of a resonance effect depending upon the value ofChandler’s period and acting upon the annual component. The constancy of the orientation of the axes of the annual elliptic component, and the agreement in phase between the annual variations in the Earth’s rotation and the annual component of the polar movement are demonstrated. Explanations are suggested for the variations in the amplitude and the period of ?free? movement in terms of the interference of two components attributed, respectively, to the Earth’s interior and crust. A new relation is given connecting theLove numberk andh.
Zusammenfassung Ergebnisse eines neuen Verfahrens zur Analyse der Polschwankungen auf Grund des Vorhandenseins eines Resonanzeffektes, der die Amplitude der Jahreskomponente beeinflu?t und von dem Werte derChandler-Periode abh?ngt. Konstanz in der Orientierung der Achsen der elliptischen Jahreskomponente sowie Phasengleichheit zwischen den Jahresvariationen der Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit der Erde und der genannten Jahreskomponente der Polschwankung. Versuch, die Ver?nderung der Amplitude und Periode der ?freien? Schwankung durch Interferenz der beiden Komponenten, n?mlich der des Erdkernes und der der Erdrinde, zu erkl?ren. Neue Beziehung zwischen den Zahlen vonLove,K undh. Rother.

Resumen Resultados obtenidos por un nuevo procedimiento de análisis del movimiento del polo basado en la existencia de un efecto de resonancia que obra sobre la amplitud de la componente anual y depende del valor del periodo deChandler. Constancia de la orientación de los ejes de la componente elíptica anual y concordancia de fase entre las variaciones anuales de la velocitad de rotación de la Tierra y esta componente anual del movimiento del polo. Tentativa de explicación de las variaciones de amplitud y del periodo del movimiento ?libre? por la interferencia de dos componentes atribuidas respectivamente al núcleo y la corteza. Relación nueva entre los números deLove k yh.

Sommario Risultati ottenuti mediante un nuovo procedimento d’analisi del movimento del polo a proposito d’un effetto di risonanza che opera sull’ampiezza della componente annua, e che dipende dal valore del periodo diChandler. Costanza dell’orientazione degli assi della componente ellittica annuale, e concordanza di fase fra le variazioni annue della velocità di rotazione della terra et tale componente annua del movimento del polo. Tentativo di spiegazione delle variazioni d’ampiezza e del periodo del movimento ?libero?, mediante l’interferenza di due componenti attribuite rispettivamente al nucleo ed alla scorza terrestre. Nuova relazione fra i numerik edh diLove.

The twin perspective 4 point (twin P4P) problem – also called the combined three dimensional resection-intersection problem – is the problem of finding the position of a scene object from 4 correspondence points and a scene stereopair. While the perspective centers of the left and right scene image are positioned by means of a double three dimensional resection, the position of the scene object imaged on the left and right photograph is determined by a three dimensional intersection based upon given resected perspective centers. Here we present a new algorithm solving the twin P4P problem by means of M?bius barycentric coordinates. In the first algorithmic step we determine the distances between the perspective centers and the unknown intersected point by solving a linear system of equations. Typically, area elements of the left and right image build up the linear equation system. The second algorithmic step allows for the computation of the M?bius barycentric coordinates of the unknown intersected point which are thirdly converted into three dimensional object space coordinates {X,Y,Z} of the intersected point. Typically, this three-step algorithm based upon M?bius barycentric coordinates takes advantage of the primary double resection problem from which only distances from four correspondence points to the left and right perspective centre are needed. No orientation parameters and no coordinates of the left and right perspective center have to be made available. Received 1 May 1996; Accepted 13 September 1996  相似文献   

Summary The use ofStokes’s formula to adjust Survey data in present circumstances is definitely undesirable, unless general agreement is first obtained on the distribution of gravity to be adopted as a basis for the computation; the difficulties arising from the use of the completeStokes formula would be greatly reduced by omission of the terms inP 2,P 3,P 4 (zonal harmonics).
Zusammenfassung Unter den gegenw?rtigen Umst?nden erscheint die Anwendung derStokes’schen Formel zur Ausgleichung nicht wünschenswert, sofern man nicht ein General-Abkommen über die Verteilung der Schwerewerte, das als Basis für die Berechnung angenommen wird, erzielen kann. Die Schwierigkeiten, die sich bei der Anwendung dieser Formel mit allen Gliedern ergeben, k?nnen in gro?em Ma?e verringert werden, wenn man die Glieder inP 2,P 3 undP 4 (Zonen-Harmonische) unterdrückt.

Resumen Hay que excluir la utilización de la fórmula deStokes para la compensación de las grandes triangulaciones, a no ser que se haya adoptado previamente un conjunto coherente de medidas fundamentales de la gravedad como base de los cálculos. Las dificultades inherentes al empleo de la fórmula deStokes serían reducidas si se omitiesen la introducción en esta fórmula de las armónicas zonales enP 2,P 3 yP 4.

Résumé Dans les circonstances actuelles—état du réseau gravimétrique mondial—l’emploi de la formule deStokes pour la compensation n’appara?t pas souhaitable, à moins que l’on ne puisse obtenir un accord général sur la distribution de la pesanteur à adopter comme base d’un calcul. Les difficultés que soulève l’emploi de cette formule avec tous les termes, seraient toutefois grandement réduites, si l’on en supprimait les harmoniques zonauxP 2,P 3 etP 4.

Sommario L’uso della formula diStokes per la compensazione delle grandi triangolazioni è da escludere, a meno che non si raggiunga un generale accordo preliminare sulla distribuzione della grività come fondamento per i calcoli; le difficoltà che sorgono dall’impiego della formula diStokes completa sarebbero grandemente ridotte, pur di omettere i termini inP 2,P 3,P 4 (armoniche zonali).

Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser bringt zun?chst die verschiedenen Formeln, die für einfache Koordinatentransformationen, d. h. zur Umrechnung von zwei unver?nderlich miteinander verbundenen Punkten ohne Wechsel des Referenzellipsoides, angewendet werden, in Erinnerung und empfiehlt dann die Formeln (4) und (5) mit den Verbesserungsausdrücken (9), wobei die Bezeichnungenr, s, t, q durch die Gleichungen (6) und (8) definiert sind. Diese Formeln sind trotz ihrer Einfachheit genauer als diejenigen vonHelmert undHristow, denn füre=0 stellen sie die genauen sph?rischen Formeln (2) und (3) dar. Die Verformung der geschlossenen Polygone, entsprechend den ?nderungen der Krümmung des Ellipsoids, ist schon fühlbar durch die Glieder mite 2α2 und macht eine erh?hte formelle Genauigkeit trügerisch.
Resumen Después de recordar las diferentes fórmulas aplicadas para las transformaciones sencillas de las coordenadas, es decir, para el desplazamiento de puntos invariablemente ligados, sin cambiar el elipsoide de referencia, el autor recomienda las fórmulas. (4) y (5) con los términos correctivos (9), en que las cantidaderr, s, t, q, están definidas por las ecuaciones (6) y (8). Estas fórmulas, a pesar de su sencillez, son más precisas que las deHelmert yHristow, porque parae=0 son las fórmulas esféricas exactas (2) y (3). Las deformaciones de los poligonos cerrados, debidas a las variaciones de curvatura del elipsoide, es ya sensible por los términos en e2 σ2 y hace, en consecuencia, illusoria una precisión superior

Résumé Après avoir rappelé les différentes formules appliquées pour les transformations simples des coordonnées, c'est-à-dire pour le déplacement de points invariablement liés, sans changer l'ellipso?de de référence, l'auteur recommande les formules (4) et (5) avec les termes correctifs (9), dont les termesr, s, t, q sont définis par les équations (6) et (8). Ces formules, malgré leur simplicité, sont plus précises que celles d'Helmert etHristow, car poure=0 ce sont les formules sphériques exactes (2) et (3). La déformation des polygones fermés, due aux variations de courbure de l'ellipso?de, est déjà sensible par les termes en e2 σ2, et rend en conséquence illusoire une précision formelle supérieure.

Sommario Dopo richiamate le varie formule fin qui proposte per la trasformazione delle coordinate sull'ellissoide in un moto rigido sulla superficie dello stesso, l'autore raccomanda le formule (4) et (5) con i termini correttivi (9), i cui coefficientir, s, t, q, sono definiti dalle equazioni (6) ed (8). Queste formule, malgrado la loro semplicità, sono più precise di quelle diHelmert e diHristov, in quanto pere=0 esse forniscono le formule sferiche esatte (2) e (3). La deformazione dei poligoni chiusi, dovute alle variazioni nella curvatura dell'ellisoide, si rende già sensibile nei termini in e2 σ2, e rende illusoria una maggiore precisione formale.


Widespread forest fire events occurred in the foothills of North Western Himalaya during 24 April to 2 May 2016 (Event-1) and 20–30 May 2018 (Event-2). Their impacts were investigated on the distribution of pollutant gases ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) over Uttarakhand using simulations of Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem) and in-situ observations of these gases over Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand. During Event-1, the observed CO mixing ratio over Dehradun increased from 25 April 2016 onwards, attained maximum (705.8 ± 258 ppbv) on 2 May 2016 and subsequently decreased. The rate of increase of daily baseline CO was 29 ppbv/day during HFAP (High Fire Activity Period). During Event-2, daily average concentrations of CO, O3, and NOx showed systematic increase over Dehradun during HFAP period. The rate of increase of CO was 9 ppbv/day, while it was very small for NOx and O3. To quantitatively estimate the influence of forest fire emissions, two WRF-Chem simulations were made: one with biomass burning (BB) emissions and other without BB emissions. These simulations showed 52% (34%) enhancement in CO, 52% (32%) enhancement in NOx, and 11% (9%) enhancement in O3 during HFAP for Event-1 (Event-2). A clear positive correlation (r = 0.89 for Event-1, r = 0.69 for Event-2) was found between ?O3 (O3with BB minus O3without BB) and ?CO (COwith BB minus COwithout BB), indicating rapid production of ozone in the fire plumes. For both the events, the vertical distribution of ?O3, ?CO, and ?NOx showed that forest fire emissions influenced the air quality upto 6.5 km altitude. Peaks in ?O3, ?CO, and ?NOx during different days suggested the role of varying dispersion and horizontal mixing of fire plumes.  相似文献   


The figure which follows shows the geometrical solution of Simple Resection by Cassini in 1669, two years before the Collins solution. It is clearly the geometrical illustration of the Delambre (1786) solution; for db = b cosec β, dc = c cosec γ and the angle QAR is known, being BAC + β + γ ? 180°. Hence the Delambre solution-that in most common use to-day—reduces to a triangle in which two sides and the contained angle are given, as has been mentioned elsewhere.  相似文献   

Glaciers are widely recognized as key indicators of climate change, and melt water obtained from them is an important source of fresh water and for hydropower generation. Regular monitoring of a large number of Himalayan glaciers is important for improving our knowledge of glacier response to climate change. In the present study, Survey of India topographical maps (1966) and Landsat datasets as ETM+ (2000, 2006) and TM (2011) have been used to study glacier fluctuations in Tirungkhad basin. A deglaciation of 26.1% (29.1?km2) in terms of area from 1966 to 2011 was observed. Lower altitude small glaciers (area?<?1?km2) lost more ice (34%), while glaciers with an area <10?km2 lost less (20%). The percentage of change in glacier length was 26% (31.9?km) from 1966 to 2011. The south-facing glaciers showed high percentages of loss. From 2000 to 2011, debris cover has increased by 1.34%. The analysis of the trend in meteorological data collected from Kalpa and Purbani stations was carried out by Mann Kendall non-parametric method. During the last two decades, the mean annual temperature (Tmax and Tmin) has increased significantly, accompanied with a fall in snow water equivalent (SWE) and rainfall. The increasing trend in temperature and decreasing trend in SWE were significant at 95% confidence level. This observation shows that the warming of the climate is probably one of the major reasons for the glacier change in the basin.  相似文献   

Total evaporation is of importance in assessing and managing long-term water use, especially in water-limited environments. Therefore, there is need to account for water utilisation by different land uses for well-informed water resources management and future planning. This study investigated the feasibility of using multispectral Landsat 8 and moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data to estimate total evaporation within the uMngeni catchment in South Africa, using surface energy balance system. The results indicated that Landsat 8 at 30 m resolution has a better spatial representation of total evaporation, when compared to the 1000 m MODIS. Specifically, Landsat 8 yielded significantly different mean total evaporation estimates for all land cover types (one-way ANOVA; F4.964?=?87.011, p < 0.05), whereas MODIS failed to differentiate (one-way ANOVA; F2.853?=?0.125, p = 0.998) mean total evaporation estimates for the different land cover types across the catchment. The findings of this study underscore the utility of the Landsat 8 spatial resolution and land cover characteristics in deriving accurate and reliable spatial variations of total evaporation at a catchment scale.  相似文献   

Coffee is a commodity of international trade significance, and its value chain can benefit from age-specific thematic maps. This study aimed to assess the potential of Landsat 8 OLI to develop these maps. Using field-collected samples with the random forest classifier, splitting coffee into three age classes (Scheme A) was compared with running the classification with one compound coffee class (Scheme B). Higher overall classification accuracy was obtained in Scheme B (90.3% for OLI and 86.8% for ETM+) than in Scheme A (86.2% for OLI and 81.0% for ETM+). The NIR band of OLI was the most important band in intra-class discrimination of coffee. Landsat 8 OLI mapped area closely matched farm records (R2?=?0.88) compared to that of Landsat 7 ETM+ (R2?=?0.78). It was concluded that Landsat 8 OLI data can be used to produce age-specific thematic maps in coffee production areas although disaggregating coffee classes reduces overall accuracy.  相似文献   


The spatial distance (gap) between map symbols can have a great impact on their discriminability, however, there is little empirical evidence to establish spatial and attribute thresholds. In this paper, we examine the effect of the spatial gap in discriminability of color hue and value, that is, we conducted an online study to obtain performance metrics; then an eye-tracking study to understand participants’ strategies and cognitive processes. Participants completed two experimental tasks (compare two areas and decide if their color is the same; and compare three areas and rank them from the lightest to the darkest). The color distances and the spatial distances were strictly controlled for the compared areas. Our analyses confirmed that, overall, increasing the gap between colors has a consistent negative impact on the ability to differentiate them with both sequential and qualitative schemes. Furthermore, we observed that sequential schemes require larger color distances than qualitative schemes for discriminability. Finally, our results suggested that for qualitative colors, the largest tested color distance ?E00 = 10 yields considerably higher levels of accuracy in color discrimination (even when the spatial gap between the two colors is large), thus we recommend ?E00 = 10 to practicing cartographers and other information visualization designers.  相似文献   


River basin assessment is crucial for water management and to address the watershed issues. So, an integrated river basin management and assessment model using morphometric assessment, remote sensing, GIS and SWAT model was envisaged and applied to Kaddam river basin, Telangana state, India. Morphometric results showed high drainage density ranging from 2.19 to 5.5?km2/km, with elongated fan shape having elongation ratio of 0.60–0.75 with sparse vegetation and high relief. Land use change assessment showed that 265.26?km2 of forest land is converted into irrigated land and has increased sediment yields in watersheds. The calibration (r 2?=?0.74, NSE?=?0.84) and validation (r 2?=?0.72, NSE?=?0.84) of SWAT model showed that simulated and observed results were in agreement and in recommended ranges. The SWAT simulations were used to compute mean annual water and sediment yield from 1997 to 2012, along with morphometric results to categorize critical watersheds and conservation structures were proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

Summary The range of computation in normal calculators can be extended to functions by providing an usual machine both with a storage unit containing approximate values of functions for arguments in rough steps and factors of interpolation and a device for transferring the values from the storage unit into the calculator proper. Then values of function for any argument may be computed by direct or inverse interpolation from the values stored. Accuracy depends on the number and distribution of the stored values. If usual trigonometric functions are concerned, five-place sometimes even six-place accuracy may be obtained by storing no more than 100 values of function and 100 factors of interpolation. Such a degree of accuracy is sufficient for almost any computation in geodetic operations of lower order, including third-order triangulation. At the Geodetic Institute of the Stuttgart Technische Hochschule a try-out model was developed, with wich the functions sinx, cosx, lanx, cotanx and their inverse functions as well as sec tanx (secant of tangent) and can be computed. As basic machine a hand calculator with Odhner wheels was used. Experiments with the hand try-out calculator showed that the amount of computing erros is only half of that committed in the usual computations by the customary calculators and printed tables of functions. In addition, gain of time was reached in most computations, which amounts to 50 percent in certain problems. Tests also made it clear that the operation of the function calculator even in the actual state of the try-out machine is very simple and can easily be learnt so that also untrained people may operate it. It may be noted that the majority of the persons used in the testing the try-out machine were willing to repeat the computations if so required, by means of the function calculator, but not so with the function tables. Therefore the function calculator appears well suited not only to simplify geodetic computation considerably but also to make it more efficient.
Zusammenfassung Der Rechenbereich normaler Rechenmaschinen kann dadurch auf Funktionen erweitert werden, dass die Maschine mit einem Speicherwerk, das gen?herte Funktionswerte für grob abgestufte Argumente und Interpolationsfaktoren enth?lt, und einer Einrichtung zur Uebertragung der Werte aus dem Speicherwerk in die Rechenmaschine versehen wird. Die Funktionswerte für beliebige Argumente k?nnen dann durch direkte oder inverse Interpolation aus den gespeicherten Werten berechnet werden. Die Genauigkeit ist abh?ngig von der Anzahl und Verteilung der gespeicherten Grundwerte. Bei den gebr?uchlichen trigonometrichen Funktionen l?sst sich bereits durch Speicherung von nur 100 Funktionswerten und 100 Interpolationsfaktoren eine fünf-teilweise sogar bis sechsstellige Genauigkeit erreichen. Diese Genauigkeit ist für alle Berechnungen der niederen Geod?sie einschliesslich der Triangulation III. Ordnung ausreichend. Im Geod?tischen Institut der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart wurde eine Versuchsmaschine entwickelt, mit welcher die Funktionen sinx, cosx, tgx, ctgx und ihre Umkehrfunktionen sowie sec tgx (Secans aus Tangens) und berechnet werden k?nnen. Als Grund-maschine wurde eine handbetriebene Sprossenradmaschine verwendet. Die Erprobung ergab, dass die Zahl der durch Unaufmerksamkeit des Rechners bedingten Rechenfehler nur noch halb so gross ist wie bei der üblichen Berechnung mit gew?hnlicher Rechenmaschine und gedruckter Funktionstafel. Ausserdem ergab sich bei den meisten Rechnungen ein betr?chtlicher Zeitgewinn, der bei einer Funktionsdoppelrechenmaschine für bestimmte Aufgaben bis zu 50% betr?gt. Die maschinelle Berechnung von Funktionswerten ist bereits in der vorliegenden Form erheblich einfacher als die Entnahme aus Funktionstafeln, so dass auch ungeschulte Kr?fte eingesetzt werden k?nnen. Die Funktionsrechenmaschine ist demnach geeignet, das geod?tische Rechnen wesentlich zu vereinfachen und wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten.

Resumen El campo de cálculo en máquinas de calcular normales puede ser ampliado a functiones, proporcionando a la máquina calculadora una unidad-almacén que contenga valores aproximados de funciones para argumentos groseramente escalonados y factores de interpolación, así como un dispositivo para transferir los valores de la unidad-almacén a la calculadora. Entonces pueden ser calculados valores de función para cualquier argumento, por interpolación directa o inversa de los valores almacenados. La precisión depende del número y distribución de los valores almacenados. Cuando se trata de funciones trigonométricas usuales, puede lograrse una precisión del órden de la quinta cifra y en ocasiones de la sexta cifra, con solo el almaceneje de 100 valores de función y de 100 factores de interpolación. Tal grado de precisión es suficiente para cuaquier cálculo en operaciones geodésicas de órden inferior, incluyendo la triangulación de 3er órden. En el Instituto Geodésico de la ?Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart? fué desarrollado una máquina de ensayo, con la que pueden ser calculadas las funciones sen ϕ, cos ϕ, tang ϕ, cotang ϕ y sus funciones inversas, así como sectang ϕ (secante de tangente) y . Como máquina básica fué empleada una calculadora a mano con ruedas Odhner. Las experiencias realizadas con esta calculadora demostraron que el número de errores de cálculo es solo la mitad de los cometidos en los cálculos corrientes mediante las máquinas de calcular usuales y tablas impresas de funciones. Además, se consiguió una ganancia de tiempo en la mayoria de los cálculos, que llegó a alcanzar el 50 por ciento en ciertos problemas. El cálculo mecánico de valores de funciones es notablemente más sencillo en la forma actual que el manejo de tablas de funciones y puede ser fácilmente aprendido y llevado a cabo por personas sin práctica. La máquina de calcular funciones es, por lo tanto, adecuada, no solo para simplificar notablemente el cálculo geodésico sino también para hacerlo más eficiente.

Résumé Le domaine d’emploi des machines à calculer normales peut s’étendre à des fonctions quelconques si l’on équipe la machine d’une ?mémoire?, contenant les valeurs approchées de la fonction pour des valeurs largement échelonnées de l’argument et des facteurs d’interpolation, et d’un dispositif permettant de reporter ces valeurs de la ?mémoire? dans la machine. Les valeurs de la fonction pour des arguments quelconques peuvent être calculées par interpolation directe ou inverse à partir des valeurs enregistrées. La précision dépend du nombre et de la répartition de ces valeurs enregistrées. Pour les fonctions trigonométriques usuelles, avec 100 valeurs de la fonction et 100 facteurs d’interpolation, on arrive déjà à la précision de la cinquième ou même de la sixième décimale. Cette précision suffit pour tous les calculs de la géodésie courante, y compris la triangulation de 3e ordre. A l’Institut Géodésique de l’Ecole Supérieure Technique de Stuttgart, on a établi une machine expérimentale, qui permet de calculer les fonctions sinx, cosx, tgx, ctgx, et les fonctions inverses ainsi que sec tgx (sécante à partir de la tangente) et . Comme machine on a utilisé une machine à main du type roue à dents saillantes. L’expérience a montré que le nombre des erreurs de calcul d?es à l’inattention du calculateur n’était que la moitié de celui constaté dans le calcul usuel avec une machine normale et les tables des fonctions. On a obtenu en outre, pour la plupart des calculs, un gain de temps apréciable, atteignant 50% pour certains problèmes, avec une machine double. Le calcul à la machine des fonctions est, dès maintenant, sous cette forme, sensiblement plus simple que l’interpolation à partir des tables, si bien que l’on peut y employer du personnel peu confirmé. La machine à calculer les fonctions permet donc de simplifier notablement les calculs géodésiques et de les rendre plus économiques.

Sommario Le possibilità di una normale macchina calcolatrice sono suscettibili di venire estese al calcolo delle funzioni, abbinando alla macchina un’unità-magazzino contenente i valori approssimati di funzioni per opportuni intervalli, unitamente ai coefficienti per l’interpolazione, e ad un congegno per transportare i valori stessi dal magazzino alla macchina calcolatrice vera e propria. I valori della funzione per un argomento qualunque possono allora venir calcolati per interpolazione. La precisione dipende dal numero e dalla distribuzione dei valori immagazzinati. Se si tratta di funzioni trigonometriche, si può raggiungere una precisione di cinque cifre od anche di sei cifre immagazzinando non più di 100 valori della funzione e 100 coefficienti per l’interpolazione. Tale precisione è sufficiente per la maggior parte dei calcoli topografici, inclusa la triangolazione di terzo ordine. All’Istituto Geodetico del Politecnico di Stoccarda è stato costruito un modello siffatto, con il quale è possibile il calcolo dei valori delle funzioni sinx, cosx, tgx, ctgx e funzioni inverse, come pure di sec tgx (secante della tangente). La macchina calcolatrice originaria è una Odhner. Experienze effettuate con questo modello a mano hanno mostrato che gli errori di calcolo sono solo la metà di quelli commessi nelle ordinarie operazioni a mano eseguite da un calcolatore mediante tavole delle funzioni a stampa. Di più, il risparmio di tempo è risultato, in alcuni casi, del 50%. Prove effettuate hanno dimostrato inoltre che l’impiego della macchina cosi modificata risulta molto semplice, e che questo è alla portata anche di personale non specialmente istruito.

Resume Après de nombreuses années d’hésitation, on a finalement reconnu, au Congrès de Florence, en 1955, que dans le repérage des altitudes, seule la notion depotentiel était claire et sans ambigu?té, l’altitude au sens courant du terme étant conventionnelle. De la même fa?on, pour le repérage géométrique des points à la surface de la Terre, les coordonnées (X Y Z) des points, dans letrièdre cartésien terrestre général, sont les inconnues fondamentales; les coordonnées géodésiques couramment utilisées (longitude, latitude altitude H au-dessus de l’ellipso?de) sont conventionnelles. Mais pratiquement, afin d’écrire commodément les relations d’observation, il para?t intéressant de passer par l’intermédiaire detrièdres locaux (trièdres laplaciens), liés de fa?on invariable au système cartésien général, et de repérer toutes les grandeurs dans ces trièdres locaux. Toutes les observations utilisées en Géodésie s’expriment de fa?on simple et sans singularités dans ces trièdres locaux. La jonction des triangulations classiques, l’Astrogéodésie, la synthèse des Géodésies classique et spatiale sont facilitées. En astronomie de position, les grandeurs longitude, latitude, azimut, sont avantageusement remplacées par: déviation Est-Ouest, déviation Nord-Sud, azimut de Laplace. Les relations d’observation s’écrivent sans difficulté, même dans les régions polaires. L’application pratique des nouvelles formules obtenues a été réalisée avec succès par L.F. Gregerson (Service Géodésique du Canada).
Summary At Florence, in 1955, it was accepted that, in the problems of levelling, the notion ofpotential was scientifically clear, and that the altitude could derive from it only through a conventional process. In the same manner, when we want to have a geometric reference of the points at the earth surface, we use the coordinates (X Y Z) in thegeneral cartesian trihedron as fundamental unknowns, the geodetic coordinates (λϕH) deriving from (X Y Z) through a conventional process. Practically, in order to set up the observation equations, it is necessary to define local trihedrons (laplacian trihedrons), deriving from the cartesian general system through a fixed transformation, and to refer all the unknowns in these local trihedrons. All the observations used in Geodesy can be expressed simply and without any singularity in these local trihedrons. The links between classical geodetic nets, the astrogeodesy, the combination between classical and spatial geodesy, become easier. In astronomical controls, “longitude, latitude, azimut” must be replaced by: W-E deflection, N-S deflection and Laplace azimuth. Thus all the observation equations can be set, even in polar regions. A practical application of the new formulae was done successfully by L.F. Gregerson (Geodetic Survey of Canada).


Generally speaking there is a tendency for observations to be judeged by the magnitudes of the triangular errors, although the misclosures of the side equations are equally important. This note explains how to formulate a compehensive criterion covering the two types of misclosure and given in terms of the mean traingular ? m for which definite limits are usually laid down.  相似文献   

Monthly time series, from 2001 to 2016, of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from MOD13Q1 products were analyzed with Seasonal Trend Analysis (STA), assessing seasonal and long-term changes in the mangrove canopy of the Teacapan-Agua Brava lagoon system, the largest mangrove ecosystem in the Mexican Pacific coast. Profiles from both vegetation indices described similar phenological trends, but the EVI was more sensitive in detecting intra-annual changes. We identified a seasonal cycle dominated by Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle mixed patches, with the more closed canopy occurring in the early autumn, and the maximum opening in the dry season. Mangrove patches dominated by Avicennia germinans displayed seasonal peaks in the winter. Curves fitted for the seasonal vegetation indices were better correlated with accumulated precipitation and solar radiation among the assessed climate variables (Pearson’s correlation coefficients, estimated for most of the variables, were r ≥ 0.58 p < 0.0001), driving seasonality for tidal basins with mangroves dominated by L. racemosa and R. mangle. For tidal basins dominated by A. germinans, the maximum and minimum temperatures and monthly precipitation fit better seasonally with the vegetation indices (r ≥ 0.58, p < 0.0001). Significant mangrove canopy reductions were identified in all the analyzed tidal basins (z values for the Mann-Kendall test ≤ ?1.96), but positive change trends were recorded in four of the basins, while most of the mangrove canopy (approximately 87%) displayed only seasonal canopy changes or canopy recovery (z > ?1.96). The most resilient mangrove forests were distributed in tidal basins dominated by L. racemosa and R. mangle (Mann-Kendal Tau t ≥ 0.4, p ≤ 0.03), while basins dominated by A. germinans showed the most evidence of disturbance.  相似文献   

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