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大型地下洞室岩体质量受诸多因素影响,围岩分类相对复杂,综合运用几种围岩分类方法有利于准确确定围岩的综合类别。在试验资料和长期现场地质工作的基础上,利用RMR、Q、HC、BQ及RMi分类方法,对大岗山水电站代表性洞室主厂房围岩进行分类,并通过对分类结果的回归分析,得出Q值与RMR值、HC值,RMi值与HC值、RMi值与RMR值呈指数关系,相关系数依次为0.91、0.82、0.87、0.94; Q值与RMi值呈乘幂关系,RMR值与HC值呈线性关系,相关系数分别为0.90、0.85;[BQ]值与HC值、RMR值呈线性关系,而与Q值、RMi值分别呈指数、对数关系,相关系数依次为0.49、0.38、0.38、0.40。研究结果表明,RMR、Q、HC及RMi分类方法相关性好,可互相补充、验证,有效应用于工程实践中; BQ分类与另4种分类相关性较差,在该水电站及类似工程中适用性相对较小。  相似文献   

基于区域化变量及RMR评价体系的金川III矿区矿岩质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾明涛  王李管 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1907-1912
岩体质量的全面评价是自然崩落法矿山可行性研究和初步设计的重要前提和依据。RMR体系是通常采用的综合性评价方法,以钻孔或坑道的局部RMR评价值来表征整个区域的岩体质量具有片面性。因此,以金川III矿区1554水平以上的岩体质量调查数据为样品,首先对其空间结构性及变异性进行了分析,得出调查区RMR参数指标具有区域化变量特征的结论;其次,建立了评价范围内各类工程和岩性区段的三维表面模型,并对该模型用长方体单元进行了离散;然后,借助区域化变量最优无偏估值方法,对各离散单元块的RMR参数指标进行推估,建立了反映全局变化的矿岩质量三维可视化RMR评价模型;最后以RMR评价模型为基础,根据Laubscher崩落图对矿岩初始和持续崩落的水力半径进行了计算。结果表明:III矿区的RMR均值为39.8,矿岩可崩性属较好到很好。预测金川III矿区平均持续崩落水力半径为20.4 m。  相似文献   

本文结合岩体CSIR和NGI分类体系,介绍了由岩体经验强度准则和岩体分类指标RMR和Q估算地基岩体强度参数和变形模量的方法,从而为快速、经济地进行岩基设计提供了重要途径。  相似文献   

岩体波速与坝基岩体变形模量关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋彦辉  巨广宏  孙苗 《岩土力学》2011,32(5):1507-1512
岩体变形模量是岩体工程设计最重要的参数之一,尽管其可以通过各种现场试验来获得,但因其耗时、费力、投资大,使得许多中小型工程及大型工程的初步设计阶段无法通过试验来得到这一参数。因此,许多研究者建立了诸多岩体变形模量与岩体物理力学参数或岩体质量分级之间的相关关系,如岩体变形模量与RQD、RMR分级、Q分级、岩体纵波速度等之间的关系,从而利用这些关系估算岩体变形模量。总结了已有估算岩体变形模量的各种方法,讨论了其应用条件及预测结果,重点分析了利用岩体纵波速度估算岩体变形模量的方法及存在的问题,并以玛尔挡坝址为实例,建立了相关预测公式。通过与已有估算方法的对比研究,阐明了各种方法预测结果的异同,表明其建立的估算公式与Barton等公式具有较好的一致性,可以用来估算岩体的变形模量  相似文献   

隧洞围岩分类与洞径和超欠挖之间的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙少锐  吴继敏  魏继红 《岩土力学》2005,26(8):1278-1282
岩体的地质结构特征是影响隧洞围岩超欠挖的主要因素,正确评价岩体的质量,对岩体进行分类,并研究岩体质量与隧洞超欠挖之间的关系对分析和预测隧洞超欠挖具有重要的意义。对隧洞围岩的RMR分类和Q分类与超欠挖之间的关系进行了详细研究,研究了在同类岩体条件下不同开挖洞径与隧洞超欠挖之间的关系,并由此建立了RMR分类和Q分类之间的关系,得出围岩的RMR分类和Q分类与隧洞超欠挖呈线性关系和对数线性关系,根据超欠挖建立起来的RMR分类和Q分类之间的关系比较符合工程实际。最后研究了超欠挖与围岩分类及洞径之间的复相关关系。  相似文献   

考虑岩体开挖卸荷边坡岩体质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确评价开挖后岩体质量并对其进行分类,对研究岩石边坡开挖卸荷后的稳定性有十分重要的意义。以某水电站坝肩高边坡开挖工程为背景,运用卸荷岩体力学的理论与方法,对坝肩边坡开挖岩体进行三维有限元分析。根据边坡岩体开挖后应力应变场的动态变化情况,确定岩体开挖卸荷后质量损伤劣化程度,并根据岩体开挖卸荷后的力学参数,采用RMR法对开挖后的边坡岩体质量进行评价。结果表明,边坡岩体RMR值随开挖后卸荷量的增大基本呈线性递减趋势,进而考虑开挖卸荷影响因素,修正了RMR法中的评价参数,为以后用该法评价开挖后的岩体质量提供参考。  相似文献   

变形模量作为表征岩体变形特征的重要参数,是岩体工程设计的基础力学参数之一。在综合前人研究的基础上提出了基于三维结构面网络模拟确定岩体变形模量的方法,编制了三维结构面网络模拟及计算RQD值的程序。以西南山区某水电站坝址区岩体为实例,在概率统计各组优势结构面几何要素分布形式的基础上,采用Monte Carlo法生成三维结构面网络模型,据此获得岩体三维RQD值,利用RMR法进行质量评价和变形模量的确定,并与钻孔资料统计法和原位试验结果进行对比分析。结果表明:基于钻孔资料统计的估算结果与原位试验相对误差达31.62%,且其估算值偏低;基于三维结构面网络模拟的估算结果与原位试验相对误差仅为2.56%,估算结果精度较高。该方法考虑了岩体质量的空间各向异性,对岩体的质量评价和参数确定更为合理,研究成果为该工程的优化设计提供了合理的计算参数。   相似文献   

会泽铅锌矿6号矿体稳定性工程地质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为查明会泽铅锌矿的岩体工程地质条件,评价各岩组的稳定性,在收集和整理原有资料的基础上,对6号矿体回采区段的岩体工程地质条件进行了详细调查和测试,采用RMR和Q系统分级方法确定了各岩组的级别,根据试验参数分析了钻孔岩芯饼化现象产生的原因,系统地论证了采区的岩体工程地质条件,为选择合理的采矿方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

柱状节理岩体的复杂结构使其现场力学参数的确定存在困难,可靠地估计柱状节理岩体强度及变形特性对工程安全至关重要。结合Voronoi图形及3D打印技术制作不规则柱状节理岩体光敏树脂模具,并制备了具有不同倾角的规则及不规则柱状节理岩体试样。基于开展的单轴压缩试验结果,分析不同截面柱状节理岩体的变形及强度特性差异。根据试样最终破坏形态,揭示柱状节理岩体破坏模式及机制。结合已有研究结果,描述节理面材料对柱状节理岩体破坏形态及强度的影响。基于传统节理系数方法,提出了更能反映柱状节理岩体柱体结构特征的修正节理系数方法。采用修正节理系数法建立规则及不规则柱状节理岩体试验结果与现场变形及强度参数间的经验关系,将所提出计算公式应用于白鹤滩水电站工程,预测结果与现场实测值及RMR法(RMR为岩石质量评分指标)、Q法(Q为岩体质量指标)的预测值进行比较。结果表明,对于现场变形和强度参数,所提出的修正节理系数法的预测结果与现场实测结果较为吻合。  相似文献   

申艳军  徐光黎  杨更社 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):565-572
针对目前水电站地下厂房工程中不同围岩分类方法存在评价结果不一致、围岩力学参数存在室内试验值与实际情况不吻合的现象,现推荐采用岩体精细化描述体系对围岩岩体结构进行定量化评价。将常用围岩分类方法(RMR、Q、RMi、GSI、BQ、HC)评价指标予以归纳分组,并通过各组内不同指标对比分析获得围岩分类方法中的基础评价指标。以大岗山水电站主厂房某区段为分析对象,采取现场岩体精细化地质素描与后期数据挖掘、拟合相结合方法,并依据评价指标间的关联关系,获得了基础、非基础评价指标的分布概型及对应参数,实现对该段围岩岩体精细化描述认知;基于精细化描述结果,应用Monte Carlo法生成符合各评价指标分布概型的大量随机数,而后参照各分类方法评价思路与评分流程,得到评价指标在各分类方法对应的大量随机评分值,通过归纳统计获得不同围岩分类方法评价结果的分布概型;基于各围岩分类方法评价结果与力学参数值之间的关联关系实现对力学参数概率特征分析。该分析方法与思路可为类似工程围岩质量及力学参数的精确确定提供一定借鉴,并可为实现围岩支护极限状态设计提供必要的原始参数支持。  相似文献   

The basic quality (BQ) system is regarded as the national rock mass classification system that can be appropriate for use in most types of rock engineering in China. Two underlying parameters that the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the rock intactness index (KV) are taken into account to access the basic BQ value. However, The KV was usually measured by an indirect acoustic wave approach which often cannot reflected the actual conditions. In this study, a direct measured parameter KGSI is recommended to obtain by means of the GSI system to replace the original KV, and a new method [BQ]GSI expressed by the new parameter KGSI is proposed. In particular, a graphic method is also presented to determine rapidly and rationally the rock mass classification by the X, Y coordinates of the UCS and the KGSI. In order to further compare the evaluation results and application effects between the [BQ]GSI and the international rock mass classification systems, a comprehensive solution is carried out. First, the evaluation factors of rock mass qualities from all these system are classified according to three groups: the rock mass inherent parameters, external parameters, and construction parameters. Second, the correlations among these evaluation factors in the new [BQ]GSI system and the common international systems (i.e. RMR, Q, and RMi) were compared. And the formulas or charts among the three groups are presented. Finally, five hydropower underground excavations are chosen to analysis the comparison results of the [BQ]GSI system and the international common RMR, Q, or RMi systems. The applicability scope of these international RMR, Q, or RMi systems is also discussed in the context of China’s rock characteristics and geological stress conditions.  相似文献   

VJC-RMR法在岩体变形模量确定中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在介绍VJC-RMR法 ( Volumetric joint count-rock mechanics rating method )基本原理的基础上,对贵阳市鱼简河水库坝基岩体进行了质量评价和变形模量确定,并与原位试验法、Q法 (Rock mass quality) 和岩体损伤的分形模型(Fractional model of rock mass damage)进行了比较。结果表明,VJC-RMR法能够将一维问题转化为三维问题,更好地反映岩体的实际情况,是进行岩体质量评价和参数确定较好的一种方法。  相似文献   

The results of geotechnical explorations, engineering geological investigation (including laboratory and in situ tests) and field observations have been used, along with borehole logging charts, to obtain the rock mass geotechnical data. Based on the data, the rock mass along the Sabzkuh water conveyance tunnel route was classified by rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q), rock mass index (RMi) and geological strength index (GSI) (3 methods). A new series of correlations were established between the systems based on the data collected from the study area. These relationships were then compared with those reported in the literature, and two new relations were recommended. The classifications were utilized to calculate mechanical properties (rock mass strength and deformation modulus) of the rock mass along the tunnel according to available empirical relations, and to distinguish the upper-bound and lower-bound relations.  相似文献   

鱼简河水库坝基岩体模量研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岩体变形模量的确定是岩石力学界研究的难点问题。贵州省鱼简河水利工程是国家重点工程,该工程大坝坝型为拱坝,坝基岩体变形模量的大小直接影响其坝体结构设计。本文在坝基岩体分组的基础上,利用Monte-Carlo模拟技术,采用RMR法与岩体损伤的分形模型对岩体变形模量进行估算,最后结合原位试验和工程地质类比给出岩体参数建议值,为坝体设计提供合理的计算参数。   相似文献   

Deformability of rock masses influencing their behavior is an important geomechanical property for the design of rock structures. Due to the difficulties in determining the deformability of jointed rock masses at the laboratory-scale, various in-situ test methods such as pressuremeter, dilatometer, plate loading tests etc. have been developed. Although these techniques are currently the best and direct methods, they are time-consuming and expensive, and present operational difficulties. In addition, the influence of the test volume on deformation modulus depending on the method employed is also important. For these reasons empirical equations to indirectly estimate the deformation modulus have also been recommended by several investigators as an alternative approach. In this study; the geomechanical quality of weak, heavily jointed, sheared and/or blocky greywacke rock masses, on which very concentrated civil works are continuing at the southern and southwestern parts of Ankara (Turkey), was assessed. The deformation modulus was determined by pressuremeter tests, the possible effects of variables on the derived deformation modulus from the pressuremeter test were evaluated by numerical methods, and the comparisons between the deformation modulus of the greywackes obtained from the pressuremeter tests and their geomechanical quality (GSI and RMR) were made. Numerical simulations revealed that the presence of a disturbed annulus around the borehole causes underestimation of the deformation modulus, while the effect of length to diameter ratio of the pressuremeter probe on the deformation modulus is minor. Based on the geo-engineering characterization assessments, mainly two greywacke rock masses with different geomechanical qualities were identified. Geotechnical quality of one of these rock masses was verified by the back analysis of two slope failures. The empirical equations to indirectly estimate the deformation modulus of the greywackes using their GSI and RMR values yielded high coefficients of correlation.  相似文献   

裂隙岩体变形模量尺寸效应研究Ⅱ:解析法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨建平  陈卫忠  戴永浩 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1607-1612
通过分开考虑岩块和裂隙对岩体变形的贡献,研究了任意裂隙分布岩体等效变形模量的解析计算方法,并用正交裂隙岩体对该方法进行了验证,得到的结果和经典解析解完全一致。此外,通过该方法对锦屏Ⅱ级电站辅助洞中段随机裂隙岩体进行不同尺寸、不同方位下等效变形模量的计算,计算结果显示,随着岩体尺寸的增大,不同方位的变形模量值趋于稳定,该裂隙岩体变形模量的特征单元对(REV)尺寸为8 m,和有限元计算结果一致。结果表明该方法可以用来研究裂隙岩体等效变形模量尺寸效应和各向异性特性,研究成果对于裂隙岩体等效变形参数取值具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Geotechnical investigation projects in Korea produced data on the in situ modulus of deformation of rock masses (E M) measured with the borehole test, rock mass rating (RMR), and Q-system. The modulus of deformation of rock masses was correlated with the degree of weathering, RMR, and Q values. Determination of E M for each degree of weathering allows for the results to be used to classify the degree of weathering or to predict E M. The relation between E M and RMR is represented by $ E_{\text{M}} = 10^{{\frac{{{\text{RMR}} - 16}}{50}}} $ , which returns values 2–3 times lower than those reported in previous studies. Despite scatter in the values, due to larger dataset used in this study, the proposed equation may be used to predict the in situ modulus of deformation from RMR values. In addition, the relation between modulus of deformation and Q values is $ E_{\text{M}} = 10^{{0.32{ \log }Q + 0.585}} $ .  相似文献   

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