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The giant impact hypothesis for the origin of the Moon has been widely accepted. One of the most important features of this hypothesis is that the impactor's metallic core was incorporated in the Earth after impact. If the mass of the impactor is 0.82 × 1027 g, the mass of the impactor core was estimated to be 0.19 × 1027 g, which is about 1/10 of present Earth's core. Liu (1982) derived the bulk composition of the Earth from CI chondrites, and concluded that the Fe content of his model appears to be low in comparison with the present Earth, which, however, can be rationalized by the addition of impactor core into the proto-Earth developed by Liu (1982). If the impactor's mantle contains 14 wt% FeO as suggested, the mass ratio of impactor/proto-Earth should not exceed 0.22. The same ratio is not likely to exceed 0.30, if a giant blowoff did not occur during impact.  相似文献   

Recent radar measures of the radius and mass of Mercury imply a composition for the planet containing about 60% iron. One or other of two conclusions seems inescapable: either that Mercury is a highly exceptional object among terrestrial planets, or that all measures to date of the planet involve substantial systematic error. In either case the situation is such that independent checking of the radius and mass of Mercury by some entirely different means has become of the greatest importance to planetary physics and cosmogony.The recent radar and other determinations of the solid radius of Venus imply an internal structure similar to that of the Earth, namely a liquid core surrounded by a solid mantle and outer-shell zone. The theory also implies that the temperatures within Venus should be slightly higher than at the corresponding parts of the Earth. The proportion of mass in the core of Venus (about 25% of the whole) is entirely consistent with the phase-change hypothesis as to its nature, as of course is also the absence of any liquid or iron core in both Mars and the Moon. On the older iron-core hypothesis, Venus with considerably less iron content by mass than the Earth, and Mars and the Moon with none, would all present problems in different degrees to account for the differences of composition.If Venus began as an all-solid planet, the initial radius would have been about 6300 km, and the total amount of surface reduction to date owing to contraction of the planet would have been almost 40 million km2, and as a proportion of the total area only slightly less than the contraction of the Earth. The theory thus predicts the existence of folded and thrusted mountain-systems of terrestrial type at the surface of Venus.  相似文献   

Embryos of the Moon and the Earth may have formed as a result of contraction of a common parental rarefied condensation. The required angular momentum of this condensation could largely be acquired in a collision of two rarefied condensations producing the parental condensation. With the subsequent growth of embryos of the Moon and the Earth taken into account, the total mass of as-formed embryos needed to reach the current angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system could be below 0.01 of the Earth mass. For the low lunar iron abundance to be reproduced with the growth of originally iron-depleted embryos of the Moon and the Earth just by the accretion of planetesimals, the mass of the lunar embryo should have increased by a factor of 1.3 at the most. The maximum increase in the mass of the Earth embryo due to the accumulation of planetesimals in a gas-free medium is then threefold, and the current terrestrial iron abundance is not attained. If the embryos are assumed to have grown just by accumulating solid planetesimals (without the ejection of matter from the embryos), it is hard to reproduce the current lunar and terrestrial iron abundances at any initial abundance in the embryos. For the current lunar iron abundance to be reproduced, the amount of matter ejected from the Earth embryo and infalling onto the Moon embryo should have been an order of magnitude larger than the sum of the overall mass of planetesimals infalling directly on the Moon embryo and the initial mass of the Moon embryo, which had formed from the parental condensation, if the original embryo had the same iron abundance as the planetesimals. The greater part of matter incorporated into the Moon embryo could be ejected from the Earth in its multiple collisions with planetesimals (and smaller bodies).  相似文献   

Supporting evidence for the fission hypothesis for the origin of the Moon is offered. The maximum allowable amount of free iron now present in the Moon would not suffice to extract the siderophiles from the lunar silicates with the observed efficiency. Hence extraction must have been done with a larger amount of iron, as in the mantle of the Earth, of which the Moon was once a part, according to the fission hypothesis. The fission hypothesis gives a good resolution of the tektite paradox. Tektites are chemically much like products of the mantle of the Earth; but no physically possible way has been found to explain their production from the Earth itself. Perhaps they are a product of late, deep-seated lunar volcanism. If so, the Moon must have inside it some material with a strong resemblance to the Earth's mantle. Two dynamical objections to fission are shown to be surmountable under certain apparently plausible conditions.  相似文献   

G.P. Horedt 《Icarus》1980,43(2):215-221
Accretional energy can be retained with sufficient efficiency in the outer layers of the Moon due to the considerable amount of debris falling back into large craters.Heating of meteorite parent bodies occurs mainly after their accretion, by destructive collisions. The heating was generally not sufficient to differentiate the parent bodies completely so that iron meteorites would originate from the mantle, rather than from the core of a meteorite parent body. Assuming that the Earth and Moon accreted from material of similar chemical composition, we suggest that only from the outer lunar shell is there a loss of gases and volatiles due to accretional melting. The Earth melted completely and degassing was efficient for the whole mass of the Earth leading to its ≈20% higher uncompressed mean density in comparison to the Moon. Because of its lower gravitational field, gases and volatiles escaped much more easily from the lunar atmosphere than from the terrestrial one, leading to the observed depletion in volatiles of the outer parts of the Moon.  相似文献   

Fission from the Earth's mantle explains why the density of the Moon is similar to that of the Earth's mantle.If following the fission origin of the Moon, the Earth-Moon distance increases progressively, the Moon can recollect chemicals evaporated by the Earth but not volatile enough to be lost as gases.In this way, the surface of the Moon can be enriched in refractory elements as most of the authors have proposed.At 3 Earth radii the long geosynchronous phase allows the formation of a solid crust which will record the Earth's magnetic field and the equilibrium hydrostatic from at that distance.When geosynchronism is broken the Moon will recede; its shape will no longer fit the hydrostatic form. The crust will either break or will exercise pressure on the lower layers. Meteor craters will allow lava to come to the surface. Such flows will be very large where the shape of the crust does not fit at all the geosynchronous form. Large lava flows will appear this way on the near side where the shape has changed the most. The new lava flows no longer record the magnetic field of the Earth because with the end of the synchronous position the field is alternative for the Moon; only the remanent field can influence the new lava.Three out of five samples dated at 3.6 b.y. suggest nevertheless that the field decreased slowly without becoming alternative. This means that the geosynchronous phase may have lasted longer and put the Moon on a more distant orbit, as Alfvén and Arrhenius suggested.The interpretation of lunar magnetism as influenced by the Earth cannot discard any interpretation or suggestion of its own lunar magnetic process. It is quite possible that both mechanisms have worked as some samples show.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademic Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of the Earth-Moon system is studied by comparing it to the satellite systems of other planets. The normal structure of a system of secondary bodies orbiting around a central body depends essentially on the mass of the central body. The Earth with a mass intermediate between Uranus and Mars should have a normal satellite system that consists of about half a dozen satellites each with a mass of a fraction of a percent of the lunar mass. Hence, the Moon is not likely to have been generated in the environment of the Earth by a normal accretion process as is claimed by some authors.Capture of satellites is quite a common process as shown by the fact that there are six satellites in the solar system which, because they are retrograde, must have been captured. There is little doubt that the Moon is also a captured satellite, but its capture orbit and tidal evolution are still incompletely understood.The Earth and the Moon are likely to have been formed from planetesimals accreting in particle swarms in Kepler orbits (jet streams). This process leads to the formation of a cool lunar interior with an outer layer accreted at increasingly higher temperatures. The primeval Earth should similarly have formed with a cool inner core surrounded in this case by a very strongly heated outer core and with a mantle accreted slowly and with a low average temperature but with intense transient heating at each individual impact site.  相似文献   

The proposed model explains the Moon formation as a result of a thermo-nuclear explosion due to which a big land mass was torn off from the Earth. Within the model framework, on the one hand, the data on the Moon’s physical and chemical parameters are in good agreement. On the other hand, this model corresponds to modern ideas about the dynamism of the Earth’s geological structure which presupposes the presence of a powerful energy source in the Earth’s core, which might have thermonuclear origin.  相似文献   

Kevin Righter 《Icarus》2002,158(1):1-13
The issue of whether the Moon has a small metallic core is reexamined in light of new information: improved dynamical modeling, new constraints on core size, and high temperature and pressure metal-silicate partition coefficients. Addressed specifically is the question of whether the Moon's siderophile element budget can be explained by derivation of the Moon from a differentiated impactor or proto-Earth (stage 1), followed by formation of a small metallic core within the Moon (stage 2). If the Moon is made of mantle material from either a “hot” impactor or a “warm” impactor or proto-Earth, a small metallic core (0.7 to 2 mass%) is predicted. If the Moon is made from mantle material from a “hot” proto-Earth, the lunar mantle would be more depleted in W or Re than is observed. Scenarios in which the Moon is made from impactor or proto-Earth mantle material that has equilibrated with metal at low pressures and temperatures (“cold” scenarios) would yield a much larger metallic core than observed. Finally, the greater depletions of Ni, Mo, and Re in the Moon (relative to the Earth) can be explained by low PT and reduced metal-silicate equilibrium in an impactor without later core formation in the Moon (i.e., no stage 2), but depletions of Co, Ga, and W cannot. Altogether, geochemically unlikely or geophysically inadequate non-metallic core alternatives, substantial geophysical evidence for a metallic core, and the successful models presented here for siderophile element depletions all favor the presence of a small lunar metallic core. Previous geochemical objections to an impactor origin of the Moon are eliminated because siderophile element concentrations in the lunar mantle are consistent with separation of a small core from a bulk Moon derived from impactor mantle material.  相似文献   

The basic geochemical model of the structure of the Moon proposed by Anderson, in which the Moon is formed by differentiation of the calcium, aluminium, titanium-rich inclusions in the Allende meteorite, is accepted, and the conditions for formation of this Moon within the solar nebula models of Cameron and Pine are discussed. The basic material condenses while iron remains in the gaseous phase, which places the formation of the Moon slightly inside the orbit of Mercury. Some condensed metallic iron is likely to enter the Moon in this position, and since the Moon is assembled at a very high temperature, it is likely to have been fully molten, so that the iron can remove the iridium from the silicate material and carry it down to form a small core. Interactions between the Moon and Mercury lead to the present rather eccentric Mercury orbit and to a much more eccentric orbit for the Moon, reaching past the orbit of the Earth, establishing conditions which are necessary for capture of the Moon by the Earth. In this orbit the Moon, no longer fully molten, will sweep up additional material containing iron oxide. This history accounts in principle for the two major ways in which the bulk composition of the Moon differs from that of the Allende inclusions.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

A new scenario is offered for the origin of the Moon. It is assumed that the Earth formed initially with about the maximum amount of angular momentum consistent with dynamical stability. This state is approximated by the secularly unstable Maclaurin spheroids (highly flattened, hamburger-shaped bodies). It is shown that the Earth cannot depart from this state at a resonable rate as long as its viscosity is in the range of liquid rock. Since core formation supplies about 1600 kJ kg?1 the Earth will not leave this state until core formation is complete. When cooling produces a rise in viscosity, the Earth will necessarily evolve along a path which is approximated by the Riemann ellipsoids (which have rapid internal motion). The evolution is toward a Jacobi ellipsoid, but it is intercepted by the development of a third-harmonic (pearshaped) instability, which is catastrophic and leads to fission. The process of fission itself may be fundamentally analogous to the breaking of a wave in water. We cannot exclude the possibility that some other planets evolved similarly.  相似文献   

The early phases of formation in the inner solar system were dominated by collisions and short-range dynamical interactions among planetesimals. But the later phases, which account for most of the differences among planets, are unsure because the dynamics are more subtle. Jupiter's influence became more important, leading to drastic clearing out of the asteroid belt and the stunting of Mars's growth. Further in, the effect of Jupiter-- both directly and indirectly, through ejection of mass in the outer solar system-- was probably to speed up the process without greatly affecting the outcome. The great variety in bulk properties of the terrestrial bodies indicate a terminal phase of great collisions, so that the outcome is the result of small-N statistics. Mercury, 65 percent iron, appears to be a residual core from a high-velocity collision. All planets appear to require a late phase of high energy impacts to erode their atmospheres: including the Earth, to remove CO2 so that its ocean could form by condensation of water.Consistent with this model is that the largest collision, about 0.2 Earth masses, was into the proto-Earth, although the only property that appears to require it is the great lack of iron in the Moon. The other large differences between the Earth and Venus, angular momentum (spin plus satellite) and inert gas abundances, must arise from origin circumstances, but neither require nor forbid the giant impact. Venus's higher ratio of light to heavy inert gases argues for it receiving a large icy impactor, about 10–6 Earth masses from far out, requiring some improbable dynamics to get a low enough approach velocity. Core formation in both planets probably started rather early during accretion.Some geochemical evidences argue for the Moon coming from the Earth's mantle, but are inconclusive. Large scale melting of the mantle by the giant impact would plausibly have led to stratification. But the "lock-up" at the end of turbulent mantle convection is a trade-off between rates: crystallization of constituents of small density difference versus overall freezing. Also, factors such as differences in melting temperatures and densities, melt compressibilities, and phase transitions may have had homogenizing effects in the subsequent mantle convection.  相似文献   

The problem of the origin of the Moon has led to various hypotheses: simultaneous accretion, fission, capture, etc. These theories were based primarily on global mechanical considerations. New geological data (Turcotteet al., 1974; Kahn and Pompea, 1978) have led to fresh approaches and new versions of these theories.As suggested by Wise (1969) and O'Keefe (1972), the initial Earth may have taken unstable forms when radial segregation sped up the rotation. The Moon may have been created as the small part of the pyroid of Poincaré.Fission theory was mainly discarded, in the past, on the basis of energy considerations. We are now arriving at the conclusion that these considerations are void if the fission was followed by a very long period of geostationary rotation of the Moon at a distance of about 3 Earth radius (i.e., out of the Roche limit). Indeed the large amount of energy of the initial system could have been released slowly and therefore evacuated by losses of material and radiation.The accretion of the Earth and the radial segregation of heavy chemicals toward the center has led to a differential rotation of the different layers with a faster rotation at the center. During the geostationary period the Moon was synchronous with respect to the surface layer. That Earth-Moon system has both a correct angular momentum and a large stability provided that the viscosity of intermediate layers was small enough, which is in concordance with its high temperature.Even with a very hot system, a superficial cold layer appears because of its low conductivity and the radiation equilibrium with outer space. This implies a slow loss of energy: the geosynchronous Moon receded extremely slowly.During the geostationary period lithophile elements were extracted with water by the radial segregation and were deposited in the area facing the Moon. One massive continent was formed, as suggested by Grjebine (1978).As the continent became thicker and sank into the mantle, convection currents appeared and speeded up the cooling of the Earth. The viscosity increased and the synchronization between the Moon and the surface of the Earth became more difficult to maintain. When synchronism was broken important lunar tides transferred energy and momentum from the Earth to the Moon which receded toward its present position and the modification of its equilibrium shape explains the formation of lunar maria in the near side.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Paleontological data and celestial mechanics suggest that the Moon may have stayed in a geosynchronous corotation around the Earth as a geostationary satellite. Excess energy may have slowly been released as heat, transferred as movement around the Sund or lost with matter ejected into space.The radial segregation process which was responsible for the formation of the Earth's iron core also brought water and lithophile elements dissolved in the water towards the surface. These elements were deposited in the area facing the Moon for several reasons, and a single continent was formed. Its level continuously matched the sea level, so the continent was formed under shallow water. When the geosynchronous corotation of the Moon became impossible, the tides become important, the Moon receded and the Earth slowed down and became more and more spherical; the variation of its oblateness from about 8% to 0.3% was incompatible with the shape of the continent, that broke into pieces.Almost all the data were have on the Earth's age, the composition of the continents, sea water and the atmosphere fit this approach as does lunar data.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields of celestial bodies are usually supposed to be due to a ‘hydromagnetic dynamo’. This term refers to a number of rather speculative processes which are supposed to take place in the liquid core of a celestial body. In this paper we shall follow another approach which is more closely connected with hydromagnetic processes well-known from the laboratory, and hence basically less speculative. The paper should be regarded as part of a general program to connect cosmical phenomena with phenomena studied in the laboratory. As has been demonstrated by laboratory experiments, a poloidal magnetic field may be increased by the transfer of energy from a toroidal magnetic field through kink instability of the current system. This mechanism can be applied to the fluid core of a celestial body. Any differential rotation will produce a toroidal field from an existing poloidal field, and the kink instability will feed toroidal energy back to the poloidal field, and hence amplify it. In the Earth-Moon system the tidal braking of the Earth's mantle acts to produce a differential angular velocity between core and mantle. The braking will be transferred to the core by hydromagnetic forces which at the same time give rise to a strong magnetic field. The strength of the field will be determined by the rate of tidal braking. It is suggested that the magnetization of lunar rocks from the period ?4 to ?3 Gyears derives from the Earth's magnetic field. As the interior of the Moon immediately after accretion probably was too cool to be melted, the Moon could not produce a magnetic field by hydromagnetic effects in its core. The observed lunar magnetization could be produced by such an amplified Earth field even if the Moon never came closer than 10 or 20 Earth's radii. This hypothesis might be checked by magnetic measurements on the Earth during the same period.  相似文献   

We considered the impacts of very large cosmic bodies (with radii in the range 100–200 to 1000–2000 km) on the early Earth, whose mass, radius and density distribution are close to the current values. The impacts of such bodies were possible during the first hundreds of million years after the formation of the Earth and the Moon. We present and analyze the results of a numerical simulation of the impact of a planetesimal, the size of which is equal to that of the contemporary Moon (1700 km). In three-dimensional computations, the velocity (15 and 30 km/s) and the angle (45°, 60°, and 90°) of the impact are varied. We determined the mass losses and traced the evolution of the shape of the Earth's surface, taking into account the self-consistent gravitational forces that arise in the ejected and remaining materials in accordance with the real, time-dependent mass distribution. Shock waves reflected from the core are shown to propagate from the impact site deep into the Earth. The core undergoes strong, gradually damped oscillations. Although motions in the Earth's mantle gradually decline, they have enough time to put the Earth in a rotational motion. As a result, a wave travels over the Earth's surface, whose amplitude, in the case of an oblique impact, depends on the direction of the wave propagation. The maximum height of this wave is tremendous—it attains several hundred kilometers. Some portion of the ejected material (up to 40% of the impactor mass) falls back onto Earth under the action of gravity. This portion is equivalent to the layer of a condensed material with a thickness on the order of ten kilometers. The appearance of this hot layer should result in a global melting of near-surface layers, which can limit the age of terrestrial rocks by the time of the impact under consideration. For lesser-sized impactors, say, for impactors with radii of about 160 km, the qualitative picture resembles that described above but the amplitude of disturbances is considerably smaller. This amplitude, however, is sufficient to cause a crustal disruption (if such a crust has already formed) and intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The terrestrial planets aggregated essentially from small particles, to begin as solid cool bodies with the same general compositions, and there is no possibility of an iron-core developing within any of them at any stage. Their differing internal and surface properties receive ready explanation from their different masses which determine whether the pressures within are sufficient to bring about phase-changes. The claim that the terrestrial core can be identified by means of shockwave data as nickel-iron is based on theoretical misconception, whereas the actual seismic data establish an uncompressed-density value much lower than any such mixture could have. The onset of the Ramsey phase-change in the Earth takes the form of a rapid initial collapse to produce a large core in metallic state which thereafter continues to grow secularly as a result of radioactive heating and leads to reduction of surface-area at long last adequate to account for folded and thrusted mountain-building. The hypothesis implies a similar but retarded evolution for Venus. The Moon and Mars are too small in mass to have undergone the phase-change to a metallic core, and can have no resulting dipole field, nor can they develop terrestrial-type mountains. Effects resulting from a transition corresponding to the 20°-discontinuity will occur for Mars, including large-scale rifting at the surface, but will not occur on the Moon. Finally brief reference is made to subjective non-scientific factors associated with continued efforts to rely on the iron-core hypothesis despite its lack of any success in rendering the properties of the Earth explicable.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Frozen fields     
Magnetic fields due to permanent magnetization of planetary crusts and interiors have been clearly detected only for the Earth and Moon. However, they are likely to be a ubiquitous property of silicate and partially silicate objects in the solar system. An indication that this is true is the recent indirect evidence from the Galileo flybys that the asteroids Gaspra and Ida have intrinsic magnetic fields. Lunar paleomagnetism differs substantially from terrestrial paleomagnetism in part because the dominant ferromagnetic carriers are metallic Fe-Ni grains rather than iron oxides such as magnetite. The distribution of metallic iron remanence carriers on the Moon is influenced strongly by impact processes. In addition, large-scale lunar impacts may have produced transient magnetic fields capable of imparting magnetization with or without a former core dynamo. An unresolved issue of lunar paleomagnetism is the origin of swirl-like albedo markings associated with the strongest magnetic anomalies detected from orbit. The interpretation of solar wind magnetic field perturbations during the Gaspra and Ida flybys as due to intrinsic asteroidal magnetic fields has been supported by detailed magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The inferred magnetization limits for Gaspra are consistent with a wide variety of meteorite types and do not allow firm constraints to be imposed on Gaspra's bulk composition.  相似文献   

In 1799 Laplace discovered that the three principal moments of the Moon are not in equilibrium with the Moon's current orbital and rotational state. Some authors suggested that the Moon may carry a fossil figure. More than 3 billion years ago, the liquid Moon was closer to the Earth and revolved faster. Then the Moon migrated outwards and its rotation slowed down. During the early stage of this migration, the Moon was continually subjected to tidal and rotational stretching and formed into an ellipsoid. Subsequently the Moon cooled down and solidified quickly. Eventually, the solid Moon's lithosphere was stable and as a result we may see the very early lunar figure.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the overall early melting of the lunar surface is not necessary for the explanation of facts and that the structure of highlands is more complicated than a solidified anorthositic ‘plot’. The early heating of the interior of the Moon up to 1000K is really needed for the subsequent thermal history with the maximum melting 3.5 × 109 yr ago, to give the observed ages for mare basalts. This may be considered as an indication that the Moon during the accumulation retained a portion of its gravitational energy converted into heat, which may occur only at rapid processes. A rapid (t < 103 yr) accretion of the Moon from the circumterrestrial swarm of small particles would give necessary temperature, but it is not compatible with the characteristic time 108 yr of the replenishment of this swarm which is the same as the time-scale of the accumulation of the Earth. It is shown that there were conditions in the circumterrestial swarm for the formation at a first stage of a few large protomoons. Their number and position is evaluated from the simple formal laws of the growth of satellites in the vicinity of a planet. Such ‘systems’ of protomoons are compared with the observed multiple systems, and the conclusion is reached that there could have been not more than 2–3 large protomoons with the Earth. The tidal evolution of protomoon orbits was short not only for the present value of the tidal phase-lag but also for a considerably smaller value. The coalescence of protomoons into a single Moon had to occur before the formation of the observed relief on the Moon. If we accept the age 3.9 × 109 yr for the excavation of the Imbrium basin and ascribe the latter to the impact of an Earth satellite, this collision had to be roughly at 30R, whereR is the radius of the Earth, because the Moon at that time had to be somewhere at this distance. Therefore, the protomoons had to be orbiting inside 20–25R, and their coalescence had to occur more than 4.0x109 yr ago. The energy release at coalescence is equivalent to several hundred degrees and even 1000 K. The process is very rapid (of the order of one hour). Therefore, the model is valid for the initial conditions of the Moon.  相似文献   

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