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Mountain area is an important geographical unit of land,and its ecology is sensitive and fragile.Over the past few decades,human activities have caused dramatic changes in land use in mountainous areas,which caused changes in landscape patterns and impacts on the ecological environment.It is unknown how the mechanism of land use affects the landscape pattern at different scales.The Hantai District,a typical human settlement in the mountain area in Shaanxi,China,was chosen as the study area.Based on the remote sensing images,the mathematical models and landscape indexes were adopted to evaluate the impact of land use change from 1998 to 2017 on the landscape pattern at different scales,and its main driving forces were analyzed.The results showed that the urbanized land expanded largest from 15.39%to 24.30%,and cultivated land experienced the largest decline from 43.54%to 35.35%.Changes in land use have made the patch morphology of most land types developed from a natural random to a sawtooth shape,and its spatial pattern evolved from a ruleset to a fragmented expansion.This reflects the continuous strengthening of human intervention in the process of regional development.Under the jurisdiction of Hantai District,the biggest change in landscape pattern is in Hanzhong City and Qili Town.The improved economy and increasing population and urbanization rate were the main factors that cause these changes.This research could provide necessary information for understanding the evolution mechanism of land resources in mountainous human settlements for mountainous areas with significant geomorphic differentiation.  相似文献   

4月27日,中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究中心和社会科学文献出版社联合主办的2007年中国房地产高峰论坛暨《 房地产蓝皮书》2007年版出版发布会在北京举行.来自中国社会科学院、国土资源部、建设部、国家统计局、中国房地产协会等部门的专家、学者和官员出席了会议.  相似文献   

浙西南的江山市廿八都镇,地处浙闽赣三省交界。四面群山拱卫,仙霞古道穿镇而过,自古有“东南锁钥,入闽咽喉”之称。小镇类似文学家沈从文笔下的边城,当时“也有商人落脚的客店,坐镇不动的理发馆。此外,饭店、杂货铺、油行、盐栈、花衣庄,莫不各有一种地位,装点这条小河街。”而唐宋古道驿站遗址和明清古桥民居至今尚存。  相似文献   

"一户一宅"的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《土地管理法》第六十二条规定,农村村民一户只能拥有一处宅基地。这对于节约集约用地,强化农村宅基地管理具有十分重要的指导意义。长期以来,农村旧的宅基地管理模式造成农村村民住房严重超标,一户多宅以及空心村的现象普遍存在,农村宅基地极度浪费。“一户一宅”制从当前全国农村的实际出发,对农村宅基地使用作出了科学合理的界定。但是,在执行“一户一宅”过程中,也出现一些新情况新问题,在市场经济条件下,这些新情况新问题必须在立法和实践中加以解决,并不断完善现有的制度,以达到科学合理地利用农村土地。  相似文献   

In order to improve our knowledge of the mechanical effect of the roots of mixed-plantings on soil reinforcement and slope protection,the influence of roots of a mixed-planting with four herb species(Medicago sativa L.,Elymus nutans Griseb.,Puccinellia distanx(L.),and Poa pratensis L.)and one shrub species(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)were investigated on the shear strength characteristics of saline loess soil.The root distribution characteristics were assessed via a survey when the plants grew for one year.The effects of the root biomass density,the root mass ratio(RMR)of the fine roots to the coarse roots,the moisture content,and the salt content on the shear strength index of the rooted soil were analyzed via a triaxial compression test,and the mechanism of these effects was discussed.The results indicate that the biomass density decreased linearly with increasing depth.The RMR initially decreased with depth and then increased,exhibiting in a quadratic relationship.The cohesion of the rooted soil increased linearly as the biomass density increased.The cohesion of the rooted soil initially increased with increasing RMR and salt content,and then it decreased.The turning point of the cohesion occurred when the RMR was 0.6 and the salt content was 1.18%.The internal friction angle of the rooted soil initially increased with biomass density and then decreased,and the turning point of the internal friction angle occurred when the biomass density was 0.015 g/cm3.The relationships between the internal friction angle of the rooted soil and the RMR and salt content were exponential incremental and linear subtractive relationship,respectively.Both the cohesion and the internal friction angle of the rooted soil linearly decreased with increasing moisture content.  相似文献   

An extreme sea storm process can lead to a jack-up rig under the combined loading condition of vertical load(V), horizontal load(H), and moment(M) to have stability problems. This paper presents the analysis of combined bearing capacities of a circular spudcan on layered clays with a strong layer overlying a comparatively weaker layer. Numerical models combined with displacement-based load tests, swipe tests, and constant ratio displacement probe tests are adopted to calculate the uniaxial bearing capacities, failure envelopes in combined V-H, V-M planes, and failure envelopes in a combined V-H-M load space, respectively. A parametric study on the effects of vertical load level V, the layer strength ratio su,t/su,b, and the hard layer thickness t_1 on the bearing capacities is then performed. Results show that the vertical load level is a key factor that influences the values of H and M and the size of the H-M failure envelope. The existence of the underlying weak clay decreases the bearing capacities in all directions, and the vertical capacity Vult is affected more than the horizontal(Hult) and moment(Mult) capacities based on a single uniform deposit. The influence of the underlying weak clay on H-M failure envelope is mainly shown where H and M are coupled in the same direction. In contrast, little difference is observed when H and M are coupled in opposite directions.  相似文献   

这是一个令人振奋的喜讯. 据河南省国土资源厅于2007年9月5日召开的新闻发布会透露,截至8月底,全省已有4个省辖市、53个县(市、区),在经历了一年多的艰苦、细致工作后,终于关闭了辖区内的所有砖瓦窑厂,与"秦砖汉瓦"彻底告别.让我们记住吧,记住这4个省辖市的名字.它们分别是:漯河市、安阳市、鹤壁市、焦作市.让我们记住吧,记住这53个县(市、区)的名字.它们中有:舞阳县、临颍县、召陵区、文峰区、淇滨区、修武县、孟州市、伊川县等.  相似文献   

一边是蒜苗、菠菜、生菜等各种时令蔬菜,一边的猪圈内有五头将要出栏的肥猪.猪圈旁边是沼气池,沼气池为水泥结构,圆锥形,上边留一个直径有半米的圆孔以便向内填充植物垃圾和秸秆,其余的地方用土填好以后还可以种上菜,墙根没有硬化的地方,还零落地留着苦瓜、南瓜的枯藤.这是日前笔者在修武县城关镇河北辛庄村民范庆河家中看到的景象.  相似文献   

Analyzing large prehistoric rock avalanches provides significant data for evaluating the disaster posed by these relatively infrequent but destructive geological events. This paper attempts to study the characteristics and dynamics of the Ganqiuchi granitic rock avalanche, in the middle of the northern margin of Qinling Mountains, 30 km to the south of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China. In plane view, this rock avalanche is characterized by source area, accumulation area and dammed lake area. Based on previous studies, historical records and regional geological data, the major trigger of the Ganqiuchi rock avalanche is considered to be a strong paleo-earthquake with tremendous energy. The in situ deposit block size distributions of the intact rock mass and the debris deposits are presented and analyzed by using a simple model for estimating the number of fragmentation cycles that the blocks underwent. The results show that the primary controlling factor of the fragmentation process is the pre-existing fractures, and there is a relationship between the potential energy and the fragmentation energy: the latter is approximately 20% of the former. Based on the dynamic discrete element technique, the study proposes a four-stage model for the dynamic course of the Ganqiuchi rock avalanche:(1) failing;(2) highspeed sliding;(3) collision with obstacles;(4) decelerated sliding, which has implication for hazard assessment of the potential rock avalanches in China and other countries with similar geological setting.  相似文献   

为推进湘西自治州贯彻执行《中华人民共和国土地管理法》(以下简称《土地管理法》)工作的健康发展,州政协委员视察组一行13人,对《土地管理法》颁布实施以来全州8  相似文献   

Fenneropenaeus chinensis distributed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Different geographical populations represent potentially different genetic resources. To learn further the characteristics of different geographical population, crosses among two wild and three farmed populations were produced. The two wild populations were from the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WYP), and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and coast (WKN). The three farmed populations included the offspring of first generation of wild shrimp from coast in Korea (FKN), the Huang Hai (the Yellow Sea in Chinese) No.1 (HH1), and JK98. The phenotypes growth and survival rates of these populations were compared to confirm the feasibility for crossbreeding. The body length (BL), carapace length (CL). carapace width (CW), height of the second and third abdominal segment (HST), width of the second and third abdominal segment (WST), length of the first abdominal segment (LF), length of the last abdominal segment (LL), live body weight (BW), and survival rate were measured, Different combinations were statistically performed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results show that the survival rate of JK98(♀)×WKN(♂) was the highest, followed by WYP(♀)×WKN(♂), FKN(♀)×WYP(♂), FKN(♀)×HHI(♂) and WYP(♀)×FKN(♂); the body weight of FKN(♀)×HHI(♂) was the highest, followed by FKN(♀)×WYP(♂), WYP(♀)×WKN(♂), WYP(♀)×FKN(♂) and JK98(♀)×WKN(♂); the total length had the same ranking as the body weight. All growth traits in hybrids JK98(♀)×WKN(♂) were the lowest among all combinations. F1 hybrids had significant difference (P〈0.05) in BL, CL, HST, LL, and BW; and insignificant difference (P〉0.05) in other growth traits and survival rate. The results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test are that BL and CL of J  相似文献   

利用黄河泥沙围出“渤海湖”的初步设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是一个关于将渤海变成淡水湖的水利工程的构想。让黄河的大量泥沙通过人工导流的方式沿莱州湾南岸与渤海海峡沉积延伸,产生的陆地将渤海封闭并逐渐形成淡水湖。这一工程将陆地连接山东半岛与辽东半岛,并为华北提供巨大淡水库,具有显著的经济、生态效益。具体实施上,可通过两道渔网式围栏促使黄河泥沙定点沉积并阻挡浪潮侵蚀,通过加强汛期水量增加黄河口泥沙。  相似文献   

To quantify the response to selection,heritability and genetic correlations between weight and size of Litopenaeus vannamei,the body weight (BW),total length (TL),body length (BL),first abdominal segment depth (FASD),third abdominal segment depth (TASD),first abdominal segment width (FASW),and partial carapace length (PCL) of 5-month-old parents and of offspring were measured by calculating seven body measurings of offspring produced by a nested mating design.Seventeen half-sib families and 42 full-sib families ofL.vannamei were produced using artificial fertilization from 2-4 dams by each sire,and measured at around five months post-metamorphosis.The results show that heritabilities among various traits were high:0.515士0.030 for body weight and 0.394士0.030 for total length.After one generation of selection,the selection response was 10.70% for offspring growth.In the 5"’ month,the realized heritability for weight was 0.296 for the offspring generation.Genetic correlations between body weight and body size were highly variable.The results indicate that external morphological parameters can be applied during breeder selection for enhancing the growth without sacrificing animals for determining the body size and breed ability;and selective breeding can be improved significantly,simultaneously with increased production.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a(Chl a) is an important indicator of marine ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variation of the Chl a greatly aff ects the mariculture and marine ranching in coastal waters of the Shandong Peninsula. In the current study, the climatology and seasonal variability of surface Chl-a concentration around the Shandong Peninsula are investigated based on 16 years(December 2002–November 2018) of satellite observations. The results indicate that the annual mean Chl-a concentration is greater in the Bohai Sea than in the Yellow Sea and decreases from coastal waters to off shore waters. The highest Chl-a concentrations are found in Laizhou Bay(4.2–8.0 mg/m 3), Haizhou Bay(4.2–5.9 mg/m 3) and the northeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula(4.4–5.0 mg/m 3), resulting from the combined eff ects of the intense riverine input and long residence time caused by the concave shape of the coastline. The seasonal Chl-a concentration shows a signifi cant spatial variation. The Chl-a concentrations in these three subregions generally exhibit an annual maximum in August/September, due to the combined eff ects of sea surface temperature, river discharge and sea surface wind. In the southeast coast region, however, the Chl-a concentration is lowest throughout the year and reaches a maximum in February with a minimum in July, forced by the seasonal evolution of the Yellow Sea Cold Water and monsoon winds. The interannual Chl-a concentration trends vary among regions and seasons. There are signifi cant increasing trends over a large area around Haizhou Bay from winter to summer, which are mainly caused by the rising sea surface temperature and eutrophication. In other coastal areas, the Chl-a concentration shows decreasing trends, which are clearest in summer and induced by the weakening land rainfall. This study highlights the diff erences in the Chl-a dynamics among regions around the Shandong Peninsula and is helpful for further studies of coupled physical-ecological-human interactions at multiple scales.  相似文献   

An N-shape thermal front in the western South Yellow Sea (YS) in winter was detected using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiation (AVHRR) Sea Surface Temperature data and in-situ observations with a merged front-detecting method. The front, which exists from late October through early March, consists of western and eastern wings extending roughly along the northeast-southwest isobaths with a southeastward middle segment across the 20–50 m isobaths. There are north and south inflexions connecting the middle segment with the western and eastern wings, respectively. The middle segment gradually moves southwestward from November through February with its length increasing from 62 km to 107 km and the southern inflexion moving from 36.2°N to 35.3°N. A cold tongue is found to coexist with the N-shape front, and is carried by the coastal jet penetrating southward from the tip of the Shandong Peninsula into the western South YS as revealed by a numerical simulation. After departing from the coast, the jet flows as an anti-cyclonic recirculation below 10 m depth, trapping warmer water originally carried by the compensating Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC). A northwestward flowing branch of the YSWC is also found on the lowest level south of the front. The N-shape front initially forms between the cold tongue and warm water involved in the subsurface anti-cyclonical recirculation and extends upwards to the surface through vertical advection and mixing. Correlation analyses reveal that northerly and easterly winds tend to be favorable to the formation and extension of the N-shape front probably through strengthening of the coastal jet and shifting the YSWC pathway eastward, respectively.  相似文献   

The community structure of intertidal macrobenthos in Changdao Archipelago(north of Shandong Peninsula,between Bohai Bay and the northern Yellow Sea) was examined based on samples collected from 14 stations in five transects in June 2007.Three stations corresponding to high,medium and low tidal areas were set up for each transect.A total of 68 macrobenthic species were found in the research region,most of which belonged to Mollusca and Crustacea.The average abundance and biomass of the macrobenthos was 1 38...  相似文献   

The grain-size distribution of surface sediments in the Bohai Sea (BS) and the northern Yellow Sea (NYS), and its relationship with sediment supply and hyd  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a low-lying semi-enclosed sea area that is linked to the Yellow Sea via the Bohai straits(mixed zone). Its of fshore seabed is shallow, which makes it vulnerable to serious marine meteorological disasters associated with the northward passage of Pacific tropical cyclones. Analyses on data of remote sensing and buoy of the mixed zone of the Yellow and Bohai seas indicate that all the wind speed, significant wave height, and salinity(SAL) increased, sea surface temperature decreased, and wind energy density changed considerably during the passage of tropical cyclone Matmo on July 25, 2014. It was found that the SAL inversion layer in the mixed zone of the Yellow and Bohai Seas was caused by the tropical cyclone. Furthermore, it was found that the tropical cyclone transported the northern Yellow Sea cold water mass(NYSCWM) into the mixed zone of the Yellow and Bohai Seas. The NYSCWM has direct influence on both the aquaculture and the ecological environment of the region. Therefore, further research is needed to establish the mechanism behind the formation of the SAL inversion layer in the mixed zone, and to determine the influence of tropical cyclones on the NYSCWM.  相似文献   

Species and distribution of inorganic selenium in the Bohai Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Selenium is a ubiquitous trace element that ex- ists in multiple chemical forms in seawater in dif- ferent oxidation states and organic metalloid com- pounds. Selenium is essential for the growth of various photosynthetic species in natural…  相似文献   

Metal species and the degree of environmental pollution are related to the hydrogen sulfi de(H 2 S), an important product of early diagenesis that can react with metals to form stable compounds. To investigate the eff ects of H 2 S to metals and evaluate metal environment eff ect in the sediments of the East China Sea(ECS) and Yellow Sea(YS), geochemical characteristic and spatial distribution of nine heavy metals and H 2 S profi le were studied. Higher H 2 S content and lower metal content was observed in the sediments 10 cm in depth in the North Yellow Sea and the west coast of South Korea. The pollution load index( I pl) indicates that the southern coast of Shandong Peninsula underwent moderate pollution( I pl =1) of heavy metals and no heavy metal pollution appeared in other areas( I pl 1). To some extents, the ecological risk of Cd and As enrichment was moderately severe in all stations. The chance of heavy metal combination to be toxic in ECS and YS during summer was 21%. In addition, correlation between H 2 S content and metals in both solid and porewater phases was obvious, corroborating important eff ect of H 2 S on metal distribution. Moreover, H 2 S could aff ect the spatial distributions of heavy metals in porewater directly and be indicative of potential biological eff ects of combined toxicant groups in the study region.  相似文献   

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