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疏散星团M11的研究:3.团星分布的两点相关函数分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本首次利用两点相关函数,对名中年疏散星团M11团星的空间分布进行了讨论了结果表明,无论对全部成员星还是不同星等的成员星,它们的自相关和交叉相关函数都很好地以幂律形式描述,不同星等成员星的自相关的交叉相关计算表明,M11已经历了一定的动力学驰豫,出现了质量的空间分层效应。  相似文献   

对著名老年疏散星团M67的成员星进行了两点相关函数分析,讨论了团星的空间分布情况及质量分层现象.结果表明:M67成员星的两点相关函数能很好地用幂律形式来描述,其成员星在空间分布上具有显著的成团性和自相似性.对M67不同光度成员星两点自相关函数的分析表明,亮星相比暗星具有更强的相关强度和更大的相关指数,说明在星团内部出现了明显的空间质量分层现象,亮星比暗星具有更强的成团性和更大的中心聚度.不同光度成员星间两点交叉相关函数的分析进一步表明,不同光度成员星之间并没有表现出绝对的空间质量分层现象,亮星和暗星在空间分布上相互交织、相互渗透.  相似文献   

Odewahn等人发表的CCD标准星区NGC7790的目录是挑选过的非密集星目录.在其证认图上都为单星或仅有相对很暗的近星,但在深度露光图上许多星显出有近星,有的貌似单星但实际上是双星或三重星.本文给出这些(光学)伴星的相对距离和星等差,以便测光工作者挑选标准星时参考使用.另外,比对NGC7790的CCD测光与光电和照相测光,发现Sandage的光电内插照相星等有系统偏离,远大于其测光误差.检验Sandage及其合作者的其 他类似工作可知Johnson等人的工作(M67, M11),在误差范围内,内插照相值的确和光电值在同一系统.Sandage和Walker的NGC4147,所说的照相光电一致与事实不符.Burbidge和Sandage的NGC7789,在改正了照相值的系统偏离后仍没有全改掉.Sandage和Walker的M92,真正改掉了小的非线性偏离.Sandage和Wildey的NGC7006,由于星暗难测,其照相值不能坚持光电内插的原则,结果不但有明显的颜色方程,而且星等有大的标度误差.CCD测光也应从中吸取经验教训.  相似文献   

一、NGC 70921959年9月下旬至10月下旬,我们用本台的光电光度计装在60厘米返光镜的凯塞格林焦点位置上,观测银河星团 NGC 7092(=M39)成员星的星等,目的是作星等尺度校准.光电光度计用1P 21光电倍增管和费克尔第Ⅱ型直流放大器,粗调灵敏级部份分3级,每级相当星等范围为2.5星等.细调灵敏级部份分为7级,  相似文献   

钡星的形成机制(Ⅱ)Monte Carlo分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对文章Ⅰ所建立的钡星形成的完备模型进行了MonteCarlo分析,并同观测结果作了比较.结果表明,大部分强钡星可能产生于星风吸积过程、星风暴露过程和稳定的洛希瓣物质交流过程,而大部分中等钡星可能产生于星风吸积过程和星风暴露过程.银河系中钡星的数量、轨道周期分布和质量函数分布在本文各种模型计算结果范围之内.模型还预言钡星轨道周期与污染因子相关.模型给出,银河系中钡星的诞生率为002/年左右,亮于10个星等的钡星大约有6000颗,强钡星的平均质量为18M⊙左右,而钡星的白矮星伴星平均质量为060M⊙.另外,结果还显示,星族IAGB星热脉动开始较早,星风有潮汐增强效应存在(B~500),s过程最大恒星质量为2M⊙左右.  相似文献   

本文通过统计比较,并用更完善的模型作成员概率的最大似然估计,对昂星团天区耀星的成员性进行了新的细致的讨论,指出Mirzoyan等根据Jones的自行成员概率估计得出的非成员耀星呈现向团心集中强烈趋势的现象,是由于Jones对成员星成员概率的普遍低估以及对外围恒星成员概率的一定程度高估加上在中心附近观测误差和错误显著增加而造成的.本文根据Stauffer等对更完整的样本估计的成员概率,以其中成员概率大于0.5的星为成员星,重新计算了昂星团内成员耀星在红矮星中占的比例(相对数量),表明了相对数量在MV<8.0时随星等变暗而增大,而MV≈8.0时开始稳定在64%左右,直至样本完整性的极限(MV≈11.5).因此,昂星团内无明显耀发活动的红矮星占该星团内红矮星总数的1/3左右或更少.  相似文献   

对恒星形成活跃区NGC1333周围5°×5°区域进行了物端稜镜发射线星巡天观测,此次观测到的H_a发射线星的极限星等约为16.7星等。在此范围內观测到了25颗H_a发射线星(包括11颗已被发现过的L_kH_a星)。这些星在[(G-U),(R-G)]图上的分布与主星序星完全不同。从两色图和暗星云中的空间分布推测,这些发射线星可能大部是金牛座T Tau型星。最后简单讨论了恒星形成区的环境条件。  相似文献   

以球状星团NGC (New General Catalogue) 104、NGC 5139、NGC 6121为实验样区, 选取了视差等10个恒星参数, 通过引入地学中的空间分析理论和相应的分析框架为定量描述球状星团成员星的空间分布特征提出了一种基于地学的研究范式. 通过计算全局和局部莫兰(Moran)指数得到球状星团成员星各恒星参数的空间分布特征. 研究结果表明: 球状星团NGC 104、NGC 5139、NGC 6121成员星的各恒星参数在总体上呈现出空间正相关特性, 表现出空间集聚特征, 但不同恒星参数之间存在差异; 局部空间分布也呈现聚集特征, 而不同的成员星呈现出不同的空间分布特性和趋势. 总体而言, 用地学空间相关分析系统地定量化描述球状星团成员星空间分布特征, 能够为球状星团的研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

热超短周期造父变星的周期≤0.~d1、变幅≥0.~m2、光谱型为A.在银河系中呈延仲球状分布;在银晕星族的球状星团和年老盘族的运动星群中都有.在色星等图上,处于造父不稳定带的左外侧而温度较高,故简称热造父变星.球状星团中超短周期造父变星现知五颗.三颗是热造父变星:半人马ω的V65星(M_v= 0.~m82),M56的V11星(M_v= 0.~m10)和M15的K1082星(M_v=0.~m09)。它们在色星等图上的位置紧邻,亮度和天琴RR型星相近,但色均较蓝.它们都处在银河系中呈延伸球状分布的贫金属星团中.银河系中已知超短周期造父变星的周期变幅图上,有可用0.~m2简示的变幅分布隙,和两条周期分布隙.其中变幅≥0.~m2、周期≤ 0.~d1的-群共九颗,是银河系一般星场的热造父变星.其银纬分布除一颗是b= 10°44′外,余均为|h|>20°.这九颗中的两颗是年老盘族的运动星群的成员,-颗具有空间速度高和金属线强度ΔS≥2的星族Ⅱ星的特点.  相似文献   

在合理假设星团成员星的内部随机运动为各向同性的基础上,提出一种利用纯运动学资料确定星团距离的方法,并依此方法估算出疏散星团M11的速度距离为(1.89±0.52)kpc。这一结果与其他作者给出的星团M11的光度距离符合得相当好。  相似文献   

The spectral signatures of circumstellar dust shells (CS) of late-type stars cannot be tied in a simple manner to their optical spectral features. The spectral indices of featureless low-resolution spectrometer (LRS) spectra of K and early-M (M0-M5) stars are consistent with that of the Rayleigh-Jeans law and those of late-M (M6 and later) stars tend to have lower values showing CS radiation. There is no correlation observed between the optical sub-type and the 10 m emission strength for M stars. The absence of a simple relationship is also evident for C stars where the temperature and abundance indices show no correlation with the 11 m emission strength. The sample is confined to the IRC stars identified with accurate spectra observed by the LRS of IRAS. The IRC stars are the whole sky survey done with the 2 m band, where late-type stars are bright and interstellar extinction is one-tenth of the visual colour band.  相似文献   

The radius and virial mass of the old open cluster M67 are presented. The internal motion and mass segregation of the cluster are also discussed on the basis of accurate stellar proper motions obtained combining three independent proper motion catalogues of the cluster. Increases of the mean proper motion and the intrinsic dispersion of member stars with radial distance from the cluster center might suggest that the stars are escaping from the cluster. The stars in both inner and outer regions appear to be in isotropic orbits. At last, it is found that both space and velocity mass segregations exist for the old open cluster due to the dynamical evolution.  相似文献   

熊大闰  邓李才 《天文学报》2005,46(3):258-272
重新审查了昴星团成员星的活动性和在同一颜色处Li丰度的弥散.发现大多数的研究者低估了昴星团恒星的活动性.重新研究了恒星的活动性(包括黑子活动)和星团中恒星的不均匀红化效应对Li丰度弥散的影响.得到的主要结论是:没有坚实的证据说明观测到的Li丰度弥散是代表具相同有效温度星团成员大气Li丰度存在真实的差异.相反,假若不是全部,其大部的视Li丰度弥散是活动星的大气效应所致.Li丰度一恒星自转关联很可能只是Li丰度-恒星活动性关联的一种反映。  相似文献   

Using the recently commissioned multi‐object spectrograph AAOmega on the 3.9m AAT we have obtained mediumresolution near‐infrared spectra for 10 500 stars in and around five southern globular clusters. The targets were 47 Tuc, M12, M30, M55 and NGC 288. We have measured radial velocities to ± 1 kms 1 with the cross correlation method and estimated metallicity, effective temperature, surface gravity and rotational velocity for each star by fitting synthetic model spectra. An analysis of the velocity maps and velocity dispersion of member stars revealed systemic rotation in four of the target clusters. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

恒星的Al元素丰度可以为探索星团和星系的化学演化提供重要线索.通过系统分析银河系薄盘、厚盘、核球、银晕以及M4、M5等球状星团中恒星的[Al/Fe]随恒星金属丰度[Fe/H]的变化趋势,得出银河系薄盘、厚盘和核球恒星的[Al/Fe]随着[Fe/H]的增加而缓慢下降,而球状星团M4和M5恒星的[Al/Fe]随[Fe/H]增加没有下降趋势,这暗示Ia超新星对M4和M5恒星元素丰度的贡献比较小.详细研究了银河系恒星[Al/Fe]与[Mg/Fe]、[Na/Fe]的相关性,结果表明银河系场星的[Al/Fe]与[Mg/Fe]正相关,但在球状星团M4和M5恒星中未见此相关性;银河系盘星及M4和M5等球状星团恒星的[Al/Fe]与[Na/Fe]都存在正相关.  相似文献   

Do accretion discs regulate the rotation of young stars?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a photometric study of I -band variability in the young cluster IC 348. The main purpose of the study was to identify periodic stars. In all, we find 50 periodic stars, of which 32 were previously unknown. For the first time in IC 348, we discover periods in significant numbers of lower-mass stars  ( M < 0.25 M)  and classical T Tauri stars. This increased sensitivity to periodicities is a result of the enhanced depth and temporal density of our observations, compared with previous studies. The period distribution is at first glance similar to that seen in the Orion nebula cluster (ONC), with the higher-mass stars  ( M > 0.25 M)  showing a bi-modal period distribution concentrated around periods of 2 and 8 d, and the lower-mass stars showing a uni-modal distribution, heavily biased towards fast rotators. Closer inspection of the period distribution shows that the higher-mass stars show a significant dearth of fast rotators, compared to the ONC, whilst the low-mass stars are rotating significantly faster than those in Orion. We find no correlation between rotation period and K – L colour or Hα equivalent width.
We also present a discussion of our own IC 348 data in the context of previously published period distributions for the ONC, the Orion flanking fields and NGC 2264. We find that the previously claimed correlation between infrared excess and rotation period in the ONC might, in fact, result from a correlation between infrared excess and mass. We also find a marked difference in period distributions between NGC 2264 and IC 348, which presents a serious challenge to the disc-locking paradigm, given the similarity in ages and disc fractions between the two clusters.  相似文献   

TheUBV photometry of 105 bright stars and theU magnitudes of 36 bright stars in M33 taken by the 2 m RCC telescope of the Rozhen Observatory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences were used to obtain colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams. A criterion forV, B-V, andU-B is suggested which facilitates the separation of the member stars from the foreground stars. The vast majority of the bright blue stars with strong negativeU-B are M33 members. The existence of objects with an unusual combination of colours (B-V>0.5 and strong negativeU-B) has been confirmed.  相似文献   

We present the results of high-resolution (1–0.4 Å) optical spectroscopy of a sample of very low-mass stars. These data are used to examine the kinematics of the stars at the bottom of the hydrogen-burning main sequence. No evidence is found for a significant difference between the kinematics of the stars in our sample with I  −  K  > 3.5 ( M bol ≳ 12.8) and those of more massive M dwarfs ( M bol ≈ 7–10). A spectral atlas at high (0.4-Å) resolution for M8–M9+ stars is provided, and the equivalent widths of Cs  I , Rb  I and Hα lines present in our spectra are examined. We analyse our data to search for the presence of rapid rotation, and find that the brown dwarf LP 944-20 is a member of the class of 'inactive, rapid rotators'. Such objects seem to be common at and below the hydrogen-burning main sequence. It seems that in low-mass/low-temperature dwarf objects either the mechanism that heats the chromosphere, or the mechanism that generates magnetic fields, is greatly suppressed.  相似文献   

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