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台湾地区国家公园建设与发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自从 1972 年台湾地区实施 “国家公园法”以来, 目前已建立了六大国家公园, 对保护台湾岛的特有自然风景、野生动物和历史文化发挥了重要作用。此外, 台湾地区国家公园还为发展旅游和研究生态学、地学提供了理想的场所。台湾有丰富的资源建立国家公园, 其规划除遵循国家公园的国际标准, 还针对台湾地区地景、生物多样性的特点进行国家公园的规划与建设。台湾地区国家公园规划的主要内容包括: (1) 资源调查与分析; (2) 自然保护与发展政策制订;(3) 国家公园系统规划; (4) 国家公园经营管理规划; (5) 旅游区规划与设施建设; (6) 国家公园生态保护、解说系统。  相似文献   

国家公园运动的教训、趋势及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周年兴  黄震方 《山地学报》2006,24(6):721-726
国家公园源自美国,100多年来已经扩展到了世界上100多个国家,现已成为人类迈向生态文明时代的国际运动。通过对美国、加拿大等国国家公园发展的历程、经验教训的回顾,阐述了国家公园运动发展的新趋势。针对当前中国的实际提出了应该严格控制旅游设施建设的快速膨胀,加强生态科学在资源管理中的应用,重视景观设计师的参与等建议。  相似文献   

论景观生态保护区   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
郑达贤 《地理科学》1997,17(1):70-75
提出景观生态保护区的概念,阐述了同生态保护区不同于纯自然保护区的性质和特点,根据功能分其为4种类型:阻生、连通性、资源性和缓冲性保护区。讨论了天然来源的景观生态保护区和人工建设的景观生态保护区不同特点和演化趋势,以平潭岛为例提出应把景观生态保护区规划纳入国土规划中进行建设。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐景观生态功能区划及生态调控研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
乌鲁木齐作为中国西部发展较快的特大城市,城市生态环境问题日趋明显。对城市生态环境的研究,有利于充分认识城市发展与环境保护这对矛盾的生态学实质,在对乌鲁木齐城市生态环境调查的基础上,总结了乌鲁木齐城市生态环境的特征,根据综合整体、地域分异、景观异质、功能结构、城市发展、环境容载等景观生态学和城市生态学原则,划分了乌鲁木齐城市区域景观生态功能区,包括城市建设及中心区,城市生态平衡与开发区和城市生态保护及后备区,据此,对乌鲁木齐城市生态调控提出了初步建议,包括环境控制工程,生物控制工程、景观生态建设和生态管理调控。  相似文献   

抚仙湖北岸景观生态建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抚仙湖北岸是旅游业发展的黄金海岸,开发历史长,污染较为集中。通过对现存的主要环境问题的分析,根据流域生态学与管理学的原理,提出抚仙湖北岸景观生态建设的途径:(1)实施老环湖公路以下农田的退垦还湖,减少农田污染;(2)拆迁湖滨带居民点,消除农村污染。(3)拆除部分规模小、污染大的旅游度假设施,消除旅游污染和景观障碍。(4)建立主要人湖口经济性人工湿地,净化面源污水。(5)恢复万米沙滩,营造自然和谐的湖滨环境。(6)发展观光农业生态园,创建高原湖泊滨海旅游度假区新型模式。  相似文献   

王云才  郭焕成 《山地学报》2002,20(2):141-149
本文在系统考虑大城市周围山区传统产业的局限性、传统农业的低效性和大城市新兴产业的蓬勃发展、可持续发展战略的深入实施以及大城市周围地区发展的客观需求等因素的基础上,在北京西部山区沟谷景观规划实践的基础上,提出了沟谷生态经济区的发展模式,从景观设计的角度对生态经济沟的创意和设计进行了深入探讨。主要内容有沟谷生态经济区的概念、功能、市场定位(区位选择、和产品选择与组合)、总体景观规划(景观意像、行为特征)和沟谷立地景观设计(景观构成、品牌设计、功能区设计、时序性设计、立地配置、环境净化与生态保护方案以及开发经营管理方案)。  相似文献   

南岳衡山自然保护区管理与旅游经济发展关系问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南岳衡山是中国南方唯一的一座五岳名山,也是中国历史上南方最大的文化、宗教活动中心,索享“五岳独秀”、“中华寿岳”、“宗教圣地”、“抗战名山”等盛名,旅游经济发展潜力巨大。然而,旅游资源的不断开发.给南岳自然保护区的管理既带来了机遇又造成了压力。因此必须处理好保护自然资源和生态环境与旅游经济发展的关系,强调科学的管理体制和全方位的管理信息化建设,进一步加强规划,合理布局,控制容量,重视生态道德教育,走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

试论生态旅游的生态化道路--以自然生态旅游区为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态旅游已成为当今世界旅游发展的潮流。然而,在生态旅游开发过程中,存在着众多的。非生态化”现象,尤其是在自然生态旅游区。分析当前自然生态旅游区旅游开发和建设中的“非生态化”现象,主要包括盲目开发,自然景观破坏严重;游客严重超载,生态环境受破坏;人造景观和设施泛滥,景观污染和趋同现象严重;管理和文明建设落后,文化景观功能退化或受损等。运用景观生态学原理和生态安全理论等,从景观功能分区、旅游生态管理容量、景观结构生态设计、景观生态安全格局构建、生态教育等方面提出自然生态旅游区的生态化道路。  相似文献   

尤南山  蒙吉军 《中国沙漠》2017,37(1):186-197
生态功能区划是协调生态保护与经济发展的矛盾、实施区域生态系统管理的重要途径。以黑河中游为研究区,基于基础地理信息数据、自然地理数据和土地覆被数据(1986、1995、2000、2010、2011年),在生态敏感性和生态系统服务重要性分析的基础上,以最小子流域为基本单元,运用二阶聚类法进行生态功能区划;并依据主导生态系统服务对研究区进行分区管理与生态调控。得出结论:(1)黑河中游生态系统类型以荒漠、草地和农田为主,占总面积的90%;森林、水域、城镇与农村居民点零星分布,所占面积不到10%;1986-2010年,农田经历了减少-扩张-再减少的变化,但城镇与农村居民点一直呈现扩张趋势;(2)西北部生态敏感性明显高于东南部,其中极敏感区(约占24%)主要位于张掖-临泽-高台平原北侧、合黎山、祁连山山前戈壁与荒漠、肃南明花区;高度敏感区(约占58%)分布于走廊中部冲洪积平原;(3)各生态系统服务重要性空间分布格局具有一定的相似性,非常重要和极重要综合服务功能区约占3.2%,位于走廊中部的黑河干流缓冲区内;中等和一般重要地区约占20%,分布在山丹和民乐境内祁连山、焉支山、龙首山附近;(4)黑河中游可分为祁连山森林草地生态区、走廊冲洪积平原农田生态区和走廊北部平原灌丛荒漠生态区3个生态区8个生态功能区,依其主导生态系统服务分为生态保育区、生态协调区和生态控制区3类,进而提出了对应的生态系统管理措施。  相似文献   

基于PSR模型的景观人为干扰度综合分析——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以景观自然度作为状态指标,考虑人为干扰源对地表景观造成的生态压力以及为防止生态压力传播所建立的保护区域的空间分布,基于PSR模型在单位格网上建立了人为干扰度综合分析模型,分析2015年北京市人为干扰的空间分布状况,评估主体功能区规划的实施效果。研究结果表明:北京市人为干扰指数较高的区域集中在东南平原地区,北部山区的怀柔区和西部的门头沟区人为干扰相对较低;石景山区受生态压力的影响最大,该区各类保护区对生态压力的传播可起到有效的抑制作用;面临显著生态压力影响的朝阳区内保护区面积分布不足。北京市禁止开发区和生态涵养发展区的人为干扰综合指数明显低于其他主体功能区,超过99%的低人为干扰度区域分布在禁止开发区和生态功能区,首都功能核心区、城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区的区域生态压力较高,低人为干扰度的区域分布不足,需加强生态修复与保护。  相似文献   

Sandy Hook. New Jersey, was used by the US Army until 1970 for coastal defence installations at the entrance to New York harbour and as an ordnance proving ground. Since 1970, Sandy Hook has been managed by the US National Park Service as a part of Gateway National Recreation Area. An important problem which managers of both institutions have had to face is the instability of the narrow neck of the spit. The high rates of erosion which have predominated at the neck have jeopardized the overland access route to the facilities at the northern end of the spit, and both Army and Park Service managers have taken steps to alleviate the problem. A breach in the neck in 1896 led the Army engineers to construct a seawall to close the breach and to protect the access road. Over the next 30 years, several projects were undertaken to extend the length of the seawall and to reinforce the structure. The Park Service managers are currently facing the same problem, although the focus of erosion has been transferred northward. The National Park Service has chosen a more dynamic solution to the problem in accordance with their objectives for this eroding area. This study demonstrates that the protection approaches selected for use by the managers of both institutions were a function of differing objectives. In addition, the study provides an example of how management decisions made in the past influence present management actions.  相似文献   

Functional zoning is an important guarantee for regulating the land use intensity of national parks and maintaining the integrity and stability of natural ecosystem. In this paper, we tease out of the functional zoning models and methods based on the empirical analysis of the world national parks, and then take the Qianjiangyuan National Park (QNP) as an example, study the functional zoning method based on ecological sensitivity. Results show that, the goal of national park construction in the world is changing from enhancing national cohesion to displaying the national image, from the pure natural protection and recreation use to protection of the comprehensive function of natural ecosystem integrity protection, recreation, environmental education, etc. The establishment of QNP is to protect the natural ecosystem of sub-tropical lowland broad-leaved evergreen forest, also to meet the community development and recreational consume of large population in Eastern China. So this paper establishes an evaluation index system based on ecological sensitivity, combining ecosystem services, potential habitats of important species, and development opportunities. Based on the analysis result, the functional zoning of QNP can be divided into strict protection area, ecological conservation area, traditional using area and recreational area. In this way, it can make the functional partition reflect system controls thought in area difference and space layout, and take the corresponding management measures in different functional areas, to promote the sustainable evolution of the natural ecological system in national park.  相似文献   

Geographically or sociologically defined resource management units, such as buffer zones or community resource management territories, seek to harmonize local land–use practices with protected–area management objectives. The geographically restricted nature of these models often results in simplistic representations of society–nature relations over time and space. Conservation areas are misrepresented as ecologically and socially homogeneous, as well as politically neutral. This study examines the limits of a spatially defined conservation and development project designed around the physical geographical unit of the watershed at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. It argues that politically motivated violence that has plagued the area since the early 1990s has severely undermined the suitability of such narrowly defined conservation territories. Specifically, the case study points to the permeability of the Lake Nakuru watershed to national and regional political forces that ultimately constrain participation in conservation activities. The spaces of conservation and development must be enlarged to include these extralocal arenas and processes if environmental problems are to be effectively addressed.  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation are the most important land use change processes in the Philippines. These processes are an important threat to the highly rated biodiversity of the country. Only a small fraction of the natural forest that once covered the country remains. In spite of different policies that aim to reduce logging recent commercial deforestation, illegal logging and agricultural expansion pose an important threat to the remaining forest areas.In this paper we discuss the role of (land use) modeling approaches for assessing the threats and trade-offs of protecting the designated nature areas. At the national level different scenarios of land use change and implementation of the protected area policy are evaluated and discussed based on a spatially explicit land use allocation model. For one of the main national parks, the Northern Sierra Madre Nature Park, a detailed analysis is presented based on in-depth knowledge of the region. The two modeling approaches discussed in this paper aim at different scales and provide complementary types of information to support the planning and management of nature conservation strategies. The combination of land use change analysis at different scales respects the hierarchical organization of the land use system and addresses different levels of protected area management. The results indicate that land use change models are useful tools to inform protected area management as long as the selection of the model approach is based on the research and policy questions at the appropriate scale.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a significant factor in the deterioration of the ecological environment and soil conservation is an important ecological service of National Key Ecological Function Areas in China. Here, climate, terrain, soil and vegetation cover, soil erosion and soil conservation spatial data in 25 National Key Ecological Function Areas in 2010 were analyzed using the Universal Soil Loss Equation by ArcGIS tool. We found that soil conservation effects due to vegetation cover and soil conservation measures are obvious and that micro and slight erosion areas in National Key Ecological Function Areas have increased by 26.2%. The area of intensive erosion decreased by 25.1%, and the soil conservation amount in southern National Key Ecological Function Areas is high. The conservation amount of soil nutrients within National Key Ecological Function Areas is related to amount of soil conservation and content of each nutrient element in soil. The sequence of nutrient conservation amounts from high to low is soil organic carbon, total K, total N and total P in soil. The conservation amount of various soil nutrient elements in the Alkin Grassland function area and Yunnan and Sichuan function area was highest. Based on our findings, we recommend the strengthening of vegetation protection and management in the areas with high per unit area soil erosion, enhancement of vegetation cover and improvement of soil conservation measures in order to improve soil conservation functions and reduce soil nutrient losses. Vegetation protection and soil conservation measures should be consolidated in the areas with high potential erosion to prevent further deterioration.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is a critical component of the natural environment and the protection of it often meant the displacement of local communities in developing countries. The Richtersveld National Park (South Africa) is unusual in that it forms part of the Richtersveld communal rangeland and is currently managed for goat and sheep farming as well as biodiversity conservation under a contractual agreement. These two objectives are not regarded as mutually compatible and have created tension between conservation management officials and pastoralists. We set out to examine the consequences of reducing herd size in a communal livestock production system in support of biodiversity conservation in a protected area. Kidding, animal offtake (sales and slaughter), mortality and herd persistence showed no clear incentives for an individual pastoralist to reduce herd size. Reducing herd size is not considered a recommended intervention for the conservation of biodiversity or livelihood improvement of pastoralists in the park. The future of the natural resources of the national park is dependent on a delicate balance between the needs of the pastoralists and the conservation of those very same resources that the pastoralists use.  相似文献   

论国家公园的公益性、国家主导性和科学性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈耀华  黄丹  颜思琦 《地理科学》2014,34(3):257-264
国家公园作为一种严格保护并合理利用自然文化资源的可持续发展理念和举措而在全球得到普遍认可和蓬勃发展。国际上的国家公园因为国情不同而有多种体制模式,但是国家公园的根本特性是共同一致、必须维护的。公益性、国家主导性和科学性这三大特性是国家公园的根本特性,其中公益性是国家公园设立的根本目的,它包括了为公众利益而设、对公众低廉收费、使公众受到教育、让公众积极参与等方面,而国家主导性和科学性则是践行公益性的两大保障,前者要求国家确立、国家管理、国家立法、国家维护和爱国主义教育,后者则要求建立科学的国家公园体系、科学的规划、科学的分区和科学的经营利用等。中国国家公园的建立,面临着国情特殊、现行保护地多头管理、保护利用压力大等问题,应该利用风景名胜区等保护地开展试点,制定统一的中国国家公园标准,采用准入制度,并逐步探索统一的管理体系和法规体系,最终建立统筹管理的、中国特色的国家公园制度。  相似文献   

This article uses a case-study approach to investigate the challenges of protected area (PA) management for Huascaran National Park in the Peruvian Andes. The park is analyzed by situating the timing of establishment of the park boundaries within the context of two historical Peruvian events: agrarian reform (1969) and an earthquake (1970). Interviews and narratives from community members and stakeholders associated with park delimitation and management were used for the study. Analysis of narratives revealed that the establishment of park boundaries, the legal definition used for the park, and land use restrictions contribute to diminished support for the park from surrounding communities. Community and national institutions negotiate the spatial boundary of conservation in Huascaran National Park while engaging with historical narratives that invoke environmental constraints and acts of resistance.  相似文献   

美国国家公园系统保护区规模的变化特征及其原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国国家公园系统的保护区其规模具有随保护区类型、建设时间和地区分布的不同而变化的特征。自然保护思想和保护区建设中土地的可获得性是形成上述特征的主要因素。其中自然保护思想对保护区规模大小有指导作用,而土地的可获得性则直接影响保护区面积。  相似文献   

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