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周期性水文节律是影响洪泛湖泊洲滩湿地植物群落物种组成与生物多样性的重要驱动力。本研究以鄱阳湖中低滩典型植物群落为研究对象,通过实地样方调查与统计方法分析植物群落的生物多样性格局及其关键环境因子。结果表明:鄱阳湖中低滩代表性群落分别是灰化薹草群落和虉草群落;植物群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均值为1.5,Pielou均匀度指数均值为0.55,生物多样性与物种均匀度偏低。虉草群落的均匀度、多样性指数高于灰化薹草群落,但二者物种丰富度差异不明显。土壤铵态氮、总磷及土壤含水量和高程是影响植物群落结构与生物多样性的关键因子,其中灰化薹草的物种多样性与土壤铵态氮高度相关,而虉草的均匀度则与土壤总磷关系更密切。此外,鄱阳湖中低滩环境下,灰化薹草群落的均匀度随土壤总磷含量的升高呈现U型响应曲线,虉草则是倒U型,这表明,鄱阳湖中低滩环境下,灰化薹草群落和虉草群落生物多样性对单个、同一的环境因子存在不同的适应机制。  相似文献   

基于功能性状的生物多样性分析是当前生态学研究中的常用方法之一.浮游动物作为水生态系统食物网的重要组成成分,其功能多样性受关注的程度远不如其重要性.本文通过对14个水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究,分析了环境因子对其功能多样性指数,包括功能丰富度(FRic)、功能均匀度(FEve)、功能离散度(FDiv)和功能分散度(FDis),以及功能群分布的影响.结果显示,亲缘关系近的物种(在分类学上相近)由于具有相似的功能性状,均很好地聚为一类.相关分析显示,FRic、FEve和FDiv与环境因子之间不存在显著的相关关系;FDis与总溶解性氮、总溶解性磷、氨氮和悬浮物C/P比存在显著的相关关系.回归分析发现,随着水体总溶解性磷浓度的上升,浮游甲壳动物的物种数表现出下降趋势,功能群数量、功能群Shannon-Wiener指数和FDis均显著下降;另外,FRic和FDis与功能群数量均呈显著正相关.这些结果表明水体富营养化能促进浮游甲壳动物群落功能性状的趋同,环境选择是群落结构变异的主要驱动力之一.  相似文献   

于2008-2009年按照季节调查西藏地区尼洋河浮游动物群落的组成、丰度和多样性,并运用多元统计方法定量分析浮游动物的空间和季节变化特征及其与主要环境因子之间的关系.结果显示,尼洋河浮游动物包括原生动物、轮虫、枝角类和桡足类,其中原生动物9目13科14属,轮虫1目7科17属,枝角类仅1目1科1属,桡足类2目2科2属.原生动物以砂壳虫和瞬目虫属为主,轮虫则以橘轮虫属和单趾轮虫属为主.尼洋河浮游动物的物种丰富度和生物量随尼洋河海拔高度不断提升呈现递减的趋势,夏季浮游动物生物量、物种丰富度、总丰度较低,其中夏季浮游动物物种丰富度最低,而浮游动物生物量和总丰度则仅高于冬季.受到水体稳定性的影响,尼洋河浮游动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和均匀度指数在交汇处较低;季节方面,夏季最低,冬季次之.尼洋河原生动物和轮虫总丰度在季节方面存在相似的演替规律,即出现2次高峰和2次低谷,2次高峰分别出现在春季和秋季,2次低谷分别出现在夏季和冬季.尼洋河浮游动物沿程变化方面,浮游动物群落4个指标不存在显著差异.尼洋河浮游动物季节变化方面,仅总丰度秋季和冬季之间存在显著差异,其他3个指标在各个季节之间均不存在显著差异.典范对应分析表明,原生动物类群里,砂壳虫属丰度受水体溶解氧浓度的影响较大,前管虫、袋座虫、肾形虫、瞬目虫和斜口虫属丰度受水体矿化度的影响较大,鳞壳虫属丰度则主要与水体中氨氮浓度关联较大;轮虫类群里,单趾轮虫、无柄轮虫、枝胃轮虫、囊足轮虫属丰度与水体的矿化度关联较大,龟甲轮虫属丰度则与总磷浓度有着较大的关联.分类回归树模型预测了尼洋河浮游动物时空分布与主要环境因子之间的定量关系,结果表明尼洋河浮游动物总丰度受到硬度、季节、海拔以及河道底质等因素的影响,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数受到总碱度、季节、硬度和水温的影响,均匀度指数受到总碱度、总磷浓度和水温的影响.这些关键环境因子对尼洋河水域浮游动物的时空变化有着重要的指示作用,建议加强对浮游动物及这些环境因子的关注,推动尼洋河水域生态环境的可持续发展.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,77(1-2):170-177
The main objective of this paper was to evaluate the impact of mercury on the zooplankton communities’ structure and functioning and their bioaccumulation patterns along a contamination gradient in a temperate coastal lagoon. Our results demonstrated that total abundance was not negatively affected by Hg contamination, since the most contaminated areas presented the highest values, being the copepod Acartia tonsa the dominant species, which means that it is a very well adapted and tolerant species to mercury. Nevertheless, negative effects were observed in terms of species diversity, since the most contaminated areas presented the lowest values of species richness, evenness and heterogeneity. Moreover, the spatial mercury gradient was reflected on the bioaccumulation patterns of the zooplankton communities. This reinforces the idea that zooplankton can be considered as an important vehicle of mercury transfer through the food pelagic web since it constitutes a primordial food resource for several commercial fish species.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江是我国西藏地区最大的河流,孕育着独特的水生生物资源。近年来随着人类活动的干扰与河流开发的推进,亟待对该流域水生生物多样性进行全面调查评估。本研究基于雅鲁藏布江全流域的鱼类资源调查数据,整合物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性3个维度12项指数,对该流域鱼类多样性进行评价分析。结果显示,24个调查样点中共采集到37种鱼类,隶属于3目7科24属;其中土著鱼类27种,外来鱼类10种;鲤形目鲤科鱼类为优势类群。基于Bray-Curtis相异度的层次聚类可将雅鲁藏布江鱼类群落划分为4组,表现为帕隆藏布汇口以上/以下江段及两个江段内干支流间存在较大差异,这与区域生物地理学过程及河流环境梯度密切相关。利用12项多样性指数对各组群的鱼类多样性进行评估,结果表明,除Simpson多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、平均配对种间系统发育距离指数和平均最近种间系统发育距离(MNTD)指数外,其他指数检测到组间的显著性差异。不同多样性指数之间的相关关系表现各异:与丰富度相关的多项指数间存在显著或极显著的正相关,功能离散度指数和MNTD指数与其他指数间多存在显著或极显著的负相关,表明不同类别的多样性指数各自具有独特的指示价值。基于群落功能性状结构和系统发育结构的检验结果显示,大多数样点驱动鱼类群落聚合的过程为种间竞争排斥,推测与雅鲁藏布江水体营养贫瘠、食物来源稀缺导致的种间营养竞争关系紧张有关。本文整合多维度多样性指数对雅鲁藏布江流域鱼类多样性及群落构建过程进行探究,以期为该流域鱼类资源保护和管理提供科学依据,也为应用多维度指数评价淡水鱼类多样性提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

近200 a来云南阳宗海摇蚊群落多样性及稳定性变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云南省拥有丰富的生物多样性,其生态系统稳定性对于发挥生态系统服务功能十分重要,但近几十年以来的人类活动以及气候变化带来的干扰削弱了该区域的生态系统功能.本文以阳宗海为研究对象,探讨了1820s—2006年间人类活动背景下摇蚊群落多样性和稳定性的变化过程,并进一步探讨阳宗海摇蚊群落多样性与稳定性之间的关系.利用沉积物中的营养指标(总有机碳(TOC)含量、总氮(TN)含量和TOC/TN摩尔比)及摇蚊分别重建了湖泊营养变化及摇蚊群落物种丰富度、均匀度、相似度和稳定性(ar1),利用PCA第1轴代表摇蚊群落以检测突变点.研究发现摇蚊群落组成与湖泊营养变化有较好的一致性,二者在1990年左右发生突变,物种丰富度、均匀度和相似度指数分别在1950s、1990s初以及1970s初升高,说明摇蚊群落组成逐渐多样化,种属分布更加均匀.通过检测发现摇蚊群落稳定性在1960s初开始降低,比湖泊系统突变提前30 a左右.摇蚊群落的物种丰富度、均匀度以及稳定性指标伴随着湖泊外源营养物质输入比例增加而升高,群落多样性与稳定性之间的相关性分析表明群落稳定性随物种丰富度的升高而降低.  相似文献   

为了解向家坝水电工程对金沙江下游鱼类多样性的影响,基于2016—2018年邵女坪(库首)、绥江(库中)和桧溪(库尾)3个江段的鱼类群落调查数据,分析了向家坝库区鱼类物种、分类和功能多样性空间格局,结合蓄水前(2011年)和蓄水初期(2015年)的资料,探讨了蓄水后向家坝库区不同维度鱼类多样性的变化趋势。向家坝库区各江段以广适性的瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)和静水性的(Hemiculter leucisculus)占优势,两者的数量百分比分别为30.15%±14.82%和13.91%±11.16%。非度量多维尺度分析显示,蓄水后向家坝库区库首邵女坪和库中绥江鱼类群落差异最小,库首邵女坪和库尾桧溪鱼类群落差异最大;库中绥江在蓄水前、蓄水初期和2016—2018年3个时期的鱼类群落差异均较大,表明蓄水后绥江江段鱼类群落经历了剧烈变化。库区不同江段鱼类Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均表现为:桧溪>邵女坪>绥江,鱼类分类多样性指数和分类差异指数均表现为:桧溪>绥江>邵女坪。库区鱼类摄食、运动和繁殖等不同维度的功能多样性(功能丰富度、功能均匀度、功能离散度)空间格局不同,但总体上库中绥江鱼类功能丰富度最高,功能均匀度最低。与蓄水前相比,绥江江段鱼类物种、分类多样性呈下降趋势,鱼类功能丰富度和均匀度也有下降趋势。蓄水后绥江江段鱼类群落主要功能性状发生了明显变化,如蓄水前以下位口、纺锤形体型鱼类占优势,蓄水后以端位口、侧扁形体型鱼类占优势。不同维度多样性指数侧重于鱼类多样性的不同方面,结合多种指数分析有利于更全面地了解鱼类群落对环境变化和外界干扰的响应。研究结果有助于深入了解水电工程建设对金沙江下游鱼类多样性的影响,为鱼类多样性保护提供依据,也可为长江“十年禁渔”效果评估提供本底资料。  相似文献   

国超旋  刘妍  范亚文  李慧 《湖泊科学》2014,26(5):759-766
2012年6月(夏季)对三江平原湿地抚远地区水域的浮游植物进行调查,设置了10个采样点,经鉴定共有浮游植物262个分类单元,包括239种19变种4变型,隶属于7门9纲22目32科73属.通过对浮游植物群落结构的初步分析,得出三江平原湿地抚远地区水域浮游植物群落结构组成以绿藻门、硅藻门、裸藻门为主,种类数为绿藻门(42.6%)>硅藻门(22.8%)>裸藻门(20.9%),细胞密度在3.88×104~278.07×104cells/L之间.聚类分析结果显示,可以将10个采样点分为两组,即农场区5个样点为一组,非农场区5个样点为另一组,两大区域的浮游植物群落结构差异明显,水体类型及生态环境的不同是其存在差异的主要原因.浮游植物多样性指数相对较为一致,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均在2左右,Margalef丰富度指数均大于3,Pielou均匀度指数在0.3 ~0.5之间.综合群落结构以及多样性分析表明,三江平原湿地抚远地区水域浮游植物物种丰富度较高,多样性良好.  相似文献   

为了揭示滇池不同湖区浮游动物群落稳定性及其驱动因子,于2020年对滇池草海、大泊口、外海3个具有一定空间分隔的区域,按季度进行4次采样调查。结果表明,大泊口区域的溶解氧、透明度指标显著高于外海,总氮、总磷、悬浮物、叶绿素a和化学需氧量等指标浓度显著低于外海,草海理化因子浓度介于大泊口与外海之间。研究期间3个区域共鉴定出浮游动物41属(枝角类12属、桡足类8属、轮虫21属),轮虫种类和密度均占较大比例。浮游动物年平均密度大泊口(7771.3 ind./L)>草海(2901.1 ind./L)>外海(634.8 ind./L);年平均生物量草海(3.72 mg/L)>大泊口(2.15 mg/L)>外海(2.09 mg/L)。非参数多元方差分析(PERMANOVA)与相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)结果表明,滇池3个区域间浮游动物群落结构差异极显著,导致大泊口与草海、外海群落结构呈极显著差异的属种为轮虫类群的种类,导致草海与外海群落结构呈极显著差异的属种为枝角类和轮虫类群的种类。此外,浮游动物群落稳定性与物种多样性呈显著的正相关关系,且经过生态修复后水质有所改善的湖区...  相似文献   

淮河干流浮游动物群落结构特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
吴利  李源玲  陈延松 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):932-940
2011年3、6、9和12月对淮河干流11个采样点的浮游动物群落结构进行调查研究,共检出浮游动物79属206种,其中原生动物27属69种,占浮游动物总物种数的33.5%;轮虫35属104种,占50.5%;枝角类12属27种,占13.1%;桡足类5属6种,占2.9%.总体上看,从上游至下游,浮游动物物种数呈现逐渐减少的趋势.浮游动物的丰度和生物量分别为3527447 ind./L和2452 mg/L,轮虫和原生动物丰度是淮河干流浮游动物丰度的主体,轮虫生物量是淮河干流浮游动物生物量的主体,浮游动物及各类群丰度和生物量均表现为从上游到中游逐渐增高的趋势,而从中游到下游呈现逐渐降低的趋势.上游浮游动物多样性指数和均匀度指数高于中、下游.结果表明:淮河干流上游水质为轻污染,中、下游水质为中污染或重污染.浮游动物群落结构和环境因子的冗余分析表明,水温、溶解氧和流速是与淮河干流浮游动物群落结构相关性较强的环境因子.  相似文献   

安徽女山湖自然保护区浮游生物群落生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲍方印  肖明松  王松  崔峰 《湖泊科学》2010,22(5):729-734
2007年4月-2009年5月对安徽女山湖自然保护区浮游生物群落生态进行调查研究,共检出浮游植物8门45属113种;浮游动物包括原生动物、轮虫、枝角类、桡足类,共检出33属78种.分析表明女山湖不同季节浮游生物种类组成的变化趋势不同,但整体看来,浮游植物组成以蓝藻为主,浮游动物以轮虫为主;浮游生物量在不同季节波动较大,表现为夏季春季秋季冬季,而不同年份同一季节的生物量变化不大.浮游生物的多样性指数在不同季节的变化较大,而丰富度指数D在不同季节变化不大,大多数在1.3-3.9之间,均匀度指数J′在0.5-0.8之间.平均溶氧量PG达2.62mg/L.综合判定,女山湖属于中富营养型,浮游动物群落结构和组成相对稳定,具有较大的开发利用潜力.  相似文献   

Patterns of zooplankton–phytoplankton interactions in subtropical lakes of the Southern Hemisphere may deviate from those established for north-temperate lakes. We tested the responses of phytoplankton growth to different community structures of zooplankton and nutrient enrichment in a subtropical Australian reservoir for the prediction of potential outcomes of lake biomanipulation. Two zooplankton communities were created in lake enclosures over 4 weeks: a rotifer-dominated community developed in the presence of planktivorous fish (Hypseleotris spp.) and a Ceriodaphnia-dominated community developed in the absence of fish. Biomass gradients of both communities were established in 20 L containers and several separate containers received no additions (controls) or were enriched with nitrogen and/or phosphorus. The growth rate of total phytoplankton significantly increased in response to nutrient enrichment, indicating nutrient limitation. Most phytoplankton taxa were not markedly affected by grazing of either zooplankton community. However, both communities had significant stimulatory effects on the growth of inedible chlorophytes. The ability of zooplankton grazing to negatively affect phytoplankton growth during the summer was counteracted regardless of zooplankton community structure, possibly by nutrients regenerated by zooplankton. We hypothesise that in the subtropical system studied, changes in food web nutrient recycling may be more important for the outcome of biomanipulation than grazing impacts.  相似文献   

In recent years, dredged material has become regarded as a potential resource and used to create and/or improve intertidal habitats ('beneficial use' schemes). This paper presents the results of a sampling programme to investigate the short-term macrofaunal recovery of three beneficial use schemes in south-east England in terms of species and functional diversity. Environmental parameters (sediment redox potential, and water, organic carbon and silt/clay contents) and univariate community attributes (total individuals and species, diversity, evenness and biomass) at the recharge sites had attained reference levels at two schemes while assemblages differed significantly in terms of species composition at all three schemes. While trophic group proportionality had re-established at one scheme, an increased grazer dominance was apparent at another while the proportion of sub-surface deposit feeders decreased at the third. Total individuals and species number of the developing communities were negatively correlated with sediment redox potential at 4 cm and % silt/clay, respectively. The implications of these results for monitoring the recovery of future fine-grained beneficial use schemes are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解青海湖浮游植物群落结构特征、时空分布格局及其关键环境驱动因子,于2020年5月(春)、8月(夏)、10月(秋)对青海湖进行系统调查,分析浮游植物群落在3个季度和4个区域(湖滨带、进水区、浅水区和深水区)间的差异。3次调查共检出浮游植物6门39属65种,物种组成以硅藻(36种,占总物种数的55.38%)、绿藻(17种,26.15%)和蓝藻(7种,10.76%)为主。4个区域间的浮游植物丰度存在显著差别,其中深水区丰度显著高于其他区域,主要原因可能在于深水区的环境较为稳定。3个季节间,浮游植物丰度和生物量具有较大差异:夏季和秋季的丰度、生物量均为春季的近10倍;浮游植物的优势类群和种类也发生了较大的变化:春季最具优势类群为硅藻门,优势种也主要隶属于硅藻门,而夏、秋两季则以蓝藻门种属占据主要优势。春季浮游植物的Pielou均匀度和Simpson多样性指数显著高于夏、秋两季,秋季Margalef指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数高于夏季。PERMANOVA分析和NMDS分析显示,青海湖浮游植物群落结构在不同区域和不同季节间具有显著差异。此外,dbRDA分析表明:盐度、水温和总磷...  相似文献   

In temporary ponds, reestablishment of zooplankton communities depends on recruitment from the egg bank, the arrival of dispersers from within the region, and on successful establishment of newly arrived species following interaction with local abiotic and biotic factors. When the ponds dry up, zooplankton species may survive as dormant eggs, and since not all eggs hatch in the next season, eggs will accumulate in the sediment over time, representing an archive of the pond's historical biodiversity.To study the effect of “restoration age” (the time since a water body was restored), we studied groups of ponds that were restored in different years (1998, 2003 and 2007). The restoration process involved extensive dredging of sediments which were used to bury the ponds in the 1960s. Our expectation was that the oldest ponds would have the richest zooplankton community, as they have been accumulating biodiversity over a longer time period. We took weekly quantitative samples of zooplankton during four consecutive weeks after flooding to compare taxon richness and zooplankton community composition between ponds of different restoration age during an early stage of zooplankton community re-establishment.Taxon richness was high and similar to regional levels in all the ponds under investigation, suggesting restoration success and unlimited dispersal. Although cumulative richness at the end of the period was not significantly different between ponds, we observed temporal changes within the study period and certain age-related trends in relation to differences in zooplankton composition. These results suggest a difference in the succession of zooplankton communities depending on restoration age (which could be due to historical or local factors) and that this effect becomes evident from the beginning of the pond hydroperiod.  相似文献   

于2008-2009年按照季节调查了西藏尼洋河浮游植物群落的组成、丰度和多样性,并运用多元统计方法定量分析了浮游植物的空间和季节变化特征及其与主要环境因子之间的关系.结果显示,尼洋河浮游植物共计7门29科48属,其中硅藻为优势浮游藻类.浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(Pielou均匀度指数)在尼洋河中游(尼洋河下游)最高,其他河段呈下降趋势,符合中间高度膨胀假说.尼洋河沿程浮游植物的总丰度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以及Pielou均匀度指数不存在显著差异,夏季的浮游植物物种丰富度与其他季节的存在显著差异,夏季总丰度与秋、冬季的存在显著差异,冬季的浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与春季的存在显著差异,冬季的均匀度指数与其他3个季节的存在显著差异.尼洋河浮游植物季节演替依赖于外源性水源补充,沿程演替则与河道底质有着很大关系.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,尼洋河硅藻门舟形藻科的藻类与理化因子铵态氮、表层pH、表层水温相关,部分蓝藻以及绿藻与水质理化因子也存在着关联.分类回归树(CART)模型预测了尼洋河着生藻类时空分布与主要环境因子之间的定量关系,尼洋河浮游植物群落总丰度和均匀度指数受pH值影响较大,pH值低于8.0的水域浮游植物均匀度指数比pH值高于8.0的水域大,尼洋河浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数受到河道底质影响较大,底质为黏土的水域浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数较底质为砂石的大.这些关键环境因子对尼洋河水域浮游植物的时空变化有着重要的指示作用,建议加强对浮游植物及这些环境因子的关注,保障尼洋河水域生态环境的可持续发展.  相似文献   

During the high water season, the flooding reduces environmental heterogeneity in aquatic ecosystems of the Pantanal wetland. When the water level recedes, lakes and channels are formed as individual systems. Therefore, we expected the spatial heterogeneity during the low water phase resulting in changes on biological communities leading to high phytoplankton abundance, biomass and diversity within and between habitats. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed eight freshwater systems (five oxbow lakes, two channels, and the river) during the low water period. Phytoplankton biomass, abundance, diversity (alpha, beta, gamma) and diversity metrics as richness (species per sample), Shannon diversity (H′) and evenness were measured in all systems along with nutrient concentrations, zooplankton and bacteria abundances. We found 97 species as gamma diversity. The alpha diversity was unexpectedly low in comparison to most other South American floodplain systems (38 species in river, 24 in channels and 29 in lakes). Also, the systems are relatively similar in composition (beta diversity, 28%). Connectivity differences between systems highlighted differences in phytoplankton abundance and biomass (fresh weight) ranging from 1428 ind mL−1 (river) to 3710 ind mL−1 (lakes) and from 0.71 mg L−1 (river) to 2.9 mg L−1 (lakes), respectively. However, our results did not indicate significant differences in phytoplankton species richness between the systems during the low water. Our main conclusions are that local factors may be responsible for changes on phytoplankton community and the time of isolation during the low water phase was not sufficient to promote changes in phytoplankton diversity between the habitats.  相似文献   

The impact of invasive alien species on native species is of increasing global concern. Invasive species can cause food-web shifts that have severe consequences for native species and ecosystems. However, the mechanisms by which the invaders influence the native communities are poorly understood. Here we investigated the interactions of the invasive Ponto-Caspian mysid Limnomysis benedeni with native freshwater zooplankton in laboratory and mesocosm experiments. This mysid migrates between benthic and pelagic zones and thereby forms a potential trophic link between these habitats. In laboratory predation experiments, L. benedeni fed both on Daphnia galeata and D. magna, and predation rates depended on the sizes of predator and prey but not on the availability of light. However, no predation was observed at prey sizes greater than 2 mm, which appears to be the upper size limit for a successful prey capture by L. benedeni. In outdoor mesocosm experiments, L. benedeni strongly decreased the densities of cladocerans, rotifers and copepod nauplii within a few days, while the densities of copepods were unaffected. Prey selection indices provide further evidence for strongly selective predation of L. benedeni on different zooplankton taxa. The presence of phytoplankton as an additional resource for the omnivorous mysid led to a lower predation pressure of L. benedeni on Cladocera and rotifers, indicating that the presence of alternative prey modulates the strength of the top-down effect of invasive mysids on the zooplankton community. These results suggest that the invasion of L. benedeni can have profound and complex impacts on the community structure of the native zooplankton fauna and that mysid invasions potentially have whole-ecosystem consequences.  相似文献   

Partitioning beta diversity into its two components of spatial turnover and nestedness is a more robust method for checking spatial variability in biological communities than calculating the total beta diversity alone. The relative contribution of spatial turnover and nestedness has been used to test the effects of climatic, environmental, spatial and temporal variables on community composition. In this study, we tested the effects of environmental factors and microhabitat features on total beta diversity and its spatial turnover and nestedness components using a comprehensive dataset of aquatic Heteroptera collected from four types of permanent freshwater habitats (i.e. streams, ponds, rock tanks and reservoirs) in the Western Ghats of India. We observed that communities in all four types of habitats were predominantly shaped by dissimilarity caused due to spatial turnover (>85 %). Each type of habitat showed the presence of one or more species uniquely associated with it, which might contribute to the turnover between communities. The abiotic environment (climatic factors, topological factors, soil characteristics and microhabitat features) as well as assemblage structure differed significantly between habitat types. Communities in each type of habitat were affected by different environmental factors, such as precipitation and temperature patterns for streams, altitude and rocky substrate for rock tanks, and soil characteristics and the presence of aquatic macrophytes for ponds and reservoirs. Assemblages observed in the four types of permanent habitats are thus compositionally distinct due to species replacements between local communities, which in turn are strongly influenced by environmental variables. Similar to previous studies, our results show that spatial turnover largely measures the same phenomenon as total beta diversity on a regional scale.  相似文献   

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