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农户生计非农化对耕地流转的影响——以福建省长汀县为例   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
王成超  杨玉盛 《地理科学》2011,31(11):1362-1367
针对农户生计非农化对耕地流转的影响,采用Logistic回归分析方法,对福建省长汀县358户农户生计非农化对耕地流转的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:①农户生计非农化与耕地流出之间是一种正反馈关系,农户生计非农化有效促进了农户耕地的流出;②生计非农化诱致的农业劳动力缺乏以及较高的务农机会成本是农户耕地流出的直接原因;③生计非农化总体上对耕地流入起到抑制作用,其中,务农机会成本对农户耕地流入起到主导的抑制作用,而地租下降等因素对耕地流入起到促进作用,一定程度上缓解了高务农机会成本对耕地流入的影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for analysing which households are doing ‘their bit’ for sustainability in an era of climate change, using a two-stage cluster analysis of sustainable household capabilities. The framework segments households by their reported level of commitment to ‘pro-sustainability’ practices common to conventional government policies. Results are presented from a large-scale survey of Wollongong households, New South Wales, Australia. Results illustrate the importance of approaching household sustainability through everyday practices. Attention is drawn to the wide variation in participation in specific household sustainability practices. Investigation into sustainable household capability by household segments shows the limits of even the most committed households. Results show the importance of socio-cultural contexts in differentiating sustainable household capabilities—with women, suburban-detached households and lower income segments of the population ultimately doing most of the work of being sustainable.  相似文献   

居民对生活质量评估与区域经济发展的定量分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对全国 1 5个省份 1 9个县 (市 )近万户调查数据的分析得出 :居民对自己生活状况的主观评价与区域经济发展水平并不呈现显著正相关关系 ;居民对自己生活状况的满意程度在城乡间、县际间存在一定差异 ,一般为城市高于农村。不同县域居民对影响其生活质量的主要因子的认识有很强的一致性。区域发展研究中 ,应当关注居民生活质量评估指标。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the driving forces behind indigenous participation in the market is essential for practitioners intending to integrate conservation and development policies in indigenous territories. Nevertheless, empirical research on the determinants of market integration among indigenous peoples is still scarce. This article uses household survey data and multivariate techniques to examine the drivers of market integration among indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We use multiple measures of market integration, including the sale of crops, timber, and wildlife; the use of credit; and participation in wage labor. The results show that the way in which indigenous peoples integrate into the market depends on their endowments of human, financial, and physical capital. More educated households are able to engage in commercial agriculture and nonagricultural wage work, whereas uneducated poor households in communities in conflict with outsiders are pushed to engage in poorly paid agricultural wage work and (often illegal) timber operations.  相似文献   

Multifunctionality is today a keyword to understand rural areas in Europe. Depending on the context, it may refer to farm households, areas, or the agricultural sector. For farm households, it can be defined as their capacity to respond adequately to societal and consumer demands through the provisioning of a variety of goods, services, and non-market functions. These farm household practices are often categorized as ‘deepening’, ‘broadening’, or ‘regrounding’. In the article, the multifunctional practices of farm households in Greece are discussed within this conceptual framework with the presentation of specific examples that are derived from fieldwork. The case studies represent different spatial units and practices, covering deepening (organic farming, integrated management), broadening (agrotourism, short food supply chains), and regrounding (pluriactivity) practices of Greek farm households. The most important findings link multifunctionality mostly to pluriactivity, with complex and diverse strategies. Finally, some of the most important activities are not practised by farm households but by upstream actors.  相似文献   

基于可持续生计框架,采用统计分析和深度访谈法,将研究区293户农户按生计活动类型划为牧户(牛户、羊户、牛羊户和马户)、种植户和非农户,并按农户生计资产总值进一步划为高、中、低3个等级类型,进而分析了不同类型和不同等级农户的生计资产与生计活动及方式的依存关系。研究发现:各类农户的生计资产均值差距明显,牧户最高,为0.37,种植户为0.25,非农户为0.21;牧户的劳动力、草场、牲畜、现金、贷款等资产均值最高,种植户的农机和耕地资产均值最高,非农户的社会资产均值最高。目前,半农半牧区的农户仍然以旱作种植业和草地畜牧业为主要生计,但农牧业生产均面临较大的资源环境压力;非农户只占15.3%,且面临非农就业机会不足、个人技能缺失、语言障碍和务农时间与用工季节的冲突。最后,提出了提高农户收入和改善农户生计的对策建议。  相似文献   

还原论与农户地理研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
李小建 《地理研究》2010,29(5):767-777
依据科学研究的还原论方法和数学逻辑,分析指出农区经济活动的最基本组织单元是农户。基于地理学、经济学、组织学相关原理,建立了农户地理研究的基本框架。农户地理研究的主要内容包括农户自主发展能力研究、农户区位研究、农户发展环境研究、农户与地理环境相互关系研究。除了单一农户研究之外,农户地理还包括通过正式联系或非正式联系所形成的农户群研究。中国的特殊国情决定了农户在农区经济中的重要地位,农户与地理环境的长期相互作用轨迹及其相互印记又决定了农户地理研究在地理学中的特殊意义。沿着这一方向的研究,有利于建立富有中国特色的经济地理理论。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the effects of co-residence with elderly parents on gender differences in travel. The Household Responsibility Hypothesis (HRH) explains differences in the role of women regarding household responsibilities. However, research so far has studied “Western” household types while excluding households with co-residing elderly parents. Furthermore, research has paid exclusive attention to gender differences in commuting trips, and has neglected the effects of built environment characteristics. In view of these shortcomings, we pose the following research questions: what are the determinants of gendered differences in travel behavior, and specifically, what are the effects of elderly co-residence in households and land use on gender differences in trip frequency and travel distance? In addition to the HRH, we introduce the Elderly Co-residence Hypothesis, which suggests that co-residing elderly parents take over household responsibilities from adult women, resulting in diminishing gender differences in working-age travel patterns. We present the results of empirical research in Nanjing, China, that support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

重庆市山区农户耕地转入特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何威风  阎建忠  周洪 《地理科学进展》2014,33(11):1566-1576
耕地流转有利于缓解耕地撂荒和闲置问题,促进土地规模化经营,但已有山区的研究侧重耕地转出,且未深入分析农户耕地转入的特征.本文运用重庆市“两翼”地区12 个典型村的1015 份农户调查问卷,从地块尺度详细分析了农户耕地转入的特征,并通过Tobit 模型,定量分析了农户转入耕地面积的影响因素.结果表明:①农户多无偿转入耕地,但仍主要转入质量好、坡度小、离家近的地块;因受地形影响,转入地块又多为旱地,且难灌溉、面积小,并存在“去粮化”和粗放化经营.②农户特征方面,转入耕地的农户多为普通农户,经营耕地规模小、效益低,且地块细碎化程度高.③影响因素方面,农业劳动力比例、农业收入、农具数量和耕作面积对农户转入耕地面积有显著正向影响,而户主年龄、地块平均面积和地区哑变量则武隆县有显著负向影响.  相似文献   

:在江西红壤山丘典型区2001年三个样本村111个农户的抽样调查资料基础上,建立了区域农地水土保持效果分析的数量经济模型,分析了农业产业政策改革背景下农户行为对农地水土保持效果的影响。研究表明,当前上饶县农业产业结构调整过程中农地水土流失状况受到农户行为直接影响,农业劳动力的转移、农业生产资料价格、农户受教育水平以及农户土地规模经营的程度等是其影响的主要因素。作者认为,这种状况目前在江西红壤区具有普遍性,因此必须先调整农业政策,增加科技资金投入,保护农业土地利用;其次,优化农户土地长期投入所需要的外部环境,减少长期投资的风险性和不确定性;加大经济刺激力度,增加农户投资获利能力,促进其加大土地长期投入;调整用地结构,优化农业用地组合,发展规模农业,防止水土流失。  相似文献   

西藏高原农户的投资行为——以达孜县为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王慎强  刘伟 《山地学报》2001,19(3):243-247
根据农户调查资料和有关的统计数据对西藏达孜县农户的投资行为进行了研究。结果表明:该县农户的投资主要以直接投资为主,间接投资所占的比重较低;在直接投资中,又以家庭经营投资和固定资产投资为主;农户对科技教育、文化娱乐方面的投资较少,而对宗教信仰方面的投资相对较多;其投资资金来源主要是自有资金。其次是银行贷款和其他资金,国家财政拨款所占的比重不大;受投资结构等因素的影响,该县农户的投资效益基本上呈农年降低趋势。  相似文献   

The Richtersveld is situated in an arid environment and its inhabitants are confronted with various hazards. Based on data collected during 22 months of ethnographic fieldwork, the livelihood strategies of Richtersvelders are explored. Besides a thorough examination of the diversified economy, the internal institutional arrangements for pooling and redistributing resources within households are analysed in this paper. Encouraging household members to engage in different activities and to share their income—as well as skills to manage the household budget properly—are integral to diversification and reducing the vulnerability of households. This study has shown that even in a community marked by considerable dependence on wage labour, almost three-quarters of the households are directly involved in stock farming. Although pastoralism still plays an important role for households, it has shifted from being the core economic activity to being an insurance against unemployment and contributing to subsistence. Stock farming serves to build up resilience through the diversification of economic activities inside the household. In the South African context, the relevance of activities dependent on land has implications not only for rural development, but also for post-apartheid land and agrarian reform.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲的适用生态农业模式及农业地域结构探讨   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
许学工 《地理科学》2000,20(1):27-32
从可持续发展的观点出发,通过对黄河三角洲地区生态环境分异和生态农业雏型的研究,提出7种适用的生态农业模式,并在此基础上进行了该区的农业地域结构规划探讨。  相似文献   

农户行为视角下的乡村生产空间系统运行机制及重构启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农户行为转变是乡村生产空间系统量变或从量变到质变的重要驱动力,乡村生产空间系统的运行实质上是农户行为作用的外在表现,厘清农户行为可为诠释乡村生产空间系统的运行机制提供平台。本文在剖析农户行为转变与乡村生产空间系统运行响应的理论框架基础上,从农户行为转变和乡村生产空间系统响应入手构建指标体系,建立模糊综合评价量化模型,并以重庆市江津区恒和村作为实证,诠释乡村生产空间系统运行机制。主要研究结论为:不同农户行为对乡村生产空间系统运行的影响程度各异,大体为生产大户>合作社农户>传统农户;不同农户行为对系统运行响应结果的作用差异明显,生产大户行为主要影响乡村生产空间的利用效率,合作社农户行为对提升生产空间系统经济效益作用明显,传统农户行为对生产空间系统环境改善的贡献作用最小。并从经济、社会、空间重构视角提出发展多种形式的适度规模化经营、培育新型农业经营主体和职业农民、合理引导农户技术和资本投入等建议,以实现乡村生产空间系统协调与均衡发展。  相似文献   

吉林省西部土地荒漠化现状、特征与治理途径研究   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:38  
裘善文  张柏  王志春 《地理科学》2003,23(2):188-192
吉林省西部土地荒漠化主要表现为土地沙漠化、盐碱化和草场退化,制约着该地区农、牧业的发展,该区土地荒漠化具有脆弱性、可恢复性和可逆性的三性特征。采取不同实用技术,治理盐碱化、沙漠化和草原退化,并将其纳入社会经济发展规划,常抓不懈,使生态环境保持良性循环、经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国扶贫瞄准单位已下沉到农户单元,发展和完善农户尺度的多维贫困测度方法是精准配置扶贫资源、提高扶贫效率的关键。通过借鉴“人”“地”和“业”关系理论构建了“能力—资本—环境”多维贫困综合评估框架,以秦巴山特困区商洛为例,通过多维贫困测度体系对农户进行综合测度,识别样本区多维贫困户,进而与建档立卡贫困户进行对比分析,并探讨了多维贫困发生的主要影响机理,最后依据多维贫困户剥夺维度的组合划分不同类型。研究结果表明:① 有245户被识别为多维贫困户,239户被识别为非多维贫困户,多维贫困户与非多维贫困户在能力维度、资本维度和环境维度均存在较大差异;② 有84.08%的多维贫困户与建档立卡贫困户相重叠,多维贫困户在综合维度和单维度的贫困程度均较深;③ 多维贫困发生主要受“人”的发展能力和生产能力、“业”的金融资本、物质资本以及“地”的地理条件和区位的弱势或剥夺的影响;④ 多维贫困户划分为发展缺失型、复合贫困型、生存环境恶劣型和综合贫困型4类。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how efforts to achieve local economic growth conflicted with long‐term sustainable resource use when road accessibility was improved between a supply area – the households and household firms in a Philippine fishing village, Dinahican, previously hampered by very poor transport conditions and accessibility – and its major market. Findings indicate that improved road access to big fish markets stimulated investment in production enhancing inputs, which allowed increased fish landings and sales outside Dinahican, together with employment and incomes. At the same time, poorly implemented fisheries resource management resulted in overfishing in municipal waters and obvious disparities in access to productive resources. Thus, while road investment in relatively inaccessible rural resource rich areas may spur economic development as an underutilized production potential is released, it can facilitate resource depletion and intensify an unequal distribution of benefits if the enforcement of laws and regulations is lacking. In the case of Dinahican, coordination between infrastructure supply and the implementation and enforcement of fisheries resource management is found to be urgently needed.  相似文献   

In Nepal, changing demographic patterns are leading to changes in land use. The high level of outmigration of men in the hills of Kaski District, Western Development Region of Nepal, is affecting the household structure but also land management. Land is often abandoned, as the burden on those left behind is too high. How do these developments affect the state of the land in terms of land degradation? To find out, we studied land degradation, land abandonment caused by outmigration, and existing sustainable land management practices in a subwatershed in Kaski District. Mapping was done using the methodology of the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT). While previous studies expected land abandonment to exacerbate slope erosion, we demonstrate in this paper that it is in fact leading to an increase in vegetation cover due to favourable conditions for ecosystem recovery. However, negative impacts are several, including the increase of invasive species harmful to livestock and a decline in soil fertility. Traditional land management practices such as terraces and forest management exist. To date, however, these measures fail to take account of the changing population dynamics in the region, making the question of how migration and land degradation are linked worth revisiting.  相似文献   

Integrated nutrient management is important for sustainable agricultural production and protecting environment quality and has been widely investigated around the world. In this article the spatial variability of soil nutrients was investigated and a regionalized nutrient management system was developed using geostatistics and geographic information system technologies. A total of 511 GPS-referenced soil samples were taken in Yongji County, Shanxi province, China, and analysed for major soil nutrients: soil total nitrogen (TN), Olsen extractable phosphorus (OLSENP) and extractable potassium (EXTK). Low concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were found and they are likely to be the main limiting nutrients for crop growth in this county. Within the county moderate spatial dependence was found for all three soil variables, but at different spatial scales. The spatial distributions of TN, OLSENP and EXTK were estimated by using kriging interpolation. The cropped areas of the county were divided into fertilizer management categories consisting of four classes of TN, three classes of OLSENP and two classes of EXTK. For the targeted crop yields, regionalized fertilization maps of N, P and K in the county were produced using geographic information system. In 3-year field verification trials in two villages the crop yields of the wheat–maize rotation system increased by 10–20%, and farmers' cash income increased by 1550–2610 RMB ha?1 year?1 where regional fertilization recommendations were implemented, in comparison with traditional farmers' practices. The regionalized maps are a practical alternative to site-specific soil nutrient management approaches in areas where it is not practical, because of small farm size or other constraints, to use intensive soil sampling and chemical analyses.  相似文献   

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