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运用ArcGIS软件与DPS软件,结合世界银行数据库与《非洲统计年鉴》等,分析21世纪以来非洲跨国移民空间格局及其对FDI影响,结果表明:基于目的地国、原籍国的跨国移民分别集中于北非地区与撒哈拉以南的非洲,其中前者呈现以“摩洛哥-埃及-苏丹”为中心的集聚格局,而后者先以科特迪瓦最为集中,随后逐渐被南非所取代;北非地区FDI分布最为集中且增长稳定,南非、东非、西非和中非四大分区FDI较少且随着时间的推移而日趋平衡;相比基于原籍国的跨国移民,基于目的地国的跨国移民重心与FDI重心重叠性与一致性均较高,即基于目的地国的跨国移民对FDI吸引力更强,这与灰色关联分析法得到的研究结论一致。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Miami is the primate city in a system of urban settlements that make up a Cuban ethnic archipelago in the United States. The city is also a national magnet, attracting Cuban migrants from metropolitan regions across the archipelago. Four large secondary cores of Cubans outside Florida serve as major “feeders” to the Miami enclave: northern New Jersey, New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Currents of migration to Miami are especially strong among older, foreign-born, and disadvantaged Cubans, an indication of segmented paths in Cuban assimilation. Although concentration in Metropolitan Miami has been the Cuban story over the past three decades, processes of deconcentration now may well be under way.  相似文献   

安宁  张博 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1119-1129
在全球-地方频繁互动的今天,跨国/跨地方逐渐成为超高速流动的社会现实,移民与流入流出地的多元互动模糊了国与国、地方与地方之间的边界,在目的地不断重塑社会结构和空间,在物质和符号维度赋予了地方不同的意义。族裔社区不仅仅反映了不同的移民群体复杂的日常生活实践及其在空间上的互动,也将对多元化族裔空间的关注转移到社区、空间、领土政治甚至流动地缘想象,同时也将族裔社区空间纳入一个关系性的视角下。而传统上地缘政治视角对移民和族裔空间的关注相对有限。因此,本专栏主要讨论地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区。具体而言,专栏首先回顾了地缘政治研究及其对流动性的关注和移民研究中的地缘政治面向,其次通过8篇文章讨论了不同尺度下多元的跨境移民及族裔社区营造与建构的相关研究,希冀从理论、方法以及实证研究方面对现有知识进行补充,也尝试通过探索国内外相关研究的进展,为社会和国家治理的需求服务。  相似文献   

邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
刘涛  卓云霞  王洁晶 《地理学报》2020,75(12):2716-2729
中国人口流动进入总量稳定下的空间调整新阶段,存量流动人口的再流动成为塑造人口和城镇化格局的主体因素。本文从户籍地和前期流入地两个基点出发,综合考虑地理、制度、信息、社会、认知等维度,构建了双重多维邻近性影响人口再流动目的地选择的理论框架,利用全国流动人口动态监测调查数据和嵌套Logit模型开展实证研究。结果表明:双重多维邻近性对人口再流动的空间选择具有显著而稳健的影响。人口再流动时,会选择与自身知识水平更匹配、与户籍地和前期流入地都更近、信息联系都更强的城市,但社会联系仍主要依靠老家。流动人口具有回到户籍所在省(区、市)的主观意愿,但省内城市普遍机会不多、环境欠佳,缺乏吸引力。相对而言,女性对同乡网络的依赖高于男性;新生代流动人口在很多方面继承了老一代的特点,甚至比后者更依赖老家的信息和社会联系;高学历流动人口在流入地的深度社会融入使其能够利用本地化社会资本,再流动的空间选择也与流入地居民更为类似。  相似文献   


Climate plays a strategic role in man's perception of the environment. Man's perception of climate influences his adjustment to the atmospheric environment. This study examines the climatic desirability of the conterminous United States as perceived by in-state college students in North Carolina, Arizona, Minnesota and Vermont. Based on climatic preference, the home states are perceived to be the most desirable states in the conterminous United States. In general, the climatic conditions in those states which are in close geographical propinquity to the sample states are also appealing to the students. In addition, Florida, Colorado and the West Coast states (especially California) are perceived as climatically desirable.  相似文献   

Factor analysis is used to examine the movement patterns of nonpermanent residents, persons who were living somewhere other than their usual residence on the April 1, 1980 census day. Movement from usual to census residences converges on the Sunbelt states of Florida, Arizona, California, Texas and Louisiana. Movement in the other direction is more dispersed as evidenced by 14 distinct patterns of census to usual residence flows.  相似文献   

Interstate migration exchanges in the United States are temporally and spatially transitory. Both the early and mid-1980s exhibited significant fluctuations in the origins and destinations of U.S. migrants, while the late 1980s and early 1990s were even more unstable. Regions once favored by interstate movers such as the West and the South, while remaining attractive, showed evidence of declining favor in the early 1990s. Meanwhile, numerous states in the national interior regained their attractiveness, including several that gained net migrants for the first time in decades. California exhibited a major turnaround in its migration, perturbing the entire U.S. migration system.  相似文献   

移民对中国在美国直接投资的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈瑛  李芬英  马斌 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1483-1490
基于中国对美国各州的移民和直接投资数据,运用重心模型分析得出:美国华人移民的人口重心和集聚重心均向东北方向移动,中国对美国直接投资的重心变化区域也位于美国东、中部地区,二者在空间上的重叠性和耦合性日益增强。进而运用灰色关联法实证华人移民对中国在美国直接投资的影响处于中等水平,且影响长期稳定。  相似文献   

人口集聚区吸纳人口迁入的影响因素——以东莞市为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吕晨  孙威 《地理科学进展》2014,33(5):593-604
人口集聚区的地域特征差异对人口迁移行为产生较大影响,从地域特征出发研究人口集聚区对于迁入人口的作用机制可为地域功能区划和配置公共服务设施提供参考。本文以人口迁移的推拉理论为基础,构建人口集聚区对迁入人口拉力作用的指标体系。以东莞市为案例,综合运用主成分分析和多元回归分析方法,识别人口集聚区对迁入人口的作用力以及各类拉力的作用强度。结果显示:① 东莞市各乡镇人口集聚程度差异较大,且空间分布不均衡;在1995-2000年全市人口迅速集聚期,区域人口集聚度主要与地区就业岗位增加、人均收入水平提高、人口迁移的路径依赖相关。② 该市以劳动密集型加工业为主的产业特色给迁入人口提供了更多的就业机会;其相对较高的工资水平,对外来人口形成了强大的吸引力。③ 人口以路径依赖的形式进行链式迁移可以减低迁移过程中的风险和成本。④ 对人口集聚作用由强到弱依次为:路径依赖拉力、就业岗位拉力、收入水平拉力;综合的区域拉力与人口集聚度呈三次曲线关系。  相似文献   

By the mid‐twentieth century the population and economic resources in many developing economies had become concentrated in the capital city. Planned industrial cities became an important mechanism to encourage more balanced urban systems as well as development in peripheralized regions. Venezuela boasts one of the most impressive planned industrial cities, Ciudad Guayana, constructed in 1959 in the resource rich but inaccessible Bolivar state in the southeast. This paper summarizes the lifetime migration to and from Bolivar state for the years 1950, 1971 and 2001. Whereas the majority of lifetime migrants originated from the neighbouring northeast region in 1950 and 1971, by 2001 more migrants arrived from the capital region. For lifetime outmigrants, the destination states became more diverse and less focused on the capital region. Gender ratios of lifetime migrants to and from Bolivar became more equitable as women became more prominent in migration flows. The level of urban primacy in Venezuela declined substantially after 1971 as the country became more internally integrated, although this more equitable distribution of the country's population may not have been solely a result of the creation of the growth pole, but a result of wider economic development.  相似文献   

肖宝玉  朱宇  林李月 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2796-2807
基于2017年流动人口动态监测数据,选取福厦泉城市群,构建融入-隔离对比的指标体系,探讨了流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合及其影响因素。研究发现:① 流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合程度较高,但融入与隔离并存,且以融入为主。② 流动人口主观社会融合受流迁模式、社会网络、生计资本、制度政策和人口特征等因素综合影响:宏观上基本公共服务均等化能显著地增强融入、削弱隔离,淡化了户籍制度造成的融入障碍;中观上在流入地加强社会交往和积极参加组织活动、改善住房和提高收入确实有助于流动人口在流入地增强融入、减弱隔离,但基于流出地方向的土地预期收益、家庭困难及乡土依恋等主客观因素则增强了流动人口在流入地的主观隔离、削弱了主观融入;微观上近距离、长时段和家庭化迁移的流动人口主观融入程度较高,受教育程度的提高有助于流动人口削弱主观隔离,更好地融入流入地。研究认为应促进流动人口客观融合并使其与主观融合相匹配,改变以流动人口融入当前流入地实现市民化的单向思维,统筹考虑流入地与流出地的双向影响,将流动人口市民化工作重心由落户转向基本公共服务的无差别覆盖,实现流动人口从主观“愿意”到客观“能够”的社会融合。  相似文献   

Changing population density is often ignored in studies of population growth and population transfer in the United States. We show that there is a complex relationship between patterns of population growth and density increase by state. The largest gains in density are in the states of the northeastern megalopolis, California, and Florida. Analysis of the 150 counties with the greatest increases in density between 1980 and 1990 shows that they are well distributed across the United States including the larger metropolitan areas of the “Rustbelt.” In general, the most densely populated states and places are becoming more densely populated, a concept we refer to as densification.  相似文献   

Changing population density is often ignored in studies of population growth and population transfer in the United States. We show that there is a complex relationship between patterns of population growth and density increase by state. The largest gains in density are in the states of the northeastern megalopolis, California, and Florida. Analysis of the 150 counties with the greatest increases in density between 1980 and 1990 shows that they are well distributed across the United States including the larger metropolitan areas of the “Rustbelt.” In general, the most densely populated states and places are becoming more densely populated, a concept we refer to as densification.  相似文献   

This paper examines African American migration from Los Angeles County, 1985–1990, utilizing Census Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) data to identify linkages between Los Angeles migrants and others in destination households. Increased migration to suburban counties and to regions outside of the South, since 1975–1980, suggests an overall diversification of African American migration. The majority of outmigrants were “independent” because they moved into 1990 destination households that contained only migrants from the same origin, Los Angeles County. Others were linked either to nonmovers or to migrants from other places in destination households. A discriminant analysis suggests that many migrants linked to nonmigrants were moving for assistance, depending on others at the destination for housing and financial resources. In contrast, independent migrants have the personal resources to set up their own destination households.  相似文献   

中国城市新移民的定居意愿及其影响机制   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
刘于琪  刘晔  李志刚 《地理科学》2014,34(7):780-787
基于广州、东莞、沈阳、成都、杭州、郑州市所获问卷数据,采用描述性统计和Logistic回归模型,探讨中国城市新移民的定居意愿及其影响因素。研究表明,城市新移民总体上呈现较强的定居意愿,其中投资型新移民的定居意愿最强,智力型新移民次之,劳力型新移民最弱。影响新移民定居意愿的主要因素包括户籍因素、社会网络、社会认同、生活满意度和地域差异。与本地人交往和社会认同是影响智力型新移民定居意愿的决定性因素;职业、产权、本地社会资本、社会认同和地域差异是影响劳力型新移民定居意愿的主要因素;就投资型新移民而言,影响其定居意愿的主要因素为人力资本、本地社会资本、户籍状况及其所在的城市。地方政府应根据新移民所属的类型,有针对性地制定社会与空间政策,为新移民提供更为多元化的城市融合路径。  相似文献   

邢祖哥  黄耿志  薛德升 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2474-2493
城市流动人口的社会融合是新型城镇化建设的重点任务。针对现有研究在社会融合的空间特征及流入地作用方面的研究不足,本文基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,引入空间分析和分层线性模型,揭示了中国地级以上城市流动人口社会融合的空间格局与影响机制。研究发现:① 中国城市流动人口的总体社会融合指数为0.43,存在行为融合(0.71)>心理融合(0.61)>经济融合(0.33)的维度特征。② 流动人口的社会融合存在空间自相关性和集聚性,高水平社会融合区主要分布在东北地区、山东半岛和川渝地区,低水平社会融合区主要分布在东南沿海、关中平原和华北平原地区。在这些地区中,总体上存在人口50万以下的小城市的流动人口社会融合水平高于大城市的基本特征。③ 流入地因素和个体因素共同影响和形塑了流动人口社会融合的水平和空间格局,且流入地的人口规模、住房支出(房价水平)和公共服务等因素对个体因素的影响具有调节作用,包含正向极化、负向极化、正向均化、负向均化等4种调节机制。本文呼吁从流入地—个体因素关联的人地关系视角开展流动人口社会融合研究,重视流入地因素对个体因素的影响,为基于流入地的政策调控来推进新型城镇化建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   


This article examines the micro-politics of belonging in the post-socialist outskirts of Berlin, in Marzahn, one of many new urban immigrant settlement areas in Europe. More specifically, it focuses on what locals perceive as an acceptance-precluding conspicuous presence of nominally white immigrants of German ancestry from the former Soviet Union, the Aussiedler (resettlers). Long-term residents read and interpret these immigrants’ everyday embodiments by constructing what I call micro-economies of embodied difference in order to mark immigrants as non-belonging Eastern-European. In order to make sense of such practices and local antipathy towards the Aussiedler, I analyze the embeddedness of this suburban locality in the regional politics of belonging, showing how Marzahn and its long-time residents have themselves become post-wall Berlin's (and Germany's) internal Others, saturated with uncommodifiable traces of now-denigrated state-socialist Easternness. I suggest that in such a context these residents’ practice of ascribing the unwanted Easternness to recent immigrants works to deflect it in order to buttress their own claims to full membership citizenship in the unified Germany from which they have long been excluded. [Key words: belonging, immigrants, embodied difference, Othering, Easternness, Berlin.]  相似文献   

以流动人口集中的京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大经济区35个城市2012年流动人口动态监测数据为基础,采用均方差权值法,综合经济、社会、心理、制度和公共服务5个维度构建衡量流动人口社会融入的指标体系,在此基础上计算和比较了三大经济区及其35个城市流动人口各维度社会融入指标和社会融入综合水平得分及其地区差异。研究结论显示,社会融入综合水平得分由高到低依次是京津冀、长三角、珠三角。同一地区流动人口的融入状况在各个维度不均衡,京津冀地区流动人口社会维度的融入程度最高,制度维度融入程度最低;长三角地区流动人口的心理维度融入居前列,但社会维度融入位列最后;珠三角地区流动人口的社会维度融入程度最高,公共服务维度融入不足。此外,就整体而言,三大地区流动人口的工作强度大、交往对象固化于流动人口、在流入地长期居住意愿多数仍处于举棋不定的状态;三大地区都存在落实居住证/暂住证制度和流动人口享有城镇医保等方面较为薄弱等诸多问题并共同制约着流动人口真正融入流入城市。为此,需要在政策制定中予以关注。  相似文献   

"In the Netherlands, the sharp recent increase of the number of refugee immigrants (asylum seekers) runs parallel to increased numbers of immigrants of other types. Therefore, at least five types of immigrants should still be distinguished (labour migrants, migrants from former colonies, from EU countries, from other rich countries, and asylum seekers). Their spatial orientation in the Netherlands (urban, suburban, rural), by choice or by constraint, is the main focus of this study. The outcomes of the immigration processes have been confronted with general and spatial characteristics of the labour market and housing market. Matches and mismatches are discussed."  相似文献   

林李月  朱宇  林坤  柯文前 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1350-1365
流动人口的城镇购房意愿和空间偏好直接关系到流动人口市民化的路径选择与城镇化的高质量发展。基于2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据和统计数据,对比研究了流动人口流入地和流出地城镇购房意愿的空间特征和影响因素。研究发现:① 流动人口城镇购房意愿具有层次性和两栖性特征,还有小部分流动人口拥有多地城镇购房意愿。② 流入地和流出地城镇购房意愿在空间上形成“此高彼低”互补的分布特征。在人口流入地区和以跨省流动为主的东南区域,流动人口流入地城镇购房意愿低但流出地城镇购房意愿高;而在人口流出地和以省内流动为主的区域,情况恰与此相反。③ 城镇购房意愿主要受流动人口个体特征和城市住房市场因素的影响,但不同要素对两类城镇购房意愿的影响各异。受教育年限、管理技术人员、不完整家庭化流动、家庭生命周期和城市房价仅对流入地城镇购房意愿有显著影响;已在城镇购房和流动次数仅对流出地城镇购房意愿有促进作用;户口性质、制造加工业人员、流动范围、本地居留时间和城市规模则在两类意愿中起着相反方向的影响效应。  相似文献   

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