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¶rt;naa, m ma um uu maunuu m am muu ¶rt;uauu um. nua a mau ammama a, n¶rt; mnu ma u u au uu u¶rt;mu.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is an attempt to demonstrate the fact that misleading information about the thermodynamic structure of shallow cumulus fields is obtained when standard isobaric level (SIL) data input is used. The 1-D cumulus model serves as the main tool of examination and the reference input data are those of significant levels (SL) in soundings. The computed cloud tops (SIL) exceeded (SL) tops in nearly 80% of the cases and the excesses are more than 1 kilometre in 25% of the cases. Some discrepancies were also found in potential stability analysis. The local changes in equivalent potential temperature may be seriously affected and even falsified. The important role of high resolution in studies of mesoscale phenomena was again accentuated.
mam mum ¶rt;aam, m u am u¶rt; ¶rt;a unam ¶rt;a ma¶rt;am uauu (SIL), m num uauu m¶rt;uau mm mu n. ¶rt;m, una nu u¶rt;auu, m ¶rt;a ¶rt; aa, a am n ¶rt; au unm ¶rt;a au ¶rt;aa. auma u a ¶rt; SIL n¶rt;m n au 80% a, a 25% a ¶rt;a a 1 . au ma ma nu aau nmua mumu. aQj uu uam nmua mnam m m aum ua. n¶rt;uam aa aua nmu nu uuu u a.

Summary A two-dimensional flow model of an incompressible fluid with constant viscosity has been used to study the changes in the large-scale flow pattern (aspect ratio 4). Implications for convection in the Earth's mantle are discussed.
a ¶rt; mn uuu ua u¶rt;mu nm m unm ¶rt; uu uu mu ama¶rt;a. ¶rt;am mam ¶rt; uu amuu u.

Summary Based on the relation between the relative sunspot number R, the number of sunspot groups f 0 generated per unit time on the Sun as a whole and their average lifetime T 0 , and on the extrapolation of time behaviour of f 0 and T 0 , it is proved that abnormally high solar activity may be expected in the first half of the 21st century. At this time, the maximum annual relative sunspot numbers RM of the 11-year cycles should reach values of about 300 units. This abnormally high solar activity in the next century can be understood as the antipole of the Maunderean minimum. This forecast is used to discuss some of the possible consequences of this abnormally high solar activity for the processes on the Earth: changes of climate (heat waves and draughts in Central Europe), in the higher layers of the Earth's atmosphere (anomalous propagation of radio waves, increased effect of the density of the upper atmosphere on the orbits of man-made satellites), in seismicity (increased seismic activity in Europe and Southeast Asia), for technical devices (induced electric currents), in the biosphere. etc.
a mu ¶rt; uau a R nm, unn nm f 0 uu ¶rt;uu u a ë u u ¶rt; n¶rt;ummu uu 0 , u a manuu ¶rt;a f 0 u 0 , naa, m n nu ¶rt; 21 a u¶rt;am uum amum. aua¶rt;u ua a R m¶rt; 11-mu ua m u ¶rt;muam au 300 ¶rt;uu. m uum amum ¶rt; nuam a amun¶rt; a¶rt; uua. a m na ¶rt;am m n¶rt;mu m uum amumu a n nmau a : a uu uama (aa u a n¶rt;a ¶rt; n), a u u am u (aa anmau a¶rt;u, uu n nmmu u am a ¶rt;uu um m), a um (na ua amum n u -m uu), a muu mma (u¶rt;ua muu mu), a u u ma ¶rt;a.

17 mmu u uma uu 1976. anua 5 ¶rt;numu mauumu u¶rt;a mu u m na Pn, Pg, Sn u Sg. u¶rt; numm muam u mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mmu n¶rt;naam nu m m uamm aumm. ¶rt;am nu m mmu maua.  相似文献   

Summary Applying the methods of computing N(h) profiles to scalar product spaces provides a more general view of the differences between the individual ionospheric models, which enables a better selection of the optimum model.
u n¶rt; m¶rt;uu ama N(h) nu nmama a nu¶rt;u anauam u ¶rt; a au ¶rt; m¶rt;u uu ¶rt;u, m nm nmm uam nmua ¶rt;.

Summary The data on geopotential heights and temperatures at 7 pressure levels between 1000-10 hPa above Berlin(52.5 °N, 13.4 °E) are analysed for the winters of 1963–1973. No demonstrable effect of the interplanetary magnetic field sector boundary crossing (IMF SBC) is found in the lower and middle stratosphere, but there is a demonstrable effect in the middle troposphere at the 500 hPa level. This effect is less important than the IMF SBC effect in the tropospheric vorticity area index and seems to be of a different type.
auum ¶rt;a nnmua m u mnam a 7 nm ¶rt;au ¶rt; 1000-10 a a¶rt; u(52,5 °.., 13,4 °.¶rt;.) ¶rt; u 1963–1973. ua ¶rt;aam m nu mau nam aum n( ) ¶rt;a amu u u ¶rt; mam, ma m a¶rt; ¶rt; mn a 500 a. mm m a, m u¶rt; na¶rt;u aumu am, u am m ¶rt; muna.

Summary Four fundamental forms of expansion of the double product of the gravity function into an infinite series are derived. Two isotropic parts are separated, one is expressed by Legendre polynomials and the other by invariants of Wigner's D-matrices.
¶rt; m n¶rt;mau ¶rt; au ¶rt; nu¶rt;uaumau uu ¶rt;. ¶rt; ¶rt; umn amu, na aam n nu a¶rt;a u ma n uauam amu ua.

Summary The problem of inverting the geopotential series with respect to the geoid radius has been solved. A linearization of the radius powers, making use of a reference surface, has been applied. The body given by the Bruns' formula has been chosen as the reference surface. Corrections to the Bruns' formula in an analytical explicit form have been derived. An internal linearization accuracy of the order of 1 mm has been achieved. The geoid radius coefficients for the GEM-L2 model have been evaluated numerically. The corrections have been found to range from –90 to 90 cm.
m¶rt; uauauu ¶rt; aaumuu u ¶rt; ama a¶rt;ua — ma, m una uum au aumau n u u naam unu¶rt;a. u u¶rt; una um uum u nmuaa u uum au a¶rt;ua — ma. ¶rt;a¶rt;amua ua, aa uauau, n¶rt;a 1 . u¶rt; u am ¶rt; ¶rt;uaumau n GEM-L2. au na nm mm m am nu annuauuu¶rt;a, a a m a, n¶rt;a ± 90 .

a aamaa ¶rt;uaua mu ¶rt;n nauuu a mu mu u ¶rt;uau uma am. m muu mam, m au¶rt;mu u au uuu am a mnuuu nau ¶rt;au. a a mu na an¶rt; aumuu mum ama, m am um m nu¶rt;u au u uu au¶rt;m ua.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated that the observed decrease in the second zonal geopotential harmonic linear in time and the secular decrease in the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation do not satisfy the relation defining the secular Love number k as constant during the whole history of the Earth's evolution. The discrepancy disappears if it is assumed thatdk/dt=–2.4×106 cy1 .
aa, m a ¶rt;a au m aauunmuaa u u a ¶rt;a u mu au u ¶rt;mm mu, n¶rt; u a a nm mu umuu u. a uam, u ¶rt;nmumdk/dt=–2,4·10 6 (mmu)1 .

Summary The magnetic moments of Uranus and Neptune have been predicted using different scaling laws of planetary magnetism. The predictions for Uranus cover a broad band of values from very weak magnetic fields (tidal relations) to moderate fields (thermal convection hypothesis). Therefore, the direct measurements of this field by Voyager 2 (January 1986) will be very important for testing the individual hapotheses.
a m ama a ¶rt; amua nam ¶rt;a n aum m nam a a nm. aa n¶rt;nmu nuu mu, ¶rt;m u¶rt;am a aum n a nmu aa u u a nmu nma.

Presented at the Fifth Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the IMF sector boundary crossing (IMF SBC) in the vorticity area index (VAI) — the well-known dip in the VAI after IMF SBC — is found to be independent of the IMF SBC effect in the cosmic ray flux. This finding refutes a recent suggestion by Lundstedt [1] that the IMF SBC effect in VAI is caused by a decrease in cosmic ray flux, but supports the concept of the IMF SBC effects in the ionosphere and atmosphere developed by Latovika [2–4]. Cosmic rays seem to affect the troposphere in another way.
¶rt;mu nu mau nam aum n ( ) a u¶rt; na¶rt;u aumu () — um uu n — a¶rt; auu m ma nm uu . mm mam nam ¶rt;a n¶rt;u ¶rt;m¶rt;a [1], m m a nuu nma uu , n¶rt;¶rt;uam nu m u u am, aum amu [2–4]. am m uu u m um a mn ¶rt;u a.

Summary The components of the tidal torques along the axes of the inertia ellipsoid of a perfectly elastic Earth have been derived quite independently of the density distribution of masses within the Earth. It has been demonstrated that not only the sectorial, but also the tesseral terms in the tidal forming potential are responsible for the tidal deceleration of the Earth's rotation.
am ¶rt; mau ma nuu u m u a um unu¶rt;a uuu u¶rt;a n u, auu m ¶rt;a an¶rt;uu nmm a. aa, m nuu a¶rt;u au u a m muau, u mau nuuu au nuua nmua.

Summary Topographic effects on tidal strains and tilts are studied using a homogeneous elastic spherical model. Expressions for local perturbing strains and tilts are derive das functions of the physical and geometrical parameters of the model. It is demonstrated that tidal tilts are affected more by the topography than tidal strains.
n ¶rt;¶rt; n u ¶rt;u u¶rt;a uu a mmu a nuu ¶rt;auu u a. ¶rt; au, nuau a uau nuu ¶rt;au u a auumu m uuu umuu naam ¶rt;u. aa, m uau nuu a uau nuu ¶rt;au.

Summary A large number of the users of the geomtrical constants of the reference ellipsoid know only the IAG resolutions and not the related special publications; consequently, the numerical values of the derived geometrical constants may be interpreted differently. Some values of possible differences (max. 32 mm) are given, and it is proposed that the GRS-80 geometrical constants be defined by the values of a and f –1 with unlimited accuracy in the next IAG resolution.
¶rt;a um nam zmuuu nmu n-unu¶rt;a am m uu ¶rt;a¶rt; auauu n z¶rt;uu, a nua nuauu; nm m num a mau u au nu¶rt; zmuu nm. mam nu¶rt;m m au am (a. 32 ) u n¶rt;azam n¶rt; uu n¶rt;m muu nm GRS-80 uuau a, f –1 zau mm.

aamuam uu am a (m u naamuu n) u u (a) uu a uu mu uu. mam (19), (28) naam, m amua am mau u m ¶rt; am amu: a) na ¶rt;um am, n n a uu am u uu a uu; ) ma ¶rt;um am, m aam uu a uu.  相似文献   

Summary The Sun's motion round the barycentre of the solar system was found to consist of two basic alternately repeating elements of the noose and of the arc. The mean time for solar motion around each of these elements was found to be 9.93 yr. The relation between solar motion and solar variability was determined as follows: Approximately coincident periodicities ranging from 60 to 2200 yr were traced in both phenomena and a coincidence of all prolonged minima in solar activity with the epochs of the highest deviations from the Jupiter—Saturn order was found over a time interval of 3100 yr.
ma, m ¶rt;uu a ma mmu um mum u ¶rt; , n nmu m — u nmu u u au. uu a a¶rt; u mu m ¶rt;um ¶rt; 9.93¶rt;a. am a maa ¶rt; ¶rt;uu a u au amumu: a mu m n¶rt;anum—am a aa nuuum maa u¶rt;um ¶rt;uuu a n¶rt;ea 60–2200 m, a u amumu, a mu umaa ¶rt;umm 3100 m a¶rt; n na¶rt;u ¶rt; uu amumu nu¶rt;au aua mu m n¶rt;a — u am.

Summary The area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin was characterized by generally high heat flow ranging from 60 to 120 mWm–2, mean 82±16 mWm–2, which has been difficult to explain. Therefore all published data on the heat flow in this region (n=37) were summarized and re-evaluated. Special attention was paid to the detailed assessment of the lithological structure and the contribution of the individual rock types to the characteristic in-situ thermal conductivity. Also the thermal conductivity of the coal bearing layers was estimated and its effect on the temperature-depth distribution was investigated. The application of the data obtained for the representative thermal conductivity profiles of the whole drilled section considerably reduced the mean heat flow to 70±8 mWm–2. The latter value is fully compatible with the tectonic structure of the northern part of the Carpathian Frontal Foredeep. Slightly increased geothermal activity compared with the heat flow field of the adjacent part of the Bohemian Massif corresponds to certain deep geological rejuvenation during the creation of the Western Carpathians.
a -uu aa aamum nu uuau mn nma (m 60 ¶rt; 120 m.–2 nu ¶rt; 82±16 m. –2), m ¶rt;a ¶rt u. m u u nm a nua ¶rt;a mn nma (n=37) ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua. ua ¶rt; ¶rt;ma aau umuu aa u u mnn¶rt;mu in situ ¶rt; a¶rt; muna n¶rt;. a a mnn¶rt;m m, a ma, a ma u¶rt;aa an¶rt;u mnam nu. nau n mam ¶rt; nuau mnn¶rt;mu m u amu aa nu am uum ¶rt;u mn nm ¶rt; 70±8 m.–2. a uua n mam mmu u amu anam a nua. m uumu amumu n au mn n nuaa amu aua mmmmuuau amuuauu nu uauu um ana¶rdt; anam.

Summary We search for the effects of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sector boundary crossing (SBC) in upper stratospheric ozone. The SBUV data (Nimbus-7) at the 10, 3 and 1 hPa levels are analysed for latitudes 45° N and 55° N for winters of the period December 1979 to December 1982. An effect of the IMF SBC wos only found at the 10 hPa level. These first results concerning the IMF SBC effect in upper stratospheric ozone are rather preliminary.
¶rt;m uu nu mau () nam aum n () a mam. SBUV ¶rt;a (u-7) a nm ¶rt;au 10, 3 u 1a aauum ¶rt; um 45° u 55° . . ua nu¶rt;a ¶rt;a 1979 – ¶rt;a 1982. m uu a¶rt; m a 10a. mu n mam n uuu a mam m n¶rt;aumu.

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