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Recent observations show that the spectra of cosmic ray nuclei start to harden above ~ 102 GeV, which contradicts the conventional steady-state cosmic ray model. We had suggested that this anomaly is due to the propagation effect of cosmic rays released from local young cosmic ray sources; the total flux of cosmic rays should be computed with the Myriad Model, where a contribution from sources in the local catalog is added to the background. However, although the hardening could be elegantly explained in this model, the model parameters obtained from the fit are skewed toward a region with fast diffusion and a low supernova rate in the Galaxy, in disagreement with other observations. We further explore this model in order to set up a concordant picture. Two possible improvements related to cosmic ray sources are considered. First, instead of the usual axisymmetric disk model, we examine a spiral model for the source distribution. Second, for nearby and young sources which are necessary to explain the hardening, we allow for an energy-dependent escape. We find that a major improvement comes from incorporating an energy-dependent escape time for local sources, and with both modifications not only are the cosmic ray proton and helium anomalies resolved, but also the parameters attain values in a reasonable range compatible with other analyses.  相似文献   

Hubble tension between the local measurement and global observation has been a key problem in cosmology. In this paper, we consider the quintessence scalar field, phantom field and quintom field as the dark energy to reconcile this problem. Different from most previous work, we start from the dimensionless equation of state(w) of dark energy, not a parameterization of potential. The combined analysis shows that observational data sets favor Hubble constant H0 =71.3-0.917  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new parametrization for Om(z) diagnostics and show how the most recent and significantly improved observations concerning the H(z) and SN Ia measurements can be used to probe the consistency or tension between the ΛCDM model and observations. Our results demonstrate that H0 plays a very important role in the consistency test of ΛCDM with H(z)data. Adopting the Hubble constant priors from Planck 2013 and Riess, one finds considerable tension between the current H(z) data and ΛCDM model and confirms the conclusions obtained previously by others. However, with the Hubble constant prior taken from WMAP9, the discrepancy between H(z) data and ΛCDM disappears, i.e., the current H(z) observations still support the cosmological constant scenario. This conclusion is also supported by the results derived from the Joint Lightcurve Analysis(JLA) SN Ia sample. The best-fit Hubble constant from the combination of H(z)+JLA(H00 = 68.81+1.5-1.49 km s-1 Mpc-1) is very consistent with results derived both by Planck 2013 and WMAP9, but is significantly different from the recent local measurement by Riess.  相似文献   

We revisit the XMM-Newton observation of the galaxy cluster Abell 1650 with a deprojection technique. We find that the radial deprojected spectra of Abell 1650 can be marginally fitted by a single-temperature model. In order to study the properties of the central gas, we fit the spectra of the central two regions with a two-temperature model. The fits then become significantly better and the cool gas about 1-2keV can be connected with the gas cooling. Fitting the central spectrum (r ≤ 1') by using a cooling flow model with an isothermal component yields a small mass deposition rate of 10-7 11 M⊙ yr-1, while the standard cooling flow model can not fit this spectrum satisfactorily except that there exists a cut-off temperature having a level of about 3 keV. From the isothermal model we derive the deprojected electron density profile ne(r), and then together with the deprojected temperature profile the total mass and gas mass fraction of cluster are also determined. We compare the properties of Abell 1650 with those of Abell 1835 (a large cooling flow cluster) and some other clusters, to explore the difference in properties between large and small cooling flow cluster, and what causes the difference in the cooling flow of different clusters. It has been shown that Abell 1835 has a steeper potential well and thus a higher electron density and a lower temperature in its center, indicating that the shape of the gravitational potential well in central region determines the cooling flow rates of clusters. We calculate the potential, internal and radiated energies of these two clusters, and find that the gas energies in both clusters are conserved during the collapsing stage.  相似文献   

We compile a sample of 11 Fanaroff-Riley type I Radio Galaxies(FR-I RGs)with multi-wavelength observations to address the dynamic behavior of jets in these objects.Optical images acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope(HST)are carefully analyzed.The method and reduction procedure are described in detail. Unresolved optical cores emerge after having properly removed starlight from the host galaxies in eight of the FR-I RGs,of which five are new identifications.Broad band spectral properties of these newly identified compact cores are compared with that previously found in FR-I RGs,as well as the low-energy-peaked BL Lac objects. The similarity between them argues for the same non-thermal synchrotron origin. Well-resolved optical jets with knotty morphologies are found in three FR-I RGs in our sample,namely 3C 15,3C 66B and B20755 37.The optical counterparts to the inner radio/X-ray jets are identified and a clear one-to-one correspondence between the optical,radio and X-ray knots is found.The structure and information on the optical jets are discussed.Physical parameters such as the knots position,flux and size are also presented.Detailed comparison between the multi-wavelength data and radiative and dynamic models of jet will be made in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

Low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) are present in a large fraction of local galaxies, while their connection to the more luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) remains elusive. We analyze the narrow band images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in Hα [NⅡ] and/or [OⅢ] band for 23 LINERs and low luminosity Seyfert galaxies in the sample of the Palomar Optical Spectroscopic Survey of nearby galaxies in an attempt to resolve the structure of Narrow Emission Line Regions (NLRs) of these objects. In all cases, NLRs are well resolved and their morphology differs from object to object. Clumps, linear structure, spiral arms or a ring are detected in a large fraction of the objects, while there is no significant difference between Seyfert galaxies and LINERs. We find that the NLR size and the narrow line luminosity are strongly correlated for both LINERs and low luminosity Seyfert galaxies, and that the size of Hα [NⅡ] emission line region scales with Hα luminosity as RNLR∞L0.4±0.06Hα, consistent with an extension of the NLR size-luminosity relation defined for luminous Seyfert galaxies and quasars, to two orders of magnitude lower in luminosity and to lower activity levels. Our results suggest that NLRs in LINERs are similar to those of Seyfert galaxies, and they are powered by the central active galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

We study two-dimensional low angular momentum flow around a black hole using the resistive magnetohydrodynamic module of PLUTO code.Simulations have been performed for the flows with parameters of specific angular momentum,specific energy and magnetic field which may be expected for the flow around Sgr A~*.For flows with lower resistivity η=10~(-6) and 0.01,the luminosity and shock location on the equator vary quasi-periodically.The power density spectra of luminosity variation show peak frequencies which correspond to the periods of 5 × 10~5,1.4 × 10~5 and 5 × 10~4 s.These quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs) occur due to interaction between the outer oscillating standing shock and the inner weak shocks occurring at the innermost hot blob.While for cases with higher resistivity η=0.1 and 1.0,the high resistivity considerably suppresses the magnetic activity such as MHD turbulence and the flows tend to be steady and symmetric with respect to the equator.The steady standing shock is formed more outward compared with the hydrodynamical flow.The low angular momentum flow model with the above flow parameters and with low resistivity has a possibility to explain long-term flares of Sgr A~* with frequencies~one per day and ~ 5-10 days in the latest observations by Chandra,Swift and XMM-Newton monitoring of Sgr A~*.  相似文献   

Using a simple color selection based on B-, z- and K-band photometry, BzK =(z - K)AB - (B - z)AB -0.2, we picked out 52 star-forming galaxies at 1.4 ≤ z ≤ 2.5(sBzKs) from a K-band selected sample (KVega < 22.0) in an area of ~ 5.5 arcmin2 of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF). We develop a new photometric redshift method, and the error in our photometric redshifts is less than 0.02(1 z). From the photometric redshift distribution, we find the BzK color criterion can be used to select star-forming galaxies at 1.4 ≤ z ≤ 2.5 with KVega < 22.0. Down to KVega < 22.0, the number counts of sBzKs increase linearly with the K magnitude; the sBzKs are strongly clustered, and most of them have irregular morphologies on the ACS images. They have a median reddening of E(B -V) ~ 0.28, an average star formation rate of ~ 36 M⊙ yr-1 and a typical stellar mass of ~ 1010M⊙. The UV criterion for the galaxies at z~2 can select most of the faint sBzKs in the UDF, but it does not work well for bright, massive, highly-reddened, actively star-forming galaxies.  相似文献   

Different measurements of the Hubble constant(H0)are not consistent,and a tension between the CMB based methods and cosmic distance ladder based methods has been observed.Measurements from various distance based methods are also inconsistent.To aggravate the problem,the same cosmological probe(TypeⅠa SNe for instance)calibrated through different methods also provides different values of H0.We compare various distance ladder based methods through the already available unique data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope(HST).Our analysis is based on parametric(t-test)as well as non-parametric statistical methods such as the Mann-Whitney U test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.Our results show that different methods provide different values of H0 and the differences are statistically significant.The biases in the calibration would not account for these differences as the data have been taken from a single telescope with a common calibration scheme.The unknown physical effects or issues with the empirical relations of distance measurement from different probes could give rise to these differences.  相似文献   

With an initial requirement to make observations a minimum of 5–10 years, Hubble Space Telescope(HST) has continued to operate well for 30 years. It has relied upon five servicing missions to repair and replace essential components. Since the final Space Shuttle mission 10 years ago, it has avoided major breaks in its operation, with the only serious effects of aging in space being a progressive deterioration in the performance of the gyroscopes and sensitivity of the instrument detectors. A number of factors were important in making HST a scientific landmark. Ground-breaking discoveries have been made with HST — the most important being the discovery of cosmic acceleration. When HST operation ceases,future observations in space should be assured with successful operation of major missions now planned by NASA, ESA, and the Chinese and Japanese Space Agencies.  相似文献   

Generalized Chaplygin gas (whose equation of state is PGCG = -A/PGCGα) was proposed as a candidate for unification of dark energy and dark matter. We inves-tigate constraints on this model with the latest observed data. We test the model with type-Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy, X-ray gas mass fractions in clusters, and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We calibrate the GRB lu-minosity relations without assuming any cosmological models using SNe Ia. We show that GRBs can extend the Hubble diagram to higher redshifts (z> 6). The GRB Hubble diagram is well behaved and delineates the shape of the Hubble diagram well. We mea-sure As≡A/PGCG,0α+1=0.68-0.08+0.04 (where PGCG,0 is the energy density today) and α=-0.22-0.13+0.15at the 1σconfidence level using all the datasets. Our results rule out the standard Chaplygin gas model (α = 1) at the 3a confidence level. The ACDM is allowed at the 2or confidence level. We find that acceleration could have started at a redshift of z ~ 0.70. The concordance of the generalized Chaplygin gas model with the age estimate of an old high redshift quasar is found. In addition, we show that GRBs can break the degeneracy between the generalized Chaplygin gas model and the XCDM model.  相似文献   

We investigate the Luminosity Function(LF)of the cluster of galaxies Abell 566.The photometric data of 15 intermediate-bands are obtained from the Beijing-Arizona- Taiwan-Connecticut(BATC)photometric sky survey.For each of the 15 wavebands,the LF of cluster galaxies is well modelled by the Schechter function,with characteristic luminosi- ties from-18.0 to-21.9 magnitude,from the a- to the p-band.Morphological dependence of the LF is investigated by separating the cluster members into‘red’and‘blue’subsamples. It is clear that late type galaxies have a steeper shape of LF than the early type galaxies.We also divided the sample galaxies by their local environment.It was found that galaxies in the sparser region have steeper shape of LF than galaxies in the denser region.Combining the results of morphological and environmental dependence of LFs,we show that Abell 566 is a well relaxed cluster with positive evidence of galaxy interaction and merger,and excess number of bright early type galaxies located in its denser region.  相似文献   

The 13.7-m millimeter-wave radio telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory operates at 3200-m above the sea level near Delingha, Qinghai Province, China. Equipped with a superconducting SIS receiver, the telescope is used in the millimeter-wave band ranging from 85 to 115 GHz. An upgrade procedure is reported here which includes a superconducting SIS receiver, a new phase-locked local oscillator, a dedicated multi-line backend system, and a new control system based on industrial computer with PCI bus. With the dedicated multi-line backend system, the CO and isotopic lines around 110 GHz are obtained simultaneously. In recent years, scientific activities with this telescope have been focused on studies of Galactic molecular clouds and star formation regions, including surveys of molecular lines from IRAS sources and large-scale map of molecular clouds. Other programs include studies of the circumstellar envelope of late-type stars and interaction of Galactic supernova remnants with dense molecular gas.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the rise width and the full width of gamma-ray burst pulses.Theoretical analysis shows that either width is proportional to Γ~(-2)Δ_(Тθ),FWHM(RRc)/c(Γ the Lorentz factor of the bulk motion,Δ_(Тθ),FWHM a local pulse's width,R_c the radius of fireballs and c the velocity of light).We study the relationship for four samples of observed pulses.We find:(1)merely the curvature effect could reproduce the relationship between the rise and full widths with the same slope as derived from the model of Qin et al.;(2)gamma-ray burst pulses,selected from both the short and long GRBs,follow the same sequence in the rise width vs. full width diagram,with the shorter pulses at one end;(3)all GRBs may intrinsically result from local Gaussian pulses.These features place constraints on the physical mechanism(s)for producing long and short GRBs.  相似文献   

In order to test a possible evolutionary scenario of high-z compact quiescent galaxies(cQGs)that they can survive as local compact cores embedded in local massive galaxies with different morphology classes, we explore the star formation histories of local compact cores according to their spectral analysis.We build a sample of 182 massive galaxies with compact cores(M?,core 1010.6 M⊙) at 0.02 ≤ z ≤ 0.06 from SDSS DR7 spectroscopic catalogue. The STARLIGHT package is used to analyze the median stacked spectra and derive the stellar ages and metallicities. Our main results show that local compact cores have the average age of about 12.1 ± 0.6 Gyr, indicating their early formation at z 3, which is consistent with the formation redshifts of cQGs at 1 z 3. Together with previous studies, our result that local compact cores have similar formation redshifts as those of high-z cQGs, supports that local massive galaxies with compact cores are possible descendants of cQGs. Morphological study of local galaxies with compact cores suggests that there would be multiple possible evolutionary paths for high-z cQGs: most of them( 80%)will evolve into local massive early-type galaxies according to dry minor merger, while some of them(~ 15%) will build substantial stellar/gas discs according to the late-time gas accretion and sustaining star formation, and finally grow up into spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

We simulate the evolution of cometary H II regions based on several champagne flow models and bow shock models, and calculate the profiles of the [Ne II]fine-structure line at 12.81 μm, the H30α recombination line and the [Ne III] finestructure line at 15.55 μm for these models at different inclinations of 0?, 30?and 60?.We find that the profiles in the bow shock models are generally different from those in the champagne flow models, but the profiles in the bow shock models with lower stellar velocity(≤ 5 km s-1) are similar to those in the champagne flow models. In champagne flow models, both the velocity of peak flux and the flux weighted central velocities of all three lines point outward from molecular clouds. In bow shock models, the directions of these velocities depend on the speed of stars. The central velocities of these lines are consistent with the stellar motion in the high stellar speed cases, but they are opposite directions from the stellar motion in the low speed cases.We notice that the line profiles from the slit along the symmetrical axis of the projected 2D image of these models are useful for distinguishing bow shock models from champagne flow models. It is also confirmed by the calculation that the flux weighted central velocity and the line luminosity of the [Ne III] line can be estimated from the[Ne II] line and the H30α line.  相似文献   

The Hubble constant(H0), which represents the expansion rate of the universe, is one of the most important cosmological parameters. The recent measurements of H0using the distance ladder methods such as type Ia supernovae are significantly greater than the CMB measurements by Planck. The difference points to a crisis in the standard model of cosmology termed Hubble tension. In this work we compare different cosmological models,determine the Hubble constant and comment on the Hubble te...  相似文献   

We report a detailed investigation of the bulk motions of the nearby Galactic stellar disk, based on three samples selected from the LSS-GAC DR2: a global sample containing 0.57 million FGK dwarfs out to ~2 kpc, a local subset of the global sample consisting of ~5400 stars within 150 pc, and an anti-center sample containing ~4400AFGK dwarfs and red clump stars within windows a few degrees wide centered on the Galactic Anti-center. The global sample is used to construct a three-dimensional map of bulk motions of the Galactic disk from the solar vicinity out to ~2 kpc with a spatial resolution of ~250 pc. Typical values of the radial and vertical components of bulk motion range from-15 km s-1to 15 km s-1; in contrast, the lag behind the circular motion dominates the azimuthal component by up to ~15 km s-1. The map reveals spatially coherent, kpc-scale stellar flows in the disk, with typical velocities of a few tens of km s-1. Bending- and breathing-mode perturbations are clearly visible,and vary smoothly across the disk plane. Our data also reveal higher-order perturbations, such as breaks and ripples, in the profiles of vertical motion versus height. From the local sample, we find that stars from different populations exhibit very different patterns of bulk motion. Finally, the anti-center sample reveals a number of peaks in stellar number density in the line-of-sight velocity versus distance distribution, with the nearer ones apparently related to the known moving groups. The "velocity bifurcation" reported by Liu et al. at Galactocentric radii 10–11 kpc is confirmed. However,just beyond this distance, our data also reveal a new triple-peaked structure.  相似文献   

We consider spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type V space- time with a bulk viscous fluid source, and time varying gravitational constant G and cosmological term Λ. The coefficient of bulk viscosity ζ is assumed to be a simple linear function of the Hubble parameter H (i.e. ζ = ζ 0 + ζ 1 H , where ζ 0 and ζ 1 are constants). The Einstein field equations are solved explicitly by using a law of variation for the Hubble parameter, which yields a constant value of the deceleration parameter. Physical and kinematical parameters of the models are discussed. The models are found to be compatible with the results of astronomical observations.  相似文献   

Some properties of mass transfer within a semi-detached binary system are discussed based on an example of VV Vir. The observations and analysis of VV Vir show that it is a semi-detached binary system with the less massive cooler component filling its Roche lobe, which is also called an Algol-type binary system. Based on the parameters of this semi-detached binary, a theoretical study on the mass flow is carded out, including the trajectory of the mass flow, the position, radius and temperature of the impact spot caused by the mass flow, the inconsistent form of the mass flow and the possibly huge rate of energy transfer carried by the mass flow. Humps and distortions in light curves of VV Vir are deemed to be weak evidence for the theoretical results.  相似文献   

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