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A new hydrothermal vent site in the Southern Mariana Trough has been discovered using acoustic and magnetic surveys conducted by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology's (JAMSTEC) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), Urashima. The high-resolution magnetic survey, part of a near-bottom geophysical mapping around a previously known hydrothermal vent site, the Pika site, during the YK09-08 cruise in June–July 2009, found that a clear magnetization low extends ∼500 m north from the Pika site. Acoustic signals, suggesting hydrothermal plumes, and 10 m-scale chimney-like topographic highs were detected within this low magnetization zone by a 120 kHz side-scan sonar and a 400 kHz multibeam echo sounder. In order to confirm the seafloor sources of the geophysical signals, seafloor observations were carried out using the deep-sea manned submersible Shinkai 6500 during the YK 10-10 cruise in August 2010. This discovered a new hydrothermal vent site (12°55.30′N, 143°38.89′E; at a depth of 2922 m), which we have named the Urashima site. This hydrothermal vent site covers an area of approximately 300 m×300 m and consists of black and clear smoker chimneys, brownish-colored shimmering chimneys, and inactive chimneys. All of the fluids sampled from the Urashima and Pika sites have chlorinity greater than local ambient seawater, suggesting subseafloor phase separation or leaching from rocks in the hydrothermal reaction zone. End-member compositions of the Urashima and Pika fluids suggest that fluids from two different sources feed the two sites, even though they are located on the same knoll and separated by only ∼500 m. We demonstrate that investigations on hydrothermal vent sites located in close proximity to one another can provide important insights into subseafloor hydrothermal fluid flow, and also that, while such hydrothermal sites are difficult to detect by conventional plume survey methods, high-resolution underwater geophysical surveys provide an effective means.  相似文献   

Using bifrequency sonar (38 kHz, 120 kHz) directed towards the open sea from the inside of a submarine cave, two species of Mysidacea (Crustacea), similar in shape but not in size, and with different patterns of behaviour, were observed simultaneously and discriminated, and their biomass was estimated during their migration. The first species, Hemimysis speluncola (<1 cm length), lives in the submarine cave, forming a distinct community that migrates horizontally. The second species, Siriella jaltensis (>1 cm length), lives in the open sea and migrates vertically. These species are both detected clearly at 120 kHz, but only the larger one, Siriella jaltensis, is detected at 38 kHz. This distinction allows one to determine the size limits of planktonic objects detected at these frequencies, i.e. 3 mm at 120 kHz and 10 mm at 38 kHz, corresponding to one quarter of the wavelength. The target strength (TS) of each species was calculated from the field data and compared to results calculated from three models. As the volume of the cave occupied by the Hemimysis population is about 300 m3, and the density of the swarm is 36,000 individuals/m3, the number of individuals in the cave is estimated to be around 10 million (or 24 kg). The density of the open-water population of Siriella is estimated to be 13 individuals/m3.  相似文献   

Conventional laboratory studies of deep-sea fish metabolism are not possible as these fish are typically killed during recovery to the surface. As these species are important members of deep-sea communities, the lack of these data represents a significant limitation to our understanding of the functioning of this ecosystem. An autonomous fish respirometer vehicle was developed in order to measure the oxygen consumption of deep-sea fish in situ. This new lander allows measurements to be made without handling or stressing the animals and without the logistical problems and great cost of submersible operations. The design, operation, and measurement methodology are described and preliminary data for Coryphaenoides armatus at 4000 m are presented. These Atlantic data appear to confirm the low metabolic rate measured in this species when compared to other gadid species.  相似文献   

A 10-element, 950 m long, vertical hydrophone array based on fiber-optic data transmission has been developed primarily for studying the beam pattern from deep diving cetaceans emitting sonar pulses. The array elements have a configurable sampling rate and resolution with a maximum signal bandwidth of 90 kHz and a maximum dynamic range of 133 dB. The array has been deployed from a 14 m ketch with a crew of four. In the course of the development a number of mechanical and electrical problems have been solved.  相似文献   

We examined the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of mercury in two marine finfish species, striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and tautog (Tautoga onitis), collected from the Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA). For each of these target fish, white muscle tissue was analyzed for total mercury (Hg) and results were evaluated relative to fish age, body size, and Hg content of preferred prey. Dietary and stable isotope analysis was also used to elucidate the effect of trophic processes on Hg concentrations in fish. The Hg content of muscle tissue was positively correlated with fish age and length for both species, although striped bass accumulated Hg faster than tautog. Accelerated Hg bioaccumulation in striped bass is consistent with its high trophic level (trophic level = 4.07) and Hg-enriched prey (forage fish and macrocrustaceans; mean Hg content = 0.03 mg Hg kg wet wt?1). In contrast, tautog maintain a lower trophic status (trophic level = 3.51) and consume prey with lower Hg levels (mussels and crabs; mean Hg content = 0.02 mg Hg kg wet wt?1). Despite differences in Hg bioaccumulation between target fish, the mean Hg concentration of tautog exceeded levels in striped bass (0.24 and 0.16 mg Hg kg wet wt?1, respectively) due to a disparity in age-at-catch between sampled groups (mean age of tautog and bass = 11.3 and 4.3 yr, respectively). Taking into account legal minimum catch lengths further revealed that 75.0% of legal-size striped bass (>70.2 cm TL; n = 4) and 44.8% of tautog (>40.6 cm TL; n = 29) had Hg levels beyond the US EPA regulatory threshold of 0.3 mg Hg kg wet wt?1. Moreover, Hg-length relationships suggest that each target fish meets this threshold near their minimum legal catch length. Our findings reiterate the value of species ecology to improve predictions of fish Hg and permit better management of human contamination by this important dietary source.  相似文献   

We conducted time-series observations of optical fields near the base of the euphotic zone (approximately 40 m) using moored automatic optical sensors at a time-series station in the Western Pacific Subarctic Gyre from March 2005 to July 2006 (with some gaps). We used the ratio of photosynthetically available radiation at the surface (surface PAR) to in situ quantum irradiance (in situ QI) at about 40 m as an index of opacity (surface PAR/in situ QI), which began to increase in the middle of April and peaked between the end of June and the middle of July 2005. This ratio then decreased toward winter. The ratio increased again beginning in January 2006, and large peaks were observed in June and July 2006. As an index of chlorophyll abundance we used the ratio of spectral irradiance at wavelengths of 555 and 443 nm (Ed555/Ed443) at about 40 m; seasonal variability of this ratio synchronized well with the attenuation coefficient “k” estimated with surface PAR, in situ QI, and BLOOMS depth. We estimated primary productivity (PP) using Ed555/Ed443 and an empirical equation based on a previous model but improved on the basis of shipboard observations. Estimated PP agreed well with observed PP. Seasonal variability of estimated PP was synchronized with that of organic carbon flux observed by sediment traps from approximately 150, 540, 1000, and 5000 m. This study demonstrates that time-series observations of in situ optical fields could contribute to the estimation of primary productivity and the study of the biological pump in the ocean.  相似文献   

Effective fisheries management needs to consider spatial behavior in addition to more traditional aspects of population dynamics. Acoustic telemetry has been extensively used to provide information on fish movements over different temporal and spatial scales. Here, we used a fixed-receiver array to examine the movement patterns of Labrus bergylta Ascanius 1767, a species highly targeted by the artisanal fleet of Galicia, NW Spain. Data from 25 individuals was assessed for a period of 71 days between September and November 2011 in the Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park. Fish were present within the monitored area more than 92% of the monitored time. The estimated size of individual home ranges, i.e. the area where fish spent most of their time, was small. The total minimum convex polygons area based on all the estimated positions was 0.133 ± 0.072 km2, whereas the home range size estimated using a 95% kernel distribution of the estimated positions was 0.091 ± 0.031 km2. The core area (50% kernel) was 0.019 ± 0.006 km2. L. bergylta exhibited different patterns of movement in the day versus the night, with 92% of the fish detected more frequently and traveling longer distances during the daytime. In addition, 76% of the fish displayed a larger home range during the day versus during the night. The linearity index was less than 0.005 for all fish suggesting random movements but within a relatively small area, and the volume of intersection index between consecutive daily home ranges was 0.75 ± 0.13, suggesting high site fidelity. The small home range and the sedentary behavior of L. bergylta highlight the potential use of small MPAs as a management tool to ensure a sustainable fishery for this important species.  相似文献   

In the brackish water Baltic Sea turbot spawn at ~ 6–9 psu along the coast and on offshore banks in ICES SD 24–29, with salinity influencing the reproductive success. The potential fecundity (the stock of vitellogenic oocytes in the pre-spawning ovary), egg size (diameter and dry weight of artificially fertilized 1-day-old eggs) and gonad dry weight were assessed for fish sampled in SD 25 and SD 28. Multiple regression analysis identified somatic weight, or total length in combination with Fulton's condition factor, as main predictors of fecundity and gonad dry weight with stage of maturity (oocyte packing density or leading cohort) as an additional predictor. For egg size, somatic weight was identified as main predictor while otolith weight (proxy for age) was an additional predictor. Univariate analysis using GLM revealed significantly higher fecundity and gonad dry weight for turbot from SD 28 (3378–3474 oocytes/g somatic weight) compared to those from SD 25 (2343 oocytes/g somatic weight), with no difference in egg size (1.05 ± 0.03 mm diameter and 46.8 ± 6.5 μg dry weight; mean ± sd). The difference in egg production matched egg survival probabilities in relation to salinity conditions suggesting selection for higher fecundity as a consequence of poorer reproductive success at lower salinities. This supports the hypothesis of higher size-specific fecundity towards the limit of the distribution of a species as an adaptation to harsher environmental conditions and lower offspring survival probabilities. Within SD 28 comparisons were made between two major fishing areas targeting spawning aggregations and a marine protected area without fishing. The outcome was inconclusive and is discussed with respect to potential fishery induced effects, effects of the salinity gradient, effects of specific year-classes, and effects of maturation status of sampled fish.  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities, studied in the surface mixed layer on a 1600 m transect across the Arabian Sea, were found to differ in their temporal and spatial response to seasonal forcing. The transect studied, spanned seasonally eutrophic upwelling, mesotrophic downwelling and aseasonal oligotrophic waters. The nano- and microzooplankton communities constituted a relatively constant compartment in the tropical monsoon ecosystem, whilst the mesozooplankton showed a clear response to both upwelling and season. The heterotrophic nanoflagellates were concentrated in the surface mixed layer, except in the eutrophic upwelling waters of the SW monsoon. They reached maximum cell concentrations of 855 ml-1 during the SW monsoon and a maximum biomass of 8.4 mg C m-3 during the intermonsoon. Nanozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 7 and 333 mg C m-2, with highest stocks found during the intermonsoon. The microzooplankton community was dominated by Protozoa, particularly aloricate ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which accounted for up to 99% in terms of numbers and up to 71% of the biomass. Sarcodines and metazoan nauplii were recorded in lower numbers (<400 l-1). The microzooplankton were also concentrated in the surface mixed layer during both periods, except in the eutrophic coastal waters during the SW monsoon, when relatively high biomass values were found below the mixed layer depth. Their standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 50 and 182 mg C m-2, with the highest concentration found in the mesotrophic offshore waters during the late monsoon period. Total mesozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface 100 m, decreased with distance from the coastal to offshore waters and between seasons, decreasing from 1248 to 238 mg C m-2 during the late SW monsoon and 656–89 mg C m-2 during the following intermonsoon. The largest size class, of 1000–2000 μm sized organisms, dominated throughout except at the oligotrophic station during the intermonsoon period, when the smallest class, of 200–500 μm, were more important. The shift in size structure from large to small zooplankton occurred in response to a shift in dominance from large to small phytoplankton cells both spatially, along a eutrophic–oligotrophic gradient, and seasonally. These responses are a result of the physical forcing associated with the monsoon seasons in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

The natural isotope 234Th is used in a small-scale survey of particle transport and exchange processes at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area. Results from water and suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the uppermost and lowermost water column as well as the underlying sediment of three stations are compared. The stations are situated in different sedimentological environments at 1200–1350 m water depth at the continental slope off Namibia. Highly differing extent and particle content of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) are determined from transmissometer data. Three models are presented, all explaining the 234Th depletion of the BNL and 234Th excess of the surface sediment that were observed. While the first model is based solely on local resuspension of surface sediment particles, the second evaluates the influence of vertical particle settling from the surface waters on the 234Th budget in the BNL. The third model explains 234Th depletion in the BNL by sedimentation of particles that were suspended in the BNL during long-range transport. Particle inventory of the BNL is highest at a depocenter of organic matter at 25.5°S, where strong deposition is presently taking place and lateral particle transport is suggested to predominate sediment accumulation. This is supported by the high settling flux of particles out of the BNL into the sediments of the depocenter, exceeding the vertical particle flux into sediment traps at intermediate depth in the same area by up to an order of magnitude. High particle residence/removal times in the BNL above the depocenter in the range of 5–9 weeks support this interpretation. Comparison with carbon mineralization rates that are known from the area reveals that, notwithstanding the large fraction of advected particles, organic carbon flux into the surface sediment is remineralized to a large extent. The deployment of a bottom water sampler served as an in situ resuspension experiment and provided the first data of 234Th activity on in situ resuspended particles. We found a mean specific activity of 86 disintegrations per minute (dpm) g−1 (39–339 dpm g−1), intermediate between the high values for suspended particles (in situ pump: 580–760 dpm g−1; CTD rosette: 870–1560 dpm g−1) and the low values measured at the sediment surface (26–37 dpm g−1). This represents essential information for the modeling of 234Th exchange processes at the sediment–water interface.  相似文献   

Deep-water benthic algal composition and cover were studied with a submersible on the deep fore reef of Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, from 45 to 150 m. Algal cover decreased from 57% to 16% over this depth range. Although there was substantial overlap in depth distributions, different species or groups of species dominated benthic cover at different depths. Lobophora and Halimeda copiosa co-dominated the fore reef from 45 to 60 m. A Corallinales/Peyssonnelia group was abundant from 60 to 120 m. The Corallinales/Peyssonnelia group shared dominance with Ostreobium between 90 and 120 m. Ostreobium was the only alga observed below 150 m and remained abundant below 200 m. Movement of sand down the fore reef is recognized as having substantial influence on algal cover.  相似文献   

Enigmatic seafloor gouge marks at depths of 1700–2100 m have been observed from submersible during geological survey work studying mud volcanoes in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The marks consist of a central groove (about 10 cm deep and 1–2 m long), superimposed on a broader bowl-shaped depression (1–2 m long by about 50 cm wide) with raised rims (up to 10 cm high) to either side of the central groove. We discuss the potential biological causes of these marks, and conclude that they are probably created by Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) during foraging dives to these depths. The mud volcanoes have a comparatively rich and diverse benthic ecology associated with methane-rich fluid seeps and thus could be the base of food chains that reach top predators like the deep-diving whales. The characteristic high acoustic backscatter of the mud volcanoes would facilitate their detection by the echolocation system of these whales.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2008,59(4):331-334
Few studies have looked at the ecological significance of the ice foot in intertidal habitats. During the 2007 winter, we quantified the hourly variation of temperature at the intertidal zone and at the upper, dry coast on the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Nova Scotia, Canada) using submersible data loggers. While air temperature dropped to − 20 °C at the peak of the winter, intertidal temperature was never below − 7 °C during the winter. In fact, for almost two months when the ice foot was stable, temperature ranged only between − 2.4 °C and − 1.1 °C at the intertidal zone. The intertidal values are higher than published values of lethal temperature for cold-water intertidal invertebrates and seaweeds. Thus, the ice foot may prevent these organisms from experiencing lethal levels of thermal stress, contributing to their long-term persistence in these environmentally stressful habitats.  相似文献   

The mesoscale dynamics of the Scottish side of the Faroe–Shetland Channel have been investigated using synoptic in situ and remote sensing observations. A cold core cyclonic eddy, identified from an AVHRR image, had a diameter of about 50 km and surface current speeds of up to 50 cm s-1; it appeared to be attached to the 800 m isobath as it moved north-eastward along the edge of the channel at about 8 cm s-1. Speeds in the slope current were about 50 cm s-1 but increased to 70 cm s-1 where the current was compressed by the eddy. Offshore, over the 1000 m isobath in the cooler water, speeds in the current were slower (ca. 20 cm s-1). North-west of the Shetlands the offshore edge of the slope current was deflected across the channel for a distance of about 70 km from the shelf edge. The speed of drifters in the slope current increased to over 60 cm s-1 as they moved anti-cyclonically around this deflection. CTD profiles suggest that the movement of the surface waters was mirrored in the deep water of the channel. The deflection carried a very large quantity of North Atlantic Water into the central part of the channel; its cause and ultimate fate are not known, although it is likely to have had a significant impact on the dynamics of the channel.  相似文献   

Organic carbon fluxes through the sediment/water interface in the high-latitude North Atlantic were calculated from oxygen microprofiles. A wire-operated in situ oxygen bottom profiler was deployed, and oxygen profiles were also measured onboard (ex situ). Diffusive oxygen fluxes, obtained by fitting exponential functions to the oxygen profiles, were translated into organic carbon fluxes and organic carbon degradation rates. The mean Corg input to the abyssal plain sediments of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas was found to be 1.9 mg C m−2 d−1. Typical values at the seasonally ice-covered East Greenland continental margin are between 1.3 and 10.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 3.7 mg C m−2 d−1), whereas fluxes on the East Greenland shelf are considerably higher, 9.1–22.5 mg C m−2 d−1. On the Norwegian continental slope Corg fluxes of 3.3–13.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 6.5 mg C m−2 d−1) were found. Fluxes are considerably higher here compared to stations on the East Greenland slope at similar water depths. By repeated occupation of three sites off southern Norway in 1997 the temporal variability of diffusive O2 fluxes was found to be quite low. The seasonal signal of primary and export production from the upper water column appears to be strongly damped at the seafloor. Degradation rates of 0.004–1.1 mg C cm−3 a−1 at the sediment surface were calculated from the oxygen profiles. First-order degradation constants, obtained from Corg degradation rates and sediment organic carbon content, are in the range 0.03–0.6 a−1. Thus, the corresponding mean lifetime of organic carbon lies between 1.7 and 33.2 years, which also suggests that seasonal variations in Corg flux are small. The data presented here characterize the Norwegian and Greenland Seas as oligotrophic and relatively low organic carbon deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

To examine the potential influence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Charlie–Gibbs Fracture Zone on zooplankton and micronekton biovolume in the upper 200 m of the water column, multi-frequency acoustic data (18, 38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz) were acquired at four study sites from the RRS James Cook using hull-mounted scientific echosounders. Multi-frequency inversion techniques were employed to classify each 20 m depth×500 m along-track region of the water column to a zooplankton or micronekton acoustic scatterering class, such as copepod or euphausiid, and to estimate biovolume. We found a highly significant north–south (across fracture zone) difference in areal biovolume (p-value=0.01) but no significant east–west (across ridge) difference (p-value=0.07). Areal biovolume at all sites was dominated by the acoustic scatter class ‘euphausiid’, with higher biovolumes occurring in the southern stations. Our acoustic observations suggest the existence of different pelagic communities to the north and south of the SPF, with the southern community having a greater proportion of fish.  相似文献   

Zooplankton biomass, gut fluorescence and electron transfer system (ETS) activity were measured in vertical profiles (0–900 m) in two different size classes (<1 and >1 mm) in Canary Island waters. Both size fractions displayed a typical pattern of distribution with higher biomass, gut fluorescence and ETS in the shallower layers at night. By day, however, the vertical distribution varied between the size fractions, with higher biomass of the small fraction in the 0–200 m and a layer of large organisms at depth (∼500 m). For both size fractions, average ETS activity was higher by day than at night at depths between 200 and 600 m. Similarly, gut fluorescence was slightly higher by day below 200 m. The downward export of respiratory carbon was 1.92 and 4.29 mg C m−2 d−1 for samples obtained southwest of Gran Canaria Island and west of Tenerife Island respectively, being 2.68 mg C m−2 d−1 for the whole area. These values represented 16–45% (22–28% for the area) of the calculated passive particulate export production resulting from primary production. The estimated “gut flux” accounted for 0.35 (western zone) and 2.37 mg C m−2 d−1 (southwest of Gran Canaria), being 1.28 mg C m−2 d−1 for the whole area and represented between 3 and 25% (11–14% for the whole area) of the estimated passive particle export flux. These results agree with previous estimates and suggest that diel-migrant zooplankton can play an important role in the downward flux of carbon.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):223-246
We present detailed bathymetry, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and submersible observations, and sedimentary and radiocarbon age data from carbonate deposits recovered from two submerged terraces at − 150 m (T1) and − 230 m (T2) off Lanai, Hawaii. The tops of the terraces are veneered by relatively thin (< 5 m) in situ accumulations of coralline algal nodule, coralgal nodule, Halimeda and a derived oolitic facies deposited in intermediate (30–60 m) to deep fore-reef slope settings (60–120 m). The data are used to develop a sedimentary facies model that is consistent with eustatic sea-level variations over the last 30 ka. Both nodule facies on T1 and T2 initiated growth 30–29 ka following a fall in sea level of ∼50 m and increase in bottom currents during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 3 to 2. The nodules accreted slowly throughout the Last Glacial Maximum when sea-level was relatively stable. Drowning occurred during the early deglaciation (17–16 ka) and was marked by the complete drowning of coralline algal nodules facies on T2 and incipient drowning of coralgal facies on T1. Abrupt sea-level rise during the middle deglaciation, perhaps associated with global meltwater pulse 1A (14–15 ka), finally drowned the coralgal facies on T1, which in turn was overlain by a deep-water Halimeda facies or an oolitic facies derived from upslope. Our data indicates that Lanai has experienced relatively little vertical tectonic movement over the last 30 ka. Using paleobathymetric data derived from the sedimentary facies, age vs. depth relationships, and published sea-level curves, we estimate that Lanai could be either slowly uplifting or subsiding, but at rates < 0.1 m/kyr (uplift) or < 0.4 m/kyr (subsidence) over this 30 kyr period.  相似文献   

Vertical swimming events (VSEs) of the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, recorded by high-frequency depth data loggers, were analysed to identify spawning events. In total 25,907 VSEs from 10 adult fish were classified into 4 clusters using a k-means method. VSEs in a specific cluster (cluster-S) characterised by accelerated vertical swimming were identified as possible spawning events. Both the descent (0.43 ± 0.22 body length s 1) and ascent rates (0.43 ± 0.24 body length s 1) of VSEs in cluster-S were more than 4 times faster than in any other VSE. Our analyses indicated that 4 individuals exhibited the spawning events during the recording periods. The estimated spawning frequency ranged from 0.74 to 0.90 events day 1. These values were comparable to those obtained in other field and laboratory studies. The spawning condition of fish at the time of recapture was confirmed by separate histological and anatomical observations, which supported the cluster analysis results. These results suggest that a clustering technique can be successfully applied to identify spawning behaviour from time-depth data of free-swimming flatfishes that exhibit vertical swimming movements.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which TBT produces modulations of the endocrine systems are not fully described. In this study, juvenile salmon were force-fed diet containing TBT (0: solvent control, 0.1, 1 and 10 mg/kg fish) for 72 h. Subsequently, fish exposed to solvent control and 10 mg/kg TBT were exposed to waterborne concentration of the adenyl cyclase stimulator forskolin (200 μg/L) for 2 and 4 h. Tissue and blood were sampled from individual fish (n = 6). Gene expression patterns of CYP11β, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), and glucocorticoid receptor (GlucR) were determined by qPCR. TBT generally decreased mRNA levels of CYP11β, GlucR and SF-1, compared to the solvent control and these effects were differentially modulated by the presence of forskolin. This study suggests that TBT may exert broader endocrine disrupting effects through possible modulation of cAMP/PKA second messenger systems.  相似文献   

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