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Fine structured multiple-harmonic electromagnetic emissions at frequencies around the equatorial oxygen cyclotron harmonics are observed by Van Allen Probe A outside the core plasmasphere(L~5) off the magnetic equator(MLAT~.7.5°)during a geomagnetic storm. We find that the multiple-harmonic emissions have power spectrum density(PSD) peaks during 2–8equatorial oxygen gyroharmonics( f ~ n fO+, n=2–8), while the fundamental mode(n=1) is absent, implying that the harmonic waves are generated near the equator and propagate into the observation region. Additionally, these electromagnetic emissions are linearly polarized. Different from the equatorial noise emission that propagates considerably obliquely, these emissions have moderate wave normal angles(approximately 40°–60°), which predominately increase as the harmonic number increases.Considering their frequency and wave normal angle characteristics, it is suggested that these multiple-harmonic emissions play an important role in the dynamic variation of radiation belt electrons.  相似文献   

The diumal variations in the parameters of Pc3 (20–60 mHz) and Pc4 (10–19 mHz) pulsations at latitudes of the dayside cusp and polar cap have been studied using data of the magnetic stations of the trans-Antarctic meridional profile for the time interval from January to March 1997 (local summer) under weakly disturbed geomagnetic conditions (AE ≤ 250 nT). The technique for estimating pulsation parameters is based on the separation of the wave packets and noise. The diumal variations in the hourly average parameters of the wave packets in the Pc3 and Pc4 bands and noise in the Pc3-4 band (10–60 mHz)—the average number of wave packets, energy of wave packets and noise, and energy of a single wave packet—turned out to be different for the stations located deep in the polar cap (Φ ~ 87°) and at the latitudes of the dayside polar cusp (Φ ~ 70°) and auroral oval (Φ ~ 66°). Several sources of pulsations caused by different channels of wave energy penetration into the magnetosphere through the dayside cusp, dayside magnetopause, and dawn flank of the magnetotail apparently exist at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic pulsation in the Pc3-4 bands have been studied at high Antarctic latitudes during the local summer. The statistical relation between the occurrence probability of Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations and the solar wind (SW) and IMF parameters has been revealed by verifying the hypothesis that an indication is identical in two distributions. Different dependences of the occurrence probability of high-latitude Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations on the IMF value and orientation and SW density and velocity have been found out. It has been indicated that these dependences remain unchanged in the range of geomagnetic latitudes from 66° to 87°. It has been established that the Pc3 observation probability at small (20°–50°) IMF cone angles (θ = cos?1(B x/|B|)) is a factor of 1.5 higher than the average statistical probability and depends on the IMF value, which confirms the hypothesis that the Pc3 source is the turbulent region upstream of the magnetospheric quasiparallel low shock. On the contrary, the probability of occurrence of Pc4 weakly depends on the IMF cone angle and is maximal at θ ~ 0° and ~90°. With increasing negative B z values, the generation probability increases in the Pc4 band and tends to decrease in the Pc3 band. It has been found out for the first time that the dependence of the Pc4 occurrence probability on the IMF clock angle (? = tan?2 (B/B z) is identical in the regions of projections of closed and open field lines, whereas this dependence is different for Pc3. In the region of projections of closed field lines, the Pc3 occurrence probability increases at B z < 0 and B y > 0 (the condition under which the cusp shifts on the dawn side) and at B y < 0 and B z > 0 (which is typical of the formation of the low-latitude boundary plasma sheet). In the region of projections of open field lines such a probability increases at B y < 0 and B z < 0 (which results in the formation of the high-latitude boundary plasma sheet). Based on the discovered regularities, the conclusion has been made that the sources of generation of high-latitude Pc3 and Pc4 pulsations are different.  相似文献   

Using Pc1 data gathered at Ottawa (45.4°N, 75.6°W; L = 3.5) during the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS) period, relationships between ssc, Dst, and the occurrence of Pc1 pulsations are examined. It is found that the sudden compressions of the magnetoshere that took place in the postnoon period (13–22 hLT) frequently produced Pc1 pulsations at Ottawa. This pulsational activity took place about 25 to 125 hours after the occurrence of ssc’s of amplitude 5–25 nT and duration 2–6 min. Pc1’s also occur 20 to 40 hours after maximum Dst deviations in the range 50–110 nT, when the ring current has decayed to a considerable extent (5 nT < Dst < 25 nT). In agreement withHeacock andKivinen (1972), it appears that during the storm recovery phase energetic particles of the ring current with anisotropic pitch angle distribution interact with the surrounding cold plasma of the plasmasphere. When stable trapping limit is reached, proton cyclotron instability is triggered and pulsations in the Pc1 period range are generated.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the beautiful and mysterious Pc1 geoelectromagnetic waves that attract the attention of many researchers all over the world as an essential element of the space physics. It is concluded that in spite of the recent progress in the investigation of Pc1 waves, it is still necessary to make a careful study of some unsettled problems posed in the past. Relevant problems and disputable issues of the physics of Pc1 waves are discussed in this paper. The discussion is started with the paradoxical dependence of the Pc1 wave activity on the solar wind plasma density, which is considered as the key problem. It is argued that the solution of this paradox is of paramount importance to understand the 11-year solar cycle variation of the Pc1 occurrence rate, interplay between Pc1 and oxygen ions in the magnetosphere, impact of interplanetary magnetic field sector boundaries on the Pc1 wave activity, and other similar problems. A schematic picture showing the place of Pc1 waves in the system of solar–terrestrial relations is presented.  相似文献   

The propagation features of nighttime whistlers to low-latitude station, Suva (−18.2°, 178.3°, geomag. lat. −22.1°, geomag. long. 253.5°, L=1.15), Fiji, from preliminary observations made during the period from September 2003–2005, are reported. The observations of ELF–VLF signals commenced in September 2003 using the VLF set-up of World Wide Lightning Location Network at our station. The whistlers were observed during the severe magnetic storm of 20–22 November 2003 and moderate magnetic storm of 17–19 July 2005. A whistler with dispersion D=12.7 s1/2 occurred on 22 November at 00:11 h LT. On 20 July at 01:00 h LT, a short whistler with dispersion D=20.9 s1/2 and two whistler events having two-component whistlers with D=15.8, 16.7 s1/2 and 16.7, 17.3 s1/2 were observed. Non-ducted pro-longitudinal mode of the whistler propagation supported by negative latitudinal electron density gradients in the ionosphere that are enhanced by magnetic storms, seems most likely mode of propagation for the whistlers with dispersion of 12.7–17.3 s1/2 to this low-latitude station.  相似文献   

The level of wave geomagnetic activity in the morning and daytime sectors of auroral latitudes during strong magnetic storms with Dst min varying from ?100 to ?150 nT in 1995–2002 have been studied using a new ULF index of wave activity proposed in [Kozyreva et al., 2007]. It has been detected that daytime Pc5 pulsations (2–6 mHz) are most intense during the main phase of a magnetic storm rather than during the recovery phase as was considered previously. It has been indicated that morning geomagnetic pulsations during the substorm recovery phase mainly contribute to daytime wave activity. The appearance of individual intervals with the southward IMF B z component during the magnetic storm recovery phase results in increases in the ULF index values.  相似文献   

Two cases when Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations were registered at the IMAGE Scandinavian network of stations and with STARE radars in the afternoon sector (1700–1800 MLT) during the recovery phase of the moderate magnetic storm are analyzed in detail. Using the ground-based observations, it has been indicated that classical quasimonochromatic resonance Pc5 pulsations were observed in the first case (on October 12, 1999; Kp = 5); in this case the maximal amplitude of the spectral maximum at a frequency of 2.5 mHz was registered at Φ ~ 65°. Two maximums were observed in the spectrum in the second case (on October 13, 1999; Kp = 4): ~2.5 mHz (the same maximum) and 2.9 mHz; in this case the maximal oscillation amplitude (2.5 mHz) shifted to Φ > 67°. These results were compared with the echo signal intensity simultaneously registered with the STARE Finland radar on a beam oriented along the 105° geomagnetic meridian. The spatial-temporal maps of the Pc5 pulsation amplitude latitudinal distribution (“keograms”), constructed based on the radar measurements in the wide range of geomagnetic latitudes (63°–70°) where the resolution was substantially higher than that of the ground-based observations, made it possible to detect two regions spaced in latitude (Φ ~ 65° and Φ ~ 67°–68°) with the simultaneous excitation of oscillations (double resonance?), between which the plasmapause projection was supposedly located.  相似文献   

A new index of wave activity (ULF index) is applied to analyze daytime magnetic pulsations in the Pc5 range (f = 2–7 mHz) during ten successive recurrent magnetic storms (CIR (corotating interaction region) storms) of 2006. The most intense daytime geomagnetic Pc5 pulsations on the Earth’s surface in all phases of CIR storms are predominantly observed in the pre-noon sector at latitudes higher than 70°, while those in CME storms (storms initiated by coronal mass ejection (CME)) are observed at latitudes lower than 70°. A comparison of wave activity during CIR and CME storms has shown that the amplitude of Pc5 pulsations in CIR storms is much smaller than that in CME storms and the spectrum maximum is observed at lower frequencies and higher latitudes. At the same time, the mechanism of ULF wave generation during both types of magnetic storms seems to be similar, namely, resonance of magnetic field lines due to the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability caused by an approach of a high-velocity solar wind stream to the Earth’s magnetosphere. Since resonance oscillations are excited only in the closed magnetosphere, the higher-latitude position of the Pc5 pulsation intensity maximum in CIR storms points to larger dimensions of the daytime magnetosphere during CIR storms as compared to CME storms.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity and seismic velocity are studied for plausible pore geometries in the Earth's interior for reliable quantitative analysis of experimental data such as seismic tomography and magnetotelluric explorations. Electrical conductivity of a two-phase system with equilibrium, interfacial energy-controlled phase geometry is calculated for the dihedral angles θ = 40°–100° that are typical for rock–aqueous fluid and θ = 20°–60° for rock–melt systems of lower crust and upper mantle for the case of tetrakaidecahedral grains. Electrical conductivity vs. seismic velocity correlations are acquired by combining of the simulated electrical conductivities with the seismic velocity calculated with the help of equilibrium geometry model Takei [Takei, Y., Effect of pore geometry on VP/VS: From equilibrium geometry to crack. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (2002): 10.1029/2001JB000522.] for the same pore geometries. The results show that electrical conductivity gradually decreases reaching zero when seismic velocities reach seismic velocities of intact rock for rock–melt systems, while for rock–aqueous fluid systems with θ  60° conductivity drops to zero at velocities up to 10% smaller. This can explain the seeming discrepancy of the low seismic velocity region, attributed to the high fluid fraction, and the low electrical conductivity of the same region, which is sometimes faced at collocated electromagnetic and seismic experiments.  相似文献   

This study concludes that the elongation axis (K 1) of the ellipsoid of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is a suitable proxy for flow axis in ashflow tuffs. 153 oriented samples (176 specimens) were studied from 18 sites in the 1.1 Ma Tshirege member of the Bandelier Tuff. These sites are distributed around the Valles caldera at distances of 5–25 km outside of the rim.K 1 axes correlate well with postulated radial flow axes at 13 sites.K 1 also agrees with measured geological flow indicators, mainly imbricated larger clasts, at 7 sites. At 2 of the 5 sites where significant disagreement is seen between theoretical radial flow directions and measuredK 1 axes, theK 1 axes correspond well with geological flow indicators, indicating that the divergence of flow from the predicted radial flow pattern is real. Two major topographic buttresses are suggested as the cause of flow divergence for the Tshirege ash flows: the San Pedro buttress northwest of the caldera, and the San Miguel buttress in the southeast. In situK 1 axes plunge about 7° toward the source at two-thirds of the sites; therefore the plunge ofK 1 is a plausible in situ indicator for thedirection of flow. Multiple flow zones in sections of several meters thickness indicate changes of flow direction that are both rapid and large during ash-flow emplacement. These observations raisre the question of how best to represent ‘mean’ flow directions in ash-flow sheets: by eigenvector methods, by vector-sum methods, or by modes. A method for measuring imbrication of larger clasts using apparent dips in vertical joints is outlined. Imbrication, determined in this way at one-third of the sites, dips toward the source, i.e., up-flow. The minimum (K 3) axis of the AMS ellipsoid correlates with the flow foliation rather than with the larger clast imbrication. The flow axes of ash flows correspond with theK 1 axes, not with the declination ofK 3 axes as suggested by some authors. Initial dip of the sampled ash flows is not large and does not affect the paleomagnetic remanence direction, which is reversed with a mean ofD=173.5°,I=-38.4°, α95=3.4°N=18. This mean is not different at the 95% confidence level from that of earlier workers. The mean pole, at 098.0°E, 74.8°N,A 95=3.3°,N=18, is about 15° far-sided relative to the expected time-averaged geomagnetic pole, suggesting a history of emplacement too short to adequately average secular variation.  相似文献   

Outcrops of the Cretaceous Upper sandstone formation some 375 km to the East of Addis Ababa on the motor Highway to Harar was paleomagnetically investigated. About seventy core samples were collected at various stratigraphic levels from 250–300 meters thick sedimentary formation. After standard sample preparations in the laboratory the resulting specimens were subjected to routine paleomagnetic demagnetization protocol. In the first steps of demagnetizations process the recent and viscous magnetizations were removed by heating until a temperature of level of 300 °C. Further demagnetization of the samples resulted in the isolation of the final magnetization with stable line segments that is directed towards the origin, which is interpreted as Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM). Rock – magnetic experiments have identified goethite (αFeOOH), hematite (αFe2O3), detritial hematite, and magnetite as the magnetic mineral phases carrying the remanence. The ChRM identified resulted in an average value of (Ds = 0.5°, Is = ?0.7°, α95 = 4.3°, N = 34) for the red sandstones while an average value of (Ds = 335.8°, Is = ?31.8°, α95 = 4.7°, N = 14) for the limestone intercalations. The former ChRM in the red sandstone is determined to be secondary while the latter ChRM is known to be primary. Comparison of these directional results and their pole equivalents with the African plate Apparent Polar Wander Path curve established by Besse and Courtillot (2003) give ages of between 115–130 Million years for the limestone intercalation and ages of 30 million years for red sandstone unit. These are interpreted respectively as estimates of the age of deposition and a later remagnetization respectively.  相似文献   

The characteristic magnetization of redbed samples from the upper part of the Série d'Abadla (probably Early Permian 31°N, 2.7°W) has a mean direction derived from 13 sites of D=129°, I=11°, k=59, α95=6° and a corresponding south paleopole at 29°S, 60°E, A95=5°. All directions have reversed polarity. The paleolatitude of the northern fringe of the Saharan craton was 6°±3°S, which is in excellent agreement with that for the Moroccan Meseta. Therefore, in all probability, there has been no paleolatitudinal displacement greater than about 500 km of the Moroccan Meseta relative to Africa since Permian time. Comparison of results from sedimentary rocks shows no evidence for relative rotation of the Moroccan Meseta since Permian time. Small apparent rotations are indicated by evidence from massive trachyandesite lavas from Morocco, but we argue that these could have arisen from the incomplete averaging of secular variation and uncertainties in estimates of paleohorizontal, rather than from true tectonic rotations. The combined latest Carboniferous/Early Permian paleopole for the Saharan craton and the Meseta differs form the path of apparent polar wandering for North America when the continents are assembled in Wegener's Pangea (Pangea A, in which northwest Africa is opposite North America). It is in reasonable agreement when the continents are assembled in the Pangea B configuration (northwest Africa opposite Europe).  相似文献   

A suite of 11 sections through the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) strata in the Dorset and Yorkshire regions of England and the Isle of Skye in Scotland yielded magnetic polarity patterns directly calibrated to the ammonite biostratigraphy of the Boreal and the Subboreal faunal provinces. The sections include the leading candidate for the global stratotype (GSSP) for the Callovian–Oxfordian stage boundary. The mean Oxfordian paleomagnetic pole derived from the Dorset and Yorkshire sections is 71.3°N, 172.6°E (δp = 4.2°, δm = 6.1°). The integrated magneto-biostratigraphic scale is consistent with results from the Sub-Mediterranean faunal province and extends the polarity pattern to the base of the Oxfordian. After adjusting for the estimated durations of ammonite subzones from cycle stratigraphy, the magnetostratigraphy confirms models for marine magnetic anomalies M30 through to M37, including some of the short-duration features recorded by deep-tow magnetic surveys in the western Pacific. The Callovian–Oxfordian boundary (base of Quenstedtoceras mariae Zone) occurs in a normal-polarity zone that is correlated to the youngest part of polarity chron M37n of this extension to the M-sequence.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of 15 unusual Pc1 pearl wave events with inverse dispersion in comparison with the dispersion of well-known electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the form of classic pearl pulsations are presented. Pulsations with the dynamical spectrum consisting of both falling tones only (first type) and events with structures, which start with the falling tones and then develop into rising tones (second type), have been discovered. The first type corresponds to the frequency dispersion of magnetosonic waves (R-waves), and the second type corresponds to the mixed frequency dispersion of R-waves and EMIC waves (L-waves). All events were observed during quiet geomagnetic periods. The duration of the events is about 20–30 min. For the interpretation of these phenomena, the cyclotron instability driven by energetic proton beams with relative mean velocity v0 directed along the background magnetic field and corresponding to an energy ∼10–100 keV is considered. The interaction of such proton beams with waves having frequencies ω<ωi (ωi is the ion gyrofrequency) leads to the instability, which allows the fastest growth of electromagnetic oscillations with the dispersion of R-wave type. When the velocity of the proton beam decreases (v0≈0), R-waves attenuate and L-waves (for the proton temperature T>T) will be amplified. This instability is the reason for the generation of classic Pc1 pearl pulsations with the usual dispersion and allows explaining the transition of the dispersion from R- to L-waves.  相似文献   

Two large earthquakes occurred in the western part of China in 2008, one of them being the Yutian (35.6°N, 81.6°E) M7.3 earthquake that occurred on March 21 (BJT) and the other the Wenchuan (31.0°N, 103.4°E) M8.0 earthquake that occurred on May 12 (BJT). In this paper, the West Continental China (included in 20.0°–50.0°N, 70.0°–110.0°E region) was the study region for verifyong the predictability of the pattern informatics (PI) method using the receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) test and R score test. Different forecasting maps with different calculating parameters were obtained. The calculating parameters were the grid size Δx, base time t b, reference interval t b to t 1, change interval t 1 to t 2, and forecasting interval t 2 to t 3. In this paper, the base time t b fixed to June 1, 1971, the ending forecast time t 3 fixed to June 1, 2008, and the forecasting interval t 2 to t 3 changed from 1 to 10 years, and the grid sizes were chosen as 1° × 1° and 2° × 2°, respectively. The results show that the PI method could forecast the Yutian M7.3 and Wenchuan M8.0 earthquakes only using suitable parameters. Comparing the forecast results of grid sizes 1° × 1° and 2° × 2°, the models with 2° × 2° grids were better. Comparing the forecast results with different forecasting windows from 1 to 10 years, the models with forecasting windows of 4–8 years were better using the ROC test, and the models with forecasting windows of 7–10 years were better using the R score test. The forecast efficiency of the model with a grid size of 2° × 2° and forecast window of 8 years was the best one using either the ROC test or the R score test.  相似文献   

New Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt in the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane yield stable and consistent remanent directions. The Late Cretaceous (86–81 Ma) ignimbrites from the Kholchan and Ola suites were sampled at 19 sites in the Magadan area (60.4° N, 151.0° E). We isolated the characteristic paleomagnetic directions from 16 sampled sites using an alternating field demagnetization procedure. The primary nature of these directions is ascertained by dual polarities and positive fold tests. A tilt-corrected mean direction (D = 42.8°, I = 84.7°, k = 46.0, α95 = 10.0°) yields a paleomagnetic pole of 66.7° N, 168.5° E (A95 = 18.8°) which appears almost identical to the 90–67 Ma pole reported from the Lake El’gygytgyn area of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt (Chukotka Terrane). This consistency suggests that the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane and Chukotka Terrane has acted as a single tectonic unit since 80 Ma without any significant internal deformation. Accordingly, we calculate a combined 80 Ma characteristic paleomagnetic pole (Long. = 164.7° E, Lat. = 68.0°, A95 = 10.9°, N = 12) for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block which falls 16.5–17.5° south of the same age poles from Europe and East Asia. We ascribe this discrepancy in pole positions to tectonic activity in the area and infer a southward displacement of 1640 ± 1380 km for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block with respect to the North American and Eurasian blocks since 80 Ma; more than 260 km of it is attributed to tectonic displacement in the Arctic Ocean due to the opening of the Canadian Basin.  相似文献   

Results of a systematic paleomagnetic study are reported based on Late Carboniferous to Early Permian sedimentary rocks on the north slope of the Tanggula Mountains,in the northern Qiangtang terrane(NQT),Tibet,China.Data revealed that magnetic minerals in limestone samples from the Zarigen Formation(CP^z)are primarily composed of magnetite,while those in sandstone samples from the Nuoribagaribao Formation(Pnr)are dominated by hematite alone,or hematite and magnetite in combination.Progressive thermal,or alternating field,demagnetization allowed us to isolate a stable high temperature component(HTC)in 127 specimens from 16 sites which successfully passed the conglomerate test,consistent with primary remnance.The tilt-corrected mean direction for Late Carboniferous to Early Permian rocks in the northern Qiangtang terrane is D_s=30.2°,I_s=-40.9°,k_s=269.0,a_(95)=2.3°,N=16,which yields a corresponding paleomagnetic pole at 25.7°N,241.5°E(dp/dm=2.8°/1.7°),and a paleolatitude of 23.4°S.Our results,together with previously reported paleomagnetic data,indicate that:(1)the NQT in Tibet,China,was located at a low latitude in the southern hemisphere,and may have belonged to the northern margin of Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian;(2)the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was large during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian,and(3)the NQT subsequently moved rapidly northwards,perhaps related to the fact that the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was rapidly contracting from the Late Permian to Late Triassic while the Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean,the northern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean,expanded rapidly during this time.  相似文献   

The variations in the daily average energy of geomagnetic pulsations and noise in the Pc3 (20–60 mHz) and Pc4 (10–19 mHz) frequency bands in the polar cap have been studied based on the data from P5 Antarctic station (corrected geomagnetic latitude ?87°) from November 1998 to November 1999. The daily average pulsation energy has been calculated using the method for detecting the wave packets, the spectral amplitude of which is higher than the threshold level, from the dynamic spectrum. A spectral analysis of the energy of pulsations and noise in the Pc3 and Pc4 bands, performed using the maximal entropy method, has revealed periodicities of 18 days in the local winter and 26, 13, and 7–9 days during the local summer. The simultaneous and coherent variations with periods of 26, 13, and 7–9 days in the solar wind velocity and IMF orientation indicate that the variations in the Pc3–4 wave energy in the polar cap at a sunlit ionosphere are mainly controlled by the parameters of the interplanetary medium. The variations in the Pc3–4 wave energy with a period of 18 days are observed only during the local winter and are supposedly related to the variations in the ionospheric conductivity modulated by planetary waves.  相似文献   

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