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医疗建筑在地震中担负着抗震救灾的重要职能,不仅主体结构在地震时需安全可靠,其非结构系统的功能可恢复性也至关重要。本文首先介绍了医疗建筑非结构系统的分类和震害表现,综述了国内外相关抗震规范要求及抗震研究进展,其次提出了基于性能的非结构构件抗震设计的两种方法,总结了医疗建筑中的填充墙、吊顶、医疗设备、管道等非结构构件基于性能的抗震设计要求,最后对非结构系统的下一步研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于性态的抗震设计在国际上已被广泛采用,它被认为是未来抗震设计的主要指导思想。但是现行的基于性态的抗震设计主要针对的是结构构件的性态设计,对非结构构件的性态设计考虑不足,而非结构构件基于性态的抗震设计是完整实现整体建筑结构"基于性态抗震设计"的组成部分。首先对非结构构件的分类进行了重新梳理;分析了不同类别非结构构件的震害表现,总结了非结构构件的破坏模式及震害反应特征,并对相应的控制指标进行了说明;在此基础上,尝试给出了考虑非结构构件的建筑抗震设防目标,绘制了相应的非结构性态目标矩阵;最后,将整体建筑结构的性态目标进行了分解,以期为完整地实现包括结构、非结构的建筑整体的抗震性态设计框架奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于建筑性能的非结构构件抗震设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对非结构构件在地震中破坏的现象、震害情况,分析破坏原因,给出了非结构构件的抗震设防目标。基于建筑物性能的基本思想,给出了非结构构件的性能设计要求;讨论了非结构构件和附属设备的抗震设计计算原则。对建筑的非结构构件提出了相应的抗震设防技术措施,以提高其抗震能力。  相似文献   

抗震建筑的结构整体性分析和构造措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汶川大地震发生后,大量房屋建筑整体性倒塌,造成了严重的人员伤亡和经济损失.根据现场实际震害调查,总结和反思了若干经验教训,其中对建筑结构的整体性抗震和构造进行了分析,包括设防水准、概念设计、选型布局、结构整体性、结构刚度、强柱弱梁、构造措施、非结构部件、抗震缺陷、病态抗震结构等等.汶川地震震害也证明了建筑结构整体性抗震和构造的重要性.  相似文献   

芦山7.0级强烈地震砖混民居震害调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年4月20日四川省芦山县发生Ms7.0级强烈地震,造成了大量民居建筑的严重破坏甚至倒塌.本文通过对芦山地震中民居建筑的震害调查,系统总结了砖混民居这一量大面广建筑结构的破坏形式和损伤机制.汶川地震后的新建民居在抗震措施方面有较大幅度的提高,比如大多具有抗震构造措施、采用240mm承重墙等,因此整体震害较轻,但是新建居民在建设房屋时,抗震构造措施的布局有很大的随意性,具体表现在平面内布置不足和竖向分布不规则,导致整体约束效果下降,进而结构发生破坏.雅安地区多处于山坡软土地带、建筑物多临近河流,同时民居建筑的基坑开挖普遍较浅,处理不当,在地震过程中出现地基不均匀沉降,基础遭到破坏,并造成上部结构破坏.相比之下,地基得到妥善处理、严格按照抗震规范设计的民居,震害十分轻微.本文建议继续增强对居民的防震减灾宣传,普及民居抗震构造知识,进行民居的实用抗震措施和地基处理方法的研究,并针对各类民居震害情况,研究有效、经济和快速的加固改造技术.  相似文献   

本文对芦山地震中的校舍建筑震害进行调查和分析.调查发现,汶川地震后重建的框架结构,由于按照新的抗震规范进行设防,大多数没有出现结构性损伤,震害集中在填充墙等非结构构件上.建于汶川地震前的框架结构,当不符合规范的强制条文时,破坏严重,特别是单跨框架,个别发生首层柱端破坏.砖混结构校舍中的宿舍楼,由于开间小,横墙多,多设置了构造措施,虽有结构破坏,但均可修复.砖混结构教学楼采用砖墙-框架柱混合承重的结构体系,大多在汶川地震后得到加固,未加固的教学楼有严重的结构破坏,而加固后的校舍建筑则表现较好,但是这些结构体系多采用预制空心板,整体性较差,已经被规范禁止用于校舍建筑.场地对结构震害有重要的影响,密实的持力层、妥善的地基处理和整体性好的基础形式,可以大幅度减轻结构的震害.本文建议:应加强校舍建筑基于性能设计的研究,进一步明确其设防目标;研究填充墙与框架的相互作用,设计新型的填充墙体系以实现校舍建筑在不同地震水平下的功能要求.  相似文献   

汶川地震对建筑结构设计的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
汶川大地震造成了大量房屋建筑的破坏。本文通过对钢筋混凝土结构和砌体结构的震害研究、非结构构件的震害分析以及典型震害进行的调查归类分析,探讨了此次地震对建筑结构抗震设计的启示,总结了经验并给出了以下相关的建议:(1)适当提高抗震设防标准。(2)房屋建筑设计要更好实现“强柱弱梁”机制:改进加强楼梯间设计:进一步研究非结构构件与主体结构的连接。(3)进一步推广隔震技术。  相似文献   

由玉树地震结构震害看村镇房屋抗震   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据青海省玉树县7.1级地震后,结古镇的房屋震害调查资料,总结了不同类型结构的破坏比,结合典型震害案例,从抗震概念设计和抗震构造措施角度对村镇房屋的震害原因进行分析,提出了村镇房屋抗震设计存在的问题.最后根据村镇房屋震害特点,从技术和管理2个方面提出了相应的防范措施,以减小地震中的人员伤亡及经济损失.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震给震区建筑结构造成了严重破坏.本文选择不同烈度区典型震害的钢筋混凝土框架结构,介绍了结构梁柱、填充墙、其他附属构件及地基等的破坏特点,分析了各类震害特征与破坏机理.结果显示,钢筋混凝土框架结构在本次地震中表现出了良好的抗震性能,除了极震区个别建筑框架柱发生了结构性破坏外,地震区绝大部分均为非结构性破坏,如填充墙及其他附属构件破坏,且大部分破坏不影响结构框架承重体系继续使用.最后针对该次地震中钢筋混凝土框架结构存在的主要问题,给出了一些钢筋混凝土框架结构设计与建设改进建议.  相似文献   

九寨沟7.0地震给九寨沟地区建筑结构及非结构构件造成了严重破坏。本文主要涉及调查区域包括漳扎镇、甲藩古城、若尔盖县阿西茸乡、求吉乡及包座乡等。主要调查框架结构、砖混结构、大跨空间结构以及木结构的非结构构件震害。此次调查的结构多数是2000年以后建造,8度设防,在2008年汶川地震中主体结构和非结构构件均未受到影响。在此次地震中,非结构构件大量损坏,破坏主要以框架、砌体填充墙开裂或变形或局部倒塌、吊顶脱落、地板隆起、吊顶设备掉落、玻璃震碎等震害为主。调查结果表明,与以往地震不同,Ⅷ度区内仅有的三个大跨度结构均发生不同程度的破坏,其中一个结构出现节点破坏,此次地震中大跨空间结构非结构构件震损尤为明显,非结构构件设备损失最为严重。另一个不同于以往地震震害的是位于Ⅵ度区山坡上的木结构非结构震害明显比坡下要严重一些。  相似文献   

建筑物震害预测模糊震害指数法   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
建筑物震害预测是城市防震减灾的基础工作之一。本文在分析现有震害预测方法的基础上,提出了一种新的震害预测方法-模糊震害指数法。模糊震害指数法以现有震害预测资料为基础,采用模糊数学方法实现。本文详细阐述了模糊震害指数法的理论模型,推导了其数学公式,最后给出了实例分析。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study is presented for empirical seismic vulnerability assessment of typical structural types, representative of the building stock of Southern Europe, based on a large set of damage statistics. The observational database was obtained from post-earthquake surveys carried out in the area struck by the September 7, 1999 Athens earthquake. After analysis of the collected observational data, a unified damage database has been created which comprises 180,945 damaged buildings from/after the near-field area of the earthquake. The damaged buildings are classified in specific structural types, according to the materials, seismic codes and construction techniques in Southern Europe. The seismic demand is described in terms of both the regional macroseismic intensity and the ratio αg/ao, where αg is the maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) of the earthquake event and ao is the unique value PGA that characterizes each municipality shown on the Greek hazard map. The relative and cumulative frequencies of the different damage states for each structural type and each intensity level are computed in terms of damage ratio. Damage probability matrices (DPMs) and vulnerability curves are obtained for specific structural types. A comparison analysis is fulfilled between the produced and the existing vulnerability models.  相似文献   

The structure's ability to survive an earthquake may be measured in terms of the expected state of damage of the structure after the earthquake. Damage may be quantified by using any of several damage indices defined as functions whose values can be related to particular structural damage states. A number of available response-based damage indices are discussed and critically evaluated for their applicability in seismic damage evaluation. A new rational approach for damage assessment is presented which provides a measure of the physical response characteristics of the structure and is better suited for non-linear structural analysis. A practical method based on the static pushover analysis is proposed to estimate the expected damage to structures when subjected to earthquakes of different intensities. Results of the analysis of ductile and non-ductile reinforced concrete buildings show that the proposed procedure for damage assessment gives a simple, consistent and rational damage indicator for structures. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于已有震害矩阵模拟的群体震害预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
本文提出了一种群体震害预测方法,根据已有建筑物震害预测结果或震害统计分析结果,按照影响建筑物抗震能力的主要因素,由普查资料统计出的建筑物各影响因素的建筑面积比例得出模拟震害矩阵与已知矩阵的贴近度,最后进行加权平均,建立具体预测对象群体建筑物的震害矩阵。  相似文献   

Data archives of seismic fault-induced damage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of earthquake engineering requires an understanding of various processes by which structures are seriously damaged. For this, archiving available data in a systematic way will be quite necessary. Taskforces of both Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and Japan Geotechnical Society (JGS), with a mission of establishing remedial measures for fault-inflicted damage to civil infrastructures, have been investigating previous examples of fault-related damages. Some of their important activities were further expanded as a subject of EqTAP project (Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and Their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region). This paper introduces some examples from the JSCE/JGS/EqTAP Data Archives, which can give some hints for rational remedial or design measures for civil-infrastructures whose constructions across faults were/are unavoidable.  相似文献   

数字震害评估的发展与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着网络化地理信息系统的应用、全球定位系统的普及应用和卫星遥感影像分辨率的不断提高,“数字地球”技术在地震工程领域的应用逐渐成熟,数字化震害评估符合现代地震工程的发展趋势。本文综述了数字化技术在地震工程领域的研究现状及其发展前景,提出了利用“3S”技术进行数字震害评估的设想。  相似文献   

Hysteretic energy spectrum and damage control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inelastic response of single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) systems subjected to earthquake motions is studied and a method to derive hysteretic energy dissipation spectra is proposed. The amount of energy dissipated through inelastic deformation combined with other response parameters allow the estimation of the required deformation capacity to avoid collapse for a given design earthquake. In the first part of the study, a detailed analysis of correlation between energy and ground motion intensity indices is carried out to identify the indices to be used as scaling parameters and base line of the energy dissipation spectrum. The response of elastoplastic, bilinear, and stiffness degrading systems with 5 per cent damping, subjected to a world‐wide ensemble of 52 earthquake records is considered. The statistical analysis of the response data provides the factors for constructing the energy dissipation spectrum as well as the Newmark–Hall inelastic spectra. The combination of these spectra allows the estimation of the ultimate deformation capacity required to survive the design earthquake, capacity that can also be presented in spectral form as an example shows. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several parameters have been proposed in the literature for the evaluation of seismic damage. However, in most cases the correlation between results obtained using these parameters and observed damage in structures has not been satisfactory. A parameter for measuring seismic damage previously proposed by the first author is used in this study to analyse a set of 15 accelerograms recorded in 11 earthquakes experienced in different countries. Results using this parameter are compared to global building damage observed during these earthquakes. The use of the parameter proposed here yields results which are consistent with building damage observed in the earthquakes studied. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analysis of civil structures at the scale of life‐cycle requires stochastic modeling of degradation. Phenomena causing structures to degrade are typically categorized as aging and point‐in‐time overloads. Earthquake effects are the members of the latter category this study deals with in the framework of performance‐based earthquake engineering (PBEE). The focus is structural seismic reliability, which requires modeling of the stochastic process describing damage progression, because of subsequent events, over time. The presented study explicitly addresses this issue via a Markov‐chain‐based approach, which is able to account for the change in seismic response of damaged structures (i.e. state‐dependent seismic fragility) as well as uncertainty in occurrence and intensity of earthquakes (i.e. seismic hazard). The state‐dependent vulnerability issue arises when the seismic hysteretic response is evolutionary and/or when the damage measure employed is such that the degradation increment probabilistically depends on the conditions of the structure at the time of the shock. The framework set up takes advantage also of the hypotheses of classical probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, allowing to separate the modeling of the process of occurrence of seismic shocks and the effect they produce on the structure. It is also discussed how the reliability assessment, which is in closed‐form, may be virtually extended to describe a generic age‐ and state‐dependent degradation process (e.g. including aging and/or when aftershock risk is of interest). Illustrative applications show the options to calibrate the model and its potential in the context of PBEE. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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