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The occurrence of fluvial activity and standing bodies of water on early Mars is the subject of debate. Using MOC, MOLA, and THEMIS data, we identify a whole set of landforms in the Thaumasia region which attest to water flows during geologically long periods of more than thousand years. A thick fan-delta is identified within an impact crater at the outlet of a deep valley. Ponded water filled and overflowed this crater's rim, creating entrance and exit breaches and an outlet valley. These landforms show that the 25-km diameter impact crater contained a lake up to 600 m deep. At the head of this crater's deep contributing valley, a closed depression may have contained another lake, but depositional landforms are not evident in this headward basin. Alternatively, groundwater discharge may have supplied the valley, but the observed landforms are not consistent with a sudden release of water, as is usually invoked for the large martian outflows channels. Stratigraphic relationships show that this hydrological activity occurred during the Hesperian period, thus relatively late in the history of martian valley network development.  相似文献   

We report observations of Icelandic hillside gully systems that are near duplicates of gullies observed on high-latitude martian hillsides. The best Icelandic analogs involve basaltic talus slopes at the angle of repose, with gully formation by debris flows initiated by ground water saturation, and/or by drainage of water from upslope cliffs. We report not only the existence of Mars analog gullies, but also an erosional sequence of morphologic forms, found both on Mars and in Iceland. The observations support hypotheses calling for creation of martian gullies by aqueous processes. Issues remain whether the water in each case comes only from surficial sources, such as melting of ground ice or snow, or from underground sources such as aquifers that gain surface access in hillsides. Iceland has many examples of the former, but the latter mechanism is not ruled out. Our observations are consistent with the martian debris flow mechanism of F. Costard et al. (2001c, Science295, 110-113), except that classic debris flows begin at midslope more frequently than on Mars. From morphologic observations, we suggest that some martian hillside gully systems not only involve significant evolution by extended erosive activity, but gully formation may occur in episodes, and the time interval since the last episode is considerably less than the time interval needed to erase the gully through normal martian obliteration processes.  相似文献   

We apply improved kinetic modeling of electron transport in the martian thermosphere to fit pitch angle distributions measured by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER), together with appropriate filtering, binning, averaging and error correction techniques, to create the most reliable ER global map to date of crustal magnetic field magnitude at 185 km altitude, with twice the spatial resolution and considerably higher sensitivity to crustal fields than global maps of magnetic field components produced with MAG data alone. This map compares favorably to sparsely sampled dayside MAG data taken at similar altitudes, insofar as a direct comparison is meaningful. Using this map, we present two case studies. The first compares the magnetic signatures of two highland volcanoes, concluding that the comparatively greater thermal demagnetization at Syrtis Major compared with Tyrrhena Patera is likely due to a higher ratio of intruded to extruded magmas. The second uses the map along with topographic data to compare the magnetic signatures and crater retention ages of the demagnetized Hellas impact basin and magnetized Ladon impact basin. From this comparison, we determine that the martian global dynamo magnetic field went from substantial to very weak or nonexistent in the absolute model age time interval 4.15±0.05 to 4.07±0.05 Ga ago.  相似文献   

The global martian volcanic evolutionary history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Viking mission image data revealed the total spatial extent of preserved volcanic surface on Mars. One of the dominating surface expressions is Olympus Mons and the surrounding volcanic province Tharsis. Earlier studies of the global volcanic sequence of events based on stratigraphic relationships and crater count statistics were limited to the image resolution of the Viking orbiter camera. Here, a global investigation based on high-resolution image data gathered by the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) during the first years of Mars Express orbiting around Mars is presented. Additionally, Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) images were used for more detailed and complementary information. The results reveal global volcanism during the Noachian period (>3.7 Ga) followed by more focused vent volcanism in three (Tharsis, Elysium, and Circum-Hellas) and later two (Tharsis and Elysium) volcanic provinces. Finally, the volcanic activity became localized to the Tharsis region (about 1.6 Ga ago), where volcanism was active until very recently (200-100 Ma). These age results were expected from radiometric dating of martian meteorites but now verified for extended geological units, mainly found in the Tharsis Montes surroundings, showing prolonged volcanism for more than 3.5 billions years. The volcanic activity on Mars appears episodic, but decaying in intensity and localizing in space. The spatial and temporal extent of martian volcanism based on crater count statistics now provides a much better database for modelling the thermodynamic evolution of Mars.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evolution of landforms in Atlantis and Gorgonum basins, using a geomorphologic approach which interprets landform distribution and hierarchy. Rather than looking at the distribution of large-area (>106 km2) geologic sequences, this study focuses on interpreting the local-scale (<103 km2) cratered terrains, tectono-structural basins, and local manifestation of exogenic processes. Specifically, the evolution of fluvio-lacustrine landforms is interpreted as being functionally subordinated to the evolution of the cratered terrains and to the tectono-structural modifications of the landscape. Results show that three major phases of landscape evolution in Atlantis and Gorgonum basins can be identified: (a) major impact cratering during the heavy-bombardment period; (b) tectonic displacements in response to volcano emplacement in the Tharsis region, and simultaneous landform creation by fluvial and lacustrine processes; and (c) exogenic modification of the older landforms through weathering and eolian processes. Our results show that the smaller morphological features, which form on the older geological units, are not necessarily old themselves and can in fact be relatively recent (e.g. Amazonian). The main implication of these results is that martian morphology did not form only during a period immediately following the heavy bombardment, as commonly postulated, but rather that landform evolution continued throughout the entire martian history.  相似文献   

Calculations of the trapping of heavy noble gases within multiple guest clathrates under Mars-like conditions show that a substantial fraction of the martian Xe, perhaps even the vast majority, could be in clathrates. In addition, the Xe/Kr ratio in the clathrates would probably be much higher than in the atmosphere, so the formation or dissociation of a relatively small amount of clathrate could measurably change the atmospheric ratio. Relatively crude (factor of 2) measurements of the seasonal variability in that ratio by in situ spacecraft would be sensitive to ∼10% of the seasonal atmospheric CO2 variability being a result of clathrates, rather than pure CO2 frost. In addition, sequestration of Xe in clathrates remains a viable mechanism for explaining the variable Xe/Kr ratios seen in different suites of martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Hale crater, a 125 × 150 km impact crater located near the intersection of Uzboi Vallis and the northern rim of Argyre basin at 35.7°S, 323.6°E, is surrounded by channels that radiate from, incise, and transport material within Hale’s ejecta. The spatial and temporal relationship between the channels and Hale’s ejecta strongly suggests the impact event created or modified the channels and emplaced fluidized debris flow lobes over an extensive area (>200,000 km2). We estimate ∼1010 m3 of liquid water was required to form some of Hale’s smaller channels, a volume we propose was supplied by subsurface ice melted and mobilized by the Hale-forming impact. If 10% of the subsurface volume was ice, based on a conservative porosity estimate for the upper martian crust, 1012 m3 of liquid water could have been present in the ejecta. We determine a crater-retention age of 1 Ga inside the primary cavity, providing a minimum age for Hale and a time at which we propose the subsurface was volatile-rich. Hale crater demonstrates the important role impacts may play in supplying liquid water to the martian surface: they are capable of producing fluvially-modified terrains that may be analogous to some landforms of Noachian Mars.  相似文献   

The Amazonian period of Mars has been described as static, cold, and dry. Recent analysis of high-resolution imagery of equatorial and mid-latitude regions has revealed an array of young landforms produced in association with ice and liquid water; because near-surface ice in these regions is currently unstable, these ice-and-water-related landforms suggest one or more episodes of martian climate change during the Amazonian. Here we report on the origin and evolution of valley systems within a degraded crater in Noachis Terra, Asimov Crater. The valleys have produced a unique environment in which to study the geomorphic signals of Amazonian climate change. New high-resolution images reveal Hesperian-aged layered basalt with distinctive columnar jointing capping interior crater fill and providing debris, via mass wasting, for the surrounding annular valleys. The occurrence of steep slopes (>20°), relatively narrow (sheltered) valleys, and a source of debris have provided favorable conditions for the preservation of shallow-ice deposits. Detailed mapping reveals morphological evidence for viscous ice flow, in the form of several lobate debris tongues (LDT). Superimposed on LDT are a series of fresh-appearing gullies, with typical alcove, channel, and fan morphologies. The shift from ice-rich viscous-flow formation to gully erosion is best explained as a shift in martian climate, from one compatible with excess snowfall and flow of ice-rich deposits, to one consistent with minor snow and gully formation. Available dating suggests that the climate transition occurred >8 Ma, prior to the formation of other small-scale ice-rich flow features identified elsewhere on Mars that have been interpreted to have formed during the most recent phases of high obliquity. Taken together, these older deposits suggest that multiple climatic shifts have occurred over the last tens of millions of years of martian history.  相似文献   

Yan Tang  Yujie Huang 《Icarus》2006,180(1):88-92
The detection of gray crystalline hematite deposits on Mars by Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) has been used to argue for the presence of liquid water on Mars in the distant past. By methanol-thermal treatment of anhydrous FeCl3 at low temperatures (70-160 °C), crystalline gray hematite with layered structure was synthesized, based on this result an alternative explanation for the origin of martian hematite deposits is suggested. Methane could be abundant in the early martian atmosphere; process such as photochemical oxidation of methane could result in the formation of ocean or pool of organic compounds such as methanol, which provides an environment for the formation of large-scale hematite deposits on Mars.  相似文献   

At martian mid-to-high latitudes, the surfaces of potentially ice-rich features, including concentric crater fill, lobate debris aprons, and lineated valley fill, typically display a complex texture known as “brain terrain,” due to its resemblance to the complex patterns on brain surfaces. In order to determine the structure and developmental history of concentric crater fill and overlying latitude-dependent mantle (LDM) material, “brain terrain” and polygonally-patterned LDM surfaces are analyzed using HiRISE images from four craters in Utopia Planitia containing concentric crater fill. “Brain terrain” and mantle surface textures are classified based on morphological characteristics: (1) closed-cell “brain terrain,” (2) open-cell “brain terrain,” (3) high-center mantle polygons, and (4) low-center mantle polygons. A combined glacial and thermal-contraction cracking model is proposed for the formation and modification of the “brain terrain” texture of concentric crater fill. A similar model, related to thermal contraction cracking and differential sublimation of underlying ice, is proposed for the formation and development of polygonally patterned mantle material. Both models require atmospheric deposition of ice, likely during periods of high obliquity, but do not require wet active layer processes. Crater dating of “brain terrain” and mantled surfaces suggests a transition at martian mid-latitudes from peak “glacial” conditions occurring within the past ∼10-100 My to a quiescent period followed by a cold-desert “periglacial” period during the past ∼1-2 My.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

Bar-Nun and Dimitrov [Bar-Nun, A., Dimitrov, V., 2006. Icarus 181, 320-322] suggested a sequence of reactions to form methane on Mars. These reactions are based on the study of products in the N2-CO-H2O mixture irradiated at 185 nm. The suggested scheme was not quantitatively justified by chemical kinetics. One of the key reactions is effectively blocked by O2 in the martian atmosphere, and another key reaction does not exist. There are no pathways for effective formation of methane in the martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

We describe and interpret the surface terrain types associated with a widely-reported ∼4 km long, mid-latitude martian viscous flow feature (VFF). The feature is located in the southern hemisphere, on the poleward-facing rim of a ∼60 km-diameter crater in eastern Hellas Planitia. High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images, analysed in both 2D and 3D, reveal that the upper margin of the feature is bounded by steep (∼30°) headwalls, typically some tens of metres high, that are formed from unconsolidated material and characterised by a series of slope-parallel linear incisions. Below these incised headwalls, the feature flows at a general angle of ∼10° from a broad upper basin to a confined lower tongue that is bounded by a nested sequence of elongate raised ridges. These characteristics are typical of several VFFs in the region and are strikingly similar to moraine-bounded valley glaciers on Earth, and we sub-classify this feature as a ‘glacier-like form’ (GLF)1. The GLF comprises five distinctive surface terrain types that contrast sharply with surface characteristics outside its bounding moraines. Four of these terrains (scaly terrain, polygonized terrain, linear terrain and mound-and-tail terrain) are located within the GLF’s innermost bounding moraine, while the fifth (rectilinear-ridge terrain) is located between its frontal moraines. These terrains are mapped, characterised and associated with possible mechanisms of formation to draw inferences about the GLF’s glaciology and glacial history. This analysis suggests that the GLF reached its maximal extent in the geologically-recent past, and that it may have been partially wet-based at that time. Subsequent to this phase, the GLF experienced an extended period of general recession that has been punctuated by several episodes of still-stand or advance. Currently, the GLF’s basin appears to be composed of a lower zone that is dominated by an exposed former glacier bed and an upper zone that may still contain a now-degraded and dust-mantled viscous mass, similar to many partially-glacierized basins on Earth.  相似文献   

New results from a 1 Gyr integration of the martian orbit are presented along with a seasonally resolved energy balance climate model employed to illuminate the gross characteristics of the long-term atmospheric pressure evolution. We present a new analysis of the statistical variation of the martian obliquity and precession prior to and subsequent to the formation of the Tharsis uplift, and explore the long term effects on the martian climate. We find that seasonal polar cycles have a critical influence on the ability for the regolith to release CO2 at high obliquities, and find that the atmospheric CO2 actually decreases at high obliquities due to the cooling effect of polar deposits at latitudes where seasonal caps form. At low obliquity, the formation of massive, permanent polar caps depends critically on the values of the frost albedo, Afrost, and frost emissivity, ?frost. Using our model with values of Afrost=0.67 and ?frost=0.55, matched to the NASA Ames General Circulation Model (GCM) results (Haberle et al., 1993, J. Geophys. Res. 98, 3093-3123, and Haberle et al., 2003, Icarus 161, 66-89), we find that permanent caps only form at low obliquities (<13°), suggesting that any permanent deposits on the surface of Mars today may be residuals left over from a period of very low obliquity, or are the result of mechanisms not represented by this model. Thus, contrary to expectations, the martian atmospheric pressure is remarkable static over time, and decreases both at high and low obliquity. Also, from our one billion year orbital model, we present new results on the fraction of time Mars is expected to experience periods of low obliquity and high obliquity.  相似文献   

New impacts in the martian mid-latitudes have exposed near-surface ice. This ice is observed to slowly fade over timescales of months. In the present martian climate, exposed surface ice is unstable during summer months in the mid-latitudes and will sublimate. We model the sublimation of ice at five new impact sites and examine the implications of its persistence. Even with generally conservative assumptions, for most reasonable choices of parameters it is likely that over a millimeter of sublimation occurred in the period during which the ice was observed to fade. The persistence of visible ice through such sublimation suggests that the ice is relatively pure rather than pore-filling. Such ice could be analogous to the nearly pure ice observed by the Phoenix Lander in the “Dodo-Goldilocks” trench and suggests that the high ice contents reported by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer at high latitudes extend to the mid-latitudes. Our observations are consistent with a model of the martian ice table in which a layer with high volumetric ice content overlies pore-filling ice, although other structures are possible.  相似文献   

Carbonate deposits have not been found so far on Mars, although there appears to have been sufficient water to have supported their formation. Many hypotheses have been proposed in order to explain this. In the present work we explore the possibility that the missed detection of carbonate deposits on the martian surface could be simply due to the fact that the concentration of carbonates, when mixed with other materials present in the sedimentary deposits, may be below the detection limit of the various instruments used so far in this search. In the present study we consider 21 putative paleolacustrine basins and use a sediment transport model to estimate the abundance of carbonates which could be present in the sediments deposited on the basin floor. In this way we find that for all the selected basins the estimated carbonate abundances are in general less than a few percent, and such values are below (or at best comparable to) the detection limits of the spectrometers flown around Mars during the recent space missions. Furthermore, applying the sediment transport model to the well studied Eberswalde crater, we conclude that the fluvio-lacustrine activity in this basin should have lasted for a period on the order of 103–104 years, in good agreement with previous work. Our results suggest that a hydrological cycle, able to move large volumes of water and to create relatively stable lakes, could have been active intermittently on Mars in the past, producing carbonate deposits that could escape detection by the instruments that have flown to date.  相似文献   

Following the work of Kieffer and Titus (2001, Icarus 154, 162-180), we present results of thermal IR observations of Korolev crater, located at ∼73° latitude in the martian northern polar region. Similar to techniques employed by Titus et al. (2003, Science 299, 1048-1050), we use infrared images from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard Mars Odyssey to identify several regions within the crater basin with distinct thermal properties that correlate with topography. The THEMIS results show these regions exhibit temperature variations, spatially within the crater and throughout the martian year. In addition to the variations identified in the THEMIS observations, Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) observations show differences in albedo and temperature of these regions on both daily and seasonal cycles. Modeling annual temperature variations of the surface, we use TES observations to examine the thermal properties of these regions. This analysis reveals the crater interior deposits are likely thick layers (several meters) of high thermal inertia material (water ice, or extremely ice-rich regolith). Spatial variations of the physical properties of these regions are likely due to topography and possibly variations in the subsurface material itself. The nature of these deposits may help constrain polar processes, as well as provide context for the polar lander mission, Phoenix.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest methane in the martian atmosphere is variable on short spatial and temporal scales. However, to explain the variability by loss reactions requires production rates much larger than expected. Here, we report results of laboratory studies of methane adsorption onto JSC-Mars-1, a martian soil simulant, and suggest that this process could explain the observations. Uptake coefficient (γ) values were measured as a function of temperature using a high-vacuum Knudsen cell able to simulate martian temperature and pressure conditions. Values of γ were measured from 115 to 135 K, and the data were extrapolated to higher temperatures with more relevance to Mars. Adsorptive uptake was found to increase at lower temperatures and larger methane partial pressures. Although only sub-monolayer methane surface coverage is likely to exist under martian conditions, a very large mineral surface area is available for adsorption as atmospheric methane can diffuse meters into the regolith. As a result, significant methane may be temporarily lost to the regolith on a seasonal time scale. As this weak adsorption is fully reversible, methane will be re-released into the atmosphere when surface and subsurface temperatures rise and so no net loss of methane occurs. Heterogeneous interaction of methane with martian soil grains is the only process proposed thus far which contains both rapid methane loss and rapid methane production mechanisms and is thus fully consistent with the reported variability of methane on Mars.  相似文献   

Aaron Zent 《Icarus》2008,196(2):385-408
A time-resolved energy balance model in the latitude range targeted by Phoenix, and extending back in time over the past 10 Ma, has been developed and used to predict the time-varying temperature field in ground ice over scales ranging from minutes to millions of years. The temperature history is compared to the population doubling times of terrestrial psychrophiles as a function of temperature, and the lifetime of analog microbe spores against de-activation by galactic cosmic rays (GCR), in order to assess the habitability of ground ice and surrounding materials that may be sampled by Phoenix. Metrics are derived to quantify “habitability” and compare different model configurations, including total and maximum continuous time, per year, that ground ice temperatures exceed various thresholds, maximum and average dormancy periods, and maximum and average consecutive growing seasons. The key unknowns in assessing the position, and hence the temperature, of the ground ice table at high northern latitude is the fate of the perennial north polar cap at high obliquity. If enough H2O ice can persist at polar latitudes to buffer at least the high-latitude atmosphere at all orbital configurations, ground ice is found to be relatively shallow over much of the past 10 Ma, and regularly achieves temperatures in excess of those required for the growth of terrestrial psychrophiles. The dry overburden expected at the landing site can easily be sampled by Phoenix, and includes the “sweet spot” that is characterized by the optimal habitability metrics over the past 10 Ma. If the atmosphere is buffered only by low-latitude ice deposits at obliquities greater than about 30°, the frequency and duration of habitable ice is considerably diminished, and the intervening dormancy periods, during which cosmic ray damage accumulates, are correspondingly longer. In all cases, the maximum dormancy period that must be survived by putative martian psychrophiles is at least an order of magnitude greater than the amount of time required to reduce terrestrial psychrophile spore viability by 10−6 (∼7×104 years). Depending on the fate of high-obliquity polar ice, the maximum dormancy period can exceed 4×106 years, a factor of 60 longer than terrestrial psychrophile spore lifetimes. Habitability of martian ground ice is therefore dependent on putative martian psychrophiles developing robustness against GCR deactivation at least an order of magnitude greater than their terrestrial counterparts. Simulations of ground ice throughout the 65° N-72° N latitude range accessible to Phoenix suggest that higher-latitude ground ice has better habitability metrics, although the discrepancy is less than an order of magnitude for all metrics and across the entire latitude range.  相似文献   

Thermal contraction crack polygons are complex landforms that have begun to be deciphered on Earth and Mars by the combined investigative efforts of geomorphology, environmental monitoring, physical models, paleoclimate reconstruction, and geochemistry. Thermal contraction crack polygons are excellent indicators of the current or past presence of ground ice, ranging in ice content from weakly cemented soils to debris-covered massive ice. Relative to larger topographic features, polygons may form rapidly, and reflect climate conditions at the time of formation—preserving climate information as relict landforms in the geological record. Polygon morphology and internal textural characteristics can be used to distinguish surfaces modified by the seasonal presence of a wet active layer or dry active layer, and to delimit subsurface ice conditions. Analysis of martian polygon morphology and distribution indicates that geologically-recent thermal contraction crack polygons on Mars form predominantly in an ice-rich latitude-dependent mantle, more likely composed of massive ice deposited by precipitation than by cyclical vapor diffusion into regolith. Regional and local heterogeneities in polygon morphology can be used to distinguish variations in ice content, deposition and modification history, and to assess microclimate variation on timescales of ka to Ma. Analyses of martian polygon morphology, guided by investigations of terrestrial analog thermal contraction crack polygons, strongly suggest the importance of excess ice in the formation and development of many martian thermal contraction crack polygons—implying the presence of an ice-rich substrate that was fractured during and subsequent to obliquity-driven depositional periods and continually modified by ongoing vapor equilibration processes.  相似文献   

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