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Atmospheric water vapor abundances in Mars’ north polar region (NPR, from 60° to 90°N) are mapped as function of latitude and longitude for spring and summer seasons, and their spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability is discussed. Water vapor data are from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Viking Orbiter (VO) Mars Atmospheric Water Detector (MAWD). The data cover three complete northern spring-summer seasons in 1977-1978, 2000-2001 and 2002-2003, and shorter periods of spring-summer seasons during 1975, 1999 and 2004. Long term interannual variability in the averaged NPR abundances may exist, with Viking MAWD observations showing twice as much water vapor during summer as the MGS TES observations more than 10 martian years (MY) later. While the averaged abundances are very similar in TES observations for the same season in different years, the spatial distributions in the early summer season do vary significantly year over year. Spatial and temporal variabilities increase between Ls ∼ 80-140°, which may be related to vapor sublimation from the North Polar Residual Cap (NPRC), or to changes in circulation. Spatial variability is observed on scales of ∼100 km and temporal variability is observed on scales of <10 sols during summer. During late spring the TES water vapor spatial distribution is seen to correlate with the low topography/low albedo region of northern Acidalia Planitia (270-360°E), and with the dust spatial distribution across the NPR during late spring-early summer. Non-uniform vertical distribution of water vapor, a regolith source or atmospheric circulation ‘pooling’ of water vapor from the NPRC into the topographic depression may be behind the correlation with low topography/low albedo. Sublimation winds carrying water vapor off the NPRC and lifting surface dust in the areas surrounding the NPRC may explain the correlation between the water vapor and dust spatial distributions. Correlation between water vapor and dust in MAWD data are only observed over low topography/low albedo area. Maximum water vapor abundances are observed at Ls = 105-115° and outside of the NPRC at 75-80°N; the TES data, however, do not extend over the NPRC and thus, this conclusion may be biased. Some water vapor appears to be released in plumes or ‘outbursts’ in the MAWD and TES datasets during late spring and early summer. We propose that the sublimation rate of ice varies across the NPRC with varying surface winds, giving rise to the observed ‘outbursts’ at some seasons.  相似文献   

We present here the annual behavior of atmospheric water vapor on Mars, as observed by the OMEGA spectrometer on board Mars Express during its first martian year. We consider all the different features of the cycle of water vapor: temporal evolution, both at a seasonal and at a diurnal scale; longitudinal distribution; and the vertical profile, through the variations in the saturation height. We put our results into the context of the current knowledge on the water cycle through a systematic comparison with the already published datasets. The seasonal behavior is in very good agreement with past and simultaneous retrievals both qualitatively and quantitatively, within the uncertainties. The average water vapor abundance during the year is ∼10 pr. μm, with an imbalance between northern and southern hemisphere, in favor of the first. The maximum of activity, up to 60 pr. μm, occurs at high northern latitudes during local summer and shows the dominance of the northern polar cap within the driving processes of the water cycle. A corresponding maximum at southern polar latitudes during the local summer is present, but less structured and intense. It reaches ∼25 pr. μm at its peak. Global circulation has some influence in shaping the water cycle, but it is less prominent than the results from previous instruments suggest. No significant correlation between water vapor column density and local hour is detected. We can constrain the amount of water vapor exchanged between the surface and the atmosphere to few pr. μm. This is consistent with recent results by OMEGA and PFS-LW. The action of the regolith layer on the global water cycle seems to be minor, but it cannot be precisely constrained. The distribution of water vapor on the planet, after removing the topography, shows the already known two-maxima system, over Tharsis and Arabia Terra. However, the Arabia Terra increase is quite fragmented compared with previous observations. A deep zone of minimum separates the two regions. The saturation height of water vapor is mainly governed by the variations of insolation during the year. It is confined within 5-15 km from the surface at aphelion, while in the perihelion season it stretches up to 55 km of altitude.  相似文献   

Michael D Smith 《Icarus》2004,167(1):148-165
We use infrared spectra returned by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) to retrieve atmospheric and surface temperature, dust and water ice aerosol optical depth, and water vapor column abundance. The data presented here span more than two martian years (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 26, Ls=180°, 4 May 2003). We present an overview of the seasonal (Ls), latitudinal, and longitudinal dependence of atmospheric quantities during this period, as well as an initial assessment of the interannual variability in the current martian climate. We find that the perihelion season (Ls=180°-360°) is relatively warm, dusty, free of water ice clouds, and shows a relatively high degree of interannual variability in dust optical depth and atmospheric temperature. On the other hand, the aphelion season (Ls=0°-180°) is relatively cool, cloudy, free of dust, and shows a low degree of interannual variability. Water vapor abundance shows a moderate amount of interannual variability at all seasons, but the most in the perihelion season. Much of the small amount of interannual variability that is observed in the aphelion season appears to be caused by perihelion-season planet-encircling dust storms. These dust storms increase albedo through deposition of bright dust on the surface causing cooler daytime surface and atmospheric temperatures well after dust optical depth returns to prestorm values.  相似文献   

The Viking Orbiters imaged early morning, long, linear wave clouds along the flanks of the Tharsis volcanoes during late northern spring and early summer. These clouds are believed to be a product of either an atmospheric bore wave or a hydraulic jump generated by nightly katabatic winds. The Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System was used to study the interaction of the katabatic flows with the surrounding atmosphere to determine what mechanism is responsible for the clouds. Simulations at Ls=90°, 100°, 142°, 180°, 270°, and 358° were conducted focusing on the eastern flank of Olympus Mons. Model results compare well with Viking observations and closely approximate theoretical treatments of atmospheric bores. Strong downslope flows are simulated during the night, with a bore wave forming on and behind a well-defined katabatic front. The observed seasonality of the clouds was reproduced in the simulations; the bore was deeper and faster during northern summer and weakest during the winter. When the bore was strong, it was undular in form, and generated vertically propagating gravity waves in the atmosphere above. During the winter, the atmospheric structure was such that any gravity waves generated damped with height. Less atmospheric water vapor abundance during northern winter, as compared to the summer, is also a factor in the seasonality of the wave clouds. This study concludes that bore waves are the most likely mechanism for the generation of the observed linear wave clouds.  相似文献   

Measurements of martian atmospheric water vapor made throughout Ls = 18.0°-146.4° (October 3, 1996-July 12, 1997) show changes in Mars humidity on hourly, daily, and seasonal time scales. Because our observing program during the 1996-1997 Mars apparition did not include concomitant measurement of nearby CO2 bands, high northern latitude data were corrected for dust and aerosol extinction assuming an optical depth of 0.8, consistent with ground-based and HST imaging of northern dust storms. All other measurements with airmass greater than 3.5 were corrected using a total optical depth of 0.5. Three dominant results from this data set are as follows: (1) pre- and post-opposition measurements made with the slit crossing many hours of local time on Mars’ Earth-facing disk show a distinct diurnal pattern with highest abundances around and slightly after noon with low abundances in the late afternoon, (2) measurements of water vapor over the Mars Pathfinder landing site (Carl Sagan Memorial Station) on July 12, 1997, found 21 ppt μm in the spatial sector centered near 19° latitude, 36° longitude while abundances around the site varied from as low as 6 to as high as 28 ppt μm, and (3) water vapor abundance is patchy on hourly and daily time scales but follows the usual seasonal trends.  相似文献   

We used MGS-MOC and MRO-MARCI daily mapping images of the North Polar Region of Mars from 16 August 2005 (Ls = 270°) to 21 May 2009 (Ls = 270°), covering portions of three consecutive martian years (MY 27-MY 29), to observe the seasonal behavior of the polar ice cap and atmospheric phenomena. The rate of cap regression was similar in MY 28 and MY 29, but was advanced by 3.5° of Ls (∼7-8 sols) in MY 29. The spatial and temporal behaviors of dust and condensate clouds were similar in the two years and generally in accord with prior years. Dust storms (>100 km2) were observed in all seasons, with peak activity occurring at Ls = 10-20° from 50°N to 70°N and at Ls = 135-140° from 70°N to 90°N. The most active quadrant was 0-90°W in MY 28, shifting to 180-270°W in MY 29. The majority of regional storms in both years developed in longitudes from 10°W to 60°W. During late summer the larger storms obscure the North Polar Region in a cloud of dust that transitions to north polar hood condensate clouds around autumnal equinox.Changes in the distribution of perennial ice deposits, especially in Olympia Planum, were observed between the 2 years, with the MY 29 ice distribution being the most extensive observed to date. Modeling suggests that the small, bright ice patches on the residual cap are not the result of slope or elevation effects. Rather we suggest that they are the result of local meteorological effects on ice deposition. The annual darkening and brightening of peripheral areas of the residual cap around summer solstice can be explained by the sublimation of a brighter frost layer revealing an underlying darker, ice rich layer that itself either sublimes to reveal brighter material below or acts as a cold trap, attracting condensation of water vapor that brightens the surface. An alternative explanation invokes transport and deposition of dust on the surface from the cap interior, and later removal of that dust. The decrease in cap albedo and accompanying increase in near surface atmospheric stability may be related to the annual minimum of polar storm activity near northern summer solstice.  相似文献   

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observes Mars from a nearly circular, polar orbit. From this vantage point, the Mars Color Imager extends the ∼5 Mars years record of Mars Global Surveyor global, visible-wavelength multi-color observations of meteorological events and adds measurements at three additional visible and two ultraviolet wavelengths. Observations of the global distribution of ozone (which anti-correlates with water vapor) and water ice and dust clouds allow tracking of atmospheric circulation. Regional and local observations emphasize smaller scale atmospheric dynamics, especially those related to dust lifting and subsequent motion. Polar observations detail variations related to the polar heat budget, including changes in polar frosts and ices, and storms generated at high thermal contrast boundaries.  相似文献   

The interval from Ls = 330° in Mars Year (MY) 26 until Ls = 84° in MY 27 has been used to compare and validate measurements from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Mars Express Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS). We studied differences between atmospheric temperatures observed by the two instruments. The best agreement between atmospheric temperatures was found at 50 Pa between 40°S and 40°N latitude, where differences were within ±5 K. For other atmospheric levels, differences as large as ∼25 K were observed between the two instruments at some locations. The largest temperature differences occurred mainly over the Hellas Planitia, Argyre Planitia, Tharsis and Valles Marineris regions.On this basis we report on the variability of the martian atmosphere during the 5.5 martian years of Mars climatology obtained by combining the two data sets from TES and PFS. Atmospheric temperatures at 50 Pa responded to the global-scale dust storms of MY 25 and in MY 28 raising temperatures from ∼220 K to ∼250 K during the daytime. An atmospheric temperature of ∼140 K at 50 Pa was observed poleward of 70°N during northern winter and poleward of 60°S during southern winter each year in both the PFS and TES results. Water vapor observed by the two spectrometers showed consistent seasonal and latitudinal variations.  相似文献   

We have used HST/NICMOS to observe approximately 57% of the martian surface in 7 narrow band filters (0.97, 1.08, 1.13, 1.66, 1.90, 2.12, and 2.15 μm) during the 2003 opposition (Ls∼250°) and at a resolution of ∼12 km/pixel. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the dataset has identified regional variability on scales of hundreds of kilometers associated with differences in the near-infrared spectrum of Mars. Visualization of the data in principal component space has allowed us to identify spectral endmembers associated with the south polar cap, the classic bright terrains, northern Syrtis Major, southern Syrtis Major, Tyrrhena Terra, and Acidalia Planitia. The two Syrtis Major endmembers and the Tyrrhena Terra endmember differ in their absolute reflectivities but have the same spectral shape at wavelengths longer than 1.6 μm. The Acidalia endmember is distinct from the other dark terrain endmembers because it exhibits a strong negative near-IR spectral slope. Comparisons with spectral library measurements cannot provide unique constraints on the surface mineralogy for these sparsely-sampled spectral data. However, the observed spectral variations between Tyrrhena Terra and Syrtis Major are consistent with variations in iron- and sulfur-bearing minerals, and the relatively strong negative spectral slope in the spectrum of Acidalia is consistent with the presence of hydrated alteration products. Additional comparison with previous NICMOS observations taken in 1997 at Ls∼150° indicate that the average near-IR spectral slope of the Acidalia region is more negative during the late northern fall than during the mid northern summer. This may indicate seasonal variations in the presence of either adsorbed water or re-hydrated minerals in the regolith of Acidalia.  相似文献   

We report on new retrievals of water vapor column abundances from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. The new retrievals are from the TES nadir data taken above the ‘cold’ surface areas in the North polar region (Tsurf < 220 K, including seasonal frost and permanent ice cap) during spring and summer seasons, where retrievals were not performed initially. Retrievals are possible (with some modifications to the original algorithm) over cold surfaces overlaid by sufficiently warm atmosphere. The retrieved water vapor column abundances are compared to the column abundances observed by other spacecrafts in the Northern polar region during spring and summer and good agreement is found. We detect an annulus of water vapor growing above the edge of the retreating seasonal cap during spring. The formation of the vapor annulus is consistent with the previously proposed mechanism for water cycling in the polar region, according to which vapor released by frost sublimation during spring re-condenses on the retreating seasonal CO2 cap. The source of the vapor in the vapor annulus, according to this model, is the water frost on the surface of the CO2 at the retreating edge of the cap and the frost on the ground that is exposed by the retreating cap. Small contribution from regolith sources is possible too, but cannot be quantified based on the TES vapor data alone. Water vapor annulus exhibits interannual variability, which we attribute to variations in the atmospheric temperature. We propose that during spring and summer the water ice sublimation is retarded by high relative humidity of the local atmosphere, and that higher atmospheric temperatures lead to higher vapor column abundances by increasing the water holding capacity of the atmosphere. Since the atmospheric temperatures are strongly influenced by the atmospheric dust content, local dust storms may be controlling the release of vapor into the polar atmosphere. Water vapor abundances above the residual polar cap also exhibit noticeable interannual variability. In some years abundances above the cap are lower than the abundances outside of the cap, consistent with previous observations, while in the other years the abundances above the cap are higher or similar to abundances outside of the cap. We speculate that the differences may be due to weaker off-cap transport in the latter case, keeping more vapor closer to the source at the surface of the residual cap. Despite the large observed variability in water vapor column abundances in the Northern polar region during spring and summer, the latitudinal distribution of the vapor mass in the atmosphere is very similar during the summer season. If the variability in vapor abundances is caused by the variability of vapor sources across the residual cap then this would mean that they annually contribute relatively little vapor mass to significantly affect the vapor mass budget. Alternatively this may suggest that the vapor variability is caused by the variability of the polar atmospheric circulation. The new water vapor retrievals should be useful in tuning the Global Circulation Models of the martian water cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analyzed neutron spectroscopy data gathered by the High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) instrument onboard Mars Odyssey for comparison of polar regions. It is known that observation of the neutron albedo of Mars provides important information about the distribution of water-ice in subsurface layers and about peculiarities of the CO2 seasonal cycle. It was found that there are large water-rich permafrost areas with contents of up to ∼50% water by mass fraction at both the north and south Mars polar regions. The water-ice layers at high northern latitudes are placed close to the surface, but in the south they are covered by a dry and relatively thick (10-20 cm) layer of soil. Analysis of temporal variations of neutron flux between summer and winter seasons allowed the estimation of the masses of the CO2 deposits which seasonally condense at the polar regions. The total mass of the southern seasonal deposition was estimated as 6.3×1015 kg, which is larger than the total mass of the seasonal deposition at the north by 40-50%. These results are in good agreement with predictions from the NASA Ames Research Center General Circulation Model (GCM). But, the dynamics of the condensation and sublimation processes are not quite as consistent with these models: the peak accumulation of the condensed mass of CO2 occurred 10-15 degrees of Ls later than is predicted by the GCM.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been suggested as a possible oxidizer of the martian surface. Photochemical models predict a mean column density in the range of 1015-1016 cm−2. However, a stringent upper limit of the H2O2 abundance on Mars (9×1014 cm−2) was derived in February 2001 from ground-based infrared spectroscopy, at a time corresponding to a maximum water vapor abundance in the northern summer (30 pr. μm, Ls=112°). Here we report the detection of H2O2 on Mars in June 2003, and its mapping over the martian disk using the same technique, during the southern spring (Ls=206°) when the global water vapor abundance was ∼10 pr. μm. The spatial distribution of H2O2 shows a maximum in the morning around the sub-solar latitude. The mean H2O2 column density (6×1015 cm−2) is significantly greater than our previous upper limit, pointing to seasonal variations. Our new result is globally consistent with the predictions of photochemical models, and also with submillimeter ground-based measurements obtained in September 2003 (Ls=254°), averaged over the martian disk (Clancy et al., 2004, Icarus 168, 116-121).  相似文献   

We present interferometric mapping of the 225.9-GHz HDO and 203.4-GHz lines on Mars obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure facility (PdBI). The observations were performed during martian year 28 (MY28), at Ls=320.3° for the HDO line, and at Ls=324.3° for the line. The HDO line is detected at the eastern (morning) and western (evening) limbs of the northern hemisphere, corresponding to a water column density in the range 3-6 pr.-μm. The line is not detected, which is compatible with the column densities derived from the HDO line. Quasi-simultaneous far infrared measurements obtained by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express spacecraft confirm our PdBI results, yielding a 5±1 pr.-μm meridionally constant water column abundance.Such a low water abundance during the southern mid-autumn of MY28 does not correspond to the standard martian climatology as observed during the previous years. It was however already retrieved from near-infrared observations performed by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft [Smith, M.D., Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., Murchie, S.L. 2009. CRISM observations of water vapor and carbon monoxide. J. Geophys. Res. 114, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003288]. Our observations thus confirm that the planet-encircling dust storm that occurred during MY28 significantly affected the martian water cycle. Our observations also demonstrate the usefulness of interferometric submillimeter observations to survey the martian water cycle from ground-based facilities.  相似文献   

We have used the complete set of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Daily Global Maps (MDGMs) to study martian weather in the southern hemisphere, focusing on curvilinear features, including frontal events and streaks. “Frontal events” refer to visible events that are morphologically analogous to terrestrial baroclinic storms. MDGMs show that visible frontal events were mainly concentrated in the 210-300°E (60-150°W) sector and the 0-60°E sector around the southern polar cap during Ls = 140-250° and Ls = 340-60°. The non-uniform spatial and temporal distributions of activity were also shown by MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer transient temperature variations near the surface. “Streaks” refer to long curvilinear features in the polar hood or over the polar cap. They are an indicator of the shape of the polar vortex. Streaks in late winter usually show wavy segments between the 180° meridian and Argyre. Model results suggest that the zonal wave number m = 3 eastward traveling waves are important for their formation.  相似文献   

Our ground-based measurements of martian atmospheric water vapor, made throughout Ls=34° to 249°, 24 September 1998 to 23 November 1999, during Mars year 24 (MY 24), show changes in Mars' humidity on hourly, daily, and seasonal timescales. We made concomitant measurement of nearby CO2 bands, and when possible, results were corrected for aerosol extinction using aerosol optical depths derived from our own CO2 analysis. Where there is spatial and temporal overlap, similar results are obtained for water vapor abundances and aerosol opacities as those observed from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on Mars Global Surveyor. In addition some further discussion of our published earlier water vapor measurements (1991-1995) is included. Six results from this data set are: (1) the measured aerosol opacity in Mars atmosphere was variable but not greater than τ=1, with almost no clear atmosphere being observed, (2) measurements made with the slit crossing many hours of local time on Mars' Earth-facing disk show a diurnal pattern with highest abundances at mid-day and low abundance in very early morning and late afternoon for some but not all measurements, (3) water vapor abundance is patchy on hourly and daily time scales but follows the usual seasonal trends seen by instrumentation on the Mars Atmospheric Water Detector on the Viking Orbiters and by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on Mars Global Surveyor, (4) there is a slight longitudinal correlation with the ground-ice observed by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer on Mars Odyssey, (5) there is evidence of the Low Southern Latitude Summer Minimum in our water vapor measurements but our data set for southern summer is limited, and (6) MY 24 appears to be wetter than MY 22 and MY 23.  相似文献   

Bruce A. Cantor 《Icarus》2007,186(1):60-96
From 15 September 1997 through 21 January 2006, only a single planet-encircling martian dust storm was observed by MGS-MOC. The onset of the storm occurred on 26 June 2001 (Ls=184.7°), earliest recorded to date. It was initiated in the southern mid-to-low latitudes by a series of local dust storm pulses that developed along the seasonal cap edge in Malea and in Hellas basin (Ls=176.2°-184.4°). The initial expansion of the storm, though asymmetric, was very rapid in all directions (3-32 m s−1). The main direction of propagation, however, was to the east, with the storm becoming planet encircling in the southern hemisphere on Ls=192.3°. Several distinct centers of active dust lifting were associated with the storm, with the longest persisting for 86 sols (Syria-Claritas). These regional storms helped generate and sustain a dust cloud (“haze”), which reached an altitude of about 60 km and a peak opacity of τdust∼5.0. By Ls=197.0°, the cloud had encircled the entire planet between 59.0° S and 60.0° N, obscuring all but the largest volcanoes. The decay phase began around Ls∼200.4° with atmospheric dust concentrations returning to nominal seasonal low-levels at Ls∼304.0°. Exponential decay time constants ranged from 30-117 sols. The storm caused substantial regional albedo changes (darkening and brightening) as a result of the redistribution (removal and deposition) of a thin veneer of surface dust at least 0.1-11.1 μm thick. It also caused changes in meteorological phenomena (i.e., dust storms, dust devils, clouds, recession of the polar caps, and possibly surface temperatures) that persisted for just a few weeks to more than a single Mars year. The redistribution of dust by large annual regional storms might help explain the long period (∼30 years) between the largest planet-encircling dust storms events.  相似文献   

The condensing CO2 south polar cap of Mars and the mechanisms of the CO2 ice accumulation have been studied through the analysis of spectra acquired by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) during the first two years of ESA's Mars Express (MEX) mission. This dataset spans more than half a martian year, from Ls∼330° to Ls∼194°, and includes the southern fall season which is found to be extremely important for the study of the residual south polar cap asymmetry. The cap expands symmetrically and with constant speed during the fall season. The maximum extension occurs sometime in the 80°-90° Ls range, when the cap edges are as low as −40° latitude. Inside Hellas and Argyre basins, frost can be stable at lower latitudes due to the higher pressure values, causing the seasonal cap to be asymmetric. Within the seasonal range considered in this paper, the cap edge recession rate is approximately half the rate at which the cap edge expanded. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat, and disappear around Ls∼145°. Two different mechanisms are responsible for CO2 ice accumulation during the fall season, especially in the 50°-70° Ls range. Here, CO2 condensation in the atmosphere, and thus precipitation, is allowed exclusively in the western hemisphere, and particularly in the longitudinal corridor of the perennial cap. In the eastern hemisphere, the cap consists mainly of CO2 frost deposits, as a consequence of direct vapor deposition. The differences in the nature of the surface ice deposits are the main cause for the residual south polar cap asymmetry. Results from selected PFS orbits have also been compared with the results provided by the martian general circulation model (GCM) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie dynamique (LMD) in Paris, with the aim of putting the observations in the context of the global circulation. This first attempt of cross-validation between PFS measurements and the LMD GCM on the one hand confirms the interpretation of the observations, and on the other hand shows that the climate modeling during the southern polar night on Mars is extremely sensitive to the dynamical forcing.  相似文献   

Observations of ozone on Mars were made using the Goddard Space Flight Center's Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer and Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. Ozone is an important observable tracer of martian photochemistry. Infrared heterodyne spectroscopy with spectral resolution ?106 is the only technique that directly measures ozone in the martian atmosphere from the surface of the Earth. Ozone column abundances down to the martian surface were acquired in seven data sets taken between 1988 and 2003 at various orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 102°, 115°, 202°, 208°, 291°). Ozone abundances are compared with those retrieved using ultraviolet techniques, showing good agreement. Odd hydrogen (HOX) chemistry predicts anticorrelation of ozone and water vapor abundances. Retrieved ozone abundances consistently show anticorrelation with corresponding water vapor abundances, providing strong confirmation of odd hydrogen activity. Deviation from strict anticorrelation between the observed total column densities of ozone and water vapor suggests that constituent vertical distribution is an additional, significant factor.  相似文献   

We report high-spectral-resolution (λ/δλ = 800-2300) near-infrared mapping observations of Mars at Ls = 130° (April 1999), which were obtained by drift-scanning the cryogenic long-slit spectrometer at the KPNO 2.2-m telescope across the disk. Data were reformatted into calibrated spectral image cubes (x,y,λ) spanning 2.19 to 4.12 μm, which distinguish atmospheric CO2 features, solar lines, and surface and aerosol features. Maps of relative band depth between 3.0 and 3.5 μm trace water ice clouds and show the diurnal evolution of features in the persistent northern summer aphelion cloud belt, which was mapped contemporaneously but at fixed local time by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS/TES). Cloud optical depth, particle sizes, and ice aerosol content were estimated using a two-stream, single-layer scattering model, with Mie coefficients derived from recently published ice optical constants, followed by a linear spectral deconvolution process. A comparison of data and model spectra shows evaporating nighttime clouds in the morning followed by afternoon growth of a prominent orographic cloud feature on the west flank of Elysium Mons. Cloud optical depth at 3.2 μm evolved to 0.28 ± 0.13 and ice aerosol column abundance to 0.9 ± 0.3 pr μm in the afternoon. Column abundances as large as 0.17 pr μm were retrieved in nonorographic clouds within the aphelion cloud band around midday. These clouds exhibit a modest decline in optical depth during the afternoon. Results show that ice particle radii from <2 μm to >4 μm exist in both cloud types. However, large particles dominate the spectra, consistent with recent MGS/TES emission phase function measurements of aphelion cloud aerosol properties.  相似文献   

Huiqun Wang  Jenny A. Fisher 《Icarus》2009,204(1):103-113
The complete archive of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Mars Daily Global Maps (MDGM) are used to study north polar clouds and dust storms that exhibit frontal structures during the spring and summer (Ls 0-180°). Results show that frontal events generally follow the edge of the polar cap during spring and mid/late summer with a gap in the distribution in early summer. The exact duration and timing of the gap vary from year to year. Ten to twenty percent of spring and summer time frontal events exhibit complex morphologies. Distinct temperature signatures are associated with features observed in images in many but not all cases. The general travel paths of the frontal events are eastward around the polar cap. Westward paths exist only at the edge of the polar cap in late spring/early summer. Occasionally, the paths curve toward or away from the polar cap in certain longitude sectors.  相似文献   

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