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Rural societies in low-income, high-population countries often faces scarcity of water of suitable quality for domestic use and agriculture. Hydrogeologists should therefore orientate their research work towards solving practical problems and impart basic knowledge about the hydrogeology of local watersheds to the village councils and communities so as to ensure their participation in better management of groundwater resources. Such cooperation between the hydrogeologists and villagers is the foundation of socio-hydrogeology, which aims at broader dissemination of information and discussions with hydrogeologists at village meetings regarding watershed management such as recharge augmentation, groundwater quality issues and prudent use of groundwater. Socio-hydrogeology implies improved accessibility of rural society to hydrogeological experts and better communication through the use of more appropriate and understandable language.  相似文献   

The critical role played by national or central direction in Japan's modernization is well recognized, but the role of rural Japan in the nation's modernizing process has not been adequately understood. Ways of life in rural Japan, or buraku, are usually viewed negatively, and considered stumbling blocks in the process of modernization. However, acloser analysis of Ryumon, an ordinary Japanese village in W Japan which successfully transformed its agricultural system to become a citrus specialty area, has revealed that the villages achieved a new way of life through many years of grass-roots effort in the context of buraku society. Clearly, buraku society must be examined more thoroughly before our understanding of Japan's process of modernization becomes complete.  相似文献   

平阴县孝直镇属偏远的农业大镇,为解决村庄规模偏小、布局分散和"空心村"等问题,充分利用国家城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策,以土地综合整治为平台,积极推进大村制建设,合村并点建设新型社区,从根本上改变农村面貌,加速城镇化和城乡一体化进程。  相似文献   

苍山县城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作对统筹城乡发展、改善农村村容村貌、提高复垦耕地质量等发挥了积极作用,但工作中存在领导重视不够、资金不足、农民意识薄弱等问题,需进一步落实目标责任制、拓宽融资渠道、提高农民积极性。  相似文献   

Extreme weather events present environmental and social challenges across the Eurasian steppe. In Mongolia much attention is given to drought and dzud (severe winter conditions) impact on rural livelihoods, landscapes and governance. A link between the two events, fostered by international and state agencies, speculates that drought leads to dzud; this has become the widely accepted doctrine. However, the relationship between the two events is assumed rather than analysed. Whilst there may be natural links between climate events, causality is more difficult to establish yet often claimed post-event. This paper stresses Mongolia’s destructive dzuds of 1999–2001 and 2009–2010 in examining drought frequency before dzud events. Findings question the hazard connection as just 3 of 32 examined dzud events were preceded by drought. Investigation did not document a relationship between the disasters; linkages between extreme events were implied rather than established. The human role in disaster also needs to be assessed as preparation, and response are key factors for mitigation. Study results identified a lack of causality between the disasters, suggesting more assiduous investigation of hazards is needed in Mongolia. This can clarify causal factors, identify risk and improve disaster mitigation strategies in Mongolia.  相似文献   

曾鑫  叶长盛  杨庆坤  郭福生  刘毅轩  刘勇  齐子瑞 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020029-2023020029
响应乡村振兴战略的地质文化村建设正如火如荼地开展,而地质文化村规划却滞后于地质文化村建设。实施乡村振兴战略要坚持规划先行,以地质文化村规划引领地质文化村建设是必要的。本研究将地质文化村规划定位为国土空间规划体系下的专项规划,并提出构建地质背景下的自然文化资源保护专项规划体系的建议。针对范围划定,提出了先划定地质资源范围,再综合划定地质文化村规划范围的方法。在比较分析地质文化村规划、地质公园规划、村庄规划主要内容的基础上,结合江西大洲塘地质文化村规划实践探索,提出地质文化村规划的15项主要内容,包括9项强制性内容和6项引导性内容。在规划内容中,注重突出地质产业、彰显地质特色、融入地学文化和衔接好空间规划。  相似文献   

响应乡村振兴战略的地质文化村建设正如火如荼地开展,而地质文化村规划却滞后于地质文化村建设。实施乡村振兴战略要坚持规划先行,以地质文化村规划引领地质文化村建设是必要的。本研究将地质文化村规划定位为国土空间规划体系下的专项规划,并提出构建地质背景下的自然文化资源保护专项规划体系的建议。针对范围划定,提出了先划定地质资源范围,再综合划定地质文化村规划范围的方法。在比较分析地质文化村规划、地质公园规划、村庄规划主要内容的基础上,结合江西大洲塘地质文化村规划实践探索,提出地质文化村规划的15项主要内容,包括9项强制性内容和6项引导性内容。在规划内容中,注重突出地质产业、彰显地质特色、融入地学文化和衔接好空间规划。  相似文献   

Voluntary associations are at the heart of Swedish rural policy and strategies for governance as partners in bringing about ‘development from below.’ Examining the implications of this new responsibility being placed on the civil society in new modes of multilevel governance, I ask: do these changes presage greater political space for individuals vis à vis the state or is Swedish rural policy premised on ideas about an institutional context that might be disappearing? In comparative research in rural Sweden, I discuss state and civil-society relations at the macro level in light of the gendered micro-politics of associational life on the ground. Through ethnographic research with people involved in development work of different kinds, I examine how ideas about community associations are used to mobilize rural policy. I analyze its’ political implications and argue for the importance of analyzing macro in relation to the micropolitics on the ground for a better theoretical understanding of democracy and power in rural governance, in particular its gendered implications. I argue that past collaborative relations between the civil society and the state’s administrative apparatuses as well as the current focus of rural policy have enabled the state to hand over service functions to the civil society and diluted their ‘voice,’ incongrously endangering the institutional basis of rural policy itself. Further, attention to the gendered micropolitics of associational life makes apparent cleavages within civil society and its underlying relations of gender and power that challenge current conceptualizations on the neoliberalization of rural policy.  相似文献   

在二元土地所有制下,中国城市市区的建设用地、农村和城市郊区依法征收后新增的建设用地,属于国家所有;城市市区以外以及法律规定由国家所有土地以外的农民宅基地和其他建设用地,属于农民集体所有。文登市金岭山庄被位于城区的经济强村西楼兼并后,土地资源得以高效利用,加速了城市化进程,成为城乡统筹发展的典范。  相似文献   

In 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck southwest China less than 100 km north of Chengdu, the booming capital of Sichuan Province. The city government undertook a massive reconstruction project in its rural hinterlands that was guided by existing policies to develop rural areas through coordinated urban and rural planning. Planners sought to avoid replicating urban settlements in rural areas by developing recognizably “pastoral” villages, an approach that is being widely echoed in the relatively new discipline of rural spatial planning in China. This paper argues that such design concessions evade the key feature of the new villages: the concentration of rural residents. The Chengdu government, though this symbolic and actual de-peopling of rural landscapes, has recast rural space as an environmental amenity and an abstract stock of arable land. Drawing on interviews, site visits, and policy and media documents, the paper analyzes the metropolitan plans that provided the framework for rural reconstruction in post-quake Chengdu, and connects these to a model village site in Chengdu’s rural periphery. The case illustrates the need to understand site-level village planning in the context of regional political economies of land, and highlights the new role that metropolitan governments are playing in rural development strategies.  相似文献   

以福建省松溪县为例,对其下辖9个乡(镇)的农村居民点用地现状与特征进行了分析,并对全县农村居民点整治潜力进行了估算,认为该县农村居民点整治潜力较大。并以此为基础,提出了按照空心村整治模式、村庄归并模式、地质灾害区异地迁移安置模式、低山荒地整治模式、改造整理模式等农村居民点整治思路。  相似文献   

张建新  刘双菊  周嘉宾 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):218-223
以天津站交通枢纽深基坑工程为背景,基于开挖实测资料和数值模拟计算结果对比,对超深逆作基坑开挖卸荷引起的立柱桩隆沉、地下连续墙变形和层板变形进行了分析。结果表明,随着基坑的开挖,立柱桩与地连墙在竖直方向有一定隆起,中间柱的隆起量总体偏大;立柱桩间、立柱桩与地连墙间的差异变形随开挖的加深而持续增加,后者超过了设计控制预警值。地连墙水平位移沿深度呈近似的“弓形”曲线,坑口处有向坑外的侧移;水平位移最大值较顺作开挖小,出现的位置约为基坑开挖面以上1/2~1/3坑深处,与顺作法发生在基底开挖面附近有显著不同。水平层板竖向变形以隆起为主,最大竖向隆起出现在顶板中间区域的支撑柱附近。与此同时,文中还讨论了桩柱变形设计控制标准问题。  相似文献   

Pinole is a heritage foodstuff whose analysis provides the lens to understand the plight of Mexican farmers and the role translocal actors play in the articulation of global food heritage. To preserve and sell pinole, the pinole project was created from two groups of Mexicans born in Ozolco - a small rural village - and who now reside on either side of the Mexican and US border. By analysing members’ discourses, this article demonstrates how pinole is essentialised or commodified, and how it provides the platform for actors to formulate a variety of identities according to their socio-economic and geographical contexts. Bridging the literatures on food-studies and place-making, the multifunctionality of pinole transpires as inherently linked to the emergence of differing notions of place embedded in Ozolco. Exploring members’ varying priorities, from perpetuating rural lifestyles to preserving their hometown and its native blue corn, the project epitomises the struggle of farmers with Mexico’s migration drain and their efforts to economically engage with global markets of corn by circulating an added-value corn product within translocal networks as well as re-appropriate corn’s socio-cultural meaning.  相似文献   

石林旅游对农村发展影响的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李兆林 《中国岩溶》2003,22(3):242-247
通过对县域国民生产总值、财政税收、农民收入、农村就业结构、农村社会文化等方面与旅游发展的对比分析,研究了石林旅游对农村发展的作用和影响。结果表明,石林旅游对农村发展有一定的影响力,但不显著,空间上呈现“距离衰减效应” ,对农民的经济收入效用十分有限,作者对上述结果产生的原因进行了讨论。   相似文献   

Most Third World Rural Areas produce sufficient quantities of foodstuffs that could be sold in the village and urban markets. Unfortunately, well structured channels for such an undertaking are almost inexistent. Agro-pastoral and craft products are often stock-piled and are rotting in one locality while next door there is scarcity. The problem is that of organized distribution. The result is that the villages and production zones remain reservoirs of misery, poverty, low savings and investments. Food co-operatives which involve production groups in specialized zones can be guided within this context to function as gateways to rural modernization processes. High degree in socio-economic, political, religious and other developmental domains can be attained if the grass root and/or farm groups within the villages are given organizational and financial support in such a way that their meagre but regular co-operative savings are deposited in viable urban financial institutions for future investments. They would thus be inproving on quality and quantity agro-pastoral and craft products for onward sales within an ever positive bargaining power.  相似文献   

Human behaviour in a given society and environment can result in behaviour-associated increases or decreases in local disease hazard. Following the concepts of health researchers Jacques May, E.N. Pavlovsky, J. Ralph Audy, and Frederick Dunn and the geographer Torsten Hägerstrand, the identity and spatial distribution of infectious disease hazards generated by normative behaviour of rural-dwelling Ethiopians are delineated. Graphic illustrations represent an Ethiopian highland village environment by a cross section of contact habitat cells. For Ethiopia, the probable disease hazards brought about by human behaviour associate with specific cells of this spatial cross section. The conclusion portrays the utility of identification by geographers of the spatial aspects of these human-generated hazards for improved programs of rural development in Third World areas.

李东方  李绪卫  周涛 《山东地质》2010,(3):44-45,48
根据国家一系列关于农村宅基地管理政策,结合农村住房建设和危房改造工作部署,枣庄市宅基地规范化管理试点逐步启动。枣庄市山亭区以“生产发展,生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”为目标,以宅基地管理为突破口,立足实际,努力改善农村居住环境,全区宅基地管理规范有序,“空心村”治理取得明显效果。  相似文献   

李钊 《山东地质》2011,(8):55-57,60
通过实施土地开发整理,从根本上改善了农村生态环境,不仅增加了农村耕地面积,促进了农业生产水平的提高和农民增产增收,更有力地促进了农村经济发展。农业生产条件的改善,使生产成本得到有效降低,规模效益普遍提高,壮大了村集体经济实力,加快了社会主义新农村建设步伐。但工作中仍存在领导重视不够、工程质量不够高、后期管护不到位等问题,今后应进一步强化领导、规范运作、跟踪管理,以保证开发整理成效。  相似文献   

Flash flood disaster is a prominent issue threatening public safety and social development throughout the world, especially in mountainous regions. Rainfall threshold is a widely accepted alternative to hydrological forecasting for flash flood warning due to the short response time and limited observations of flash flood events. However, determination of rainfall threshold is still very complicated due to multiple impact factors, particular for antecedent soil moisture and rainfall patterns. In this study, hydrological simulation approach (i.e., China Flash Flood-Hydrological Modeling System: CNFF-HMS) was adopted to capture the flash flood processes. Multiple scenarios were further designed with consideration of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall temporal patterns to determine the possible assemble of rainfall thresholds by driving the CNFF-HMS. Moreover, their effects on rainfall thresholds were investigated. Three mountainous catchments (Zhong, Balisi and Yu villages) in southern China were selected for case study. Results showed that the model performance of CNFF-HMS was very satisfactory for flash flood simulations in all these catchments, especially for multimodal flood events. Specifically, the relative errors of runoff and peak flow were within?±?20%, the error of time to peak flow was within?±?2 h and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency was greater than 0.90 for over 90% of the flash flood events. The rainfall thresholds varied between 93 and 334 mm at Zhong village, between 77 and 246 mm at Balisi village and between 111 and 420 mm at Yu village. Both antecedent soil moistures and rainfall temporal pattern significantly affected the variations of rainfall threshold. Rainfall threshold decreased by 8–38 and 0–42% as soil saturation increased from 0.20 to 0.50 and from 0.20 to 0.80, respectively. The effect of rainfall threshold was the minimum for the decreasing hyetograph (advanced pattern) and the maximum for the increasing hyetograph (delayed pattern), while it was similar for the design hyetograph and triangular hyetograph (intermediate patterns). Moreover, rainfall thresholds with short time spans were more suitable for early flood warning, especially in small rural catchments with humid climatic characteristics. This study was expected to provide insights into flash flood disaster forecasting and early warning in mountainous regions, and scientific references for the implementation of flash flood disaster prevention in China.  相似文献   

大港歧口沿岸带前第三系构造体系探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
大港歧口沿岸带位于太行山基底和鲁西基底接触的断裂带上--聊兰断裂北延段,沿海岸线呈NNE向展布.该带不仅是一个地理界线,而且是一个由基底断裂带控制的前第三系雁列褶皱带和第三系构造转换带.本文从分析区域构造背景入手,详细探讨了该带前第三系构造体系特征及其形成和演化过程.大港歧口沿岸带前第三系雁列褶皱带在平面上是由一系列NE向左阶排列的褶皱组成的左阶雁列构造,垂向上具有正花状断裂组合特征;是在印支期NEE向大型舒缓隆起的背景上,受燕山早期(晚三叠世到中侏罗世)深断裂的左旋压扭作用和燕山晚期的走滑作用形成,并在后期受到了喜马拉雅期伸展裂陷作用的强烈改造.  相似文献   

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