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Using a sample of 19 464 galaxies drawn from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we study the relationship between galaxy colour and environment at  0.4 < z < 1.35  . We find that the fraction of galaxies on the red sequence depends strongly on local environment out to   z > 1  , being larger in regions of greater galaxy density. At all epochs probed, we also find a small population of red, morphologically early-type galaxies residing in regions of low measured overdensity. The observed correlations between the red fraction and local overdensity are highly significant, with the trend at   z > 1  detected at a greater than 5σ level. Over the entire redshift regime studied, we find that the colour–density relation evolves continuously, with red galaxies more strongly favouring overdense regions at low z relative to their red-sequence counterparts at high redshift. At   z ≳ 1.3  , the red fraction only weakly correlates with overdensity, implying that any colour dependence to the clustering of  ∼ L *  galaxies at that epoch must be small. Our findings add weight to existing evidence that the build-up of galaxies on the red sequence has occurred preferentially in overdense environments (i.e. galaxy groups) at   z ≲ 1.5  . Furthermore, we identify the epoch  ( z ∼ 2)  at which typical  ∼ L *  galaxies began quenching and moved on to the red sequence in significant number. The strength of the observed evolutionary trends at  0 < z < 1.35  suggests that the correlations observed locally, such as the morphology–density and colour–density relations, are the result of environment-driven mechanisms (i.e. 'nurture') and do not appear to have been imprinted (by 'nature') upon the galaxy population during their epoch of formation.  相似文献   

Using galaxy samples drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we study the relationship between star formation and environment at   z ∼ 0.1  and 1. We estimate the total star formation rate (SFR) and specific star formation rate (sSFR) for each galaxy according to the measured [O  ii ]λ 3727 Å nebular line luminosity, corrected using empirical calibrations to match more robust SFR indicators. Echoing previous results, we find that in the local Universe star formation depends on environment such that galaxies in regions of higher overdensity, on average, have lower SFRs and longer star formation time-scales than their counterparts in lower density regions. At   z ∼ 1  , we show that the relationship between sSFR and environment mirrors that found locally. However, we discover that the relationship between total SFR and overdensity at   z ∼ 1  is inverted relative to the local relation. This observed evolution in the SFR–density relation is driven, in part, by a population of bright, blue galaxies in dense environments at   z ∼ 1  . This population, which lacks a counterpart at   z ∼ 0  , is thought to evolve into members of the red sequence from   z ∼ 1  to ∼0. Finally, we conclude that environment does not play a dominant role in the cosmic star formation history at   z < 1  : the dependence of the mean galaxy SFR on local galaxy density at constant redshift is small compared to the decline in the global SFR space density over the last 7 Gyr.  相似文献   

We present the rest-frame optical and infrared colours of a complete sample of  1114 z < 0.3  galaxies from the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Legacy Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We discuss the optical and infrared colours of our sample and analyse in detail the contribution of dusty star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) to optically selected red sequence galaxies.
We propose that the optical  ( g − r )  colour and infrared  log( L 24/ L 3.6)  colour of galaxies in our sample are determined primarily by a bulge-to-disc ratio. The  ( g − r )  colour is found to be sensitive to the bulge-to-disc ratio for disc-dominated galaxies, whereas the  log( L 24/ L 3.6)  colour is more sensitive for bulge-dominated systems.
We identify ∼18 per cent (195 sources) of our sample as having red optical colours and infrared excess. Typically, the infrared luminosities of these galaxies are found to be at the high end of star-forming galaxies with blue optical colours. Using emission-line diagnostic diagrams, 78 are found to have an AGN contribution and 117 are identified as star-forming systems. The red  ( g − r )  colour of the star-forming galaxies could be explained by extinction. However, their high optical luminosities cannot. We conclude that they have a significant bulge component.
The number densities of optically red star-forming galaxies are found to correspond to ∼13 per cent of the total number density of our sample. In addition, these systems contribute ∼13 per cent of the total optical luminosity density, and 28 per cent of the total infrared luminosity density of our SWIRE/SDSS sample. These objects may reduce the need for 'dry mergers'.  相似文献   

We produce and analyse u -band (  λ≈ 355  nm) luminosity functions (LFs) for the red and blue populations of galaxies using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) u -band Galaxy Survey ( u GS) and Deep Evolutionary Exploratory Probe 2 (DEEP2) survey. From a spectroscopic sample of 41 575 SDSS u GS galaxies and 24 561 DEEP2 galaxies, we produce colour magnitude diagrams and make use of the colour bimodality of galaxies to separate red and blue populations. LFs for eight redshift slices in the range  0.01 < z < 1.2  are determined using the  1/ V max  method and fitted with Schechter functions showing that there is significant evolution in   M *  , with a brightening of 1.4 mag for the combined population. The integration of the Schechter functions yields the evolution in the u -band luminosity density (LD) out to   z ∼ 1  . By parametrizing the evolution as  ρ∝ (1 + z )β  , we find that  β= 1.36 ± 0.2  for the combined populations and  β= 2.09 ± 0.2  for the blue population. By removing the contribution of the old stellar population to the u -band LD and correcting for dust attenuation, we estimate the evolution in the star formation rate (SFR) of the Universe to be  βSFR= 2.5 ± 0.3  . Discrepancies between our result and higher evolution rates measured using the infrared and far-UV can be reconciled by considering possibilities such as an underestimated dust correction at high redshifts or evolution in the stellar initial mass function.  相似文献   

We combine Lyman-break colour selection with ultradeep (≳200 ks) Chandra X-ray imaging over a survey area of ∼0.35 deg2 to select high-redshift active galactic nuclei (AGN). Applying careful corrections for both the optical and X-ray selection functions, the data allow us to make the most accurate determination to date of the faint end of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) at   z ∼ 3  . Our methodology recovers a number density of X-ray sources at this redshift which is at least as high as previous surveys, demonstrating that it is an effective way of selecting high z AGN. Comparing to results at   z = 1  , we find no evidence that the faint slope of the XLF flattens at high z , but we do find significant (factor ∼3.6) negative evolution of the space density of low luminosity AGN. Combining with bright end data from very wide surveys we also see marginal evidence for continued positive evolution of the characteristic break luminosity   L *  . Our data therefore support models of luminosity-dependent density evolution between   z = 1  and   z = 3  . A sharp upturn in the the XLF is seen at the very lowest luminosities  ( L X≲ 1042.5 erg s−1)  , most likely due to the contribution of pure X-ray starburst galaxies at very faint fluxes.  相似文献   

We present the results of an analysis of a well-selected sample of galaxies with active and inactive galactic nuclei from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, in the range  0.01 < z < 0.16  . The SDSS galaxy catalogue was split into two classes of active galaxies, Type 2 active galactic nuclei (AGN) and composites, and one set of inactive, star-forming/passive galaxies. For each active galaxy, two inactive control galaxies were selected by matching redshift, absolute magnitude, inclination, and radius. The sample of inactive galaxies naturally divides into a red and a blue sequence, while the vast majority of AGN hosts occur along the red sequence. In terms of Hα equivalent width (EW), the population of composite galaxies peaks in the valley between the two modes, suggesting a transition population. However, this effect is not observed in other properties such as the colour–magnitude space or colour–concentration plane. Active galaxies are seen to be generally bulge-dominated systems, but with enhanced Hα emission compared to inactive red-sequence galaxies. AGN and composites also occur in less dense environments than inactive red-sequence galaxies, implying that the fuelling of AGN is more restricted in high-density environments. These results are therefore inconsistent with theories in which AGN host galaxies are a 'transition' population. We also introduce a systematic 3D spectroscopic imaging survey, to quantify and compare the gaseous and stellar kinematics of a well-selected, distance-limited sample of up to 20 nearby Seyfert galaxies, and 20 inactive control galaxies with well-matched optical properties. The survey aims to search for dynamical triggers of nuclear activity and address outstanding controversies in optical/infrared imaging surveys.  相似文献   

We discuss the optical properties, X-ray detections and active galactic nucleus (AGN) populations of four clusters at   z ∼ 1  in the Subaru–XMM Deep Field (SXDF). The velocity distribution and plausible extended X-ray detections are examined, as well as the number of X-ray point sources and radio sources associated with the clusters. We find that the two clusters that appear virialized and have an extended X-ray detection contain few, if any, AGN, whereas the two pre-virialized clusters have a large AGN population. This constitutes evidence that the AGN fraction in clusters is linked to the clusters' evolutionary stage. The number of X-ray AGN in the pre-virialized clusters is consistent with an overdensity of a factor of ∼200; the radio AGN appear to be clustered with a factor of 3 to 6 higher. The median K -band luminosities of   LK = 1.7 ± 0.7 L *  for the X-ray sources and   LK = 2.3 ± 0.1 L *  for the radio sources support the theory that these AGN are triggered by galaxy interaction and merging events in sub-groups with low internal velocity distributions, which make up the cluster environment in a pre-virialization evolutionary stage.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton observations of three optically selected   z > 0.6  clusters from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), comprising the first results of a planned X-ray survey of the full EDisCS high-redshift sample. The EDisCS clusters were identified in the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey as surface brightness fluctuations in the optical sky and their masses and galaxy populations are well described by extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations. We detect two of the three clusters in the X-ray and place a firm upper limit on diffuse emission in the third cluster field. We are able to constrain the X-ray luminosity and temperature of the detected clusters and estimate their masses. We find that the X-ray properties of the detected EDisCS clusters are similar to those of X-ray-selected clusters of comparable mass and – unlike other high-redshift, optically selected clusters – are consistent with the T –σ and   L X–σ  relations determined from X-ray-selected clusters at low redshift. The X-ray determined mass estimates are generally consistent with those derived from weak-lensing and spectroscopic analyses. These preliminary results suggest that the novel method of optical selection used to construct the EDisCS catalogue may, like selection by X-ray luminosity, be well suited for identification of relaxed, high-redshift clusters whose intracluster medium is in place and stable by   z ∼ 0.8  .  相似文献   

We announce the discovery of an extended emission-line region associated with a high-redshift type-2 quasi-stellar object (QSO). The halo, which was discovered in our new wide-field narrow-band survey, resides at   z = 2.85  in the Spitzer First Look Survey region and is extended over ∼80 kpc. Deep very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations imply that approximately 50 per cent of the radio emission is extended on scales >200 pc. The inferred active galactic nuclei (AGN) luminosity is sufficient to ionize the extended halo, and the optical emission is consistent with being triggered coevally with the radio source. The Lyα halo is as luminous as those found around high-redshift radio galaxies; however, the active nucleus is several orders of magnitude less luminous at radio wavelengths than those Fanarof–Riley type II (FRIIs) more commonly associated with extended emission-line regions. AMS05 appears to be a high-redshift analogue to the radio-quiet quasar E1821+643 which is core dominated, but which also exhibits extended Fanarof–Riley type I (FRI)-like structure and contains an optically powerful AGN. We also find evidence for more quiescent kinematics in the Lyα emission line in the outer regions of the halo, reminiscent of the haloes around the more powerful FRIIs. The optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution is well described by a combination of an obscured QSO  ( L bol∼ 3.4 ± 0.2 × 1013 L)  and a 1.4 Gyr old simple stellar population with mass  ∼3.9 ± 0.3 × 1011 M  .  相似文献   

We use morphological information of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts to set limits on the fraction of the accretion density of the Universe at   z ≈ 1  that is not likely to be associated with major mergers. Deep X-ray observations are combined with high-resolution optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope in the All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey, Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and GOODS South fields to explore the morphological breakdown of X-ray sources in the redshift interval  0.5 < z < 1.3  . The sample is split into discs, early-type bulge-dominated galaxies, peculiar systems and point sources in which the nuclear source outshines the host galaxy. The X-ray luminosity function and luminosity density of AGN at   z ≈ 1  are then calculated as a function of morphological type. We find that disc-dominated hosts contribute  30 ± 9  per cent to the total AGN space density and  23 ± 6  per cent to the luminosity density at   z ≈ 1  . We argue that AGN in disc galaxies are most likely fuelled not by major merger events but by minor interactions or internal instabilities. We find evidence that these mechanisms may be more efficient in producing luminous AGN     compared to predictions for the stochastic fuelling of massive black holes in disc galaxies.  相似文献   

We analyse a high-redshift sample (0.4 < z < 0.5) of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 4 and their surrounding structures to explore the presence of alignment effects of these bright galaxies with neighbour objects. In order to avoid projection effects, we compute photometric redshifts for galaxies within 3  h −1 Mpc in projection of LRGs and calculate the relative angle between the LRG major axis and the direction to neighbours within 1000 km s−1. We find a clear signal of alignment between LRG orientations and the distribution of galaxies within 1.5  h −1 Mpc. The alignment effects are present only for the red population of tracers; LRG orientation is uncorrelated to the blue population of neighbour galaxies. These results add evidence to the alignment effects between primaries and satellites detected at low redshifts. We conclude that such alignments were already present at z ∼ 0.5.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative estimate of the relative active galactic nucleus (AGN)/starburst content in a sample of 59 nearby  ( z < 0.15)  infrared bright ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) taken from the 1-Jy sample, based on infrared L -band (3–4 μm) spectra. By using diagnostic diagrams and a simple deconvolution model, we show that at least 60 per cent of local ULIRGs contain an active nucleus, but the AGN contribution to the bolometric luminosity is relevant only in  ∼15–20  per cent of the sources. Overall, ULIRGs appear to be powered by the starburst process, responsible for >85 per cent of the observed infrared luminosity. The subsample of sources optically classified as low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs; 31 objects) shows a similar AGN/starburst distribution as the whole sample, indicating a composite nature for this class of objects. We also show that a few ULIRGs, optically classified as starbursts, have L -band spectral features suggesting the presence of a buried AGN.  相似文献   

We explore the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in establishing and/or maintaining the bimodal colour distribution of galaxies by quenching their star formation and hence, causing their transition from the blue to the red cloud. Important tests for this scenario include (i) the X-ray properties of galaxies in the transition zone between the two clouds and (ii) the incidence of AGN in post-starbursts, i.e. systems observed shortly after (<1 Gyr) the termination of their star formation. We perform these tests by combining deep Chandra observations with multiwavelength data from the All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey (AEGIS). Stacking the X-ray photons at the positions of galaxies  (0.4 < z < 0.9)  not individually detected at X-ray wavelengths suggests a population of obscured AGN among sources in the transition zone and in the red cloud. Their mean X-ray and mid-infrared (IR) properties are consistent with moderately obscured low-luminosity AGN, Compton thick sources or a mix of both. Morphologies show that major mergers are unlikely to drive the evolution of this population but minor interactions may play a role. The incidence of obscured AGN in the red cloud (both direct detections and stacking results) suggests that black hole (BH) accretion outlives the termination of the star formation. This is also supported by our finding that post-starburst galaxies at z ≈ 0.8 and AGN are associated, in agreement with recent results at low z . A large fraction of post-starbursts and red cloud galaxies show evidence for at least moderate levels of AGN obscuration. This implies that if AGN outflows cause the colour transformation of galaxies, then some nuclear gas and dust clouds either remain unaffected or relax to the central galaxy regions after quenching their star formation.  相似文献   

This is the third paper of a series devoted to the study of the global properties of Joguet's sample of 79 nearby galaxies observable from the southern hemisphere, of which 65 are Seyfert 2 galaxies. We use the population synthesis models of Paper II to derive 'pure' emission-line spectra for the Seyfert 2 galaxies in the sample, and thus explore the statistical properties of the nuclear nebular components and their relation to the stellar populations. We find that the emission-line clouds suffer substantially more extinction than the starlight, and we confirm the correlations between stellar and nebular velocity dispersions and between emission-line luminosity and velocity dispersions, although with substantial scatter. Nuclear luminosities correlate with stellar velocity dispersions, but Seyferts with conspicuous star-forming activity deviate systematically towards higher luminosities. Removing the contribution of young stars to the optical continuum produces a tighter and steeper relation,   L ∝σ4  , consistent with the Faber–Jackson law.
Emission-line ratios indicative of the gas excitation such as [O  iii ]/Hβ and [O  iii ]/[O  ii ] are statistically smaller for Seyferts with significant star formation, implying that ionization by massive stars is responsible for a substantial and sometimes even a dominant fraction of the Hβ and [O  ii ] fluxes. We use our models to constrain the maximum fraction of the ionizing power that can be generated by a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN). We correlate this fraction with classical indicators of AGN photoionization (i.e. X-ray luminosity and nebular excitation), but find no significant correlations. Thus, while there is a strong contribution of starbursts to the excitation of the nuclear nebular emission in low-luminosity Seyferts, the contribution of the hidden AGN remains elusive even in hard X-rays.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic techniques to study the formation and evolution of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). We show the extreme hierarchical nature of these objects and discuss the limitations of simple ways to capture their evolution. In a model where cooling flows are suppressed at late times by active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity, the stars of BCGs are formed very early (50 per cent at z ∼ 5, 80 per cent at z ∼ 3) and in many small galaxies. The high star formation rates in these high- z progenitors are fuelled by rapid cooling, not by merger-triggered starbursts. We find that model BCGs assemble surprisingly late: half their final mass is typically locked up in a single galaxy after   z ∼ 0.5  . Because most of the galaxies accreted on to BCGs have little gas content and red colours, late mergers do not change the apparent age of BCGs. It is this accumulation of a large number of old stellar populations – driven mainly by the merging history of the dark matter halo itself – that yields the observed homogeneity of BCG properties. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the evolution of BCGs to high redshifts, from both observational and theoretical viewpoints. We show that our model BCGs are in qualitative agreement with high- z observations. We discuss the hierarchical link between high- z BCGs and their local counterparts. We show that high- z BCGs belong to the same population as the massive end of local BCG progenitors, although they are not in general the same galaxies. Similarly, high- z BCGs end up as massive galaxies in the local Universe, although only a fraction of them are actually BCGs of massive clusters.  相似文献   

We present the results of an initial search for clusters of galaxies at z ∼ 1 and above, using data from 2.9 square degrees of XMM–Newton images. By selecting weak potentially extended X-ray sources with faint or no identifications in deep, ground-based optical imaging, we have constructed a starting sample of 19 high-redshift cluster candidates. Near-IR and R , z ' imaging of these fields identified nine of them as high-redshift systems. Six of these were confirmed spectroscopically, three at z ∼ 1.0 and the other three in the  0.8 < z < 0.92  range. The remaining three systems have solid photometric evidence to be at   z phot∼ 0.8, 1.0  and 1.3. The present sample significantly increases the number of such clusters. The measured density of z ≳ 1 clusters, after discarding 'low'-redshift systems at z ≲ 0.92 is about 1.7 deg−2 (with 68 per cent confidence interval equal to [1.0, 2.9]) for   fX ≳ 2.5  10−15 erg cm−2 s−1  ([0.5–2] keV) and this is a lower limit, having screened not all potential z ∼ 1 candidate clusters. Coordinates, X-ray measures and evidence for nine X-ray-selected high-redshift clusters is given.  相似文献   

The environmental properties of a sample of 31 hard X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) are investigated, from scales of 500 kpc down to 30 kpc, and are compared to a control sample of inactive galaxies. All the AGN lie in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 0.6  . The accretion luminosity density of the Universe peaks close to this redshift range, and the AGN in the sample have X-ray luminosities close to the knee in the hard X-ray luminosity function, making them representative of the population that dominated this important phase of energy conversion.
Using both the spatial clustering amplitude and near-neighbour counts, it is found that the AGN have environments that are indistinguishable from normal, inactive galaxies over the same redshift range and with similar optical properties. Typically, the environments are of subcluster richness, in contrast to similar studies of high- z quasars, which are often found in clusters with comparable richness to the Abell   R ≥ 0  clusters.
It is suggested that minor mergers with low-mass companions are a likely candidate for the mechanism by which these modest luminosity AGN are fuelled.  相似文献   

We present quantitative morphology measurements of a sample of optically selected group galaxies at  0.3 < z < 0.55  using the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the gim2d surface brightness fitting software package. The group sample is derived from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (CNOC2) and follow-up Magellan spectroscopy. We compare these measurements to a similarly selected group sample from the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) at  0.05 < z < 0.12  . We find that, at both epochs, the group and field fractional bulge luminosity (B/T) distributions differ significantly, with the dominant difference being a deficit of disc-dominated (B/T < 0.2) galaxies in the group samples. At fixed luminosity,   z = 0.4  groups have  ∼5.5 ± 2  per cent fewer disc-dominated galaxies than the field, while by   z = 0.1  this difference has increased to  ∼19 ± 6  per cent. Despite the morphological evolution we see no evidence that the group environment is actively perturbing or otherwise affecting the entire existing disc population. At both redshifts, the discs of group galaxies have similar scaling relations and show similar median asymmetries as the discs of field galaxies. We do find evidence that the fraction of highly asymmetric, bulge-dominated galaxies is  6 ± 3  per cent higher in groups than in the field, suggesting there may be enhanced merging in group environments. We replicate our group samples at   z = 0.4  and 0 using the semi-analytic galaxy catalogues of Bower et al. This model accurately reproduces the B/T distributions of the group and field at   z = 0.1  . However, the model does not reproduce our finding that the deficit of discs in groups has increased significantly since   z = 0.4  .  相似文献   

The emission from individual X-ray sources in the Chandra Deep Fields and XMM – Newton Lockman Hole shows that almost half of the hard X-ray background above 6 keV is unresolved and implies the existence of a missing population of heavily obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). We have stacked the 0.5–8 keV X-ray emission from optical sources in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS; which covers the Chandra Deep Fields) to determine whether these galaxies, which are individually undetected in X-rays, are hosting the hypothesized missing AGN. In the 0.5–6 keV energy range, the stacked-source emission corresponds to the remaining 10–20 per cent of the total background – the fraction that has not been resolved by Chandra . The spectrum of the stacked emission is consistent with starburst activity or weak AGN emission. In the 6–8 keV band, we find that upper limits to the stacked X-ray intensity from the GOODS galaxies are consistent with the ∼40 per cent of the total background that remains unresolved, but further selection refinement is required to identify the X-ray sources and confirm their contribution.  相似文献   

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