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ABSTRACT. The history of gardens and the history of humans are linked inextricably, especially in the context of environment. As people and their institutions have changed, so too have gardens. This brief essay illustrates some important aspects in the evolution of gardens, exploring three seemingly discrete, but actually interconnected, notions: the antiquity of gardens, combining archaeological data with ethnographic parallels; the role of gardens in the changing spatial manifestations of agriculture, from dump heaps to amber waves of grain; and the transformation of domestic space, the literal and figurative reconstruction of garden fences into house walls. Changes are discussed as inadvertent products, rather than as consequences of deliberate actions. Modern ideas about categorizing landscapes are challenged further. The nature/culture dualism is a myth even at the household scale, as is our traditional way of looking at the world.  相似文献   

Almost three decades ago, cultural geographer Richard Pillsbury documented the national expansion of NASCAR and what he considered the erosion of major‐league stock car racing as a unique southern tradition. This claim is reassessed in light of recent research, leading us to suggest that the sport is actually “transcultural” in nature. It is influenced simultaneously by tradition and transition, as well as regional and national forces. In revisiting Pillsbury's seminal work, we document major changes and continuities in Winston Cup racing and briefly examine two North Carolina cases that provide contradictory views on the current relationship between the sport and the American South. North Wilkesboro illustrates how the changing geography of track locations can devalue and demoralize places associated with the tradition of southern stock car racing. The greater Charlotte area demonstrates that the South remains an important part of NASCAR, serving as a gathering place and “knowledge community” for drivers, racing teams, and fans from across the country. In addition to advancing research in the geography of sport and popular culture, the article encourages readers to think critically about regional cultures and their relationship to the forces of nationalization.  相似文献   

Various (groups of) myths from the Pacific Islands are discussed. Generic groups considered are diluvian myths, myths involving abrupt subsidence, abrupt uplift, and simultaneous abrupt subsidence and uplift. Specific myths, recently validated, illustrate the superiority of the mythic explanation for recent volcanism over available geological information, and the possibility of myth recalling a migration which took place nearly 3000 years ago. The implications of the correct interpretation of the geographical basis of myths for an understanding of environmental change in the Pacific are explored. Particularly in a region where written history is relatively recent, myths have the potential for extending available chronologies of particular phenomena and allow consideration of issues such as the role of infrequent catastrophic events in landscape evolution and the role of (rapid) environmental change in cultural transformation to be considered more fully.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the adventure racing phenomenon in Australia, highlighting the nature and extent of adventure racing, its potential environmental and socio-cultural impacts, and the challenges and opportunities it presents for protected area management. We argue that there is cause for concern about the impacts of adventure racing, in particular in a context where activities of this kind are likely to continue and increase in popularity, and where there is a lack of key information about impacts and management. In this context, there is a need for rigorous and informed discussion about adventure racing.  相似文献   

The author argues that the linkages between population and development are too complex to be understood in a narrow cause-effect frame. It is suggested that population policies designed to lower birth rates have succeeded only where certain prerequisites could be created. Focussing upon some of the popular perspectives, the author's study indicates research tasks and questions which, if pursued seriously, can help in comprehending the multidimensionality of population-development relationships. Sections discuss perspectives; a dichotomous world scenario with regard to population growth and development; the myth and reality in the mismatch between world population growth and potential resources in the context of technological developments; status, gaps, and tasks in population research in geography; population growth; determinants of population growth; and literacy and education.  相似文献   

关于"生态旅游"概念的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文选取国外44个生态旅游定义作为研究对象,通过确认关键词、对关键词进行聚类分析,将定义内容归纳为6大类11组分,进而构建生态旅游概念模型.在检验模型理论上的可靠性和实践上的适应性后,笔者依据模型提出生态旅游定义.  相似文献   

1990年代以来日本大都市圈的结构变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于既有研究综述了1990年代以来日本大都市圈的发展动态。1990年代初期,东京都市圈郊区扩张的势头停止,取而代之的是中心区的人口增加,即人口的都心回流趋向。究其原因,泡沫经济中持续上升的地价于1986~1991年间开始回落,由此引发了城市中心区的住宅建设,带动了诸多价格适中的商品住房供给。此外,伴随少子化,人们为追求住宅面积而迁往郊区的势头也已减弱;日益增多的老年人反而为了追求便利性从郊区的独立住宅迁往市中心居住,郊区一些公共交通不便的居住区人口开始减少。在地方都市圈,类似的现象也已出现,甚至还存在总人口减少的可能。在此状况下,抑制郊区开发、建设紧凑城市的规划政策开始受到重视。  相似文献   

基于网络文本的巴丹吉林沙漠旅游者偏好研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吴宝清  吴晋峰  刘佳  吴玉娟 《中国沙漠》2015,35(4):1041-1047
巴丹吉林沙漠是中国第二大沙漠,号称世界上最美的沙漠。本文基于网络游记文本数据,采用内容分析法,研究巴丹吉林沙漠旅游者偏好特点。结果表明:(1)旅游者对巴丹吉林沙漠旅游吸引物、旅游活动和旅游活动方式的偏好既丰富多样,又具有相对一致性,特征词汇频率分布拟合曲线服从幂律分布,基本符合二八规律。(2)旅游者偏好的巴丹吉林沙漠旅游吸引物包括自然景观和人文景观两大类,并以自然景观为主。(3)旅游者偏好的巴丹吉林沙漠旅游活动以徒步、越野、探险等三大类活动为主。(4)巴丹吉林沙漠旅游者偏好自助旅游活动方式。(5)旅游者对巴丹吉林沙漠旅游的情感体验不仅丰富多样,而且以美好震撼为主要特征。  相似文献   

Fiona Coyle  John Fairweather 《Area》2005,37(2):148-158
The 'clean green image' of New Zealand is a well-known example of what has been called a 'place myth'. But more recently, emerging alongside this place myth is an image that the government is trying to co-create of New Zealand as an innovator in biotechnology. In nationwide focus groups, whilst a matter of pride, participants typically saw this clean green myth as a temporally distant utopia. However, when considered alongside the futures proposed by biotechnology, clean green New Zealand was mobilized into the present moment to defend a general reluctance to take up these practices. Alternately, some participants saw the possibility for co-evolution of the place myths, with biotechnology enabling the re-construction of a 'picture-perfect', clean green country.  相似文献   

New Zealand is an important place for thoroughbred breeding and racing. Most races are on the flat, but jumps racing is conducted in the cooler months. The 2013 National Jumps Day at Te Rapa, Hamilton, was a significant space for the construction of human–animal relations. Drawing on three bodies of accounts, we ask whether social media contributes to the realignment of perspectives or reinforces existing human–animal relations. We explore competing narratives and demonstrate how animals, people, activities and places are constructed, including making animal deaths unrecognisable to perpetuate activities that are questioned by contemporary animal geographies.  相似文献   

陈代光 《地理研究》1985,4(4):92-98
陈伦炯所著《海国闻见录》是我国十八世纪的地理著作,对我国后世海岸地理、世界地理的研究影响颇大,对今天的海防建设和沿海港口城市的建设也有参考意义. 陈伦炯,字资斋,福建省泉州府同安县(今厦门市同安县)人.生于清朝康熙、雍正年间.父陈昂,曾随靖海侯施琅远征澎湖、台湾.并受施琅之命,“出入东西洋,招访郑氏(郑成功)有无遁匿遗人”[1]历时五载.康熙五年(公元1666年),官至广东副都统.由于他长期“往来外洋,……所至必察其面势,辨其风潮”,因此,“尽识共风潮土浴,地形险易”[2].  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The metaphorical power of natural landscapes and geographical objects has attracted an increasing amount of critical interest. The myth of Dinocrates planning to carve Mount Athos into the figure of Alexander the Great epitomizes the complex relationship between the insistent materiality of prominent geographical features such as mountains and imagination. Through an iconographic reading of different renderings of the Dinocratic myth in western Europe, this article explores the way Mount Athos turned into a powerful emblem circulating across space and time. While considering the continuity of a Classical vision projected on rock, the article focuses on its constant reappropriations and transformations in different historical and geographical contexts. Dinocratic Athos becomes a metaphor of egotism, power, and desire but also a free‐floating referent, reflecting a shifting relationship between the microcosm of the human body and the natural macrocosm.  相似文献   

汤茂林 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1673-1682
论述政治地理学在人文地理学中的重要地位和此前中文世界的政治地理学教材建设情况。从教材内容、特点和新意、译著品质、值得改进之处、结论五个方面,对刘云刚所译的《政治地理学》教材进行全面评述。该书是英美政治地理学最经典的教材之一,关注的话题从地缘政治、民族国家、后冷战时期的地缘政治转变、全球化到现在的帝国和恐怖主义,几乎涵盖了西方政治地理研究近五十年来的所有经典话题。该教材特点有六:紧跟时代脉搏,不断更新;从全球到个人多种尺度;一根红线“世界体系理论”贯穿始终;师生两代人密切合作,成为学林佳话和典范;大量使用案例;基于学术研究成果写作,诚实地引证同行著述。  相似文献   

旅游对古镇地方性的影响研究——基于周庄的多案例考察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姜辽  苏勤 《地理科学》2016,36(5):766-771
综合运用倾听、照相、参与式观察、访谈、笔记等多种调研方法,选择能代表周庄旅游发展不同阶段、不同类型的游憩场所,收集田野调查数据,游客、居民、旅游从业者、旅游管理者的访谈数据,分析周庄古镇地方性多样化建构的过程。研究发现资本权力是空间生产的主要动力,是地方性形成的物质基础;文化知识影响社会空间的氛围,通过对社会秩序和关系的再生产影响地方性,文化中的艺术扮演了营造氛围的重要角色,间接培育地方性;民俗生活属于社会文化层面的软实力,发自内心的民俗活动促进了睦邻友好和相互交流,当地居民日常生活对权力和资本规训进行诗意的抵制,增加了地方的日常生活性。  相似文献   

战后,日本的土地价格持续上涨,出现所谓“土地必定升值”的土地神话。特别是在80年代中后期的地价高涨中,以东京为首的几个大城市区域的地价一下子上涨了数倍之多。但是90年代初地价开始暴落,长期流行的土地神话终于沉寂。本文从地理学的角度出发,考察研究日本战后土地价格发展变化的时空分布特点,并分析探讨各种要素对地价涨落及其时空分布特点形成的影响。  相似文献   

Although acts of creation, scientific or artistic, result from metaphorical and mythological speculations, the role of metaphor and myth has largely been neglected in attempts to develop a geographical epistemology. The significance of these concepts is illustrated by the use of the frontier symbol as a means of understanding both the social structure of the contemporary black inner city and the temporal dimension of the recent expansion of human activities into nighttime.  相似文献   


In archaic societies, myths gave significance to collective life. Their building relied on the peculiarities of the means of communication in societies that ignored the written word: this absence was responsible for (1) a special form of duration, time immemorial, (2) the special role of the people who had an access to it, and (3) possibilities of decentring based on immanence. The purpose of the paper is to show that all societies produce narratives similar to myths in order to provide general interpretations of their social structures and dynamics, and collective or individual destiny. They rely on specific time categories and ways of decentring that give intellectual power to some social categories: the invention of writing allowed for revelation, which created a major break in history, gave a central role to prophets and introduced transcendence. In ancient Greece, the use of the written word for the construction of new forms of law was conducive to the rise of metaphysics, the emergence of philosophers, and the appearance of another form of transcendency. Modern societies refused to rely on revelation, but used short narratives on the origin of mankind and its organisation to structure time, either individual or collective, and build a new type of immanence; social scientists were, consciously or unconsciously, responsible for this change. Modern communication introduces new turning points in history (the transition from modernity to postmodernity for instance), is responsible for the appearance of middlemen the newsmen and provides a wide access to 'genuine' sources of scientific information and to 'alternative' interpretations of the world. These examples show that all systems of thought have to be explored in a geographic perspective.  相似文献   


Although acts of creation, scientific or artistic, result from metaphorical and mythological speculations, the role of metaphor and myth has largely been neglected in attempts to develop a geographical epistemology. The significance of these concepts is illustrated by the use of the frontier symbol as a means of understanding both the social structure of the contemporary black inner city and the temporal dimension of the recent expansion of human activities into nighttime.  相似文献   

The water resources of Canada are today, and have always been, of major importance to the welfare of Canadians. Throughout most of Canada's history, these resources have been viewed within a supply–management framework and, frequently, exploited through the construction of 'megaprojects', often with little or no concern for issues such as environmental harm and social and community disruption. As in many parts of the world, those most affected by such large-scale water resource developments have been aboriginals (in Canada, 'First Nations' peoples). Although the issues of environmental, social and economic damage to First Nations as a result of water megaprojects have been investigated, little has been written about the impact of such projects – especially dam construction – on the loss of sense of place of deracinated peoples. This paper investigates one example of such loss of sense of place, that of the Cheslatta T'En forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in the 1950s so as to allow for the construction of a private hydroelectric dam by the Aluminum Company of Canada (Alcan).  相似文献   

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