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山 地 地 理P90 ,X87 2 0 0 5 0 2 110 3天山数字垂直带谱体系与研究 =DigitalspectrumandanalysisofaltitudinalbeltsintheTianshanMountains/张百平 ,谭娅…∥山地学报 .— 2 0 0 4 ,2 2 (2 ) .— 184~ 192对 6个全国性山地垂直带谱体系进行评述 .认为区域性的数字垂直带谱的详细研究也是建立中国山地垂直带信息图谱的重要一环 .只有通过这样的工作 ,才能进一步发现问题和决问题 ,才能逐步趋于完成山地垂直带谱集大成的工作 .分析了天山垂直带谱形成的因素 ,建立了包括北坡、南坡、西部伊犁谷地、天山腹地 (巴音布鲁克盆地 )的天山…  相似文献   

欧亚大陆山地垂直带谱数字集成框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧亚大陆是山地垂直带谱多样性和复杂性最集中的区域,在世界山地垂直带谱体系中具有十分重要的地位.针对当前山地研究数据集成相关的研究计划和山地垂直带谱研究中存在的问题,指出进行欧亚大陆山地垂直带谱数字集成的必要性和重要意义;探讨了欧亚大陆山地垂直带谱数字集成的框架体系,包括数字集成的方法、数据库框架结构与内容、技术流程等;详细阐述了数据收集与预处理、分类系统的建立、数据提取、元数据建设、数据存储方式等技术流程;建立了欧亚大陆山地垂直带谱数据库,包括5个专题空间数据库和元数据库;指出了该数据库对山地垂直带谱及相关研究的意义;总结了数据库建设过程中需注意的问题;展望了进一步的发展方向.  相似文献   

数字山地垂直带谱研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张百平 《山地学报》2008,26(1):12-14
垂直分带是山地环境研究的基础.近年来我们成功地构了山地垂直带数据模型,可以将我国及全世界山地垂直带谱进行数字集成;归纳出我国31个水平地带、32个垂直地带,奠定了中国山地垂直带谱数字集成的地理学基础.研制了中国山地垂直带谱信息系统并进行了升级;提出了山地垂直带分布的二次曲线模式,需要今后用更多的数据进一步验证;未来几年的工作包括提高山地垂直带的识别精度,并将山地垂直带谱数字集成工作扩展到欧亚大陆甚至全世界.  相似文献   

中国山地垂直带的数字集成与基本规律分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
首次归纳出我国63类垂直带(包括31类基带);在ArcGIS 8.3平台上,以山地垂直带谱“数字引擎”为内核,成功研制了“中国山地垂直带谱信息系统(1.0)”,将我国约239个山地垂直带谱进行了数字集成,使我们对我国垂直带谱数据的掌握从残缺上升为相对完备。该研究工作不仅为我国山地垂直带谱规律的数字分析提供了强大的手段,也为世界山地垂直带谱的数字集成提供了必要的理论和技术方法。还利用该系统,对重要垂直带界线如雪线、林线、高山草甸进行了空间规律分析。结果表明,除高山草甸经向变化缺乏明显规律外,其他垂直带界线的经、纬向变化的二次曲线(抛物线)模式比其他模式具有更高的相关系数。因而,抛物线模式应是我国山地垂直带宏观尺度上的基本空间模式。今后垂直带谱研究应在界线精度、带谱结构的地理学/生态学解释等方面继续深入。  相似文献   

姚永慧  张百平  谭靖  韩芳 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1633-1643
长江上游包括青藏高原东南部、秦巴山地、四川盆地与云贵高原部分地区,在地理、地貌、气候、生物多样性方面都表现得极为复杂和丰富多彩,在世界山地中也占有举足轻重的位置。特别是复杂多样的山地垂直带谱更是欧亚大陆乃至世界山地垂直带研究中至关重要的组成部分。在地学信息图谱和数字山地垂直带体系的基础上,本文系统地收集和分析了长江上游共50个山地垂直带谱所体现的空间规律,河源区、横断山区、秦巴山区及贵州高原的垂直带谱类型多样并各具特色,且在经度和纬度方向又具有统一的分布规律,如雪线、林线、针叶林及阔叶林等的分布界线变化规律比较符合二次曲线规律,验证了大陆尺度上山地垂直带二次曲线模式假说。另外,山地垂直带分布规律又具有尺度效应,中小尺度上地形的影响作用表现得极为显著。  相似文献   

数字山地垂直带谱及其体系的探索   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
本文总结了传统山地垂直带研究的脉络及存在的问题;构建了山地垂直带谱数据结构,实现了垂直带谱数字化与可视化;提出了垂直带谱的三级体系:以基带区分一级带谱,以特征垂直带区分二级带谱,以垂直带组合结构、优势垂直带及垂直高度及宽度区分三级带谱;归纳出垂直带谱5种生态类型:1.与区域气候相联系的顶极带谱;2.与主要山地相联系的基本带谱;3.与特殊地生态现象相联系的过渡/特殊带谱;4.与人类干扰相联系的扰动带谱;5.与强烈人类活动相联系的次生带谱。  相似文献   

Q948 .43,P208 2003021788中国山地垂直带信息图谱的探讨=The geo-info-sPectrumofmontane altitudinal belts in Chlna/张百平,周成虎…//地理学报一2002,58(2)一163一171 通过构建山地垂直带谱数据结构,实现了垂直带谱数字化,增强了垂直带谱的可视化;提出了垂直带谱的三级体系:以基带区分一级带谱,以特征垂直带区分二级带谱,以垂直带组合结构、优势垂直带及垂直高度及宽度区分三级带谱;概括出山地垂直带谱的7种变化模式.归纳出垂直带谱的5种生态类型.深人比较和分析垂直带信息图谱,可以揭示更多的地学信息.图4表3参21 Be地图学的一般问…  相似文献   

中国山地垂直带信息图谱的探讨   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
通过构建山地垂直带谱数据结构,实现了垂直带谱数字化,增强了垂直带谱的可视化;提出了垂直带谱的三级体系:以基带区分一级带谱,以特征垂直带区分二级带谱,以垂直带组合结构、优势垂直带及垂直高度及宽度区分三级带谱;概括出山地垂直带谱的7种变化模式:同构模式、结构递减模式、突变模式、纬向递减模式、经向减升模式、阶梯递增模式和高原叠加模式;归纳出垂直带谱的5种生态类型:与自然地带相联系的顶极带谱、与主要山地相联系的基本带谱、与特殊地生态现象相联系的过渡/特殊带谱、与人类干扰相联系的扰动带谱,以及与强烈人类活动相联系的次生带谱。深入比较和分析垂直带信息图谱,可以揭示更多的地学信息。  相似文献   

秦巴山地垂直带谱结构的空间分异对于揭示秦巴山地地域结构复杂性和过渡性、探索中国复杂的生态地理格局具有重要的意义。本文从文献中搜集了秦巴山地33个山地垂直带谱,建立了秦巴山地数字垂直带谱体系,从纬向、经向和坡向3个维度分析了山地垂直带谱的结构、特征、数量、高度以及分布模式。结果表明:① 纬向上从南向北基带由亚热带常绿阔叶林带逐渐转变为暖温带落叶阔叶林带;垂直带结构由复杂逐渐变得简单;优势带由山地针阔混交林和山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林转变为山地落叶阔叶林带;② 经向上山地垂直带结构呈现复杂—简单—复杂的特征;常绿落叶阔叶混交林带和山地落叶阔叶林带的海拔呈现了二次曲线分布模式;山地针阔混交林带的海拔则呈现显著的线性降低趋势;③ 坡向方面,秦岭北坡和南坡基带均为暖温带落叶阔叶林带,但南坡含有常绿成分;大巴山北坡为亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带,大巴山南坡为亚热带常绿阔叶林带;秦岭和大巴山北坡优势带类似,均为山地针阔混交林带或山地落叶阔叶林带,但大巴山南坡具有独特的山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林优势带,这表明了大巴山比秦岭更适合作为暖温带和北亚热带的分界线,但是未来还需使用土壤和气候指标进行系统的分析。  相似文献   

云南山地土壤垂直带信息图谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地学信息图谱是一种以图形方式显示地理事物或现象空间形态结构、揭示时空变化规律的手段与方法。为了实现基础地理信息数字化,推动"数字山地"研究的开展和区域可持续发展,在地学信息图谱理论和ArcGIS软件环境支撑下,利用云南省第二次土壤普查资料、1∶25万电子地图和DEM数据等建立了云南省土壤垂直带信息图谱,实现了山地土壤垂直带的数字化显示及其与地理位置的链接。基于空间维度的土壤信息带谱显示,在纬度方向上土壤带谱滇西比滇东复杂,且长度随纬向递增;在经度方向上,热带区域的土壤垂直带谱结构相对较简单,亚热带区域的土壤垂直带谱结构、长度趋于一致,温带高原气候区的土壤垂直带谱结构最为丰富和复杂,且再次体现了相同基带上发育的土壤带组成基本相似的规律,但各区内部随经度变化规律不明显。  相似文献   

青藏高原植被垂直带与气候因子的空间关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
集成了青藏高原气候区149个山地植被垂直带数据,利用国家基本气象台站自建站以来到2001年的地面观测日气象数据,计算了地面的温暖(WI)、寒冷(CI)、湿润(MI)、吉良龙夫(Kira)干湿指数、干燥度(Idm)等水热指数,运用GIS的空间分析模块,模拟了青藏高原水热条件的空间分布形势,探讨山地植被垂直带谱分布规律与制约因子的定量指标.结果表明:在高原的东北部、西北边缘,以荒漠、荒漠草原、山地森林、山地草原、灌丛、草甸为组合的半干旱、干旱结构向高原腹地以高寒草原、高山草甸、荒漠带组合的高寒干旱带谱结构的变化;东南、南部边缘,以温暖湿润为特征的以森林带为优势带谱组合结构逐渐向寒冷的高原中心变化;高原的地势效应,致使的水热形势旱现从中央向边缘变化的趋势是致使青藏高原植被垂直带谱分布的重要原因.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xinghang  Zhang  Baiping  Wang  Jing  Yu  Fuqin  Zhao  Chao  Yao  Yonghui 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(3):350-368
The Qinling-Daba Mountains are the main body of China's North-South Transitional Zone.Analysis of the north-south gradual variation of vegetation components is significant for understanding the structural diversity and complexity of this transitional zone.In this study,based on survey data of plant communities,the eastern Qinling-Daba Mountains is divided into four geographic units:the north flank of eastern Qinling Mts.,south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.,north flank of eastern Daba Mts.and south flank of eastern Daba Mts.We also explore division of regional climate according to areal differentiation of plant-species,com-munity structure and species-richness,respectively.The results show that,(1)at plant-species level,there are mainly northern plants in north flank of eastern Qinling Mts.with evergreen species and fewer northern plants in south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.;there are mainly southern plants in eastern Daba Mts.(2)At community structure level,there are 4 formations(3 northern formations and 1 widespread formation)in north flank of eastern Qinling,6 formations(3 northern formations,1 southern formation,and 2 widespread forma-tions)in south flank of eastern Qinling,4 formations(2 southern formations and 2 widespread formations)in north flank of eastern Daba Mts.,and 3 formations(3 southern formations)in south flank of eastern Daba Mts.In terms of the numbers and properties of formations,there is a mixture of northern and southern formations only in the south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.(3)At species-richness level,the diversity of families,genera and species decreased with increasing latitude,but the mixing of northern plants and the southern plants began to occur in south flank of eastern Qinling Mts.This means that the south flank of the eastern Qinling Mts.serves more suitably as the dividing line between China's warm temperate and sub-tropical zones.  相似文献   

To determine the dividing index between warm temperate and subtropical zones based on the spectra of altitudinal belts,this paper collected 33 spectra of altitudinal belts in the Qinling-Daba Mountains from published literatures and then analyzed the structures and the spatial patterns from south to north,from west to east and based on exposure directions.The results show that:1)From south to north,the basal belt gradually changes from subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest to warm temperate deciduous broadleaf forest;the spectra of altitudinal belts change from complex to simple;the dominant belt changes from montane broadleaf-conifer mixed forest and evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest to deciduous broadleaf forest.2)From west to east,the structures of the altitudinal belt spectra show complexity in the east and west but simplicity in the middle section;the upper limits of both the evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest belt and montane deciduous broadleaf forest belt present a quadratic curve distribution pattern in the longitudinal direction.However,the upper limit of the montane broadleaf-conifer mixed forest belt exhibits a nearly linear decrease in the west-east direction.3)Both the north and south slopes in the Qinling Mountains have the similar basal belt,whereas it varies greatly between the north and south slopes in the Daba Mountains.Comparably,dominant belts are very similar in the Qinling Mountains and the north slope of the Daba Mountains,but the south slope of the Daba Mountains has its own unique dominant belt:evergreen-deciduous broadleaf mixed forest.This implies that the Daba Mountains are more appropriate than the Qinling Mountains to act as the boundary between subtropical and warm-temperate zones in central China.  相似文献   

We analyzed and estimated the distribution and reserves of soil organic carbon under nine different vegetation conditions including alpine meadow,meadow steppe,typical steppe,desert steppe,and temperate coniferous forest and so on,in the Ili River valley,Xinjiang according to data from field investigations and laboratory analyses in 2008 and 2009.The study results show that the soil organic carbon content in the Ili River valley varies with the type of vegetation.In the 0-50 cm soil horizon,the soil organic carbon content is the highest under the vegetation types of alpine meadow and meadow steppe,slightly lower under temperate coniferous forest and typical steppe,and the lowest under the intrazonal vegetation and desert vegetation types.The soil organic carbon content shows basically a tendency to decrease as soil depth increases under various vegetation types except in the case of the intrazonal vegetation.Similarly,the soil organic carbon density is the highest and varies little under the vegetation types of alpine meadow,meadow steppe and temperate coniferous forest,and is the lowest under the desert vegetation type.Both the soil organic carbon content and density in the topsoil of meadows in the Ili River valley are high,so protecting meadows in the Ili River valley,and especially their topsoil,should be a priority so that the potential of change in soil organic carbon in the shallow soil horizon is reduced,and this means maintenance of the stability of the soil carbon pool.  相似文献   

伊犁河谷不同植被带下土壤有机碳分布   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
结合2008年和2009年野外实地调查与室内分析的资料,运用方差分析等方法对伊犁河谷高山草甸、草甸草原、典型草原、荒漠草原、温性针叶林等9种不同植被条件下的土壤有机碳含量分布及其储量进行了分析估算.研究结果表明:伊犁河谷土壤有机碳含量因植被类型变化而不同.在0~50 cm土层范围,高山草甸、草甸草原土壤有机碳含量较高,其次是温性针叶林和典型草原,含量最低的是隐域植被和荒漠植被土壤.除隐域植被外,各植被类型下土壤有机碳含最基本呈随着土层深度增加而降低的,变化趋势.有机碳密度同样是高山草甸、草甸草原和温性针叶林土壤有机碳密度较高且比较相近,荒漠植被下土壤有机碳密度最低.伊犁河谷草地表层土壤有机碳含量高、密度大,因此应重视对伊犁河谷草地的保护,尤其要保护草地表层土壤以降低浅层土壤有机碳发生变化的可能性,维护土壤碳库的稳定性.  相似文献   

We analyzed and estimated the distribution and reserves of soil organic carbon under nine different vegetation conditions including alpine meadow, meadow steppe, typical steppe, desert steppe, and temperate coniferous forest and so on, in the Ili River valley, Xinjiang according to data from field investigations and laboratory analyses in 2008 and 2009. The study results show that the soil organic carbon content in the Ili River valley varies with the type of vegetation. In the 0–50 cm soil horizon, the soil organic carbon content is the highest under the vegetation types of alpine meadow and meadow steppe, slightly lower under temperate coniferous forest and typical steppe, and the lowest under the intrazonal vegetation and desert vegetation types. The soil organic carbon content shows basically a tendency to decrease as soil depth increases under various vegetation types except in the case of the intrazonal vegetation. Similarly, the soil organic carbon density is the highest and varies little under the vegetation types of alpine meadow, meadow steppe and temperate coniferous forest, and is the lowest under the desert vegetation type. Both the soil organic carbon content and density in the topsoil of meadows in the Ili River valley are high, so protecting meadows in the Ili River valley, and especially their topsoil, should be a priority so that the potential of change in soil organic carbon in the shallow soil horizon is reduced, and this means maintenance of the stability of the soil carbon pool.  相似文献   

秦岭中部山地落叶阔叶林超级垂直带的发现与意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山地垂直带谱是气候和植被水平地带变化和更替的缩影,垂直带的带幅、带间过渡方式、带内结构和垂直带组合方式都表现出高度的异质性和复杂性。本文发现在中国南北过渡带中部太白山发育了世界上最宽的山地垂直带——山地落叶阔叶林垂直带。该垂直带从基带到典型垂直带再到先锋性垂直带皆为山地落叶阔叶林,3种本来可以独立存在的垂直带,连续分布形成了包含3个栎林亚带、2个桦林亚带的“三层五亚带”超级垂直带,远远超过正常情况下山地垂直带1000 m的阈值,且其上限达到了海拔2800 m。它的形成与秦岭所处的过渡性地理位置、秦岭中部垂直带谱的完整性、丰富的落叶木本植物种群及其形成的强大群落竞争优势等因素紧密相关。超级垂直带的发现有多方面的意义:它是中国南北过渡带又一重要的标志性自然地理特征;它表明山地垂直带在特殊的山地环境中可以具有非常复杂的内部结构和宽大带幅,这扩展了我们对山地垂直带谱结构及机理认识的广度,对于创建山地垂直带谱结构理论具有十分重要的意义;超级垂直带的发现,也说明中国南北过渡带还有很多科学内容有待我们去探索和发现,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起学界对超级垂直带形成的气候和生物多样性因素、地理过渡带的结构和生态效应等重大问题进行深入研究。  相似文献   

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