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模拟作物适宜生长区的时空分布是分析气候变化对作物生长影响、提高作物生长适应能力的重要内容。选择影响主要粮食作物(小麦、玉米和水稻)生长的气候要素,结合地表土壤和地面高程要素与农业观测站数据,模拟和分析1953—2012年主要粮食作物适宜生长区的变动,评估气候变化下作物的适应能力。研究发现:(1)60年来3种粮食作物适宜生长区对气候变化响应程度从大到小依次是小麦、水稻和玉米。(2)同一时空尺度上,主要粮食作物适宜生长类型区在南方农区较北方农区多样化,在山地较盆地多样化,在高原较平原多样化。(3)小麦生长适应气候变化的能力在多数农区略有上升。玉米生长的适应能力在北方和南方农区分别略微提高和下降。水稻生长的适应能力在长江中下游区、西南区和华南区相对稳定,在黄淮海区和东北区分别下降和提高。(4)60年来,主要粮食作物综合生长适应气候变化的能力在黄淮海区和长江中下游区下降,在其余农区升高。(5)玉米和水稻适宜生长区分别与播种面积和作物产量显著相关,这为模拟未来不同气候情景下二者适宜生长区的分布提供了可行性。小麦适宜生长区与播种面积和产量均不显著相关,未来需要考虑更多因素精准识别小麦适宜生长区,以便更为有效地提高小麦生长对气候变化的适应能力。  相似文献   

全球气候增暖对甘肃农作物生长影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
系统总结了甘肃省科技攻关重大项目“甘肃干旱生态环境对全球气候变暖的响应研究”等3个课题的主要成果和研究进展。在揭示甘肃省现代气候变化基本特征是冬暖夏干的基础上,比较系统地综述了越冬作物(冬小麦、冬油菜)、喜凉作物(春小麦、马铃薯、胡麻)和喜温作物(玉米、棉花、酿酒葡萄)等8种主要农作物的生长发育、适生种植区高度和种植面积、产量和品质等对现代气候变化的响应特征。现代气候变化对甘肃农作物生长的影响非常突出,已对农作物安全生产与农业可持续发展构成了严重威胁。其研究结果为建立现代农业发展模式,旱作农业生产机制,农作物安全生产提供科学的指导意见。  相似文献   

Simulating the temporal-spatial distribution of areas suitable for crops is an important part of analyzing the effects of climate change on crop growth, reducing the vulnerability of crop growth, and assessing the adaptability of crop growth to climate change. This study selected climate factors that affect the growth of wheat, maize and rice, and it combined surface soil and ground elevation factors as environment variables, as well as data from agricultural observation stations as species variables. The MaxEnt ecological model was used to identify suitable areas for these three crops during the period of 1953-2012. The areas suitable for the three crops were analyzed to determine the temporal-spatial distribution of major food crops and to estimate the difference in crop growth adaptability under climate change. The results showed the following: The response to climate change of the areas suitable for food crops could be ranked from strongest to weakest as follows: wheat, rice, and maize. On the same space-time scale, for the growth of wheat and rice, the southern agricultural regions, mountainous areas and plateaus were relatively unsuitable for a wider variety of crops than the northern agricultural regions, plains and basins. The adaptability of wheat increased in the major agricultural regions slightly. The adaptability of maize increased in the northern agricultural regions and decreased in the southern agricultural regions, respectively. The adaptability of rice was stable in the southern agricultural regions, and it decreased in the Huang-Huai-Hai region and increased in the northeastern region. Over 60 years, the ability of the major food crops to adapt to climate change increased in the northeast region, Gansu-Xinjiang region, Southwest region and Loess Plateau region, but the adaptability of major food crops decreased in the Huang-Huai-Hai region and the Mid-and-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. The suitable areas of maize and rice were significantly correlated with planting areas and yields, respectively, which provided feasibility for simulating the distribution of suitable areas on maize and rice in different climate scenarios in the future. The suitable area of wheat is not significantly related to the planting area and yield. In the future, we will take more factors to model the suitable area of wheat accurately.  相似文献   

富硒土地资源研究进展与评价方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
周国华 《岩矿测试》2020,39(3):319-336
硒是重要的生命必需元素,开发富硒农产品是提升我国人体硒摄入水平的安全有效途径,富硒土地资源评价与利用规划是土地质量地球化学调查成果服务于特色农产品发展与脱贫攻坚的重要切入点。本文评述了近年来在土壤和作物硒含量、土壤硒成因来源、土壤硒赋存形态及其生物有效性影响因素、土壤-作物系统硒吸收运移、硒与重金属镉等元素之间的相互作用等调查研究成果。针对我国土壤硒背景值约0.20mg/kg,远低于世界土壤背景值0.40mg/kg,整体上处于低硒水平的实际情况,认为采用0.40mg/kg Se作为富硒土壤标准具有较强的科学依据;多数情况下土壤硒主要来源于成土地质背景,部分地区与人为活动密切有关;富硒土壤可分为地质高背景、次生富集作用、人为输入及其多种作用的叠加成因,元素地球化学性质决定了硒与镉等重金属元素共生的普遍性;土壤硒成因来源以及pH、Eh、有机质、铁铝氧化物等土壤理化条件决定了硒和重金属赋存形态与生物有效性,进而影响到富硒土地的可利用性,成为制定富硒土壤地方标准的理论基础与考虑因素;不同作物种类对硒吸收富集能力不同,筛选适应当地农田生态环境、富硒低镉的农作物具有实际意义;现有的部分富硒农产品标准未充分考虑人体补硒目的,并存在标准间协调性差等问题,急需加强富硒农产品标准的制定。本文提出,富硒土地资源评价不仅需要考虑土壤硒和重金属含量,而且需综合土壤硒成因来源及其生物有效性、土壤-作物系统硒迁移累积、硒与重金属镉等元素之间的相互作用机制,以及当地气候、土壤和景观条件下作物种植的适宜性,依据富硒土地资源可利用性进行分类分区、科学规划和合理种植管理。同时建议,为满足富硒土地资源调查评价与可利用性分析、富硒农产品健康效应研究的需要,需要加强土壤和作物硒含量及其形态的提取分离与分析测试方法技术研究与应用。  相似文献   

钼是人体和农作物必需的有益元素,具有防癌抗癌作用。由于不同地区土壤中钼含量和土壤酸碱性的不同,农作物中钼含量有很大差异,同时不同农作物对钼的吸收也不相同。研究不同农作物中钼富集规律可以为健康地质发展、富钼农产品开发、功能农业发展、种植结构调整提供依据。本文以洛阳市硒资源详查区及其他农业种植区为研究区,通过采集22种大田种植的农作物及其根系土,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定土壤和农作物钼含量,研究了不同农作物钼含量特征及其影响因素。结果表明:洛阳市土壤钼含量较高,是中国土壤富钼特色地区。绿豆、豇豆、黑豆、黄豆、红小豆和花生是富集钼的主要农作物,钼平均含量>9mg/kg,富集系数>500%,属于钼的超富集农作物。芝麻、豆角、谷子、小麦、玉米和油菜籽钼含量较高,钼含量均值介于0.446~2.437mg/kg,富集系数介于40%~300%,属于富钼农作物。辣椒、大蒜、红薯、秋葵的钼含量介于0.1~0.3mg/kg,富集系数介于10%~30%,属于高钼农作物。苹果、梨、葡萄、石榴、樱桃与中药材银条的钼含量<0.05mg/kg,富集系数<5%,是低钼农作物。大多数农作物钼含量与根系土钼含量呈正相关,而苹果、葡萄、石榴、樱桃等水果钼含量与根系土钼含量呈负相关。研究揭示了在碱性环境下土壤中的钼更容易被农作物吸收。区内农作物与中国其他地区相比均呈富钼特征,是开发富钼农业产业的有利地区。依据不同农作物钼含量,选择出绿豆、豇豆、黑豆、黄豆、红小豆和花生是研究区特色富钼农产品,芝麻、豆角、谷子、小麦、玉米和油菜籽是富钼农产品,辣椒、大蒜、红薯、秋葵属于高钼农作物。本成果为研究区富钼农产品开发、调整种植结构提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

从合理调控生态用水角度出发,探讨典型岩溶断陷盆地区农作物生态需水问题。根据蒙自断陷盆地的岩溶地貌特征,分别选取位于盆地、坡面和高原面的大洼子、朵古、牛耳坡3个观测点,利用Penman-Monteith公式、作物系数(FAO推荐)及同期有效降雨量,估算3个观测点2018年的参考蒸散量、生态需水量以及不同作物生长所需的人工灌溉水量。结果表明:(1)大洼子、朵古及牛耳坡的参考蒸散量分别为1 346.10 mm、1 200.00 mm、1 064.30 mm,远大于同期降水量,均呈现出蒸发旺盛的特点,加大了作物对于水分的需求;同时三者的参考蒸散量表现出较为明显的时空差异,使得3个观测点的农业种植条件存在差异;(2)大洼子种植的水稻、小麦、花生、油菜、大豆、马铃薯、葡萄等作物的生态需水定额均远大于大洼子同期的有效降水,在大洼子种植的作物均需要大量人工浇灌才能正常生长,而农作物的种植与其种植条件匹配度不高;(3)朵古及牛耳坡种植的玉米、万寿菊的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较小甚至完全满足,表明玉米、万寿菊在高原山区的种植是与当地种植条件相匹配的;而种植在朵古及牛耳坡的苹果、烤烟的生态需水定额与同期有效降水之间的差值较大,表明在高原山区大量种植苹果及烤烟对于人工浇灌要求较高;(4)研究区大部分农作物在生长发育阶段内所需的水分主要依靠人工灌溉,与本地降水分布规律匹配度不高,区内农业结构与种植模式有待调整。在岩溶断陷盆地内要种植耗水较少,对热量要求较高的作物,山区则需要发展具有生态保护和经济效益的作物,但种植的重点区域仍是盆地区。   相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to discuss the efficiency of agricultural land suitability for assessing land use types in rural areas. In this research, El-Nubariya area west of Nile Delta was selected as a case study site, which considers one of the high priority regions for future development in Egypt. As input, a total of ten representative soil profiles and number of observations points were used for collecting soil samples. Based on the field survey, laboratory analysis, and satellite image interpretation in cooperation with geographic information system (GIS), the physiographic map was executed. Three main landscape units were identified as follow: marine deposits, eolian deposits, and river terraces. The soils were classified mainly as Typic Torripsamments, Typic Paleorthids, and Typic Calciorthids. Land suitability assessment was done to define maps of the suitable areas for agricultural production using MicroLEIS microcomputer program and ALESarid-GIS system as well. According to the crop suitability results, the most suitable crops to grow in the study area were maize, melon, potato, sunflower, onion, garlic, olive, and date palm in the order indicated. Generally, the data on land suitability resulting from the evaluation models indicated that 56.1 % of the area is considered as suitable, 30.8 % is moderately to marginally suitable, and 13.1 % is not suitable. The main limitation factors for land suitability are the excess of salts, shallow soil depth, and inadequate drainage conditions. The output results are presented as georeferenced soil suitability maps using GIS utilities.  相似文献   

The debate on genetic modification (GM) is persistent, polarized and mainly involves organized groups at the national level. With the European Union’s new policy of coexistence, commercial cultivation of GM crops is expected by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality within the next few years, especially maize (BT) and potato (Phytophthera resistance and starch production). This makes the debate relevant for those directly confronted with this cultivation: the inhabitants of local rural communities. In The Netherlands, stakeholders formulated coexistence rules to prevent problems between conventional, organic and GM farmers that grow their crops in the same limited land area. Little is known, however, regarding the perceptions of the non-farming inhabitants of rural communities (“the neighbours”) in the debate. This paper presents the results of a focus group-based argumentative analysis of whether (and how) the GM issues play a decisive role among non-farming inhabitants of four rural communities in the Netherlands. We analysed the arguments in relation to a conceptual model that describes the potential rise and dynamics from a pre-Nimby ambivalence towards an outspoken Nimby position. We observed that the GM debate was given very little priority relative to other national issues on the political agenda and that more social cohesion correlates with fewer arguments in the national debate. It is argued that this mechanism keeps the Nimby ambivalence in an undetermined mode, which in turn diminishes the chances of radical rural-based protest against local GM cultivation of crops.  相似文献   

Overpopulation and food security are the main global problems alert decision makers. In developing countries, such problem put extra pressure for horizontal expansion for agricultural development. The rapid sprawl of urbanized areas on the alluvial land of the River Nile and delta to accommodate the population growth has encouraged governmental and private sector for agricultural expansion in the desert. Unless there are reliable information and accurate studies for land and soil suitability, there will be a collapse of such investment. To evaluate the potential suitability of soil for agriculture development in areas of the western desert, satellite images, geographic information, and field survey including soil profiles and artesian water samples with laboratory analysis were integrated to classify the soils according their suitability for specific crop. The main land qualities of the different mapping units and the crop requirement were rated and matched to obtain the current and potential land suitability using Automated Land Evaluation System “ALES”. The study found that the main physiographic units are plateaus, hilland, mountain, and depression floor. But there are three limiting parameters for land suitability which are the lack of nutrient elements, wind erosion vulnerability, and soil texture. The study concluded that the best crops adapted with the soil conditions and could be feasible for economic use are: (1) native vegetation such as agol, sand trees, sammar, halfaa, bawaal, qordaob, bardi, and qortom; (2) filed crops such as onion, garlic, watermelon and wheat; and (3) fruits such as olive and date palms.  相似文献   

Ji  Yuhe  Zhou  Guangsheng  Wang  Lixia  Wang  Shudong  Li  Zongshan 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(3):1213-1222

A long time series in crop yield is usually expressed as a long-term trend and a short-term fluctuation due to agricultural technological advance and climatic anomaly. The real climate risk is related to the short-term fluctuation in crop yield. In the paper, the climate risk of maize yield response to long-term climate variables is tested with the long time series (1961–2015) by a trend base line method. The long time series of maize yield is divided into short-term fluctuating meteorological yield and long-term trend yield. The long time series of climate variables are also divided into fluctuating variables and trend variables. After that, Pearson correlation analysis between fluctuating maize yield and fluctuating climate variables is used to identify risk factor causing maize yield fluctuation. Our results reveal that the main risk factors are night-time precipitation and extreme high temperature in growing season. Comparing climate risks in maize-producing provinces, much more climate risks are identified in some regions such as Liaoning province. The results provide useful information for reducing maize yield loss under climatic change.


Kathleen McAfee 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):148-160
Disputes about genetically engineered crops are linked to wider debates about the globalization of agro-food systems and its consequences for food security, social equity, and rural life. Biotechnology expert discourse rarely addresses these wider issues. An exception is the assessment of transgenic maize by the NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC), which recommended a moratorium on Mexican imports of US-grown maize. Controversy about “contamination” of indigenous maize varieties by US-grown transgenic corn has been intensified by rising Mexican discontent with the terms of regional economic integration. In this context, scientists and officials were pressured to consider not only risks to maize biodiversity but also the ecological, and cultural characteristics of maize in its Mexican settings and the implications of asymmetric power in North American agricultural trade. In contrast to most narrowly-framed biotechnology risk assessments, the review took account of interventions by rural social movements. While the new moratorium was not adopted by the state, continuing conflicts over GMOs in Mexico have blocked introduction of transgenic maize and have enlarged the political space for debate over Mexico’s development direction. These conflicts reflect the differing interests of various state actors and economic sectors with regard to trade liberalization. They also reveal contrasting food-system paradigms: further agricultural modernization, export competition, and food-import dependence versus an alternative vision of revitalized rural life, farmers’ rights, and national food sovereignty.  相似文献   

In Romania, agriculture has developed concomitently with the increased industrialization, and today agriculture plays a main role as the third world producer of sun-flower and hemp, the eighth of maize, the ninth of vine, etc. As Romania is geographically situated in the same zone as the big granaries of the world in the northern hemisphere and as it has a favourable climate it records one crop on 4/5 of the arable land, two crops a year on 1/5 and experimentally, three successive crops in the south of Oltenia. Similarly, the relief favours the development of agriculture under optimum conditions of mechanization on 70% of the territory. Agriculture has existed in Romania for about 6 millenia. Following the socialist transformation and modernization of agriculture—production /ha was increased two or three times and the crops rotation changed by introducing, beside cereals, a larger acreage of industrial crops, forage, vegetables, etc. The agricultural scene has been changed by substantial works of land improvement, especially dams, irrigation systems and a better land utilization. Industry, which takes over the added raw material provided by agriculture, has turned out agricultural machines and tools, chemical fertilizers, etc., required by agriculture. Finally, the authors give an agro-geographical characterization of the main natural units—the plains, the hills and plateaus, the mountain region and the Danube Delta.  相似文献   

灌区干旱风险评估模型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
根据风险理论,建立了包括农业干旱发生概率、抗旱能力、受灾体种植面积比等多因子的灌区农业干旱风险评估模型。并将相对产量作为灌区农业干旱评估指标,能够反映土壤 作物 大气系统中水分运动对农业生产的影响,利用该指标结合干旱风险评估模型对灌区农业干旱进行风险评估,分析出灌区各种作物对干旱风险度影响最大的生育阶段和风险度最高的农作物,以便灌区制定合理的抗旱方案以减小灌区干旱损失。  相似文献   

张沛  龙爱华  海洋  邓晓雅  王浩  刘静  李扬 《冰川冻土》2021,43(1):242-253
农业用水是人类开发利用水资源以及影响生态系统的主要扰动因素,科学定量农业用水是合理配置与调控区域水资源的基础工作。传统的农业用水统计只是记录了可测量的用水量,而水足迹则完整刻画了人类活动对水资源系统的压力表现。从水足迹理论出发,采用Cropwat软件计算了新疆1988—2015年近20种农作物生产水足迹总量,并利用Mann-Kendall趋势和突变检验的方法,分析了28年间新疆农作物水足迹的时空变化,探讨了农作物水足迹驱动因素及机制。结果表明:新疆农作物水足迹在28年间总量增加了256%;水足迹序列在2005年前后增长出现了突变,后一阶段增长率是前一阶段的3倍以上;从农作物水足迹中蓝水足迹与绿水足迹的构成看,农作物绿水足迹呈持续增加趋势,但其在农作物水足迹总量中的比例略有下降。进一步分析表明,农业种植规模的快速扩张是新疆农作物水足迹大幅度增加的根本原因,而脱贫致富、扶贫攻坚等经济发展需求下的政策(战略)支持是农业种植规模(灌溉面积)持续快速增长的核心驱动力。通过探究农作物水足迹的变化及原因,揭示了新疆农业用水的时空变化,以及农作物水足迹与国家、地方政策和社会活动之间的关系,可为深入解析新疆农业增长与水资源开发利用及生态环境之间的时空演化关系和相关决策与政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

A 17.5 m sedimentary core from Lake La Yeguada, central Panama provides the first complete Holocene sequence for the Pacific watershed of Lower Central America. Phytolith, pollen, and charcoal records document a long lowland history of foraging and food production. Human modification of tropical forests can be described as systematic during the early Holocene and was possibly associated with small-scale (garden?) horticulture involving native tubers. The incorporation of seed crops like maize and development of slash and burn techiques for larger-scale field systems is indicated by the increase of secondary forest taxa and removal of primary trees between 7000 and 4000 years ago. After this time, agricultural intensification in an essentially deforested landscape proceeded to the point where, by the time of Christ, agricultural abandonment of the lake watershed may have occurred as a result of loss of soil fertility. Events such as this in the interfluve forests may have, in part, precipitated the coalescence of population and settlement around the river valleys and the emergence of sedentary village life.  相似文献   

Chloride salinity has been strongly related to enhanced cadmium (Cd) uptake by plants due to increased solubility in the soil solution, even in agricultural soil with very low levels of cadmium. This finding is relevant because the cadmium content of food crops is an important concern for human health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to predict and discuss the chlorine-enhanced uptake of cadmium by two common crops: maize and tobacco under ??non-saline?? (1?mM) and ??very strongly saline?? (200?mM) scenarios using a modified ??biotic ligand model?? and datasets from a set of soil and hydroponic experiments. Results indicated that predicted cadmium uptake rates (expressed as cadmium in plant ??mol?m?2 root) by maize and tobacco plants were consistently higher (54 and 15%, respectively) assuming conditions of ??very strong salinity?? soil compared to the simulated ??non-saline?? soil. In the light of the results of the present research, valuable information is given on modeled cadmium phytoavailability as an indication of the potential risk due to increased cadmium uptake by crops under saline conditions, especially as the enhancement of cadmium uptake in the presence of Cl? salinity may be a general trend that occurs in many edible crops. The biotic ligand model parameterization applied in the present study attempted to simulate conditions commonly found in natural cadmium and salt-affected soils. However, caution is needed to extrapolate results obtained from these models to real soil conditions.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing environmental threat of cobalt in the modern era, less is known as its phytotoxicity behavior. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to assess the toxicity effects of cobalt and to understand the associated physio-biochemical response in Brassica napus, an economically important plant crop species. Five-day-old seedlings of four cultivars (Zheda 619, Zheda 622, ZS 758, and ZY 50) were exposed to five different levels of cobalt under hydroponic conditions. Results showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of plant growth, accompanied by notable chlorophyll loss, protein degradation, and accumulation of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde. Further, Co contents in different plants parts were found to be higher in Zheda 622 than all other cultivars. In all cultivars, the contents of enzymatic activities (SOD, POD, GR, and GSH) were markedly increased following cobalt exposure; by contrast, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase activities declined with increased cobalt concentration in medium, which was also, echoed by the pattern of enzymes-related mRNA levels. Morphological observations, supported by ultrastructural analysis revealed clear differences in cobalt sensitivity among cultivars, with ZS 758 identified as less sensitive cultivar, and Zheda 622 the most sensitive one. In addition to revealing genotypic differences in cobalt sensitivity in B. napus, findings suggest the mechanisms of cobalt tolerance in this specie could, at least partially, in relation with the ability of plant to sustain the activity of superoxide dismutase and guaicol peroxidase and to maintain glutathione reduced pool through the action of glutathione reductase.  相似文献   

The use of treated urban wastewater for irrigation is a relatively recent innovation in Botswana and knowledge is still limited on its impact on soil heavy metal levels. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare heavy metal concentration in secondary wastewater irrigated soils being cultivated to different crops: olive, maize, spinach and tomato in the Glen Valley near Gaborone City, Botswana. The studied crop plots have been cultivated continuously under treated wastewater irrigation for at least 3 years. Most crop farms have sandy loam, loamy sand soils. Based on food and agriculture organization, heavy metal threshold values for crop production have been studied. Results showed that the wastewater irrigated soils in the Glen Valley have higher cadmium, nickel and copper than desirable levels, while the levels of mercury, lead and zinc are lower than the maximum threshold values recommended for crop production. The control sites show that the soils are naturally high in some of these heavy metals (e.g copper, zinc, nickel) and that crop cultivation under wastewater irrigation has actually lowered the heavy metal content. Comparing between the crops, mercury and cadmium levels are highest in soils under maize and decline linearly from maize to spinach to olive to tomato and control site. By contrast, concentrations of the other metals are at their lowest in maize and then increase from maize to spinach to olive to tomato and to control site.  相似文献   

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