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以渤海湾西岸现代岸线附近的NP3、CH110和BT113三个钻孔全新世岩心为研究对象,采用沉积岩石学、AMS 14C(accelerator mass spectrometry 14C,加速器质谱14C)测年、微体生物聚类分析等方法精细判别沉积相,重建渤海湾西岸全新世沉积演化历史,并利用微体生物组合分带对水深变化的指示,定量讨论全新世相对海面变化。结果表明:渤海湾西岸全新世受海陆交互作用影响,经历了沼泽-潮滩-浅海-前三角洲-三角洲前缘-三角洲平原环境的演化过程。全新世初始阶段,研究区中部和北部发育沼泽环境,南部未见沉积,与上更新统河流相沉积呈不整合接触。全新世早期,研究区潮滩环境发育。潮滩层厚度约1 m,历时数百至1千余年。至7000 cal BP前后水深增大,研究区进入浅海环境。约6000 cal BP,沿岸南北两端先后进入三角洲过渡环境,中部三角洲环境约开始于1500 cal BP。渤海湾西岸地区全新世的环境演化同时记录了该地区的相对海面变化:约10000 cal BP前后,渤海湾相对海平面已接近21.3~20.4 m。约8000 cal BP,相对海平面介于18.6~17.0 m。约6000 cal BP时相对海平面低于6.8 m,5000~1000 cal BP,相对海平面高于-2.5 m,1000~800 cal BP,相对海平面介于-1.3~-0.4 m。8000~5000 cal BP时,相对海面上升约15.0 m,上升速率达5 m/1 ka。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸全新世海面变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在讨论海面标志点基本定义的基础上,从渤海湾西岸534个原始数据中获得了136个指示高水位、潮间带或低水位的海面变化标志点,并重建了它们的相对海平面时空分布,进而获得了渤海湾西岸全新世相对海平面变化带.约10cal.ka B.P.时,相对海平面变化带达到-25m,以约6m/1000a(即约6mm/a)的平均速率上升,在6cal.ka B.P.前后达到现代海面的高度;6cal.ka B.P.至今,变化带的高度介于+1m~-2m之间,未发现中全新世相对高海面.再搬运海相贝类和陆相泥炭类样品的14C年龄,分别存在约600年和660年的驻留时间.经过驻留时间校正的新海面变化年代学序列,将渤海湾相对海平面达到现代高度的时间点确定为约6cal.ka B.P.,从而与全球海面变化的对比更为准确.渤海湾盆地的长期稳定下沉和沉积自重压实的共同作用,可能抵消了冰川均衡调整(GIA)引起的中全新世数米高的相对高海面.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸全新世沉积速率对河流供给的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
渤海湾西岸由北向南获取了3个钻孔,以全新世海相岩心为研究对象,采用AMS14C(Accelerator Mass Spectrometry14C,加速器质谱14C)测年方法建立年代框架并计算平均沉积速率,结合沉积物粒度组成及沿岸古河流三角洲发育历史,探讨了沉积速率对沿岸河流供给变化的时空响应。结果表明,早全新世—中全新世初期(11~6ka),渤海湾西岸整体沉积速率偏低,仅0.03~0.07cm/a,沉积物粒度较粗;中全新世6.43~4.97ka cal BP期间,NP3孔平均沉积速率为0.60~0.93cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的CH110孔和BT113孔。沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量低,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西北岸对潮白河、永定河及滦河沉积物供给的响应;中全新世晚期3.68~2.67ka cal BP期间,BT113孔沉积速率为0.27~1.4cm/a,高于同期沿岸北部CH110孔和NP3孔,沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量较NP3孔高,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西岸南部对黄河沉积物供给的响应;晚全新世2.29~0.24ka cal BP期间,沿岸中部CH110孔沉积速率为0.55~0.91cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的BT113孔和北部的NP3孔,该高沉积速率为渤海湾西岸中部对黄河和海河供给沉积的先后响应。  相似文献   

根据珠江三角洲GZ-2孔测年结果、岩相特征和孢粉地层信息推断,该地区全新统约在6.0 ka BP开始沉积, 全新统孢粉组合特征与更新统相比有明显的区别,表明全新世与更新世的气候相比有明显变化。孢粉与沉积信息揭示,全新世本区气候基本以暖湿为主,气候波动不大,在5.0~2.4 ka BP表现最为热湿,在2.4~1.9 ka BP相对偏凉干,随后恢复暖湿。在这些相对较明显的波动中还包含有次一级的微弱波动。除了反映气候变化,孢粉信息也指示了一定的沉积环境变迁以及人类活动信息。该区在中全新世经历了一次明显的海侵过程,进入晚全新世后人类活动对三角洲植被和环境的影响加剧, 期间水深逐渐变浅,沉积环境由河口湾、浅海、滨海潮滩逐渐演变为三角洲平原,区域气候的变化与海平面变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西南部平原DC01孔的岩石地层学、生物地层学及年代地层学和地球化学研究,重建了该地区自晚更新世以来的地质环境演化过程。全新世之前,研究区经历了由河流-盐沼-潮间带上部/低盐沼-河口湾-泻湖-淡化泻湖的环境转化过程;进入全新世之后,该区经历了由湖沼到河流的环境转化过程。埋深22.4~12.7m发育近10m厚的弱海相沉积,AMS~(14)C年龄表明,该层沉积形成时间早于4.35ka cal BP,可能属于MIS 3早期(6.0~5.5ka cal BP)或更早的MIS 5期(12~8ka cal BP)。恢复了该时期的相对古海面,最高可达-13.31m。DC01孔缺失MIS 4~2或MIS 2时期的沉积。  相似文献   

渤海湾及其沿岸是中国海洋地质与第四纪地质研究程度最高的地区之一。虽然研究成果众多,但仍有一些基础的地质问题亟待解决。比如,晚更新世晚期黄河是否流经渤海湾?全新世黄河在渤海湾及其沿岸形成的多期次三角洲叶瓣在海域如何展布?以上问题一直是中国海洋地质研究中备受关注的热点话题。借助2016-2017年在渤海湾获取的约2000 km的浅地层剖面数据、2个30 m左右的取芯钻孔(BXZK2017-1和BXZK2017-2孔)及相应的AMS 14C和OSL测年数据,同时结合前人的一些浅剖数据和钻孔的研究成果,将渤海湾中部晚更新世以来的地层自上而下划分出4个地震单元(SU1~SU4)和6个沉积单元(DU1-DU6),分别对应前三角洲相、潮坪与浅海、泛滥平原、河道相、海陆交互相、湖沼相。在此基础上综合探讨渤海湾晚更新世晚期以来总体的地层框架和沉积演化特征。研究表明:黄河可能在21.8~9 cal ka BP,由近东西向流经渤海湾北部进入渤海中部盆地;全新世以来,渤海湾从西北侧至南侧,依次分布4期次的三角洲叶瓣,对应的发育时间可能分别是1400 AD~现在、11~1128 AD、700 BC~11 AD和1855~现在;渤海湾西侧最北两期次的水下三角洲可能主要与海河有关,而南侧其余2期次三角洲叶瓣则可能分别对应岐口超级叶瓣以及现代黄河三角洲超级叶瓣。加深了解渤海湾晚更新世晚期以来的地层序列演化、古河道发育以及全新世三角洲在渤海湾的展布情况,将有助于渤海湾海岸带开发、海底工程建设以及地质灾害防范等。  相似文献   

在渤海湾沿海低地地区获得1个30m的全取心机械钻孔(QX01孔),对样品进行了沉积岩石学分析、底栖有孔虫鉴定、硅藻鉴定和粒度分析,结合AMS 14 C和OSL测年,重建了研究区晚更新世以来的古河道充填及环境演化过程。结果显示QX01孔自下而上可以分为6段:(1)30~29.72 m,陆相洪泛沉积;(2)29.72~29.4m,海侵沉积,43.5ka BP;(3)29.4~17.7m,砂质沉积物,河道填充沉积,37.9~29.7ka;(4)17.7~13.2m,沉积物由砂质变为黏土质,29.7~8ka,由河道填充转为浅湖沼环境;(5)13.2~5m,8~4ka,全新世海侵沉积,沉积环境由陆相转为海陆过渡相,6 000~5 750cal BP海侵达到最强,之后逐渐退出该区;(6)5m以上,洪泛沉积,约1.7ka至今。沉积环境与海面具有很好的响应,MIS 4或6阶段时,海面较低,河流下切,形成古河道,下切最深处位于现代高程为-24.2m。MIS3阶段早期时,海面上升,37.9ka河道开始填充,至29.7ka填充完成,对应高程为-11.8m。末次盛冰期至早全新世时为浅湖沼环境,沉积作用停止或速率非常低。随着末次盛冰期的结束,海洋作用增强,进入全新世海侵沉积阶段,8~4ka cal BP。之后,沉积作用停止,至1.7ka以来,随着河流作用的不断增强,该区变为河流控制的洪泛沉积为主。同时,发现了两次沉积间断,分别发生在末次盛冰期的低海面时期和4~2ka时的海水退出、河流沉积尚不充分时期。  相似文献   

商志文  李建芬  姜兴钰  李琰  王宏 《地质学报》2020,94(8):2433-2445
大凌河河口地区LZK06孔40m以浅岩心的沉积学、古生物学和年代学等综合研究以及该地区LZK02- 04钻孔资料,揭示了研究区中更新世晚期以来经历了两次海侵- 海退旋回,依次形成了中更新世晚期湖相/河流相 SymbolnB@ 晚更新世海相- 湖相/河流相 SymbolnB@ 全新世海相- 河流相地层。全新世早中期由于物源供给很少,研究区处于长达约10ka的饥饿滞留相沉积环境,平均沉积速率仅约0. 02~0. 05cm/a。全新世晚期约1500a cal BP以来,由于人类活动导致水土流失,河流输砂量增加,研究区开始了快速加积过程,平均沉积速率约0. 9~1. 2cm/a,下辽河平原被快速充填,开始成陆。与全球海面变化时空分布特征的对比,推断辽东湾的第II海相层发育于MIS 5- MIS 3早期,第I海相层发育于MIS 1阶段高海面时期。晚更新世以来频繁的海面升降是辽东湾泥质海岸带地层和环境演化的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

长江水下三角洲层序地层学研究有助于全面了解长江三角洲地层特征和沉积环境演化模式。通过对长江水下三角洲下切河谷区YD0901和YD0903孔岩心的详细沉积物粒度、特征元素比值(Cl/Ti和Zr/Rb)、沉积相对比分析,恢复了冰后期以来长江水下三角洲层序地层格架。研究区冰后期以来自下而上依次出现河流相、潮汐河流相、河口湾相、浅海相和三角洲相的沉积相序。末次冰期海平面下降,古长江形成下切河谷,古河间地发育硬黏土层,构成五级Ⅰ型层序界面。之后海平面回升,分别于15 cal ka BP和8.0 cal ka BP形成最大海退和最大海侵界面,水下三角洲区域最大海侵发生时间略滞后于平原区,约为7.5 cal ka BP。据此3个层序界面将冰后期地层划分为低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域。钻孔岩心记录揭示了14.8 cal ka BP海侵到达研究区;14.8~13 cal ka BP期间,受MWP-1A冰融水事件影响海平面快速上升,海岸线向陆推进速率可达71.9,km/ka;海退期间各钻孔沉积速率较低,直至2 cal ka BP开始,沉积速率明显增加。  相似文献   

渤海湾牡蛎礁平原中部兴坨剖面全新世地质环境变迁   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
渤海湾牡蛎礁平原中部兴坨剖面的有孔虫组合划分为5种沉积环境7个带(亚环境),从下向上依次为晚更新世陆相(Ⅶ带)、早全新世海陆过渡相(Ⅵ带:沿海低地与潮间带)、中晚全新世海相(Ⅴ带:潮下带-浅海,Ⅳ带:低潮线附近)、晚全新世海陆过渡相(Ⅲ带:开放潮间带,Ⅱ带:渴湖)和河流泛滥相(Ⅰ带:古土壤及洪积层)。^14C确定了全新世底泥炭始于9486 cal BP,Ⅳ带始于约4696 cal BP。Ⅱ带所处的渴湖环境,从约4000 cal BP直至隋唐温暖期之前,历时约2700年。隋唐暖期古土壤发育向南东减弱至逐渐消失,说明在比兴坨更靠近渤海湾的地方,潟湖持续的时间更长。广泛存在的潟湖,是牡蛎礁平原晚全新世的重要地貌景观。  相似文献   

This study deals with the relationship between sea-level changes and paleoclimatic fluctuations based on the analysis of stratigraphy, grain sizes, palynology, and radiometric dating of the Yellow River delta since the Late Pleistocene. Evidence from the sedimentary record, grain sizes, and pollen provides a paleoenvironmental history of the Late Pleistocene from the boreholes of the delta. Based on a combination of grain-size analysis with lithological studies, marine deposit units contain the intervals of 13.85–16.9, 18.5–19.69, 27.9–34.8, 36.4–37.2, 48.4–51.6, and 54.1–55.9 m, and transitional facies units contain the intervals of 10.25–13.85, 16.9–18.5, 19.69–27.9, 34.8–36.4, 37.2–48.4, 51.6–54.1, and 55.9–60 m, compared with fluvial(terrestrial facies) deposit units(3.36–10.25 m). Based on pollen analysis and pollen assemblages, there were three warm-wet periods from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 16.1–60 ka BP, and 90.1–94.6 ka BP From the top to the bottom of the borehole, the paleoclimate has an evident fluctuation: warm and moist(Holocene Optimum) —cool and dry(Younger Dryas Event)—mild semi cool—cool and dry—warm and moist. There were three warm-wet periods from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 16.1–60 ka BP, and 90.1–94.6 ka BP, corresponding to the Holocene Optimum stage, MIS 3, and MIS 5, respectively. The warm period allowed monsoonal evergreen and broadleaved deciduous forests that corresponded to Holocene hypsithermal climatic conditions and the Late Pleistocene climatic Optimum. Three warm-wet periods occurred in marine deposit units from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 60.1–16.1 ka BP, and 94.6–90.1 ka BP. These periods correspond to the Cangzhou transgression, Xianxian transgression, and Huanghua transgression, respectively. From 90.1–60.1 ka BP, 17.5–9.1 ka BP, and 0. 16 ka BP–1855 AD, three dry and cold phases are recognized. The phases indicate the fluvial(flood plain) sedimentary environment, corresponding to cooler and mild dry periods based on palynological results and grain-size distribution.  相似文献   

晚更新世以来渤海南部莱州湾发生了3次重要海侵-海退事件及沉积演化过程,渤海南部多源河流三角洲对莱州湾沉积环境改变作用明显。本文选择莱州湾剖面进行沉积地层对比,结合调查资料和测试数据,初步建立莱州湾沉积地层格架,分析晚更新世以来莱州湾沉积演化过程。研究发现,渤海南部中小河流与黄河泥沙为莱州湾沉积物的共同物质来源,二者在不同阶段分别对莱州湾沉积演化起主导作用。提出本区沉积地层具有分期性、分段性和相关性规律。在124.6~72.0 ka B.P.,60.0~24.4 ka B.P.和10.2~4.0 ka B.P.出现过3次暖湿期,分别对应沧州海侵、献县海侵和黄骅海侵,主要发育滨浅海相沉积,向南退积为三角洲/潮坪—河流沉积;由陆向海,短源河流沉积贡献降低,黄河沉积贡献增加。在72.0~60.0 ka B.P.和24.4~10.2 ka B.P.出现2次冷干期,分别对应玉木早冰期和玉木晚冰期,河流相发育,三角洲进积。受海陆交互作用影响,晚更新世以来渤海南部莱州湾大致经历了浅海相—三角洲—潮坪—浅海相—三角洲—陆相的沉积演化。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲是一个复杂的网状河三角洲沉积体系,目前对其第四纪环境演化的历史仍存在多种认识。为进一步查清珠江三角洲地区第四纪环境演化的过程,对位于珠江口西岸的QZK6孔,在沉积结构、构造等研究的基础上,利用AMS14C和光释光(OSL)测年、有机碳同位素、粒度等对第四纪地层的形成年代和沉积特征进行了详细分析。结果显示,该孔39.40~27.38m发育晚更新世风化层、河流等陆相沉积体系,27.38~2.00m发育全新世三角洲沉积体系。其中全新世三角洲沉积又可分为27.38~5.30m由三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲组成的退积式三角洲沉积体系,以及5.30~2.00m的河口湾-三角洲前缘进积式三角洲沉积体系。该孔第四纪沉积特征揭示的环境变化,是对末次冰期低海面、早中全新世海面升高及晚全新世下降的响应。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):16-25
There are three transgression-regression events and evolutions of the sedimentary environment by sea level changes since the Pleistocene in the southern section of the Bohai Sea, China. It is obvious that a multi-source fluvial delta sedimentary system may be more dominant in a sedimentary environment. Based on previous research and survey or historical data, we carried out studies on the division of sedimentary units, sedimentary facies analysis and strata division and comparison, which aim to establish the sedimentary stratigraph of Laizhou Bay. We focus on the sedimentary procession of the Laizhou Bay since the early Late Pleistocene. It can be divided into two glacial periods and three interglacial periods, corresponding to two regression and three transgression events in Laizhou Bay since Late Pleistocene. In 124.6–72.0 ka BP, 60.0–24.4 ka BP and 10.2–4.0 ka BP, three times warm-wet periods occurred, respectively corresponding to the Cangzhou transgression, Xianxian transgression, and Huanghua transgression. In 72.0–60.0 ka BP and 24.4–10.2 ka BP, two dry and cold periods, it was the continental sedimentary environment, corresponding to Wurm early glacier and Wurm late glacier. The results show: (1) Sediments have the characteristics of phase and stage under the terrestrial input of the Yellow River and middle-small rivers in the southern section of the Bohai Sea. (2) PI moved towards coastal in Cangzhou transgression strata in early Late Pleistocene. PI moved northward from land in Xianxian transgression strata in the late Pleistocene. PI moved further north in the Huanghua transgression strata in Holocene. (3) During the regressive period, the land source input increased and the estuarine or lagoon sedimentation developed, which manifested as progradational superposition. (4) During the transgressive period, it mainly developed shallow coastal sediment and transitionally formed regressive deposition to the south in delta/tidal flat deposition.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The Lower Tagus Valley in Portugal contains a well-developed valley-fill succession covering the complete Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. As large-scale stratigraphic and chronologic frameworks of the Lower Tagus Valley are not yet available, this paper describes facies, facies distribution, and sedimentary architecture of the late Quaternary valley fill. Twenty four radiocarbon ages provide a detailed chronological framework. Local factors affected the nature and architecture of the incised valley-fill succession. The valley is confined by pre-Holocene deposits and is connected with a narrow continental shelf. This configuration facilitated deep incision, which prevented large-scale marine flooding and erosion. Consequently a thick lowstand systems tract has been preserved. The unusually thick lowstand systems tract was probably formed in a previously (30,000–20,000 cal BP) incised narrow valley, when relative sea-level fall was maximal. The lowstand deposits were preserved due to subsequent rapid early Holocene relative sea-level rise and transgression, when tidal and marine environments migrated inland (transgressive systems tract). A constant sea level in the middle to late Holocene, and continuous fluvial sediment supply, caused rapid bayhead delta progradation (highstand systems tract). This study shows that the late Quaternary evolution of the Lower Tagus Valley is determined by a narrow continental shelf and deep glacial incision, rapid post-glacial relative sea-level rise, a wave-protected setting, and large fluvial sediment supply.  相似文献   

We reconstruct the Holocene shore displacement of the Västervik-Gamlebyviken area on the southeast coast of Sweden, characterised by a maritime cultural landscape and archaeological significance since the Mesolithic. Sediment cores were retrieved from four lake basins that have been raised above sea level due to the postglacial land uplift and eustatic sea level changes after the melting of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. The cores were radiocarbon dated and analysed for loss on ignition and diatoms. The isolation thresholds of the basins were determined using LiDAR data. The results provide evidence for the initiation of the first Littorina Sea transgression in this area at 8.5 thousand calibrated years before present (cal. ka BP). A relative sea level rise by ∼7 m a.s.l. is recorded between 8.0 and 7.5 cal. ka BP with a highstand at ∼22 m a.s.l. between 7.5 and 6.2 cal. ka BP. These phases coincide with the second and third Littorina Sea transgressions, respectively, in the Blekinge area, southern Sweden and are consistent with the final deglaciation of North America. After 6.2 cal. ka BP, the relative sea level dropped below 22 m a.s.l., and remained at ∼20 m a.s.l. until 4.6 cal. ka BP coinciding with the fourth Littorina Sea transgression in Blekinge. From 4.6 to 4.2 cal. ka BP, the shore displacement shows a regression rate of 10 mm a−1 followed by a slowdown with a mean value of 4.6 mm a−1 until 1.6 cal. ka BP, when the relative sea level dropped below 3.3 m a.s.l. The Middle to Late Holocene highstand and other periods of minor sea level transgressions and/or higher salinity between 6.2 and 1.7 cal. ka BP are attributed to a combination of warmer climate and higher inflow of saline waters in the southern Baltic Sea due to stronger westerlies, caused by variations in the North Atlantic atmospheric patterns.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲中部钻孔PRD20和PRD17晚第四纪以来的沉积记录较为完整,尤其是晚更新世海侵记录良好。以其为研究对象,对两孔的有孔虫微体动物群记录和沉积特征进行了分析和对比,并结合前人研究成果,重建珠江三角洲晚更新世以来的古环境演变,并着重分析了晚更新世海侵事件。约44500 cal a BP以前,研究区为河流环境,发育河道砂砾沉积。约44500—21300 cal a BP,发生晚更新世海侵,形成溺谷型河口湾,两孔沉积物中有孔虫的垂直分布记录了水体条件发生的多次变化,可辨识出2次海侵海退次级旋回;其中PRD20孔中有孔虫以滨岸广盐型占绝对优势,PRD17孔中以滨岸广盐型为主、海相—半咸水型有孔虫占有一定比例,表明研究区位于溺谷湾中径流与潮流共同作用的区域,且PRD20孔受径流影响更大。约21300 cal a BP后,受末次冰盛期海退影响,研究区暴露于地表遭受风化剥蚀,风化产物在PRD20孔表现为1层褐红色砂砾,在PRD17孔表现为1层花斑黏土。约8000 cal a BP,海平面回升导致河水滞留形成沼泽环境,PRD20孔发育1层泥炭层。约8000—5500 cal a BP,PRD20孔发育受径流影响较大的河口湾湾头沉积,仅在全新世海侵最盛时含有少量有孔虫记录。约5500 cal a BP后,研究区发育三角洲平原沉积。受构造抬升影响,PRD17孔地势较高,于约4700 cal a BP才开始重新接受沉积,零星出现潮水搬运而来的有孔虫。  相似文献   

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