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We present a new method for determining physical parameters of RRab variables exclusively from multicolour light curves. Our method is an inverse photometric Baade–Wesselink analysis which, using a non-linear least-squares algorithm, searches for the effective temperature ( T eff) and pulsational velocity ( V p) curves and other physical parameters that best fit the observed light curves, utilizing synthetic colours and bolometric corrections from static atmosphere models. The T eff and V p curves are initially derived from empirical relations then they are varied by the fitting algorithm. The method yields the variations and the absolute values of the radius, the effective temperature, the visual brightness and the luminosity of individual objects. Distance and mass are also determined. The method is tested on nine RRab stars subjected to Baade–Wesselink analyses earlier by several authors. The physical parameters derived by our method using only the light-curve data of these stars are well within their possible ranges defined by direct Baade–Wesselink and other techniques. A new empirical relation between the I C magnitude and the pulsational velocity is also presented, which allows to construct the V p curve of an RRab star purely from photometric observations to an accuracy of about 3.5 km s−1.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectral observations of 123 B0–B5 stars in the main sequence evolutionary phase were obtained at two observatories, namely the McDonald Observatory (McDO) and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (CrAO). Accurate equivalent widths W of two Balmer lines, H β and H γ , and ten He  i lines were obtained for all the stars, as well as of the He  ii   λ 4686 line for the hottest ones. A careful analysis of the measured equivalent widths was performed. It is shown that there is a very good agreement between the W values derived from the McDO and CrAO spectra for 14 common stars. A comparison with published data leads to the conclusion that the W values measured earlier by some authors for strong He  i lines are very likely to be underestimated. Infrared photometric observations in the J , H , and K bands were performed for 70 programme stars. All these data will be used in other papers: in particular for the T eff and log  g determination and for the He, C, N and O abundance analyses.  相似文献   

The Edinburgh–Cape Blue Object Survey is an ongoing project to identify and analyse a large sample of hot stars selected initially on the basis of photographic colours (down to a magnitude limit     over the entire high-Galactic-latitude southern sky, and then studied with broad-band UBV photometry and medium-resolution spectroscopy. Due to unavoidable errors in the initial candidate selection, stars that are likely metal-deficient dwarfs and giants of the halo and thick-disc populations are inadvertently included, yet are of interest in their own right. In this paper we discuss a total of 206 candidate metal-deficient dwarfs, subgiants, giants, and horizontal-branch stars with photoelectric colours redder than     and with available spectroscopy. Radial velocities, accurate to ∼10–15 km s−1, are presented for all of these stars. Spectroscopic metallicity estimates for these stars are obtained using a recently recalibrated relation between Ca  ii K-line strength and     colour. The identification of metal-poor stars from this colour-selection technique is remarkably efficient, and competitive with previous survey methods. An additional sample of 186 EC stars with photoelectric colours in the range     composed primarily of field horizontal-branch stars and other, higher gravity, A- and B-type stars, is also analysed. Estimates of the physical parameters T eff, log  g , and [Fe/H] are obtained for cooler members of this subsample, and a number of candidate RR Lyrae variables are identified.  相似文献   

We present a detailed calculation of model atmospheres for DA white dwarfs. Our atmosphere code solves the atmosphere structure in local thermodynamic equilibrium with a standard partial linearization technique, which takes into account the energy transfer by radiation and convection. This code incorporates recent improved and extended data base of collision-induced absorption by molecular hydrogen. We analyse the thermodynamic structure and emergent flux of atmospheres in the range 2500 T eff60 000 K and 6.5log  g 9.0. Bolometric correction and colour indices are provided for a subsample of the model grid. Comparison of the colours is made with published observational material and results of other recent model calculations.
Motivated by the increasing interest in helium-core white dwarfs, we analyse the photometric characteristics of these stars during their cooling, using evolutionary models recently available. Effective temperatures, surface gravities, masses and ages have been determined for some helium-core white dwarf candidates, and their possible binary nature is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

From high-resolution spectra a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis of the Mg  ii 4481.2-Å  feature is implemented for 52 early and medium local B stars on the main sequence (MS). The influence of the neighbouring line Al  iii 4479.9-Å  is considered. The magnesium abundance is determined; it is found that  log ɛ(Mg) = 7.67 ± 0.21  on average. It is shown that uncertainties in the microturbulent parameter Vt are the main source of errors in  log ɛ(Mg)  . When using 36 stars with the most reliable Vt values derived from O  ii and N  ii lines, we obtain the mean abundance  log ɛ(Mg) = 7.59 ± 0.15  . The latter value is precisely confirmed for several hot B stars from an analysis of the Mg  ii 7877-Å  weak line. The derived abundance  log ɛ(Mg) = 7.59 ± 0.15  is in excellent agreement with the solar magnesium abundance  log ɛ (Mg) = 7.55 ± 0.02  , as well as with the proto-Sun abundance  log ɛ ps (Mg) = 7.62 ± 0.02  . Thus, it is confirmed that the Sun and the B-type MS stars in our neighbourhood have the same metallicity.  相似文献   

We present a homogeneous set of stellar atmospheric parameters ( T eff, log  g , [Fe/H]) for a sample of about 700 field and cluster stars which constitute a new stellar library in the near-IR developed for stellar population synthesis in this spectral region ( λ 8350–9020) . Having compiled the available atmospheric data in the literature for field stars, we have found systematic deviations between the atmospheric parameters from different bibliographic references. The Soubiran, Katz & Cayrel sample of stars with very well determined fundamental parameters has been taken as our standard reference system, and other papers have been calibrated and bootstrapped against it. The obtained transformations are provided in this paper. Once most of the data sets were on the same system, final parameters were derived by performing error weighted means. Atmospheric parameters for cluster stars have also been revised and updated according to recent metallicity scales and colour–temperature relations.  相似文献   

Radiation pressure acts to accelerate dust grains and, by transfer of momentum through collisions with the gas, drives the outflows of late-type stars. Some of these dust–gas collisions may be energetic enough to remove atoms from the dust grains. From an assumed initial size distribution for the dust grains, the method of Krüger et al. is used to study the evolution of a sample of spherical amorphous carbon grains under conditions typical of a late-type star. The size distribution of dust grains is presented for various sets of model parameters. One set of models assumes an initial Mathis, Rumpl & Nordsieck (MRN) distribution for the dust grains. The high-luminosity ( L ∗), high-effective temperature ( T eff) set of parameters has a terminal velocity ( v term) that is near, but above , the upper limit of observed outflow velocities for carbon stars (∼30 km s−1 for the assumed ̇ of 5×10−6 M yr−1). The low L ∗, T eff model has a v term that lies near, but below , the upper limit of observed velocities. A significant amount of sputtering occurs in the high L ∗, T eff model with ∼40 per cent of the grain mass sputtered. About ∼1 per cent of the dust mass is sputtered in the low L ∗, T eff. Another set of models assumes that the dust forms with a log-normal distribution. Here, v term is nearly the same for the high L ∗, T eff model as for the low L ∗, T eff model. This is a result of the large amount of dust mass loss (∼75 per cent) by sputtering in the high L ∗, T eff model.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs that become luminous helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a carbon–oxygen (CO) white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. When the mass above the helium-burning shell becomes small enough, the star evolves blueward almost horizontally in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. The theoretical models for the merger of a 0.6-M CO white dwarf with a 0.3-M He white dwarf agree very well with the observed locations of extreme helium stars in the  log  T eff–log  g   diagram, with their observed rates of blueward evolution, and with luminosities and masses obtained from their pulsations. Together with predicted merger rates for  CO+He  white dwarf pairs, the evolutionary time-scales are roughly consistent with the observed numbers of extreme helium stars. Predicted surface carbon and oxygen abundances can be consistent with the observed values if carbon and oxygen produced in the helium shell during a previous asymptotic giant branch phase are assumed to exist in the helium zone of the initial CO white dwarfs. These results establish the  CO+He  white dwarf merger as the best, if not only, viable model for the creation of extreme helium stars and, by association, the majority of R Coronae Borealis stars.  相似文献   

We present a new Cepheid reddening and effective temperature scale based on the uvby photometry published in the first paper of this series. Using all available information about the companion stars in Cepheids with bright blue secondaries, we remove their light from the observed light and colour curves. The resulting corrections are as large as 0.05–0.15 mag in several cases for different colour indices. A new photometric approach based on the ( b  −  y ) versus ( B  − V ) two-colour diagram is tested with three other previous calibrations taken from the literature. Two uvby relations in earlier studies turn out to be the most reliable and consistent, and so they are used in deriving colour excesses. We determine systematically higher reddenings for Cepheids with a significant secondary light correction. The dereddened Stro¨mgren colours are calibrated in terms of T eff and log  g using the most recent synthetic colour grids. Our temperature scale is very close to that of Kraft, which is supported by other recent temperature determinations using the infrared flux method or Geneva photometry. The photometric gravities fit some of the earlier theoretical and observational (mainly spectroscopic) results very well.  相似文献   

We make new non-local thermodynamic equilibrium calculations to deduce the abundances of neon from visible-region echelle spectra of selected Ne  i lines in seven normal stars and 20 HgMn stars. We find that the best strong blend-free Ne line that can be used at the lower end of the effective temperature T eff range is λ 6402, although several other potentially useful Ne  i lines are found in the red region of the spectra of these stars. The mean neon abundance in the normal stars (log  A =8.10) is in excellent agreement with the standard abundance of neon (8.08). However, in HgMn stars neon is almost universally underabundant, ranging from marginal deficits of 0.1–0.3 dex to underabundances of an order of magnitude or more. In many cases, the lines are so weak that only upper limits can be established. The most extreme example found is υ Her with an underabundance of at least 1.5 dex. These underabundances are qualitatively expected from radiative acceleration calculations, which show that Ne has a very small radiative acceleration in the photosphere, and that it is expected to undergo gravitational settling if the mixing processes are sufficiently weak and there is no strong stellar wind. According to theoretical predictions , the low Ne abundances place an important constraint on the intensity of such stellar winds, which must be less than 10−14 M yr−1 if they are non-turbulent.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) J160043.6+074802.9, a binary system containing a pulsating subdwarf-O (sdO) star with a late-type companion, yields   T eff= 70 000 ± 5000 K  and  log  g = 5.25 ± 0.30  , together with a most likely type of K3 V for the secondary star. We compare our results with atmospheric parameters derived by Fontaine et al. and in the context of existing evolution models for sdO stars. New and more extensive photometry is also presented which recovers most, but not all, frequencies found in an earlier paper. Therefore, it seems probable that some pulsation modes have variable amplitudes. A non-adiabatic pulsation analysis of uniform metallicity sdO models show those having  log  g > 5.3  to be more likely to be unstable and capable of driving pulsation in the observed frequency range.  相似文献   

We compile a sample of Sun-like stars with accurate effective temperatures, metallicities and colours (from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared). A crucial improvement is that the effective temperature scale of the stars has recently been established as both accurate and precise through direct measurement of angular diameters obtained with stellar interferometers. We fit the colours as a function of effective temperature and metallicity, and derive colour estimates for the Sun in the Johnson–Cousins, Tycho, Strömgren, 2MASS and SDSS photometric systems. For  ( B − V )  , we favour the 'red' colour 0.64 versus the 'blue' colour 0.62 of other recent papers, but both values are consistent within the errors; we ascribe the difference to the selection of Sun-like stars versus interpolation of wider colour– T eff–metallicity relations.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence for the direct detection of nickel in the photosphere of the hot DO white dwarf REJ 0503−289. While this element has been seen previously in the atmospheres of hot H-rich white dwarfs, this is one of the first similar discoveries in a He-rich object. Intriguingly, iron, which is observed to be more abundant than Ni in the hot DA stars, is not detected, the upper limit to its abundance (Fe/He=10−6) implying an Fe/Ni ratio a factor of 10 lower than seen in the H-rich objects (Ni/He=10−5 for REJ 0503−289). The abundances of nickel and various other elements heavier than He were determined from Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph spectra. We used two completely independent sets of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium model atmospheres, which both provide the same results. This not only reduces the possibility of systematic errors in our analysis, but is also an important consistency check for both model atmosphere codes.
We have also developed a more objective method of determining T eff and log  g , from the He lines in the optical spectrum, in the form of a formal fitting of the line profiles to a grid of model spectra, an analogue of the standard procedure utilizing the Balmer lines in DA white dwarfs. This gives the assigned uncertainties in T eff and log  g a firm statistical basis and allows us to demonstrate that inclusion of elements heavier than H, He and C in the spectral calculations, exclusively considered in most published optical analyses, yields a systematic downward shift in the measured value of T eff.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a non-adiabatic analysis for axisymmetric non-radial pulsations including the effect of a dipole magnetic field. Convection is assumed to be suppressed in the stellar envelope, and the diffusion approximation is used to radiative transport. As in a previous adiabatic analysis, the eigenfunctions are expanded in a series of spherical harmonics. The analysis is applied to a  1.9-M  , main-sequence model  (log  T eff= 3.913)  . The presence of a magnetic field always stabilizes low-order acoustic modes. All the low-order modes of the model that are excited by the κ-mechanism in the He  ii ionization zone in the absence of a magnetic field are found to be stabilized if the polar strength of the dipole magnetic field is larger than about 1 kG. For high-order p modes, on the other hand, distorted dipole and quadrupole modes excited by the κ-mechanism in the H ionization zone remain overstable, even in the presence of a strong magnetic field. It is found, however, that all the distorted radial high-order modes are stabilized by the effect of the magnetic field. Thus, our non-adiabatic analysis suggests that distorted dipole modes and distorted quadrupole modes are most likely excited in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. The latitudinal amplitude dependence is found to be in reasonable agreement with the observationally determined one for HR 3831. Finally, the expected amplitude of magnetic perturbations at the surface is found to be very small.  相似文献   

We present a new luminosity–colour relation based on trigonometric parallaxes for thin-disc main-sequence stars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry. We matched stars from the newly reduced Hipparcos catalogue with the ones taken from Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) All-Sky Catalogue of Point Sources, and applied a series of constraints, i.e. relative parallax errors  (σπ/π≤ 0.05)  , metallicity  (−0.30 ≤[M/H]≤ 0.20 dex)  , age  (0 ≤ t ≤ 10 Gyr)  and surface gravity  (log  g > 4)  , and obtained a sample of thin-disc main-sequence stars. Then, we used our previous transformation equations ( Bilir et al. 2008a ) between SDSS and 2MASS photometries and calibrated the   Mg   absolute magnitudes to the  ( g − r )0  and  ( r − i )0  colours. The transformation formulae between 2MASS and SDSS photometries along with the absolute magnitude calibration provide space densities for bright stars which saturate the SDSS magnitudes.  相似文献   

In this paper, by assuming the equilibrium temperatures of RRab Lyrae variables defined by Carney, Storm & Jones as correct we show that temperatures derived from ( B − V ) colour (mean colour over the pulsational cycle calculated on the magnitude scale) transformations by Bessel, Castelli & Plez are consistent with the Carney et al. equilibrium temperatures within a probable error of δ  log  T e =±0.003 . As a consequence, it is shown that the pulsational temperature scale temperature–period–blue amplitude [ T eff= f ( P , A B )] relation provided by De Santis, who studied the ( B − V ) colour of about 70 stars of Lub's sample, is a suitable relation, being reddening- and metallicity-free, to calculate equilibrium temperatures for RRab variables. This relation is independent of variable mass and luminosity within a large range of period-shift from the mean period–amplitude relation valid for Lub's sample of variables. On the contrary, it is also shown that a temperature–amplitude–metallicity relation is strictly dependent on the period–amplitude relation of the sample used for calibrating it: we prove that this means it is dependent on both the mass and luminosity variations of variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a study of the general physical and chemical properties and radial velocity monitoring of young active stars. We derive temperatures, log  g , [Fe/H], v sin  i and R spec values for eight stars. The detailed analysis reveals that the stars are not homogeneous in their principal physical parameters or in the age distribution. In 4/5, we found a periodic radial velocity signal which originates in surface features; the fifth is surprisingly inactive and shows little variation.  相似文献   

We review existing ROSAT detections of single Galactic Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars and develop wind models to interpret the X-ray emission. The ROSAT data, consisting of bandpass detections from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and some pointed observations, exhibit no correlations of the WR X-ray luminosity ( L X) with any star or wind parameters of interest (e.g. bolometric luminosity, mass-loss rate or wind kinetic energy), although the dispersion in the measurements is quite large. The lack of correlation between X-ray luminosity and wind parameters among the WR stars is unlike that of their progenitors, the O stars, which show trends with such parameters. In this paper we seek to (i) test by how much the X-ray properties of the WR stars differ from the O stars and (ii) place limits on the temperature T X and filling factor f X of the X-ray-emitting gas in the WR winds. Adopting empirically derived relationships for T X and f X from O-star winds, the predicted X-ray emission from WR stars is much smaller than observed with ROSAT . Abandoning the T X relation from O stars, we maximize the cooling from a single-temperature hot gas to derive lower limits for the filling factors in WR winds. Although these filling factors are consistently found to be an order of magnitude greater than those for O stars, we find that the data are consistent (albeit the data are noisy) with a trend of in WR stars, as is also the case for O stars.  相似文献   

The sdB star PG 1336−018 is found to be a very short-period eclipsing binary system, remarkably similar to the previously unique system HW Vir. In addition, and unlike HW Vir, the sdB star in the PG 1336 system shows rapid oscillations of the type found in the recently discovered sdB pulsators, or EC 14026 stars. The orbital period, 0.101 0174 d, is one of the shortest known for a detached binary. Analysis of photoelectric and CCD photometry reveals pulsation periods near 184 and 141 s, with semi-amplitudes of ∼0.01 and ∼0.005 mag respectively. Both oscillations might have variable amplitude, and it is probable that other frequencies are present with amplitudes ∼0.003 mag or less. The 184- and 141-s pulsations are in the range of periods predicted by models for hot horizontal-branch stars. Analysis of medium-dispersion spectrograms yields T eff=33 000±1000 K and log g =5.7±0.1 for the sdB primary star, a radial velocity semi-amplitude K 1=78±3 km s−1 and a system velocity γ=6±2 km s−1. Spectrograms from the IUE Final Archive give T eff=33 000±3000 K and E ( B − V )=0.05 for log g =6.0 models. The derived angular radius leads to a distance of 710±50 pc for the system, and an absolute magnitude for the sdB star of +4.1±0.2. A preliminary analysis of U , V and R light curves indicates the orbital inclination to be near 81° and the relative radii to be r 1=0.19 and r 2=0.205. Assuming the mass of the sdB primary to be 0.5 M⊙ leads to a mass ratio q =0.3 for the system, and indicates that the secondary is a late-type dwarf of type ∼M5. As with HW Vir, it is necessary to invoke small limb-darkening coefficients and high albedos for the secondary star to obtain reasonable fits to the observed light curves.  相似文献   

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