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Bedrock forms of etch origin result from the interaction of groundwaters and bedrock at the weathering front at the base of the regolith. They are significant for general theories of landscape and landform genesis because they are azonal with respect both to climate and lithology. Two stages of etch form development are recognized: one involves weathering and the formation of a regolith; the second consists of stripping of the regolith and the exposure of the bedrock forms. Although etch forms have been recognized for some two centuries, the concept of etching as a process of landform development has been neglected, particularly in North America.  相似文献   

Dozens of references recognizing pediment landforms in widely varying lithologic, climatic, and tectonic settings suggest a ubiquity in pediment forming processes on mountain piedmonts worldwide. Previous modeling work illustrates the development of a unique range in arid/semiarid piedmont slope (< 0.2 or 11.3°) and regolith thickness (2–4 m) that defines pediments, despite varying the initial conditions and domain characteristics (initial regolith thickness, slope, distance from basin to crest, topographic perturbations, and boundary conditions) and process rates (fluvial sediment transport efficiency and weathering rates). This paper expands upon the sensitivity analysis through numerical simulation of pediment development in the presence of spatially varying rock type, various base level histories, various styles of sediment transport, and various rainfall rates to determine how pediment development might be restricted in certain environments. This work suggests that in landscapes characterized by soil and vegetation types that favor incisive fluvial sediment transport styles coupled with incisive base level conditions, pediment development will be disrupted by the roughening of sediment mantled surfaces, thereby creating spatial variability in topography, regolith thickness, and bedrock weathering rates. Base level incision rates that exceed the integrated sediment flux along a hillslope derived from upslope weathering and sediment transport on the order of 10− 3 m y− 1 restrict pediment development by fostering piedmont incision and/or wholesale removal (stripping) of regolith mantles prior to footslope pediment development. Simulations illustrate an insensitivity to alternating layers of sandstone and shale 3–15 m thick oriented in various geometric configurations (vertical, horizontal, and dip-slope) and generating different regolith hydrologic properties and exhibiting weathering rate variations up to 3-fold. Higher fluxes and residence times of subsurface groundwater in more humid environments, as well as dissolution-type weathering, lead to a thickening of regolith mantles on erosional piedmonts on the order of 101 m and an elimination of pediment morphology. An initial test of the model sensitivity analysis in arid/semiarid environments, for which field reconnaissance and detailed geomorphic mapping indicate the presence of pediments controlled by climatic conditions (soil hydrologic properties, vegetation characteristics, and bedrock weathering style) that are known and constant, supports our modeling results that pediments are more prevalent in hydrologically-open basins.  相似文献   

Flared slopes are smooth concavities caused by subsurface moisture-generated weathering in the scarp-foot zone of hillslopes or boulders. They are well represented in granitic terrains but also developed in other massive materials such as limestone, sandstone, dacite, rhyolite, and basalt, as well as other plutonic rocks. Notches, cliff-foot caves, and swamp slots are congeners of flared slopes. Though a few bedrock flares are conceivably caused by nivation or by a combination of coastal processes, most are two-stage or etch forms. Appreciation of the origin of these forms has permitted their use in the identification and measurement of recent soil erosion and an explanation of natural bridges. Their mode of development is also germane to the origin of the host inselberg or bornhardt and, indeed, to general theories of landscape evolution. But certain discrepancies have been noted concerning the distribution and detailed morphology of flared slopes. Such anomalies are a result of structural factors (sensu lato), of variations in size of catchment and in degree of exposure, and of several protective factors. Notwithstanding, the original explanation of flared slopes stands, as do their wider implications. [Key words: flared slope, inselberg, soil erosion, weathering, fractures.]  相似文献   

关于南国冰臼群成因的商榷之二   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩同林  劳雄  郭克毅 《热带地理》2001,21(2):189-194,F003
南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是“冰臼”不是“壶穴”的正确结论,由冰川漂砾经融冻作用形成的“石海”,与化学风化作用产生的花岗岩“石蛋”地貌特征,有天渊之别,不应混为一谈;边滩是由河流冲积物组成,不能与基岩冰床相提并论;圆滚水钻与急流旋涡及风蚀作用,形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制冰臼的发育部位,不致于是非不辨,南国地区古冰川遗迹的大量发现,证明距今约二三百万年的第四纪早期确实曾发生过大规模的古冰川运动,为争论了半个多世纪的中国东部中低山区有无第四纪冰川问题,从此画上一个圆满的句号。  相似文献   

 河湖相沉积是一种非固结沉积物,是风蚀地貌发育的一种重要地质基础。在塔克拉玛干沙漠中发育在这种沉积物上的风蚀地貌分布非常普遍,但相关研究较少,尚缺乏风蚀地貌发育过程方面的研究。基于野外调查信息和理论分析,结合相关文献,分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠河湖相平原风蚀地貌发育的外营力作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)风蚀地貌发育的外营力作用主要有:风化作用、流水作用、风蚀作用以及重力作用;(2)风蚀作用是风蚀地貌发育的主要外营力,但是风化作用、流水作用和重力作用也发挥着重要的作用,它们的关键作用是形成风蚀突破口,而重力作用和风化作用是促进风蚀地貌后期快速发展的重要作用;(3)各种外营力协同作用和互为条件,它们在风蚀地貌发育的各阶段的重要性不同;(4)沉积层特殊沉积构造和外营力作用共同造成了风蚀地貌形态特征。  相似文献   

Uluru is an inselberg shaped in arkosic sandstone located in the arid plains of central Australia. The indigenous people believed it rose out of a sand hill and has since remained unchanged. The various minor landforms represented mythological animals, people, and events of the Dreamtime. Later investigators interpreted the residual as remaining after long-distance scarp retreat, or as due to scouring by the wind or by the waters of a huge lake. The inselberg and its decorations have been construed in terms of climatic variations. Uluru also has been interpreted as a compressed and resistant compartment that was exposed as a low rise in the latest Mesozoic. The initial rise shed runoff. The steep flanks were shaped in the Eocene by deep subsurface weathering followed by stripping of the regolith and exposure of bedrock forms. Large tafoni and breaks of slope were formed on the southern side where permeable sediments abutted the residual. Following their exposure, basal flares and footcaves were shaped during a later period of subsurface weathering. The inselberg has grown as a relief feature not by uplift, but by the lowering of the surrounding plains. The morphology of Uluru is an expression of episodic exposure.  相似文献   

The multistage concept is explained and illustrated, with particular reference to a bornhardt from the southern Yilgarn Block of southwestern Western Australia. Hyden Rock is a complex inselberg developed on Archaean granite. It probably developed through fracture-controlled differential subsurface weathering in the Cretaceous, followed in the Eocene by erosion of the lateritic regolith and exposure of the massive compartment as an inselberg. But the variations in fracture density to which Hyden Rock owes its origin developed long before the Cretaceous, probably in the latest Archaean or earliest Proterozoic. The relief amplitude of the residual has increased through the Cainozoic.
A rich assemblage of minor forms (basins, runnels, tafoni, pitting, displaced slabs, A-tents) is developed on the bornhardt and, though their mode of development varies, the origin of many can be traced back to magmatic and tectonic events of Late Archaean and earliest Proterozoic times. Others were initiated at the weathering front during the later Mesozoic, and many have developed since exposure, beginning in the Eocene. A few are related to tectonism during the later Quaternary.
The residual is a multistage form. Its development as a major landform can be traced back some 120 million years, and the structures to which the outlines of the bornhardt, and those related to several minor features, originated in later Archaean times. The geomorphological evolution of landforms of the shield lands and cratons extends over vast ages and cannot be regarded as a geologically recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

A large landslide on the urban fringe of metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A granitic rock avalanche, one of the largest Quaternary landslides in Arizona outside the Grand Canyon with a volume of approximately 5.25 M m3 and a width a little under 0.5 km, ran 1 km from the eastern McDowell Mountains. With lateral levees and pressure ridges, the rock avalanche deposit displays many features found on classic sturzstroms. Failure occurred along a major joint plane paralleling the slope with a dip of 44°, when a major base level lowering event in the Salt River system would have undermined the base of the failed slope, and probably during a period of more moisture than normally available in the present-day arid climate. Failure at the subsurface weathering front highlights the importance of the dramatic permeability change between grussified regolith and relatively fresh bedrock. Rock varnish microlaminations (VMLs) dating, in concert with other geomorphic evidence, suggests that the rock avalanche deposit is slightly older than 500 ka. The rock vanish results also have important implications for sampling strategies designed to use cosmogenic nuclide to date Quaternary landslide deposits. Discovery of a large landslide in close proximity to the extending urban fringe of metropolitan Phoenix argues for a more careful analysis of landslide hazards in the region, especially where rapid development excavates bedrock at the base of steep mountain slopes and where the subsurface weathering front is near the surface.  相似文献   

Johan M. Bonow   《Geomorphology》2005,72(1-4):106-127
Classifications of large-scale landscapes in Greenland have traditionally been based on type and intensity of glacial erosion, with the general idea that present landforms are mainly the result of erosion from ice sheets and glaciers. However, on southern Disko and in areas offshore in Disko Bugt, a basement surface has preserved remnants of weathered gneiss and pre-Paleocene landforms, recently exhumed from Paleocene basalt. Isolated hills and lineaments have been mapped in a digital terrain model and aerial photographs. Offshore have hills been mapped from seismic lines. The medium size bedrock forms on southern Disko as tors, clefts and roche moutonées have been studied in the field. Remnant saprolites were inventoried, sampled and analysed according to grain size and clay mineralogy. The basement surface retains saprolites up to 8 m thick in close relation to the cover rocks. The landforms in the basement rocks belong essentially to an etched surface only slightly remodelled by glacial erosion and, below the highest coastline, also by wave action. The outline of hills is governed by two lineament directions, ENE–WSW representing the schistocity of the gneiss and NW–SE fracture zones. These structures are thus interpreted to have been exploited by the deep weathering while the frequent N–S lineaments have not and thus might be younger. Main ice-flow has been from the NE and has resulted in plucking of SW facing lee sides, however the resulting bedrock forms are mainly controlled by structures and orientation of joints. The identification of re-exposed sub-Paleocene etch forms on Disko and the hills of similar size offshore, forming a hilly relief, have implications for identification of a hilly relief south of Disko Bugt, its relation to younger planation surfaces as well as for conclusions of uplift events.  相似文献   

Clearing up sediment and regolith on the foundation of the dam in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in 1999, riverbed were exposed. On the basis of weathering granite regolith sampled from different portions of the valley landforms, by analysing total chemical contents with X rays fluorescent slice and calculating proper value of chemical element transferring ratio and intensity, the transferring law of chemical elements in different portions of the landforms were concluded: 1) In various landforms of the river valley, the process of desilication is not distinct; 2) in weathering granite regolith of riverbed, easy soluble CaO and MgO are relatively enriched whereas Al2O3 tends to decrease. The enriching rate of Fe2O3 is the greatest in various landforms of the river valley; 3) in weathering granite regolith of flood-plain, K2O and MgO contents are relatively enriched; 4) the weathering granite regolith of valley slope is a typical north subtropical weathering regolith, and its chemical weathering degree is in the transition phase from early to middle period; and 5) there is an opposite layer where K2O is relatively leaching and Na2O relatively enriching in 6.5 m depth of all weathering granite regolith.  相似文献   

Clearing up sediment and regolith on the foundation of the dam in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in 1999, riverbed were exposed. On the basis of weathering granite regolith sampled from different portions of the valley landforms, by analysing total chemical contents with X rays fluorescent slice and calculating proper value of chemical element transferring ratio and intensity, the transferring law of chemical elements in different portions of the landforms were concluded: 1) In various landforms of the river valley, the process of desilication is not distinct; 2) in weathering granite regolith of riverbed, easy soluble CaO and MgO are relatively enriched whereas A12O3 tends to decrease. The enriching rate of Fe2O3 is the greatest in various landforms of the river valley; 3) in weathering granite regolith of flood-plain, K2O and MgO contents are relatively enriched; 4) the weathering granite regolith of valley slope is a typical north subtropical weathering regolith, and its chemical weathering degree is in the transition phase from early to middle period; and 5) there is an opposite layer where K2O is relatively leaching and Na2O relatively enriching in 6.5 m depth of all weathering granite regolith.  相似文献   

Oldlands are complex surfaces of low relief preserved on Precambrian shields and cratons and Paleozoic massifs. Interpretation of their character and age is difficult, but as a consequence of its particular location and of conceptual developments, much of the Australian Craton is now susceptible to analysis in terms of exhumation, etching, and multistage development. Exhumed surfaces of many ages are recorded. Long periods of weathering and erosion generated low relief, although recurrent block tectonics produced a differentiated topography and also resulted in regolithic veneers, some of them with mineral concentrations that later became duricrusts. The associated landforms are of various ages, but are mostly of Early and Middle Tertiary ages. Cretaceous and Early to Middle Tertiary etch forms are widely developed and preserved. Earlier Mesozoic (Jurassic, Triassic) surfaces are also represented or implied. Many cratonic landforms are related to the subsurface weathering and subsequent erosion to which oldlands have been subjected, to the exploitation of fractures in the basement rocks, to underprinting from fracture zones in the basement, and to deep erosion, causing rivers to breach alien structures. Multistage as well as two-stage forms are common, and pre-weathered detritus derived from regoliths was contributed to adjacent basins. [Key words: oldland, etch surface, underprinting, duricrust, paleosurface.]  相似文献   

张家界砂岩峰林景观成因机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唐云松  陈文光  朱诚 《山地学报》2005,23(3):308-312
通过实地考察,室内遥感影像分析,得出如下结论:张家界石英砂岩峰林地貌岩层产状平缓,地壳水平上升,流水沿构造破裂面的节理侵蚀及重力崩塌作用造就了石英砂岩峰林地貌的基本形态。地貌形态的物质基础是特定的岩性。石英砂岩峰林地貌主要由方山、台地、峰墙、峰丛、峰林、石门、天生桥及峡谷、嶂谷等构成。其岩石胶结良好,刚性强,节理发育。物理风化很强烈,风化物和土壤十分疏松,内聚力小,抗蚀能力弱。存在着水土流失的潜在地质条件。另外,石英砂岩峰林地貌本身的地貌特点,水文气象要素都促使其山体风化、崩塌,景观消亡。为了保证景区的可持续发展,环境保护意义重大。  相似文献   

中国花岗岩地貌的类型特征与演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在中国南方亚热带季风气候条件下, 自中、上新世以来的夷平面及其深厚的花岗岩风化壳在后期不同程度构造抬升-下切过程中, 造成许多中国特有的花岗岩地貌类型, 如黄山和三清山等处的花岗岩峰林、石林、造型石、风动石等。本文讨论了中国花岗岩风化壳和地貌的时空演化规律, 提出地貌发育年代与中、上新世广布的夷平面的密切关系, 以及在不同抬升背景下, 花岗岩地貌与风化壳的关系。并可据此推算不同山地的抬升幅度, 沿海仅抬升约200m, 向内地逐渐增大, 到南岭或大别山、伏牛山则达到约1600~2000 m。  相似文献   

Granitic regolith, developed in the Boulder Creek catchment and adjacent areas, records a history of deep weathering, some of which may predate Quaternary time. Field and well-log measurements of weathering, chemical denudation and rates of erosion derived from 10Be cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) data help to quantify rates of landscape change in the post-orogenic Rocky Mountains. The density of oxidized, fractured bedrock ranges from 2.7 to about 2.2 g cm− 3, saprolite and grus have densities between 2.0 and 1.8 g cm− 3, and 30 soil samples averaged 1.6 ± 0.2 g cm− 3. Highly weathered regolith in 540 wells averages 3.3 m thick, mean depth to bedrock in 1661 wells is 7 m, and the weathered thickness exceeds 10 m in relatively large local areas east of the late Pleistocene glacial limit. Thickness of regolith shows no simple relationship to rock type or structure, local slope, or distance from channels. Catchments in the vicinity of the Boulder Creek have an average CRN erosion rate of 2.2 ± 0.7 cm kyr− 1 for the past 10,000 to 40,000 yr. Annual losses of cations and SiO2 vary from about 2 to 5 g m− 2 over a runoff range of 10 to nearly 160 cm.Using measured rates in simple box models shows that if a substantial fraction of void space is created by volume expansion in the weathering rock materials, 7 m of weathered rock materials could form in as little as 230 kyr. If density loss results mainly from chemical denudation and some volume expansion, however, the same weathering profile would take > 1340 kyr to form. Rates of erosion measured by CRN could be balanced by the rate of soil formation from saprolite if the annual solute loss from soil is 2.0 g m− 2 and 70% of the density decrease from saprolite to grus and soil results from strain. Saprolite, however, forms from oxidized bedrock at a far slower rate and rates of saprolite formation cannot balance soil and grus losses to erosion. The zone of thick weathered regolith is likely an eroding relict landscape. The undulating surface marked by relatively low relief and tors is not literally a topographic surface of Eocene, Oligocene or Miocene age unless it was covered with deposits that were removed in Pliocene or Quaternary time.  相似文献   

Field observations of weathering processes and the related landforms, combined with laboratory analyses of weathering products, permit a synthetic evaluation of Late Cenozoic weathering environments in the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica, an arid upland characterized by low temperatures and strong winds. Rates and character of weathering depend mainly on moisture availability and the bedrock geology. Under the humid weathering regime that occurs only locally around the margin of the present sheet, frequent diurnal freeze-thaw cycles in summer cause relatively rapid rock fragmentation. Most of the mountains are situated in the arid weathering regime, under which rock breakdown is very slow unless the rock contains plenty of salts. Salt weathering becomes more intensive and extensive with exposure age, as a result of salt accumulation in rock, eventually producing soils as small as fine-silt size. Lack of clay mineralization even in weathered rocks having been exposed above the ice sheet prior to 4 Ma ago indicates that hydrolysis or carbonation of rock minerals has been insignificant during the past 4 Ma. The final products of weathering are due mainly to salt action and reflect the parent lithology. Resistant fine-grained granite forms strongly oxidized tors carved with tafoni, or fields of mushroom-like boulders overlying the fractured bedrock. Less resistant rocks, like biotite gneiss and amphibolite, produce stone pavements underlain by saline, silty soils up to 30–40 cm thick, the thickness of which corresponds to the maximum thaw depth.  相似文献   

王贵勇  董光荣 《中国沙漠》1995,15(2):124-130
戈壁是荒漠景观的基本类型之一。从沉积相和沉积环境的角度出发,将戈壁定义为干旱大气与砾石堆积体和裸露基岩表面相互作用的界面,由这个面覆盖的区域称作戈壁。在干旱大气环境下,砾石堆积体或基岩表面经历了机械风化作用、盐分风化和盐分微地貌作用、风力作用及荒漠漆发育等外力作用,使其与其它地区的砾石堆积体或基岩表面出现本质的不同。戈壁面特有的地质、地貌特征指示了干旱气候的存在,其中记录的有效信息可为研究干旱区气候、环境变化及新构造运动提供新的途径。  相似文献   

The volcanic residuals of the Gawler Ranges together form an extensive massif that in its gross morphology differs markedly from most exposures of silicic volcanic rocks. The upland developed in two stages, the first involving differential fracture‐controlled subsurface weathering, the second the stripping of the regolith. As a result, an irregular weathering front was exposed, with domical projections prominent. These bornhardts are etch forms, and they are of considerable antiquity.

The differential weathering of the rock mass reflects the exploitation of various fracture systems by shallow groundwaters. Orthogonal fracture systems at various scales, sheet fractures and columnar joints control the morphology of the bornhardts in gross and in detail.

The exploitation of the structural base, which was established in the Middle Protero‐zoic, probably took place throughout the Late Proterozoic and the Palaeozoic, though only minor remnants of the Proterozoic land surface remain. The major landscape features developed during the Mesozoic. The weathering which initiated the bornhardts occurred in the Jurassic or earlier Mesozoic, and the landforms were exposed in Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary times.

Though structural forms dominate the present landscape, some major and some minor landforms are best explained in terms of climatic changes of the later Cainozoic. The palaeodrainage system, established under humid conditions by the Early Tertiary, was alluviated during the Cainozoic arid phases, and salinas were formed. The sand dunes of the region also reflect this aridity.  相似文献   

Geomorphic differences between slopes backing two distinct desert piedmont types provide a proxy indicator for the kind of landform developed at the corresponding mountain base. Here, the term ‘bedrock pediment’ describes subaerial bedrock platforms that emanate from a mountain base while ‘alluvial slope’ describes suballuvial bedrock platforms that extend from the mountain. Mountain slopes backing bedrock pediments have been demonstrated to be mantled by larger clast sizes than corresponding slopes backing alluvial slopes in the Phoenix region, Arizona, USA. The present research focuses on using the disparate particle sizes between slopes backing bedrock pediments and alluvial slopes as an indicator for the piedmont form developed at the mountain base, and uses high-resolution remotely sensed digital data as a medium for quantitative landform assessments. A gravel + bedrock versus soil index developed from airborne midinfrared multispectral imagery acquired by the Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) indicates the presence of slopes mantled with larger particle sizes versus slopes mantled with smaller particle sizes and greater soil coverage. Two test areas confirm the applicability of this method and further demonstrate the usefulness of high-resolution midinfrared multispectral imagery as a geomorphic tool in arid regions.  相似文献   

The precise correlations between rock hardness, resistance to erosion, and landform development have hitherto been difficult to establish. Rock hardness has proved difficult to assess, particularly in the field, because suitable equipment has not been applied. The Schmidt Test Hammer is demonstrated to be an effective instrument for this purpose. The hammer gives an accurate and rapid measure of surface hardness, which is shown to be useful in the context of weathering and landform development.  相似文献   

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