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Postsecular geographies seek to examine how place is linked with identity and how religious identities in turn can be accommodated in public space. Postsecular practices in urban contexts have been researched extensively, but they do not always fully engage with a relational approach to place‐making. This paper argues that through the place‐making practices seen at Virgin Mary statues in Dublin city, Ireland, a relational approach to examining postsecular practices and representations provides a more productive way to understand how the secular and the religious coexist in cities. The paper uses archival and contemporary data gathered from a sample of Marian statues in Dublin city to locate the relational geographies of the religious and the secular. By focussing on the ways that the statues remain uncontested within a changing urban landscape, the paper re‐examines the political significance of religious place‐making practices. It concludes that if geographies of religion in the postsecular city are to have a broader relevance to geography, they need a relational approach to place‐making.  相似文献   

西方教育地理学研究评述与本土反思   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
袁振杰  陈晓亮 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1938-1945
近20 a来,西方教育地理学受马克思主义地理学以及社会文化地理学思想的影响,重新审视教育空间与社会结构的关联,从多维度进一步认识教育空间建构过程中的政治经济与社会文化机制。对西方教育地理学的产生和发展演变进行分析,并尝试从政治经济和社会文化两大视角,总结和归纳当前西方教育地理学研究的主要成果和内容。教育地理学是一门新兴而又发展迅猛的人文地理学分支,但该学科的理论和实证发展尚处于以西方为主导的阶段,强势的西方话语体系还未充分涉及和理解非西方国家背景下的教育现象。当前是非西方国家建构自身教育地理学理论特色,并与西方教育地理学研究展开理论和实践对话的重要机遇和窗口。中国拥有世界规模最大的教育群体,当前社会经济发展的转型和人口结构的改变也进一步塑造了教育空间的多样性和特殊性。总之,加深教育与空间关系的研究,增强教育地理学研究的中西对话,构建中国化的教育地理学研究体系,使教育空间成为考察中国社会经济转型的重要视角,是中国教育地理学研究未来应努力的方向。  相似文献   

There is an important dissonance in recent studies of children's work between the global efforts to eradicate abusive forms of child labour on the one hand and, on the other hand, local settings where children's work plays an important role in social reproduction, socialization and skill acquisition. This research explores the reasons for this dissonance by eliding both the global perspectives of children's rights and the local realities of children's daily geographies. By closing the gap between global knowledge about children (from above) and children's knowledge and agency in their own environments (from below), we seek to present a relational account of children's work within the context of their daily geographies. We draw on data collected with child workers in Tijuana, Mexico to demonstrate the complex role that children's work often plays in the daily geographies of young people.  相似文献   

广州河涌的自然社会构建与城市记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  赵美婷  朱竑 《地理学报》2019,74(2):353-365
基于网络文本、访谈和照片评定等数据,本文采用NVivo分析方法对广州河涌案例展开分析,讨论了城市自然的社会建构与城市记忆之间的互动机制。研究发现,城市自然资源的功能随着社会经济条件变化而变化,并通过人的实践与社会系统彼此渗透、共同演化。具体来讲,以广州河涌为例,本文指出河涌的社会建构很大程度上反映了城市职能和物质形态的演变,反映了物质的利用方式及其与城市文化之间的关系;此外,城市居民与河涌的互动是文化生产的一种方式,在这个过程中,河涌是地方文化的物质承载者,也是维系地方感的重要物质载体;最后,河涌是城市居民产生记忆及其身体实践的重要物质场域,通过此类物理的沉淀,城市记忆才得以传承和保存下去。研究立足于物质地理学视角,强调了自然资源的社会建构过程,重新审视了人类与自然资源的互动关系及过程,进而反思城市发展与自然之间的处理方式,从实证角度回应了文化地理学从“唯物主义”到“文化表征”再回到“重返物质主义”这个轮回对“物质”和“文化”这两个核心概念的审视。从现实意义来讲,本文讨论了城市居民与城市自然之间的互动,为营造健康城市以及为城市再生产的发展思路提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

女性主义地理学观及其思想史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从本体论、认识论和方法论3个层面讨论了女性主义地理学观的建构,并说明了女性主义地理学对更新地理学观的意义,以及对当代主流人文地理学思潮的潜在影响。在本体论层面上,女性主义地理学一直直面西方传统社会文化思想中的等级制性别化二元论,建构了主张女性和男性在建构社会及社会空间中具有交互性关系的本体论。在认识论和方法论层面上,女性主义地理学证明了女性及其空间在西方社会中处于弱势的认识论和方法论根源,动摇了实证主义地理学认识论和方法论中永恒性、普遍性、客观性的预设,阐释了地理学认知过程中情感等主观因素的可靠性,并建构了“去中心化”的认识论和方法论框架。无论在本体论还是在认识论和方法论层面上,当前的女性主义地理学主流思潮都有一定的中和性色彩,这一倾向使女性主义地理学在地理学观演进,以及以人文地理学思想为代表的地理学思想演进中,都具有重要的位置。西方女性主义地理学的兴盛,与其直面西方的社会文化思想根源问题不无关联。在中国女性主义地理学开始发展的当下,注重分析中国女性及其空间问题产生的社会文化思想根源,将有助于中国女性主义地理学的发展,并提升其潜在的价值。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the 'cultural turn' which has taken place in British and to a lesser extent North American and Australian human geography in the last decade. It begins by exploring what constitutes the cultural in what has been dubbed 'new cultural geography'. It then explores contemporary claims that cultural geography has eclipsed or marginalised social geography. The final section evaluates these claims about the demise of the social, arguing that the social has not been evacuated but rather has been redefined. While this paper tells a specific story about a particular tradition and geographical frame of reference, it nonetheless has wider relevance because it provides an example of the differential development of particular sub-disciplinary areas, of the way subdisciplinary knowledges shape each other, and of the way understandings of disciplinary trends are contested.  相似文献   

超越地理学二元性: 混合地理学的思考   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
关美宝 《地理科学进展》2013,32(9):1307-1315
20世纪的地理学经历了“空间-分析”地理学和“社会-文化”地理学的分裂,对学科的发展带来了持久的影响。本文从历史角度探究“空间-分析”地理学和“社会-文化”地理学分裂的原因,提出保持地理学观点的多样性、促进不同领域的沟通是地理学学科发展的理性选择。在实现“空间-分析”地理学与“社会-文化”地理学沟通的方式方面,地理学认识论与研究方法之间并不存在一一对应的关系,定量方法与定性方法可以在不同领域中混合使用,从而实现对社会-理论与空间-分析隔阂的超越。本文阐释了“混合性”的理念在超越地理学社会-文化/空间-分析二元性中所具备的潜质,并简要总结了混合地理学已有的研究实践,对以“混合性”为基础、面向“后社会-理论、后空间-分析”的地理学未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

International examples of interactions between Indigenous peoples and the new conservation paradigm come mainly from developing countries and suggest divisions over priorities. As a Western settler society, Australia is at a critical time in conservation and Indigenous peoples' rights. Innovative approaches to conservation are promoted. The role and influence of non-governmental organisations is increasing. Indigenous peoples' rights to land are recognised and Indigenous involvement in conservation is growing. Yet, despite Australia being considered a leader in these arenas, particularly the latter, there has been little analysis of the relationship between innovative approaches to conservation and Indigenous Australians under the new paradigm. This paper describes how the spatial manifestations of approaches under the new conservation paradigm and Indigenous land in Australia are creating new geographies. We identify geographies of overlap, dichotomy and absence. The paper identifies research needs into these geographies, including: examining the influence of ‘recognition’ in engagements between conservation and Indigenous Australians; investigating the impacts of approaches under the new paradigm such as scaling-up, territorialism and differing governance structures on Indigenous Australians; and questioning the social responsibilities of the non-governmental organisations towards Indigenous Australians.  相似文献   

Lewis Holloway 《Area》2000,32(3):307-315
Summary This paper begins to develop an analysis of the geography of smallholding, as a contribution to developing interest in cultural geographies of farming and the nature of the 'post-productivist' countryside. The paper uses evidence from a survey of UK smallholders to suggest that they are in a paradoxical position in relation to ideas about 'real' farming, production and consumption, leisure and work. Smallholder identity is revealed as constituted through ideas about 'nature', food, family, community, work and rural space. The paper concludes by suggesting a framework of ideas for future intensive research into smallholding and its links with farming cultures and rural social and cultural change.  相似文献   

Geographies of age: thinking relationally   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peter Hopkins  Rachel Pain 《Area》2007,39(3):287-294
In contrast to recent treatment of other social identities, geographers' work on age still focuses disproportionately on the social-chronological margins – the very young and (to a far lesser extent) the very old – and rarely connects them directly. We outline the benefits of creating relational geographies of age, in order to build out from the recent explosion of children's geographies, and discuss three helpful concepts: intergenerationality, intersectionality and lifecourse. We suggest that participation provides one epistemological vehicle for getting beyond geographies which are mainly adults'.  相似文献   

This article discusses the challenges of doing fieldwork in an antagonistic context. Such an antagonistic context can emerge when a non‐Muslim researcher conducts fieldwork in a Muslim country that experiences humanitarian intervention and reconstruction efforts after natural disasters or the end of conflict. This particular setting can create a conflation of Islamic and Western (liberal) values while a political settlement is about to be consolidated. The case discussed in this article is located in the province of Aceh in Indonesia, where a political settlement of a conflict which lasted more than 25 years converged with a massive influx of foreign aid for disaster mitigation vis‐à‐vis the desire to apply Islamic Law (shari'a). The combined effects of reconstruction efforts and political and armed conflict, forged a problematic co‐presence of Western and non‐Western values, which affected the relations between the (Western) researcher and (non‐Western) researched by creating tension or even hostility between the two. The article argues that methodological dilemmas stemming from such a setting require a relational approach drawing on empathy, sameness and the personal, thereby taking into account emotions when conducting fieldwork. For this particular case I suggest an approach based on teamwork crossing cultures and gender among the research team members. To deal with constraints in such a setting, the article proposes to contextualize any potential difference between the researcher and researched, and to explore various relational elements drawing on psychoanalytical approaches and/or cross‐cultural positioning through and in teamwork.  相似文献   

随着社会的变化,相关研究的范式往往也会发生改变。本文对边界研究中概念的变化作出了解释。在边界仍然具有重要作用的今天,我们需要重新审视这些概念在不断变化的历史、政治和社会背景下体现出来的时空变化性和不确定性。本文强调了边界不仅是国家主权的分界线,还具有从地缘政治,到边界和跨边界的社会实践和文化生产的多层次复杂性。本文力求对边界研究中的相关争论作出建设性贡献,以促进对边界的过程化、去领域、分散性的本质,及其在全球化和跨国流动时期保证政权的作用的充分理解,展现边界研究作为一个跨学科的领域,仍具有自身内涵的学术地位。本文以边界景观的概念为核心组织元素,提倡在边界研究中采取相关的研究方法,从互补的视角考虑政治愿景与日常社会文化实践之间、社会表现和艺术想象之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

Kersty Hobson 《Area》2006,38(3):292-300
Human geographers' research into lay responses to burgeoning environmental issues has highlighted their mediated and contingent constitution. Situated within the discipline's cultural turn, this work has challenged prevailing informational and cognitive approaches to sustainability. In doing so, however, potentially informative concepts and findings from environmental psychology have been sidelined. In this paper I attempt a modest allying of the two sub-disciplines, outlining their differences and similarities, and arguing that environmental psychology can triangulate with human geography, as well as challenge tendencies within human geography literatures to simplify the 'psychological' subject.  相似文献   

As the social, ecological and economic benefits of green buildings become more established, firms, especially professional service firms, are responding by adopting sustainable office space (SOS). Accelerating this uptake demands a nuanced appreciation of firms’ understandings of and motivations for adopting SOS. Through a qualitative study of professional service firms in Sydney, this paper brings together a decentred understanding of the contemporary firm drawn from the ‘new economic geographies’ approach and theories of corporate social responsibility to trace and interpret the diverse and overlapping motivations shaping the uptake of SOS amongst these firms. The firm is shown to be a site of plurality and agency, governed by multiple logics. Whilst motivations informed by economic logic remain persuasive and pervasive, the adoption of SOS is simultaneously informed by a wider palette of logics, including environmental and social logics. The paper argues that a decentred conceptualisation of the firm brings the multiplicity of firms’ orientations towards SOS into view and, in so doing, has the potential to inform a politics of intervention for steering firms towards more socially and environmentally sustainable behaviours.  相似文献   

Robert M Vanderbeck 《Area》2008,40(3):393-400
A small but growing number of voices have begun to raise questions about the current direction of children's geographies as a subfield and its status within the wider discipline. This article intervenes in these emerging discussions to examine the status of debate itself within children's geographies. I argue that children's geographies over the past decade has operated primarily in a consensus-based mode, with a number of potential tensions and differences between practitioners masked as a result. I develop the example of notions of children's competent social agency, a core theoretical assumption that is rarely interrogated in much depth. In closing, I pose questions regarding several contemporary political issues concerning children's agency about which geographers have had surprisingly little to say. I suggest that explicitly addressing some of these vexing issues would contribute to a richer state of debate within children's geographies.  相似文献   

Caitríona McLeish 《Area》2010,42(1):60-69
For almost 30 years, the Soviet government hid a large part of its biological weapons programme behind the façade of a network of civilian bio-technology facilities, called the All-Union Production Association Biopreparat, which were established to overcome deficiencies in molecular biology and genetics research. This paper, which is developed from a presentation given during an ESRC-sponsored seminar series, 'Locating Technoscience: The Geographies of Science, Technology and Politics', details the secret geography of one of those Biopreparat facilities located in Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan. In doing this the paper illustrates how secret geographies can operate simultaneously, and at multiple scales. In the case of the Soviet bio-weapons programme, enacting secrecy at these multiple scales was made possible by the purposeful exploitation of 'dual use' technologies. By recounting a trip made to the Kazak facility, and using personal communications with UK and US experts involved with uncovering the Soviet bio-warfare programme, the author addresses some of the methodological challenges involved with researching secret geographies. This case study therefore looks in several directions – to work on the geographies of scale, research on the geographies of knowledge and work on secrecy in science and technology studies.  相似文献   

流动视角下跨国教育空间的构建:国际学校案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林丽斌  朱竑  张博 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1107-1115
流动视角下对多元教育空间的理解需要反思教育与不同地理空间和过程间的相互塑造,以及教育流动过程的关系化本质。以广州某典型国际学校为例,通过参与式观察和半结构化访谈等质性研究方法,分析了跨国教育空间构建过程中全球与本土、流动与驻留(stillness)间的张力。研究表明:知识、人、空间等要素以相互依托和嵌套的方式进行跨国流动,将国际学校打造为全方位、多层次的跨国“教育飞地”;同时,流动的过程并不意味着是对驻留的否定,两者同时塑造着学校空间。一定程度本土要素的加入并没有动摇学校作为国际教育机构的根基。总体来看,教育资源的整体性跨境流动在物理空间、社会服务和阶层意义上形成了与本土间的隔离。构建于本土的跨国教育未能实现真正的跨文化互动和联系,反而进一步强化了文化的差异和边界的形成。研究对教育地理学的丰富和国际化背景下城市特殊空间的研究具有积极推动意义。  相似文献   

Urban space is produced through material enactments performed by situated actors whose practices follow a determinative logic – a rationality – that links specific means to specific ends. The three papers in this special issue explore the divergent, contested, contingent, and relational character of rationalities through which urban geographies are produced on the ground.  相似文献   

黄素云  陶伟  蔡浩辉 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2108-2122
随着西方第三次工艺复兴浪潮的兴起,“制造文化”成为西方地理学者关注的新兴话题,而传统工艺制造的具身和物质层面的生产形式也得到关注。论文以传统工艺类非物质文化遗产——贵州安顺石头寨布依族蜡染技艺为例,基于制造地理的理论视角剖析了布依族蜡染的生产实践。研究发现:蜡染生产是一种具身性、物质性、地方性和关系性的实践。在身体、家庭、工坊、社区和线上等不同空间,手工艺人的身体是蜡染生产实践的主体,通过具身练习提升蜡染技能,并充分发挥能动性对产品进行创新,同时制造实践也引发了手工艺人正面或负面的身体体验;蜡染生产流程具有鲜明的物质性特征,物质的活力和能动性引导着手工艺人进行“人与物质”的合作生产;地方自然环境、传统文化等地方要素是蜡染生产的基础和条件,同时蜡染的生产实践又塑造地方的身份和特性;蜡染生产不仅是手工艺人表达自我的创造性实践,同时建构了特定的社会文化关系。研究有助于加强对经济生产实践中的文化维度的关注,为文化经济的理论研究提供了重要实证,同时通过对手工艺人的身体技能、具身体验等方面的关注,也有助于在非遗保护实践中提供更具关怀性的保障措施。  相似文献   

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