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We investigate a transformation of a magnetic field and plasma in nonhomogeneous magnetospheres of collapsing stars with a dipole initial magnetic field and certain initial energy distributions of particles in the magnetosphere as the power low, relativistic Maxwell and Boltzmann. The betatron mechanism of the charged particles acceleration in a collapsing star’s magnetosphere is considered. When a magnetized star is compressed in the stage of the gravitational collapse, the magnetic field increases strongly. This variable magnetic field generates a vortical electric field. Our calculations show that this electric field will accelerate charged particles up to relativistic velocities. Thus, collapsing stars may be sources of high energy cosmic rays in our galaxy as in others. The acceleration of particles during the collapse happens mostly in polar regions of the magnetosphere that leads to polar relativistic streams (jets) formation. When moving in a magnetic field, these particles will generate nonthermal electromagnetic radiation in a broad electromagnetic wavelength band from radioto gamma rays. Thus, in the stage of the gravitational collapse, relativistic jets are formed in stellar magnetospheres. These jets are powerful sources of the nonthermal electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   

Recent observations have shown that some compact stellar binaries radiate the highest energy light in the universe. The challenge has been to determine the nature of the compact object and whether the very high energy gamma-rays are ultimately powered by pulsar winds or relativistic jets. Multiwavelength observations have shown that one of the three gamma-ray binaries known so far, PSR B1259−63, is a neutron star binary and that the very energetic gamma-rays from this source and from another gamma-ray binary, LS I +61 303, may be produced by the interaction of pulsar winds with the wind from the companion star. At this time it is an open question whether the third gamma-ray binary, LS 5039, is also powered by a pulsar wind or a microquasar jet, where relativistic particles in collimated jets would boost the energy of the wind from the stellar companion to TeV energies. I.F. Mirabel is on leave from CEA, France.  相似文献   

If X-ray flashes (XRFs) and X-ray rich Gamma-ray Bursts (XRRGs) have the same origin as the Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) but are viewed off-center from structured jets,their early afterglows may differ from those of GRBs,and when the ultra-relativistic outflow inter-acts with the surrounding medium,there are two shocks formed,a forward shock (FS),and a reverse shock (RS). We calculate numerically the early afterglow powered by uniform jets,Gaussian jets and power-law jets in the forward-reverse shock scenario. A set of differen-tial equations govern the dynamical evolution. The synchrotron self-Compton effect has been taken into account in the calculation. In the uniform jets,the very early afterglows of XRRGs and XRFs are significantly lower than the GRBs and the observed peak times of RS emission are later in the interstellar medium environment. The RS components in XRRGs and XRFs are difficult to detect,but in the stellar wind environment,the reduction of the very early flux and the delay of the RS peak time are not so remarkable. In nonuniform jets (Gaussian and power-law jets),where there are emission materials on the line of sight,the very early light curve resembles equivalent isotropic ejecta in general although the RS flux decay index shows notable deviations if the RS is relativistic (in stellar wind).  相似文献   

In many astrophysical black hole systems, episodic jets of plasma blobs have been observed, which are much faster and more powerful than continuous jets. A magnetohydrodynamical model was proposed by Yuan et al. to study the formation of episodic jets in Sgr A*. By taking Sgr A* and a stellar mass black hole as examples, we modify the model of Yuan et al. by including the effects of relativity, and further study the relativistic motion and expansion of episodic jets of plasma blobs. Then we study the collision between two consecutive ejections in the modified model, and calculate the magnetic energy released in the collision. Our results show two consecutive blobs can collide with each other, and the released magnetic energy is more than 1050 erg,which supports the idea that a gamma-ray burst is powered by the collision of episodic jets, as suggested by Yuan & Zhang.  相似文献   

We present a model to estimate the synchrotron radio emission generated in microquasar (MQ) jets due to secondary pairs created via decay of charged pions produced in proton-proton collisions between stellar wind ions and jet relativistic protons. The synchrotron radiation produced by secondary electrons/positrons is computed using consistently derived particle energy distributions. Energy losses due to synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) processes, and adiabatic expansion, are taken into account. The space parameter for the model is explored and the corresponding spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are presented. We conclude that secondary leptonic emission represents a significant though hardly dominant contribution to the total radio emission in MQs, with observational consequences that can be used to test some still unknown processes occurring in these objects as well as the nature of the matter outflowing in their jets.   相似文献   

The acceleration mechanisms of relativistic jets are of great importance for understanding various astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts,active galactic nuclei and microquasars.One of the most popular scenarios is that the jets are initially Poynting-flux dominated and succumb to magnetohydrodynamic instability leading to magnetic reconnections.We suggest that the reconnection timescale and efficiency could strongly depend on the geometry of the jet,which determines the length scale on which the orientations of the field lines change.In contrast to a usuallyassumed conical jet,the acceleration of a collimated jet can be found to be more rapid and efficient(i.e.a much more highly saturated Lorentz factor can be reached)while the jets with lateral expansion show the opposite behavior.The shape of the jet could be formed due to the lateral squeezing on the jet by the stellar envelope of a collapsing massive star or the interaction of the jet with stellar winds.  相似文献   

We discuss some of the major areas in astronomy and cosmology where plasma physics is important: (1) origin of stars; (2) distortions of the microwave background radiation; (3) expansion rate of the Early Universe; (4) the magnetic fields and relativistic electrons in jets; (5) the collimation of jets; (6) the origin of stellar winds; (7) the origin of filaments and clouds not gravitationally bound; and (8) the origin of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The collapse of massive stars may result in the formation of accreting black holes in their interiors. The accreting stellar matter may advect substantial magnetic flux on to the black hole and promote the release of its rotational energy via magnetic stresses (the Blandford–Znajek mechanism). In this paper we explore whether this process can explain the stellar explosions and relativistic jets associated with long gamma-ray bursts. In particular, we show that the Blandford–Znajek mechanism is activated when the rest mass–energy density of matter drops below the energy density of the magnetic field in the near vicinity of the black hole (within its ergosphere). We also discuss whether such a strong magnetic field is in conflict with the rapid rotation of the stellar core required in the collapsar model, and suggest that the conflict can be avoided if the progenitor star is a component of a close binary. In this case the stellar rotation can be sustained via spin-orbital interaction. In an alternative scenario the magnetic field is generated in the accretion disc, but in this case the magnetic flux through the black hole ergosphere is not expected to be sufficiently high to explain the energetics of hypernovae by the BZ mechanism alone. However, this energy deficit can be recovered via the additional power provided by the disc.  相似文献   

We study the bending of jets in binary stellar systems. A compact companion accretes mass from the slow wind of the mass-losing primary star, forms an accretion disc and blows two opposite jets. These fast jets are bent by the slow wind. Disregarding the orbital motion, we find the dependence of the bending angle on the properties of the slow wind and the jets. Bending of jets is observed in planetary nebulae which are thought to be the descendants of interacting binary stars. For example, in some of these planetary nebulae, the two bubbles (lobes) which are inflated by the two opposite jets are displaced to the same side of the symmetry axis of the nebula. Similar displacements are observed in bubble pairs in the centre of some clusters and groups of galaxies. We compare the bending of jets in binary stellar systems with that in clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of determining the corpuscular composition of the plasma in the relativistic jets of blazars and microquasars from data on the polarization and intensity of their radio synchrotron emission. We have constructed a universal diagram that allows the relative content of nonrelativistic electrons to be established in specific objects using information about their frequency spectra and polarization at individual frequencies. As a result, we have found that the electron plasma component in the jets of the blazars 3C 279 and BL Lac is relativistic. In the jets of the microquasar GRS 1915+105, the cold plasma density may be comparable to or considerably higher than the relativistic particle density.  相似文献   

We discuss the application of meridionally self-similar models to winds and jets from hot coronae, in particular in the central region of accretion disks. A summary of how they may help understanding the evolution of jets from young stars is outlined. Then we discuss their application to the classification of AGN jets and extension to the relativistic regime of these exact axisymmetric solutions. Finally we discuss how it is possible to extend the polytropic equation of state and Parker winds to the relativistic regime to have a simple toy model for understanding thermal acceleration.  相似文献   

We use moment formalism of relativistic radiation hydrodynamics to obtain equations of motion of radial jets and solve them using polytropic equation of state of the relativistic gas. We consider curved space-time around black holes and obtain jets with moderately relativistic terminal speeds. In addition, the radiation field from the accretion disc, is able to induce internal shocks in the jet close to the horizon. Under combined effect of thermal as well as radiative driving, terminal speeds up to 0.75 (units of light speed) are obtained.  相似文献   

It has been two decades since astronomers first discovered that accretion disks around young stars drive highly collimated supersonic jets. Thanks to concerted efforts to understand emission line ratios from jets, we know that velocity variations dominate the heating within these flows, and motions in stellar jets, now observed in real time, are primarily radial. The fluid dynamics of the cooling zones can be complex, with interacting shocks, clumps, and instabilities that could benefit from insights into the physics that only experiments can provide. Recent laboratory experiments have reproduced jets with velocities and Mach numbers similar to those within stellar jets, and the field seems poised to make significant advances by connecting observations and theories with experiments. This article points out several aspects of stellar jets that might be clarified by such experiments.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei can produce extremely powerful jets. While tightly collimated, the scale of these jets and the stellar density at galactic centres implies that there will be many jet/star interactions, which can mass load the jet through stellar winds. Previous work employed modest wind mass outflow rates, but this does not apply when mass loading is provided by a small number of high mass-loss stars. We construct a framework for jet mass loading by stellar winds for a broader spectrum of wind mass-loss rates than has previously been considered. Given the observed stellar mass distributions in galactic centres, we find that even highly efficient (0.1 Eddington luminosity) jets from supermassive black holes of masses M BH≲ 104 M are rapidly mass loaded and quenched by stellar winds. For  104 M < M BH < 108 M  , the quenching length of highly efficient jets is independent of the jet's mechanical luminosity. Stellar wind mass loading is unable to quench efficient jets from more massive engines, but can account for the observed truncation of the inefficient M87 jet, and implies a baryon-dominated composition on scales ≳2 kpc therein even if the jet is initially pair plasma dominated.  相似文献   

The large-scale flow produced by classical and relativistic jets in a uniform external medium is explored using a combination of general arguments and numerical simulations. We find that in both cases, jets with finite initial opening angles are recollimated by the high pressure in the cocoon and that the outer flow becomes approximately self-similar at large times. However, if the opening angle is significantly less than 20°, then there is an intermediate stage during which the working surface propagates at a constant speed, which is of the same order as that in the jet. The behaviour of the relativistic and classical jets is very similar, except that the relativistic jets generate lighter cocoons. Application of the model to Cygnus A gives estimates of the source age and advance speed which agree very well with spectral ageing observations. Quantitative estimates and general arguments suggest that the regularly spaced knots in the Cygnus A jet can be interpreted as shocks associated with reconfinement of an initially free jet, knot 3 of the Cygnus A jet being identified with the reflection point of the reconfinement shock. However, the model predicts too large an initial opening angle for the Cygnus A jets. It is possible that this discrepancy is due to our imposition of axisymmetry which allows the numerical jets to become much better collimated after the reconfinement than they would be in the three-dimensional case. Further study is needed to test this idea.  相似文献   

Population studies of EGRET gamma-ray sources indicate that there is a distinctive population of bright sources at low galactic latitudes. The sources have a distribution consistent with that of young galactic objects, with a concentration toward the inner spiral arms. There is a subgroup that displays strong variability with timescales from days to months. Following an earlier suggestion by Kaufman Bernadó et al. (2002), we explore the possibility that these sources could be high-mass microquasars. Detailed models for the gamma-ray emission that include inverse Compton interactions of electrons in the relativistic jets and photons from all local fields (stellar UV photons, synchrotron photons, soft X-ray photons from the accretion disk, and hard X-ray photons from a corona) are presented. We conclude that microquasars are excellent candidates for the parent population of the subgroup of variable low-latitude EGRET sources.  相似文献   

We analytically determine the structure of highly magnetized astrophysical jets at the origin in a region where the flow has been already collimated by an external medium, in both relativistic and non-relativistic regimes. We show that this can be achieved by solving a system of first-order ordinary differential equations that describe the transversal jet structure for a variety of external confining pressure profiles that collimate the jet to a near-cylindrical configuration. We obtain solutions for a central jet surrounded either by a self-similar wind or by an external pressure profile and derive the dependence of the velocity and the magnetic field strength along and across our jets. In particular, we find that the central core in a jet – the part of a flow with a nearly homogeneous magnetic field – must contain a poloidal field which is not much smaller than the critical value B min. This allows us to determine the magnetic flux in a core which is much smaller than the total magnetic flux. We show that for such a small core flux the solutions with a magnetic field in a core much smaller than B min are non-physical. For astrophysical objects the value of the critical magnetic field is quite large: 1 G for active galactic nuclei, 1010 G for gamma-ray bursts and 10−1 G for young stellar objects. In a relativistic case for the core field greater than or of the order of B min we show analytically that the plasma Lorentz factor must grow linearly with the cylindrical radius. For non-relativistic highly magnetized jets we propose that an oblique shock exists near the base of the jet so that the finite gas pressure plays an important role in force balance.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest that long-duration γ -ray bursts and their afterglows are produced by highly relativistic jets emitted in core-collapse explosions. As the jet makes its way out of the stellar mantle, a bow shock runs ahead and a strong thermal precursor is produced as the shock breaks out. Such erupting fireballs produce a very bright γ -ray precursor as they interact with the thermal break-out emission. The prompt γ -ray emission propagates ahead of the fireball before it becomes optically thin, leading to e± pair loading and radiative acceleration of the external medium. The detection of such precursors would offer the possibility of diagnosing not only the radius of the stellar progenitor and the initial Lorentz factor of the collimated fireball, but also the density of the external environment.  相似文献   

We estimate the power of relativistic, extragalactic jets by modelling the spectral energy distribution of a large number of blazars. We adopt a simple one-zone, homogeneous, leptonic synchrotron and inverse Compton model, taking into account seed photons originating both locally in the jet and externally. The blazars under study have an often dominant high-energy component which, if interpreted as due to inverse Compton radiation, limits the value of the magnetic field within the emission region. As a consequence, the corresponding Poynting flux cannot be energetically dominant. Also the bulk kinetic power in relativistic leptons is often smaller than the dissipated luminosity. This suggests that the typical jet should comprise an energetically dominant proton component. If there is one proton per relativistic electrons, jets radiate around 2–10 per cent of their power in high-power blazars and 3–30 per cent in less powerful BL Lacs.  相似文献   

We review status of theoretical development for jets and molecular outflows from young stellar objects. A particular framework for explaining these phenomena is one based on the X-wind theory in an environment of magnetized collapsing molecular cloud cores. The magnetized gravitational collapse follows the standard picture of isolated low-mass star formation, from quasi-static evolution of the parent molecular cloud cores. The outflow phenomena operate throughout the early evolution of young stars as a result of star-disk interaction. We discuss emission mechanisms of jets and formation of molecular outflows in this general framework. The general theoretical framework provides room for self-consistent interpretations for recent observations. Jets and outflows are integral part of earliest evolution of young stellar objects.  相似文献   

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