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江西有色地质矿产勘查开发院地质调查与勘查事业单位。遵照 "队伍精干、结构合理、技术密集、装备先进、职责分明、管理科学、成果显著、待遇从优”的原则 ,1 997年对全局地质找矿力量进行专业化重组 ,组建江西有色地质矿产勘查开发院 ,现有职工 2 0 0余人 ,拥有地质、物探、化探、遥感、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质、分析测试、测绘、探矿工程、采矿、选矿、地质经济、计算机、数字制图等专业人员和装备 ,是我局地质工作的骨干力量。主要从事国土资源大调查地质勘查等战略性、基础性、公益性地质工作 ,已完成的江西金山金矿田外围金矿评…  相似文献   

张祖林  石荣求 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):506-510
近五十年来,江西有色地勘局钨矿地质勘查活动经历了四个历史时期,找到钨矿床(点)300余处、探明钨矿(WO3)金属量129.34万吨,总结了一整套钨矿勘查工作方法及钨矿成矿理论,极大地丰富了地学宝库,为中国钨工业的崛起和发展做出了历史性贡献.  相似文献   

江西金山金矿成矿深度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构造附加静水压力的研究是构造物理化学研究的重要内容。本文运用构造物理化学的基 本理论,研究了江西金山金矿赋矿韧性剪切带的构造附加静水压力,测算了金山金矿的成矿深度。 研究表明,金山金矿的成矿深度在 3100~4300m左右,这对进一步在该区的找矿勘查工作具有 指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>丰山金矿处于扬子地块与华夏地块结合带间赣西宜春袁州区境内,系1987年江西有色地质局经化探异常查证而发现的。2006年,江西有色地质局经12个钻探和坑探等,提交了小型炭质岩型金矿普查报告(江西有色地质勘查开发研究院,2006)。2006年起,本矿始采。2009年,因可采矿量耗尽而停产至今。2013―2014年,与本矿合作的外资公司认为炭质金矿石难选冶,遂将勘查目标转向石炭系含金砂砾岩破碎带,施  相似文献   

一、百色市金矿勘查基本情况目前,百色市共设矿产资源勘查项目394个,其中以金矿勘查为主要任务的勘查项目有242个,占全市勘查项目的62%,金矿勘查总面积约3236平方公里。  相似文献   

黄世全  张祖林 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):521-525
回顾江西有色地勘局稀有金属矿产勘查的历史背景,大型-特大型钽、铌、锂、铷、铯矿床的发现及勘查经过和所取得的成果.提出钠长石化花岗岩型稀有金属矿床是今后勘查的主要类型、指出矿化花岗岩体的标志.  相似文献   

江西金山金矿床铂族元素初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西金山金矿床铂族元素初步研究梁有彬,朱文凤,王宗学(中国有色金属工业总公司矿产地质研究院,桂林541004)张涛(江西有色地质勘查局四队,景德镇市333000)关键词江西,金矿床,铂族元素金山金矿区位于江西东北部赣东北断裂带与乐安河深断裂带之间的乐...  相似文献   

作者从最近召开的江西省贵金属矿床学术会议上了解到,近年来江西金矿勘查有较大的突破.其标志是,突破了原来以伴生金矿为主要金矿类型的局面,发现了一批独立金矿,其中个别矿床已达大型规模;伴生-共生金矿也有较大突破.现在江西已成为金矿类型齐全,找矿前景颇具希望的我国又一个黄金重要产地. 作为我国主要金矿类型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿(即大型剪切带型金矿),在江西省也有广泛分布,已成为该省重要的金矿类型.该类金矿首先在赣东北的金山金矿区突破.勘探资料表明,金山金矿赋矿岩石为元古界双桥山群浅变质岩系,金矿化  相似文献   

杨建峰 《地质与勘探》2018,54(1):211-218
黄金是兼具金融和商品双重属性的特殊贵金属,关系到国家金融安全和经济安全。本文从全国层面定量分析了1991~2015年我国黄金资源勘查的成本和利润变化以及在资源储量方面的成效变化,以期为黄金资源勘查工作管理提供基础依据。我国金矿勘查活动经历了由传统计划经济体制主导向市场经济体制主导的转变,特别是2006年以后金矿勘查投入与黄金价格呈显著正相关关系。1991~2015年金矿勘查成本与勘查利润出现了两次不同步的起伏变化;金矿勘查利润2012年开始逐年快速下滑,勘查成本峰值出现的时间晚于勘查利润2年左右,2014~2015年有所下降;金矿勘查投入在变化上比黄金生产利润和金矿勘查利润要延迟1年左右。近年来金矿勘查推动了黄金新增查明资源储量的增长,但黄金资源的保障程度仍难以支撑不断增长的黄金生产需要;万元勘查投入新增查明资源储量总体呈下降趋势,金矿勘查的效率明显下滑。  相似文献   

黄世全 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):511-515
回顾江西有色地勘局在江西第三次找铜高潮中,起步进行铜矿勘查,取得寻找隐伏、半隐伏铜矿床的重大突破,研究成矿规律,并提出银山火山岩-斑岩铜多金属矿床体系的成矿模式,指出寻找隐伏斑岩铜矿床的标志.  相似文献   

经验勘查与理论勘查的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
施俊法  肖庆辉 《地质通报》2004,23(8):809-815
经验勘查与理论勘查相互依存,互为补充,二者都会促进实际观测和资料收集,促进矿产勘查。建立模型是这2种勘查战略固有的工作,是指导资料收集和资料解释的手段,而不是目的,或者说建模是勘查工作中深化资料收集和认识的运行过程,而不是终结。理论勘查与经验勘查的交叉与融合,是通向矿产勘查的成功之路。成矿理论研究正步入第三个里程碑阶段,形成了以地球动力学为核心的众多生长点,如岩石圈构造不连续面、流体作用、超大陆旋回、地幔柱与成矿作用等,它们都处于快速发展时期,不断产生新的成矿理论和认识。新方法和新技术的不断出现和发展为经验勘查注入了活力,极大地促进了找矿工程学的发展。  相似文献   

巨型矿床勘查新战略一一信息找矿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
直接信息是最可靠的找矿信息,在矿产勘查中必须起先导的作用。直接信息与间接信息在一定条件和环境下可以互相转化的,只有在信息具有直接指示矿床存在和分布的特性时,它才会发挥实际的找矿效能。因此,多学科信息的收集和综合分析,是信息找矿战略实施的核心。信息找矿战略可以表述为“针对巨型矿床勘查,我们应当瞄准稳陷伏矿和难识别矿,以直接找矿信息(化探资料)为先导,综合地质和地球物理信息,迅速掌握全局,逐步缩小靶区  相似文献   

开阳磷矿洋水矿区矿山开采与环境综合治理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
汤贤勇 《贵州地质》2001,18(1):64-67,63
本文就贵州省开阳县金中镇洋水矿区矿山开采现状,特点,引起的主要环境问题及综合治理对策提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

在我国新的能源经济形势下,资源开发正面临许多新的地质勘探问题,物探技术进步有力地推动着资源开发勘探方法的改变,促使技术框架重构.在一井一面高强度开采的煤矿生产组织新模式下,大跨度超前地质预测、现场处理解释和网络化技术支持等,是地球物理探测技术必然的发展方向.  相似文献   

Aerial electromagnetic exploration obtains the ground resistivity of a wide area by measuring the intensity of a secondary magnetic field induced in the ground by a primary magnetic field. We conducted the AEM exploration in the Yamakoshi Village where was dameged by the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004, for the landslide hazard assessment. The apparent resistivity distribution in the survey area differ between the Imogawa River Basin and the Asahigawa River Basin, and the former shows high resistivity and the later shows low resistivity with 30 -m as the boundary. In the high resistivity zone that corresponds to the sandy rock distribution area, the large landslide blocks show lower resisitivity than in the surrounding ground. In sandy rock distribution areas, it is possible for the relatively low resistivity parts to be an index of the instability of slopes, even in landslide blocks where deformation has not yet appeared.  相似文献   

煤层作为煤层气的地质载体,煤层气与煤炭资源兼探是国家矿产资源管理的强制性规定。通过近年来兼探项目的实践,梳理了煤炭资源勘查过程中涉及到的煤层气资源评价规范。在此基础上,从勘查思路、勘查方法、工作任务、报告编制等环节,明确了煤炭资源勘查过程中煤层气勘查方法。根据煤层气勘查方法的特殊性,总结了兼探过程中煤层气地震、测井、钻井、录井、排采等技术及工程质量验收方法,提出了煤炭资源勘查全过程煤层气勘查技术体系。分析发现,现有兼探方法和技术存在若干需要解决的技术问题,如勘查规范滞后、煤炭与煤层气综合勘查缺乏技术标准体系、瓦斯采样方法落后、煤炭资源勘查实施方案审查中对煤层气兼探技术方案把关不严等。由此,进一步提出了相关的对策和建议,包括及时修订DZ/T 0215-2002《煤、泥炭地质勘查规范》、瓦斯采样采用绳索取心技术、将瓦斯地质工作纳入煤层气地质工作体系、在低含气量矿区先期进行煤层气资源潜力评价等。   相似文献   

在兰州海石湾地区进行地热勘查,在分析地热形成条件的基础上,结合可控源音频大地电磁测深、大地电磁测深、伽马能谱测量等物探方法,查清了区内盖层厚度、热储层埋深及断裂构造位置,避免了单一方法的片面性和盲目性,为钻探提供了依据。经钻探验证,井孔地层、含水层与物探推断基本吻合,井口水温60℃,涌水量90 m3/h,主要为断裂型带状热储。研究结果为今后在类似地区进行地热勘探提供了有参考价值的经验和实例。  相似文献   

The search for petroleum has evolved into a highly sophisticated technology where today almost every scientific discipline known is being brought to bear upon the endeavour. Yet, the use of geochemical hydrocarbon exploration remains a peripheral exploration tool. The trend toward scientific integration has led the petroleum explorationist to the point of being a specialist. It would seem that our petroleum scientists have focussed their interests mainly on the investigation of principles and less on their ultimate purpose of discovering new and larger oil and gas reserves. So, it is not by chance, that leading geochemists have been speaking more and more freely of the necessity to integrate our tools of exploration and thereby do a better job. The theoretical basis for hydrocarbon geochemistry is complex, and, as with all exploration tools, the problems and difficulties of interpreting the data will never be completely eliminated.This article considers the importance of using the ΔC method in geochemical hydrocarbon exploration which has been employed successfully for over 40 years. The addition of carbon-isotope ratios and trace-element analysis to this method has added a new dimension to geochemical hydrocarbon exploration. The theoretical basis of the ΔC method has been presented earlier by the author and will only be touched upon briefly here.Very simply, the basis of all geochemical hydrocarbon exploration is based on the much debated premise that the lighter hydrocarbon gases and their components migrate vertically from a trap through the overlying sedimentary pile to the surface. Upon reaching the surface, through oxidation, they leave their signatures in one form or another that can be detected by physicochemical methods. These physicochemical signatures are discernable as “geochemical haloes”.From soil samples, collected from 2–3 m deep, what is measured is the result of absorption and adsorption by soil particles that are altered to CO2 by oxidation and form a unique, stable, carbonate system with the surface and near-surface material. This is unlike other carbonate systems and when subjected to a differential thermal technique, dissociates into CO2 surface material is cumulative and indicates where maximum hydrocarbon leakage has taken place over the life span of the material sampled. It is durable and unaffected by pressure and temperature variation or recent hydrocarbon contamination.Values are expressed in terms of millivolts which are proportional to the CO2 given off by the dissociation of the carbonate system under standard conditions. Frequency curves are constructed for all values for the determination of significant contour levels above the normal geochemical background for mapping.After significant ΔC anomalies are located, they can be further verified by use of carbon-isotope ratios. As methane migrates to the surface from underlying hydrocarbon accumulations, there is a progressive selection or fractionation that causes enrichment of the carbon-13 isotope. The methane, thus reaching the near-surface, is isotopically lighter. When oxidized in accordance with the equation CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O + CO2, the carbon having been converted to carbon dioxide, is taken up in the pore-filling carbonate cements that are found in the near-surface soils and sediments.High carbon dioxide values (ΔC) in the geochemical halo are related the δ 13C carbon-isotope ratios from underlying hydrocarbon accumulations. This is observed over fields containing hydrocarbon accumulations where δ 13C values in the pore-filling carbonate cements become increasingly negative (lighter) toward the crests of traps (i.e. exhibiting lower ΔC values). This indicates enrichment of 12C relative to the PDB standard. Whereas, positive values of δ 13C indicate depletion in 12C or enrichment in 13C (i.e. exhibiting higher ΔC values away from the crests of the traps).The observed ΔC anomalies and δ 13C anomalies leave an indelible pattern in the near-surface sediments and soils which are herein referred to as geochemical hydrocarbon haloes.Trace-element associations, that form organometallic compounds, are found “haloed” or concentrated over or around underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs. These associations seem to have occurred from vertically migrating methane that has acted as a “carrier” sweeping up the trace elements on the pathways to the surface. Vanadium, nickel, chromium, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, strontium, barium are various trace element ratios seen to also halo and indicate subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations.An example presented from the Ocho-Juan Field, a producing reef field, located in Scurry and Fisher Counties, Texas shows that the combination of ΔC, δ 13C and trace-element analysis from near-surface soil sampling is a significant step forward in improving geochemical hydrocarbon exploration methods.  相似文献   

论找矿勘查的风险性和降低风险的预测性勘查战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
找矿勘查的高风险性表现在找到可赢利矿床的成功率低和找矿发现的成本越来越高,这不仅影响了矿业经济的发展,也影响了公众对地球科学的认识。根据国际找矿勘查的一些统计资料和实例分析了造成找矿勘查高风险性的原因,提出降低风险的预测性勘查战略。区域地质背景、成矿作用的复杂性和勘查者所具有的知识、思维能力、技术手段的局限性等客观因素使找矿勘查的风险不可避免,但不少找矿勘查的失败是由勘查者在资料使用、观察、思维等方面的主观失误造成的。勘查者可以通过增加尝试的次数来荻取成功,更可取的是通过提高矿床预测的准确度,以预测性勘查促找矿发现,进而降低找矿勘查的风险。  相似文献   

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