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We use the Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey galaxy redshift catalogue combined with constrained simulations based on the IRAS 1.2-Jy galaxy density field to estimate the contribution of hot gas in the local universe to the Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effect on a large scale. We produce a full-sky healpix map predicting the SZ effect from clusters as well as diffuse hot gas within  80  h −1 Mpc  . Performing cross-correlation tests between this map and the WMAP data in pixel, harmonic and wavelet space we can put an upper limit on the effect. We conclude that the SZ effect from diffuse gas in the local universe cannot be detected in current cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and is not a large-scale contaminating factor  (ℓ < 60)  in studies of CMB angular anisotropies. We derive an upper limit for the mean temperature decrement of  Δ T < 0.33 μK  at the 2σ confidence level for the 61-GHz frequency channel. However, for future high-sensitivity experiments observing at a wider range of frequencies, the predicted large-scale SZ effect could be of importance.  相似文献   

Using large numbers of simulations of the microwave sky, incorporating the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect due to clusters, we investigate the statistics of the power spectrum at microwave frequencies between spherical multipoles of 1000 and 10 000. From these virtual sky maps, we find that the spectrum of the SZ effect has a larger standard deviation by a factor of 3 than would be expected from purely Gaussian realizations, and has a distribution that is significantly skewed towards higher values, especially when small map sizes are used. The standard deviation is also increased by around 10 per cent compared to the trispectrum calculation due to the clustering of galaxy clusters. We also consider the effects of including residual point sources and uncertainties in the gas physics. This has implications for the excess power measured in the CMB power spectrum by the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI) and Berkeley–Illinois–Maryland Association (BIMA) experiments. Our results indicate that the observed excess could be explained using a lower value of σ8 than previously suggested, however the effect is not enough to match  σ8= 0.825  . The uncertainties in the gas physics could also play a substantial role. We have made our maps of the SZ effect available online.  相似文献   

We consider the distortion in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) resulting from galactic winds at high redshift. Winds outflowing from galaxies have been hypothesized to be possible sources of metals in the intergalactic medium, which is known to have been enriched to 10−2.5 Z at z ∼3. We model these winds as functions of mass of the parent galaxy and redshift, assuming that they activate at a common initial redshift, z in, and calculate the mean y -distortion and the angular power spectrum of the distortion in the CMB. We find that the thermal Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect resulting from the winds is consistent with previous estimates. The distortion arising from the kinetic SZ (kSZ) effect is, however, found to be more important than the thermal SZ (tSZ) effect. We find that the distortion resulting from galactic winds is an important contribution to the power spectrum of distortion at very small angular scales ( l ∼104). We also find that the power spectrum resulting from clustering dominates the Poisson power spectrum for l ≤(4–5)×105. We show explicitly how the combined power spectrum from wind dominates over that of clusters at 217 GHz, relevant for PLANCK . We also show how these constraints change when the efficiency of the winds is varied.  相似文献   

We present Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 1275, the central, dominant galaxy in the Perseus cluster of galaxies. These are the first observations to resolve the linearly polarized emission from 3C 84, and from them we determine a Faraday rotation measure (RM) ranging from 6500 to 7500 rad m−2 across the tip of the bright southern jet component. At 22 GHz some polarization is also detected from the central pc of 3C 84, indicating the presence of even more extreme RMs that depolarize the core at lower frequencies. The nature of the Faraday screen is most consistent with being produced by magnetic fields associated with the optical filaments of ionized gas in the Perseus cluster.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(3):231-253
We discuss the four-point correlation function, or the trispectrum in Fourier space, of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies due to the weak gravitational lensing effect by intervening large scale structure. We discuss the squared temperature power spectrum as a probe of this trispectrum and, more importantly, as an observational approach to extracting the power spectrum of the deflection angle associated with the weak gravitational lensing effect on the CMB. We extend previous discussions on the trispectrum and associated weak lensing reconstruction from CMB data by calculating non-Gaussian noise contributions, beyond the previously discussed dominant Gaussian noise. Non-Gaussian noise contributions are generated by lensing itself and by the correlation between the lensing effect and other foreground secondary anisotropies in the CMB such as the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect. When the SZ effect is removed from temperature maps using its spectral dependence, we find these additional non-Gaussian noise contributions to be an order of magnitude lower than the dominant Gaussian noise. If the noise-bias due to the dominant Gaussian part of the temperature squared power spectrum is removed, then these additional non-Gaussian contributions provide the limiting noise level for the lensing reconstruction. The temperature squared power spectrum allows a high signal-to-noise extraction of the lensing deflections and a confusion-free separation of the curl (or B-mode) polarization due to inflationary gravitational waves from that due to lensed gradient (or E-mode) polarization. The small angular scale temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements provide a novel approach to weak lensing studies, complementing the approach based on galaxy ellipticities.  相似文献   

We examine the ability of the future Planck mission to provide a catalogue of galaxy clusters observed via their Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) distortion in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). For this purpose we produce full-sky SZ maps based on N -body simulations and scaling relations between cluster properties for several cosmological models. We extrapolate the N -body simulations by a mass function to high redshifts in order to obtain a realistic SZ background. The simulated Planck observations include, besides the thermal and kinematic SZ effects, contributions from the primordial CMB, extragalactic point sources as well as Galactic dust, free–free and synchrotron emission. A harmonic-space maximum-entropy method is used to separate the SZ signal from contaminating components in combination with a cluster detection algorithm based on thresholding and flux integration to identify clusters and to obtain their fluxes. We estimate a survey sensitivity limit (depending on the quality of the recovered cluster flux) and provide cluster survey completeness and purity estimates. We find that, given our modelling and detection algorithm, Planck will reliably detect at least several thousands of clusters over the full sky. The exact number depends on the particular cosmological model (up to 10 000 cluster detections in a concordance ΛCDM model with  σ8= 0.9  ). We show that the Galaxy does not significantly affect the cluster detection. Furthermore, the dependence of the thermal SZ power spectrum on the matter variance on scales of  8 h −1  Mpc and the quality of its reconstruction by the employed method are investigated. Our simulations suggest that the Planck cluster sample will not only be useful as a basis for follow-up observations, but also will have the ability to provide constraints on cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

Future radio observations with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its precursors will be sensitive to trace spiral galaxies and their magnetic field configurations up to redshift z ≈ 3. We suggest an evolutionary model for the magnetic configuration in star‐forming disk galaxies and simulate the magnetic field distribution, the total and polarized synchrotron emission, and the Faraday rotation measures for disk galaxies at z ≲ 3. Since details of dynamo action in young galaxies are quite uncertain, we model the dynamo action heuristically relying only on well‐established ideas of the form and evolution of magnetic fields produced by the mean‐field dynamo in a thin disk. We assume a small‐scale seed field which is then amplified by the small‐scale turbulent dynamo up to energy equipartition with kinetic energy of turbulence. The large‐scale galactic dynamo starts from seed fields of 100 pc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.02 μG, which then evolves to a “spotty” magnetic field configuration in about 0.8 Gyr with scales of about one kpc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.6 μG. The evolution of these magnetic spots is simulated under the influence of star formation, dynamo action, stretching by differential rotation of the disk, and turbulent diffusion. The evolution of the regular magnetic field in a disk of a spiral galaxy, as well as the expected total intensity, linear polarization and Faraday rotation are simulated in the rest frame of a galaxy at 5GHz and 150 MHz and in the rest frame of the observer at 150 MHz. We present the corresponding maps for several epochs after disk formation. Dynamo theory predicts the generation of large‐scale coherent field patterns (“modes”). The timescale of this process is comparable to that of the galaxy age. Many galaxies are expected not to host fully coherent fields at the present epoch, especially those which suffered from major mergers or interactions with other galaxies. A comparison of our predictions with existing observations of spiral galaxies is given and discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Polarized diffuse emission observations at 1.4 GHz in a high Galactic latitude area of the Northern celestial hemisphere are presented. The  3.2 × 3.2 deg2  field, centred at  RA = 10h58m, Dec. =+42°18' (B1950)  , has Galactic coordinates   l ∼ 172°, b ∼+63°  and is located in the region selected as northern target of the Balloon-borne Radiometers for Sky Polarization Observations experiment. Observations have been performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. We find that the angular power spectra of the E and B modes have slopes of  β E =−1.79 ± 0.13  and  β B =−1.74 ± 0.12  , respectively. Because of the very high Galactic latitude and the smooth emission, a weak Faraday rotation action is expected, which allows both a fair extrapolation to cosmic microwave background polarization (CMBP) frequencies and an estimate of the contamination by the Galactic synchrotron emission. We extrapolate the E -mode spectrum up to 32 GHz and confirm the possibility to safely detect the CMBP E -mode signal in the Ka band found in another low-emission region. Extrapolated up to 90 GHz, the Galactic synchrotron B mode looks to compete with the cosmic signal only for models with a tensor-to-scalar perturbation power ratio   T / S < 0.001  , which is even lower than the T / S value of 0.01 found to be accessible in the only other high Galactic latitude area investigated to date. This suggests that values as low as   T / S = 0.01  might be accessed at high Galactic latitudes. Such low-emission values can allow a significant redshift of the best frequency to detect the CMBP B mode, also reducing the contamination by Galactic dust, and opening interesting perspectives to investigate inflation models.  相似文献   

Very long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the quasar 4C 71.07 (0836+710) at frequencies of 5 and 8.4 GHz at two epochs are used to investigate apparent misalignments between the magnetic field and jet direction found in this source. The observed polarization angles are not consistent with Faraday rotation of synchrotron radiation from an aligned magnetic field. Internal Faraday rotation in a uniform spherical source is also ruled out by the observations, and while the misalignments could result from internal Faraday rotation in a non-uniform source, no strong signatures of this effect were found. The jet shows two distinct kinks at which the ridge-line changes direction and then reverts to its original direction. The magnetic field in these regions is parallel to the jet, and remains so as the jet bends. It seems likely that the largest remaining misalignment is associated with another such kink that is unresolved by these observations. The percentage polarization decreases near the bright knots, consistent with enhancement in brightness by compressions in the plane normal to the jet axis. The inferred rotation measure is low (100 rad m−2) throughout the jet, as for other quasars. However near the core, the polarization position angles suggest a rotation measure that appears to be uncharacteristically low by comparison with other quasars.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a detailed study of the radio galaxy J1324–3138, located at a projected distance of 2 arcmin from the centre of the Abell cluster of galaxies A3556, belonging to the core of the Shapley Concentration, at an average redshift of z  = 0.05. We have observed J1324–3138 over a wide range of frequencies: at 327 MHz (VLA), 843 MHz (MOST), and at 1376, 2382, 4790 and 8640 MHz (ATCA).   Our analysis suggests that J1324–3138 is a remnant of a tailed radio galaxy, in which the nuclear engine has switched off and the radio source is now at a late stage of its evolution, confined by the intracluster gas. The radio galaxy is not in pressure equilibrium with the external medium, as is often found for extended radio sources in clusters of galaxies. We favour the hypothesis that the lack of observed polarized radio emission in the source is a result of Faraday rotation by a foreground screen, i.e. the source is seen through a dense cluster gas, characterized by a random magnetic field.   An implication of the head–tail nature of the source is that J1324–3138 is moving away from the core of A3556 and that, possibly, a major merging event between the core of A3556 and the subgroup hosting J1324–3138 has already taken place.  相似文献   

Galaxies are believed to be in one-to-one correspondence with simulated dark matter subhaloes. We use high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes to calculate the statistical properties of subhalo (galaxy) major mergers at high redshift ( z = 0.6–5). We measure the evolution of the galaxy merger rate, finding that it is much shallower than the merger rate of dark matter host haloes at   z > 2.5  , but roughly parallels that of haloes at   z < 1.6  . We also track the detailed merger histories of individual galaxies and measure the likelihood of multiple mergers per halo or subhalo. We examine satellite merger statistics in detail: 15–35 per cent of all recently merged galaxies are satellites, and satellites are twice as likely as centrals to have had a recent major merger. Finally, we show how the differing evolution of the merger rates of haloes and galaxies leads to the evolution of the average satellite occupation per halo, noting that for a fixed halo mass, the satellite halo occupation peaks at   z ∼ 2.5  .  相似文献   

We study the non-Gaussianity induced by the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuation maps. If a CMB map is contaminated by the SZ effect of galaxies or galaxy clusters, the CMB maps should have similar non-Gaussian features to the galaxy and cluster fields. Using the WMAP data and 2MASS galaxy catalogue, we show that the non-Gaussianity of the 2MASS galaxies is imprinted on WMAP maps. The signature of non-Gaussianity can be seen with the fourth-order cross-correlation between the wavelet variables of the WMAP maps and 2MASS clusters. The intensity of the fourth-order non-Gaussian features is found to be consistent with the contamination of the SZ effect of 2MASS galaxies. We also show that this non-Gaussianity can not be seen by the high-order autocorrelation of the WMAP . This is because the SZ signals in the autocorrelations of the WMAP data generally are weaker than the WMAP –2MASS cross-correlations by a factor f 2, which is the ratio between the powers of the SZ-effect map and the CMB fluctuations on the scale considered. Therefore, the ratio of high-order autocorrelations of CMB maps to cross-correlations of the CMB maps and galaxy field would be effective to constrain the powers of the SZ effect on various scales.  相似文献   

We calculate the polarization of the radiation from an optically thick accretion disk with a vertical averaged magnetic field. The polarization arises from the scattering of light by free electrons in a magnetized disk plasma. The Faraday rotation of the polarization plane during the propagation of a photon in a medium with a magnetic field is considered as the main effect. We discuss various models of optically thick accretion disks with a vertical averaged magnetic field. Our main goal is to derive simple asymptotic formulas for the polarization of radiation in the case where the Faraday rotation angle Ψ ≫ 1 at the Thomson optical depth τ = 1. The results of our calculations allow the magnetic field strength in the region of the marginally stable orbit near a black hole to be estimated from polarimetric observations, including X-ray observations expected in the future. Since the polarization spectrum of the radiation strongly depends on the accretion disk model, a realistic physical model of the accretion disk can be determined from data on the polarization of its radiation.  相似文献   

We investigate the number density of maxima in the cosmological galaxy density field smoothed with a filter as a probe of clustering. In previous work it has been shown that this statistic is closely related to the slope of the linear power spectrum, even when the directly measured power spectrum is non-linear. In the present paper we investigate the sensitivity of the peak number density to various models with differing power spectra, including rolling index models, cosmologies with massive neutrinos and different baryon densities. We find that rolling index models which have given an improved fit to CMB/LSS (cosmic microwave background/large scale structure) data yield a ∼10 per cent difference in peak density compared to the scale invariant case. Models with 0.3 eV neutrinos have effects of similar magnitude and it should be possible to constrain them with data from current galaxy redshift surveys. Baryon oscillations in the power spectrum also give rise to distinctive features in the peak density. These are preserved without modification when measured from the peak density in fully non-linear N -body simulations. Using the simulations, we also investigate how the peak density is modified in the presence of redshift distortions. Redshift distortions cause a suppression of the number of peaks, largely due to fingers of God overlapping in redshift space. We find that this effect can be modelled by using a modification of the input power spectrum. We also study the results when the simulation density field is traced by galaxies obtained by populating haloes with a halo occupation distribution consistent with observations. The peak number density is consistent with that in the dark matter for filter scales  >4  h −1 Mpc  , for which we find good agreement with the linear theory predictions. In a companion paper we analyse data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey.  相似文献   

We study the contribution of a stochastic background (SB) of primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) on the anisotropies in temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. A SB of PMF modelled as a fully inhomogeneous component induces non-Gaussian scalar, vector and tensor metric linear perturbations. We give the exact expressions for the Fourier spectra of the relevant energy–momentum components of such a SB, given a power-law dependence parametrized by a spectral index   nB   for the magnetic field power spectrum cut at a damping scale k D. For all the values of   nB   considered here, the contribution to the CMB temperature pattern by such a SB is dominated by the scalar contribution and then by the vector one at higher multipoles. We also give an analytic estimate of the scalar contribution to the CMB temperature pattern.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation combined with high-resolution N -body simulations to make predictions for galaxy–dark matter correlations and apply them to galaxy–galaxy lensing. We analyse cross-power spectra between the dark matter and different galaxy samples selected by luminosity, colour or star formation rate. We compare the predictions with the recent detection by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We show that the correlation amplitude and the mean tangential shear depend strongly on the luminosity of the sample on scales below 1  h −1 Mpc, reflecting the correlation between the galaxy luminosity and the halo mass. The cross-correlation cannot, however, be used to infer the halo profile directly because different halo masses dominate on different scales and because not all galaxies are at the centres of the corresponding haloes. We compute the redshift evolution of the cross-correlation amplitude and compare it with those of galaxies and dark matter. We also compute the galaxy–dark matter correlation coefficient and show that it is close to unity on scales above 1  h −1 Mpc for all considered galaxy types. This would allow one to extract the bias and the dark matter power spectrum on large scales from the galaxy and galaxy–dark matter correlations.  相似文献   

Mapping cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization is an essential ingredient of current cosmological research. Particularly challenging is the measurement of an extremely weak B-mode polarization that can potentially yield unique insight on inflation. Achieving this objective requires very precise measurements of the secondary polarization components on both large and small angular scales. Scattering of the CMB in galaxy clusters induces several polarization effects whose measurements can probe cluster properties. Perhaps more important are levels of the statistical polarization signals from the population of clusters. Power spectra of five of these polarization components are calculated and compared with the primary polarization spectra. These spectra peak at multipoles  ℓ≥ 3000  , and attain levels that are unlikely to appreciably contaminate the primordial polarization signals.  相似文献   

Electron scattering induces a polarization in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) signal measured in the direction of a galaxy cluster owing to the presence of a quadrupole component in the CMB temperature distribution. Measuring the polarization towards distant clusters provides the unique opportunity to observe the evolution of the CMB quadrupole at moderate redshifts, z ∼0.5–3. We demonstrate that for the local cluster population the polarization degree will depend on the cluster celestial position. There are two extended regions in the sky, which are opposite to each other, where the polarization is maximal, ∼0.1( τ /0.02) μK in the Rayleigh–Jeans part of the CMB spectrum ( τ being the Thomson optical depth across the cluster). This value exceeds the polarization introduced by the cluster transverse peculiar motion if v t<1300 km s−1. One can hope to detect this small signal by measuring a large number of clusters, thereby effectively removing the systematic contribution from other polarization components produced in clusters. These polarization effects, which are of the order of ( v t c )2 τ , ( v t c ) τ 2 and ( kT e m e c 2) τ 2, as well as the polarization owing to the CMB quadrupole, were previously given by Sunyaev and Zel'dovich for the Rayleigh–Jeans part of the spectrum. We fully confirm their earlier results and present exact frequency dependences for all these effects. The polarization degree is considerably higher in the Wien region.  相似文献   

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