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Africa is facing both challenges and opportunities in pursuing sustainability. The nexus approach of Climate, Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CEL) is a promising way to seize the “power of integration” for achieving sustainability of the African continent. Based on taking stock of the work of various organizations especially the United Nations Environment Programme International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) in the Africa, this article explores the demands and opportunities for delivering the CEL approach in Africa and provides perspectives on how to promote it in the framework of China-Africa cooperation in future. It concludes that Africa is one of the focal regions in the delivery of the CEL nexus approach; UNEP-IEMP has launched several major initiatives that lay the foundation for delivering the nexus approach of CEL in Africa; however, more ambitious cooperation should be taken through a broad China-Africa partnership, based on existing institutions, networks and ongoing programmes in both Africa and China, to support future China-Africa cooperation on the nexus approach of CEL.  相似文献   

陈艺文  李二玲 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1643-1654
农产品贸易是“一带一路”沿线国家间经贸合作的重要内容,但现有贸易理论无法很好地解释“一带一路”国家间粮食贸易网络的格局演化。该文构建了一个四维菱形分析框架,并将社会网络分析与空间计量分析相结合,基于1993—2016年联合国商品贸易数据,分析了“一带一路”国家间粮食贸易网络的空间结构特征及其演化机制。结果表明:① “一带一路”国家间的粮食贸易网络密度不断提高,贸易关系和贸易强度不断加深,在全球粮食贸易网络中的地位呈波动上升态势,并出现明显的贸易俱乐部现象;② 该粮食贸易网络呈现由无核到多核再到重塑的演化历程;③ 中国与其他“一带一路”国家间的粮食贸易经历了从出口导向到进口导向的演化历程,“一带一路”倡议提高了中国在全球粮食贸易网络中的地位;④ “一带一路”国家间粮食贸易网络的演化是受资源禀赋、经济环境、文化认同和政治博弈4个因素共同作用的结果,各因素在不同阶段所起的作用不同;粮食贸易较其他贸易而言特色鲜明,其稳定性更强。研究结果对促进“一带一路”国家农业贸易的健康繁荣,建设开放包容的经济环境具有指导意义。  相似文献   

“一带一路”沿线地区隐含碳流动研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚秋蕙  韩梦瑶  刘卫东 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2210-2222
随着全球各区域的连通性不断增强,碳流动以及碳泄漏在全球碳减排过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色。伴随全球产业跨境转移的过程,发达国家的高碳行业逐渐转移到发展中国家,并从这些国家进口成品用于自身最终消费。基于多区域投入产出分析,本文测算了“一带一路”沿线地区隐含碳流动,分析了生产碳及消费碳强度在全球的空间分布,并以此为基础探讨了“一带一路”沿线地区的生产者及消费者责任。结果显示,“一带一路”沿线地区的生产碳强度大都高于消费碳强度,且两者的差值大多高于“一带一路”区域外发达地区。全球95%以上的隐含碳净流出发生在“一带一路”沿线地区,美国、西欧等发达国家/地区的消费所引发的“一带一路”沿线主要区域直接碳排放占比约为30%。考虑到跨国贸易中的隐含碳排放,“一带一路”沿线地区整体承受了较大的碳排放压力。从消费者责任着手衡量各国家/地区在全球气候变化中的碳排放责任,并以包容性全球化为基础推进“一带一路”气候治理体系构建,可为长期难以达成协议的全球气候治理问题提供有效思路。  相似文献   

开展“一带一路”沿线国家的风险评估对“五通”目标的实现和“走出去”战略具有重要意义。基于政治、经济和社会三个维度18个指标构建评价体系,对“一带一路”沿线74个国家的综合风险进行评估和排序,运用空间自相关、冷热点分析等剖析了2001—2016年不同风险的时空演变特征,并提出风险防控建议。结果表明:① 2001—2016年,“一带一路”沿线国家综合风险整体呈下降趋势,政治风险变化幅度较小,经济风险经历了“下降-上升-再下降-再上升”的演变过程,社会风险总体呈下降趋势,综合风险波动剧烈的国家主要集中在西亚、欧洲和东南亚;② 2001—2016年,“一带一路”沿线国家政治、经济、社会风险均存在显著的集聚性和区域差异性,高危险和较危险等级国家主要分布在北非、中亚、西亚、南亚和东南亚;③ 政治、经济和社会3个风险子系统存在较显著的相关性,政治风险高的国家往往伴随着较高的经济和社会风险;④ 中国对“一带一路”部分国家的投资存在投资量大与风险等级高并存的“投资悖论”现象。未来应从政府和企业两个层面共同努力,建立动态评级和预警机制,做好风险防控,逐步打造“一带一路”利益共同体、责任共同体和命运共同体。  相似文献   

本文分析了丝绸之路经济带的资源、环境和经济格局,认为该格局有利于丝绸之路经济带沿线国家之间开展多领域、多层次的经济合作;在此基础上,论文提出了丝绸之路经济带主要经济合作模式和可持续发展道路,包括生态文明模式,区域经济一体化模式,交通经济带模式,国际旅游带合作模式;最后,论文总结了丝绸之路经济带实现可持续发展需要解决的关键科学问题,并提出了几个优先行动计划:建立丝绸之路经济带国际科学家联盟和思想库,建立丝绸之路经济带生态环境与可持续发展国际信息共享中心和科学决策支持系统,启动丝绸之路跨国科技交流合作与人才计划,建立丝绸之路经济带可持续发展国际合作委员会,建立应对气候变化和生态环境跨国共建、合作共赢机制。  相似文献   

Strengthening research efforts to understand the combined impacts of conservation and livelihoods in protected areas (PAs) will increase the collective contribution that PAs can make towards meeting global goals for sustainable development in the next decade. As an example of such efforts, in 2014 the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) jointly initiated the “Sustainable Management of Protected Areas in East Africa” project. This paper provides a brief overview of the project’s research background, goals and research tasks. The study is based on a look at the PA management system in East Africa and a review of the literature on the impact of PAs in the region. Results show that East African nations have expanded the coverage of PAs and established a complex set of PA management systems over the past century. The mandate for PAs in East African nations has changed recently from protecting biodiversity to alleviating poverty and supporting livelihoods. However, a combination of human activities and ecological processes inside and outside of PAs may not only impact biodiversity and ecosystem function over the long term, but also pose a threat to the capacity of PAs to maintain livelihoods and alleviate poverty in the local communities around them. The state of existing research in the field suggests there is an enormous need for additional research, the purpose of which is to help PA managers and policy-makers in East Africa understand how to achieve win-win outcomes for both ecosystems and human well-being. Against this background, the CAS-KWS-UN Environment joint research project aims to understand the dynamic interactions between ecosystems and human well-being around PAs in East Africa and identify good practices for PA management to reconcile conservation targets with the livelihood demands of local communities. It is intended that this research be shared with interested parties throughout the developing world. Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the project, in terms of data collection, exchanges of researchers, and the completion of case studies. In the coming year, success stories and examples of failures of PA management in the region will be systematically summarized and shared among scientists, managers and decision makers worldwide. Given its blueprint for building a “Beautiful China”, China can both supplement and benefit from East African knowledge and experience of PA management. This joint research effort promotes Sino-African cooperation on PA research and management.  相似文献   

For over 30 years, IHP (International Hydrological Programme) has been actively operating as a UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) international scientific cooperative programme in water research, water resources management, education and capacity-building, and the only broadly-based science programme of the UN (United Nations) system in this region. By a number of initiatives and networks, the IHP has progressively carried out activities on the quantity and quality of global/regional water resources, transboundary water resources management, mitigation of water related hazards, and water education. While addressing comprehensive areas over water challenges, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of water resources management for sustainable development and with respect to the expected changes in climate and environmental conditions. WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme) and its major product WWDR (World Water Development Report) in East Asia are under the framework of IHP which supports field oriented activities on monitoring freshwater, developing case studies, enhancing national assessment capacity, and facilitating decision making processes. In light of transboundary waters in IHP, RSC (Regional Steering Committee) plays a focal role for facilitating regional cooperation in the Southeast and East Asia and Pacific States. Furthermore, ISI (International Sediment Initiative) and IFI (International Flood Initiative) have significant roles, respectively, for the management of erosion and sedimentation in line with river system or reservoir management, and for the flood management focusing on capacity building of each country in East Asia. There are other major areas of concern under UNESCO’s IHP programme in East Asia, specifically in aspects including, mitigating water conflicts on transboundary aquifers through ISARM (International Shared Aquifer Resources Management), water management of arid areas through Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network (Asian G-WADI), and sustainable management of groundwater by UNESCO Water Chair, as well as water education through the programme of Sustainable Water Integrated Management- Educational Component.  相似文献   

随着丝绸之路经济带的全面推进与实施,中国与上海合作组织(以下简称上合组织)成员国之间的经贸合作面临着新的发展契机。文章基于联合国贸易数据库,运用相关模型对2002-2015年中国与上合组织成员国的贸易合作进行深入剖析。研究发现:双方贸易呈现出强互补的产业间贸易特征,贸易合作潜力巨大,今后双方可以通过在技术、制度等方面的改进、完善和创新,促使双方向更高层次的产业内贸易发展。未来可以考虑在适当时机,推动双方建立自由贸易区,取消货物贸易壁垒和服务部门市场准入限制,促进双方生产要素的自由流动,实现优势互补,进一步促进各国的更好发展。今后应依托顶层设计,实现上合组织与丝绸之路经济带的对接,鼓励企业对上合组织成员国的直接投资,加强双方能源贸易的合作,拓宽非资源合作领域,加快交通基础设施的互联互通建设,加强双边、多边安全领域合作,实现双方互利共赢、共同发展。  相似文献   

投资与贸易合作是“一带一路”倡议实施的重点。投资者往往会选择低风险且具有高收益潜力的国家或地区进行高投资,然而中国企业对“一带一路”沿线国家的投资却存在高风险与高投资并存的投资悖论现象。本文遴选2013—2018年“一带一路”沿线吸纳中国对外直接投资金额较高且存在较高投资风险的国家,解析这些国家的时空特点,探究投资悖论的形成机理。研究发现:(1)从空间视角看,投资悖论国家大多数为中国的周边邻国。从“一带一路”的空间走向看,海上丝绸之路沿线国家分布较多;从分布密度看,东南亚地区是投资悖论国家分布的集中区。(2)从时间视角看,高风险高投资在时间上具有延续性,6年间有13个国家出现两次以上的投资悖论现象。按投资悖论出现的频次,将“一带一路”沿线国家分为高频国家、中频国家和低频国家。(3)从形成机理看,地缘区位、能源资源、地缘政治、地缘经济和人文社会这五个因素分别从不同的方面作用于投资悖论的产生。  相似文献   

For over 30 years, IHP (International Hydrological Programme) has been actively operating as a UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) international scientific cooperative programme in water research, water resources management, education and capacity-building, and the only broadly-based science programme of the UN (United Nations) system in this region. By a number of initiatives and networks, the IHP has progressively carried out activities on the quantity and quality of global/regional water resources, transboundary water resources management, mitigation of water related hazards, and water education. While addressing comprehensive areas over water challenges, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of water resources management for sustainable development and with respect to the expected changes in climate and environmental conditions. WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme) and its major product WWDR (World Water Development Report) in East Asia are under the framework of IHP which supports field oriented activities on monitoring freshwater, developing case studies, enhancing national assessment capacity, and facilitating decision making processes. In light of transboundary waters in IHP, RSC (Regional Steering Committee) plays a focal role for facilitating regional cooperation in the Southeast and East Asia and Pacific States. Furthermore, ISI (International Sediment Initiative) and IFI (International Flood Initiative) have significant roles, respectively, for the management of erosion and sedimentation in line with river system or reservoir management, and for the flood management focusing on capacity building of each country in East Asia. There are other major areas of concern under UNESCO’s IHP programme in East Asia, specifically in aspects including, mitigating water conflicts on transboundary aquifers through ISARM (International Shared Aquifer Resources Management), water management of arid areas through Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network (Asian G-WADI), and sustainable management of groundwater by UNESCO Water Chair, as well as water education through the programme of Sustainable Water Integrated Management-Educational Component. Author: Ramasamy Jayakumar, native of India, Ph.D, specialized in application of remote sensing, GIS, geo-statistical methods in hydrogeological modelling and irrigation water management.  相似文献   

贸易便利化是“一带一路”贸易合作的关键环节,提高贸易便利化水平有利于促进区域内经济要素有序自由流动。论文从贸易便利化入手,基于已有文献回顾,构建包含29个指标的贸易便利化评价体系,分析2013—2017年“一带一路”沿线国家的贸易便利化发展态势和空间格局,并提出相关政策建议。研究结果显示:① 2013—2017年,沿线国家贸易便利化水平呈缓慢上升态势,蒙俄、中亚、中东欧、西亚增长较明显;② 沿线国家贸易便利化水平呈“东西高、中间低,北高南低”的空间格局,空间差异呈缩小态势;③ 二级指标与贸易便利化总指标的发展态势相对一致,电子商务、市场准入、海关环境、口岸设施等增长态势较明显;④ 综合发展高水平型、综合发展低水平型是沿线国家主要模式,通关成本与国际合作滞后型、内部贸易环境领先型、基础设施建设领先型分别成为东南亚、中东欧和中亚部分国家的重要发展模式。  相似文献   

对外援助是一国地缘政治与经济的重要承载,是实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的主要手段。中国对外援助的空间演化体现了大国崛起时代背景下中国国际地位和世界责任的变迁过程。然而,现有研究较少从发展地理学视角研究中国的对外援助问题。本文研究了中国对外援助的部门特征、时代特征与区域特征,结果表明:中国对外援助的地区和部门分布与受援国需求紧密相关,“一带一路”倡议对中国对外援助分配影响显著;中国对不同部门的援助资金主要流向了特定受援地区,且具有明显的时代特征;随着时间推移,中国的对外援助重心逐渐由东南向西北偏移,体现了中国对外援助战略倾向的转变;中国对外援助遵循“南南合作”的援助理念,属于东亚援助模式;国内学者应加强发展地理学领域内对外援助相关问题的理论构建与认识论研究。  相似文献   

孔翔  胡泽鹏 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2092-2108
跨国科研合作是“一带一路”倡议的重要内容,而相互信任则是科研合作的重要基础。由于“一带一路”沿线各国的经济规模和社会文化环境差异都较大,文化邻近对于增进国家间相互信任,进而推动跨国科研合作就具有重要价值。考虑到以往研究主要以合著科研论文数量来测度国家间的科研合作水平,可能放大了经济规模、人口规模、发文总量等的影响,本研究基于2007—2020年间“一带一路”沿线66国间的合著科研论文数量,以改进的Salton指数表征的科研论文合作强度测度国家间科研合作水平,采用社会网络分析、回归分析和GIS空间分析等方法,探究沿线各国在2007—2013年和2014—2020年两个时间段内科研合作强度的演变过程,并以此为基础,着重考察文化邻近的可能影响。研究表明:① 综合分析论文合作规模和合作强度,能够识别出建立在语言、宗教等文化要素邻近之上的两国间真正的强合作关系,宗教邻近有助于增进互信,语言邻近有助于增进相互理解,方便了科研合作过程中的交流和沟通。② 2007年以来,“一带一路”沿线国家间的科研合作空间格局已由“两核九中心”转变为“一核八中心”,中国成为网络中唯一的核心,与其他国家的加权度中心性差距不断扩大。③ 国家发文量、国家间经济发展差距、政治关系、地理距离、语言邻近和宗教邻近等均对科研合作强度有显著影响,其中文化(语言和宗教)邻近的影响最为显著,但也趋于减弱,语言邻近的影响要强于宗教邻近,并且只有语言相同或属于同一语支能够显著促进国家间的科研合作。中国作为“一带一路”倡议的发起国,与沿线大多数国家并不具有天然的文化邻近,在一定程度上阻碍了科研合作网络的建设。未来,有必要更加重视跨文化交流和沟通,以增进科研合作领域的信任关系,推动科研合作取得实效。  相似文献   

In the past few decades, economic globalization has driven rapid growth of cross-border trade and a new international division of labor, leading to increasing inter-country embodied carbon flows. Multi-region input-output(MRIO) analysis is used to identify embodied carbon flows between major world regions, including seven regions along the Belt and Road(BR), and the spatial distribution of production-and consumption-based carbon intensities. The results show that current embodied carbon flows are virtually all from BR regions to developed countries, with more than 95% of world net embodied carbon exports coming from BR regions. Consumption in the United States and European Union countries induce about 30% of the carbon emissions in most BR regions, indicating that the former bear a high proportion of consumers' responsibility for the carbon emitted in the latter. For this reason, measuring environmental responsibilities from consumption rather than a production-based perspective is more equitable, while developing countries should be given a louder voice in the construction through dialogue and cooperation, in part in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, of an inclusive global climate governance system.  相似文献   

Tracking embodied carbon flows in the Belt and Road regions   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In the past few decades, economic globalization has driven rapid growth of cross-border trade and a new international division of labor, leading to increasing inter- country embodied carbon flows. Multi-region input-output (MRIO) analysis is used to identify embodied carbon flows between major world regions, including seven regions along the Belt and Road (BR), and the spatial distribution of production- and consumption-based carbon intensities. The results show that current embodied carbon flows are virtually all from BR regions to developed countries, with more than 95% of world net embodied carbon exports coming from BR regions. Consumption in the United States and European Union countries induce about 30% of the carbon emissions in most BR regions, indicating that the former bear a high proportion of consumers’ responsibility for the carbon emitted in the latter. For this reason, measuring environmental responsibilities from consumption rather than a production- based perspective is more equitable, while developing countries should be given a louder voice in the construction through dialogue and cooperation, in part in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, of an inclusive global climate governance system.  相似文献   

李晓丽  吴威  刘玮辰 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2552-2567
国际公路运输作为“一带一路”倡议之互联互通的重要部分,是沿线国家经贸往来的重要载体。本文基于国际公路运输链的角度,结合行车时间和通关耗时,从公路通行能力和通行便捷性两方面分析“一带一路”区域公路通达性。研究表明:① “一带一路”区域公路通行能力分布状况存在不平衡现象,中东欧、中国、印度形成“三极”,通行能力明显高于其他区域,中亚、西亚、东北亚等地区由于公路覆盖率低、缺少高等级公路成为通行能力薄弱区域。② 受累积空间距离、跨境通关时间、公路网的完善程度以及政治局势等因素影响,“一带一路”区域通行便捷性在空间分布上大致呈现“中东欧-中国”双峰结构;区域之间乃至区域内部国家间通行便捷性差异显著,从高通行便捷性到低通行便捷性,通达时间由公路行车时间主导过渡到通关累积时间主导,国家间的通关障碍在很大程度上降低了“一带一路”区域公路运输整体通达性水平。  相似文献   

The countries along the “Belt and Road” (B&R) should devote their efforts to top-level planning in the field of agriculture, so as to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture in the region. This will require a precise assessment of the sustainability of agriculture along the B&R. With a view to understanding the concept of sustainable agriculture along the B&R, combined with the interpretation of the agricultural objectives contained in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this study uses statistical regression analysis and trend prediction to predict the social and economic development trends in terms of economic growth and urbanization in the countries along the B&R up until 2030, and the corresponding impacts on agricultural resources and the environment. The results show that the future prospects for agricultural resources and the environment along the B&R are not promising, and meeting the future food security needs of the region will be difficult. Only by adopting innovative policies and implementing strategic planning can the goals of sustainable agricultural development and food security by 2030 be achieved in this region. Therefore, countries along the B&R should formulate agricultural development strategies from three aspects: building an agricultural cooperation platform, setting up special funds, and innovating the agricultural cooperation mode, so as to achieve the sustainable development of agriculture in the region.  相似文献   

采用社团检测方法探究“一带一路”沿线国家商品贸易网络社团动态演化特征,利用2003~2017年沿线各国面板数据,结合新古典增长理论构建β收敛模型,分析社团内部经济收敛状况,探讨贸易网络社团内部联系对缩小各国经济发展差异的效应。研究表明:“一带一路”商品贸易网络密度不断增强,形成跨区域联系的贸易合作体系;“一带一路”商品贸易网络社团演化较为稳定,2013年后东南亚-西亚社团国家数量突增;欧洲国家内部联系紧密,形成区域性贸易合作体系,仍为“一带一路”贸易网络的弱影响区;国家之间的贸易联系对缩小各国的经济发展水平有明显的促进作用;全时段内,沿线各国经济增长呈现出明显的收敛趋势;世界金融危机有利于加快社团内部收敛速度,推动区域一体化进程。社团内部收敛速度显著高于整体贸易网络收敛速度,以中国为核心的东南亚-西亚社团在三个时段内均呈现出收敛趋势。  相似文献   

云南、广西两省区是我国通往东盟各国的主要陆路通道,在“一带一路”建设中有着较为突出的地缘优势。以“一带一路”建设前(2013年)和建设期间(2017年)的数据作为时间截面,采用旅游开放度、旅游经济联系量和社会网络联系等指标,分别对云南、广西两省区与东盟的旅游经济联系和社会网络关系进行测算。结果表明:“一带一路”建设以来,云南、广西两省区与东盟各国的旅游开放度、旅游经济联系量均有很大提升,但与排名靠前的马来西亚、新加坡和泰国相比,仍有较大差距;云南与东盟的社会网络联系高于广西,并向较高的网络中心度和网络结构方向演化;云南、广西两省区欲发展成为“面向东盟的辐射中心”或“面向东盟的国际通道”,还需继续加大力度发展与东盟各国的跨境旅游合作。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议为中国与沿线国家的贸易提供了一个新的平台。伊朗是“一带一路”倡议的节点国家,研究中伊贸易结构与潜力不仅可以深化两国经贸合作,更有助于推动我国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易往来。基于此,该文利用2010—2016年中伊双边贸易数据,结合比较优势指数、互补性指数以及劳伦斯指数,从多个角度深入分析两国贸易的结构;其次通过建立引力模型,评估中伊双边贸易潜力。研究结果表明:1)2010—2016年中国对伊朗出口贸易额增加48.01%,促使双边贸易逐渐趋于平衡;2)伊朗较好地发挥了对中贸易的互补优势,而中国未能发挥对伊贸易中石料等产品的互补优势;3)中伊双边贸易产品出口结构年际变化呈明显不规律性;4)中伊贸易潜力缩小16.89%,双边商品贸易发展空间有限,需要开拓新的贸易类型。研究认为未来中伊两国需要建立贸易应急备案,增强贸易互信,加大文化交流,借助“一带一路”平台实现创新驱动,寻求双边贸易新的增长点。  相似文献   

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