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土石坝(超)深厚覆盖层中的深埋细粒土难以完全挖除(换填),其在地震作用下的动力变形特性和强度特性是科研设计人员关注的问题。本文进行某大型土石坝工程超深厚覆盖层地基中的深埋粉砂层土动力特性三轴试验,研究其在地震荷载作用下的动力变形与强度特性,并为大坝—地基系统动力分析和抗震设计提供基础资料。研究表明:试验土料最大动剪模量和平均有效应力在双对数坐标中呈良好的线性关系,不同围压力条件下的模量衰减(阻尼比增长)曲线可以采用参考剪应变的方式进行归一,可用试验确定特定围压力条件下的模量衰减(阻尼比增长)曲线外延推求任意围压力条件下的相应曲线;试验土料在地震荷载作用下的动强度特性主要受土体密度、固结条件和围压力条件等控制,当土体处在不等向固结状态时,不同动力破坏标准下确定的土体动强度特性参数差异较大。  相似文献   

土石坝(超)深厚覆盖层地基中的深埋细粒土抗地震残余变形能力较差,尤其是在土层厚度较大时,覆盖层地基连同坝体在强震作用下可能会产生较大的地震沉陷。针对我国西部某大型土石坝工程,对超深厚覆盖层地基中深埋粉砂层土的地震残余变形特性进行三轴试验研究。研究表明:试验土料级配曲线与相应土层各钻孔平均级配曲线很接近,试验土料的颗粒级配对实际土层的颗粒组成特性具有代表性;试验土料的地震残余变形特性主要受土体密度、固结条件和围压力条件等控制,尤其是固结比对土体地震残余变形特性影响较大;各因素对土体残余体积变形特性和轴向变形特性的影响规律有所差异。  相似文献   

通过分析倾斜可液化地基的离心机振动台试验,对离心机振动台试验中地基土体位移分析方法进行了研究,得到了能够有效测量和计算可液化地基地震过程中和震后侧向流动的位移的方法。这种分析方法能够通过对加速度数据的处理和计算,有效地克服位移传感器在地震过程中反应不够灵敏导致的位移过程测量的误差,得到合理的地震过程中地基位移变化;同时利用位移传感器对低频位移测量准确的优势,通过量测的震后侧向位移值对计算位移值进行修正,可以得到地震结束后,地基的最终变形。本研究为土工离心机振动台试验中侧向流动地基的位移测量和分析提供可靠有效的方法,也能够为进一步的可液化地基离心模型试验的土体位移相关研究分析提供必要基础。  相似文献   

强地震作用下,饱和土体将进入非线性,有必要考虑非线性饱和土的地震响应以及非线性饱和土-结构相互作用问题。本文采用Biot饱和多孔介质模型,基于不规则加卸载准则的修正Davidenkov模型来描述近场区域内饱和土骨架的非线性特性,并采用集中质量显式有限元方法进行分析;远场区介质假定为线弹性饱和多孔介质,通过多次透射人工边界进行模拟;结构采用Newmark隐式时步积分方法进行分析。通过自编程序实现了非线性饱和土体的地震反应分析以及非线性饱和土-基础-结构相互作用分析。通过算例,对比分析了土体非线性对饱和土体、基础和结构反应的影响。  相似文献   

对地震荷载作用下不同深度饱和粉土地基的液化特性进行研究,通过室内动三轴试验研究地震荷载作用下饱和粉土地基的最大可液化深度,试验中通过对给定不同应力幅值动荷载作用下饱和粉土的液化特性进行研究,得到不同地震烈度下不同深度土体的动剪应力比与破坏振次关系曲线,进而结合地基液化判别公式判断不同深度饱和粉土在不同地震烈度下是否发生液化。研究成果为高烈度地区确定抗液化措施及处理深度提供了依据。  相似文献   

对地震荷载作用下不同深度饱和粉土地基的液化特性进行研究,通过室内动三轴试验研究地震荷载作用下饱和粉土地基的最大可液化深度,试验中通过对给定不同应力幅值动荷载作用下饱和粉土的液化特性进行研究,得到不同地震烈度下不同深度土体的动剪应力比与破坏振次关系曲线,进而结合地基液化判别公式判断不同深度饱和粉土在不同地震烈度下是否发生液化。研究成果为高烈度地区确定抗液化措施及处理深度提供了依据。  相似文献   

我国大型城市轨道交通地下结构建设处于蓬勃发展时期,建设场地条件日趋复杂,车站结构形式也复杂多样,呈现不规则特征。近年的地震灾害现象表明,地下结构在强地震作用下可能会出现严重的震害及次生灾害,城市大型地下结构工程的抗震安全性已成为倍受关注的社会问题之一。因此,研究不良地质条件下不规则地下结构的地震安全性具有重要的学术意义与工程应用价值。本文以苏州星海站的不规则(上层五跨下层三跨)地铁地下车站结构和场地条件为原型,分别采用模拟地震振动台试验和数值模拟方法开展研究,探讨饱和砂土地基和软弱粘土地基中非规则截面地铁地下车站结构的地震反应特性及损伤机理。为满足振动台试验中多种类型物理量的有效测试,采用了分布式柔性孔压传感链测试技术,阵列式位移计(SAA)测试技术,并基于机器视觉研发的非接触性动态位移测试技术实现地下结构灾变过程的可视化及数据化。论文的主要工作和成果如下:(1)将阵列式位移计(SAA)首次应用于地基土-地铁车站结构大型振动台系列模型试验中,实现土体变形的测量,并与基于机器视觉研发的非接触性动态位移测试结果相比较,表明采用SAA可较好地测试地震荷载作用下土体的位移响应;研发了分布式柔性孔压传感链测试技术,可以有效解决振动过程中传感器与土体惯性力不同而产生的自身摇摆、移位等问题。形成了地基土-地铁地下结构体系地震损伤与破坏时空演化过程的大型振动台试验可视化及数据化试验技术,可展现非规则截面地下结构的变形模式。(2)将研发的测试技术应用于大型振动台模型试验,开展了可液化地基和软弱粘土地基中非规则截面(上层五跨下层三跨)地铁地下车站结构的地震反应特性研究,给出了模型地基-结构体系加速度、变形、震陷特性,模型地基土与结构接触动土压力反应,模型结构动应变特性以及可液化地基土孔压反应及空间效应等,揭示了不良工程地质条件下地铁车站结构地震灾变特性和破坏机理。(3)对完成的不同场地条件下地铁地下车站结构的振动台系列试验结果进行对比分析,包括地铁车站模型结构周围地基土的加速度反应规律、地表震陷特征,模型地基土与结构接触动土压力反应特性,非规则截面地铁车站模型结构的加速度、侧向位移和动应变的反应规律等,得出了不同场地中非规则截面地铁地下结构地震反应特性的差异性。(4)基于有限元软件ABAQUS计算平台,形成了地基土-地下结构体系成套数值分析流程,开展了软弱场地中非规则截面地铁地下车站结构振动台试验的数值模拟,并与振动台模型试验结果进行了比较,验证了该数值分析方法的可行性和有效性。在此基础上,对复杂环境下足尺非规则截面地铁地下车站结构进行了数值模拟计算,给出了其地震反应特性。  相似文献   

本文对浅埋于可液化南京细砂地基中的地铁车站结构的大型振动台试验结果进行了进一步的整理,主要分析了地铁车站结构侧向地基土发生液化大变形时车站结构的应变反应、加速度反应和土与结构侧墙之间接触面的动土压力反应,结果表明:地铁车站结构侧向土体发生液化大变形时,地基土的大变形造成地铁车站结构中柱和侧墙都发生较大的不可恢复的残余变形;在侧墙底部记录的动土压力反应幅值明显比中部和顶部处记录的值要大,中板处的峰值加速度都比底板处的对应值要大。  相似文献   

正弦标定自动处理算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林湛  朱小毅  薛兵  陈阳  彭朝勇  段荣  马中华  杜则澄 《地震》2008,28(2):93-100
由于种种原因, 地震计的周期、 阻尼、 灵敏度等参数在仪器运行的过程中会发生变化, 这些参数的变化直接影响到地震计的性能和观测数据的质量。 为了掌握地震计参数的变化, 通常采用定期标定的方法, 对运行中仪器的参数进行跟踪监测, 通过分析标定数据得到仪器的运行状态。 目前, 对于标定数据的处理通常采用人工分析的办法。 随着台站数量的增加, 对标定数据的处理工作变得日益繁重。 该文介绍一种正弦标定自动处理算法, 利用这种算法编写的自动处理程序, 在标定数据处理过程中不需要人工干预, 计算机可以自动提取有效的波形数据进行测量计算, 并可以对效果不好的数据进行修复, 最终给出仪器的频率响应特性。  相似文献   

提出联合阶跃标定与带精确电流测量的正弦波标定来确定地震计传递函数的方法。首先,使用阶跃标定确定地震计等效机械摆的自振周期和阻尼,得到地震计低频特性。随后,使用正弦波标定并引入电流测试技术,测定地震计全频段频率响应,幅频响应更加准确,同时可获得相频响应。最后,构建与地震计传递函数特征一致的结构来描述传递函数,采用最优化方法拟合求取地震计传递函数。该方法具有原理清楚、操作简单、易于实现、结果精确等优点,特别适用于地震计用户测试、地震计传递特性与厂方参数及各地震计间一致性和长期稳定性的验证,结果符合反馈型地震计传递函数特点。  相似文献   

Calibration is required for most soil moisture sensors if accurate measurements are to be obtained. This can be time consuming and costly, especially if field calibration is undertaken, but can be facilitated by a good understanding of the behaviour of the particular sensor being calibrated. We develop generalized temperature correction and soil water calibration relationships for Campbell Scientific CS615 water‐content reflectometer sensors. The temperature correction is estimated as a function of the raw sensor measurement. The calibration relationship requires one soil‐related parameter to be set. These relationships facilitate field calibration of these sensors to acceptable accuracies with only a small number of samples. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the results of an experimental program carried out on centrifuge models of cantilevered and propped retaining walls embedded in saturated sand. The main aim of the paper is to investigate the dynamic response of these structures when the foundation soil is saturated by measuring the accelerations and pore pressures in the soil, displacements and bending moment of the walls. A comparison among tests with different geometrical configurations and relative density of the soil is presented. The centrifuge models were subjected to dynamic loading in the form of sinusoidal accelerations applied at the base of the models. This paper also presents data from pressure sensors used to measure total earth pressure on the walls. Furthermore, these results are compared with previous dynamic centrifuge tests on flexible retaining walls in dry sand.  相似文献   

Air-borne passive microwave remote sensors measure soil moisture at the footprint scale, a scale of several hundred square meters or kilometers that encompasses different characteristic combinations of soil, topography, vegetation, and climate. Studies of within-footprint variability of soil moisture are needed to determine the factors governing hydrologic processes and their relative importance, as well as to test the efficacy of remote sensors. Gridded ground-based impedance probe water content data and aircraft-mounted Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer (ESTAR) pixel-average soil moisture data were used to investigate the spatio-temporal evolution and time-stable characteristics of soil moisture in three selected (LW03, LW13, LW21) footprints from the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment. Better time-stable features were observed within a footprint containing sandy loam soil than within two pixels containing silty loam soil. Additionally, flat topography with split wheat/grass land cover produced the largest spatio-temporal variability and the least time stability in soil moisture patterns. A comparison of ground-based and remote sensing data showed that ESTAR footprint-average soil moisture was well calibrated for the LW03 pixel with sandy loam soil, rolling topography, and pasture land cover, but improved calibration is warranted for the LW13 (silty loam soil, rolling topography, pasture land) and LW21 (silty loam soil, flat topography, split vegetation of wheat and grass land with tillage practice) pixels. Footprint-scale variability and associated nonlinear soil moisture dynamics may prove to be critical in the regional-scale hydroclimatic models.  相似文献   

Observations from recent earthquakes show that retaining structures with non-liquefiable backfills perform extremely well; in fact, damage or failures related to seismic earth pressures are rare. The seismic response of a 6-m-high braced basement and a 6-m free-standing cantilever wall retaining a compacted low plasticity clay was studied in a series of centrifuge tests. The models were built at a 1/36 scale and instrumented with accelerometers, strain gages and pressure sensors to monitor their response. The experimental data show that the seismic earth pressure on walls increases linearly with the free-field PGA and that the earth pressures increase approximately linearly with depth, where the resultant acts near 0.33 H above the footing as opposed to 0.5–0.6 H, which is suggested by most current design methods. The current data suggest that traditional limit equilibrium methods yield overly conservative earth pressures in areas with ground accelerations up to 0.4g.  相似文献   

An automatic calibration scheme for the HBV model (ACSH) was developed. The ACSH was based on the physical significance of the model parameters and structure. The inference of hydrologists in the manual calibration was adopted as the guideline. A slight modification of the model structure of the soil routine was suggested to avoid interdependence of the parameters. In total nine parameters, except the snow routine, Fc and MAXBAS, were calibrated automatically in two stages; first the soil moisture routine and then the others. There are six sets in two stages in total. Using the Powell method, the parameters in each step were calibrated simultaneously with carefully selected objective functions, and in particular a powerful objective function for the soil moisture routine. The steps were in a fixed order in the ACSH according to the model structure. The optimal values of the model parameters were stable, with the different initial values varying in considerable ranges. The automatic calibration gave the same model performance as the manual calibration when the ACSH was tested in two basins. The automatic calibration can thus be used as a reference or as an alternative solution of the model. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In physically-based land surface models, the parameters can all be prescribed a priori but calibration can be used to enhance the realism of the simulations in well instrumented domains. In such a case, the transferability of calibrated parameters under non-stationary conditions needs to be addressed, especially in the context of climate change. To this end, we used the Catchment Land Surface Model (CLSM) in the Upper Durance watershed located in the French Alps, which experienced a significant increase in temperature over the last century. The CLSM is forced by a 50-year meteorological dataset of good quality. Four parameters of the CLSM (one related to snow processes and three to soil properties) are calibrated against discharge observations with a multi-objective algorithm. First, the robustness of the CLSM parameterizations is tested by the Differential Split Sample Test (DSST). The simulations show good performances over a wide range of retrospective climatic conditions, except when the parameters are calibrated over a period with a large contribution of snowmelt to annual mean discharge. Then, the use of a climate change scenario reveals that the parameterizations of soil moisture processes in the CLSM are responsible for an increasing dispersion among simulations when facing dry and warm conditions. However, the differences between the simulated changes of river discharge remain very small. This work shows that calibration conveys some uncertainties, but they are moderate in the studied case, and pertain to the most conceptual parameterizations of this physically-based model.  相似文献   

Lateral spreads are complex dynamic phenomena that are challenging to represent numerically. In this paper numerical models are developed and calibrated using the displacement, acceleration, and pore water pressure time histories recorded in a free-field lateral spreading centrifuge test. The calibrated numerical model then is used to predict another free-field lateral spreading centrifuge test using the same soil profile but different input acceleration time history. The computed response shows good agreement with the centrifuge test measurements. This paper demonstrates that even in a large strain problem, such as lateral spreading, small strain damping plays an important role in numerical simulation results; it also shows the need to have pressure dependent dilation parameters in the employed soil constitutive model implemented in order to simultaneously reproduce measurements of pore water pressure, acceleration and lateral displacement.  相似文献   

Images from satellite platforms are a valid aid in order to obtain distributed information about hydrological surface states and parameters needed in calibration and validation of the water balance and flood forecasting. Remotely sensed data are easily available on large areas and with a frequency compatible with land cover changes. In this paper, remotely sensed images from different types of sensor have been utilized as a support to the calibration of the distributed hydrological model MOBIDIC, currently used in the experimental system of flood forecasting of the Arno River Basin Authority. Six radar images from ERS‐2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors (three for summer 2002 and three for spring–summer 2003) have been utilized and a relationship between soil saturation indexes and backscatter coefficient from SAR images has been investigated. Analysis has been performed only on pixels with meagre or no vegetation cover, in order to legitimize the assumption that water content of the soil is the main variable that influences the backscatter coefficient. Such pixels have been obtained by considering vegetation indexes (NDVI) and land cover maps produced by optical sensors (Landsat‐ETM). In order to calibrate the soil moisture model based on information provided by SAR images, an optimization algorithm has been utilized to minimize the regression error between saturation indexes from model and SAR data and error between measured and modelled discharge flows. Utilizing this procedure, model parameters that rule soil moisture fluxes have been calibrated, obtaining not only a good match with remotely sensed data, but also an enhancement of model performance in flow prediction with respect to a previous calibration with river discharge data only. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土的最大动剪切模量、剪应变幅和阻尼比是对土层进行动力反应分析的重要力学参数。利用英国GDS公司生产的RCA共振柱仪,研究围压对都江堰地区粉质粘土的上述动力学参数的影响。研究表明:相同围压条件下,最大动剪切模量、剪应变幅和阻尼比随重复次数基本不变,表明该试验过程具有可重复性;最大动剪切模量、剪应变幅和阻尼比均受围压影响较大,随着围压的增大,最大动剪切模量和阻尼比均逐渐增大,而剪应变幅随着围压的增大逐渐减小。据此,建立了都江堰地区粉质粘土动力学参数随围压变化的经验公式。本研究可为土层地震动力反应分析提供参考并积累基础资料。  相似文献   

Tan  Xingyan  Zhang  Lanhui  He  Chansheng  Zhu  Yuzuo  Han  Zhibo  Li  Xuliang 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(11):1730-1744

Accurate monitoring of soil moisture is crucial in hydrological and ecological studies. Cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNS) measure area-average soil moisture at field scale, filling a spatial scale gap between in-situ observations and remote sensing measurements. However, its applicability has not been assessed in the agricultural-pastoral ecotone, a data scarce semi-arid and arid region in Northwest China (APENC). In this study, we calibrated and assessed the CRNS (the standard N0 method) estimates of soil moisture. Results show that Pearson correlation coefficient, RP, and the root mean square error (RMSE) between the CRNS soil moisture and the gravimetric soil moisture are 0.904 and less than 0.016 m3 m−3, respectively, indicating that the CRNS is able to estimate the area-average soil moisture well at our study site. Compared with the in-situ sensor network measurements (ECH2O sensors), the CRNS is more sensitive to the changes in moisture in its footprint, which overestimates and underestimates the soil moisture under precipitation and dry conditions, respectively. The three shape parameters a0, a1, a2 in the standard calibration equation (N0 method) are not well suited to the study area. The calibrated parameters improved the accuracy of the CRNS soil moisture estimates. Due to the lack of low gravimetric soil moisture data, performance of the calibrated N0 function is still poor in the extremely dry conditions. Moreover, aboveground biomass including vegetation biomass, canopy interception and widely developed biological soil crusts adds to the uncertainty of the CRNS soil moisture estimates. Such biomass impacts need to be taken into consideration to further improve the accuracy of soil moisture estimation by the CRNS in the data scarce areas such as agricultural-pastoral ecotone in Northwest China.


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