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本文以中国市域单元为研究对象,利用1990-2010年人口普查数据,采用探索性空间数据分析的方法,分析了过去20 年间中国市级人口增长率的空间分布特征和多变量的空间依赖关系。使用空间计量模型和空间滤波后的经典线性回归模型分别探究了经济、气候、地形、社会文化等因素对中国市级人口增长率的影响。模型对比结果显示,经过空间滤波后的经典线性回归模型能够更好的模拟中国市级人口增长率的变化。在该模型中,经济因素是影响中国城市人口增长率的主要因素,例如代表城市经济发展水平的城市夜光指数密度。气候因素对人口增长率也有着不可忽视的作用,如七月热指数随着等级的提升对人口增长率有着越来越强的负向影响。研究结果表明:人口的区域增长模式是多要素综合作用的结果,在相关建模研究和政策制定中需要重点考虑经济发展水平和气候条件因素对人口增长趋势的不同影响。  相似文献   

农村地区实施生活垃圾处理分区分级处理,提高我国农村地区生活垃圾无害化处理率,对推进美丽乡村建设具有重要意义。基于我国30 881个镇域单元的8项指标(人均可支配收入、人口密度、垃圾收集密度、人均生活垃圾产生量、乡镇距市县中心距离、公路路网密度、地形起伏度、土地面积)数据分析,研究构建了科学合理的乡镇类型识别指标体系,采用空间差异性分析、空间自相关性分析、空间插值分析讨论了我国镇域空间分布格局,并探讨了东部、中部、西部和东北地区不同类型乡镇的生活垃圾处理模式。结果表明:(1)从乡镇类型划分来看,我国乡镇可分为城乡一体化型、密集型、村庄农户分散型,并且东部、中部地区乡镇的生活垃圾处理能力总体优于西部、东北地区;(2)从空间分异性来看,东部、中部地区乡镇指数内部差异性整体较小,可建议推广同一生活垃圾处理模式;东北、西部地区乡镇指数内部差异性较大,建议推广不同类型相组合的生活垃圾处理模式;(3)从空间关联性来看,不同尺度下的乡镇指数空间聚集效应明显,特别是东部地区产生了“近朱者赤”的空间关联效应。最后,根据乡镇空间分布特征差异,总结提出了不同地区的农村生活垃圾处理模式选择建议。  相似文献   

评估高温灾害的危险性变化,能够为区域高温灾害风险管理和制定减灾措施提供决策依据。本研究选取高温日数、最高温度和平均高温强度3个指标,基于1961—2020年中国2517个气象站点日最高温数据和CMIP6情景模式比较计划中SSP2-4.5情景下12个气候模式提供的2031—2099年未来气候预测数据集,用核密度概率估计方法计算了4个重现期(即5、10、20和50年)下3个指标的取值,对中国未来高温危险性变化进行了评估。结果表明:① 在SSP2.4-5情景下,中国的高温日数呈现出4个危险中心,分别是:西北干旱(半干旱)地区中部、华北和华中地区的交汇区域、西南地区中部和华南地区南部,并且高温日数从这4个中心向外逐渐减少;最高温度在空间上的分布北部大于南部,东部大于西部。平均高温强度的分布则呈现出从华北地区南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区西部和东部地区西部向我国除青藏高原地区外的其它地区减少的趋势; ② 在SSP2.4-5情景下,随着重现期年限的增长,中国地区3个高温指标均呈增长趋势且增幅较大,并且高值范围也在不断扩大;③ 3个高温指标变化值均呈现出了明显的空间聚集性,3个指标共同显示的热点区域包括西南地区北部和南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区中部和华北、华中地区的少部分区域,这些地区发生高温灾害的可能最大,同时根据高温日数变化和最高温度变化,东部地区西部发生高温灾害可能也较大,3个指标共同显示的冷点区域包括青藏高原地区东南部、西北干旱(半干旱)地区的西部和我国东南沿海地区,这些地区几乎不会发生高温危险。  相似文献   

采用随机前沿分析方法和边界效应方法,分别度量了我国在1987~2008年间东、中、西部地区的前沿技术进步和全国平均的市场分割程度;采用非线性EGLS方法,考察了市场分割对我国区域技术扩散的影响。结果表明:市场分割对东部地区向中、西部地区的技术扩散具有明显的妨碍作用,导致了无谓的效率损失,该项损失在2004年以后约为12%左右。  相似文献   

夜间灯光遥感数据的GDP空间化处理方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 随着夜间灯光遥感数据的应用日渐成熟和资源环境研究领域,对空间型社会经济数据的需求增加,利用相关分析和回归分析的方法,首次定量探讨夜间灯光数据与统计型的社会经济数据的空间关系。为提高模型精度,按照我国省级行政边界分区建模,分析全国县级的地区生产总值、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业分别与夜间灯光指数的空间相关关系,最终建立全国的1km GDP密度图。结果表明,全国范围的夜间灯光数据与第一产业的相关性不明显,相关系数0.554,模型拟合效果差,R2为0.306;夜间灯光数据与地区生产总值、第二产业、第三产业均有明显的对数线性关系,尤其是与第二产业和第三产业之和,相关系数为0.824,R2为0.679。利用分区模型估算,生成的GDP密度图能较完整地反映全国社会经济分布详况,以及宏观分布特征。  相似文献   

EIGEN-CG01C用于GPS高程转换的精度分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了综合CHAMP、GRACE卫星数据和地面重力数据得到的最新重力场模型EIGEN-CG01C,利用GPS水准数据探讨了该模型用于GPS高程转换的精度问题,并同EGM96模型进行了比较。统计结果表明:在我国西部某区域(2000km×2000km)的范围内、点间距100km的情况下,该模型用于GPS高程转换的精度约0.7m;在我国中、东部的3个小区域算例中,该模型的精度分别约0.13m、0.05m和0.06m,均优于EGM96模型的精度。  相似文献   

近年来,东北界河乌苏里江我国一侧塌岸地质灾害频发,江岸侵蚀严重,对沿岸居民的生产生活造成严重影响。针对这一情况,利用多源、多尺度、多时相遥感数据及研究区地质图、地形图、地貌图,结合野外实地调查工作和GIS技术,提取了植被覆盖度、工程地质、地貌特征、护岸类型和剖面地质结构及研究区塌岸地质灾害数据,建立了河岸稳定性评价体系;采用似然比方法对饶河段河岸稳定性进行了定量评价,得到了河岸稳定性分区结果;并对分区结果的可靠性和精确性做了评价和验证,发现分区结果与实际情况具有较好的一致性。本研究基于多源地学数据,利用似然比开展河岸稳定性评价,对塌岸地质灾害调查、环境保护和防灾减灾具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。   相似文献   

为了找出青藏高原与东西部各分区大气热源的变化规律,利用美国国家环境预报中心的月平均温度场、比湿场、风场以及位势高度场的再分析格点资料,采用"倒算法"计算得到高原地区月平均大气热源原始格点资料,对比分析青藏高原全区与东西部各分区大气热源在1948~2011年的年际和年代际变化特征,证实青藏高原大气热源的时空分布具有显著的差异性,研究结果表明:青藏高原全区和东西各分区的大气热源均表现出明显的年际振荡特征。在变化周期方面,青藏高原全区大气热源存在14年的显著周期,高原东部地区大气热源存在16年的显著周期,高原西部地区大气热源存在8年的显著周期。在变化趋势方面,青藏高原西部地区和东部地区1989年前,大气热源变化趋势相同,1989年后,大气热源变化趋势相反。在大气热源各个季节的空间分布方面,青藏高原全区大气热源各个季节热源热汇分布特征不同,春季西部地区出现热源中心,夏季东部地区出现热源中心,秋季东部地区出现热汇中心,冬季出现西部地区热源中心和东部地区热汇中心共存;在变化趋势突变检测方面,青藏高原全区大气热源在1989年存在显著的突变,西部地区大气热源1976年左右存在显著的突变,东部地区大气热源在1990年左右存在显著的突变。  相似文献   

在跨国边境地区的诊断分析中采用的对于环境问题进行分析的方法性的理论原则,在许多方面决定了战略行动计划实现的效率。但是我们认为这种跨国边境地区的诊断分析方法应该包括环境和地理制图,以及在陆地景观组织分析的基础上进行的功能性分区。边境地区可持续性自然管理的理论原则是用边界来保护自然资源的潜力或者甚至使之增长。因此景观功能分区会要求对边境区域内各种优先的、许可的和禁止的经济利用的分析。保护性政治制度的确立、把资源管理与维护生态平衡的措施结合和阻止自然与人类的负反馈这3项景观优化原则具体的实现就是跨国边境地区景观功能分区地图,这就是我们认为的边境地区诊断分析的主要目标。在分析陆地景观组织的基础上,本文主要介绍边界地区景观功能分区诊断分析的方法(用于景观规划)。该方法在在中俄边境的Pogranichny-taipailing自然地理区域,利用Landsat-TM图像进行试验和验证。本文的研究表明对边境地区景观结构特征进行诊断分析是必要的,分析包括它的现代经济利用方式、经济活动对景观的干扰、地理景观系统对人类活动压力的敏感性。研究结果通过绘制研究区景观分区地图得以体现,地图科学地证明了举措对于减轻包括边界地区在内的区域环境问题具有一定的价值。这样的方法提供了在保证国家环境安全的原则下,对边境地区自然环境可持续性的管理。  相似文献   

基于遥感的全国GDP 1km格网的空间化表达   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
针对资源环境研究领域对空间型社会经济数据的需求,在我国经济社会的区域差异的综合分析基础上,对现有的统计型行政单元主要社会经济发展指标国内生产总值(GDP)进行空间化模拟,建立了统一空间坐标参数、统一数据格式、统一的数据和元数据标准的全国1km格网水平社会经济空间数据库。利用1995年遥感数据建立的1:100000比例尺土地利用格局分布图,综合分析人类活动形成的土地利用状态与GDP大小的空间互动规律,建立影响经济发展的关键因素评估模型,通过一、二、三产业GDP与土地利用类型的空间关联性,分区建立1995年县级GDP和土地利用格局的空间关联度模型库,实现在1km格网的社会经济数据的空间定量模拟。  相似文献   

There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development(FD)and economic growth of China,such as simply assuming the causality direction,not highlighting financial institution,us-ing incomplete financial indicator,etc.This article,taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province,China as a case,builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale,structure and institution.Three original in-dicators of PRIVY(private investment/aggregate investment),DEPTH(aggregate loan/GDP)and FDIVG(FDI/GDP)are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach.Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou.Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth,while economic growth is not the reason for FD,because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the"supply-leading"period.In terms of Suzhou experiences,the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment,improve the institutional environment,and establish the reasonable financial structure.So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn1995,theamountofFDIinChina(mainland)wasUS$37.81bilionthatwasfrommorethan170countriesandregions.Thenearregions...  相似文献   

Since China’s reform and open-door, the countries and regions of direct investment in China’s mainland have been increasing. In 1995, the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China was US$ 37.81 billion that was from more than 170 countries and regions. The regional structure of capital market of FDI in China has three characteristics: (1) The most of FDI was from the near countries or regions, Hong Kong-Macao, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia provided 80.3% of the amount of FDI in 1995. (2) Only several countries and regions provided most of FDI in China. (3) According to the contributory rate, the main capital market of FDI in China could be divided into four classes, including the guiding market, subsidiary market, new and development market, opportunity market. Most of FDI in China was from the developing countries and regions, which had a negative effect on the size and technical level of foreign capital enterprises. The author puts forward the countermeasures to improve the regional structure of capital market: (1) to keep the guiding market stable, (2) to open up chiefly the subsidiary market, (3) to guide actively the new and developing market, (4) to try hard to start the opportunity market.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of lnternet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis are conductcd in this study.For convenience, the indicator of regional lnternet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under .CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical surrey Report on the Internet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1)The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, ccntral and western China have been enlarged, the relative diffcrences in each province (city) have remained constant.4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type,changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, lnternet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP.  相似文献   

The majority of multinational enterprises(MNEs) traditionally originate from developed countries.In the last ten years,however,there has been dramatic growth in foreign direct investment(FDI) from China.It is a comparatively new phenomenon that challenges the classic FDI theories.In this paper,we review the pros and cons of two important theories,known as the Ownership-Location-Internalization(OLI) model and Linkage-Leverage-Learning(LLL) model,and use the statistical data and company case studies from China to test the plausibility of these two models.We believe that neither of them suits totally: the OLI model is quite useful for understanding FDI from China to developing economies,while the LLL model is more powerful for explaining the FDI to developed economies.We argue that the companies from China attain a very advantageous position as intermediates in the global economy.They may catch up with the first movers if they integrate OLI-led and LLL-led FDI within one firm.This combination can bring together the most advanced knowledge acquired in developed economies with the knowledge about adaptation needs and the needs for cost reduction in production as expressed in developing economies.It may also accelerate the knowledge transfer globally.We thus fill a gap in research into the geographical pattern of Chinese FDI and offer a deeper understanding of the internationalization of Chinese MNEs and revolving knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAfter2decades'opendoorpractice,Chinahasnotonlybeenabigplayerasanimportanthostnationtoforeigndirectinvestment(FDI),butalsothelargestFDIhomenationamongthedevelopingcountries(SUN,1998;ZHANG,1995;WorldInvestmentReport,1998).Infact,sincethelate1980s,theChinesegovernmenthasnotsimplyputitseffortintoexportingmade-in-China"productstoearnforeigncurrencyorintoencouragingforeigninwardcapital.Ithasactivelyencourageditsmanufacturerstoinvestoverseas,andhasdeliberatelyandstrategical…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn January 2003, the London Based Financial Times re- ported that China attracted a record of US$52.7×109 in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the year 2002, sur- passing the United States to become the world's largest FDIrecipient. From zero in 1978 to over US$52×109 in 2002, the compound rate of growth of FDI in China has been nearly 40% per year. This growth helped China achieve a remarkably high average growth rate of GDP of nearly 10% per annum from 1978 to …  相似文献   

GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data and modeling physical environment. However, the requirements of GIS for handling socio-economic information in many cases are different from those concerning phenomena in the physical environment. Analysis of capital flow among regions requires the transitions both from economic values to physical landscape and from physical surface to economic explanation. Rapid growth of Chinese economy conies mainly from investment. There are two main ways for obtaining high growth of investment. One is government expenditure which usually invests in regional facility and amenity block, which is regarded as stimulus for attracting investment. The other is the creation of investing center and corresponding capital source areas, both of which need the central city with the highest growth rate of investment among regions. This paper presents the cluster areas of both government revenue and total investment, the potential situation of capital flow betwe  相似文献   

Northeast China is the largest old industrial base of China that endured persistent influence of the past planned economy system. This region has lost its leading place since the reform and opening up, and became a backward region by contrast with the coastal areas. This paper elaborates the evolutionary process of the old industrial base of Northeast China, analyses the main reasons for the decline, gives a preliminary evaluation on the revitalizing polices in recent years, and points out major long-term challenges for future revitalization. It concludes that for Northeast China, a relative declining area: 1) it is indispensable to get the long-term policy support from the central government; 2) system reform and structure adjustment are the crucial strategies, particularly the reform of the large and medium state-owned enterprises; and developing new industries is as important as upgrading traditional advantaged industries; 3) the local governments should play an indirect role, avoiding from any unnecessary intervention on economic activity; and 4) social security and investment climate must be improved simultaneously. In addition, the author stresses that the lack of knowledge on the nature of old industrial base had led to failures of the past initiatives, and revitalizing the old industrial base should be treated as a holistic regional project including economy growth, society progress and environment improvement.  相似文献   

GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data and modeling physical environment .However,the requirements of GIS for handling socio-ecnomic information in many cases are different from those concerning phenomena in the physical environment ,Analysis of capital flow among regions requires the transitions both from economic values to physical landscape and from physical surfa ce to econmoic explanation.Rapid growth of Chinese economy comes mainly from investment.There are wto main ways for obtaining high growth of investment ,One is government expenditure which usually invests in regional facility and amenity block ,which is regarded as stimulus for attracting investment.The other is the creation of investing center and corresponding capital source areas ,both of which need the central city with the highest growth rate of investment among regions.This paper presents the cluster areas of both government revenue and total investment ,the potential situation of capital flow between central city Shanghai and its neighbor provinces by using “Classification“ and “Interpolation“ functions of ArcView GIS.  相似文献   

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