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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):148-157

Geographical information systems (GIS) were phased into the geography curriculum of South African schools from 2006–2008 as part of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) for grades 10–12. Since its introduction, GIS education in schools across the country has been met with a number of challenges including the cost of purchasing the hardware and software required to elucidate the basic concepts of GIS to learners. This article examines the introduction of GIS education in schools in South Africa. The development and distribution of a paper-based GIS educational package for resource-poor schools in the country is also highlighted. Preliminary educator and learner evaluations of the paper-based GIS package are discussed and the broader learning opportunities and benefits associated with flexible teaching mechanisms are examined.  相似文献   


Development programmes in Sahelian Africa are beginning to use geographic information system (GIS) technology. One of the GIS and remote sensing programmes introduced to the region in the late 1980s was the use of seasonal vegetation maps made from satellite data to support grasshopper and locust control. Following serious outbreaks of these pests in 1987, the programme addressed a critical need, by national and international crop protection organizations, to monitor site-specific dynamic vegetation conditions associated with grasshopper and locust breeding. The primary products used in assessing vegetation conditions were vegetation index (greenness) image maps derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite imagery. Vegetation index data were integrated in a GIS with digital cartographic data of individual Sahelian countries. These near-real-time image maps were used regularly in 10 countries for locating potential grasshopper and locust habitats. The programme to monitor vegetation conditions is currently being institutionalized in the Sahel.  相似文献   


The GIS literature abounds with strategies to guide the development of a corporate GIS as a single project but lacks discussion on the long term management of the GIS. This paper documents a recent study into GIS development in a state department over an 18-year period. It applies the productional perspective of GIS to model long term GIS development diagrammatically and identifies five patterns of GIS development. The outcomes reveal some long term characteristics of a corporate GIS, based on which a three-stage approach is developed to guide the long term development of an ideal corporate GIS.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):275-276

The integration of GIS into the secondary curriculum can aid student learning of geography. Through a partnership between a local high school and our university, high school students received nine hours of classroom instruction and field-based training on GIS and GPS to complete a mapping project. Upon completion, a test based on seven geography core curriculum units was administered to these students and to a group of university students who did not receive GIS training. Results of the test revealed that high school students significantly outperformed the university students, suggesting that GIS does aid in the learning of geographic principles.  相似文献   


Local government is one of the most important groups of users of geographical information systems (GIS). The significant interest amongst users and the varied demands to be made of GIS have stimulated discussion in many countries. This article presents some of the findings of a research project which is currently exploring the impact of GIS on British local government. The discussion examines the results of a comprehensive survey of all 514 local authorities in Great Britain. These findings provide an overview of GIS adoption in relation to type of local authority and geographical location. Particular attention is focused on the type of systems which have been adopted, the take-up of GIS over time, the software and hardware being utilized and the perceived benefits and problems associated with GIS. The results demonstrate that take-up has been most pronounced in the larger authorities, particularly in the southern part of Great Britain, with the most popular combination of equipment being Arc/Info software and workstations. For those authorities presently implementing a GIS, the technology is expected to improve existing capabilities for information processing rather than enhance decision-making or help achieve savings. In seeking these benefits authorities are encountering considerable problems which include basic technical difficulties in getting the equipment to work, data-related issues surrounding the collection, standardization and maintenance of geographical information, and profound organizational considerations associated with the introduction of information technology into complex environments. There is an urgent need for in-depth case studies which evaluate the experiences of users in relation to the vital process of implementation.  相似文献   


Remotely-sensed data constitute a major potential source of input to geographical information systems (GIS)However, these data often have a relatively poor classification accuracy compared with that of the cartographic data from maps with which they may be combined in the course of GIS analysis. The possibility exists of using data sets (in the form of digital maps) resident within a GIS in order to improve this accuracy, before the classified image is incorporated into the GIS. Results are discussed from a British Alvey Information Technology project to develop a system for the knowledge-based segmentation and classification of remotely-sensed terrain images, in which the knowledge contained in digital map  相似文献   

Integrating GIS into the Undergraduate Learning Environment   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):158-163

Despite the promise of GIS, substantial barriers have prevented its widespread use in geographic education. Among the key factors are technical impediments stemming from software complexity, pedagogic issues related to the lack of experienced faculty and the shortage of curriculum materials, and systemic issues associated with faculty motivation. This case study describes strategies that were employed for addressing each of these barriers in a large enrollment, multisection world geography course. Successful implementation of those strategies has enabled large numbers of students in classes taught by instructors with no formal GIS experience to spend a substantial amount of time learning geography with the help of simple, easy-to-use GIS software applications.  相似文献   


Two qualitative case studies, one focusing on K-12 teachers and the other on middle school students, explore key factors associated with using Geographic Information Systems in the classroom. In both studies, access to appropriate hardware is a critical barrier. Time is another critical barrier—time to learn the GIS software and time in the curriculum to incorporate GIS as a learning experience. In both case studies, learning the technology at the expense of learning spatial analysis was a danger, suggesting the need for conscious focus on the goal of using GIS to learn how to “do geography.”  相似文献   

A Pedagogic Framework to Link GIS to the Intellectual Core of Geography   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):578-591

This paper aims to develop a new pedagogic framework for teaching GIS at the college and university level using Berry's geographic matrix. By synthesizing different schools of thought, this paper argues that GIS education essentially involves two aspects—how to teach about GIS and how to teach with GIS. Berry's geographic matrix can be used to tie these dual aspects of GIS education together neatly. As an abstract representation of geographical phenomena, the geographic matrix embeds all three entities of GIS—location, attribute, time—and thus can help GIS instructors teach about GIS. As a synthesis of geographical approaches, the geographic matrix can assist GIS instructors teach with GIS. This paper demonstrates that GIS is actually an implementation of Berry's geographic matrix. Furthermore, the 10 approaches to geographical analysis, originally proposed by Berry for the geographic matrix, can be executed routinely in a GIS environment. By incorporating Berry's geographic matrix into GIS education, teachers can enable students to surpass technical issues and to appreciate the conceptual and functional linkages between GIS and geography's intellectual core.  相似文献   


In 1998, geographical information systems (GIS) were introduced to secondary schools in Singapore as a tool for teaching geography at the secondary and junior college levels. However, general observations and feedback from school teachers suggested that only a small number of secondary schools and junior colleges in Singapore were actually using GIS to support the teaching and learning of geography. The present research study was designed to establish the level of GIS usage and to investigate the reasons for the slow integration of GIS in the Singapore secondary schools. This article presents the findings of this research and provides some insight into the use of GIS in Singapore secondary schools.  相似文献   


This paper provides a brief survey of the history, structure and functions of ‘traditional’ geographic information systems (GIS), and then suggests a set of requirements that large-scale GIS should satisfy, together with a set of principles for their satisfaction. These principles, which include the systematic application of techniques from several sub-fields of computer science to the design and implementation of GIS and the integration of techniques from computer vision and image processing into standard GIS technology, are discussed in some detail. In particular, the paper provides a detailed discussion of questions relating to appropriate data models, data structures and computational procedures for the efficient storage, retrieval and analysis of spatially-indexed data.  相似文献   

Editorial review     

This paper comprises the thoughts and perceptions of an interested outsider, an accountant and economist by training, who has recently chaired a Committee of Enquiry into the handling of geographical information. It focuses on the real barriers to getting more practical use from geographical information systems (GIS), most of which have research implications—but not of a technical nature. To an outsider GIS appears as a solution, or more strictly a tool, in search of a problem. Of course, there are numerous problems for GIS to tackle, but the difficulty is that those who have the problems are often either unaware of GIS and the questions they can deal with or, more seriously, are unaware that they have problems and of the questions they should be asking. GIS as a tool is about aiding managers to carry out their jobs more efficiently and effectively, and, more particularly, about better decision-making  相似文献   

Geographic information systems and health: An educational resource   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):350-356

The use of geographic information systems to analyze spatial dimensions of health care and disease ecology is becoming a realistic prospect for investigators in the social sciences. This review of the literature, bringing together a diverse collection of professional and academic journals, can be grouped into four categories: potential, cautionary, preliminary, and application. Enough references have been collected and reviewed to provide instructors with material for a classroom unit about 1) using GIS in a medical geography class: 2) medical applications in a GIS class; or 3) using GIS in classes which have a health and disease component.  相似文献   


Although numerous courses in geographic information systems (GIS) have been introduced into the geography curriculum over the past few years, there has been remarkably little debate over the issues involved. This paper first discusses the arguments for geography as an appropriate disciplinary setting for GIS teaching at the undergraduate level. This is followed by a discussion of the nature of GIS courses and their appropriate place in the undergraduate geography curriculum. The final section of the paper describes the NCGIA Core Curriculum project and examines its significance in this broader context.  相似文献   


In state-of-the-art GIS, geographical features are represented as geometric objects with associated topological relations and classification attributes. Semantic relations and intrinsic interrelations of the features themselves are generally neglected. In this paper, a feature-based model that enhances the representation of geographical features is described. Features, as the fundamental depiction of geographical phenomena, encompass both real world entities and digital representation. A feature-based object incorporates both topological relations among geometric elements and non-topological (semantic) relations among features. The development of an object-oriented prototype feature-based GIS that supports relations between feature attributes and feature classes is described. Object-oriented concepts such as class inheritance and polymorphism facilitate the development of feature-based GTS.  相似文献   


This paper offers a teaching strategy for incorporating TIGER/Line files into introductory GIS courses where IDRISI and OSUMAP are the primary software packages. TIGER/Line files present a valuable database for teaching GIS. The TIGER data structure aids in teaching concepts related to topological data structures, geocoding and address matching, and the files themselves provide an excellent database for laboratory exercises that incorporate census information along with environmental and natural resource data. Lack of support by commonly-used educational software packages to import TIGER/Line files directly has been a serious impediment in an instructional context. This paper presents software developed to convert TIGER/Line files into simple polygon vector files acceptable by IDRISI and OSUMAP for three alternative census geographic units (tracts, block groups and blocks). The resulting vector files are plotted for visual examination and graphical output. The vector files generated can also be imported into other GIS or computer mapping software packages.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):173-183

Over 3,900 trees on a university campus were inventoried by an instructor-led team of geography undergraduates in order to quantify the carbon sequestration associated with biomass growth. The setting of the project is described, together with its logistics, methodology, outcomes, and benefits. This hands-on project provided a team of students with several learning opportunities including an introduction to carbon sequestration, basic arboriculture, field-based measurements, mapping, geographic information systems, and biogeography concepts. A GIS geodatabase was produced containing information on tree location, species, size, biomass, carbon content, and annual CO2 sequestration, which was later customized for integration into campus facilities management.  相似文献   


Desert locust plagues can affect up to 20 per cent of the surface of the Earth. Data on locust breeding, environmental conditions and swarm movements in affected countries, are collected at the headquarters of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. GIS technology coupled with remote sensing inputs allows these data to be utilised for monitoring and forecasting purposes much more effectively than heretofore. Design requirements and the implementation strategy for such a GIS are examined, emphasizing the role of global digital map datasets such as the Digital Chart of the World, the importance of effective data integration and the need for an ergonomic user interface that facilitates both data capture and analysis.  相似文献   


The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) Digital Cartographic Service provides a range of services to the scientists of ITE (and others) including various techniques within the field of geographical information systems (GIS). This paper discusses work of this type as it is applied to specific ITE projects. The emphasis is very much on GIS applications to ‘real ecological science’ such as the ‘acid water’ problem and the change of forest areas into heathland. Some comments are made on fundamental GIS techniques, their use and limitations. At ITE, GIS applications are growing out of an existing use of digital mapping and remote sensing technologies; they have not purchased a GIS system ‘off the shelf.’  相似文献   


The wide variety of research into aspects of geographical information systems (GIS) undertaken at the Natural Environment Research Council's Unit for Thematic Information Systems is described. This includes work on spatial data models, on the application of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of input of remotely-sensed data, on automation of map cataloguing, on improving display and on GIS modelling.  相似文献   

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