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The presence of an imposed vertical magnetic field may drastically influence the structure of thin accretion discs. If the field is sufficiently strong, the rotation law can depart from the Keplerian one. We consider the structure of a disc for a given eddy magnetic diffusivity but neglect details of the energy transport. The magnetic field is assumed to be in balance with the internal energy of the accretion flow. The thickness of the disc as well as the turbulent magnetic Prandtl number and the viscosity, α , are the key parameters of our model. The calculations show that the radial velocity can reach the sound speed for a magnetic disc if the thickness is comparable to that of a non-magnetic one. This leads to a strong amplification of the accretion rate for a given surface density. The inclination angle of the magnetic field lines can exceed the critical value 30° (required to launch cold jets) even for a relatively small magnetic Prandtl number of order unity. The toroidal magnetic fields induced at the disc surface are smaller than predicted in previous studies.  相似文献   

Using smoothed particle hydrodynamics, we numerically simulate steady-state accretion discs for cataclysmic variable dwarf novae systems that have a secondary-to-primary mass ratio  0.35 ≤ q ≤ 0.55  . After these accretion discs have come to quasi-equilibrium, we rotate each disc out of the orbital plane by  δ= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 20)°  to induce negative superhumps. For accretion discs tilted  5°  , we generate light curves and associated Fourier transforms for an atlas on negative superhumps and retrograde precession. Our simulation results suggest that accretion discs need to be tilted more than 3° for negative superhumps to be statistically significant. We also show that if the disc is tilted enough such that the gas stream strikes a disc face, then a dense cooling ring is generated near the radius of impact.
In addition to the atlas, we study these artificially tilted accretion discs to find the source to negative superhumps. Our results suggest that the source is additional light from innermost disc annuli, and this additional light waxes and wanes with the amount of gas stream overflow received as the secondary orbits. The nodes, where the gas stream transitions from flowing over to under the disc rim (and vice versa), precess in the retrograde direction.  相似文献   

We propose a model of magnetic connection (MC) of a black hole with its surrounding accretion disc based on large-scale magnetic field. The MC gives rise to transport of energy and angular momentum between the black hole and the disc, and the closed field lines pipe the hot matter evaporated from the disc, and shape it in the corona above the disc to form a magnetically induced disc–corona system, in which the corona has the same configuration as the large-scale magnetic field. We numerically solve the dynamic equations in the context of the Kerr metric, in which the large-scale magnetic field is determined by dynamo process and equipartition between magnetic pressure and gas pressure. Thus we can obtain a global solution rather than assuming the distribution of large-scale magnetic field beforehand. The main MC effects lie in three aspects. (1) The rotational energy of a fast-spinning black hole can be extracted, enhancing the dissipation in the accretion disc, (2) the closed field lines provide a natural channel for corona matter escaping from disc and finally falling into black hole and (3) the scope of the corona can be bounded by the conservation of magnetic flux. We simulate the high-energy spectra of this system by using Monte Carlo method, and find that the relative hardness of the spectra decreases as accretion rate or black hole spin a * increases. We fit the typical X-ray spectra of three black hole binaries  (GRO J1655−40, XTE 1118+480 and GX 339−4)  in the low/hard or very high state.  相似文献   

Mass loss appears to be a common phenomenon among astrophysical accretion disc systems. An outflow emanating from an accretion disc can act as a sink for mass, angular momentum and energy, and can therefore alter the dissipation rates and effective temperatures across the disc. Here, the radial distributions of dissipation rate and effective temperature across a Keplerian, steady-state, mass-losing accretion disc are derived, using a simple, parametric approach that is sufficiently general to be applicable to many types of dynamical disc–wind models.
Effective temperature distributions for mass-losing accretion discs in cataclysmic variables are shown explicitly, with parameters chosen to describe both radiation-driven and centrifugally driven outflows. For realistic wind mass-loss rates of a few per cent, only centrifugally driven outflows – particularly those in which mass loss is concentrated in the inner disc – are likely to alter the effective temperature distribution of the disc significantly. Accretion discs that drive such outflows could produce spectra and eclipse light curves that are noticeably different from those produced by standard, conservative discs.  相似文献   

We present 2.5D time-dependent simulations of the non-linear evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion discs. The gas is accelerated from the surface of the disc (which is a fixed platform in these simulations) into a cold corona in stable hydrostatic equilibrium. We explore the dependence of the resulting jet characteristics upon the mass loading of the winds. Two initial configurations of the threading disc magnetic field are studied: a potential field and a uniform vertical field configuration.
We show that the nature of the resulting highly collimated, jet-like outflows (steady or episodic) is determined by the mass load of the disc wind. The mass load controls the interplay between the collimating effects of the toroidal field and the kinetic energy density in the outflow. In this regard, we demonstrate that the onset of episodic behaviour of jets appears to be determined by the quantity     which compares the speed for a toroidal Alfvén wave to cross the diameter of the jet, with the flow speed v p along the jet. This quantity decreases with increasing load. For sufficiently large N (small mass loads), disturbances appear to grow leading to instabilities and shocks. Knots are then generated and the outflow becomes episodic. These effects are qualitatively independent of the initial magnetic configuration that we employed and are probably generic to a wide variety of magnetized accretion disc models.  相似文献   

The structure of accretion discs around magnetic T Tauri stars is calculated numerically using a particle hydrodynamical code, in which magnetic interaction is included in the framework of King's diamagnetic blob accretion model. Setting up the calculation so as to simulate the density structure of a quasi-steady disc in the equatorial plane of a T Tauri star, we find that the central star's magnetic field typically produces a central hole in the disc and spreads out the surface density distribution. We argue that this result suggets a promising mechanism for explaining the unusual flatness (IR excess) of T Tauri accretion disc spectra.  相似文献   

We study the stability of poloidal magnetic fields anchored in a thin accretion disc. The two-dimensional hydrodynamics in the disc plane is followed by a grid-based numerical simulation including the vertically integrated magnetic forces. The three-dimensional magnetic field outside the disc is calculated in a potential field approximation from the magnetic flux density distribution in the disc. For uniformly rotating discs we confirm numerically the existence of the interchange instability as predicted by Spruit, Stehle & Papaloizou . In agreement with predictions from the shearing sheet model, discs with Keplerian rotation are found to be stabilized by the shear, as long as the contribution of magnetic forces to support against gravity is small. When this support becomes significant, we find a global instability which transports angular momentum outwardly and allows mass to accrete inwardly. The instability takes the form of a m =1 rotating 'crescent', reminiscent of the purely hydrodynamic non-linear instability previously found in pressure-supported discs. A model where the initial surface mass density Σ( r ) and B z ( r ) decrease with radius as power laws shows transient mass accretion during about six orbital periods, and settles into a state with surface density and field strength decreasing approximately exponentially with radius. We argue that this instability is likely to be the main angular momentum transport mechanism in discs with a poloidal magnetic field sufficiently strong to suppress magnetic turbulence. It may be especially relevant in jet-producing discs.  相似文献   

We present a linear analysis of the vertical structure and growth of the magnetorotational instability in stratified, weakly ionized accretion discs, such as protostellar and quiescent dwarf novae systems. The method includes the effects of the magnetic coupling, the conductivity regime of the fluid and the strength of the magnetic field, which is initially vertical. The conductivity is treated as a tensor and is assumed to be constant with height.
We obtained solutions for the structure and growth rate of global unstable modes for different conductivity regimes, strengths of the initial magnetic field and coupling between ionized and neutral components of the fluid. The envelopes of short-wavelength perturbations are determined by the action of competing local growth rates at different heights, driven by the vertical stratification of the disc. Ambipolar diffusion perturbations peak consistently higher above the midplane than modes including Hall conductivity. For weak coupling, perturbations including the Hall effect grow faster and act over a more extended cross-section of the disc than those obtained using the ambipolar diffusion approximation.
Finally, we derived an approximate criterion for when Hall diffusion determines the growth of the magnetorotational instability. This is satisfied over a wide range of radii in protostellar discs, reducing the extent of the magnetic 'dead zone'. Even if the magnetic coupling is weak, significant accretion may occur close to the midplane, rather than in the surface regions of weakly ionized discs.  相似文献   

An analytic model is presented for the inner structure of an accretion disc in the presence of a strong stellar magnetic field. The model is valid inside the radius at which the electron scattering opacity starts to exceed the Kramers opacity. It illustrates how the increasing stellar poloidal field leads to an elevated disc temperature, ultimately causing a breakdown in the vertical equilibrium owing to rapidly increasing radiation pressure which cannot be balanced by the vertical stellar gravity. Viscous instability also occurs. The solution gives an accurate representation of numerical results, and enables useful expressions to be derived for the radius at which the disc is marginally thin and the radius at which viscous instability occurs. The disruption mechanism appears to have general validity for accretion discs around strongly magnetic stars.  相似文献   

In the light of recent results from numerical simulations of accretion disc MHD turbulence, we revisit the problem of the configuration of large-scale magnetic fields resulting from an α Ω dynamo operating in a thin accretion disc. In particular, we analyse the consequences of the peculiar sign of the α -effect suggested by numerical simulations . We determine the symmetry of the fastest-growing modes in the kinematic dynamo approximation and, in the framework of an ' α -quenched' dynamo model, study the evolution of the magnetic field. We find that the resulting field for this negative polarity of the α -effect generally has dipole symmetry with respect to the disc midplane, although the existence of an equilibrium configuration depends on the properties of the turbulence. The role of magnetic field dragging is discussed and, finally, the presence of an external uniform magnetic field is included to address the issue of magneto centrifugal wind launching from accretion discs.  相似文献   

We use three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations to study the structure of the boundary layer between an accretion disc and a non-rotating, unmagnetized star. Under the assumption that cooling is efficient, we obtain a narrow but highly variable transition region in which the radial velocity is only a small fraction of the sound speed. A large fraction of the energy dissipation occurs in high-density gas adjacent to the hydrostatic stellar envelope, and may therefore be reprocessed and largely hidden from view of the observer. As suggested by Pringle , the magnetic field energy in the boundary layer is strongly amplified by shear, and exceeds that in the disc by an order of magnitude. These fields may play a role in generating the magnetic activity, X-ray emission and outflows in disc systems where the accretion rate is high enough to overwhelm the stellar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

We study the viscous evolution of protoplanetary discs driven by the combined action of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, resulting from the magneto-rotational instability (MRI), self-gravity torques, parametrized in terms of an effective viscosity and an additional viscous agent of unspecified origin. The distribution of torques driving the evolution of the disc is calculated by analysing where in the disc the MRI develops and, to incorporate the effect of self-gravity, calculating the Toomre parameter. We find that, generally, discs rapidly evolve towards a configuration where the intermediate regions, from a fraction of an au to a few au, are stable against the MRI due to their low-ionization degree. As an additional source of viscosity is assumed to operate in those regions, subsequent evolution of the disc is eruptive. Brief episodes of high mass accretion ensue as the criterion for the development of the MRI is met in the low-ionization region. The radial distribution of mass and temperature in the disc differs considerably from disc models with constant α parameter or layered accretion models, with potentially important consequences on the process of planet formation.  相似文献   

A model is presented for an accretion disc in which the inflow is driven purely by the angular momentum removed in a centrifugally accelerated magnetic wind. Turbulent discs around compact stars are considered, with the required magnetic field being generated in the disc by a simple dynamo. The turbulent magnetic Prandtl number, N p, measures the ratio of turbulent viscosity to turbulent magnetic diffusivity. Formally, the hypothetical limit   N p→ 0  corresponds to the magnetic wind torque dominating the viscous torque, but in practice the inflow is magnetically controlled for   N p≲ 0.1  .
The suggestion by previous authors that purely magnetic wind-driven discs may be unstable is investigated. A detailed steady solution is found which allows perturbations to the thermal balance and vertical equilibrium to be calculated, and hence the effect of perturbations to the magnetic diffusivity, η, to be assessed. For a standard parametrized form of η, the wind-driven angular momentum balance is found to be linearly unstable. An increase in the inflow rate leads to increased bending of the poloidal magnetic field and an enhanced wind mass loss rate. This increases the angular momentum loss rate which drives further inflow. There is a resultant increase in η, due to the temperature perturbation, but this does not relieve field bending sufficiently to prevent the instability.  相似文献   

The observation of the hot gas surrounding Sgr A * and a few other nearby galactic nuclei imply that electron and proton mean free paths are comparable to the gas capture radius. So, the hot accretion flows are likely to proceed under week-collision conditions. Hence, thermal conduction has been suggested as a possible mechanism by which the sufficient extra heating is provided in hot advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) accretion discs. We consider the effects of thermal conduction in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field in an ADAF around a compact object. For a steady-state structure of such accretion flows, a set of self-similar solutions are presented. We find two types of solutions which represent high and slow accretion rate. They have different behaviours with saturated thermal conduction parameter, φ.  相似文献   

We compare standard models of accretion discs around black holes (BHs) that include the appropriate zero-torque inner boundary condition and relativistic effects on the emission and propagation of radiation. The comparison is performed adopting the multicolour disc blackbody model (MCD) as reference and looking for the parameter space in which it is in statistical agreement with 'more physical' accretion disc models. We find simple 'recipes' that can be used for adjusting the estimates of the physical inner radius of the disc, the BH mass and the accretion rate inferred using the parameters of the MCD fits. We applied these results to four ultraluminous X-ray sources for which MCD spectral fits of their X-ray soft spectral components have been published and find that, in three cases (NGC 1313 X-1, X-2 and M 81 X-9), the BH masses inferred for a standard disc around a Schwarzschild BH are in the interval  ∼100–200 M  . Only if the BH is maximally rotating are the masses comparable to the much larger values previously derived in the literature.  相似文献   

We use the grid of hydrodynamic accretion disc calculations of Stehle to construct orbital phase‐dependent emission‐line profiles of thin discs carrying spiral density waves. The observational signatures of spiral waves are explored to establish the feasibility of detecting spiral waves in cataclysmic variable discs using prominent emission lines in the visible range of the spectrum. For high Mach number accretion discs ( M v φ c s≃ 15 – 30), we find that the spiral shock arms are so tightly wound that they leave few obvious fingerprints in the emission lines. Only a minor variation of the double peak separation in the line profile at a level of ∼8 per cent is produced. For accretion discs in outburst ( M ≃ 5 – 20) however, the lines are dominated by the emission from an m =2 spiral pattern in the disc. We show that reliable Doppler tomograms of spiral shock patterns can be reconstructed provided that a signal‐to‐noise ratio of at least 15, a wavelength resolution of ∼80 km s−1 and a time resolution of ∼50 spectra per binary orbit are achieved. We confirm that the observed spiral pattern in the disc of IP Pegasi can be reproduced by tidal density waves in the accretion disc and demands the presence of a large, hot disc, at least in the early outburst stages.  相似文献   

The recent BATSE observations of the spin-up and spin-down of accreting pulsars have shown that the standard formulation for the accretion torque as proposed by Ghosh &38; Lamb may need to be revised. The observations indicate alternate spin-up and spin-down phases driven by torques of similar magnitude and typically larger than the mean torque. The variations of the torque in systems such as Cen X-3 are difficult to explain in terms of changes of the mass accretion rate. The implication is that the torque does not depend on the accretion rate as in the GL model. In this paper we argue that the observed changes in the spin rate can result from stochastic transitions between two magnetospheric states. In particular, we show that intermediate magnetospheric systems are not admissible, because of a disc-induced magnetospheric instability which exists in a star–disc magnetic interaction system. This explains why torque reversal occurs in disc accreting pulsars with similar magnitudes.  相似文献   

The problem of magnetic field generation and advection in accretion discs is considered, in the context of wind launching and angular momentum extraction. A dipole-symmetry solution of the dynamo equations is found, with force-free boundary conditions appropriate for matching to a wind solution. Consideration of the curved field geometry and diffusive nature of the disc enables the position of the sonic point to be calculated and related to the field inclination at the disc surface. A critical inclination of 20° to the horizontal results, for which the sonic point lies in the disc surface and there is no potential barrier to wind launching. Hence the wind mass-loss rate will only become excessive, leading to disc disruption, for large field bending. The compressional effect of the horizontal magnetic field enhances the wind mass flux.  相似文献   

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