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An alkali basalt near Glen Innes, northeastern New South Wales, contains a suite of Cr-diopside group ultramafic xenoliths which includes some spinel peridotites but which is dominated by a diverse spinel pyroxenite assemblage. Pyroxenite xenoliths range from subcalcic clinopyroxenites (composed largely of unmixed prismatic subcalcic clinopyroxene megacrystals and lesser orthopyroxene megacrystals) to equant mosaic textured websterites (orthopyroxene and Ca-rich clinopyroxene ± spinel). Rare orthopyroxenite xenoliths also occur. The pyroxenite xenoliths are characterised by high 100Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratios (M˜ 90) and low concentrations of Ti, K, P, La, Ce and Zr. The websterites are mineralogically and chemically similar to many spinel pyroxenites occurring as layers or dykes in peridotite massifs such as those at Ronda in southern Spain and at Ariège (French Pyrénées). T / P estimates indicate crystallization temperatures of 1250–1350 °C for subcalcic clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene megacrystal pairs and 900–1000 °C for the equilibrated mosaic textured websterites and associated peridotites at pressures of 9–13 kbar. Subcalcic clinopyroxene megacrystals, websterites and orthopyroxenites have LREE-depleted chondrite-normalised REE abundances with (La/Yb)CN < 1 and their convex-upwards REE patterns are typical of subcalcic clinopyroxene-dominated cumulates. The pyroxenites are not residua from partially melted pyroxenite layers or dykes in mantle peridotites nor are they completely crystallized protobasaltic or protopicritic magmas. They are interpreted as high-pressure crystal segregations from basaltic magmas (probably mildly alkaline or transitional) flowing within narrow mantle conduits (the flow crystallization model of Irving, 1980). The parental magma(s) was Ti-poor (0.6–0.7% TiO2) and relatively Mg-rich (M˜ 74 − 70). Pyroxenite genesis was a two-stage process involving crystallization of tschermakitic subcalcic clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes  ±spinel as liquidus or near-liquidus phases at 1250–1350 °C and 9–13 kbar to yield “primary” subcalcic clinopyroxenites which then re-equilibrated at 900–1000 °C and similar pressures to produce the mosaic textured “secondary” websterites. The pyroxenites show a wide range of 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr values (0.513298–0.512473 and 0.702689–0.704659, respectively). Their isotopic ratios appear to have been variably modified by exchange with adjacent mantle peridotites or migrating basaltic melts. Received: 11 December 1995 / Accepted: 3 December 1996  相似文献   

The mineralogy of anhydrous minerals of peridotite and garnet clinopyroxenite of the Mt. Higasi-Akaisi peridotite mass, Japan, is described. The subsolidus equilibria among garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine are discussed in terms of composition range of solid solutions and of Fe-Mg partition. It is concluded that the anydrous minerals of this mass equilibrated at lower temperatures than any of well studied peridotite-garnet clinopyroxenite association. The tentative estimation gives 5–600° C and 7–13 Kb as the physical conditions of equilibration. Comparison with similar associations from other occurrences and geological implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Quaternary alkali olivine basalts and nephelinites from the Hoggar area (Southern Algeria) contain numerous lherzolite inclusions. The investigated nodules have been classified into three textural categories: coarse, porphyroclastic and granuloblastic. Microprobe analyses have been carried out on the coexisting phases (olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, pargasite, Al rich glass) from 10 selected samples, with a special attention to pyroxene porphyroclasts which are zoned in Al and Cr. Most of the porphyroclastic xenoliths contain secondary pargasite (or its breakdown products) which is thought to reflect a metasomatic event in mantle conditions. Equilibrium temperatures and pressures have been calculated for the three groups, using the single-pyroxene method: the coarse samples have been equilibrated at higher pressures (20–25 kb) and temperatures (1,000° C–1,100° C) than the granuloblastic samples (about 10 kb and 900° C); with regards to the porphyroclastic xenoliths, the estimated T and P have been related to two stages of crystallization (corresponding to porphyroclasts and neoblasts). Relationships between phase compositions, rock-textures and metasomatism are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted at 6–30 kb and 875–1200°C on two garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from the Bullenmerri and Gnotuk Maars of western Victoria, Australia. The (garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + spinel) assemblage of DR9734 was stable between 10 and 12.5 kb, and 950 and 1,050°C. The compositions of its natural mineral phases were most closely approximated in experiments at 12.5 kb and 1,000–1,050°C. The (garnet + spinel + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + amphibole) assemblage of DR10165 was stable at pressures > 8 kb and temperatures > 950°C. However, differences between natural and experimental mineral compositions indicate that the mineral assemblage of this xenolith persisted metastably after cooling below 950°C with chemical exchange continuing down to approximately 850–900°C. When the experimental data for DR9734 and DR10165 are applied to mineralogical data for other mafic and ultramafic xenoliths from the Bullenmerri and Gnotuk Maars, they indicate that previous pressure and temperature estimates for individual xenoliths are 2–3 kb and 50°C too high. These corrections increase average temperatures for the geotherm beneath western Victoria by about 50°C over a depth range of 30–45 km and confirm its perturbed (high-temperature) character.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 (Lower Crustal Processes)  相似文献   

Two kimberlite pipes in Elliott County contain rare ultramafic xenoliths and abundant megacrysts of olivine (Fo85–93), garnet (0.21–9.07% Cr2O3), picroilmenite, phlogopite, Cr-poor clinopyroxene (0.56–0.88% Cr2O3), and Cr-poor orthopyroxene (<0.03–0.34% Cr2O3) in a matrix of olivine (Fo88–92), picroilmenite, Cr-spinel, magnetite, perovskite, pyrrhotite, calcite, and hydrous silicates. Rare clinopyroxene-ilmenite intergrowths also occur. Garnets show correlation of mg (0.79–0.86) and CaO (4.54–7.10%) with Cr2O3 content; the more Mg-rich garnets have more uvarovite in solution. Clinopyroxene megacrysts show a general decrease in Cr2O3 and increase in TiO2 (0.38–0.56%) with decreasing mg (0.87–0.91). Clinopyroxene megacrysts are more Cr-rich than clinopyroxene in clinopyroxene-ilmenite intergrowths (0.06–0.38% Cr2O3) and less Cr-rich than peridotite clinopyroxenes (1.39–1.46% Cr2O3). Orthopyroxene megacrysts and orthopyroxene inclusions in olivine megacrysts form two populations: high-Ca, high-Al (1.09–1.16% CaO and 1.16–1.18% Al2O3) and low-Ca, low-Al (0.35–0.46% CaO and 0.67–0.74% Al2O3). Three orthopyroxenes belonging to a low-Ca subgroup of the high-Ca, high-Al group were also identified (0.86–0.98% CaO and 0.95–1.01% Al2O3). The high-Ca, high-Al group (Group I) has lower mg (0.88–0.90) than low-Ca, low-Al group (Group II) with mg=0.92–0.93; low mg orthopyroxenes (Group Ia) have lower Cr2O3 and higher TiO2 than high mg orthopyroxenes (Group II). The orthopyroxene megacrysts have lower Cr2O3 than peridotite orthopyroxenes (0.46–0.57% Cr2O3). Diopside solvus temperatures indicate equilibration of clinopyroxene megacrysts at 1,165°–1,390° C and 1,295°–1,335° C for clinopyroxene in clinopyroxene-ilmenite intergrowths. P-T estimates for orthopyroxene megacrysts are bimodal: high-Ca, high-Al (Group I) orthopyroxenes equilibrated at 1,165°–1,255° C and 51–53 kb (± 5kb) and the low-Ca, low-Al (Group II) orthopyroxenes equilibrated at 970°–1,020°C and 46–56 kb (± 5kb). Garnet peridotites equilibrated at 1,240°–1,360° C and 47–49 kb. Spinel peridotites have discordant temperatures of 720°–835° C (using spinel-olivine Fe/Mg) and 865°–1,125° C (Al in orthopyroxene).Megacrysts probably precipitated from a fractionating liquid at >150 km depth. They are not disaggregated peridotite because: (1) of large crystal size (up to 1.5 cm), (2) compositions are distinctly different from peridotite phases, and (3) they display fractionation trends. The high mg, low T orthopyroxenes and the clustering of olivine rims near Fo89–90 reflect liquid changes to higher MgO contents due to (1) assimilation of wall-rock and/or (2) an increase in Fe3+/Fe2+ and subsequently MgO/FeO as a result of an increase in f o.  相似文献   

Crystal fragments of pyrope from diatremes of ultramafic microbreccia in the Navajo Province of the Colorado Plateau contain inclusions of olivine, pyroxene, spinel, chlorite, amphibole, chlorapatite, and dolomite. The included suite supports earlier hypotheses that hydrous phases and carbonates were primary parts of some garnet peridotite assemblages in the Plateau lithosphere. Garnets with spinel and orthopyroxene inclusions likely all were sampled at pressures less than 36 kb and perhaps as low as 15–20 kb; no evidence was found for inclusions from greater depths. Temperature estimates are 800°–900° C for garnet-clinopyroxene equilibration, but only 500°–700° C for garnetolivine equilibration. Inherent differences between geothermometry methods account for only part of the discrepancy. Pronounced Fe-Mg zoning in garnet at olivine contacts and the lack of such zoning at clinopyroxene contacts are evidence that the difference in part relates to relative reequilibration rates with cooling. The garnet-olivine temperature estimates may be the best approximations to mantle temperatures before eruption. Our data are compatible both with the hypothesis that the garnet peridotite was emplaced in the mantle by large-scale, horizontal transport in the lithosphere and with the hypothesis that rocks were sampled from Precambrian lithosphere cooled to temperatures like those along a low heat flow geotherm. Discordances between the geothermometers here and in other lherzolite localities may be keys to evaluating tectonic histories of lherzolite masses.  相似文献   

Upper-mantle xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts of northwestern Spitsbergen are rocks of peridotite (spinel lherzolites) and pyroxenite (amphibole-containing garnet and garnet-free clinopyroxenites, garnet clinopyroxenites, and garnet and garnet-free websterites) series. The upper-mantle section in the depth range 50–100 km is composed of spinel peridotites; at depths of 80–100 km pyroxenites (probably, dikes or sills) appear. The equilibrium conditions of parageneses are as follows: in the peridotites—730–1180 °C, 13–27 kbar, and oxygen fugacity of − 1.5 to + 0.3 log. un.; in the pyroxenites—1100–1310 °C, 22–33 kbar. The pyroxenite minerals have been found to contain exsolved structures, such as orthopyroxene lamellae in clinopyroxene and, vice versa, clinopyroxene lamella in orthopyroxene. The formation temperatures of unexsolved phases in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are nearly 100–150 °C higher than the temperatures of the lamellae–matrix equilibrium and the equilibrium of minerals in the rock. The normal distribution of cations in the spinel structure and the equilibrium distribution of Fe2 + between the M1 and M2 sublattices in the orthopyroxenes point to the high rate of xenolith ascent from the rock crystallization zone to the surface. All studied Spitsbergen rock-forming minerals from mantle xenoliths contain volatiles in their structure: OH, crystal hydrate water H2Ocryst, and molecules with characteristic CH and CO groups. The first two components are predominant, and the total content of water (OH– + H2Ocryst) increases in the series olivine → garnet → orthopyroxene → clinopyroxene. The presence of these volatiles in the nominally anhydrous minerals (NAM) crystallized at high temperatures and pressures in the peridotites and pyroxenites testifies to the high strength of the volatile–mineral bond. The possibility of preservation of volatiles is confirmed by the results of comprehensive thermal and mass-spectral analyses of olivines and clinopyroxene, whose structures retain these components up to 1300 °C. The composition of hypothetic C–O–H fluid in equilibrium (in the presence of free carbon) with the underlying mantle rocks varies from aqueous (> 80% H2O) to aqueous–carbonic (~ 60% H2O). The fluid becomes essentially aqueous when the oxygen activity in the system decreases. However, there is no strict dependence of the redox conditions on the depth of formation of xenoliths.  相似文献   

Garnet and spinel peridotite xenoliths associated with the Phanerozoic Lambert-Amery Rift in eastern Antarctica contain evidence for several stages in the development of the mantle beneath the rift. Despite the fact that equilibria were only partly attained, a combination of petrography, whole-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and thermobarometry can be used to decipher four stages prior to entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magma during the initial stages of the breakup of Antarctica, India and Madagascar. The first chronological stage is represented by harzburgitic protoliths represented by rare occurrences of low-Ca olivines and orthopyroxenes in spinel lherzolites: these yield the lowest temperatures of 830-850 °C, and are also characterized by distinct trace element contents; lower Ti, Cr, V and Zn in olivine and orthopyroxene, and additionally lower Cu, Ni, Ga and Li in orthopyroxene. Some garnets are subcalcic, indicating that the spinel-garnet lherzolites also formed from harzburgitic protoliths. The second stage is the formation of garnet due to a pressure increase probably related to collision at 1.1 Ga. The third stage is marked by the growth of clinopyroxene, demonstrably in cpx-poor spinel lherzolites but probably in all xenolith groups: equilibrium of clinopyroxene with olivine and orthopyroxene was not attained in all samples, so that the non-judicious use of thermobarometers can produce bewildering results. The fourth stage is an enrichment episode that affected all spinel-garnet peridotites and about half of the spinel peridotites. During this stage, reaction rims were produced on the clinopyroxenes that formed during stage 3, the modal content of olivine and Mg/(Mg + Fe) in the rocks was reduced, CaO, Al2O3 and trace elements were enriched, and garnets were almost completely transformed to kelyphites. A later stage is documented by interstitial glasses and films around spinels related to infiltration of melt from the host magma. These post-date, and are more enriched in alkalies than, partially melted rims on clinopyroxenes, demonstrating that all the three earlier episodes were pre-entrainment events. Pressures indicated by the spinel + garnet lherzolites are restricted to 20-24 kbar at 1040-1180 °C. Early harzburgitic assemblages are interpreted to represent an earlier, cooler geotherm, whereas the kelyphite assemblages indicate temperatures 180-200 °C hotter than the main xenolith geotherm. This event also caused recrystallization of the clinopyroxene rims and is attributed to heating during rifting, but not due to the host magma itself. The preservation of evidence for three progressively hotter geotherms can be related to the upward movement of isotherms during the development of the sub-rift mantle.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts containing garnet lamellae up to 1.2 mm thick as an exsolved phase are found rarely in kimberlites from Frank Smith and Bellsbank. Chemically the clinopyroxenes are characteristically subcalcic, being within the range of 100 Ca/Ca + Mg + Fe = 27 to 36, and the orthopyroxenes are characterized by high Al2O3 and Cr2O3. Immediately after crystallization during very slow cooling, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene exsolve wide-spaced orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene phases parallel to (100) of the host phases, respectively, then both host and exsolved phases exsolve garnet lamellae. Topotactic relations between pyroxenes and garnet are determined by X-ray for the first time. Partitioning of major and minor elements among the coexisting clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and garnet in pyroxene megacrysts is the same as that of the granular-type garnet peridotite xenoliths in Lesotho and South African kimberlies. Mineralogy and chemistry indicate that subcalcic clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts contain respectively about 10 and 3 mole % of the garnet molecule in solid solution.  相似文献   

Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii, is best known for the abundant and varied xenoliths included in the historic 1800 Kaupulehu alkalic basalt flow. Xenoliths, which range in composition from dunite to anorthosite, are concentrated at 915-m elevation in the flow. Rare cumulate ultramafic xenoliths, which include websterite, olivine websterite, wehrlite, and clinopyroxenite, display complex pyroxene exsolution textures that indicate slow cooling. Websterite, olivine websterite, and one wehrlite are spinel-bearing orthopyroxene +olivine cumulates with intercumulus clinopyroxene +plagioclase. Two wehrlite samples and clinopyroxenite are spinel-bearing olivine cumulates with intercumulus clinopyroxene+orthopyroxene + plagioclase. Two-pyroxene geothermometry calculations, based on reconstructed pyroxene compositions, indicate that crystallization temperatures range from 1225° to 1350° C. Migration or unmixing of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene stopped between 1045° and 1090° C. Comparisons of the abundance of K2O in plagioclase and the abundances of TiO2 and Fe2O3in spinel of xenoliths and mid-ocean ridge basalt, and a single 87Sr/ 86Sr determination, indicate that these Hualalai xenoliths are unrelated to mid-ocean ridge basalt. Similarity between the crystallization sequence of these xenoliths and the experimental crystallization sequence of a Hawaiian olivine tholeiite suggest that the parental magma of the xenoliths is Hualalai tholeiitic basalt. Xenoliths probably crystallized between about 4.5 and 9 kb. The 155°–230° C of cooling which took place over about 120 ka — the age of the youngest Hualalai tholeiitic basalt — yield maximum cooling rates of 1.3×10–3–1.91×10–3 °C/yr. Hualalai ultramafic xenoliths with exsolved pyroxenes crystallized from Hualalai tholeiitic basalt and accumulated in a magma reservoir located between 13 and 28 km below sealevel. We suspect that this reservoir occurs just below the base of the oceanic crust at about 19 km below sealevel.  相似文献   

We provide petrographic, major and trace element data for over 30 spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Tokinsky Stanovik (Tok) volcanic field on the Aldan shield to characterize the lithospheric mantle beneath the south-eastern margin of the Siberian craton, which formed in the Mesoproterozoic. High equilibration temperatures (870–1,010°C) of the xenoliths and the absence of garnet-bearing peridotites indicate a much thinner lithosphere than in the central craton. Most common among the xenoliths are clinopyroxene-poor lherzolites and harzburgites with Al2O3 and CaO contents nearly as low as in refractory xenoliths from kimberlite pipes (Mir, Udachnaya) in the central and northern Siberian craton. By contrast, the Tok peridotites have higher FeO, lower Mg-numbers and lower modal orthopyroxene and are apparently formed by shallow partial melting (3 GPa). Nearly all Tok xenoliths yield petrographic and chemical evidence for metasomatism: accessory phlogopite, amphibole, phosphates, feldspar and Ti-rich oxides, very high Na2O (2–3.1%) in clinopyroxene, LREE enrichments in whole-rocks.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts with lamellar intergrowths of pyroxenes and garnet rarely survive in pyroxenite layers from the exposed spinel-lherzolite massifs because of the emplacement history into the crust. Such features are remarkably preserved in some thick bands (up to 1 m) from the Freychinède ultramafic body (Ariège, French Pyrenees). These bands display a symmetrical zoning from the edges to the centre due to the concurrent decrease of orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene and spinel/garnet modal ratios. Textural and chemical data suggest that the present pyroxenite parageneses resulted from subsolidus recrystallization of magmatic assemblages composed of Al-rich orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene with minor spinel. These primary assemblages were changed by subsolidus recrystallization connected with an isobaric cooling at upper-mantle depth (45–50 km) from solidus temperature (1250°C) down to steady equilibrium temperature (950° C). The primary Al-rich ortho-and clinopyroxenes behaved differently on cooling. In a first stage, orthopyroxene exsolved concomitant Al-rich clinopyroxene and garnet, whereas clinopyroxene exsolved only Al-rich orthopyroxene. The garnet exsolution in clinopyroxene host is delayed to lower temperatures. This multistage process could account for the contrasting shapes of diffusion gradients adjacent to exsolved garnet, which tend to be flat in host-orthopyroxene and steep in host-clinopyroxene. An independent thermal modelling, together with available Al-diffusion data in clinopyroxene, allows us to define a fast magmatic cooling followed by a two-stage subsolidus cooling (35° C/year-6 from 1250° C to 1050° C and 9° C/year-6 to 900° C). This matches the contrasted exsolution sequences observed in the pyroxene megacrysts.  相似文献   

Six crystalline mixtures, picrite, olivine-rich tholeiite, nepheline basanite, alkali picrite, olivine-rich basanite, and olivine-rich alkali basalt were recrystallized at pressures to 40 kb, and the phase equilibria and sequences of phases in natural basaltic and peridotitic rocks were investigated.The picrite was recrystallized along the solidus to the assemblages (1) olivine+orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene +plagioclase+spinel below 13 kb, (2) olivine+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+spinel between 13 kb and 18 kb, (3) olivine+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+ garnet+spinel between 18 kb and 26 kb, and (4) olivine+clinopyroxene+garnet above 26 kb. The solidus temperature at 1 atm is slightly below 1,100° and rises to 1,320° at 20 kb and 1,570° at 40 kb. Olivine is the primary phase crystallizing from the melt at all pressures to 40 kb.The olivine-rich tholeiite was recrystallized along the solidus into the assemblages (1) olivine+ clinopyroxene+plagioclase+spinel below 13 kb, (2) clinopyroxene+orthopyroxene+ spinel between 13 kb and 18 kb, (3) clinopyroxene+garnet+spinel above 18 kb. The solidus temperature is slightly below 1,100° at 1 atm, 1,370° at 20 kb, and 1,590° at 40 kb. The primary phase is olivine below 20 kb but is orthopyroxene at 40 kb.In the nepheline basanite, olivine is the primary phase below 14 kb, but clinopyroxene is the first phase to appear above 14 kb. In the alkali-picrite the primary phase is olivine to 40 kb. In the olivine-rich basanite, olivine is the primary phase below 35 kb and garnet is the primary phase above 35 kb. In the olivine-rich alkali basalt the primary phase is olivine below 20 kb and is garnet at 40 kb.Mineral assemblages in a granite-basalt-peridotite join are summarized according to reported experimental data on natural rocks. The solidus of mafic rock is approximately given by T=12.5 P Kb+1,050°. With increasing pressure along the solidus, olivine disappears by reaction with plagioclase at 9 kb in mafic rocks and plagioclase disappears by reaction with olivine at 13 kb in ultramafic rocks. Plagioclase disappears at around 22 kb in mafic rocks, but it persists to higher pressure in acidic rocks. Garnet appears at somewhat above 18 kb in acidic rocks, at 17 kb in mafic rocks, and at 22 kb in ultramafic rocks.The subsolidus equilibrium curves of the reactions are extrapolated according to equilibrium curves of related reactions in simple systems. The pyroxene-hornfels and sanidinite facies is the lowest pressure mineral facies. The pyroxene-granulite facies is an intermediate low pressure mineral facies in which olivine and plagioclase are incompatible and garnet is absent in mafic rocks. The low pressure boundary is at 7.5 kb at 750° C and at 9.5 kb at 1,150° C. The high pressure boundary is 8.0 kb at 750° C and 15.0 kb at 1,150° C. The garnet-granulite facies is an intermediate high pressure facies and is characterized by coexisting garnet and plagioclase in mafic rocks. The upper boundary is at 10.3 kb at 750° C and 18.0 kb at 1,150° C. The eclogite facies is the highest pressure mineral facies, in which jadeite-rich clinopyroxene is stable.Compositions of minerals in natural rocks of the granulite facies and the eclogite facies are considered. Clinopyroxenes in the granulite-facies rocks have smaller jadeite-Tschermak's molecule ratios and higher amounts of Tschermak's molecule than clinopyroxenes in the eclogite-facies rocks. The distribution coefficients of Mg between orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are normally in the range of 0.5–0.6 in metamorphic rocks in the granulite facies. The distribution coefficients of Mg between garnet and clinopyroxene suggest increasing crystallization temperature of the rocks in the following order: eclogite in glaucophane schist, eclogite and granulite in gneissic terrain, garnet peridotite, and peridotite nodules in kimberlite.Temperatures near the bottom of the crust in orogenic zones characterized by kyanitesillimanite metamorpbism are estimated from the mineral assemblages of metamorphic rocks in Precambrian shields to be about 700° C at 7 kb and 800° C at 9 kb, although heat-flow data suggest that the bottom of Precambrian shield areas is about 400° C and the eclogite facies is stable.The composition of liquid which is in equilibrium with peridotite is estimated to be close to tholeiite basalt at the surface pressure and to be picrite at around 30 kb. The liquid composition becomes poorer in normative olivine with decreasing pressure and temperature.During crystallization at high pressure, olivine and orthopyroxene react with liquid to form clinopyroxene, and a discontinuous reaction series, olivine orthopyroxene clinopyroxene is suggested. By fractional crystallization of pyroxenes the liquid will become poorer in SiO2. Therefore, if liquid formed by partial melting of peridotite in the mantle slowly rises maintaining equilibrium with the surrounding peridotite, the liquid will become poorer in MgO by crystallization of olivine, and tholeiite basalt magma will arrive at the surface. On the other hand, if the liquid undergoes fractional crystallization in the mantle, the liquid may change in composition to alkali-basalt magma and alkali-basalt volcanism may be seen at a late stage of volcanic activity.Publication No. 681, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the lithosphere beneath the Carpathian–Pannonian Region (CPR) has been greatly improved through petrologic, geochemical and isotopic studies of upper mantle xenoliths hosted by Neogene–Quaternary alkali basalts. These basalts occur at the edge of the Intra-Carpathian Basin System (Styrian Basin, Nógrád-Gömör and Eastern Transylvanian Basin) and its central portion (Little Hungarian Plain, Bakony-Balaton Highland).The xenoliths are mostly spinel lherzolites, accompanied by subordinate pyroxenites, websterites, wehrlites, harzburgites and dunites. The peridotites represent residual mantle material showing textural and geochemical evidence for a complex history of melting and recrystallization, irrespective of location within the region. The lithospheric mantle is more deformed in the center of the studied area than towards the edges. The deformation may be attributed to a combination of extension and asthenospheric upwelling in the late Tertiary, which strongly affected the central part of CPR subcontinental lithosphere.The peridotite xenoliths studied show bulk compositions in the following range: 35–48 wt.% MgO, 0.5–4.0 wt.% CaO and 0.2–4.5 wt.% Al2O3 with no significant differences in regard to their geographical location. On the other hand, mineral compositions, particularly of clinopyroxene, vary according to xenolith texture. Clinopyroxenes from less deformed xenoliths show higher contents of ‘basaltic’ major elements compared to the more deformed xenoliths. However, clinopyroxenes in more deformed xenoliths are relatively enriched in strongly incompatible trace elements such as light rare earth elements (LREE).Modal metasomatic products occur as both hydrous phases, including pargasitic and kearsutitic amphiboles and minor phlogopitic micas, and anhydrous phases — mostly clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Vein material is dominated by the two latter phases but may also include amphibole. Amphibole mostly occurs as interstitial phases, however, and is more common than phlogopite. Most metasomatized peridotites show chemical and (sometimes) textural evidence for re-equilibration between metasomatic and non-metasomatic phases. However, amphiboles in pyroxenites are sometimes enriched in K, Fe and LREE. The presence of partially crystallized melt pockets (related to amphiboles and clinopyroxenes) in both peridotites and pyroxenites is an indication of decompression melting and, rarely, incipient partial melting triggered by migrating hydrous melts or fluids. Metasomatic contaminants may be ascribed to contemporaneous subduction beneath the Carpathian–Pannonian Region between the Eocene and Miocene.Sulfide inclusions are more abundant in protogranular and porphyroclastic xenoliths relative to equigranular types. In mantle lithologies, sulfide bleb compositions vary between pentlandite and pyrrhotite correlating with the chemistry and texture of the host xenoliths. While sulfides in peridotites are relatively rich in Ni, those in clinopyroxene-rich xenoliths are notably Fe-rich.  相似文献   

In the system FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS), the equilibrium Al-content of orthopyroxene coexisting with olivine and spinel was reversed in 18 experiments at 1 340° C and 11 or 18 kbar, using graphite capsules and PbO flux. In the CFMAS system (+CaO), the Al-contents of ortho- and clinopyroxene coexisting with olivine and spinel were reversed in 5 experiments at 1 340° C and 18 kbar. The Al-content of clinopyroxene remains constant, while the Al-content of orthopyroxene increases with increasing Fe-content. The Ca-content of clinopyroxene is independent of the Al-content. The data were used to describe the Fe-Mg site distribution in the aluminous orthopyroxene. The Fe-Mg partitioning among orthopyroxene, olivine, spinel and garnet, combined with the Al-content of orthopyroxene, was used to calculate orthopyroxene based thermobarometers in the FMAS, CFMAS and NCFMAS (+Na2O) systems. The thermobarometers were applied to the Adirondack metagabbros, which gave equilibration temperatures of 700–800° C and pressures 7.4–10.3 kbar.  相似文献   

The Mount Carmel xenolith suite is composed of a series of garnet granulites of probable lower crustal origin, and a high pressure clinopyroxenite series. The clinopyroxenite series is petrologically diverse with the most common lithologies being garnet-clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite, garnet-amphibole-clinopyroxenite, amphibole-clinopyroxenite, amphibole-mica-clinopyroxenite plus megacrystalline nodules of clinopyroxene, garnet, amphibole and mica. Orthopyroxene is extremely rare (1 sample) and olivine is absent in the clinopyroxenite series xenoliths. The clinopyroxenite series is divided into three rock associations based on textures, mineralogy, mineral chemistry and equilibration temperatures: the metaclinopyroxenite, the magmatic garnet-clinopyroxenite and the amphibole-mica-clinopyroxenite associations. Many of the xenoliths contain late phases, largely amphibole, as microphenocrysts in glass and altered glass that was intruded into the xenoliths. Each of the three associations plus the late phases represents the crystallization products of one or more magma batchs. Garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry and phase relations for alkaline basalts allow estimates of theP/T conditions of equilibration to be made for some of the xenoliths. The metaclinopyroxenites were equilibrated at 1.5–3 GPa and 990–1,115° and the magmatic garnet-clinopyroxenites were equilibrated at 2–3 GPa and 1,160–1,190°. The Mt. Carmel xenoliths are samples from the depth range 50–95 km and fall in the sampling gap between xenoliths typical of alkali basalts (d<60 km) and those typical of kimberlites (d> 90 km).  相似文献   

Potassic latite in the transition zone of the Colorado Plateau near Chino Valley, Arizona, contains abundant eclogite and amphibolite xenoliths and minor websterite and pyroxenite xenoliths. One unit contains peridotite xenoliths; analyzed samples have mg-ratios of 68 and 71, 58 and 63 wt% SiO2, and are enriched in potassium and other large ion lithophile (LIL) elements. Rare earth element (REE) patterns are light REE enriched with La greater than 100 times chondritic abundance. The peridotite xenoliths are partly to totally altered, but contain remnant olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene; one harzburgite nodule also contains spinel. Mineral compositions from the xenoliths are relatively refractory and similar to those in other spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau. Geothermometry on olivine-spinel and two-pyroxene pairs indicates equilibration temperatures of less than 800° C for the peridotite nodules. The relatively low temperatures calculated from mineral equilibria are consistent with temperature estimates for other mantle nodules from under the Colorado Plateau.Peridotite xenoliths, mg-ratios, and Ni contents are evidence that the latite magma was derived from mantle peridotite. The potassic nature of the magma probably accounts for its silica-rich composition. The potassic, silica-rich nature of the latite and its enrichment in LREE and other LIL elements are consistent with a source which was metasomatically enriched in these elements either before or during partial melting. The source could have been either spinel or garnet peridotite.  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths were found in recent alkali basalts from São Tomé Island. These include spinel peridotites (lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites) and pyroxenites (orthopyroxenites and clinopyroxenites). Textures and mineral compositions indicate that pyroxenites originated from crystal/liquid separation processes operating on magmas similar to those giving rise to their present host rocks whereas spinel peridotite xenoliths had an accidental origin; Fo (>89) and Ni (>0.36 wt.%) contents in olivines, Mg# (91–95) of orthopyroxenes and low Ti in clinopyroxene (primary crystals: TiO2<0.06 wt.%) and in spinel (TiO2<0.1 wt.%) are within the range reported for abyssal peridotites, indicating São Tomé spinel peridotites represent refractory residues of melting. Nevertheless, the lack of correlation between mineral chemistry and modal composition suggests that spinel peridotite xenoliths are not simple residues and were affected by infiltration of fluid/melts within the mantle. The wide temperature range obtained for spinel peridotites (700 to >1150 °C) is compatible with a long period of pre-entrainment cooling supporting Fitton's [Tectonophysics 94 (1983) 473] hypothesis that proposes oceanic lithosphere uprising in the Cameroon Volcanic Line prior to the initiation of the current thermal regime, related to São Tomé magmatism. The association of upper mantle (peridotite) xenoliths with igneous cumulates (pyroxenites) suggests that the spinel peridotite suite originated in the uppermost mantle above the São Tomé magma storage zone(s), probably in a region of high strain rate, near the boundary between the mantle and the overlying oceanic crust.  相似文献   

We found extremely high-Mg# (=Mg/(Mg + total Fe) atomic ratio) ultramafic rocks in Avacha peridotite suite. All the high-Mg# rocks have higher modal amounts of clinopyroxene than ordinary Avacha peridotite xenoliths, and their lithology is characteristically heterogeneous, varying from clinopyroxenite through olivine websterite to pyroxene-bearing dunite. The Mg# of minerals is up to 0.99, 0.98 and 0.97 in clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine, respectively, decreasing progressively toward contact with dunitic part, if any. The petrographical feature of pyroxenes in the high-Mg# pyroxenite indicates their metasomatic origin, and high LREE/HREE ratio of the metasomatic clinopyroxene implies that the pyroxenites are the products of reaction between dunitic peridotites and high-Ca, silicate-rich fluids. The lithological variation of the Avacha high-Mg# pyroxenites from clinopyroxenite to olivine websterite resulted from various degrees of fluid-rock reaction coupled with fractional crystallization of the high-Ca fluids, which started by precipitation of high-Mg# clinopyroxene. Such fluids were possibly generated originally at a highly reduced serpentinized peridotite layer above the subducting slab. The fluids can reach the uppermost mantle along a shear zone as a conduit composed of fine-grained peridotite that developed after continent-ward asthenospheric retreats from the mantle wedge beneath the volcanic front. The fluids are incorporated in mantle partial melts when the magmatism is activated by expansion of asthenosphere to mantle wedge beneath the volcanic front.  相似文献   

Melting experiments on ultramafic rocks rich in the hydrous minerals phlogopite or phlogopite + K-richterite, some including 5% of accessory phases, have been conducted at 15 and 50 kbar. The assemblages represent probable source components that contribute to melts in cratonic regions, but whose melt compositions are poorly known. A main series of starting compositions based on MARID xenoliths consisted of a third each of clinopyroxene (CPX), phlogopite (PHL) and K-richterite (KR) with or without 5% ilmenite, rutile or apatite. Additional experiments were run without KR and with higher proportions of accessory phases. Melt traps were used at near-solidus temperatures to facilitate accurate analysis of well-quenched melts, for which reversal experiments demonstrate equilibrium.Results show that KR melts rapidly and completely within 50 °C of the solidus, so that melts reflect the composition of the amphibole and its melting reaction. Melts have high SiO2 and especially K2O but low CaO and Al2O3 relative to basaltic melts produced from peridotites at similar pressures. They have no counterparts amongst natural rocks, but most closely resemble leucite lamproites at 15 kbar. KR and PHL melt incongruently to form olivine (OL) and CPX at 15 kbar, promoting SiO2 contents of the melt, whereas orthopyroxene OPX is increasingly stable at lower lithosphere pressures, leading to an increase in MgO and decrease in SiO2 in melts, which resemble olivine lamproites. Melts of mica pyroxenites without KR are richer in CaO and Al2O3 and do not resemble lamproites. These experiments show that low CaO and Al2O3 in igneous rocks is not necessarily a sign of a depleted peridotite source. Accessory phases produce melts exceptionally rich in P2O5 or TiO2 depending on the phases present and are unlike any melts seen at the Earth’s surface, but may be important agents of metasomatism seen in xenoliths. The addition of the 5% accessory phases ilmenite, rutile or apatite result in melting temperatures a few ten of degrees lower; at least two of these appear essential to explain the compositions of many alkaline igneous rocks on cratons.Melting temperatures for CPX + PHL + KR mixtures are close to cratonic geotherms at depths > 130 km: minor perturbations of the stable geotherm at >150 km will rapidly lead to 20% melting. Melts of hydrous pyroxenites with a variety of accessory phases will be common initial melts at depth, but will change if reaction with wall-rocks occurs, leading to volcanism that contains chemical components of peridotite even though the temperature in the source region remains well below the melting point of peridotite. At higher temperatures, extensive melting of peridotite will dilute the initial alkaline melts: this is recognizable as alkaline components in basalts and, in extreme cases, alkali picrites. Hydrous pyroxenites are, therefore, components of most mantle-derived igneous rocks: basaltic rocks should not be oversimplified as being purely melts of peridotite or of mixtures of peridotite and dry pyroxenite without hydrous phases.  相似文献   

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