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王道德  戴诚达 《地球化学》1995,24(2):110-120
类地行星挥发性元素普遍亏损很可能是由于太阳星云早期剧烈的太阳活动引起的。当气体、尘粒、挥发性元素和水被驱赶出内太阳系时,只有米级到公里级的物质保存下来并堆积成星子,最终吸积星子形成类地行星。我们认为类地行星的初始物质主要是已分异的星子和一些未分异的球粒陨石质星子或不同类型的陨石母体,最靠近太阳形成的星子具有最低的FeO/(FeO+MgO)值,水星是在靠近太阳的高度还原条件下吸积成分类似EH球粒陨石的星子形成的。地球的初始物质为分异的铁陨石及H群球粒陨石。随着距太阳距离增大及温度降低,陨石形成的部位大致为:EH、EL-IAB-SNC(辉玻无球粒陨石、辉橄无球粒陨石、纯橄无球粒陨石)-Euc(钙长辉长无球粒陨石)-H、L、LL-CV、CM、CO-Cl-彗星。物体之间、星子之间及行星与星子之间的碰撞对太阳系的形成和演化起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

堆积的地球及其初始不均一性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从天体化学和地球科学的研究成果出发,认为地球是在一较窄的类地行星区域内,主要由硅酸盐质星子随机吸积而成。在星子形成之前,初始太阳星云已经历了挥发性元素的强烈亏损事件,同时也已发生了硫化物、金属和硅酸盐成分之间的分馏作用,随着行星的形成,行星内部的分馏作用将会持续进行。在形成地球的独立吸积区内,混合作用不彻底,星子群之间的化学成分不均一,因此,构成地球的将是一套具有各自独立化学成分组成的星子群,而不同于地球上现已发现的任何陨石或者它们的组合。  相似文献   

太阳星云崩溃后,固态物质相互碰撞,粘附吸积,增长形成行星。碰撞是行星起源、形成和变质作用等演化的最基本过程。大致在太阳系形成后5—6亿年,不论是行星还是卫星均经历着灾难事件,其表面遭受到频繁的碰撞袭击,以致行星表面今天仍然保留着密布的坑  相似文献   

依据天文观测、天体化学、理论计算和模拟资料,论述了太阳星云的形成和演化,以及太阳星云演化的动力学、热力学及化学剖面,指出太阳星云后期是不均一、不平衡演化的。  相似文献   

本文较全面介绍了星子堆积理论,并依据多学科资料阐述了地形形成的7个过程:前太阳星云分子云阶段;尘粒形成阶段;无级序小星子形成阶段(〈10km);星子级序生长阶段;星子序级分化阶段;地球及类地行星两阶段堆积:原地球阶段和上地幔补堆积阶段;陨石及残余星子冲击阶段。论述了地球形成理论的一个新模式。  相似文献   

内星云区星子的类型张福勤,欧阳自远(中国科学院地球化学研究所.贵阳550002)关键词内太阳星云,星子1引言地球及类地行星的起源是地球化学和天体化学共同的课题。近年来,欧阳自远等[’-’j根据星子堆积理论对地球成因和地球化学不均一性起源的探索进一步推...  相似文献   

王道德  王桂琴 《矿物学报》2012,32(3):321-340
陨石是来自含气体-尘粒的太阳早期星云盘凝聚和吸积的原始物质,大多数原始物质因吸积后的作用过程而改变(如月球、地球及火星样品),但有一些却完整的保存下来(如球粒陨石或球粒陨石中的难熔包体)。这些原始的物质通常依据同位素丰度特征来识别,依据其矿物-岩石学特征和成因可将已知的陨石划分许多更小的类型。陨石学及天体化学的新近进展包括:新近识别的陨石群;发现新类型球粒陨石及行星际尘粒中发现前太阳和星云组分;利用短寿命放射性核素完善了早期太阳系年代学;洞察宇宙化学丰度、分馏作用及星云源区及通过次生母体的作用过程阐释星云和前星云的记录。本文概述了早期太阳系内从星云到陨石的演化过程。依据这些资料,对早期太阳系所经历的多种核合成的输入、瞬时加热事件与星云动力学有一些新的认识,以及认识到小星子和行星体系的演化比以前预期的更快速。  相似文献   

行星地球不均一成因和演化的理论框架初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球是太阳系的一部分 ,研究地球的成因和演化必须要与太阳系的形成结合起来。文章在综合最新的地球化学、地球物理和天体化学研究资料的基础上 ,对地球的不均一成因进行了理论上的推导。对星子学说、地球的多阶段堆积模型和地球化学不均一性以及它们的相互关系进行了论述 ,从行星演化的角度阐述地球不均一成因的理论框架。根据行星起源的星子学说 ,以及天体化学、地球化学和深部地质地球化学和地球物理资料的多重限制 ,行星地球的增生经历了两个主要阶段 ,即原地球的形成阶段和晚期星子堆积形成上地幔镶饰层阶段。早前寒武纪岩石的铅、钕、氧同位素的研究表明 ,在地球形成的初期就存在化学不均一性 ,而这种不均一性很可能代表初始堆积星子化学组成的差异  相似文献   

地球环境演化的阶段性及其形成机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球环境(大气圈、水圈)的演化具有明显的阶段性。撞击作用与地内核转变能是地球环境(大气圈、水圈)演化的根本机制。地球吸积形成期,原地球捕获太阳星云大气形成的原始大气经太阳风驱赶和星子撞击而逃逸,早期大规模的撞击过程又可能使地球上折矿物脱去挥发分,形成地球次生大气的一部分,也可使其次生大气部分脱离地球,地球形成期曾经历过撞击生气与气体逃逸的多次旋回,撞击作用决定其环境条件;地球形成之后,撞击作用仍起  相似文献   

侯渭  欧阳自远 《岩石学报》1996,12(3):471-477
在建立了小行星星云凝聚模型的基础上,对类地行星区中土物质(硅酸盐、氧化物、金属、硫化物等)的凝聚作用,以及凝聚物的水化作用进行了讨论。进而建立了包括小行星区在内的整个类地行星区的星云凝聚模式。根据地球核幔质量比和关于地球初期演化的研究结果:使用顽光辉石球粒陨石和C1陨石的化学成分分别做为地球形成区中类顽光辉石球粒陨石质星子和类C1陨石质星子和类C1陨石质星子的成分数据,假定类顽光辉石无球粒陨石质昨  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Earth》1977,13(2):171-189
The study of the Earth—Moon system provides the connecting link between purely astronomical studies of the origin of the solar system and its planets, and geophysical and biological studies of the evolution of the Earth's geology, its surface features, atmosphere and hydrosphere, and of terrestrial life.A coherent account is presented here, based on the hypothesis that the Moon formed separately and was later captured by the Earth. The adoption of this hypothesis, together with the observed depletion of iron in the Moon, sets some important constraints on the development of condensation and agglomeration phenomena in the primeval solar nebula, which led to the formation of planetesimals, and ultimately to planets.Capture of the Moon also defines a severe heating event within the Earth, whereby its kinetic energy of rotation is largely dissipated internally by the mechanism of tidal friction. From this melting event dates the geologic, atmospheric, and oceanic history of the Earth. An attempt is made to account for the unique development of the Earth, especially in relation to Mars and Venus, its neighboring planets.  相似文献   

本文从太阳星云演变模式入手,着重介绍地球的非均一堆积起源模式.指出地球的化学成分具有原始的不均一性;这种不均一性起源于前地球阶段堆积星子的不均一性.地球的星子吸积过程具有明显的两阶段性,即原地球吸积阶段和晚期吸积阶段,而后期的吸积过程对上地幔及地壳的化学成分不均一性的影响尤为显著.最后指出地球化学不均一性对超大型矿床分布的制约.  相似文献   

The history of the solar system is locked within the planets, asteroids and other objects that orbit the Sun. While remote observations of these celestial bodies are essential for understanding planetary processes, much of the geological and geochemical information regarding solar system heritage comes directly from the study of rocks and other materials originating from them. The diversity of materials available for study from planetary bodies largely comes from meteorites; fragments of rock that fall through Earth's atmosphere after impact‐extraction from their parent planet or asteroid. These extra‐terrestrial objects are fundamental scientific materials, providing information on past conditions within planets, and on their surfaces, and revealing the timing of key events that affected a planet's evolution. Meteorites can be sub‐divided into four main groups: (1) chondrites, which are unmelted and variably metamorphosed ‘cosmic sediments’ composed of particles that made up the early solar nebula; (2) achondrites, which represent predominantly silicate materials from asteroids and planets that have partially to fully melted, from a broadly chondritic initial composition; (3) iron meteorites, which represent Fe‐Ni samples from the cores of asteroids and planetesimals; and (4) stony‐iron meteorites such as pallasites and mesosiderites, which are mixtures of metal and dominantly basaltic materials. Meteorite studies are rapidly expanding our understanding of how the solar system formed and when and how key events such as planetary accretion and differentiation occurred. Together with a burgeoning collection of classified meteorites, these scientific advances herald an unprecedented period of further scientific challenges and discoveries, an exciting prospect for understanding our origins.  相似文献   

侯渭  欧阳自远 《岩石学报》1996,12(1):115-126
建立类地行星区太阳星云凝聚过程的岩石学模型,对于合理解释陨石、地球和类地行星的成因关系,探讨地球起源和估算地球的整体成分都有着重要意义。本文中根据天体化学和太阳系演化学说关于太阳星云物理化学条件的基本分析,以及实验凝聚岩石学的研究结果,推断在太阳星云盘的类地行星区中可能有星云的气-固和气-液-固两种凝聚作用发生。通过对球粒陨石中球粒和基质矿物成分及结构构造特征的对比,论证了绝大多数球粒的气-液-固凝聚成因和基质的气-固凝聚成因,并讨论了球粒陨石各化学群的凝聚成因模式。  相似文献   

Initial 129I/127I values (I-Xe ages) have been obtained for individual mineralogically characterized chondrules and interchondrule matrix from the enstatite chondrites Qingzhen (EH3) and Kota Kota (EH3). In view of the absence of aqueous alteration and the low-peak metamorphic temperatures experienced by these meteorites, we suggest that the I-Xe ages for the chondrules record the event in which they were formed. These ages are within the range recorded for chondrules from ordinary chondrites, demonstrating that chondrules formed during the same time interval in the source regions of both ordinary chondrites and enstatite chondrites. The timing of this chondrule-forming episode or episodes brackets the I-Xe closure age of planetesimal bodies such as the Shallowater aubrite parent body. Although chondrule formation need not have occurred close to planetesimals, the existence of planetesimals at the same time as chondrule formation provides constraints on models of this process. Whichever mechanisms are proposed to form and transport chondrules, they must be compatible with models of the protosolar nebula which predict the formation of differentiated bodies on the same timescale at the same heliocentric distance.  相似文献   

During the accretion of planets such as Earth, which are formed by collisional accretion of plan-etesimals, the probability of capture of interplanetary bodies in planetocentric orbits is calculated following the approach of Hills (1973) and the n-body simulation, using simplectic integration method. The simulation, taking an input mass equal to about 50% of the present mass of the inner planets, distributed over a large number of planetoids, starting at 4 M y after the formation of solar system, yielded four inner planets within a period of 30 M y. None of these seed bodies, out of which the planets formed, remained at this time and almost 40% mass was transferred beyond 100 AU. Based on these calculations, we conclude that ∼ 1.4 times the mass of the present inner planets was needed to accumulate them. The probability of capture of planetoids in geocentric orbits is found to be negligible. The result emphasizes the computational difficulty in ’probability of capture’ of planetesimals around the Earth before the giant impact. This conclusion, however, is in contradiction to the recent observations of asteroids being frequently captured in transient orbits around the Earth, even when the current population of such interplanetary bodies is smaller by several orders of magnitude compared to the planetary accumulation era.  相似文献   

宇宙中恒星的演化始于巨星的形成 ,后者的质量是太阳系的数百倍 ,寿命估计为数百万年。重元素合成于巨星的内部。它们控制了巨星爆炸过程中 (超新星 )形成的气态云和盘状物的冷凝加速度。冷凝和旋转的加速导致后代恒星质量越来越小 ,寿命越来越长 ,直到形成像太阳这样的小星体 ,其质量为 1.989× 10 30 kg ,寿命已有几十亿年。这些小恒星的形成是冷凝过程中产生的水成冰氢星子不断聚集的结果。上一代巨星的原始星盘中的物质只有一小部分参与了冰氢星子的形成。这些星体形成于致密、高速旋转的原始恒星星盘中 ,周围环绕着巨行星和褐矮星。由于星体达到恒星状态 ,它们开始影响原恒星盘 ,结果导致星体相互分散 ,同时 ,最近的巨星发生表面去气作用。后者可以从巨星到恒星的质量衰减得到证实。UpsilonAndromedae、5 5Cancri和HD16 84 4 3等天体的巨行星记载了这样的事实。太阳系中的表面去气作用主要反映在近太阳巨星的流体外壳完全消失。由于流体外壳消失 ,铁硅酸盐熔融核暴露地表 ,形成小的类地行星。木星也经历过表面去气作用 ,依据是木星具有很高的平均密度 (1.3g cm3) ,几乎是土星密度 (0 .7g cm3)的两倍。因此 ,类地行星的形成经历了两个阶段 :原行星 (其父巨星具有重的熔融核 )和正常行星 (在其父行星  相似文献   

The observed consistence of the composition of chondrules and the matrix in chondrites is explained by their origin as a result of chondrule-matrix splitting of the material of primitive (not layered) planets. According to the composition of chondrites, two main stages in the evolution of chondritic planets (silicate-metallic and olivine) are distinguished. Chondritic planets of the silicate-metallic stage were analogs of chondritic planets, whose layering resulted in the formation of the terrestrial planets. The iron-silicate evolution of chondritic matter is correlated with the evolution of carbon material in the following sequence: diamond ± moissanite → hydrocarbons → primitive organic compounds.  相似文献   

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