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高空间分辨率遥感影像能够充分地描述地表覆盖空间异质性,可用于提取地面目标物。然而高空间分辨率在像元尺度的目标提取时易产生"椒盐效应"问题,面向对象的小尺度影像分割也受此效应影响;而大尺度的影像分割造成较小目标的遗漏。本文提出了一种针对高空间分辨率遥感影像的多尺度分割优化组合算法MOCA(Multi-scale-segmentation Optimal Composition Algorithm),基于后验概率信息熵指标选择影像中每个地面目标的最优分割尺度并集成组合,获得高空间分辨率遥感影像的多尺度分割优化组合结果。本文使用F指标和BCI(Bidirectional Consistency Index)两种指标评估地面目标物提取精度,并将MOCA与同类多尺度分割方法进行比较。实验结果表明,本文提出的MOCA算法可实现多个分割尺度的最优组合,并获得较高的地面目标物提取精度。  相似文献   

最优分割尺度下的多层次遥感地物分类实验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了快速、准确地提取我国海岸带地区土地利用及其变化信息,选择高分辨率遥感影像作为数据源,提出了最优分割尺度下的遥感多层次地物识别分类方法。首先,通过改进的局部方差法进行最优分割尺度的确定,建立影像中各对象的方差均值与变化率随分割尺度变化曲线,确定方差均值的峰值,以变化率开始呈现下降趋势时所对应的分割值为最优分割尺度参考...  相似文献   

由于高空间分辨率遥感影像自身的复杂性,传统的分水岭分割方法难以取得令人满意的效果。本文提出一种改进分水岭变换的高分辨率遥感影像多尺度分割方法,在抑制分水岭过分割现象的同时,还能实现对遥感影像的多尺度分割。该方法充分考虑了高分辨率遥感影像的多光谱和多尺度特性,首先,利用各向异性扩散滤波技术对影像进行平滑滤波,目的是在滤除各种噪声的同时还能保持影像的边缘特征和重要的细节信息;然后,提取影像的多尺度形态学梯度,并从梯度图像中提取标记;接着进行基于标记的分水岭变换;最后,利用改进的快速区域合并算法实现对影像的多尺度分割。实验表明,改进的算法能有效地抑制分水岭的过分割现象,对高分辨率遥感影像有较好的分割性能。  相似文献   

针对多尺度遥感图像的分割质量评估问题,提出了一种光谱和形状相结合的分割质量评估方法。首先,采用超像元方法对图像进行初始分割,将图像过分割为若干区域;其次,根据合并准则迭代合并相邻区域来生成各尺度图像,其中,使用尺度集结构来索引各尺度的区域,使用邻接图来记录各尺度下区域间关系;然后给出各尺度图像形状紧凑性和平滑性的计算公式,并结合各尺度图像光谱特征计算出各尺度图像的同质性和异质性;最后根据贝叶斯风险最小准则选择最优分割尺度。实验结果表明,该方法可以适应不同图像内对象特质,使得最优分割尺度的选择更合理,图像分割效果更佳。  相似文献   

面向对象解译技术在高分辨率遥感影像信息提取中得到广泛应用,但影像分割的基础问题仍严重制约其自动化水平,尤其是分割参数选择。因此,本文以广泛使用的分型网络演化分割算法为例,开展尺度参数选择研究。借鉴对遥感影像分辨率敏感的局部方差指标,引入边长和面积权重,构造加权局部方差(WLV)指标,对多个分割结果进行评价,进而实现最佳尺度参数选择。在珠江区域2.5 m的SPOT 5融合影像上进行实验,通过计算最佳分割结果与人工分割结果的相似度对WLV进行定量验证。此外,还对WLV在分割对象最小为一个像元、最大为整景影像的全范围尺度参数的变化规律进行了实验,结果表明:在WLV随尺度参数的变化曲线中,不同极大值点的分割结果反映了实验区不同景观层级上的斑块,其中第1个极大值点对应的分割结果能够较好地反映影像的最小可识别单元。  相似文献   

本文论述了海冰外缘线在我国海冰监测和预报中的重要作用,分析了常规的海冰外缘线提取方法存在的不足.同时,结合MODIS遥感影像和渤海悬浮泥沙分布的特点,讨论了凝聚层次聚类的MODIS影像分割算法[1].该算法以影像光谱特性和形状特性作为判定规则,通过加入影像网格化、碎斑和噪声去除等分析,在优化冰水识别参数及分割结果提取海...  相似文献   

采用面向对象方法处理高空间分辨率遥感影像时,影像分割质量对后续影像的信息提取结果影响很大。本文主要针对高分辨率影像分割中地物多尺度的问题,提出了一种基于多层优选尺度的高分辨率影像分割算法。该算法首先采用一系列规律变化的尺度对高分辨率影像进行多尺度分割,然后通过单分割层全局标准差的变化与尺度的关系确定一组最优分割尺度。在此基础上,通过各优选分割层之间的包含关系,局部建立多层次对象树,从整体上形成影像森林;通过局部同质性异质性综合评价指数的比较及父层光谱特征的限制来选取多层次对象树中的优势对象,从而获得最终的高分辨率影像分割结果。最后,本文分别采用了Geoeye和ZY3多光谱影像进行了2组分割实验,结果表明本文算法能有效地提高正常分割影像对象的比例。  相似文献   

高光谱遥感由于其精细的光谱分辨率,在定量分析物质成分上独具优势,因此广泛应用于提取蚀变矿物信息.探讨了不同空间分辨率高光谱遥感数据对蚀变矿物信息提取的影响,采用最邻近插值法、双线性插值法和三次卷积插值法3种重采样方法对美国 Cuprite矿区空间分辨率为20m 的 AVIRIS影像做空间尺度扩展,分别扩展到空间分辨率为25,30,35,40,45,50m.采用SAM 分类方法从不同空间分辨率影像中提取蚀变矿物信息,使用混淆矩阵评价提取结果.一方面比较不同重采样方法对后期蚀变矿物信息提取精度产生的影响;另一方面比较不同空间分辨率对高光谱遥感影像蚀变矿物信息提取精度的影响.结果表明:①采用不同的重采样方法做
空间尺度扩展,会影响后期蚀变矿物信息提取的精度,但是数值变化相对较小.相比之下,最邻近插值法重采样下影像蚀变矿物信息提取的精度稍好一些.②在中等空间分辨率(20~50m)范围内,基于50m 空间分辨率的高光谱影像,蚀变信息提取的总体精度和 Kappa系数较20m 的明显下降.其中最邻近插值法重采样下的总体精度和 Kappa系数分别下降了7.94%,0.09;双线性插值法重采样下的总体精度和 Kappa系数分别下降了6.87%,0.08;三次卷积插值法重采样下的总体精度和 Kappa系数分别下降了6.68%,0.08.较高空间分辨率影像的总体精度和 Kappa系数整体上均高于较低空间分辨率的情形.   相似文献   

多尺度分割是面向对象遥感影像分析的关键性基础步骤,影像分割过程中尺度参数的选择直接关系到面向对象影像分析的质量和精度。本文首先从理论层面将遥感影像分割的尺度界定为基于统计的原始影像全局或局部特征的一种定量化估计,并在算法层面上将多尺度分割算法的尺度参数概括为空间尺度分割参数(类别或斑块间的空间距离)、属性尺度分割参数(类别或斑块间的属性距离)和合并阈值参数(斑块大小或斑块像元数目);接着,提出了基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像分割尺度估计方法;最后,以均值漂移多尺度分割算法为例,采用高空间分辨率的Ikonos、Quickbird和航空影像数据,对本文提出的基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像分割尺度估计方法进行了验证。结果表明,该方法在一定程度上不仅避免了高分辨率遥感影像分割尺度参数选择的主观性和盲目性,还提高了面向对象影像分析的自动化程度,具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

尺度效应的存在使得不同地物的空间及属性尺度存在差异,不存在适合于影像中所有地物的唯一尺度。但通过影像分区,然后针对不同区域设置最优分割参数,可以有效地提高影像整体的分割精度。耕地地块分割中,对分割边界的要求较高,需要保证地块边界清晰连续,鉴于此,本文提出了一种结合影像分区及尺度估计的耕地地块提取方法。本文利用不同地物的温度反演影像来实现区域划分,根据温度数据将影像划分为不同地物类型、作物类型或作物长势不同的多个区域。接下来,分别对不同的区域影像进行分割,由于不同类型地物的固有空间空间尺度不同,所以不同区域影像的最佳分割参数也随之不同。空间统计的平均局部方差法可以用来预估各区域影像的分割参数,与分割参数优选的方法相比,该方法可快速准确定位,且效率较高。因此本文利用该方法进行参数估计,采用边缘约束分水岭分割算法进行耕地地块分割。此外,本文对现有影像分割评价指标进行了改进。实验结果显示,本文提出的耕地地块提取方法可针对影像的不同区域,快速准确地设置分割参数,且与其他分割方法相比,地块边界更清晰连续、多边界问题得到了极大改善。  相似文献   

Coral reefs in the Xisha Islands(also known as the Paracel Islands in English), South China Sea, have experienced dramatic declines in coral cover. However, the current regional scale hard coral distribution of geomorphic and ecological zones, essential for reefs management in the context of global warming and ocean acidification, is not well documented. We analyzed data from field surveys, Landsat-8 and GF-1 images to map the distribution of hard coral within geomorphic zones and reef flat ecological zones. In situ surveys conducted in June 2014 on nine reefs provided a complete picture of reef status with regard to live coral diversity, evenness of coral cover and reef health(live versus dead cover) for the Xisha Islands. Mean coral cover was 12.5% in 2014 and damaged reefs seemed to show signs of recovery. Coral cover in sheltered habitats such as lagoon patch reefs and biotic dense zones of reef flats was higher, but there were large regional differences and low diversity. In contrast, the more exposed reef slopes had high coral diversity, along with high and more equal distributions of coral cover. Mean hard coral cover of other zones was 10%. The total Xisha reef system was estimated to cover 1 060 km~2, and the emergent reefs covered ~787 km~2. Hard corals of emergent reefs were considered to cover 97 km~2. The biotic dense zone of the reef flat was a very common zone on all simple atolls, especially the broader northern reef flats. The total cover of live and dead coral can reach above 70% in this zone, showing an equilibrium between live and dead coral as opposed to coral and algae. This information regarding the spatial distribution of hard coral can support and inform the management of Xisha reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

In recent years, infrastructure construction on coral reefs has been increasingly developed. Therefore, the shallow strata stability of coral reefs in the South China Sea should be evaluated. This study aims to investigate the profiles for the shallow strata of coral reefs in the southwest of the Yongshu Reef, particularly in the hydrodynamic marine environment, and to establish a geological model for numerical simulation using Geo-Studio. The shallow strata of the coral reefs include mass gravel, sand gravel, mid-coarse sand, silty sand, fine sand, and reef limestone. The shallow reef slope near the lagoon is similar to a ‘layer cake', in which the side close to the sea is analogous to a ‘block cake'. The simulation results showed that coral reef stability depends on wave loads and earthquake strength and on the physical properties of coral reefs. The factor of safety for the outer reef is greater than 10.0 under static, wave, and seismic conditions; this indicated that the outer reefs were less affected by waves and earthquakes. However, the factor of safety next to the lagoon varied from 0.1 to 5.3. The variation was primarily caused by the thick strata of coral reefs close to the sea(reef limestone, typically with the thickness 10 m and equivalent to a block). The soil and rock layers in the coral reef strata with thicknesses 10 m showed weak engineering geological characteristics. Our findings can provide useful information to future construction projects on coral reefs.  相似文献   

吴柯  杨帆  徐莹 《地质科技通报》2022,41(5):181-189
近年来, 受人类活动和全球变暖的双重影响, 我国南海区域珊瑚礁生态系统退化, 发生白化现象。利用遥感技术监测和掌握珊瑚礁的白化情况, 对南海生态环境的保护和治理具有重大价值。首先通过多期海表温度数据获取珊瑚礁白化预警的区域, 选定西沙群岛永乐环礁中的羚羊礁作为研究对象; 然后, 提出了一种新型的珊瑚礁白化监测模型, 分别采取水深校正、珊瑚礁分类、反射率调整以及阈值选择等方式对2013-2018年的Landsat-8遥感影像开展了多时间序列的珊瑚礁白化监测研究。最终的结果显示, 该模型能够较为准确地获取珊瑚礁白化区域, 为南海珊瑚礁白化现象的长时间序列监测提供依据。   相似文献   

ESR dating of aragonitic and calcitic corals , eolianite , calcrete , and corallineae from coral reefs in the South China Sea was applied to study of Quaternary reef geology . The ESR ages of calcitic corals correlated with the biostratigraphy , lithostratigraphy and geochemistry of Well Xi-Chen-1 and the oxygen-isotope stratigraphy of deep sea sediments, were reliable and up to 1.26 Ma. The selection of signals for dating and other related problems are discussed .  相似文献   

Ran  Weimin  Luan  Xiwu  Lu  Yintao  Liu  Hong  Yang  Jiajia  Zhao  Yang  He  Wenchang  Yan  Zhonghui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(1):47-61

Analysis of 2D seismic data over 4 500 km in length from the Madura Strait Basin in the East Java Sea reveals seismic reflection characteristics of reefs and associated sedimentary bodies, including asymmetrical or symmetrical dome reflections, slope progradational reflections, chaotic reflections and discontinuous strong reflections inside the reef, which onlap the flank of the reef. It is concluded that the developmental paleo-environment of most reefs is mainly conducive to shallow marine carbonate platform facies and platform margin facies, based on well core data, variations in seismic facies and strata thickness. The formation and evolution of all reefs are primarily influenced by the tectonic framework of the Madura Strait Basin. Platform margin reefs are principally controlled by two types of structures: one is a series of E-W trending Paleogene normal faults, and the other is an E-W trending Neogene inversion structures. In addition, wave actions, tidal currents and other ocean currents play an accelerated role in sorting, rounding and redeposition for the accumulation and evolution of reefs. Tertiary reefs in the MSB can be divided into four types: 1) an open platform coral reef of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 2) a platform margin coral reef controlled by normal faults in Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 3) a platform margin Globigerina moundreef controlled by a “hidden” inversion structure in Early Pliocene, and 4) a platform margin Globigerina mound-reef controlled by thrust faults in the early Pliocene. Patterns of the formation and evolution of reefs are also suggested.


THENOMENCLATUREOFTHESOUTHCHINASEAISLANDSINANCIENTCHINA¥LiuNanwei(刘南威)(DepartmentofGeography,SouthChinaNormalUniversity,Guangz...  相似文献   

Zheng  Xinqing  Li  Yuanchao  Liang  Jilin  Lin  Rongcheng  Wang  Daoru 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(1):135-147
Coral restoration is becoming popular to help restoring degraded coral reefs.However,few studies have tried to monitor the long-term recovery of coral reefs,which makes it difficult to assess the performance of the restoration.We monitored the growth of three transplanted Acropora corals and naturally-attached Pocillopora damicornis on artificial reefs(ARs) from October 2014 to September 2018 during which there were several attacks of typhoons.Results show that two staghorn Acropora species had the highest growth rate s(11.0-12.1 cm/a),followed by table coral A.divaricate(5.6 cm/a) and P.damicornis(4.8 cm/a).A linear growth pattern was found for the three Acropora species;the pattern gradually slowed in P.damicornis.There was a strong interspecific competition for space among the corals on ARs,and it led to the sharply declined occurrence of slow-growing P.darmicornis colonies in 2017.Coral recovery was successful at the Wuzhizhou Island and quickly increased AR complexity.However,the ARs made of metal frames fail to resist the direct attack from a catastrophic typhoon.Therefore,concrete and environmentalfriendly materials should be used in future restoration.This study is the first report on long-term monitoring and assessment of coral reef restoration in China.The results offer future guide of reef restoration for impaired coral reefs in regions easily affected by typhoons.  相似文献   

Type and evolution of landscapes of Nansha Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TYPEANDEVOLUTIONOFLANDSCAPESOFNANSHAISLANDSZhaoHuanting(赵焕庭)SouthChinaSeaInstituteofOceanology,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Gu...  相似文献   

Landscapes of the Nansha Islands may be divided into five types: tropical marine organism-breeding landscape of reef knoll like Zengmu Shoal, Wan’an Bank and so on; tropical marine organism-breeding landscape of atoll including all emerged reefs and most submerged reefs; tropical evergreen arbor-bush forest and phosphorous lime soil landscape of limesand Islets like Taiping Islet, Nanwei islet and so on; tropical shallow sea marine organism-breeding landscape of southern continental shelf; tropical oceanic and deep-sea marine organism landscape in middle and north parts of the Nansha Islands area. These five landscape types may be also summed up as two categories, one is tropical sea landscape including those in shallow and deep sea, the other is tropical coral reef landscape including those of reef knoll, atoll and limesand islet. This paper outlines the evolutional model of landscapes of the Nansha Islands. The distribution and evolution of landscape types are related with palaeogeography and modern environmental conditions. The former shallow sea of the Nansha islands was coastal zone in the Late Pleistocene epoch. Deep sea is evolved from shallow sea due to long and slow subsidence of crust. Modern coral reefs develop on old reef top of the Late pleistocene epoch or on baserock of continental shelf in the Holocene due to the rise of sea level in postglacial. Limesand islet is in the peak of developmental stage.  相似文献   

由于总体精度或Kappa系数的遥感影像分割/分类评价指标,对影像分割图斑的几何形状等真实结构未能有效刻画,不能有效体现面向对象处理中边缘像元的真实分割/分类效果。本文基于分割对象的几何结构,提出了5个面向对象的高分辨率遥感影像分割/分类精度评价指标:过分割、欠分割、边缘匹配、分割块数,以及形状误差,并在IDL平台实现了一个面向对象影像分析与评价的原型系统。通过对福州市QuickBird影像的Meanshift分割评价,证实了其指标能够刻画出分割对象的深层结构,并符合地物对象分割/分类的真实分布。实验还表明,该评价指标在确定分割算法的参数方面具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

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