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为解释太阳运动Ⅳ型射电爆发的相干辐射机制提出一个理论模型.从耀斑中产生的高能电子,可以被扩展上升的太阳磁流管俘获.在磁流管顶部,这些高能电子的速度分布形成为类束流速度分布,激发柬流等离子体的不稳定性,并且主要直接放大O模电磁波.不稳定性增长率敏锐地依赖了日冕等离子体参数fpe/fce和射束温度Tb,这能定性解释在太阳运动Ⅳ型射电爆发中观测到的高亮温度和高偏振度,以及宽频谱的特性.  相似文献   

向梁  吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):27-77
动力学阿尔文波是垂直波长接近离子回旋半径或者电子惯性长度的色散阿尔文波.由于波的尺度接近粒子的动力学尺度,动力学阿尔文波在太阳和空间等离子体加热、加速等能化现象中起重要作用.因此,动力学阿尔文波通常被认为是日冕加热的候选者.本研究工作深入、系统地调研了太阳大气中动力学阿尔文波的激发和耗散机制.基于日冕等离子体环境,介绍了几种常见的动力学阿尔文波激发机制:温度各向异性不稳定性、场向电流不稳定性、电子束流不稳定性、密度非均匀不稳定性以及共振模式转换.还介绍了太阳大气中动力学阿尔文波的耗散机制,并讨论了这些耗散机制对黑子加热、冕环加热以及冕羽加热的影响.不仅为认识太阳大气中动力学阿尔文波的驱动机制、动力学演化特征以及波粒相互作用提供合理的理论依据,而且有助于揭示日冕等离子体中能量储存和释放、粒子加热等能化现象的微观物理机制.  相似文献   

太阳过渡区是位于色球与日冕之间的一个高度动态的等离子体区域.通过对太阳紫外光谱的研究发现,过渡区的主要结构是以磁场集中为特征的网络组织.首先回顾太阳过渡区的研究历史,接着从整体上介绍太阳过渡区的结构及观测特征,然后介绍过渡区各种结构和现象的主要模型和物理解释,并结合作者的认识进行必要的评论,最后对未来的研究方向提出看法.  相似文献   

王德焴 《天文学报》2004,45(2):168-175
为解释太阳运动IV型射电爆发的相干辐射机制提出一个理论模型.从耀斑中产生的高能电子,可以被扩展上升的太阳磁流管俘获.在磁流管顶部,这些高能电子的速度分布形成为类束流速度分布,激发束流等离子体的不稳定性,并且主要直接放大O模电磁波.不稳定性增长率敏锐地依赖了日冕等离子体参数,fpe/fce和射束温度Tb,这能定性解释在太阳运动IV型射电爆发中观测到的高亮温度和高偏振度,以及宽频谱的特性.  相似文献   

日球边界射电辐射是太阳系最强的射电辐射现象,辐射功率至少达1013 W,能够提供日球边界附近高能电子束和背景磁等离子体结构的重要物理信息.自1983年旅行者号卫星首次探测到日球边界射电辐射后,其便受到研究者们的广泛持续关注.日球边界射电辐射大致有两类:辐射频率相对较高的瞬时辐射或称漂移辐射以及辐射频率相对较低的持续辐射或称非漂移辐射.通常两类辐射都从大约2 kHz开始,漂移辐射具有向高频率漂移的特征,频漂率约为1–3 kHz/yr,频率范围1.8–3.6 kHz,持续时间较短大致100–300 d;非漂移辐射没有明显的频率漂移,频率范围1.8–2.6 kHz,持续时间较长大致3 yr.目前普遍认为日球边界射电辐射与激波有关.介绍了该射电辐射可能的辐射产生源区、辐射物理机制以及与辐射相关的激波来源,并且讨论了尚存在的科学问题以及展望了未来可以进一步开展的研究.  相似文献   

在太阳射电动态频谱图上,II型暴表现为缓慢频率漂移的窄带信号;这些信号为能量电子激发的等离子体辐射,其基频辐射的频率接近当地等离子体频率.II型暴在太阳暴驱动激波、激波加速产生能量电子以及空间天气预报方面具有重要的研究意义.有些II型暴的频谱形态比较丰富,存在多种精细结构;按照频谱形态和成因大致分为频带分裂、多支、鱼骨...  相似文献   

氢是太阳大气中最主要的元素。氢原子的赖曼(Lyman)谱线,尤其是赖曼阿尔法(Ly-α)谱线的辐射,是太阳色球和低过渡区能量损失的主要形式。在太阳的赖曼α像中,网络组织的辐射比较强,而辐射最强的地方是活动区。由于存在辐射转移效应,在宁静区,低阶赖曼谱线的谱形中央一般会形成一个凹陷,而在中央两侧则形成两个峰,两峰往往呈现出一定的不对称性。数值模拟和观测研究表明,赖曼谱线双峰的不对称性与高层大气中各种系统性流动有关。在太阳活动区,赖曼谱形在谱斑区与在宁静区类似;而在黑子区,赖曼谱形几乎没有中央凹陷。赖曼谱形也可用于诊断日珥、耀斑和日冕物质抛射等结构和现象的等离子体特性。该文回顾了赖曼谱线的观测历史,阐明了观测与模拟结果所揭示的物理过程,并结合笔者的认识进行了相应的评论。  相似文献   

日冕电流片是日冕磁重联发生的主要区域, 这一过程将磁能转化为等离子体的热能和动能. 通过选取大角度光谱日冕仪(Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph, LASCO)的白光与远紫外日冕成像光谱仪(Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS)的紫外观测, 研究了2003年1月3日观测到的冕流电流片. LASCO C2白光数据显示电流片中的等离子体团在视场中可从60km·s-1加速至340km·s-1, 加速度为 60m·s-2; 假设视向深度为0.3--1.5R, 得到所研究电流片在UVCS狭缝高度处的平均电子数密度约为(1.52--7.60)×107cm-3. 对沿UVCS视场狭缝分布的[Fe xviii ] 974 ? A和Lyα谱线强度进行研究, 发现电流片处的[Fe xviii ]谱线强度比周围明显增大, 计算得到所研究时段内电流片的电子温度范围为(2.94–4.04)×106K; 而在电流片处的Lyα谱线强度相对周围变化不大, 在电流片内部两侧强度比中心略高, 可能的主要原因是电流片内部中心处等离子体的运动速度要比两侧快, 这使得中心比两侧有更强的多普勒暗化作用. 以UVCS观测的Lyα和[Fe xviii ]谱线的辐射强度比和计算的电子温度为约束条件, 发现当狭缝电流片处等离子体运动速度约为237–254 km·s ?1 时, 通过理论计算的Lyα和[Fe xviii ]谱线的辐射发射率比值和观测谱线强度比值相当. 在该速度范围内, 电流片内部Lyα辐射的碰撞项约为辐射项的42%–57%. 此事件中的冕流电流片比通常情形下的冕流电流片中等离子体温度更高、运动速度更大, 可能的原因在于其南侧爆发的两个日冕物质抛射促进了电流片中的磁重联过程, 更多的磁能释放用于等离子体的加热和加速. 所得研究结果可以为我国将要发射的先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)未来的资料处理提供重要参考.  相似文献   

本文对相对论电子的辐射性质、能谱演化和加速机制等进行了简要的介绍。同时,对相对论电子在高能天体中的辐射作用和特性进行了简要的综述。本文给出了相对论电子在Blazar天体的射电辐射机制、光变机制、BL Lac天体的辐射机制以及γ暴的辐射机制等方面的应用研究成果。1、提出了相对论电子的光学薄同步辐射模型:解释Blazar天体的射电平谱:Blazar中心体的剧烈活动,使射电辐射区处于等离子体湍动状态,其中的相对论电子在湍动等离子体波的二交费米加速、激波加速、辐射损失、粒子逃逸和辐射区的绝热减速等物理过程作用下,形成较平的能谱,产生射电平谱。2、提出了新的Blazar天体光变模型:当Blazar天体爆发时,中心天体产生大量的相对论电子,注入喷流中;相对论电子产生同步辐射,并不断损失能量和逃逸辐射区,使它们的能谱快速变化,引起辐射发生快速光变。3、给出了BL Lac天体的等离子体反应堆模型:大量相对论电子从中心天体注入周围的等离子体反应堆中,通过同步辐射快速损失能量,同时这些电子同步吸收反应堆中不透明的光子,产生一个稳定、各向同性的幂律分布,其谱指数为γ=3;然后,这些相对论电子通过等离子体反应堆的爆发或其表面扩散过程逃逸出来,辐射低频的同步辐射。模型解释了BL Lac天体的高频辐射表现出快速的谱变化性质,即流量减小时谱变陡。4、提出了相对论电子的内激波加速模型,解释γ暴的尖峰光变特性:在γ暴产生的相对论运动的壳层中,有内激波产生;激波在壳层中传播,耗散壳层的运动能,使其中的部分电子加速成为相对论电子。然后,这些电子通过同步辐射产生观测到的γ辐射。模型认为,γ暴中的每个尖峰辐射是一对内激波加速相对论电子的辐射过程,复杂的γ暴光变曲线是多对内激波辐射过程的叠加。  相似文献   

弱磁化相对论电子束注入等离子体时,由非共振波粒相互作用激发的束-等离子体不稳定性可以直接放大电磁波,计算结果表明:在偏离共振条件的区域,电磁波仍可在较宽的频率范围被放大,并在每个共振峰下形成平台结构。随着谐波数的增高,增长率峰值逐渐变小,峰宽也变窄。本文还分析了电磁波的增长率随背景参数ω_(pe)/Ω_e及高能电子的入射方向和辐射方向的变化规律,在典型的日冕条件下,此类不稳定性所放大的电磁波的增长率大小、带宽、方向性、偏振及谐波等性质,可以用来解释太阳Ⅲ型射电爆发现象,本文的研究亦可用来解释其他天体等离子体辐射。  相似文献   

周晓伟  吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):34-210
射电辐射机制,尤其是射电暴发现象的相干辐射机制,是天体物理中最复杂、争议最多的电磁辐射机制.由于受到多重物理因素相互牵连的复杂影响,相干射电辐射机制的理论研究存在很大的难度,长期以来在等离子体辐射和电子回旋脉泽辐射这两类相干辐射机制间争议一直不断.近年来,人们开始尝试将粒子数值模拟方法应用于相干射电辐射机制的研究,并已经取得了一些积极的进展.本文将着重介绍近年来的粒子模拟研究工作及其取得的主要进展,并对现存的一些问题和困难进行简要评述.  相似文献   

A fine structure consisting of three almost equidistant frequency bands was observed in the high frequency part of a solar burst on 1998 April 15 by the spectrometer of Beijing Astronomical Observatory in the range 2.6-3.8GHz. A model for this event based on beam-anisotropic instability in the solar corona is presented. Longitudinal plasma waves are excited at cyclotron resonance and then transformed into radio emission at their second harmonic.The model is in accordance with the observations if we suppose a magnetic field strength in the region of emission generation of about 200G.  相似文献   

Coherent synchrotron deceleration of 100 keV electrons is proposed as the mechanism by which type II and III solar radio bursts are generated. This mechanism directly excites the transverse electromagnetic radiation by a linear mechanism at the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency and at the first harmonic thereof if the energy spread of the exciting component is sufficiently narrow. Higher cyclotron harmonics are excluded by the energy spread in the 100 keV exciting electron component. This mechanism appears to fit the observational data concerning these emissions some-what better than the existing theory based on the non-linear interaction of electrostatic plasma waves.  相似文献   

Radio observation is one of important methods in solar physics and space science. Sometimes, it is almost the sole approach to observe the physical processes such as the acceleration, emission, and propagation of non-thermal energetic particles, etc. So far, more than 100 solar radio telescopes have been built in the world, including solar radiometers, dynamic spectrometers, and radioheliographs. Some of them have been closed after the fulfillment of their primary scientific objectives, or for their malfunctions, and thus replaced by other advanced instruments. At the same time, based on some new technologies and scientific ideas, various kinds of new and much more complicated solar radio telescopes are being constructed by solar radio astronomers and space scientists, such as the American E-OVSA and the solar radio observing system under the framework of Chinese Meridian Project II, etc. When we plan to develop a new solar radio telescope, it is crucial to design the most suitable technical parameters, e.g., the observing frequency range and bandwidth, temporal resolution, frequency resolution, spatial resolution, polarization degree, and dynamic range. Then, how do we select a rational set of these parameters? The long-term observation and study revealed that a large strong solar radio burst is frequently composed of a series of small bursts with different time scales. Among them, the radio spike burst is the smallest one with the shortest lifetime, the narrowest bandwidth, and the smallest source region. Solar radio spikes are considered to be related to a single magnetic energy release process, and can be regarded as an elementary burst in solar flares. It is a basic requirement for the new solar radio telescope to observe and discriminate these solar radio spike bursts, even though the temporal and spatial scales of radio spike bursts actually vary with the observing frequency. This paper presents the scaling laws of the lifetime and bandwidth of solar radio spike bursts with respect to the observing frequency, which provide some constraints for the new solar radio telescopes, and help us to select the rational telescope parameters. Besides, we propose a spectrum-image combination mode as the best observation mode for the next-generation solar radio telescopes with high temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions, which may have an important significance for revealing the physical essence of the various non-thermal processes in violent solar eruptions.  相似文献   

统计分析了国家天文台2.6-3.8 GHz高时间分辨率射电动态频谱仪在23周峰年期间(1998.4—2003.1)观测到的266个III型爆发.对这些事件的频率漂移、持续时间、偏振、带宽、开始和结束频率做了详细分析.开始和结束频率的统计分析表明,开始频率在一个非常大的范围,从小于2.6 GHz到大于3.8 GHz,而结束频率的截止区相对集中,从2.82-3.76 G.Hz.这些现象说明,电子加速的高度相当分散,在观测频率范围内具有正、负漂移率的III型爆发数基本相等,这可能意味着被加速的向上和向下传播的电子束在2.6—3.8 GHz范围有相同的比例.统计结果表明,微波III型爆发的辐射机制主要是等离子体辐射和电子回旋脉泽辐射过程.  相似文献   

太阳空间观测为揭示太阳新的观测现象与研究开拓了新的途径。空间观测具有全波段、全时段、全方位以及无大气抖动和大气散射光等观测优点。本文着重探讨了太阳空间长波射电观测、X射线观测、紫外线观测的成就与研究结果。这些波段(包括光学)的爆发均起因于太阳大气中被加速的荷能电子与太阳等离子体、磁场相互作用而产生的电磁辐射,其能量约占太阳耀斑总量的1/4,即1025J。  相似文献   

Decameter wavelength radio emission is finely structured in solar bursts. For their research it is very important to use a sufficient sensitivity of antenna systems. In this paper we study an influence of the radiotelescope‐antenna effective area on the results of decameter solar radio observations. For this purpose we compared the solar bursts received by the array of 720 ground‐based dipoles and the single dipole of the radiotelescope UTR‐2. It is shown that a larger effective area of the ground‐based antenna allows us to measure a weaker solar emission and to distinguish a fine structure of strong solar events. This feature has been also verified by simultaneous ground‐ and space‐based observations in the overlapping frequency range (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

R. P. Lin 《Solar physics》1970,12(2):266-303
Observations of prompt 40 keV solar flare electron events by the IMP series of satellites in the period August, 1966 to December, 1967 are tabulated along with prompt energetic solar proton events in the period 1964–1967. The interrelationship of the various types of energetic particle emission by the sun, including relativistic energy electrons reported by Cline and McDonald (1968) are investigated. Relativistic energy electron emission is found to occur only during proton events. The solar optical, radio and X-ray emission associated with these various energetic particle emissions as well as the propagation characteristics of each particle species are examined in order to study the particle acceleration and emission mechanisms in a solar flare. Evidence is presented for two separate particle acceleration and/or emission mechanisms, one of which produces 40 keV electrons and the other of which produces solar proton and possibly relativistic energy electrons. It is found that solar flares can be divided into three categories depending on their energetic particle emission: (1) small flares with no accompanying energetic phenomena either in particles, radio or X-ray emission; (2) small flares which produce low energy electrons and which are accompanied by type III and microwave radio bursts and energetic ( 20 keV) X-ray bursts; and (3) major solar flare eruptions characterized by energetic solar proton production and type II and IV radio bursts and accompanied by intense microwave and X-ray emission and relativistic energy electrons.  相似文献   

An extensive study of the IMP-6 and IMP-8 plasma and radio wave data has been performed to try to find electron plasma oscillations associated with type III radio noise bursts and low-energy solar electrons. This study shows that electron plasma oscillations are seldom observed in association with solar electron events and type III radio bursts at 1.0 AU. In nearly four years of observations only one event was found in which electron plasma oscillations are clearly associated with solar electrons. For this event the plasma oscillations appeared coincident with the development of a secondary maximum in the electron velocity distribution functions due to solar electrons streaming outwards from the Sun. Numerous cases were found in which no electron plasma oscillations with field strengths greater than 1 μV m?1 could be detected even though electrons from the solar flare were clearly detected at the spacecraft. For the one case in which electron plasma oscillations are definitely produced by the electrons ejected by the solar flare the electric field strength is relatively small, only about 100 μV m?1. This field strength is about a factor of ten smaller than the amplitude of electron plasma oscillations generated by electrons streaming into the solar wind from the bow shock. Electromagnetic radiation, believed to be similar to the type III radio emission, is also observed coming from the region of the more intense electron plasma oscillations upstream of the bow shock. Quantitative calculations of the rate of conversion of the plasma oscillation energy to electromagnetic radiation are presented for plasma oscillations excited by both solar electrons and electrons from the bow shock. These calculations show that neither the type III radio emissions nor the radiation from upstream of the bow shock can be adequately explained by a current theory for the coupling of electron plasma oscillations to electromagnetic radiation. Possible ways of resolving these difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

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