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The stratigraphically oldest remains of ornithomimid theropod dinosaurs are known from the Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation and the Turonian Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. The ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation is documented by more than 800 isolated bones that represent much of the skeleton. It shows at least three unambiguous synapomorphies of Ornithomimidae: length of anterior cervical centra three to five times greater than transverse width; low and rounded fibular crest of tibia; metatarsal III pinched between metatarsals II and IV; and proximal end of metatarsal III not visible in anterior view. Phylogenetic analysis, based on a dataset with 568 morphological characters and including all known ornithomimosaurian taxa, places the ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation near the base of the ornithomimid radiation, between Archaeornithomimus asiaticus and Sinornithomimus dongi.  相似文献   

Two Early Cretaceous Burmese amber cockroaches contained protists related to mutualistic flagellates occurring in extant Cryptocercus cockroaches and lower termites. The fossil protists are described as Devescovites proteus Poinar n. gen., n. sp. (Parabasalia: Trichomonadida: Devescovinidae), Paleotrichomones burmanicus Poinar n. gen., n. sp. (Parabasalia: Trichomonida), Burmanymphus cretacea Poinar n. gen., n. sp. (Hypermastigia: Trichonymphida: Burmanymphidae n. fam.) and Oxymonas gigantea Poinar, n. sp. Additional putative protists are also illustrated. Evolutionary implications of this discovery are discussed.  相似文献   

The howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) clan of meteorites are ultramafic and mafic igneous rocks and impact-engendered fragmental debris derived from a thoroughly differentiated asteroid. Earth-based telescopic observation and data returned from vestan orbit by the Dawn spacecraft make a compelling case that the asteroid (4) Vesta is the parent asteroid of HEDs, although this is not universally accepted. Diogenites are petrologically diverse and include dunitic, harzburgitic and noritic lithologic types in addition to the traditional orthopyroxenites. Diogenites form the lower crust of Vesta. Cumulate eucrites are gabbroic rocks formed by accumulation of pigeonite and plagioclase from a mafic magma at depth within the crust, while basaltic eucrites are melt compositions that likely represent shallow-level dikes and sills, and flows. Some basaltic eucrites are richer in incompatible trace elements compared to most eucrites, and these may represent mixed melts contaminated by partial melts of the mafic crust. Differentiation occurred within a few Myr of formation of the earliest solids in the Solar System. Evidence from oxygen isotope compositions and siderophile element contents favor a model of extensive melting of Vesta forming a global magma ocean that rapidly (period of a few Myr) segregated and crystallized to yield a metallic core, olivine-rich mantle, orthopyroxene-rich lower crust and basaltic upper crust. The igneous lithologies were subjected to post-crystallization thermal processing, and most eucrites show textural and mineral-compositional evidence for metamorphism. The cause of this common metamorphism is unclear, but may have resulted from rapid burial of early basalts by later flows caused by high effusion rates on Vesta. The observed surface of Vesta is covered by fragmental debris resulting from impacts, and most HEDs are brecciated. Many eucrites and diogenites are monomict breccias indicating a lack of mixing. However, many HEDs are polymict breccias. Howardites are the most thoroughly mixed polymict breccias, yet only some of them contain evidence for residence in the true regolith. Based on the numbers of meteorites, compositions of howardites, and models of magma ocean solidification, cumulate eucrites and their residual ferroan mafic melts are minor components of the vestan crust.  相似文献   

The polychaete Janua (Dexiospira) brasiliensis (Grube) is shown to exhibit gregarious settling patterns on both natural (Zostera marina) and artificial (aquarium glass) substrates. J. (D.) brasiliensis tends to be found more often on older (=longer) Zostera blades and on the upper (=older) portions of the blades on which it is found, probably as a result of requiring a diatom mat before being able to settle on the Zostera surface. On both Zostera and the aquarium glass, J. (D.) brasiliensis forms small clumps (2 cm) with the animals within the clumps distributed at random.  相似文献   

There exists a major gap in the fossil record of tyrannosauroid theropod dinosaurs spanning the early part of the Late Cretaceous. We report on skeletal remains referable to Tyrannosauroidea indet. from the Turonian Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk in the central Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan. Phylogenetic analysis of the hypodigm places the Bissekty tyrannosauroid as a non-tyrannosaurid tyrannosauroid more basal than the Campanian tyrannosauroids Appalachiosaurus and Bistahieversor from North America.  相似文献   

Four new genera and five new species of Archegocimicidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of England: namely Mortalia martini gen. et sp. nov., Tyrion lannister gen. et sp. nov., T. cersei sp. nov., Stannis baratheon gen et sp. nov., Daenerys khaleesi gen. et sp. nov. A transitional position of the complex between Asian Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous entomofaunas is indicated by this new material.  相似文献   

The distribution of sessile marine invertebrates is often the consequence of the selection of a suitable substrate by motile larvae. Motile planulae larvae ofAurelia aurita (Linnaeus) are exposed to an artificial substrate in the laboratory to determine if they possess the capacity both for specific orientation and for discrimination of surface texture at time of attachment. More than 90% (P<0.001) of the planulae fasten to the underside of objects. As a result, developing scyphistomae hang with the oral surface downward as commonly encountered in the field. The effect of surface texture on planula attachment is equivocal; this may reflect an indifference to surface texture, a limited capacity to locomote across rough substrate, or a mechanism of response sensitive only to large surface irregularities. These results are compared with those obtained for the planulae ofCyanea capillata (Linnaeus). The planular effected orientation of the scyphistoma may be generally true for coastal representatives of the Semaeostomeae, and perhaps for other shallow water Scyphozoa (including the Class Cubozoa).  相似文献   

A pronotal fragment of Amara alpina (Paykull) was found among interstadial organic detritus from the Thule area, northwest Greenland. Nowadays the species is absent from Greenland, in spite of occurrences immediately on the western side of the Davis Strait. The species would undoubtedly be able to live in the greater part of Greenland, but probably has not yet succeeded in reaching the country after the Last Glaciation.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe previously unpublished trionychid turtle material, consisting of numerous shell fragments, from the Late Cretaceous (late Turonian) Bissekty Formation of the Dzharakuduk locality in Uzbekistan. This material is assigned to two shell-based taxa: Aspideretoides cf. riabinini and “Trionyx” cf. kansaiensis. The material which cannot be confidently attributed to these two taxa is identified as Trionychidae indet. In addition to these shell-based trionychid taxa, the Dzharakuduk turtle assemblage includes two skull-based taxa of trionychids (Khunnuchelys kizylkumensis and Trionychini indet.). The trionychids from the Bissekty Formation are most similar to trionychids from the younger (Santonian – early Campanian) Bostobe Formation of Kazakhstan, represented by three shell-based taxa (Aspideretoides riabinini, Paleotrionyx riabinini and “Trionyxkansaiensis), and one skull-based taxon (Khunnuchelys sp.). We provide an improved understanding of the subtle similarities and differences between four closely related Cretaceous turtle assemblages of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

<正>Fossil water scavenger beetles(Coleoptera:Hydrophilidae)of the latest Oligocene Rott Formation are revised,based on the examination of the type specimens,as well as numerous additional material from Statz(Los Angeles)and Kastenholz(Bonn)collections.Seven hydrophilid species are recognized,five of which are reliably attributed to the following genera:Berosus morticinus(von Heyden and von Heyden,1866),Paracymus excitatus (von Heyden and von Heyden,1866),Paracymus sp.,Hydrobiomorpha fraterna(von Heyden,1859),and Hydrophilus rottensis(Statz,1939).Coccinella? protogaeae Germar 1837 is attributed to the subtribe Hydrophilina, and Cymbiodyta? austera Statz 1939 to the subfamily Hydrophilinae.Hydrous ebeninus Statz 1939 and Paracymus excitatus(form 3)are excluded from the Hydrophiloidea.Berosus capitatus Statz 1939 is synonymized with Berosus morticinus,and Hydrous neptunus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866 with Hydrobiomorpha fraterna.Lectotypes of Philydrus morticinus von Heyden and von Heyden 1866 and Hydrous ebeninus Statz 1939 are designated.The significance of the hydrophilid fossils for paleoecological reconstructions of the former Rott Lake is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations into zonation of estuarine invertebrates often indicate that animals living higher in the intertidal region have greater tolerance to effects of aerial exposure. Desiccation tolerances ofEurypanopeus depressus, a xanthid mud crab, were measured in the laboratory for both intertidal and subtidal populations to determine whether intertidal distribution is the result of either increased physiological resistance to drying or other factors. Initially, both populations had a similar percentage of body weight due to water, and at time of death both had lost a similar percentage of water. Desiccation tolerance increased exponentially with size. In laboratory experiments,E. depressus appears very susceptible to desiccation stress with loss of tactile response occurring at 30% depletion of body water. This crab may be able to avoid desiccation and survive in the intertidal zone by remaining in the shelter and moisture of oyster shells and mud at low tide. However,E. depressus may not be limited strictly by physical factors of its environment. Biotic factors such as behavior leading to predator avoidance are possibly more important components in limiting distribution.  相似文献   

Sunlight-induced reduction and dissolution of colloidal Fe-Mn (hydr)oxide minerals yields elevated concentrations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ in natural waters. Since these elements may be biolimiting micronutrients, photochemical reactions might play a significant role in biogeochemical cycles. Reductive photodissolution of Fe (hydr)oxide minerals may also release sorbed metals. The reactivity of Fe-Mn (hydr)oxide minerals to sunlight-induced photochemical dissolution is determined by the electronic structure of the mineral-water interface. In this work, oxygen K-edge absorption and emission spectra were used to determine the electronic structures of iron(III) (hydr)oxides (hematite, goethite, lepidocrocite, akaganeite and schwertmannite) and manganese(IV) oxides (pyrolusite, birnessite, cryptomelane). The band gaps in the iron(III) (hydr)oxide minerals are near 2.0-2.5 eV; the band gaps in the manganese (IV) oxide phases are 1.0-1.8 eV. Using published values for the electrochemical flat-band potential for hematite together with experimental pHpzc values for the (hydr)oxides, it is possible to predict the electrochemical potentials of the conduction and valence bands in aqueous solutions as a function of pH. The band potentials enable semiquantitative predictions of the susceptibilities of these minerals to photochemical dissolution in aqueous solutions. At pH 2 (e.g., acid-mine waters), photoreduction of iron(III) (hydr)oxides could yield millimolal concentrations of aqueous Fe2+ (assuming surface detachment of Fe2+ is not rate limiting). In seawater (pH 8.3), however, the direct photo-reduction of colloidal iron(III) (hydr)oxides to give nanomolal concentrations of dissolved, uncomplexed, Fe2+ is not thermodynamically feasible. This supports the hypothesis that the apparent photodissolution of iron(III) (hydr)oxides in marines systems results from Fe3+ reduction by photochemically produced superoxide. In contrast, the direct photoreduction of manganese oxides should be energetically feasible at pH 2 and 8.3.  相似文献   

A new biting midge Archiculicoides andersoni sp. nov. from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber is described and illustrated. An unknown male of Leptoconops myanmaricus Szadziewski, 2004 is described and an undetermined female of the genus Archiaustroconops and Austroconops in the collection of National Museums Scotland is reported. A key for the determination of 10 named species in 6 genera of biting midges reported from Burmese amber is also provided.  相似文献   

The mechanism and kinetics of superoxide-mediated reduction of a variety of organic iron(III) complexes has been investigated over the pH range 7-9. Our experimental results show that the rate of iron(II) formation is a function of pH, ligand type and ligand concentration with the measured rate varying between 0.44 ± 0.07 and 39.25 ± 1.77 pM s−1 in the systems investigated. Additionally, our results show that the presence of competing cations such as Ca2+ have a significant impact on iron(II) formation if the organic ligand is strongly complexed by Ca2+. Formation of iron(II) occurs by either (or, in some instances, both) reaction of superoxide with inorganic iron(III) after its dissociation from the complex (dissociative reduction) or by direct reaction of superoxide with the complex (non-dissociative reduction). In the presence of weak ligands, dissociative reduction (DR) dominates; however non-dissociative reduction (NDR) becomes important in the presence of either strongly binding ligands or high concentrations of weakly binding ligands. The major factors contributing to the pH dependence of the iron(II) formation rate are the complexation kinetics of inorganic iron(III) (which controls the DR contribution) and the reduction kinetics of the iron(III) complex (which controls the NDR contribution). The relative NDR contribution increases with increasing superoxide and ligand concentration and decreasing pH for all ligands examined. Since iron(II) formation occurring via NDR results in a significantly larger increase in the proportion of iron in free aquated form than does DR, this non-dissociative pathway of superoxide-mediated iron(III) reduction is particularly effective in increasing the lability of iron in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

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