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I Hope Dr Wolff's interesting article will stimulate to action some of those who have not given sufficient attention to air survey as a method of mapping or planning those areas which lend themselves to that method. At the same time, whether so many of us are as conservative as the author appears to think is a matter for doubt, and moreover we do not all look upon air survey as an “innovation”. As Dr Wolff writes from Palestine he might be interested to know that as the second British Officer to take up field survey work in the War in 1915—Major (now Brigadier) Winterbotham being the first—I was one of the earliest in my profession to study, and to assist in the development of, air survey. In 1915 our unit in the 3rd Army was the first to make use of air photographs for the production of a regular series of trench maps. There are consequently few surveyors more interested in the method. I have watched the progress of the science and the work of the Air Survey Committee with continued interest and have used air methods whenever these have been possible or suitable. On my last visit to Paris I tried my hand at plotting with a new instrument at the Service Géographique and was much impressed by the work that was being done.  相似文献   


The Royal Naval Surveying Service is an integral part of the Royal Navy, maintained under the directian of the Hydragrapher of the Navy. This service carries aut hydragraphic surveys ta enable charts ta be campiled and sa that hydragraphic books and publications may be kept up to date.  相似文献   

Mapping Everest     

From its inception in the middle of the 19th century, the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) took a keen interest in the exploration and mapping of the Everest region. This formed an integral part of the many Everest expeditions, some of which had individual surveyors or survey parties attached to them. Many mountaineers took part in this work, particularly those with a scientific background. But it was not until 1961 that a comprehensive map was produced of the Everest region.  相似文献   


Many methods of mapping from air photographs “without control” have been proposed from time to time. Usually this means having no control, or very little, on the ground. The following paper describes some experiences of mapping without controlling the photographs inter se, a suggestion which must rank as improper with a Photogrammetrist.  相似文献   


Recently the writer of this article became interested in the conical orthomorphic projection and wanted to see a simple proof of the formula for the modified meridian distance for the projection on the sphere. Owing to the exigencies of the war, however, he has been separated from the bulk of his books, and, consequently, has had to evolve a proof for himself. Later, this proof was shown to a friend who told him that he had some memory of a mistake in the sign of the spheroidal term in m4given in “Survey Computations”, perhaps the first edition. Curiosity therefore suggested an attempt to verify this sign, which meant extending his work to the spheroid. This has now been done, with the result that the formula given in “Survey Computations”, up to the terms of the fourth order at any rate, is found correct after all.  相似文献   


A Newcomer to Malaya visiting Cameron Highlands for the first time may probably wonder, after his car has made its tortuous ascent into the mountains, how this area became Malaya's main hill station and why it received its name. He may not know that years before the Highlands came under serious consideration and after it was obvious the development of Fraser's Hill could only be limited, Gunong Tahan, the highest mountain in the peninsula (7,186 feet) on the borders of Kelantan and Pahang, was for a long time considered as Malaya's only hope of a hill station likely to rival those of India and Ceylon. In fact, a topographical survey made by the Federated Malay States Survey Department just before and during the 1914–18 war revealed the presence there of an extensive plateau at a height of about 5,400 feet, It seemed so promising that in 1912 the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, made the ascent on foot to inspect it. However, before coming to a decision Government considered it advisable to test the climatic conditions there, and accordingly a party of observers was recruited from England for the purpose. They spent a year on Gunong Tahan between 1921 and 1922 and subsequently made a report on their observations. Opinion then became unfavourable, partly because the plateau is but imperfectly furnished with soil, partly because it is somewhat inaccessible from most of the inhabited areas of the peninsula, and partly because during too many days of the year it is liable to become enshrouded in heavy mists. The idea of immediately developing Gunong Tahang was therefore abandoned. Those who thought they saw in this mountain another Newara-Eliya or Ootacamund were naturally disappointed and soon cast around for another site to accommodate the hill station of their dreams. In this quest someone remembered or alighted upon in the archives of the Perak Public Works Department a report by an explorer named William Cameron on his journey overland about 1884 from Kinta to the mouth of the Pahang River. The late Sir Frank Swettenham, in his last book, “ Footprints in Malaya “, published by Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London, in 1942, throws some light on Cameron and his activities about this time. He says, “ Amongst the strangers from Ceylon and India, from Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Australia and elsewhere, who strayed into Selangor was Mr. William Cameron, brother of the editor of the Straits Times, a highly respected resident of Singapore. Mr. William Cameron came to Selangor shortly after I became British Resident there, and he asked to be allowed to do something which would help in the development of the country. His culture and his quiet manner appealed to me, and I asked him what he proposed to do. He explained that he had some knowledge of minerals and geology, and he suggested that he should be given a roving commission to go, with a party of wild people whom he would collect, and explore the depths of the jungle and report the result of his search …. I engaged Mr. Cameron to do what he suggested. He made all his own arrangements, managed somehow to collect a party of aborigines, and disappeared into the jungle for weeks at a time. When he returned from these expeditions he used to come to the Residency, stay a few days, make his report and start off again. After one prolonged absence, when I became anxious about his safety, he returned very ill and had to be carried the last stage of his journey. He then reported the discovery of the high table-land on the borders of Perak and Pahang, now known as Cameron Highlands. I do not know what had upset him, unless it was the hardships he went through in those many weeks of travel up and down the jungle-covered mountains of the main range, but while he stayed with me he was subject to strange delusions, walked about the house at 3 a.m., carrying an iron bar, and two or three times in a night I had to put him back in his bed. Finally, one morning, he produced a revolver and shot at his Chinese servant, and when I went to his room and told him I had removed all his firearms because of that incident, he merely remarked: ‘Yes, but I didn't ·hit him.’ Eventually it was necessary to send him to the Singapore Hospital’ for proper care, and there he died.”  相似文献   


The following extract from “Report No. 2 on Cartographic Activity in Great Britain” is published with the kind permission of the Royal Society. The report has been prepared by the Cartography Sub-Committee of the British National Committee for Geography, and is to be presented to the delegates attending the Second General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association, July, 1964. It covers the period 1961 to 1964. Part I only is reproduced here: Part II covers some recent technical developments; and Part III gives details of the map production of the principal mapping organisations and firms in the country. Any enquiries about the Report should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.1.  相似文献   


We regret that, owing to illness and the pressure of other demands on them in the same field, it has been necessary to interrupt the publication of the papers on cadastral subjects which Sir Ernest Dowson and Mr. Sheppard are contributing to the Review. We hope, however, to resume this valuable and interesting series in the January 1947 issue.— ED., E.S.R.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):121-126

In order to display, predict and combat atmospheric pollution, suitable graphics should be employed. The author proposes some new methods of representation such as mapping air pollution on an air photograph which is printed through screens proportional to air purity, or using the Polyfocal Projection for mapping airport noise. Polar diagrams are used to depict atmospheric stability states.  相似文献   


For some two months prior to the formation of the two companies, an intensive course of survey training and “refreshing” had been undergone by all ranks in the field sections, culminating in a combined Royal Artillery/Royal Engineer survey exercise from 1st to 10th October, carried out under operational conditions in all respects (even down to a 30-hour non-stop period of “photo-topo” compilation for the map on which the “final shoot” took place).  相似文献   


An instrument was previously described in the Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Africa for the setting of pairs of photographs, taken from air stations, in correspondence; that is, in the same relative positions that the camera occupied in space at the moments of exposure. The principle of the instrument may be recalled.  相似文献   


1. In a paper on “Some Recent Developments in Photogrammetry” which he read recently at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and which has now been published in the Institution's Journal, Lieut.-Col. E. H. Thompson, R.E., expounded the advantages of using a reseau ruled on the glass pressure plate of the camera in order to obtain a calibrated grid on each photograph.  相似文献   


During the last thirty years, developments in the taking of air photographs (and of mapping from them) have been progressive until, under present day conditions, no programme of topographical mapping for economic development can be satisfactorily undertaken without using them.  相似文献   


Colonel C. G. Gordon, C.B., of the Royal Engineers, later known to the world as General Gordon, had already achieved the reputation of a man of action when, in 1874, he accepted service under the Khedive Ismail as Governor-General of the Equatorial Province of the Sudan. Envoys from Gordon visited Mutesa, the King of Buganda, in 1874 (Chaillé Long) and 1875 (E. Linant de Bellefonds), but not until nearly two years after his appointment was Gordon able to lead the final advance which was planned to carry the Egyptian flag to the shores of Lake Victoria. In January, 1876, he reached Mruli on the south side of the mouth of the Kafu river into the Nile, and here he established a fort and garrison while a force was sent forward under an Egyptian (Arab) officer, Nuehr Aga, to occupy posts as far south as the Ripon Falls. Gordon returned at once towards Dufile, where his presence was required, not intending again to visit the southern portion of his province.  相似文献   


The name of Bligh will for all time be associated with the incident of the Bounty Mutiny during his first mission of transporting the Bread Fruit to the West Indies. This was, however, but one episode in his eventful career in the Royal Navy. At various times he took part in scientific expeditions and voyages of discovery, commanded fighting ships, etc. Between 1797 and 1803 he fulfilled the duty of hydrographic surveyor and carried out a number of surveys of limited areas in the British Isles and adjacent coasts of Europe. These examinations, of which the River Humber, Dublin Bay, Dungeness and the mouth of the River Schelde are the most detailed, were valuable additions to hydrographic knowledge, coming as they did before organized surveying as we know it today had fully established itself.  相似文献   


This is a résumé of the triangulation work completed within the Mandated Territory of Tanganyika, formerly German East Africa. The period covered includes the German Occupation down to 1915 and also the Colonial Office Administration from 1919 to the present day.  相似文献   


The AHI-FSA (Advanced Himawari Imager - Fire Surveillance Algorithm) is a recently developed algorithm designed to support wildfire surveillance and mapping using the geostationary Himawari-8 satellite. At present, the AHI-FSA algorithm has only been tested on a number of case study fires in Western Australia. Initial results demonstrate potential as a wildfire surveillance algorithm providing high frequency (every 10 minutes), multi-resolution fire-line detections. This paper intercompares AHI-FSA across the Northern Territory of Australia (1.4 million km2) over a ten-day period with the well-established fire products from LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites: MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite). This paper also discusses the difficulties and solutions when comparing high temporal frequency fire products with existing low temporal resolution LEO satellite products. The results indicate that the multi-resolution approach developed for AHI-FSA is successful in mapping fire activity at 500?m. When compared to the MODIS, daily AHI-FSA omission error was only 7%. High temporal frequency data also results in AHI-FSA observing fires, at times, three hours before the MODIS overpass with much-enhanced detail on fire movement.  相似文献   


Mr. Surveyor A walked into the Club, his first visit after a four-months' field season. He entered the lounge, sank into one of the deep luxurious leather arm-chairs and called for his“sundowner“. In a little while he was joined by several other Government officers, glad to see him after his long absence and eager to hear of his bush experiences and to cap them with stories of their own.  相似文献   


This account of exploratory mapping is provided by a surveyor who started his working life as an explorer in areas where existing maps were extremely rough and rudimentary. Although the methods and results it describes will not stand comparison with modern topographical maps compiled from vertical air photographs, this frank and objective appraisal will help the 'chair-borne' cartographer to understand the importance of a thorough evaluation of some material of that type and age, which is still sometimes the best available until the new air surveys replace it.  相似文献   


Early in 1946 a Central Survey organisation was set up with headquarters in London to undertake, in conjunction with the R.A:F., the air survey mapping of large areas of the Colonial Empire, in connection with Colonial Development programmes.  相似文献   

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