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We use high-quality optical rotation curves of nine low-luminosity disc galaxies to obtain the velocity profiles of the surrounding dark matter haloes. We find that they increase linearly with radius at least out to the edge of the stellar disc, implying that, over the entire stellar region, the density of the dark halo is about constant.
The properties of the mass structure of these haloes are similar to those found for a number of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies, but provide a more substantial evidence of the discrepancy between the halo mass distribution predicted in the cold dark matter scenario and those actually detected around galaxies. We find that the density law proposed by Burkert reproduces the halo rotation curves, with halo central densities ( ρ 0∼1–4×10−24 g cm−3) and core radii ( r 0∼5–15 kpc) scaling as ρ 0∝ r 0−2/3.  相似文献   

Stellar velocity dispersion in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several authors have recently explored, for narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), the relationship between black hole mass ( M BH) and stellar velocity dispersion (σ*). Their results are more or less in agreement and seem to indicate that NLS1s fill the region below the fit obtained by Tremaine et al., showing a range of σ* similar to that of Seyfert 1 galaxies, and a lower M BH. Until now, the [O  iii ] width has been used in place of the stellar velocity dispersion, but some indications have begun to arise against the effectiveness of the gaseous kinematics in representing the bulge potential, at least in NLS1s. Bian & Zhao have stressed the urgency of producing true σ* measurements. Here, we present new stellar velocity dispersions obtained through direct measurements of the Ca  ii absorption triplet (∼8550 Å) in the nuclei of eight NLS1 galaxies. The resulting σ* values and a comparison with σ[O III] confirm our suspicion that [O  iii ] typically overestimates the stellar velocity dispersion. We demonstrate that NLS1s follow the   M BH–σ*  relation as Seyfert 1, quasars and non-active galaxies.  相似文献   

We investigate the correlation between the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) mass ( M bh) and the stellar velocity dispersion  (σ*)  in two types of host galaxies: the early-type bulges (disc galaxies with classical bulges or elliptical galaxies) and pseudo-bulges. In the form  log ( M bh/M) =α+β log (σ*/200 km s−1)  , the best-fitting results for the 39 early-type bulges are the slope  β= 4.06 ± 0.28  and the normalization  α= 8.28 ± 0.05  ; the best-fitting results for the nine pseudo-bulges are  β= 4.5 ± 1.3  and  α= 7.50 ± 0.18  . Both relations have intrinsic scatter in  log  M bh  of ≲0.27 dex. The   M bh–σ*  relation for pseudo-bulges is different from the relation in the early-type bulges over the 3σ significance level. The contrasting relations indicate the formation and growth histories of SMBHs depend on their host type. The discrepancy between the slope of the   M bh–σ*  relations using different definition of velocity dispersion vanishes in our sample, a uniform slope will constrain the coevolution theories of the SMBHs and their host galaxies more effectively. We also find the slope for the 'core' elliptical galaxies at the high-mass range of the relation appears steeper  (β≃ 5–6)  , which may be the imprint of their origin of dissipationless mergers.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies remains an important open issue in modern astrophysics. Internal kinematics of a galaxy contains signatures of violent phenomena which may have occurred, e.g. mergers or tidal interactions, while stellar population keeps a fossil record of the star formation history; therefore studying connection between them becomes crucial for understanding galaxy evolution. Here, in the first paper of the series, we present the data on spatially resolved stellar populations and internal kinematics for a large sample of dwarf elliptical (dE) and lenticular (dS0) galaxies in the Virgo cluster. We obtained radial velocities, velocity dispersions, stellar ages and metallicities out to 1–2 half-light radii by reanalysing already published long-slit and integral-field spectroscopic data sets using the nbursts full spectral fitting technique. Surprisingly, bright representatives of the dE/dS0 class (   MB =−18.0  to −16.0 mag) look very similar to intermediate-mass and giant lenticulars and ellipticals: (1) their nuclear regions often harbour young metal-rich stellar populations always associated with the drops in the velocity dispersion profiles; (2) metallicity gradients in the main discs/spheroids vary significantly from nearly flat profiles to −0.9 dex   r −1e  , i.e. somewhat three times steeper than for typical bulges; (3) kinematically decoupled cores were discovered in four galaxies, including two with very little, if any, large-scale rotation. These results suggest similarities in the evolutionary paths of dwarf and giant early-type galaxies and call for reconsidering the role of major mergers in the dE/dS0 evolution.  相似文献   

This is the first paper of a series focused on investigating the star formation and evolutionary history of the two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters v rot, σ, h 3 and h 4 are measured. The surface brightness profiles are fitted to different galaxy light models and the colour distributions analysed. The multiband images are modelled to derive isophotal shape parameters and residual galaxy images. The parameters from the surface brightness profile fitting are used to estimate the mass of the possible central supermassive black hole in NGC 1407. The galaxies are found to be rotationally supported and to have a flat core in the surface brightness profiles. Elliptical isophotes are observed at all radii and no fine structures are detected in the residual galaxy images. From our results, we can also discard a possible interaction between NGC 1400, NGC 1407 and the group intergalactic medium. We estimate a mass of  ∼1.03 × 109 M  for the supermassive black hole in NGC 1407 galaxy.  相似文献   

We find a new Tully–Fisher-like relation for spiral galaxies holding at different galactocentric radii. This radial Tully–Fisher relation allows us to investigate the distribution of matter in the optical regions of spiral galaxies. This relation, applied to three different samples of rotation curves of spiral galaxies, directly proves that: (i) the rotation velocity of spirals is a good measure of their gravitational potential and both the rotation curve's amplitudes and profiles are well predicted by galaxy luminosity, (ii) the existence of a dark component, less concentrated than the luminous one, and (iii) a scaling law, according to which, inside the disc optical size:   M dark/ M lum= 0.5( L B /1011 L B )−0.7  .  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

In order to test the basic equations believed to dictate the dynamics of disc galaxies, we present and analyse deep two-dimensional spectral data obtained using the PPAK integral field unit for the early-type spiral systems NGC 2273, NGC 2985, NGC 3898 and NGC 5533. We describe the care needed to obtain and process such data to a point where reliable kinematic measurements can be obtained from these observations, and a new more optimal method for deriving the rotational motion and velocity dispersions in such disc systems. The data from NGC 2273 and NGC 2985 show systematic variations in velocity dispersion with azimuth, as one would expect if the shapes of their velocity ellipsoids are significantly anisotropic, while the hotter discs in NGC 3898 and NGC 5533 appear to have fairly isotropic velocity dispersions. Correcting the rotational motion for asymmetric drift using the derived velocity dispersions reproduces the rotation curves inferred from emission lines reasonably well, implying that this correction is quite robust, and that the use of the asymmetric drift equation is valid. NGC 2985 is sufficiently close to face on for the data, combined with the asymmetric drift equation, to determine all three components of the velocity ellipsoid. The principal axes of this velocity ellipsoid are found to be in the ratio  σ z : σφ : σ R ≈ 0.7 : 0.7 : 1  , which shows unequivocally that this disc distribution function respects a third integral of motion. The ratio is also consistent with the predictions of epicyclic theory, giving some confidence in the application of this approximation to even fairly early-type disc galaxies.  相似文献   

In this work we build a detailed dynamic model for an S0 galaxy possibly hosting a central massive dark object (MDO). We show that the photometric profiles and the kinematics along the major and minor axes, including the h 3 and h 4 profiles, imply the presence of a central MDO of mass     i.e. 0.3–2.8 per cent of the mass derived for the stellar spheroidal component. Models without MDO are unable to reproduce the kinematic properties of the inner stars and of the rapidly rotating nuclear gas.
The stellar population consists of an exponential disc (27 per cent of the light) and a diffuse spheroidal component (73 per cent of the light) that cannot be represented by a simple de Vaucouleurs profile at any radius. The M L ratios we found for the stellar components (3.3 and 6.6 respectively) are typical of those of disc and elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We perform a series of comparisons between distance-independent photometric and spectroscopic properties used in the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) and fundamental plane (FP) methods of early-type galaxy distance estimation. The data are taken from two recent surveys: the SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances and the Streaming Motions of Abell Clusters (SMAC) FP survey. We derive a relation between     colour and Mg2 index using nearly 200 galaxies and discuss implications for Galactic extinction estimates and early-type galaxy stellar populations. We find that the reddenings from Schlegel et al. for galaxies with     appear to be overestimated by     per cent, but we do not find significant evidence for large-scale dipole errors in the extinction map. In comparison with stellar population models having solar elemental abundance ratios, the galaxies in our sample are generally too blue at a given Mg2; we ascribe this to the well-known enhancement of the α -elements in luminous early-type galaxies. We confirm a tight relation between stellar velocity dispersion σ and the SBF 'fluctuation count' parameter N¯ , which is a luminosity-weighted measure of the total number of stars in a galaxy. The correlation between N¯ and σ is even tighter than that between Mg2 and σ . Finally, we derive FP photometric parameters for 280 galaxies from the SBF survey data set. Comparisons with external sources allow us to estimate the errors on these parameters and derive the correction necessary to bring them on to the SMAC system. The data are used in a forthcoming paper, which compares the distances derived from the FP and SBF methods.  相似文献   

We present kinematic parameters and absorption line strengths for three brightest cluster galaxies, NGC 6166, 6173 and 6086. We find that NGC 6166 has a velocity dispersion profile which rises beyond 20 arcsec from the nucleus, with a halo velocity dispersion in excess of 400 km s−1. All three galaxies show a positive and constant h 4 Hermite moment. The rising velocity dispersion profile in NGC 6166 thus indicates an increasing mass-to-light ratio. Rotation is low in all three galaxies, and NGC 6173 and 6086 show possible kinematically decoupled cores. All three galaxies have Mg2 gradients similar to those found in normal bright ellipticals, which are not steep enough to support simple dissipative collapse models, but these could be accompanied by dissipationless mergers which would tend to dilute the abundance gradients. The [Mg/Fe] ratios in NGC 6166 and 6086 are higher than that found in NGC 6173, and if NGC 6173 is typical of normal bright ellipticals, this suggests that cDs cannot form from late mergers of normal galaxies.  相似文献   

We use the integral-field spectrograph SAURON to measure the stellar line-of-sight velocity distribution and absorption line strengths out to four effective radii ( R e) in the early-type galaxies NGC 3379 and 821. With our newly developed observing technique, we can now probe these faint regions in galaxies that were previously not accessible with traditional long-slit spectroscopy. We make optimal use of the large field-of-view and high throughput of the spectrograph: by adding the signal of all ∼1400 lenslets into one spectrum, we obtain sufficient signal-to-noise in a few hours of observing time to reliably measure the absorption line kinematics and line strengths out to large radius.
We find that the line strength gradients previously observed within 1 R e remain constant out to at least 4 R e, which puts constraints on the merger histories of these galaxies. The stellar halo populations are old and metal poor. By constructing orbit-based Schwarzschild dynamical models, we find that dark matter is necessary to explain the observed kinematics in NGC 3379 and 821, with 30–50 per cent of the total matter being dark within 4 R e. The radial anisotropy in our best-fitting halo models is less than in our models without halo, due to differences in orbital structure. The halo also has an effect on the  Mg  b – V esc  relation: its slope is steeper when a dark matter halo is added to the model.  相似文献   

Line-of-sight velocity distributions of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) is measured for a sample of 14 elliptical galaxies, predominantly low-luminosity ellipticals. The sample is dominated by galaxies in the Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low-density environments. The parametrization of the LOSVD given by Gerhard and van der Marel & Franx is adopted, which measures the asymmetrical and symmetrical deviations of the LOSVD from a Gaussian by the amplitudes h 3 and h 4 of the Gauss–Hermite series. Rotation, velocity dispersion, h 3 and h 4 are determined as a function of radius for both major and minor axes. Non-Gaussian LOSVDs are found for all galaxies along the major axes. Deviations from a Gaussian LOSVD along the minor axis are of much lower amplitude if present at all. Central decreases in velocity dispersion are found for three galaxies. Two galaxies have kinematically decoupled cores: NGC 4458 and the well-known case of NGC 3608.  相似文献   

We present new Planetary Nebula Spectrograph observations of the ordinary elliptical galaxy NGC 4494, resulting in positions and velocities of 255 planetary nebulae out to seven effective radii (25 kpc). We also present new wide-field surface photometry from MMT/Megacam, and long-slit stellar kinematics from VLT/FORS2. The spatial and kinematical distributions of the planetary nebulae agree with the field stars in the region of overlap. The mean rotation is relatively low, with a possible kinematic axis twist outside  1 R e  . The velocity dispersion profile declines with radius, though not very steeply, down to  ∼70 km s−1  at the last data point.
We have constructed spherical dynamical models of the system, including Jeans analyses with multi-component Λ cold dark matter (CDM) motivated galaxies as well as logarithmic potentials. These models include special attention to orbital anisotropy, which we constrain using fourth-order velocity moments. Given several different sets of modelling methods and assumptions, we find consistent results for the mass profile within the radial range constrained by the data. Some dark matter (DM) is required by the data; our best-fitting solution has a radially anisotropic stellar halo, a plausible stellar mass-to-light ratio and a DM halo with an unexpectedly low central density. We find that this result does not substantially change with a flattened axisymmetric model.
Taken together with other results for galaxy halo masses, we find suggestions for a puzzling pattern wherein most intermediate-luminosity galaxies have very low concentration haloes, while some high-mass ellipticals have very high concentrations. We discuss some possible implications of these results for DM and galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We have obtained long-slit spectroscopy for a sample of nine S0 galaxies in the Fornax Cluster using the FORS2 spectrograph at the 8.2-m European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT). From these data, we have extracted the kinematic parameters, comprising the mean velocity, velocity dispersion and higher moment h 3 and h 4 coefficients, as a function of position along the major axes of these galaxies. Comparison with published kinematics indicates that earlier data are often limited by their lower signal-to-noise ratio and relatively poor spectral resolution. The greater depth and higher dispersion of the new data mean that we reach well beyond the bulges of these systems, probing their disc kinematics in some detail for the first time. Qualitative inspection of the results for individual galaxies shows that they are not entirely simple systems, perhaps indicating a turbulent past. None the less, we are able to derive reliable circular velocities for most of these systems, which points the way towards a study of their Tully–Fisher relation. This study, along with an analysis of the stellar populations of these systems out to large galactocentric distances, will form the bases of future papers exploiting these new high-quality data, hopefully shedding new light on the evolutionary history of these systems.  相似文献   

Dynamical studies of local elliptical galaxies and the Fundamental Plane point to a strong dependence of the total mass-to-light ratio ( M / L ) on luminosity with a relation of the form   M / L ∝ L γ  . The 'tilt'γ may be caused by various factors, including stellar population properties (metallicity, age and star formation history), initial mass function, rotational support, luminosity profile non-homology and dark matter (DM) fraction. We evaluate the impact of all these factors using a large uniform data set of local early-type galaxies from Prugniel & Simien. We take particular care in estimating the stellar masses, using a general star formation history, and comparing different population synthesis models. We find that the stellar M / L contributes little to the tilt. We estimate the total M / L using simple Jeans dynamical models, and find that adopting accurate luminosity profiles is important but does not remove the need for an additional tilt component, which we ascribe to DM. We survey trends of the DM fraction within one effective radius, finding it to be roughly constant for galaxies fainter than   M B∼−20.5  , and increasing with luminosity for the brighter galaxies; we detect no significant differences between S0s and fast- and slow-rotating ellipticals. We construct simplified cosmological mass models and find general consistency, where the DM transition point is caused by a change in the relation between luminosity and effective radius. A more refined model with varying galaxy star formation efficiency suggests a transition from total mass profiles (including DM) of faint galaxies distributed similarly to the light to near-isothermal profiles for the bright galaxies. These conclusions are sensitive to various systematic uncertainties which we investigate in detail, but are consistent with the results of dynamical studies at larger radii.  相似文献   

One of the predictions of the standard cold dark matter model is that dark haloes have centrally divergent density profiles. An extensive body of rotation curve observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies shows the dark haloes of those systems to be characterized by soft constant-density central cores. Several physical processes have been proposed to produce soft cores in dark haloes, each one with different scaling properties. With the aim of discriminating among them we have examined the rotation curves of dark-matter-dominated dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies and the inner mass profiles of two clusters of galaxies lacking a central cD galaxy and with evidence of soft cores in the centre. The core radii and central densities of these haloes scale in a well-defined manner with the depth of their potential wells, as measured through the maximum circular velocity. As a result of our analysis we identify self-interacting cold dark matter as a viable solution to the core problem, where a non-singular isothermal core is formed in the halo centre surrounded by a Navarro, Frenk & White profile in the outer parts. We show that this particular physical situation predicts core radii in agreement with observations. Furthermore, using the observed scalings, we derive an expression for the minimum cross-section ( σ ) which has an explicit dependence with the halo dispersion velocity ( v ). If m x is the mass of the dark matter particle: σ m x ≈4×10−25 (100 km s−1  v −1) cm2 GeV−1.  相似文献   

A sample of field early-type galaxies (E/S0) at intermediate redshift ( z ∼0.1–0.6) is selected, based on morphology and colours from HST -WFPC2 parallel images. Photometric structural parameters (effective radius R e and effective surface brightness SB e) are derived through the F606W and F814W filters, using luminosity profile fitting and two-dimensional fitting techniques. The combined parameter that enters the Fundamental Plane (log  R e− βSB e , with β ≈0.32) is shown to suffer from significantly smaller uncertainties (rms 0.03) than the individual structural parameters (e.g. ∼15 per cent rms on the effective radius).
High signal-to-noise ratio, intermediate-resolution spectra, taken at the ESO 3.6-m telescope, yield redshifts for 35 galaxies and central velocity dispersions for 22 galaxies. Central velocity dispersions are derived using a library of stellar templates covering a wide range of spectral types, in order to study the effects of template mismatches. The average random error on the central velocity dispersion is found to be 8 per cent, and the average systematic error caused by template mismatch is found to be 5 per cent. The errors in the velocity dispersion measurement and the effects of template mismatches are studied by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. In addition, we investigate whether the determination of the velocity dispersion is sensitive to the spectral range used, finding that the value of velocity dispersion is unchanged when the spectral regions that include the absorption features Ca H and K and NaD are masked out during the fit.  相似文献   

The evolution of number density, size and intrinsic colour is determined for a volume-limited sample of visually classified early-type galaxies selected from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields (version 2). The sample comprises 457 galaxies over 320 arcmin2 with stellar masses above  3 × 1010 M  in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 1.2  . Our data allow a simultaneous study of number density, intrinsic colour distribution and size. We find that the most massive systems  (≳3 × 1011 M)  do not show any appreciable change in comoving number density or size in our data. Furthermore, when including the results from 2dF galaxy redshift survey, we find that the number density of massive early-type galaxies is consistent with no evolution between   z = 1.2  and 0, i.e. over an epoch spanning more than half of the current age of the Universe. We find large discrepancies between the predictions of semi-analytic models. Massive galaxies show very homogeneous intrinsic colour distributions, with nearly flat radial colour gradients, but with a significant negative correlation between stellar mass and colour gradient, such that red cores appear predominantly in massive galaxies. The distribution of half-light radii – when compared to   z ∼ 0  and   z > 1  samples – is compatible with the predictions of semi-analytic models relating size evolution to the amount of dissipation during major mergers.  相似文献   

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