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We study quasi-periodical changes in the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity, and the parameters of solar wind and solar activity. We have recently found quasi-periodicity of three to four Carrington rotation periods (3?–?4 CRP) in the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity (Gil and Alania in J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 73, 294, 2011). A similar recurrence is recognized in parameters of solar activity (sunspot number, solar radio flux) and solar wind (components of the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind velocity). We believe that the 3?–?4 CRP periodicity, among other periodicities, observed in the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity is caused by a specific cycling structure of the Sun’s magnetic field, which may originate from the turbulent nature of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for the magnetic field at different distances from the Sun during different phases of the solar cycle. The model depends on the observed large-scale non-polar (\({\pm}\, 55^{\circ }\)) photospheric magnetic field and on the magnetic field measured at polar regions from \(55^{\circ }\) N to \(90^{\circ }\) N and from \(55^{\circ }\) S to \(90^{\circ }\) S, which are the visible manifestations of cyclic changes in the toroidal and poloidal components of the global magnetic field of the Sun. The modeled magnetic field is determined as the superposition of the non-polar and polar photospheric magnetic field and considers cycle variations. The agreement between the model predictions and magnetic fields derived from direct in situ measurements at different distances from the Sun, obtained with different methods and at different solar activity phases, is quite satisfactory. From a comparison of the magnetic fields as observed and calculated from the model at 1 AU, we conclude that the model magnetic field variations adequately explain the main features of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) radial, \(B_{\mathrm{x}}\), component cycle evolution at Earth’s orbit. The modeled magnetic field averaged over a Carrington rotation (CR) correlates with the IMF \(B_{\mathrm{x}}\) component also averaged over a CR at Earth’s orbit with a coefficient of 0.691, while for seven CR-averaged data, the correlation reaches 0.81. The radial profiles of the modeled magnetic field are compared with those of already existing models. In contrast to existing models, ours provides realistic magnetic-field radial distributions over a wide range of heliospheric distances at different cycle phases, taking into account the cycle variations of the solar toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields. The model is a good approximation of the cycle behavior of the magnetic field in the heliosphere. In addition, the decrease in the non-polar and polar photospheric magnetic fields is shown. Furthermore, the magnetic field during solar cycle maxima and minima decreased from Cycle 21 to Cycle 24. This implies that both the toroidal and poloidal components, and therefore the solar global magnetic field, decreased from Cycle 21 to Cycle 24.  相似文献   

The torsional oscillations at the solar surface have been interpreted by Schüssler and Yoshimura as being generated by the Lorentz force associated with the solar dynamo. It has been shown recently that they are also present in the upper half of the solar convection zone (SCZ). With the help of a solar dynamo model of the Babcock–Leighton type studied earlier, the longitudinal component of the Lorentz force, L , is calculated, and its sign or isocontours, are plotted vs. time, t, and polar angle, (the horizontal and vertical axis respectively). Two cases are considered, (1) differential rotation differs from zero only in the tachocline, (2) differential rotation as in (1) in the tachocline, and purely latitudinal and independent of depth in the bulk of the SCZ. In the first case the sign of L is roughly independent of latitude (corresponding to vertical bands in the t, plot), whereas in the second case the bands show a pole–equator slope of the correct sign. The pattern of the bands still differs, however, considerably from that of the helioseismic observations, and the values of the Lorentz force are too small at low latitudes. It is all but certain that the toroidal field that lies at the origin of the large bipolar magnetic regions observed at the surface, must be generated in the tachocline by differential rotation; the regeneration of the corresponding poloidal field, B p has not yet been fully clarified. B p could be regenerated, for example, at the surface (as in Babcock–Leighton models), or slightly above the tachocline, (as in interface dynamos). In the framework of the Babcock-Leighton models, the following scenario is suggested: the dynamo processes that give rise to the large bipolar magnetic regions are only part of the cyclic solar dynamo (to distinguish it from the turbulent dynamo). The toroidal field generated locally by differential rotation must contribute significantly to the torsional oscillations patterns. As this field becomes buoyant, it should give rise, at the surface, to the smaller bipolar magnetic regions as, e.g., to the ephemeral bipolar magnetic regions. These have a weak non-random orientation of magnetic axis, and must therefore also contribute to the source term for the poloidal field. Not only the ephemeral bipolar regions could be generated in the bulk of the SCZ, but many of the smaller bipolar regions as well (at depths that increase with their flux), all contributing to the source term for the poloidal field. In contrast to the butterfly diagram that provides only a very weak test of dynamo theories, the pattern of torsional oscillations has the potential of critically discriminating between different dynamo models.  相似文献   

To make the analysis more tractable, we simplify the equations of Part I to apply to two superposed layers of fluid, with horizontal variations in the motion and magnetic field represented by a small number of Fourier harmonics. The resulting set of eighteen ordinary nonlinear differential equations in time for the Fourier amplitudes is integrated numerically. We analyze in detail the dynamo action from a typical Rossby wave motion and compare it with the solar cycle.The field reversal process is similar in some respects to that put forth by Babcock. Toroidal fields are dragged up by vertical motions in the Rossby waves to form large-scale vertical fields, whose polarities alternate with longitude roughly like bipolar magnetic regions. Vertical fields of preferentially one polarity are carried toward the pole by the meridional motion in the wave to form an axisymmetric poloidal field. This poloidal field is then stretched out by the differential rotation into a new toroidal field of the opposite sign from the original. The poloidal field changes sign when the toroidal and bipolar region like fields are maximum, and vice versa.For the case studied, the reversal period is too short ( 2 years) and the poloidal fields too large ( 40 G) for the sun. Improvements for the model are discussed.Part I has been published in Solar Phys. 8, 316.  相似文献   

Small-scale solar magnetic fields demonstrate features of fractal intermittent behavior, which requires quantification. For this purpose we investigate how the observational estimate of the solar magnetic flux density \(B\) depends on resolution \(D\) in order to obtain the scaling \(\ln B_{D} = - k \ln D +a\) in a reasonably wide range. The quantity \(k\) demonstrates cyclic variations typical of a solar activity cycle. In addition, \(k\) depends on the magnetic flux density, i.e. the ratio of the magnetic flux to the area over which the flux is calculated, at a given instant. The quantity \(a\) demonstrates some cyclic variation, but it is much weaker than in the case of \(k\). The scaling obtained generalizes previous scalings found for the particular cycle phases. The scaling is typical of fractal structures. In our opinion, the results obtained trace small-scale action in the solar convective zone and its coexistence with the conventional large-scale solar dynamo based on differential rotation and mirror-asymmetric convection.  相似文献   

Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
  1. The solar neutrino problem
  2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
  3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
  4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
  5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
  6. The coronal heating problem
  7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
  8. Magnetic reconnection processes
  9. Particle acceleration processes
  10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

K. P. Raju 《Solar physics》2016,291(12):3519-3526
The transition region network seen in solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lines is the extension of the chromospheric network. The network appears as an irregular web-like pattern over the solar surface outside active regions. The average width of transition region network boundaries is obtained from the two-dimensional autocorrelation function of SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) synoptic images of the Sun in two emission lines, He i 586 Å and O v 630 Å during 1996?–?2012. The width of the network boundaries is found to be roughly correlated with the solar cycle variation with a lag of about ten months. A comparison of the widths in the two emission lines shows that they are larger for the He i line. The SOHO/CDS data also show large asymmetry in boundary widths in the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) image directions, which is shown to be caused by image distortions that are due to instrumental effects. Since the network boundary widths are related to the magnetic flux concentration along the boundaries, the results are expected to have implications on the flux transport on the solar surface, solar cycle, and the mass and energy budget of network loops and jets.  相似文献   

Although the dynamical evolution of magnetic clouds (MCs) has been one of the foci of interplanetary physics for decades, only few studies focus on the internal properties of large-scale MCs. Recent work by Wang et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 120, 1543, 2015) suggested the existence of the poloidal plasma motion in MCs. However, the main cause of this motion is not clear. In order to find it, we identify and reconstruct the MC observed by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)-A, Wind, and STEREO-B spacecraft during 19?–?20 November 2007 with the aid of the velocity-modified cylindrical force-free flux-rope model. We analyze the plasma velocity in the plane perpendicular to the MC axis. It is found that there was evident poloidal motion at Wind and STEREO-B, but this was not clear at STEREO-A, which suggests a local cause rather than a global cause for the poloidal plasma motion inside the MC. The rotational directions of the solar wind and MC plasma at the two sides of the MC boundary are found to be consistent, and the values of the rotational speeds of the solar wind and MC plasma at the three spacecraft show a rough correlation. All of these results illustrate that the interaction with ambient solar wind through viscosity might be one of the local causes of the poloidal motion. Additionally, we propose another possible local cause: the existence of a pressure gradient in the MC. The significant difference in the total pressure at the three spacecraft suggests that this speculation is perhaps correct.  相似文献   

It is thought that the large-scale solar-cycle magnetic field is generated in a thin region at the interface of the radiative core (RC) and solar convection zone (SCZ). We show that the bulk of the SCZ virogoursly generates a small-scale turbulent magnetic field. Rotation, while not essential, increases the generation rate of this field.Thus, fully convective stars should have significant turbulent magnetic fields generated in their lower convection zones. In these stars the absence of a radiative core, i.e., the absence of a region of weak buoyancy, precludes the generation of a large-scale magnetic field, and as a consequence the angular momentum loss is reduced. This is, in our opinion, the explanation for the rapid rotation of the M-dwarfs in the Hyades cluster.Adopting the Utrecht's group terminology, we argue that the residual chromospheric emission should have three distinctive components: the basal emission, the emission due to the large-scale field, and the emission due to the turbulent field, with the last component being particularly strong for low mass stars.In the conventional dynamo equations, the dynamo frequencies and the propagation of the dynamo wave towards the equator are based on the highly questionable assumption of a constant . Furthermore, meridional motions, a necessary consequence of the interaction of rotation with convection, are ignored. In this context we discuss Stenflo's results about the global wave pattern decomposition of the solar magnetic field and conclude that it cannot be interpreted in the framework of the conventional dynamo equations.We discuss solar dynamo theories and argue that the surface layers could be essential for the generation of the poloidal field. If this is the case an -effect would not be needed at the RC-SCZ interface (where the toroidal field is generated). The two central problems facing solar dynamo theories may the transport of the surface poloidal field to the RC-SCZ interface and the uncertainty about the contributions to the global magnetic field by the small-scale magnetic features.Visitor, National Solar Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatories.The National Optical Astronomy Observatories are operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The recent determination that the angular velocity of the Sun declines downward through the convective zone raises serious questions about the nature of the solar dynamo. The principal qualitative features of the Sun are the azimuthal fields that migrate toward the equator in association with an oscillating poloidal field which reverses at about the time of maximum appearance of bipolar magnetic regions. If decreases downward, or is negligible, the horizontal gradient in produces a dynamo with some of these essential characteristics. There is reason to think that the dynamo is confined to the lower half of the convective zone where has the opposite sign from the usual ( > 0 in the northern hemisphere) producing equatorward migration but reversing the sign of the associated poloidal field. Meridional circulation may play an essential role in shaping the dynamo. At the present time it is essential to measure accurately and determine the nature of the meridional circulation.Solar Cycle Workshop Paper.  相似文献   

The solar cycle appears to be remarkably synchronized with the gravitational torques exerted by the tidally dominant planets Venus, Earth and Jupiter. Recently, a possible synchronization mechanism was proposed that relies on the intrinsic helicity oscillation of the current-driven Tayler instability which can be stoked by tidal-like perturbations with a period of 11.07 years. Inserted into a simple \(\alpha \)\(\Omega \) dynamo model these resonantly excited helicity oscillations led to a 22.14 years dynamo cycle. Here, we assess various alternative mechanisms of synchronization. Specifically we study a simple time-delay model of Babcock–Leighton type dynamos and ask whether periodic changes of either the minimal amplitude for rising toroidal flux tubes or the \(\Omega \) effect could eventually lead to synchronization. In contrast to the easy and robust synchronizability of Tayler–Spruit dynamo models, our answer for those Babcock–Leighton type models is less propitious.  相似文献   

A “Solar Dynamo” (SODA) Index prediction of the amplitude of Solar Cycle 25 is described. The SODA Index combines values of the solar polar magnetic field and the solar spectral irradiance at 10.7 cm to create a precursor of future solar activity. The result is an envelope of solar activity that minimizes the 11-year period of the sunspot cycle. We show that the variation in time of the SODA Index is similar to several wavelet transforms of the solar spectral irradiance at 10.7 cm. Polar field predictions for Solar Cycles 21?–?24 are used to show the success of the polar field precursor in previous sunspot cycles. Using the present value of the SODA index, we estimate that the next cycle’s smoothed peak activity will be about \(140 \pm30\) solar flux units for the 10.7 cm radio flux and a Version 2 sunspot number of \(135 \pm25\). This suggests that Solar Cycle 25 will be comparable to Solar Cycle 24. The estimated peak is expected to occur near \(2025.2 \pm1.5\) year. Because the current approach uses data prior to solar minimum, these estimates may improve as the upcoming solar minimum draws closer.  相似文献   

The solar-cycle oscillations of the toroidal and poloidal components of the solar magnetic field in the northern solar hemisphere have a persistent phase difference of about \(\pi \). We propose a symmetrical Kuramoto model with three coupled oscillators as a simple way to understand this anti-synchronization. We solve an inverse problem and reconstruct natural frequencies of the top and bottom oscillators under the conditions of a constant coupling strength and a non-delayed coupling. These natural frequencies are associated with angular velocities of the meridional flow circulation near the solar surface and in the deep layer of the solar convection zone. A relationship between our reconstructions of the shallow and the deep meridional flow speed during recent Solar Cycles 21?–?23 is in agreement with estimates obtained in helioseismology and flux-transport dynamo modeling. The reconstructed top oscillator speed presents significant solar-cycle like variations that agree with recent helioseismical reconstructions. The evolution of reconstructed natural frequencies strongly depends on the coupling strength. We find two stable regimes in the case of strong coupling with a change of regime during anomalous solar cycles. We see the onset of a new transition in Solar Cycle 24. We estimate the admitted range of coupling values and find evidence of cross-equatorial coupling between solar hemispheres not accounted for by the model.  相似文献   

Measurements from the Mount Wilson Observatory (MWO) were used to study the long-term variations of sunspot field strengths from 1920 to 1958. Following a modified approach similar to that presented in Pevtsov et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 742, L36, 2011), we selected the sunspot with the strongest measured field strength for each observing week and computed monthly averages of these weekly maximum field strengths. The data show the solar cycle variation of the peak field strengths with an amplitude of about 500?–?700 gauss (G), but no statistically significant long-term trends. Next, we used the sunspot observations from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) to establish a relationship between the sunspot areas and the sunspot field strengths for cycles 15?–?19. This relationship was used to create a proxy of the peak magnetic field strength based on sunspot areas from the RGO and the USAF/NOAA network for the period from 1874 to early 2012. Over this interval, the magnetic field proxy shows a clear solar cycle variation with an amplitude of 500?–?700 G and a weaker long-term trend. From 1874 to around 1920, the mean value of magnetic field proxy increases by about 300?–?350 G, and, following a broad maximum in 1920?–?1960, it decreases by about 300 G. Using the proxy for the magnetic field strength as the reference, we scaled the MWO field measurements to the measurements of the magnetic fields in Pevtsov et al. (2011) to construct a combined data set of maximum sunspot field strengths extending from 1920 to early 2012. This combined data set shows strong solar cycle variations and no significant long-term trend (the linear fit to the data yields a slope of ??0.2±0.8 G?year?1). On the other hand, the peak sunspot field strengths observed at the minimum of the solar cycle show a gradual decline over the last three minima (corresponding to cycles 21?–?23) with a mean downward trend of ≈?15 G?year?1.  相似文献   

A very slight rotation-induced latitudinal temperature variation (presumably on the order of several kelvin) on the solar surface is theoretically expected. While recent high-precision solar brightness observations reported its detection, confirmation by an alternative approach using the strengths of spectral lines is desirable, for which reducing the noise due to random fluctuation caused by atmospheric inhomogeneity is critical. Toward this difficult task, we carried out a pilot study of spectroscopically investigating the relative variation of temperature (\(T\)) at a number of points in the solar circumference region near to the limb (where latitude dependence should be detectable, if any exists) based on the equivalent widths (\(W\)) of 28 selected lines in the 5367?–?5393 Å and 6075?–?6100 Å regions. We paid special attention to i) clarifying which types of lines should be employed and ii) how much precision is attainable in practice. We found that lines with strong \(T\)-sensitivity (\(|\log W/\log T|\)) should be used and that very weak lines should be avoided because they inevitably suffer strong relative fluctuations (\(\Delta W/W\)). Our analysis revealed that a precision of \(\Delta T/T \approx 0.003\) (corresponding to ≈?15 K) can be achieved at best by a spectral line with comparatively large \(|\log W/\log T|\), although this can possibly be further improved When a number of lines are used all together. Accordingly, if many such favorable lines could be measured with subpercent precision of \(\Delta W/W\) and by averaging the resulting \(\Delta T/T\) from each line, the random noise would eventually be reduced to ??1 K and detection of a very subtle amount of global \(T\)-gradient might be possible.  相似文献   

Kan Liou  Chin-Chun Wu 《Solar physics》2016,291(12):3777-3792
Interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma density observed at 1 AU during Solar Cycle 23?–?24 (SC-23/24) minimum were significantly smaller than those during its previous solar cycle (SC-22/23) minimum. Because the Earth’s orbit is embedded in the slow wind during solar minimum, changes in the geometry and/or content of the slow wind region (SWR) can have a direct influence on the solar wind parameters near the Earth. In this study, we analyze solar wind plasma and magnetic field data of hourly values acquired by Ulysses. It is found that the solar wind, when averaging over the first (1995.6?–?1995.8) and third (2006.9?–?2008.2) Ulysses’ perihelion (\({\sim}\,1.4~\mbox{AU}\)) crossings, was about the same speed, but significantly less dense (\({\sim}\,34~\%\)) and cooler (\({\sim}\,20~\%\)), and the total magnetic field was \({\sim}\,30~\%\) weaker during the third compared to the first crossing. It is also found that the SWR was \({\sim}\,50~\%\) wider in the third (\({\sim}\,68.5^{\circ}\) in heliographic latitude) than in the first (\({\sim}\,44.8^{\circ}\)) solar orbit. The observed latitudinal increase in the SWR is sufficient to explain the excessive decline in the near-Earth solar wind density during the recent solar minimum without speculating that the total solar output may have been decreasing. The observed SWR inflation is also consistent with a cooler solar wind in the SC-23/24 than in the SC-22/23 minimum. Furthermore, the ratio of the high-to-low latitude photospheric magnetic field (or equatorward magnetic pressure force), as observed by the Mountain Wilson Observatory, is smaller during the third than the first Ulysses’ perihelion orbit. These findings suggest that the smaller equatorward magnetic pressure at the Sun may have led to the latitudinally-wider SRW observed by Ulysses in SC-23/24 minimum.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the solar flare phenomenon can be understood as a manifestation of the electrodynamic coupling process of the photosphere-chromosphere-corona system as a whole. The system is coupled by electric currents, flowing along (both upward and downward) and across the magnetic field lines, powered by the dynamo process driven by the neutral wind in the photosphere and the lower chromosphere. A self-consistent formulation of the proposed coupling system is given. It is shown in particular that the coupling system can generate and dissipate the power of 1029 erg s#X2212;1 and the total energy of 1032 erg during a typical life time (103 s) of solar flares. The energy consumptions include Joule heat production, acceleration of current-carrying particles along field lines, magnetic energy storage and kinetic energy of plasma convection. The particle acceleration arises from the development of field-aligned potential drops of 10–150 kV due to the loss-cone constriction effect along the upward field-aligned currents, causing optical, X-ray and radio emissions. The total number of precipitating electrons during a flare is shown to be of order 1037–1038.  相似文献   

The phase relation of the poloidal and toroidal components of the solar-cycle general magnetic fields, which propagate along isorotation surfaces as dynamo waves, is investigated to infer the structure of the differential rotation and the direction of the regeneration action of the dynamo processes responsible for the solar cycle. It is shown that, from the phase relation alone, (i) the sign of the radial gradient of the differential rotation (/r) can be determined in the case that the radial gradient dominates the differential rotation, and (ii) the direction of the regeneration action can be determined in the case that the latitudinal gradient (/) dominates the differential rotation. Examining the observed poloidal and toroidal fields, it is concluded that (i) the / should dominate the differential rotation, and (ii) the determined sign of the regeneration factor (positive [negative] in the northern [southern] hemisphere) describing the direction of the regeneration action requires that the surface magnetic fields should originate from the upper part of the convection zone according to the model of the solar cycle driven by the dynamo action of the global convection.  相似文献   

Based on SOHO/MDI data (an archive of magnetic maps with a resolution of ~2″), we have investigated the dynamics of the small-scale background magnetic field on the Sun in solar cycle 23. The cyclic variations and surface structure of the background magnetic field have been analyzed using the mean estimates of 〈B〉 and 〈B 2〉 of the observed magnetic field strength B for various solar surface areas and at various B levels. We have established that the cyclic variations of 〈2〉 at latitudes below 30° are essentially similar to those of the total radio flux F 10.7. A significant difference between the background magnetic fields in the northern and southern solar hemispheres persisting throughout the solar cycle has been detected. We have found the effect of background magnetic field growth toward the solar limb and concluded that the transversal component in the background magnetic field is significant. The relatively weak small-scale background magnetic fields are shown to form a special population with its own special laws of cyclic variation.  相似文献   

We show in this short note that the method of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is able to clearly extract a strong, clean, and clear component from the longest available sunspot (International Sunspot Number, ISN) time series (1700?–?2015) that cannot be an artifact of the method and that can be safely identified as the Gleissberg cycle. This is not a small component, as it accounts for 13% of the total variance of the total original signal. Almost three and a half clear Gleissberg cycles are identified in the sunspot number series. Four extended solar minima (XSM) are determined by SSA, the latest around 2000 (Cycle 23/24 minimum). Several authors have argued in favor of a double-peaked structure for the Gleissberg cycle, with one peak between 55 and 59 years and another between 88 and 97 years. We find no evidence of the former: solar activity contains an important component that has undergone clear oscillations of \(\approx90\) years over the past three centuries, with some small but systematic longer-term evolution of “instantaneous” period and amplitude. Half of the variance of solar activity on these time scales can be satisfactorily reproduced as the sum of a monotonous multi-secular increase, a \(\approx90\)-year Gleissberg cycle, and a double-peaked (\(\approx10.0\) and 11.0 years) Schwabe cycle (the sum amounts to 46% of the total variance of the signal). The Gleissberg-cycle component definitely needs to be addressed when attempting to build dynamo models of solar activity. The first SSA component offers evidence of an increasing long-term trend in sunspot numbers, which is compatible with the existence of the modern grand maximum.  相似文献   

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