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In the context of the current review of New Zealand's National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), the paper reflects on the nature and relevance of geography in education, life and work. The context of school geography programmes is critically examined, and a checklist of points for further consideration and action is presented.  相似文献   

Historical geography was once a popular element of university curricula in New Zealand. It was also a conspicuous focus of research. Today however there is only one identifiable course in historical geography in New Zealand's university calendars – at Massey – and few writers have maintained an active research interest rooted in the sub‐discipline. This Comment suggests some reasons why now is a good time for New Zealand's geographers to reassess this state of affairs, and outlines five themes that might be pursued in the construction of more explicit historical geographies at the start of the third millennium.  相似文献   

Geography seems to be in good hands in New Zealand's schools and universities, but we cannot afford to be complacent. What are the key priorities for further strengthening geography in New Zealand in the years ahead? The New Zealand Geographical Society has to play a crucial role by helping to bring together geographers in the different sectors, as well as in promoting New Zealand geography internationally, and raising its profile in the media. Most of all, we need to demonstrate the vibrancy, significance and relevance of geography to the wider community.  相似文献   

Getting approval to invest in New Zealand's tourist sector is a risky business. A comparison of the Hopai Bay Resort proposal (of the Marlborough Sounds) and the Millbrook Country Club, Queenstown reveals much ambiguity in New Zealand's planning practise.  相似文献   

Deinstitutionalisation of psychiatric patients since the 1980s has introduced a new population and a new land use to New Zealand's urban areas. This paper reviews the geography of deinstitutionalisation, and investigates whether the North American phenomenon of a service-dependent ghetto can be identified in Dunedin.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of ‘geographical imaginaries’ in New Zealand geography. It reflects on the genealogy of the concept and on the work it might perform in the world. At a time when the purpose and contribution of geography in schools is under question and the discipline is under severe strain at universities, we ask whether the idea of ‘geographical imaginaries’ offers a conceptual platform for demonstrating the potential for geography to offer meaning in the complex world of 21st‐century New Zealand and whether it will help teachers to foster geographic thought in classrooms. In short, we argue for the merits of working with the idea of geographical imaginaries in classrooms and for utilising it to interrogate accounts of the geographical gaze and its values. This, we argue, offers opportunities to catalyse geographical thought, highlight the potential of thinking geographically, and open up a thinking space in which geography teachers can examine their pedagogy and enhance the purpose of their work. This would provide a platform for building a more imaginative and more politically and culturally relevant geography at school.  相似文献   

Research into and teaching on population issues in New Zealand's university geography departments is at a crossroads. A significant cohort of New Zealand population geographers who gained their graduate and post-graduate training during the 1950s and 1960s is rapidly diminishing as a result of retirements and late career shifts. In the much more competitive university environment of the 1990s staff are either not being replaced, or their positions and programmes are being reshaped as part of radical restructuring of the social sciences and humanities. This paper reflects on recent developments in population geography in New Zealand, highlighting the contributions made by three of the country's most prominent researchers and teachers in what is fast becoming a dying field of discourse in university geography departments. The paper concludes on an ambivalent note about prospects for geographers in the era of sub-replacement fertility and the heightened attention that will be accorded to migration processes.  相似文献   

In this paper I highlight some spatial and body politics of the HERO parade, Aotearoa/New Zealand's biggest gay pride parade. The proposed site change of the HERO parade, from Queen Street to Ponsonby Road, was debated at length in local newspapers. This debate can be theorised as contingent on western hierarchical dualisms such as mind/body, public/ private, straight/gay. 1 offer an embodied geography through a focus on the constitutive relationship between bodies and places.  相似文献   

When events such as the Darfield earthquake take place, it is assumed that the response from the geography teaching community provides the opportunity to reinforce the relevance of geography. This article reports the findings of a questionnaire which seeks to explore the question, ‘What were the characteristics of the learning and teaching of Year 11 Geography teachers in the weeks following the Darfield earthquake, September 4, 2010?’ The data offer empirical support for the agency of geography teachers' impressing the relevance of the subject to school students in response to an extreme natural event under New Zealand's collective backyard.  相似文献   

This report analyses a decade of geography scholarship student entry and achievement data (n = 10,205) to reveal patterns and trends of high‐achieving school students. The study is an exploratory analysis, the aim of which is to describe where the greatest scholarship success has occurred, as well as attendant demographic characteristics of New Zealand's most capable geography students and their schools. Emerging from the regions is a localised story of students from an extremely narrow number of schools achieving disproportionate scholarship success. This raises questions in the wider geography teaching community about the possibility of a broader constituency achieving scholarship awards.  相似文献   

New Zealanders have little collective vision of their position and future in a globalising world. Recent developments in New Zealand's primary sector show potential pathways to the future. We explore two claims: thinking about New Zealand is to think about the emergence of Fonterra Co-operative Group in New Zealand's globalising economy. Thinking about Fonterra is to think about New Zealand and the implications that spring from globalising activities. Fonterra is a lens to understand better the possibilities and development options and the challenges that are arising as New Zealand forges its place in a globalising world.  相似文献   

This paper examines the constitution of ‘sustainable management’ within the context of the New Zealand marine environment. Firstly this paper examines the difference between ‘sustainable ecosystems’ and ‘sustainable utilisation’. The distinction is important if we are to make sense of the different ways in which various stakeholders (fishers, fisheries companies, scientists, fisheries managers and environmental groups) use ‘sustainability’ in the management of New Zealand's marine environment. We then examine how contestation results in sustainable management becoming a governmentality. We propose that such contestation transforms stakeholders into subjects whose everyday practices and relationships are influenced by seemingly incommensurable understandings of the lexicon that surrounds sustainable management. We conclude try considering how the potential revelation of new unknowns may be needed in order for disparate stakeholders to forge a unified approach to New Zealand's marine management.  相似文献   

How does a fairly remote space (the islands of New Zealand) contribute to the development of geographical literacy in the geography textbooks of post‐socialist (Romania), Western (Germany) and post‐colonial (Mexico) countries? A four‐step analysis of three textbooks of international selection revealed different regionalisation cultures combined with traditional and recently implemented educational paradigms of geography education and led to a similar result. Despite the many ways in which New Zealand's geographical distinctiveness could be used to enhance geographical literacy, there are few operationalisations of educational targets that might contribute to sustainable long‐term learning. Further, these results also offer a possible explanation for the absence of the ‘southern lands’ on students' cognitive maps of the world.  相似文献   

In conventional economic terms, the withdrawal of government support for agriculture in 1984 may have resulted in a revitalised and stronger farm sector. This paper uses evidence gathered from 16 case study farms in the Tararua District to argue that such a perspective ignores the long-term social and environmental impact of the policy reforms. It questions whether New Zealand's commitment to sustainable agriculture can be met without comprehensive public policies that address the underlying social and economic causes of environmental damage.  相似文献   

New Zealand Geographic is one of a number of geographical magazines published in the English‐speaking world that make little or no reference to work by academic geographers. It recently launched a New Zealand Geographic Trust to promote research into ‘New Zealand's life, culture and sciences’ and collaborated with four other publishers of geographical magazines to raise awareness of climate change: the work of academic geographers is again ignored. This exclusion of academic and school geography from such enterprises raises important issues regarding the discipline's public profile in New Zealand and suggests the need for greater public engagement activity by the country's geographers.  相似文献   

Four critical challenges for physical geography are examined here: deterioration of common cores of knowledge associated with increasing intellectual niche specialization; the need for conceptual thinking and problem‐framing to catch up with measurement and analysis technology; and the need to explicitly incorporate human decision making in analysis of earth surface systems. The future calls for physical geography to embrace and confront the creative tension between nomothetic and interpretive science, and to fruitfully and explicitly integrate these approaches.  相似文献   

This paper explores some implications for New Zealand's rural community of Britain's foot and mouth epidemic in the light of growing international trade and travel, and changes in New Zealand's rural society. The paper includes ecological mapping with a projected/likely spatial distribution of an epidemic in New Zealand, and an assessment of the possible institutional and social responses in the wake of a disease outbreak. It notes the course of the epidemic in Britain, and possible differences and similarities in institutional response frameworks between Britain and New Zealand.  相似文献   

Urban transport systems have key roles in supporting environmental sustainability. New Zealand's transport planning arrangements are promoted as a model by agencies such as the World Bank. This paper explores the New Zealand transport planning framework using a case study of the Wellington region's strategic balancing of transport modes and projects. The paper argues that despite some positive rhetoric, concerns about the sustainability of transport planning in Wellington remain. The paper concludes by discussing the need to reassess New Zealand's national framework, and identifies some directions for reform.  相似文献   

作为地理学的入门性技术方法,经济地理区位分析无论是基本含义还是应用,无论是定性分析还是定量建模.都有大量的成果问世,已达到相对成熟的研究阶段.但灌河口的案例分析事实上昭示出了经济地理区位分析的新思路.本文将其归纳为经济地理区位分析的综合集成法,其基本含义是多时空尺度、多影响要素的综合集成分析.即不仅仅将经济地理区位静态地理解为一种相对位置关系.而是在考虑区位与其影响因素之间相互关联的过程中进行经济地理区位的综合性分析,具体包括多要素综合分析法则、多尺度时空分析法则和多路径门户分析法则.在此基础上进一步建构了经济地理区位分析的理论框架,试图对经济地理区位(分析)这一地理学最为基本的知识、理论与方法,进行有一定新意的理论与方法论探讨.  相似文献   

复杂性科学视角下的地理学研究范式转型   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
李双成  王羊  蔡运龙 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1315-1324
随着复杂性科学的兴起,地理学研究范式正逐步发生改变。本文在回顾复杂性科学发展历程和当代地理学研究范式变迁的基础上,对地理系统复杂性的表现、特点、成因及其相关的研究方法作了较为详细的解释和说明,比较了传统经典地理学研究范式与复杂性科学视角下地理学研究范式的差异,最后探讨了复杂性地理学思维的创新与发展图景,即超越还原论的地理学整体思维和地学格局与过程的广义进化思维。  相似文献   

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