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试验研究以本地化的材料,针对寒区桥面铺装这一特殊应用领域要求进行低掺聚丙烯纤维混凝土配合比设计及优选。然后对不同掺入量组成的低掺聚丙烯纤维混凝土的冻融循环、冻融-氯盐共同作用下的耐久性试验研究,并对试验结果进行分析评价。  相似文献   

针对季节性冻土区黄土路堑边坡在冻融作用下发生剥落的病害问题,黄土抗拉强度的影响不可忽略.以兰州和平镇某人工路堑边坡重塑黄土为研究对象,着重探讨黄土抗拉强度冻融衰减特性.首先采用轴向压裂法测定不同含水量、不同干密度及不同冻融次数下的黄土抗拉强度,然后在黄土抗拉强度冻融衰减规律的基础上提出单因素抗拉强度冻融衰减模型,而后对含水量、干密度以及抗拉强度进行多元非线性回归分析,进而提出黄土多元抗拉强度冻融衰减模型.研究结果表明:黄土抗拉强度随冻融循环次数增加呈指数衰减规律,一般冻融3~5次后抗拉强度达到稳定值,初始含水量对黄土抗拉强度冻融衰减率的影响较大.多元抗拉强度衰减模型可对以含水量、干密度及冻融循环次数为变量的兰州黄土抗拉强度进行预测.  相似文献   

为研究寒区混凝土结构在混合氯盐融雪剂冻融环境下的抗冻性衰变规律,采用快冻法,选用NaCl:CaCl_2:MgCl_2质量比分别为6:2:2和6:3:1,以及纯NaCl共3种氯盐溶液作为冻融介质,并以水冻作为对照,对混凝土进行了冻融试验,测定质量损失率、相对动弹性模量、抗压强度等指标随氯盐融雪剂种类和冻融循环次数的变化规律。试验结果表明:氯盐加快了混凝土剥蚀进程和质量损失速度,一定程度上抑制了动弹性模量衰减,但对抗压强度影响不太显著。混合氯盐对混凝土的冻融破坏影响小于纯NaCl,一定程度上可以缓和盐冻破坏。  相似文献   

砂性冻土堤防冻融作用下水分迁移试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以工程实际环境为研究基础,阐述砂性土堤防在冻融作用下的破坏机理,并介绍一种新型研究水分迁移试验装置,利用该装置测量黑龙江干流堤防典型砂性土试样在冻融循环作用下的温度场、水分场、应力场的时空分布。试验结果表明:堤顶公路破坏与堤身不均匀沉降有关,温度变化引起含水率出现梯度变化,从而出现应力场变化,且温度梯度含水率梯度呈线性关系。冻结初期土柱顶部出现应力增加,稳定后应力减小,稳定冻结深度1 m左右。  相似文献   

寒区桥梁混凝土所处的环境对耐久性指标有更高要求,通过力学性能试验、氯离子扩散系数快速测定(RCM法)、冻融循环试验对不同养护温度、湿度组合的桥梁用混凝土进行研究,结果表明,较低温度养护时,混凝土抗压强度增长低于标准养护,先期的高温干燥环境对混凝土抗渗性能不利,在60℃相对湿度(RH)95%环境养生(高温高湿)抗冻融性能最优。选择合适的温度、湿度组合养护对寒区桥梁混凝土冬季施工十分必要。  相似文献   

我国季冻土分布广泛,跨越了我国一半以上的省份,随着经济的发展及国家"一带一路"战略的提出,季冻区的交通基础设施建设规模也越来越大。经调查统计,季冻土路基常常会出现冻胀、融沉、沉陷、翻浆、边坡滑塌等一系列的路基病害,威胁行车安全,造成严重的经济损失。因此从季冻土覆盖范围、经济发展、国家战略布局和季冻土路基灾害的角度上,研究季冻土的强度变形特性显得尤为重要。季冻土的相关研究很不成熟,截至目前,连基本的冻融循环下抗剪强度指标的变化模式都存在很大争议。造成争议的根源就在于季冻土试验技术的不成熟,这种不成熟表现在多个方面,缺乏季冻土试验标准以及受试验仪器限制等等。因此注重试验的研究才能合理揭示季冻土的强度变形特性。本文对冻融循环土试验技术、季冻土静力学本构理论、冻融循环土强度理论和季冻土残余应变理论中的几个关键问题开展研究,提出季冻土制样新标准,得到了冻融循环下土应力应变关系变化规律与抗剪强度指标变化模式,给出了抗剪强度指标计算公式,得到了更符合实际的季冻土残余应变发展模式与更符合实际的振陷参数。主要工作和成果如下:(1)发现了常规土制样标准对季冻土试验的不适用性,指出了冻结融化使试样密度离散性放大是目前季冻土试验缺乏稳定性的原因,提出了减少土试样密度离散性的思想,建立了季冻土制样的新标准,并通过三轴试验验证了该标准的可靠性。(2)按照季冻土制样新标准,提出了冻融循环下三种典型土类应力应变变化模式及静强度变化模式,得到了围压、冻融循环次数和土类对季冻土静力特性的影响规律。(3)提出了冻融循环修正系数的概念,给出了冻融循环下典型土类抗剪强度指标变化模式,提出了粘聚力和内摩擦角冻融循环修正曲线和计算公式,阐明了其工程应用方法。(4)基于新型低温动三轴仪及改进的试验条件,以更符合实际的季冻土埋藏条件、动应力水平和冻结固结过程,提出了季冻土冻结期的残余变形发展规律和振陷计算参数。  相似文献   

利用数值模拟方法研究低强度砂浆强震损伤砖墙采用钢筋网砂浆面层加固的适宜性及加固后抗震性能。依据砖墙承载力损失程度划分损伤等级,对砖墙模型施加作用形成预损伤,对加固墙体模型完全重启动实现砖墙应力初始化,然后对加固试件施加低周往复荷载,得到损伤加固试件破坏特征及荷载-位移滞回曲线,并与原砖墙模型进行比较,验证加固方法的适宜性和增强效果。研究结果表明:本研究数值方法获得的损伤砖墙采用单面、双面钢筋网砂浆面层加固后的力学性能结果真实可靠,可作为钢筋网砂浆面层加固震损砖墙抗震性能评估的依据。  相似文献   

砖结构基本力学性能的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文包括三个部分,第一部分介绍了在轴向压力下砖砌体的动、静力学性能试验,给出了极限抗压强度、弹性模量、泊桑比以及材料的阻尼等井进行了动、静力学性能的比较。第二、三部分通过模型砖墙及足尺砖房破坏试验,研究了砖墙在水平荷载作用下的恢复力特性曲线、砖墙破坏特征以及纵墙的影响等。本文的试验结果为砖结构的动静力设计计算提供了基本资料。  相似文献   

为探究黄土路基在冻融循环和交通荷载耦合作用下的累积塑性应变变化规律,选取西宁地区重塑黄土为研究对象,采用GDS双向动三轴测试系统对其进行一系列动三轴试验,研究不同冻融循环次数、围压、动应力幅值以及频率对累积塑性应变的影响规律,并通过引入拟合参数建立考虑多因素的累积塑性应变预测模型。结果表明:累积塑性应变随冻融循环次数的增大而增大,在6次冻融循环后增长速率减缓且趋于稳定;减小动应力幅值和增大围压能显著抑制累积塑性应变的发展;加载初期累积塑性应变随频率变化不明显,随着振次的增加,频率作用凸显,累积塑性应变随着频率的增大而减小;基于试样的累积塑性应变演变规律,分别采用幂指数模型和对数模型进行拟合,发现后者拟合效果好;综合考虑4种因素对累积塑性应变的影响,建立累积塑性应变预测模型,并对试验的实测值与预测值进行对比,验证模型的可行性。研究成果可为季冻区黄土路基永久变形的计算提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

在现存的历史风貌建筑中,存在许多砂浆强度降低而砖仍然具有较高强度,造成砌体墙体的承载力不满足要求的现象。基于“最小干预”原则,提出了通过用高性能砂浆置换部分旧砂浆提高结构安全性的砌体结构保护性加固技术。在前期置换砂浆加固砌体性能研究的基础上,选择X形置换砂浆的方式,对一顺一丁、三顺一丁、梅花丁、全丁和全顺等砌筑方式设计了6个墙体进行了拟静力试验。试验结果表明:置换砂浆能有效提高墙体的抗剪承载力,且在不同砌筑方式的砖墙中均能起到加固作用;加固后砖墙的承载力取决于未加固区的交叉裂缝或者底部水平裂缝的抵抗能力;砖墙中顺砖占比率越高,墙体刚度退化越慢,后期延性也越好。  相似文献   

江苏高邮、宝应MS4.9级地震现场震害调查与破坏原因研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江苏高邮、宝应Ms4.9级地震在极震区造成了数10间农村民居不同程度和不同方式的破坏,出现人员伤亡。震后对地震灾害现场进行震害调查与破坏原因研究,典型的震害特征包括砖砌体、砖木和砖混结构房屋局部倾倒、墙体贯通开裂、房顶瓦片掀翻和烟囱倒塌等。农村民居遭到破坏的主要因素包括:选址不当、施工质量较差、砂浆强度不够、缺少圈梁和构造柱等。同时,分析了竖向地震作用和鞭梢效应等地震效应,讨论了砖砌体和砖混结构抗震设计的加固方法和改善抗震性能的构造措施等,为农村民居的抗震设防和减轻震害损失等提供参考。  相似文献   

Width and temperature of rock joints were automatically monitored in the Japanese Alps. Three years of monitoring on a sandstone rock face shows two seasonal peaks of joint widening in autumn and spring. The autumn events are associated with short‐term freeze–thaw cycles, and the magnitude of widening reflects the freezing intensity and water availability. The short‐term freezing can produce wedging to a depth of at least 20 cm. The spring events follow a rise in the rock surface temperature to 0 °C beneath the seasonal snowcover, and likely originate from refreezing of meltwater entering the joint. Some of these events contribute to permanent enlargement of the joint. Two other joints on nearby rock faces experience only sporadic widening accompanying freeze–thaw cycles and insignificant permanent enlargement. Observations indicate that no single thermal criterion can explain frost weathering. The temperature range at which wedging occurs varies with the bedrock conditions, water availability and duration of freezing. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frozen ground hydrological effects on runoff, storage, and release have been observed in the field and tested in numerical models, but few physical models of frozen slopes (at scales from 1 to 15 m) exist partly because the design of such an experiment requires new engineering design for realistic whole‐slope freezing and physical model innovation. Here, we present a new freezable tilting hillslope physical model for hydrological system testing under a variety of climate conditions with the ability to perform multiple (up to 20 per year) freeze–thaw cycles. The 4 × 2 m hillslope is mobile and tiltable on the basis of a modified tri‐axle 4.88‐m (16′) dump trailer to facilitate testing multiple configurations. The system includes controllable boundary conditions on all surfaces; examples of side and baseflow boundary conditions include permeable membranes, impermeable barriers, semipermeable configurations, and constant head conditions. To simulate cold regions and to freeze the hillslope in a realistic and controlled manner, insulation and a removable freezer system are incorporated onto the top boundary of the hillslope. The freezing system is designed to expedite the freezing process by the addition of a 10,130‐KJ (9,600‐BTU) refrigeration coil to the top‐centre of the insulated ceiling. Centre placement provides radial freezing of the hillslope in a top‐down fashion, similar to what natural systems encounter in the environment. The perimeter walls are insulated with 100 mm of spray foam insulation, whereas the base of the hillslope is not insulated to simulate natural heat fluxes beneath the frozen layer of soil. Our preliminary testing shows that covers can be frozen down to ?10 °C in approximately 7 days, with subsequent thaw on a similar time frame.  相似文献   

Many undertakings have used either a single value or a narrow window of temperatures as a threshold for the freezing of water within rock. These temperatures vary from 0 to ?5 C, with most windows being in the range ?1 to ?4 C. Based on thermal data, these thresholds are commonly used to ‘count’ the number of freeze–thaw events as a basis for determining freeze–thaw weathering. Data collected from northern Canada indicate that the temperature at which freezing occurs can vary substantially, even for the same site. Using exotherm and zero curtain observations from bricks, at angles of 90 and 45, aligned to the four cardinal aspects, the various temperatures at which water froze are shown. Bricks on the north and east commonly did exhibit freezing, based on exotherms, within the window ?1 to ?5 C, while data for the south and west aspects showed substantial variation, with freezes sometimes between ?6·4 and ?8·9 C. The data were evaluated for evidence of zero curtain effects (indicative of water freezing), but no unequivocal events could be found, and it is suggested that, at the scale of observation used here, they are unlikely. It would therefore appear that the use of thermal thresholds may not be meaningful for evaluation of freeze–thaw events. The available data also indicate many instances when temperatures went substantially sub‐zero (e.g. ?20 C) and yet no indication of water freezing occurred – most likely because there was no water available to freeze. This indicates that any form of freeze–thaw event counting, in the absence of some indicator of the presence of water and that it actually froze, is flawed, as thermal conditions alone are not adequate to indicate the occurrence or not of actual freeze–thaw weathering events. These data suggest that evaluations of freeze–thaw occurrence based simply on thermal thresholds may be substantially in error. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究竖向压应力和高宽比对砖墙体抗震性能的影响,以砖墙体抗震承载力典型试验试件为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立适当的空间模型。根据砖墙体的破坏模式和材料性能把墙体划分成块体单元、灰缝单元以及接触单元,为各部分材料选用不同的本构关系模型与破坏准则。并将计算结果与试验结果进行对比,验证文中模型的可适用性。选用经验证后的模型,变换竖向压应力和高宽比,得出相应的结论:墙体的开裂荷载和抗侧承载力随着高宽比的增大明显呈降低的趋势;不同高宽比的墙体,竖向压应力的影响规律不尽相同。  相似文献   

In 2008–2009, a severe cold snap affected the otherwise temperate mid‐latitude coasts of the English Channel of France. In March 2009, we gathered rock spalling observations at Mesnil Val, NW France, to document the effect of frost on platform lowering in macro‐tidal environments. Six epochs of frost were recorded in 2 months, the two longest lasted 16 and 8 days, with minimum air temperature dropping to –9.5°C. Semi‐diurnal tides flood the entire platform, imposing up to 25 freeze–thaw cycles below –2.5°C, the freezing temperature of seawater. 19 cycles occurred at neap tidal elevation lasting at most 3.5 h. Our integrated observations indicate that these frost cycles were responsible for a platform lowering of about 0.8±0.5 mm during a single winter. No clear spatial trend appears, nor do macroscopic chalk types clearly stand out as being more susceptible to erosion. Assuming that the long‐term platform retreat model preserves a constant slope, frost shattering would then account for 10 to 20% of the expected annual platform erosion rate. Under more contrasted climates, frost is thus likely to be a prominent shaping process for rocky coastal platforms. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A major problem in studies of rock fracture by frost is the paucity of direct observations in space and time of the initiation and growth of microcracks and their transition to macrocracks. Such observations are essential to understand the location, timing and controls of rock fracture by freeze–thaw. The aim of the present work is to image and elucidate the early stages of rock fracture by applying imaging and statistical methods to a frost-weathering experiment using intact specimens of a limestone (chalk) and sandstone. First, micro-computed tomography (μ-CT) is used to visualize rock fracture in three dimensions over the course of 20 freeze–thaw cycles and to estimate transverse strain using a pixel-based approach. Second, probabilistic correlation functions are applied to quantify the progressive expansion of the fracture phase and associated damage to rock specimens. The method of μ-CT is demonstrated for visualizing the growth and coalescence of microcracks and their transition to macrocracks. Fracture proceeded faster and to a greater extent in chalk relative to sandstone, and the macrocracks in chalk were mostly concentric and vertical. Both fracture development and positive transverse strain (dilation) accelerated after cycle 15, suggesting that a threshold has been exceeded, after which macrocracks were evident. Of three probabilistic correlation functions applied to the μ-CT results, the modified lineal-path function – which measures the continuous connectivity of the fracture phase in a specific direction – reveals that damage was more extensive in the chalk than the sandstone. It also allows a novel approach to define and quantify three zones of microcracking during freeze–thaw cycling of anisotropic rock: (1) the zone of inherent flaws; (2) the zone of active microcracking; and (3) the zone of weak influence during microcracking. The broader significance of this work is that it provides a new approach to investigate mechanistically how frost action damages rock. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖是一种新型承重墙体材料。本文通过三片墙体低周反复荷载试验,系统研究了粉煤灰多孔砖墙体的力学性能和抗震性能,包括墙体的破坏特征、滞回曲线、刚度、延性、骨架曲线及受剪承载力等。试验结果表明,免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖墙体的破坏形态与普通黏土砖墙体相似,主要呈剪切破坏;墙体具有较高的受剪承载力、延性和耗能能力,适宜在地震区村镇建筑中推广应用。  相似文献   

对4榀相同特性的砖墙进行不同程度的酸雨腐蚀试验及低周反复荷载试验,得出其在不同腐蚀循环次数下的滞回曲线。基于陆新征-曲哲恢复力模型对砖墙试件进行模拟分析,并与试验结果进行对比,验证得出三弹簧单元模型能够较准确预测砌体构件的滞回性能。利用三弹簧单元模型对不同腐蚀次数下砌体结构进行IDA分析,得出不同腐蚀次数下砌体结构的易损性曲线,通过对"小震"、"中震"、"大震"下结构失效概率的分析得出,酸雨腐蚀能够严重影响结构的力学性能,使得结构的抗震性能显著下降。  相似文献   

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