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The particle aspect approach is adopted to investigate the trajectories of charged particles in the electromagnetic field of kinetic Alfven wave. Expressions are found for the dispersion relation, damping rate and associated currents in homogenous plasma. Kinetic effects of electrons and ions are included to study kinetic Alfven wave because both are important in the transition region. It is found that the ratio β of electron thermal energy density to magnetic field energy density and the ratio of ion to electron thermal temperature (Ti/Te) affect the dispersion relation, damping-rate and associated currents in both cases (warm and cold electron limits). The treatment of kinetic Alfven wave instability is based on the assumption that the plasma consists of resonant and non-resonant particles. The resonant particles participate in an energy exchange process, whereas the non-resonant particles support the oscillatory motion of the wave.  相似文献   

Two kinetic models for the auroral topside ionosphere are compared. The collisionless plasma distributed along an auroral magnetic field line behaves like a non-Ohmic conducting medium with highly non-linear characteristic curves relating the parallel current density to the potential difference between the cold ionosphere and the hot plasmasheet region. The (zero-electric current) potential difference, required to balance the current carried by the precipitating plasmasheet particles and the current transported by the outflowing ionospheric particles, depends on the ratio nps.e/nth.e and Tps.e/Tth.e of the plasmasheet and ionospheric electron densities and temperatures. When in the E-region the magnetic field lines are interconnected by a high conductivity plasma the resulting field-aligned currents driven by the magnetospheric potential distribution are limited by the integrated Pedersen conductivity of the ionospheric layers. These currents are not related to the parallel electric field intensity as they would be in Ohmic materials. The parallel electric field intensity is necessarily determined by the local quasi-neutrality of the plasma.  相似文献   

Kinetic Alfvén waves are examined in the presence of ion and electron beams with bi-Maxwellian distribution functions. The theory of particle aspect analysis is used to evaluate the trajectories of charged particles in the electromagnetic field of a kinetic Alfvén wave. The expressions for the field-aligned currents, perpendicular currents (with respect to B0), dispersion relation and growth-rate with marginal instability criteria are derived. The significance of the investigation for the earth's magnetoplasma is discussed.  相似文献   

The beam cyclotron instability and electron acoustic instability, driven by cross-tail current and inhomogeneity in density and magnetic field, are found to be unstable in the earth's magnetic tail region. The anomalous resistivities due to these instabilities are found to be of the order of (10?1?10?3e?1e being the electron gyro frequency). It is also suggested that the non-linear saturation of the beam cyclotron instability may lead to conditions favourable for exciting ion acoustic instability.  相似文献   

A beam of collisionless plasma is injected along a longitudinal magnetic field into a region of curved magnetic field. Two unpredicted phenomena are observed: The beam becomes deflected in the directionopposite to that in which the field is curved, and itcontracts to a flat slab in the plane of curvature of the magnetic field.The plasma is produced by a conical theta-pinch gun and studied by means of high speed photography, electric and magnetic probes, ion analyser, and spectroscopy.The plasma beam is collisionless and its behaviour is, in principle, understood on the basis of gyro-centre drift theory. A fraction of the transverse electric fieldE=–v×B, which is induced when the beam enters the curved magnetic field, is propagated upstream and causes the reverse deflection byE×B drift. The upstream propagation of the transverse electric field is due to electron currents.The circuit aspect on the plasma is important. The transverse polarization current in the region with the curved field connects to a loop of depolarization currents upstream. The loop has limited ability to carry current because of the collisionless character of the plasma; curlE is almost zero and electric field components arise parallel to the magnetic field. These play an essential role, producing runaway electrons, which have been detected. An increased electron temperature is observed when the plasma is shot into the curved field. Runaway electrons alone might propagate the electric field upstream in case the electron thermal velocity is insufficient.The phenomenon is of a general character and can be expected to occur in a very wide range of ensities. The lower density limit is set by the condition for self-polarization,nm i / 0 B 2 1 or, which is equivalent,c 2/v A 2 ;1, wherec is the velocity of light, andv A the Alfvén velocity. The upper limit is presumably set by the requirement e e 1.The phenomenon is likely to be of importance, for example, for the injection of plasma into magnetic bottles and in space and solar physics. The paper illustrates the complexity of plasma flow phenomena and the importance of close contact between experimental and theoretical work.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978  相似文献   

Existence of compressive relativistic solitons is established in an arbitrary ξ-direction, inclining at an angle to the direction of the weak magnetic field (ω pi ω Bi ) in this plasma compound with ions, relativistic electrons and relativistic electron beams. It is observed that the absolute linear growth of amplitudes of compressive solitons is due to inactive role of the weak magnetic field and the initial streaming speeds of relativistic electrons, electron beams, and Q b (ion mass to electron beam mass). Besides, the small initial streaming of electrons is found to be responsible to generate relatively high amplitude compressive solitons. The non-relativistic ions in the background plasma, but in absence of electron-beam drift and in presence of weak magnetic field are the causing effect of interest for the smooth growth of soliton amplitudes in this model of plasma.  相似文献   

We have studied the stability of the electrostatic electron cyclotron wave in a plasma composed of hydrogen, oxygen and electrons. To conform to satellite observations in the low latitude boundary layer we model both the ionic components as drifting perpendicular to the magnetic field. Expressions for the frequency and the growth rate of the wave have been derived. We find that the plasma can support electron cyclotron waves with a frequency slightly greater than the electron cyclotron frequency ω ce ; these waves can be driven unstable when the drift velocities of both the ions are greater than the phase velocity of the wave. We thus introduce another source of instability for these waves namely multiple ion beams drifting perpendicular to the magnetic field.  相似文献   

HEOS-2 low energy electron data (10 eV–3.7 keV) from the LPS Frascati plasma experiment have been used to identify three different magnetospheric electron populations. Magnetosheathlike electron energy spectra (35–50 eV) are characteristic of the plasma mantle, entry layer and cusps from the magnetopause down to 2–3 RE Plasma sheet electrons (energy > 1 keV) are found at all local times, with strong intensities in the early morning quadrant and weaker intensities in the afternoon quadrant. The plasma sheet shows a well defined inner edge at all local times and latitudes, the inner edge coinciding probably with the plasmapause. The plasma sheet does not reach the magnetopause, but it is separated from it by a boundary layer electron population that is very distinct from the other two electron populations, most electrons having energies 100–300 eV.We map these three electron populations from the magnetopause down to the high latitude near earth regions, by making use of the HEOS-2 low latitude inbound passes and the high latitude outbound passes (in Solar Magnetic (SM) coordinates). The boundary layer extends along the magnetopause up to 5–7 RE above the equator; at higher latitudes it follows the magnetic lines of force and it is found closer and closer to the earth, so that it has the same invariant latitudes of the system 1 currents observed by Iijima and Potemra (1976) in their region 1. The plasma sheet can be mapped into their region 2 and the cusp-entry layer-plasma mantle can be mapped into their cusp currents region. The boundary layer is observed for any Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) direction. We speculate that magnetosheath particles penetrate into the magnetosphere everywhere along the magnetopause. The electron energization, however, is observed only in the boundary layer, on both dawn and dusk side and could be due to the polarization electric field at magnetopause generated by the magnetosheath plasma bulk motion in the region where such motion is roughly perpendicular to the magnetospheric magnetic field. The electron energization is absent in the regions (entry layer and plasma mantle) where the sheath plasma motion is roughly parallel or antiparallel to the magnetospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

Coordinated observations involving ion composition, thermal plasma, energetic particle, and ULF magnetic field data from GEOS 1 and 2 often reveal the presence of electromagnetic ion cyclotron and magnetosonic waves, which are distinguished by their respective polarization characteristics and frequency spectra. The ion cyclotron waves are identified by a magnetic field perturbation that lies in a plane perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field B0 and propagate along B0. They are associated with the abundance of cold He+ in the presence of anisotropic pitch angle distributions of ions having energies E > 20 keV, and were observed at frequencies near the He+ gyrofrequency. The magnetosonic waves are characterized by a magnetic field perturbation parallel to B0 and thus seem to be propagating perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field. They often occur at harmonics (not always including the fundamental) at the proton gyrofrequency and are associated with phase-space-density distributions that peak at energies E ~ 5–30 keV and at a pitch angle of 90°. Such a ring-like distribution is shown to excite instability in the magnetosonic mode near harmonics of the proton gyrofrequency. Magnetosonic waves are associated in other cases with sharp spatial gradients in energetic ion intensity. Such gradients are encountered in the early afternoon sector (as a consequence of the drift shell distortion caused by the convection electric field) and could likewise constitute a source of free energy for plasma instabilities.  相似文献   

A model of a coronal region of enhanced Fexv and Fexvi emission is developed and its energy balance is examined using extreme ultraviolet observations from OSO-7 together with calculations of possible force-free coronal magnetic field configurations. The coronal emissions overlying the photospheric boundary between regions of opposite magnetic polarity are found to be associated with generally non-potential (current-carrying) magnetic fields in the forms of arches with footpoints in regions of opposite polarity. The orientation of these arches relative to the neutral line changes with degree of ionization of the emitting ion (which we infer from our limb observations to be a function of height) and may be evidence of differing electric currents along various field lines. The appearance of a coronal arch, seen side-on, can conveniently be represented by a parabola and a detailed analysis (Appendix) shows this to be a realistic approximation that should be generally useful in analyzing two-dimensional pictures of coronal structures. Applying this analysis to the most prominent coronal region observed in the radiations of Fexv and Fexvi, we find a maximum in the electron temperature, T e , of 2.6 × 106K at the top of arches whose heights are 20000–40000 km and whose footpoints are separated by ≈ 100000 km. A temperature gradient of ▽T e ≈5 × 10-5K cm-1 is found in this coronal structure. Radiative losses are typically fifteen times greater than conductive losses and the energy deposition required to maintain the coronal feature is nearly uniformly distributed along its length.  相似文献   

The observations of electron inverted ‘V’ structures by the MGS and MEX spacecraft, their resemblance to similar events in the auroral regions of the Earth, and the discovery of strong localized magnetic field sources of the crustal origin on Mars, raised hypotheses on the existence of Martian aurora produced by electron acceleration in parallel electric fields. Following the theory of this type of structures on Earth we perform a scaling analysis to the Martian conditions. Similar to the Earth, upward field-aligned currents necessary for the generation of parallel potential drops and peaked electron distributions can arise, for example, on the boundary between ‘closed’ and ‘open’ crustal field lines due to shears of the flow velocity of the magnetosheath or magnetospheric plasmas. A steady-state configuration assumes a closure of these currents in the Martian ionosphere. Due to much smaller magnetic fields as compared to the Earth case, the ionospheric Pedersen conductivity is much higher on Mars and auroral field tubes with parallel potential drops and relatively small cross scales to be adjusted to the scales of the localized crustal patches may appear only if the magnetosphere and ionosphere are decoupled by a zone with a strong E. Another scenario suggests a periodic short-circuit of the magnetospheric electric fields by a coupling with the conducting ionosphere.  相似文献   

A quantitative magnetospheric magnetic field model has been calculated in three dimensions. The model is based on an analytical solution of the Chapman-Ferraro problem. For this solution, the magnetopause was assumed to be an infinitesimally thin discontinuity with given geometry. The shape of the dayside magnetopause is in agreement with measurements derived from spacecraft boundary crossings.The magnetic field of the magnetopause currents can be derived from scalar potentials. The scalar potentials result from solutions of Laplace's equation with Neumann's boundary conditions. The boundary values and the magnetic flux through the magnetopause are determined by all magnetic sources which are located inside and outside the magnetospheric cavity. They include the Earth's dipole field, the fields of the equatorial ring current and tail current systems, and the homogeneous interplanetary magnetic field. In addition, the flux through the magnetopause depends on two constants of interconnection which provide the possibility of calculating static interconnection between magnetospheric and interplanetary field lines. Realistic numerical values for both constants have been derived empirically from observed displacements of the polar cusps which are due to changes in the orientation of the interplanetary field. The transition from a closed to an open magnetosphere and vice versa can be computed in terms of a change of the magnetic boundary conditions on the magnetopause. The magnetic field configuration of the closed magnetosphere is independent of the amount and orientation of the interplanetary field. In contrast, the configuration of the open magnetosphere confirms the observational finding that field line interconnection occurs primarily in the polar cusp and high latitude tail regions.The tail current system reflects explicitly the effect of dayside magnetospheric compression which is caused by the solar wind. In addition, the position of the plasma sheet relative to the ecliptic plane depends explicitly on the tilt angle of the Earth's dipole. Near the tail axis, the tail field is approximately in a self-consistent equilibrium with the tail currents and the isotropic thermal plasma.The models for the equatorial ring current depend on the Dst-parameter. They are self-consistent with respect to measured energy distributions of ring current protons and the axially symmetric part of the magnetospheric field.  相似文献   

An analytic investigation is made of rays from a source in a magneto-ionic medium for which the magnetic field H and the electron density vary, in a Cartesian co-ordinate system Oxyz, with x alone. The case Hz = 0 is considered in some detail. It is shown that rays in the xy-plane may be focused, and that interference can occur. The geomagnetic field is then represented by a model for which Hy is proportional to x, and the magnetic field lines are parabolas. Observations and theories of magnetospheric chorus, in particular of the gap near one-half the equatorial electron gyrofrequency, are discussed in relation to this model.  相似文献   

For half-space (Z>0), homogeneous, collisonal and warm plasma, the expressions for fields and penetration depth δ/δ e (in the unit of ion collisionless cold plasma penetration depth, i.e., when v i =0, υ0i =) are derived and discussed numerically. It is concluded that the propagation of transverse waves is only slightly affected by the ion collisions and the applied magnetic field when the plasma frequence is greater than the wave frequency (ω pe >ω). For the case of ω pe ≤ω, the damping of the wave is not affected by the changes in the ion collision frequency and the ion temperature. However, in this case, the propagation of the wave is drastically affected by the applied magnetic field and the wave damps quickly as the magnetic field strength or the gyrofrequency (Ω e ) increases.  相似文献   

The currents on the precisely calculated magnetosphere surface previously reported have been integrated with the same accuracy as used in the surface calculation to give the magnetic field at 688 points within the magnetosphere for each of eight surfaces for the tilt of the Earth's dipole in steps of 5° between 0° and 35°. The magnetic fields have then been used to fit the coefficients of a 35 term spherical harmonic expansion of the scalar magnetic potential representing the field by the method of least squares fit. The coefficients for each of the eight surfaces were then represented as a power series in dipole tilt angle, λ so that the complete field can be given very conveniently for any λ. For λ = 0, the first two coefficients g10 and g21 are the dominant terms and the azimuthally dependent term g21 is 30 per cent less than that calculated by Mead and Midgley from older less accurate surface and field calculations.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of equatorial sporadic E at two stations, namely, Trivandrum and Kodaikanal is studied. It is established that whenever there is a sudden disappearance of Es, there is a depression in the horizontal magnetic field (H) range. Electron velocities during the presence and absence of sporadic E have been estimated. These results show that the irregularities responsible for sporadic E are present even when the electron velocities are less than the ion thermal velocity.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic waves propagating transverse to the magnetic field, containing inhomogenous and loss cone plasma, may become unstable due to the excitation of resonant proton, resonant electron and drift cyclotron instabilities. Resonant proton instability gets excited in inhomogenous plasma, irrespective of the presence of temperature anisotropy, loss cone or temperature gradient. However, the growth rate of this instability is much smaller than the other two instabilities. The maximum growth rates of resonant electron instability are enhanced with the increase of loss cone index, gradients in transverse temperature and magnetic field, and with the decrease of temperature anisotropy and gradients in density and parallel temperature. The drift cyclotron instability exists in a bounded range of wave numbers and its growth rate increases with the increase of electron temperature, density and magnetic field gradient, and with the decrease of proton temperature and temperature anisotropy. In the region of ring current for beyond plasmapause the resonant proton and resonant electron instabilities have the characterstic frequencies around 0.1Ωp and growth rates ~10?6Ωp and 10?3Ωp, respectively. In the ring current region the drift cyclotron instability is not excited whereas in the plasma sheet region the frequency and growth rate of this instability are around Ωp and 10?2Ωp, respectively. These instabilities can accelerate the ring current particles along the magnetic field lines and dump them into the auroral region.  相似文献   

New ion cyclotron whistlers which have the asymptotic frequency of one half the local proton gyrofrequency, Gp2, and the minimum (or equatorial) proton gyrofrequency, Gpm, along the geomagnetic field line passing through the satellite have been found in the low-latitude topside ionosphere from the spectrum analysis of ISIS VLF electric field data received at Kashima, Japan. Ion cyclotron whistlers with asymptotic frequency of Gpm or Gpm2 are observed only in the region of Bm >B2 or rarely Bm >B4, where B is the local magnetic field and Bm is the mini magnetic field along the geomagnetic field line passing through the satellite.The particles with one half the proton gyrofrequency may be the deuteron or alpha particle. Theoretical spectrograms of the electron whistlers (R-mode) and the ion cyclotron whistlers (L-mode) propagating along the geomagnetic field lines are computed for the appropriate distributions of the electron density and the ionic composition, and compared with the observed spectrograms.The result shows that the ion cyclotron whistler with the asymptotic frequency of Gp2 is the deuteron whistler, and that the ion cyclotron whistlers with the asymptotic frequency of Gpm or Gpm2 are caused by the trans-equatorial propagation of the proton or deuteron whistler from the other hemisphere.  相似文献   

We consider the expansion of an electron beam (E ~ 20 keV, I ~ 1 A) artificially injected into the magnetosphere at a high latitude (Λ ~ 60°). We show that, although the space charge effects play an important role during the initial phase of the expansion, it is the magnetic field at the place of the injection which governs the beam radius and the beam density. For an injection parallel to the magnetic field, the ratio between the beam kinetic energy density and the magnetic energy when the beam passes through the Equator, may reach important values (~ 2–5). However, taking into account possible beam instabilities could strongly modify this conclusion.  相似文献   

A 225-dimensional particle-mesh computer model for the simulation of the current-sheet region of the geomagnetic tail is described. Important features are (a) the use of Fast Fourier techniques for the efficient solution of Ampere's equation, (b) the incorporation of sources and sinks of particles, (c) facilities for simulating finite width effects and (d) the option of including a normal magnetic field component linking through the sheet.Simulations carried out using this model indicate that current sheets with a non-zero normal magnetic field component and an infinite width are stable. The particles trace out Speiser-like orbits in such a case. Sheets with Bnormal = 0 and a finite width are unstable with respect to the ion tearing-mode instability. However the presence of a normal magnetic field stabilises the system provided ρ0<2Ly where ρ0 is the characteristic length associated with the normal field and where Ly is the width of the sheet.On the basis of these results it is suggested that a geomagnetic substorm occurs when the normal magnetic field drops below the critical value needed for stability.  相似文献   

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