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We show that an extremal Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger black hole may act as a particle accelerator with arbitrarily high energy when two uncharged particles falling freely from rest to infinity on the near horizon. We show that the center of mass energy of collision is independent of the extreme fine tuning of the angular momentum of the colliding particles. We further show that the center of mass energy of collisions of particles at the ISCO (r ISCO ) or at the photon orbit (r ph ) or at the marginally bound circular orbit (r mb ) i.e. at rr ISCO =r ph =r mb =2M could be arbitrarily large for the aforementioned space-time, which is quite different from the Schwarzschild and the Reissner-Nordstrøm space-time. For non-extremal GMGHS space-time the CM energy is finite and depends upon the asymptotic value of the dilation field (? 0).  相似文献   

The exact nonstationary solution for the variation of the magnetic field in the Schwarzschild metric with a given spherically symmetric flow is obtained. Initially a homogeneous magnetic field increases with time, changing into a quasi-radial field. On the assumption of equipartition between the magnetic and kinetic energies of a falling gas, in the relativistic case, estimates of the stationary field and the intensity of synchrotron radiation are presented. A considerable part of the radiation is formed in the relativistic regionr?(2.5 to 7.7)r g (r g is the gravitational radius of a black hole). Estimates are made for radiation from the relativistic region in the case of disc type accretion.  相似文献   

In this paper, the orbital dynamics of the gravitational field in Bardeen space-time are investigated. The equations of the particle’s orbital motion are given by solving the Lagrangian equation, and the stability and types of orbits are studied by means of analysing the effective potential of particles. Also, with the help of phase-plane method, the closed and non-closed orbits of test particle are analysed. We find that the stability and types of orbits in the Bardeen space-time are determined not only by the particles’ energy but also by the angular momentum. And for q=0.5M and b<3.3731M, absorbed by the black hole is the only fate of the test particle. We also find that the position of the innermost stable circular orbit of Bardeen black hole occurs at r min =5.5722M.  相似文献   

The radial motion along null geodesics in static charged black hole space–times, in particular, the Reissner–Nordström and stringy charged black holes, are studied. We analyzed the properties of the effective potential. The circular photon orbits in these space–times are investigated. We found that the radius of circular photon orbits in both charged black holes are different and differ from that given in Schwarzschild space–time. We studied the physical effects of the gravitational field between two test particles in stringy charged black hole and compared the results with that given in Schwarzschild and Reissner–Nordström black holes.  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields modify particle motion in the curved space–time of spinning black holes and change the stability conditions of circular orbits. We study conditions for magnetocentrifugal jet launching from accretion discs around black holes, whereby large-scale black hole lines anchored in the disc may fling tenuous coronal gas outwards. For a Schwarzschild black hole, magnetocentrifugal launching requires that the poloidal component of magnetic fields makes an angle less than  60°  to the outward direction at the disc surface, similar to the Newtonian case. For prograde rotating discs around Kerr black holes, this angle increases and becomes  90°  for footpoints anchored to the disc near the horizon of a critically spinning   a = M   black hole. Thus, a disc around a critically spinning black hole may centrifugally launch a jet even along the rotation axis.  相似文献   

Using the technique of determining the sum of the masses of double stars, we have estimated the mass of the central object in the globular cluster M15. The radial velocities of stars at distances up to 1″ from the cluster center have been used. The parameters of circular orbits and the space velocities of 11 selected field stars relative to the cluster center have been determined from the calculated velocity dispersions with respect to the mean radial velocity. Based on the mean space velocity V, 14 km s?1, and using the energy integral, we have estimated the mass of the central object to be within the range (1?9) × 103 M . We have estimated the kinetic power of the outflow of matter from the region surrounding the black hole in M15 and the specific angular momentum of the black hole.  相似文献   

We calculate the amount of angular momentum that thermal photons carry out of a viscous black hole accretion disk, due to the strong Doppler shift imparted to them by the high orbital velocity of the radiating disk material. While thermal emission can not drive accretion on its own, we show that along with disk heating it does nonetheless result in a loss of specific angular momentum, thereby contributing to an otherwise viscosity‐driven accretion flow. In particular, we show that the fraction of the angular momentum that is lost to thermal emission at a radius r in a standard, multi‐color disk is ∼0.4rs/r, where rs is the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole. We briefly highlight the key similarties between this effect and the closely related Poynting‐Robertson effect (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We considered three modes of black hole formation: (I) a black hole kernel first forms at the centre of a collapsing star and as the outer matter falls, the kernel grows until the whole star becomes a black hole; (II) all the layers of a collapsing simultaneously satisfy the Schwarzschild condition; (III) the outermost layer first satisfies the Schwarzschild condition. For each mode, we calculated the entropy carried by the collapsing matter, Sm, and the entropy of the black hole so formed, SBH. We found SBH to be 1019 times Sm and the lower limit of the mass capable of becoming a black hole to be the Planck mass, Mp = 10?5g. A discussion on the nature of SBH led us to think that SBH possibly contains things other than the ordinary thermodynamical entropy.  相似文献   

Bekenstein, Hawking, Gibbons and Perry have discussed the case of placing a Schwarzschild black hole inside an ideal, reflecting box, thereby setting up an equilibrium state. In this paper, we discuss more generally the thennodynamical properties of such a system. Starting from adiabatic expansion of the system, we are naturally led to the definition of total entropy and of black hole entropy. We next point out the two conditions for stable equilibrium between the black hole and the radiation, V < VE and Er < M/4 are not equivalent: only the former is necessary and sufficient. Lastly, we examine three quasi-static processes of evaporation of the black hole, expansion at constant energy, energy release at constant volume and adiabatic expansion.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of an axisymmetric gas flow without angular momentum onto a small compact object, in particular, on a Schwarzschild black hole in the supersonic region; the velocity of the object itself is assumed to be low compared to the speed of sound at infinity. First of all, we show that the streamlines intersect (i.e., a caustic is formed) on the symmetry axis at a certain distance r x from the center on the front side if the pressure is ignored. The characteristic radial size of the region in which the streamlines emerging from the sonic surface at an angle no larger than θ0 to the axis intersect is Δr = r x θ 0 2 /3. To refine the flow structure in this region, we have numerically computed the system without ignoring the pressure in the adiabatic approximation. We have estimated the parameters of the inferred region with anomalously high matter temperature and density accompanied by anomalously high energy release.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate quasinormal modes (QNMs) of scalar perturbations around a quantum-corrected Schwarzschild black hole by using the third order Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation method. The results show that due to the quantum fluctuations in the background of the Schwarzschild black hole, the QNMs of the black hole damp more slowly when increasing the quantum correction factor (a), and oscillate more slowly.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):239-245
The nearby E0 galaxy M87 in the Virgo Cluster contains one of the nearest examples of a powerful non-thermal jet source. In addition, HST spectroscopy of its nucleus give strong evidence for the presence of a ≈3×109 M central black hole (corresponding to Schwarzschild radius Rs∼0.0004 pc). These two facts together make M87 the best possible target for studying the initial jet formation and collimation process. Herein we report new 43 GHz VLBI observations of the nucleus of this galaxy, which clearly show the jet opening angle expanding rapidly as one approaches the core on scales ∼0.01 pc. We believe we have, for the first time, imaged the initial collimation region of a powerful extragalactic jet. We find significant collimation occurring on scales of 30–100 Rs, and argue this is consistent with expectations for poloidal collimation by a rotating accretion disk.  相似文献   

We use the magnetic monopole catalytic reaction of nuclear decay (the Rubakov-Callan effect) as energy source to build a non-black hole model of giant dense galactic nuclei containing monopoles below the Parker limit of ξ = Nm/NB ≲ (−20 ± 1). Our conclusion is that, whenever the catalytic reaction exists, even if the cross section is less than (−26) cm2, it can produce enough energy to support supergiant nuclei, and avoid the black hole disaster. The main observational evidence for the present model is: the catalytic reaction will produce a copious stream of positrons, and the resulting strong pair annihilation line has been observed in the centre of our and other galaxies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate analytically the level space of the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a black hole with a deficit solid angle and quintessence-like matter by the Padmanabhan’s method (Padmanabhan in Class. Quantum Gravity 21:L1, 2004). Padmanabhan presented a method to study analytically the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a class of spherically symmetric spacetimes including Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes which has an evenly spaced structure. The results show that the level space of scalar and gravitational quasinormal frequencies for this kind of black holes only depend on the surface gravity of black-hole horizon in the range of $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ , respectively. We also extend the range of w to w≤?1, the results of which are similar to that in $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ case. Particularly, a black hole with a deficit solid angle in accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole, fixing w=?1 and ε 2=0. And a black hole with a deficit solid angle in the accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild black hole,when ρ 0=0 and ε 2=0. In this paper, w is the parameter of state equation, ε 2 is a parameter relating to a deficit solid angle and ρ 0 is the density of static spherically symmetrical quintessence-like matter at r=1.  相似文献   

The collision of test charged particles in the vicinity of an event horizon of a weakly magnetized non-rotating black hole with gravitomagnetic charge has been studied. The presence of the external magnetic field decreases the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO) radii of charged particles. The opposite mechanism occurs when there is nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge. For a collision of charged particle moving at ISCO and the neutral particle falling from infinity the maximal collision energy can be decreased by gravitomagnetic charge in the presence of external asymptotically uniform magnetic field.  相似文献   

Using the Grad-Shafranov equation, we consider a new analytical model of the black hole magnetosphere based on the assumption that the magnetic field is radial near the horizon and uniform (cylindrical) in the jet region. Within this model, we have managed to show that the angular velocity of particles ΩF near the rotation axis of the black hole can be smaller than ΩH/2. This result is consistent with the latest numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The motion of a black hole about the centre of gravity of its host galaxy induces a strong response from the surrounding stellar population. We treat the case of a harmonic potential analytically and show that half of the stars on circular orbits in that potential shift to an orbit of lower energy, while the other half receive a positive boost and recede to a larger radius. The black hole itself remains on an orbit of fixed amplitude and merely acts as a catalyst for the evolution of the stellar energy distribution function f ( E ). We show that this effect is operative out to a radius of approximately three to four times the hole's influence radius, R bh. We use numerical integration to explore more fully the response of a stellar distribution to black hole motion. We consider orbits in a logarithmic potential and compare the response of stars on circular orbits, to the situation of a 'warm' and 'hot' (isotropic) stellar velocity field. While features seen in density maps are now wiped out, the kinematic signature of black hole motion still imprints the stellar line-of-sight mean velocity to a magnitude ≃13 per cent the local rms velocity dispersion σ. A study in three dimensions suggests a reduced effect for polar orbits.  相似文献   

David Parry Rubincam 《Icarus》2006,184(2):532-542
Saturn's icy ring particles, with their low thermal conductivity, are almost ideal for the operation of the Yarkovsky effects (photon thrust due to temperature gradients across the ring particles). An extremely simple case of the Yarkovsky effects is examined here, in which orbital evolution is computed as though each particle travels around Saturn alone in a circular orbit, so that there are no collisions, shadowing, or irradiance from other particles; nor are resonances, tumbling, or micrometeoroid erosion considered. The orbital evolution for random spin orientations appears to be a competition between two effects: the seasonal Yarkovsky effect, which makes orbits contract, and the Yarkovsky-Schach effect, which makes orbits expand. There are values of the far infrared and visible particle albedos for which (working radially out from the planet) the along-track particle acceleration S is negative, then positive, and then negative again; the region for which S>0 is interpreted as a region where stable rings are possible. Typical timescales for centimeter-sized particles to travel half a Saturn radius are 107-108 yr. Collisions, shadowing, and resonances may lengthen the timescales, perhaps considerably. It is speculated here that the C ring may be depleted of particles because of the seasonal Yarkovsky effect, and small particles that are present in the C ring ultimately fall on Saturn, possibly creating a “Ring of Fire” as they enter the planet's atmosphere.  相似文献   

We show that density spikes begin to form from dark matter particles around primordial black holes immediately after their formation at the radiation-dominated cosmological stage. This stems from the fact that in the thermal velocity distribution of particles there are particles with low velocities that remain in finite orbits around black holes and are not involved in the cosmological expansion. The accumulation of such particles near black holes gives rise to density spikes. These spikes are considerably denser than those that are formed later by the mechanism of secondary accretion. The density spikes must be bright gamma-ray sources. Comparison of the calculated signal from particle annihilation with the Fermi-LAT data constrains the present-day cosmological density parameter for primordial black holes with masses M BH ≥ 10?8 M from above by values from ΩBH ≤ 1 to ΩBH ≤ 10?8, depending on MBH. These constraints are several orders of magnitude more stringent than other known constraints.  相似文献   

In 1979 I developed a special-relativistic analysis explaining the discrepancy of observed redshifts of spiral NGC 4319 and its companion quasar Markarian 205 by considering besides the Lorentz time dilatation also the gravitational redshift due to the gravitational field of Markarian 205 interpreted in terms of accretion of mass onto a black hole ejected from NGC 4319. In the present paper, a general-relativistic analysis is given. Numerical results of the special and general theories do not differ from each other significantly and admit the conclusion that the radius,r, of the radiating region of Markarian 205 is of the order of the tidal radius of black hole. Several models for various values of the ratio ofr to the Schwarzschild radius,r s, are constructed. Models with 8.5r/r s8.7 seem to be most realistic. It becomes clear that the interpretation of quasars in terms of huge black holes accreting stars can explain, in principle, the observed redshifts of quasars ejected from parent galaxies.  相似文献   

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